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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42600882 No.42600882 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure how this will take off (if it even will) but I also don't know where else such a thread could go. Anyway, here's a general thread for discussion of BL.

>> No.42601084

I wish you luck, but should it not work out keep in mind there's a whole board dedicated to yaoi at /y/, if you can stand the fact it's a red board.

>> No.42601116

Such threads belong on
>>>/y/ or >>>/a/

>> No.42601196

the only good boyslove is cool men with otokonoko

>> No.42601275

While I agree this is superior, I can't say it's the only good one.

>> No.42601343

i can only love bara

>> No.42603034

I guess /blog/ is dead for good, huh. RIP, we had a good run. Did everyone move to twitter/telegram/some random discord or something?
And on topic... anyone read anything good lately?

>> No.42603217

There's another imageboard for fujo stuff I think, otherwise the stuff I would like to post about wouldn't fly here
Wasn't there just a thread? Did you guys get bumped off the board and too lazy to post a new thread?

>> No.42603265

There was, but it was at page 10 for a few a days and no one bothered to make a new one. And fujochan is mostly dead except for complaining about trannies last i checked

>> No.42603301

Site is as active as you make it and it literally takes zero effort to make a new OP to post. Stop being helpless

>> No.42603327

okay. references

>> No.42603333

>otherwise the stuff I would like to post about wouldn't fly here
why not? /jp/'s full of generals dedicated to random weebshit subcultures. how is a fujo general any different from a ln general or a "post my wife" thread

>> No.42603362

I wasn't "being helpless", I meant that interest is clearly diminished since no one (incl me) bothered to make a thread for days
Now post what you've been reading/playing/watching

>> No.42603375

Because I want to talk about another series BL fanworks and that's more of /y/ or /trash/ and then some bozo will report for off topic

>> No.42603377

what series?

>> No.42603497

The only exposure I have to this is tangentially through Otome no Teikoku.

>> No.42603622


>> No.42603827

His and Her Circumstances

>> No.42605662

The thread could work but to make it more board related you can include the other aspect of it like BL cafes, stage plays live-action adaptions. Also make sure to keep it about Japan only or it will keep on sidetracking to metaposts about the western fanbases.

>> No.42605894

Not sure about that, perhaps a /fujo/ general would make more sense if it also covered western shit. Otherwise unless OP is allergic to sharing a general with yumes /blog/ covers most of this just fine. But then /jp/ might not be the right board for it and I have no idea where it could move. /cm/ perhaps. I don't really go there so maybe I'm wrong, but the traffic can't be that much worse.

>> No.42605959

Westernshit means it's not /jp/ related. Semi-related could mean those Chinese or Thai BL that get jp dubs. Like if anyone wants to know what's trendy with fujos in moonland someone could bring up certain overseas BL or fujobait they like.

There's a BL manga discussion thread on /y/ so there's no use for a thread here just for that.

>> No.42605982

Adding to this, seeing how often /blog/ ends up getting derailed with random vidya talk, I guess it would be nice to just have a general where anons could just write a post or two about the fujo brainrot some vidya, novel, comic, whatever is giving them. Just to get it out of their system in a thread where anything goes. I see fujos testing the waters and then pulling out on /v/ often enough.

>> No.42606026

>Chinese or Thai BL that get jp dubs
I get what you are trying to say, but that's a weird criterion. Like how is Thai jp-dubbed fujobait that moonland fujos care about any different from western jp-dubbed fujobait moonland fujos also care about?

>> No.42606039

But that's what I meant, anything that that is trending with Japanese fujoshi is fine to mention. Not that non /jp/ topics should be allowed.

>> No.42606059

It's still sort of a weird line to draw. For example Star Wars generates more doujins than your average BL anime/VN ever will, but allowing it in feels like an awkward exception to me, not to mention the amount of tangential off-topic talk it would inevitably invite. Does this make sense?

>> No.42606069

Damn, I haven't looked in months. What happened?

>> No.42606096

Because it's not /jp/. Why do you need to use a board for otaku culture if you're going to talk about say season anime or BL manga only if there's /a/ and /y/ for it. There plenty of places of Star Wars slash too.
There's crystal cafe if you want to trash talk western fanbases.

See >>42606069 the thread just started and it's already going to be some posts about other spaces instead of the tread topic.

>> No.42611060

why do you need to use a board for otaku culture if you're just going to make a "my wife is so cute" thread? you have /c/.

why make a touhou thread to discuss the games if there's /v/? you're acting daft for no reason kek

also "slash" is not BL. it's a board for JAPANESE culture, obviously a thread would pertain to jpn bl

>> No.42615687

>but I also don't know where else such a thread could go.
Maybe in the dedicated faggot board? /y/?

>> No.42616054

/y/ is basically a porn dump board. I don't think anyone goes there to talk. Only a few generals do it, but that's the exception.

>> No.42623146

you guys partake in homosexual endeavