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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42523337 No.42523337 [Reply] [Original]

Happy (Belated) CNY Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>42366131
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10247994

FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Your Doll's Hobby
Previous Photo Challenge: New Year, New Doll
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(The thing you're looking for is made by Six House Dolls.)

>> No.42523582
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A good little helper

>> No.42523605
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I always admire people who paint figures. It's always so cool to see detail in such a small space. It's always good to see you post your dolls, anon! Smaller scales are a lot of fun.

>> No.42523990
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its mostly just time consuming for mini painting. kind of just a 3d coloring book unless you get really crazy with fancy techniques. when I get motivated I'd like to transfer some of those skills to trying to make doll scale stuff. 3d printing stuff and painting them up doesnt seem to hard.

>> No.42523991
File: 90 KB, 479x638, Fi8if3AaUAANJei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get into Super Dollfies? They're the only kind of resin doll that appeals to my tastes but for starting out the 1/3 SD's are a bit too expensive, smaller SDM's are priced more accordingly to my budget but the downside is that they are small. Many people frown on recasts but it might be my best option for starting out and for moding/practicing face-ups later on without the fear of ruining an expensive doll.

>> No.42524025

If you're worried about money, a recast isn't exactly a smart idea in the long run. For one, they're not THAT cheap. Two, they're going to be impossible to sell, so you're completely out that money. Compare to a legit doll where you can at the very least make back what you spent. Have you checked Mandarake at all? My 5 second search there found me this girl for 30K yen: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1145833116

>> No.42524060

I live in a country where these kinds of dolls are very rare so reselling her here as a recast wouldn't be a problem. The link you posed is a SDM which I've already clarified about and still more expensive than a recast. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to post about it in this place.

>> No.42524098

Sorry anon, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I thought I was being helpful.

>> No.42527270
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oh, so it's going to be one of those threads…

>> No.42527295

I LOVE dolls.

>> No.42527337
File: 171 KB, 763x628, practice heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best option for starting out and for moding/practicing face-ups
Alice's Collections sells practice heads for $20 a pop.
Keep looking, Mandarake has more stuff and stock changes all the time.
>Maybe it wasn't a good idea to post about it in this place.
Probably not

>> No.42527374

Addendum: BJDs are an expensive hobby, and in the long run the cost of the doll is probably going to be less than everything else, especially if you want to do your own faceups.

>> No.42527710

I think you should look into other brands a bit more, there are other resin dolls with similar aesthetics that can run in the lower price ranges especially second-hand. If you're determined to buy a recast as you seem to be nobody here can convince you otherwise but you know the risks.

>> No.42527897

>inb4 tumblr
There's a list of more affordable dolls here, perhaps one will strike your fancy? You can find secondhand dolls on places like Mandarake, Facebook Marketplace, and the instagram #bjdsale(s) tags, and I've found deals before. You can find them on mercari.jp as well, and I've even gotten them on ebay. Finding legitimate dolls can be tricky, but I've gotten legits for less than the cost of a recast just by being in the right place at the right time (Camellia Dynasty Thyme, for anyone curious. It's a little horse!)

If you wanna get a recast, that's your prerogative. I just wanted to share that there are alternatives, so you don't feel as hemmed in between only two options. The hobby's got a lot of depth to it, it's just a little harder to find! I'm sure that you'll find a doll that resonates with you, anon. Good luck!

>> No.42527911
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I have a request. Can you guys share maid outfits for dolls? Especially for male dolls. I'm doing a thing. Thank you to anyone who takes the time to do so!

>> No.42528178
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M+V Studio (aka MoriTime) and PurrpleDream make some
the PurpleDream ones are a bit more frilly, and you *might* be able to find one that's flat-ish but the ones I checked are out of stock
M+V Studio has better stock from what I've seen but less selection
both are quite expensive, I'm sure there's other options but I haven't really researched that much

>> No.42528417

Thank you very much!

>> No.42529222

I would strongly suggest looking at the secondary market on DoA. Older dolls go for much cheaper and are absolutely affordable, sometimes as much as a recast.

>> No.42529259

Also in terms of guns, are there any historic guns made for 1/3; specifically any firearms from WWII? Most I see are more modern.

>> No.42530478
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I really don't know about guns, but I follow this guy that sells some very cool replicas for dolls.

Some of them seem to be old models.

>> No.42530613
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>> No.42530644

pray for me anons... UPS can't figure out where they lost my Y'shtola...

>> No.42530717

Worst nightmare, I hope you get her safely soon...

>> No.42530863
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Good lord I'm hoping for the best anon, you're in my thoughts.

>> No.42530903

oh boy
more doll things to spend money on

>> No.42531011

It's over.

>> No.42531815

Do you pose dolls standing up or sitting down when you're not using it?
I feel like standing poses shows off outfits better, but I feel like they might get tired standing all day.

>> No.42531849

just put the stick up their butt

>> No.42532197
File: 113 KB, 1280x853, IMG_20230131_011358_496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these two and take their shoes off
your doll wants to relax too

>> No.42532541

Those bear socks are absurdly cute!

>> No.42533267

on a serious note I guess it depends how you see your doll, if you love it enough then you're going to emphasize with it and humanize it, which is great because thats the purpose of a doll I guess, so its ok to feel bad if you think you're treating it like a fashion object rather than a living person(doll) if it makes sense

>> No.42534273
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The person below this post is actually a doll.

>> No.42534346
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>> No.42535077
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>> No.42535216

have any of you ever stylerd a doll after a character? to be honest I've always been a creatively bankrupt guy so all doll looks/outfits I've thought of have either been copies or heavily inspired by some character I like
I'm thinking of doing this for when I finally get my first doll, I feel like it might be easy to find their outfit since they're from a somewhat popular(?) game

>> No.42536141

whenever I leave my doll alone I make sure to leave plenty of other toys for her to play with and a knife in case they try to bully her. Luckily it seems she hasn’t used it yet so they must be getting along pretty well.

>> No.42536773
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Mine just lounge around in bed all day. It probably is the warmer option this time of year.

>> No.42536887

I like to keep them standing if there's a stand I have to support them, because they can see out the window better and I can prevent their skirts from staining their legs from prolonged contact. I have a 1/4 doll I keep sitting though because I don't trust her to not fall and she looks comfy like a little cupcake with her dress poofed out around her

>> No.42537791

I guess I view my dolls kind of like characters in books etc.
I do enjoy my time with them and feel connected to them
but if I don't have time to so much as re-pose them in a given week, while that's annoying, I know they'll be there where I left off once I do have time
plus, if I put them to bed every night I'd end up with no time for anything else in the evening

>> No.42539052


>> No.42539078

how much do you think it would cost for me to build my own basic persocom

>> No.42539627
File: 40 KB, 358x268, 005NOoFYgy1guxxqsgk3rj63402c0npg02~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own like a dozen dolls, but I don't style my dolls after a character. I usually have an idea of their appearance and personality, and then I try to assemble the parts and accessories in order to make them look exactly how I initially imagined it. That process is really fun but can be frustrating sometimes, specially when you are unable to accomplish the original idea.
But that is part of collecting dolls I guess, when you finish a doll, you start with another one.

>> No.42539788

one of my dolls is styled after my husbando, it took a really long time (and a lot of money) to get everything together but I think it was really rewarding. My other dolls are ocs, I usually try to flesh out one before moving on to the other.
I've got different scale dolls coming in so I can have younger husbando too, so I'm excited to work on that.

>> No.42539815

One of my dolls is styled after a character, but after a while she kind took on a life of her own, and isn't really based on the character anymore and only shares a name and face.

>> No.42540353

Hi Samus anon.

I've thought of doing it a few times, but it's a lot of work... I have a lot of dolls but most of them just wind up looking one way or another because it's cool. Some I get an idea for immediately, and others, it can take some trial and error to figure them out. But it's not uncommon, and it's a good place to start if you want to join the hobby!

>> No.42540401

I've mentioned in a thread before that one of my dolls was inspired by the album "Tiara" by Seventh Wonder. Her personality isn't really fully defined in the album, so like >>42539815, she primarily only shares the name and appearance of the character. And of course, my Alice doll is styled after Alice.
I actually recently bought stands for my azone 1/6 dolls because having them sitting all the time was causing their outfits to be out of shape, so now they're all standing.

>> No.42541333
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I've been into dolls for more than a year and half now, have tons of pictures saved and love them, yet I still never came up with a faceup I liked or something like that or even a particular style whatever, all I like is copying others and saying "damn I would like THAT doll", instead of coming up with my own ideal one, i'm dead inside

>> No.42541363

That's not a bad thing, though. There is no originality- everyone takes in the things around them and finds inspiration from there. As long as you're having fun, isn't that enough? Be kind to yourself, anon.

>> No.42542168
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At least a few hundred dollars, but sky's the limit. (Note, this si not a sex doll, it is an extremely rare, extremely old Paper Moon Chii someone got secondhand.) I believe Volks also released an actual licensed Chii many years ago that I've seen come up for sale once. For customs, ShiNeS Workshop does good work on character dolls.

>> No.42542899
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>> No.42544591

found footage dolls

>> No.42544640

>"damn I would like THAT doll"
I feel that
best advice I think is to just get your own, any doll
then you can split that admiration between your doll and others'

I couldn't tell that was the username at first

>> No.42546699

are there any quality youtube channels that show people having their dolls doing interesting things? I sometimes like watching these somewhat candid japanese vloggish type videos where all they do is go out and drink/eat without being overly 'entertaining'

>> No.42546703

uh, a little privacy?

>> No.42546754
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How is this even real

>> No.42546762
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>> No.42546806
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these are the kind of small sellers I sometimes end up missing on twitter, it doesn't help that every japanese dollfag, seller or not, has a massive manifest in their profiles with zero english anyway

>> No.42547415

japanese autism

>> No.42547597
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New Outfit.

Also, I just got an AP doll. is it safe to stuff her with cotton ball filler so she is not as squishy?

>> No.42548923

Holy cute, anon! And yeah, polyfill or cotton seems to be the typical route.

>> No.42549211

Volks new release coming later in the month has a full length maid outfit if you're still looking at options. It's listed as fitting boys
>Hi Samus anon.
Ah, you got me! lol

>> No.42549968

wow, that fits her very well
>just got an AP doll
lol not surprised
also if you go the Poly-fil route, I'd suggest getting the "Crafter's Choice" type
I got the original and it's a huge pain trying to stuff an AP (and keep her stuffed)
worked fine for the toolchest liner I made though, so I can use it up making more of those

>> No.42550525

go with polyfill, cotton can have bleach residue unless its organic non bleached but then it can be prone to bugs in extremely humid climates, polyfill avoids all potential issues

>> No.42550675

Do you have any pictures of him? I'd like to see more boy dolls is the threads.

>> No.42550724
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Rejoice with me Anons! UPS finally located Y'shtola and brought her home today! She's everything i hoped and more!

>> No.42550925

Wonderful news anon! I'm happy she's home with you.

>> No.42550941

Congratulations anon, I'm so happy for you! She's stunning!

>> No.42551094
File: 180 KB, 720x1280, 20230202_020521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got to dress her up!
Gosh I love her.

>> No.42551099
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>> No.42551189

She's adorable! Is she a 1/6th? Super cute.

>> No.42551211
File: 155 KB, 720x1280, 20230202_020535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye she is 1/6
Now all she needs is a pair of little doll shoes.
I gotta say this was money well spent.

>> No.42552031

She's super cute anon, welcome to the hobby!

>> No.42556179

that's the cast one right? It looks super cute

>> No.42558038
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I live these skirts that are longer at the back than they are at the front.

>> No.42558205

Do azone dolls normally have a standard base as the other dolls or would i need azone specific stuff for them? like heads and measurements that is.

>> No.42559009

and shirts that do too, huh?

>> No.42559193
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Time for my monthly thread flood. This time around I did a little Disneybounding with a Frozen theme. Anybody doing any Valentines shoots with your girls?

>> No.42559199
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>> No.42559204
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>> No.42559211
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>> No.42559214
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>> No.42559217
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>> No.42559221
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>> No.42559226
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Last one

>> No.42559268

Happy for you anon. I ordered mine through the Square Enix store and they've changed the release date from January to March and now to April. Kinda pissed that they have a 4 month delay from the actual release date.

>> No.42559324

dunno if I mentioned it before, but in addition to tan AP bodies on manda, the RAP site has whitey bodies up for pre-order

>> No.42560891
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It could be because Japan's going on lockdown again due to a surge in covid cases.

>> No.42561624

Your photoshoots are always a pleasure to see. The dress in the last two is absolutely stunning. You always have an eye for styling your dolls, anon. Thank you for always sharing.

>> No.42562236
File: 181 KB, 900x1200, 1675361488628243 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told to ask here. Where do you get this exact type of doll? Is it custom made or something?

>> No.42562443

One tsuntsun Katie picture, and one deredere Katie picture. She seems so happy in the second one, somebody must have worked behind the scenes... you must have been very nice to your dolls.
The outfits you chose look great. Maybe I should get some long dresses for my MDD next time.

>> No.42562470

oops, wrong doll, I meant the one before obviously.

>> No.42562589

That is a Dollfie Dream Hatsune Miku with a custom faceup (the makeup on the face) and eyes. She's one of a kind, but you could make a similar-looking doll of your own if you wanted to try, as her makeup alterations are pretty simple, and you could find similar doll eyes pretty easily.

>> No.42562745

Thank you, that means a lot!
Yeah, I couldn't leave her tsun in both pictures, it didn't work for the Olaf outfit. A little digital convincing got a smile out of her. But yeah, all of my dolls are spoiled, what can I say.

>> No.42564092

is it weird that I been collecting dolls for over 2 years now and I have never taken pictures of them? it looks like everyone that's into this hobby does it but me.

>> No.42564110

I haven't taken pictures of mine in probably a year or so.

>> No.42564776

I didn't really start taking pictures until after my first year, but that was really just reigniting my old interest. How you enjoy the hobby is entirely up to you.

>> No.42564874

I come here from /p/ so if anything I am looking into it for the purpose of taking pictures... Different people have different ;otives however, you can do what you want as long as you derive enjoyment from it, it is a hobby after all.

>> No.42565398

I came into this hobby expecting to take lots of pictures, but I ended up being kinda frustrated at the ones I did take. I only have a phone, so I keep thinking if I get a camera I'll be able to take better pictures, but I'm afraid to invest into one.

>> No.42565840

Shit I really wanted that doll.

>> No.42566070

You could get a similar doll and customize her! Most of the things in this hobby are customized in some way, if not hand-made outright.

>> No.42566108

>but I'm afraid to invest into one
we had a whole discussion about this last thread
how much are you afraid to invest?
my photography investment isn't all that much, and it's miles better than a phone, and you can easily go lower

>> No.42566525

she just has custom eyes and a faceup. that's easy to do.

>> No.42567406
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>> No.42568186
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>> No.42568595

I really don't know where to even start. Any guides or something like that?
What are some similar dolls to the one I posted?

>> No.42568901

It would actually be about as simple as buying a dollfie dream (most expensive would likely be to buy a proper miku one outright), the right wig and whatever clothes (esp since that guy to my recollection dresses creepy miku super casually) and then to just find a set of fitting eyes with smaller than usual irises.
The makeup on her is as simple as it appears, and there's enough posts and photos of her that it should be simple for even a novice to copy; eyelines, eyebrows, and that super wide lip line, along with an extremely minor bit of blush and lip color.
I'm far from an expert, but her head shape doesn't look like a custom deal, it's just the eyes and makeup.
Anyone know if dollfie miku's ever gonna be up for a rerun?

>> No.42569256

tons of guides. or you could ask here
rough process:
>1: buy Miku doll.

>2a: Be deeply aware using the wrong paints and solvents will ruin your doll. Listen to people who tell you the right ones.
>Wipe faceup.
>Paint new one with proper paints


>2b: Decide that shit is too much work, send head to artist, pay the $ to have them do the face paint you want. For this face, easily under $100

>3: Pay someone for custom eyes. (probably also under $100 if you look carefully) (you can make your own but its more of a pain)
>4: Enjoy custom Miku.

Honestly, paying people would get your result easily. It wouldn't be much for a simple faceup like that.

>> No.42569378
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he basically took a default volks miku, penned in a wider mouth (very obvious in this pic), and swapped in what appear to be custom eyes
the rest of the faceup is "stock" I think
for the longest time I thought the eyes were just mis-sized but looking closer at some of the pictures they do look custom

>> No.42569595
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what is the most suitable size of glass eyes for ddh-01? I want to make it look like faceless-chan

>> No.42571527
File: 487 KB, 1536x2048, Fk-pheKaAAI3Rk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maid bump

>> No.42572930

glass eyes look for 20mm

>> No.42573227

or 22mm, those also fit in DD heads and will typically give you bigger irises (like it looks faceless-chan has)
that said personally, one of my girls has 20s and I'm going to be using the same size on the other (once the eyes arrive…)

>> No.42573382

wide iris 20mm should be absolutely large enough for glass. 22mm in glass is harder to find.

>> No.42573621
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>> No.42574199
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>> No.42574739

That dress is so cute, I love it.

Ersa Flora would probably be able to make these no problem, and their commissions are almost always open. As for Miku, one Miku variant gets rereleased on an almost yearly basis. Maybe not this year with Kaito coming out and the Kagamines getting rereleased, but it shouldn't take long to have her out again. She's super common on the aftermarket as well -- scalpers always have her listed for sale at insane prices, but if you watch #bjdsale/s on instagram, check facebook marketplace, and watch ebay and mercari, you can handily find one secondhand for around $600-800.

As an addendum to this anon, honestly... her faceup is so simple (it's literally just an additional line) you could seal her head with a few layers of Mr. Super Clear Matte UV Cut and literally do it yourself. I'm not artistic in the slightest but I'd be comfortable doing this one, I think.

>> No.42575073
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, 167E839A-4BBE-404F-AB7B-FA8AAFD65B5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did not expect this to arrive so soon

>> No.42575675
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The dress was made by

I like her style, she sells from to time on Booth

Unfortunately the dress is sold out at the moment, but maybe another time could be available.

>> No.42576507
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>> No.42576573

I hope I can take a photo this nice one day.

>> No.42576610
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>> No.42576936
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>> No.42576950


so cute.

>> No.42577091
File: 1.76 MB, 2690x3756, 1626098969576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon or anons. does anyone know which size of eyes faceless-chan got?

>> No.42577318

10 bucks thats wide iris 20mm, hence the suggestion. Those eyes are not expensive ones either.

>> No.42577957
File: 254 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP9873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours of hair brushing later

like this?

>> No.42579431

NAYRT but I'm willing to invest around $500. Is that anywhere near enough? I've been using my phone's camera but really it's just helped me get good with photo editing apps/Photoshop since the camera isn't that great (I'm really cheap when it comes to phones and won't upgrade unless forced to).

>> No.42579497

For $500 you can already get a fairly nice kit if you are willing to buy used and don't have exotic requirements, and it would be a massive step up from a phone.

>> No.42580401
File: 28 KB, 562x252, Screen Shot 2023-02-05 at 8.02.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my current setup, a little more than $500 at this point but close enough
plenty of ~$75 camera tripods on amazon so you can save there (I'm just allergic to chinesium)
you can get cheaper lights too, I upgraded from a $48-a-pair that kept falling apart
the used camera market is so diverse who knows what you'll find, just poke around and research specs/reviews of promising models
for perspective, the Pentax K-r is a model that's over 10 years old (bought because I wanted a K-x/K-r since they were new but never got around to it)

>> No.42580969


great dress. now she just needs a cute face.

>> No.42581012

I'm waiting until she gets some eyes in so I can take some base photos for faceup design, couldn't sketch anything I was happy with just using the photos from Volks's website
eyes are on the way
(and shoes, but those haven't even shipped yet)

>> No.42581082
File: 466 KB, 1365x2048, FmF38dNaAAAbjt-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a lovely outfit. I need to learn how to make lace like that.

>> No.42582059
File: 1.05 MB, 1424x2144, IMGP9885.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried similar lighting for my Elle but of course it had to be super sunny out
would have taken this pic last night as well but I realized I had never washed the AP seifuku I have
and good thing I did because a horrifying amount of dye came out of the socks (which also shrunk I think, oh well)

>> No.42582268
File: 1.28 MB, 4096x3072, 1654320925380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I talk to doll owner anons the more I want my own personal doll. I've done quite a bit of my own research but I don't know who is good to commission for stuff.

>> No.42582981
File: 659 KB, 3072x4080, miri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I just got a head off y!a that clicked with me and put it on a base body. It was a battle to get her but it was absolutely worth it.

>> No.42583057

Is that her? She's very cute anon I've looked on y!a a couple times here and there but maybe I'll start stalking it haha

>> No.42583303

I always feel like resin-styled dolls are more of a /toy/ thing, and although I've been browsing these threads for years I feel like I'd be intruding on long-standing thread culture by posting him here. Maybe when the 1/4th version comes in, since he'll be very anime and cute. I'm looking forward to making a feather wig for him at that scale... and taking pictures of his 80cm self next to his little 44cm self.

>> No.42584127

Yep that's her! Its def worth stalking y!a because you get gems like my girl if you do
post resin boy here. Everyone is comfy and loves dolls regardless. Besides the resin thread is dead and doesn't show much signs of coming back

>> No.42584220
File: 78 KB, 800x1200, wink 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, resins are welcome, especially with the /toy/ thread down. I want to see your doll, anon.

>> No.42586459
File: 234 KB, 2048x1516, 1671298484341025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to whomever bought the anubis-themed doll off ebay this morning literal seconds before i checked out, i just want to talk. pic unrelated.

>> No.42586580

>pic unrelated
but post a pic of the ebay doll, I'm curious

>> No.42586833 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 1200x1600, anubis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't get bent out of shape but I literally had this in my cart for about 3 seconds before it was gone. On the offchance the buyer ever shows up /here/... I will make the money worth your time.

>> No.42587471
File: 434 KB, 2048x1536, 1618329552471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42588693

Ok i'm gonna help you out bro. that outfit wasn't a one-off. Go post a WTB on doll dreaming and say you want the DD Anubis outfit, and post the image. You can get someone to do the faceup on the same doll. Those outfits turn up from time to time. I just saw an MDD one sell on the DD discord. Hell, it might still be up on Doll Dreaming forum.

>> No.42590269

I was going to say, I know I've seen an anon here who owns that outfit

>> No.42592013
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, FdK-BHuXgAAlgIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dolls with dolls

>> No.42592210
File: 378 KB, 2048x1536, 20230206_083629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember some anons talking about dolls in maid uniforms. Love this.

>> No.42592800

this is adorable!!

>> No.42592923

GOD I want a shota MDD I would give him hugs and lots of cute shorts and sweaters and hats and a comfy place to sit and hang out with my girls

>> No.42593781

what's stopping you

>> No.42594334
File: 1015 KB, 1080x1079, 1637374447984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I'd die for you.

>> No.42594659

How tall is it?

>> No.42594835

Its no problem man, be sure to post her when she's done, ill post here if i see another outfit drift up if you want to drop a burner

>> No.42594978
File: 995 KB, 4096x2769, 20230127_115401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42595207

>worth your time.
Anon don't suck dick for doll clothes

>> No.42595693
File: 245 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP9894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly not particularly caring for the way Parabox does their eyes
they're solid white acrylic with a glass dome over the iris
one problem with that is the ring you get around the iris, but depending on the lighting that's not too visible
the bigger problem is that the glass caps aren't circular like the rest of the eye, they're more a rounded pyramid shape
makes it very difficult to position the eyes, and the eyes don't seat fully against the face (especially with smaller eye holes like the DDH-29)

>> No.42595763


i dont know if it's because of the light in the pic but the result is unconvincing. it's like they're too small. just my humble opinion.

>> No.42595794

irises too small or diameter too small?

>> No.42595815


both? arent they related? they give me a wrong size feel, but i'm not a doll owner just a doll fan, so take my opininon with a grain of salt.

>> No.42595881
File: 2.04 MB, 4032x3024, 29795560-C5EA-4AB0-8C38-3C2CEC0DA5C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, they are 20mm eyes which are the smaller you can use with an MDD
but also these particular ones have 22mm-sized irises, so they should look normal
that said, the glass cap won't let the eye sit all the way forward so they look sunken
but also I have them pointed slightly up to show more white under the eye, maybe that's it?
I'm going for a slightly hooded look (thus DDH-29) which may be hard to see without faceup
for perspective on eye sizes, my AP Elle here (same size head) has 20mm eyes
at least that's according to the specs, they're wrapped in vinyl in the back so I'll be cutting them free this weekend (hopefully) and installing some Eye Movers
>inb4 sideways pic

>> No.42595912

>arent they related?
oh and to answer this, though I'm far from an expert
the "eye size" e.g. 20mm, 22mm is the physical size of the eyes
unclear if it's curvature radius or actual diameter, latter would be weird because then not all 20mm would fit a 20mm hole, but that's what I've seen measured
the iris can be pretty much any size (or shape >>42547597) as long as they fit on that
whether they fit is also a matter of the style of eye construction (printed on solid white, decal behind iris-sized cap like these Parabox ones, decal behind clear full eye cap, etc.)
then there's glass eyes which I know basically nothing about

>> No.42595937
File: 1010 KB, 4032x3024, 350D64A4-05BA-4508-85BD-9A1332DD88BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one more pic as I desperately try to blame the eye construction and not my aesthetic sense

>> No.42595960

>the glass cap won't let the eye sit all the way forward so they look sunken

i think this may be the problem, maybe. problem to me, of course, it's your doll and as long you like it it's all good.

>> No.42595986

>as long you like it it's all good
I don't lol
I do have another pair of eyes off Etsy coming eventually
though looking back at the store page, they might have the same problem
I'll probably need to keep shopping to find some that work
there's lots of options out there, but I'm looking for dark blue with a simple design and haven't seen too much

>> No.42597257
File: 1.47 MB, 3072x4096, FUJN3hAaAAEqssl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42598474

I kinda wanna make a doll replica of a genshin impact character

>> No.42598517

I see what you mean about the eyes looking sunken. I think that's due to the internal construction of the head. I'm pretty sure those usually get sanded out so the larger resin eyes fit. I believe that's what's referred to by this line in auctions about the customization: アイホールの内側を削り、アイをフィットしやすくしています。Volks even sells a thing to do that in their store: https://volksusastore.com/webstores/dollfie/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=316 (there are various sizes)

>> No.42598540

I started to make one vtuber oshi, but I couldn't craft the outfit. Maybe I should commision one.

>> No.42600955
File: 213 KB, 1440x1440, 1626340037429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've seen a bunch of them at this point, go for it anon.

>> No.42600964

I know they get mentioned a lot, but ShiNeS Workshop is the go-to for customs of specific characters. Who's your oshi anon.

>> No.42601124

what brand is this? her mouths so cute.

>> No.42601734

All the heads on YJA that I've wanted to become my shota have gone past my price range....

>> No.42602239
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, 20230206_050151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am preparing a little room for my baby
It's a little barren for now but I'll make sure to make it pretty. I want her surrounded only by pretty and lovely things...

>> No.42602758

well yeah but I want eyes that fit this head, not a head that fits these specific eyes

almost certainly a customized head, I don't think there's any vinyl Volks heads that come with open mouths

>> No.42603739
File: 829 KB, 2730x4096, FjlS5weagAAGXG-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting more maids

>> No.42603762
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>> No.42603788
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>> No.42603796
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>> No.42603856
File: 226 KB, 1185x1580, 20230206_150044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need ro to learn how to properly preserve meat and construct permanent shelter so I can piss off into the wilderness with my dolls for the rest of my life. I don't belong amongst humans

>> No.42603934
File: 340 KB, 1366x2048, FiEJIZ_UcAAD8-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you going to get furniture too?
I'd imagine it would be easier to find furniture at that scale (doll house stuff)

but then how will you post pictures of dolls

>> No.42604067

other anons will pick up the slack, I only post like two photos per thread anyway

>> No.42604132
File: 326 KB, 1600x960, white_hair_library_bjd_pandora_studen_hatsune_miku-1079557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lean meat: drying
Fatty meat: smoking
Anything, if you're experienced: home canning (can go very badly if you do it wrong.)
Anything, if you are in the position to do so: freezer.

>> No.42604334

Are these dolls really $4000+ fucking dollars or am I reading it wrong? http://faithz.com/angel-philia-elle-petit-renewal-type-soft-skin-ltd-p-3477.html#.Y-MfVDPMKUk

>> No.42604358

thats hong kong dollars buddy

>> No.42604364


>> No.42604884
File: 637 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230208_011721111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Faceup I bought a while back came with a tiny spot of her lipstick missing, Any way to fix this?

>> No.42604951
File: 396 KB, 1536x2048, Dzn18GqUYAAsHpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42604990

drinking on the job, what a lousy maid.

>> No.42605722

How tall is the creepy miku doll?

>> No.42609093

About 2ft or 60cm

>> No.42609240
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1920, photoCollageMaker_20230208_104609938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullied by devil imoutos~

>> No.42609989

Yeah, I just had a similar problem with one of my girls and her eye makeup. Here's what I did; I used a clean kneaded eraser to remove and remaining flakes or dust then sprayed with Mr. Super Clear (flat). Then I took some soft pastels and scraped off some dust as close to a color match as I could. After the MSC dried, I brushed on delicate layers of the pastel until I got it blended right and then sealed again with MSC. For the gloss shine, you'll want to add after you seal the pigment. I've never done that before, so check out some Youtube tutorials on how to do gloss for lips.

>> No.42610028
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1920, photoCollageMaker_20230208_122521905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also play games together in their offtime

>> No.42611968
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>> No.42611992
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>> No.42612833
File: 317 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230208_184021335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easter Soon Comrades, Ignore Maids, acquire Bunny

>> No.42612989
File: 134 KB, 323x225, Screen Shot 2023-02-08 at 7.04.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what else it might be
a lot of faceups make the eyes look larger by drawing the eyeliner way outside of the actual eye holes
without a faceup you don't get this optical illusion

>> No.42613463

what body + head combo is this?

>> No.42613550

>I'm willing to invest around $500. Is that anywhere near enough?
absolutely. Get an entry level DSLR like the Nikon D3300 or D5300, some sort of macro-lens for the close up pics and you're done. Lighting is way more important, you don't need a pro camera

>> No.42613604

no way he took her outdoors

>> No.42613712
File: 338 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230208_205021194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom DDH-09 and a DDS Body with small bust. I fell in love with the side profile and belly.

>> No.42613723
File: 342 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20230208_205103610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this aesthetically pleasing tummy.

>> No.42613810

def a custom DDH-01, more open-mouth mods are showing up on YJA which is luckily, bringing the price down. Bring $500 to the table and one is yours.

>> No.42614086

ikr what if she turns to ash

an anon of fine taste

>> No.42615651
File: 490 KB, 2048x1536, FoZmPhUaAAUWwNm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't resist these dolls

>> No.42615652
File: 430 KB, 2048x1536, Pty0iABxOD4fyrn-1619523381061357571-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42615656
File: 303 KB, 2048x1536, Pty0iABxOD4fyrn-1620009181058301958-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42615666
File: 340 KB, 2048x1536, Pty0iABxOD4fyrn-1619576833040855040-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember now how that type of coat is called now but I can't get enough, everything fits so good

>> No.42617004

my phone is out of storage again, time to transfer my 27gb doll folder to my desktop
reckon I might have a problem?

>> No.42618849

That's a toggle coat, and it's super cute!

>> No.42619086

aw she looks so cozy

>> No.42620830

Huh I've always called it the paddington coat. Seems I need to get a doll version

>> No.42621537

That is some very adorable sekuhara.

>> No.42622274
File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 20230207_065002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42622420

I so sexually attracted to dolls it's not even funny
don't do this to me on a thursday night man

>> No.42622872
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1669751046236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back dimples!!!!

>> No.42623131
File: 865 KB, 2334x3500, 1632334418766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know where to get a costume themed after goats/sheep for dolls? I'm doing a thing. A fluffy outfit like a kigirumi or more detailed apparel are both fine. This is for an MDD (sort of.) Thanks!

>> No.42623816
File: 509 KB, 1536x2048, FoheC-QaEAEfdD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this doll

>> No.42623827


she's very cute after all. lovely egao.

>> No.42623911
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>> No.42623916
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>> No.42625830
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>> No.42627008

seeing the thumbnail without my glasses made it seem like she was being crucified

>> No.42628213
File: 1.15 MB, 1960x4032, 20211224_130539 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's me... i own that outfit. got it off a dollfriend.
good luck in your quest anon, i enjoy that outfit and i can see if the doll was included why you might want her so badly. pretty good all together.
thank you all! s/e anon, i hope she arrives without any further delays. she is everything i hoped she would be for me. hope she is for you as well. they pushed my arrival date back once as well and i had ordered her from the volks site. tho, it wasn't pushed back 4 months. hope it doesn't really take that long for you!
you had me worried with your dubs there anon.
i'm so happy i'm not the only person that wants to take my dolls and guns and fuck off into the woods away from civilization. people drive me crazy.
>smartphone of my choice.
>faraday cage to prevent tracking.
>every now and then wander to within wifi range of some predetermined location.
>proceed to post/fawn over dolls and shit post.
this is my plan anyways. sadly i will probably miss many epic thread happenings but hopefully i can find you guys hijinks in archives somewhere.
nah, common issue. just had to do the same myself. love 512gb usb drives.

>> No.42629976
File: 268 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP9965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wafuku time

>> No.42630137
File: 1.58 MB, 3024x4032, 20230207_064831~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42630164 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 1920x1920, Doubleteamed.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An escalation.

>> No.42630303
File: 18 KB, 300x228, traffic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd take lottery over click wars any day. Let me get my maids already

>> No.42630503
File: 216 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP9936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh is it time for doll butts?
can't get over how ridiculously short the AP skirts are

>> No.42630606

>tfw spending my friday night frantically masturbating to these
this has to he rock bottom

>> No.42630977
File: 247 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP9954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately yes
you can go deeper
but the real question is when are you getting your own doll and posting pics

>> No.42631213
File: 171 KB, 1366x2048, 1646946532630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it would be cheaper to order Rin and Len through the Volks JP store after shipping and everything? I've never done it before, is it hard to get them to ship internationally?

>> No.42631239

I've ordered from them once before and it was super easy

>> No.42632063
File: 107 KB, 728x1024, 6651931c4f8c50820b02aa7bbaaa6478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42632658

kaito's sculpt is so pretty

>> No.42632889
File: 67 KB, 900x1200, i-img900x1200-1675878885xjnkyg564943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how modders achieve the smaller eye holes like pic related (a ddh-09)? Do they just sand and cut the closed eyes heads or do they also need to add stuff like apoxie clay to make the shape?

>> No.42634152

I've been thinking about getting into BJDs, but I dislike the fact that mentioning the hobby to most people gets a overwhelmingly negative reaction. Is there a way to make this hobby seem reasonable to normies or is it just something you don't mention to people?

>> No.42634549

Who gives a fuck what normies think? Your money, your time, your dolls. Everyone's just gonna attribute them to that retarded movie MeGaN anyway and be creeped out regardless unless they're weeb degens.

I post my shit all the time on socials; it's not that big a deal.

>> No.42635300

more like, why mention it to normies
I tell people I'm into photography, and that I'm getting into sewing
but I don't tell them the primary reason why, they don't need to know

>> No.42635471

I simply don't talk to people at all

>> No.42635612

There isn't. I have a coworker who collects dakis and even he thinks dolls are degenerate.
That said, it's your hobby. You don't need the approval of others to enjoy dolls.

>> No.42636095

alright that's just crazy
dakis are at least as degen as dolls

>> No.42636195

Are the smaller dolls also meant to be dolls to the dolls? Or are they like tiny girls to the bigger girls? Does this question make sense?

>> No.42636423
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 1646426800124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they can be whatever you want anon

>> No.42636447
File: 293 KB, 1620x1080, anon on a saturday night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that said, I most often see them as dolls to the larger dolls

>> No.42636688
File: 1.11 MB, 864x1296, IMG_7694e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be dolls for dolls, or photo subjects in their own right. I started in this hobby with Azone Pure Neemo girls, they're a lot of fun.

>> No.42637422
File: 244 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP9986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is time
(pic flood incoming)

>> No.42637429
File: 193 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP9988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

… and it is done

>> No.42637436
File: 186 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll be getting an EyeMover, so more trimming is required
I'll do that later though, taking a break

>> No.42637444
File: 130 KB, 1600x1063, IMGP9997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since I had the chance, some comparison shots
first, OBT50-04 vs. DDH-29 eye hole size comparison
(using my spare DDH-29 for these shots)

>> No.42637461
File: 723 KB, 1600x1328, eye comparison 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parabox eyes vs. whatever AP uses for Ellies/Elles
the AP eyes are a single smooth surface, looks like they coat the entire thing in epoxy
unfortunately it's really brittle, and the original insertion (I assume) shattered the epoxy on the back edge
they were wedged in there pretty tight

speaking of shattered, I noticed cracks starting to form on my Elle's neck peg, RIP

>> No.42637464

Wargamer from /tg/ here
What scale are your BJD?
Like wargaming minis are 28mm scale

>> No.42637471
File: 481 KB, 1158x800, eye comparison 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another comparison, this time seated in an OBT50-04
the original eye does have an lens lump, but it's way more subtle than the Parabox eye

>> No.42637485
File: 722 KB, 1108x1552, eye comparison 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and finally, a comparison of both styles of eye seated in both heads
the blue eyes in the Elle head kind of weird me out, she's definitely keeping the original grey ones

>> No.42637591
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the ones you see most of in this thread are usually referred to as 1/3 or 1/4 scale
but that's only a rough approximation and isn't very accurate
for example, the middle-sized one here >>42542168 is a 60cm-tall Dollfie Dream (DD), a "1/3" scale doll
but if you do the math, that would put her at just over 6 scale feet tall, which is kind of dumb
Mini Dollfie Dreams (MDDs, >>42611992, 40cm) are referred to as 1/4 scale, but really they're more like child-sized in the same scale as DDs (whatever that scale is)
then there's some that are kind of in the middle, like Obitsu 45(cm)s (I think >>42536773 on the right, AngelPhilias >>42630503 use the same base skeleton) and Dollfie Dream Sisters (DDS, >>42547597)

>> No.42637692

Thank you and where might I get clothing for 1/3 dolls?

>> No.42637724

Don't you dollfolk need to paint your doll's faces for makeup effects and to make them look like your waifu?

>> No.42637812

If these are one off acquaintences or work/school associates then yeah, makes sense. Even so, if you just flat out say "I build and do doll photoshoots" with confidence you'd probably find cool people who'd be interested in it.

Fair enough, as long as you're happy with being a hermit. The most prolonged interaction I can tolerate is chatting to randos at a bar once a week or so; non-commital social engagement.

>> No.42637831

Your coworker is a retard, dakis have always been synonymous with creepy asocial porn addicts in the same vein as life-sized sex dolls.

>> No.42637874

Dolls at least are a hobby (if not multiple) you guys both craft and photograph
You can't even fuck a daki

>> No.42638190

well, it's really going to depend on which specific 1/3 doll
due to the scale and most dolls not being as squishy as humans, a lot of doll clothes tend fit only one brand or another
take AP for example
given the smallest breast size for both, AP upper torsos are about the same size as MDDs, but the shoulders are much wider
so some MDD/MSD shirts will fit APs and not others
AP hips are much wider though, closer to DD size, but their waists are much smaller than DDs, so only some DD skirts will fit (definitely not pants)
if the doll in question is closer to 60cm tall, look for stuff made for Dollfie Dream or Super Dollfie that isn't closely fit
some Smart Doll stuff may fit as well, but be warned they're overall slightly larger than DDs/SDs
you can find stuff on Etsy, Mandarake, Yahoo Japan Auctions, the Volks website, bunch of others
ebay will work too for clothes

coworkers, family yeah, I don't talk to my friends about them either but it's not like I hide my dolls, they can see them when they come over
I have talked about sewing with some people at work but that's it, I try very hard not to mix personal & professional life

>> No.42638236
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Volks, maker of Dollfie Dreams, sells both blank heads, and dolls with pre-painted faces like DDdy Towa here. Many people buy custom-painted (and often modded) heads from artists on sites like Yahoo Japan Auctions, and others do indeed paint their own heads, or commission someone to do it for them if they aren't able. You can say this about basically any other aspect of the hobby, as well -- clothes, shoes, eyes, wigs, etc. You can make your own, or find it online. It's as labor-intensive as you like, and can be a creative outlet for a variety of different hobbies.

>> No.42638278

Assuming you're going for Dollfie Dreams, it depends on the body type. On the Volks store they let you filter by size, but key things to look out for are the bust and hip measurements. Clothing made for a larger bust might fit strangely on a smaller bust; clothing made for a smaller bust probably won't fit a larger bust at all. You can also find doll clothes on various websites, but two popular ones are Etsy (for handmade clothes -- though there are a lot of Taobao resellers to watch out for,) and ACBJD (who specialize in resin dolls, but carry an absolute shitton of doll products at solid prices.) Generally clothes marketed for 60cm dolls will reasonably fit a dollfie dream -- for Mini Dollfie Dream it gets harder because there is a very popular resin doll in the 40cm scale called a Minifee that is much slimmer in comparison, and so you have to make sure the clothes you're buying are for MSD, and not MSD Slim (always read descriptions, they will usually say what dolls fit the clothes and list measurements outright.) For dolls in-between scales like Angel Philia and other 50cm dolls, as well as less common vinyl options like Azone, it becomes a game of trial and error to see what fits. Learning to make your own clothes is the single most powerful thing you can do in this regard! But if you want a specific look, you can usually find someone to commission.

Doll clothes can be a pain in the ass but it's not really that complicated once you know what to look out for, and it can be relatively reasonable in cost, or exorbitantly expensive, depending on where you look and what aesthetic you're going for.

>> No.42638291

You don't have to go around telling everyone that you're into cute dolls you know, but anyway, accept that it's just liked but normal people and move on with your life, heck but for normal people even cosplay or whatever is weird anyway, so who cares.

>> No.42638299

The weak (doll) should fear the strong (doll)

>> No.42638312

doll autopsy is fun

>> No.42639038

Right so heres the dealio
I bought an ona "doll", thinking it was the size of a fairy, I didn't realize it was the size of a fucking broonie (I underestimated that it was 8lb+) and roughly 2ft tall if she could fully stand up and wanted some clothing for her since she's more doll than ona

>> No.42639292
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What brand? I have a six house silicone doll listed in op and most 1/3 sized clothes fit as long as I account for the larger bust/hip size like DDdy. Most online retailers will have a compatibility list.

>> No.42639469

You convert them

>> No.42639702
File: 261 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no
this might be a bit much to handle

>> No.42639730 [SPOILER] 
File: 539 KB, 790x542, size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured she would be more like the doll on the right but she's right there on the boarder of doll and ona
She's coming Monday and I am excited

>> No.42639743

Worth noting her arms cant really move, but her legs are actually quite posable

>> No.42639763

interior setup for anyone who's interested
re-did the putty three times trying to figure out how to get the neck peg back in
obitsu neck pegs take like 3 hands to attach even without something else in the head
anyways I really didn't even need to bother with the spacer bars iwawoto-san includes, the OBT50-04 has about as close eyes as the kit can handle, and it seats really snugly (after I trimmed a lot of vinyl off the sockets)
I may re-do it and remove the tiny gap that's there, the eyes keep catching when I try to turn them towards the nose

>> No.42639775
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bleh forgot pic

>> No.42639819

>I have a six house silicone doll
I'm curious how good they can look outside the promo shots

yeah unlikely you're gonna find close that fit
mainly because of the molded-in arms, there are AP option parts with breasts that size so it's not impossible to find tops otherwise

>> No.42640033

Oh neat, there's a doll thread on /p/. Is that a regular thing there?

>> No.42640317

I'm OK with her having her arms in her shirt as long as the knockers look great in like a white sweater or bra or something
Ditto panties

>> No.42640340

Not typically, but it's been going on for several threads now. I'm glad someone made one -- I've thought about bringing up the subject there before, but even I admit a bit of trepidation from how people might react. Hello to any crossboarders!

>> No.42641303

no, it's just part of the brainwashing plan

>> No.42641913
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>> No.42642060
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I'm wondering if I really want to spend the money on Rin and Len or if I just like the idea of having them...

>> No.42642228

Follow someone who does own the blogs (or just bookmark their accounts if you're not on social media) and just let yourself think about it for a little bit. See if you enjoy the dolls enough through someone else owning them or if you still really feel the need to have your own.

>> No.42643141
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Thanks anon, that's a good idea.

>> No.42644725
File: 51 KB, 750x550, os_115_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP OSD #115 has an amazing faceup
just wish Tommy would take better photos

>> No.42645435

Dollsfriends i'm looking to rehouse some of my dolls, some Azone Iris Collect dolls and was wondering how much interest there was here. Mostly asking because i rarely see them posted here but thought it was worth asking. Mostly trying to recoup my money since I feel bad keeping them in their boxes.

>> No.42645616
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What's the lead time from announcement to release usually?

>> No.42645918

Which ones and where would they be from?

>> No.42645928

post pics nerd

>> No.42646220

I'd say at least 6 months.

>> No.42646322

Oh my god I can't believe I didn't know about Haruka getting a pureneemo. Anyone know if they'll be making any other im@s girls?

>> No.42646591
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>I'm curious how good they can look outside the promo shots
Quick phone pic. Overall I am satisfied. Body is a lot more flexible and most 1/3 clothing is compatible. Only complaints are the hotdog wire hands and faceup.

>> No.42646769
File: 411 KB, 2050x1833, IMG_0126 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always time for doll butts.
I'm debating on either getting replacement DDP hip, or learning to appreciate the uniqueness of the smol MDD butt in my collection.

I love the black haired girls energy. Very "I will cause problems on purpose" vibe.

>> No.42646822

These girls fugable? How much are they?
I kinda like the cross over between /ona/ and /bjd/

>> No.42646851

Six House Dolls are indeed made for sex.

>> No.42646860

best place to buy?

>> No.42646863

Only the one in front is. Around 600 usd.

>> No.42646870


>> No.42646917

>There's a chubby option

>> No.42647007

As a Shortstack connoisseur, Those look nice, but I dislike silicone joints. The Dolls that have Silicone torsos, but retain BJD everything else are good, wish a shortstack version of those existed.

>> No.42647041

If they are 1/3 scale they are pretty much shortstacks

>> No.42648365

Are there male silicone bodies in dollfie dream scale? If volks is gonna make it impossible to get a boy from them might as well go that route. The chubby body with small breasts is extremely tempting as well.

>> No.42648567
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>> No.42648890

Man I recently bought the chubby tummy one and maid one from what I believe is the official site (Climax Doll).

It's been two weeks and no shipping yet, dammit. Did LNY back them up that much?

I had a similar doll before but in TPE and the breasts were too massive to fit any standard 1/3 BJD clothes I already had. Here's hoping it's different with these.

>> No.42649077

Best place to get more cosplayish clothes for dolls?

>> No.42649294
File: 258 KB, 1063x1600, IMGP0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its always time for doll butts.
alrighty then
MDD butts do have their charm

>Did LNY back them up that much?
I bought a bunch of extra outfit stuff at the same time as the eyes & coords for Yuzu, and some of it still hasn't shipped
though, one of those orders is technically from the same people as one that arrived already, so idk

>> No.42649300
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meant to spoiler that image
oh well have this pic too

>> No.42649753

Ignoring the arms, anyone know where I can find something that can cover up her massive hooters? Like a bikini or bunny suit?
I figure normal panties will work for her

>> No.42649969

Anon, is it hard to find clothes for Elle? Is she closer to 1/4, or more like DDP/AP/Azone scales? I really love your photos, they have so much personality.

>> No.42650298


very cute pic.

>> No.42652209

well, she is an AP
I call her "my Elle" because she's an Elle v2.0, I don't actually have a name for her
(I feel kind of bad about that but at the same time it'd feel weird to call her anything else so idk)
there's been a reasonable amount of AP-specific clothes made (to be fair mostly fetish stuff) but is actually really hard to find
first-party clothes usually sell out within days and never get re-made, and rarely come up for auction that I find
sometimes the product listings stay up, other times they're taken down after, so it can be hard to confirm what's first- and third-party if you do pick it up later
the clothes I have are a 50/50 mix of stuff I know is first-party (or contracted out by AP/Quarantotto), and a few items of dubious origin I've picked up on YJA (like the yukata)
I've also picked up a handful of DD/MDD pieces on Etsy, stuff that looked like it might fit
overall yes it is hard to find clothes, harder than for DDs/MDDs
I've only had one thing not really fit, a white tulle skirt, it has no elastic and is sized for DD (maybe SmD) waists, but also won't stay in place if I try to treat it as a low-rise skirt on the AP body
but anyways I also might be too picky, even for DD/MDD clothes there's stuff I want that's never been made afaik
which is why I finally bought a sewing machine

ty it's supposed to be a little creepy though I just caught it out the corner of my eye and thought it was hilarious

>> No.42654183
File: 102 KB, 800x1200, 1644825412021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll Full Set currently on YA if anyone is interested!

>> No.42654261

Both Versions of Sumire Misty Kiss, and both versions of Milene. In the U.S.

>> No.42654331

Very nice full set anon. You are very talented/skilled.

>> No.42654768

Damn, that is an absolutely excellent Remilia.

>> No.42655596

The white milene looks cute. I'd offer to buy it, but I'm not really comfortable reaching out to people from 4chan.

>> No.42657955

You should give it a try anon, I've gotten things from anons before and they've been just fine. No weird stains, smells, or stalking after the fact.

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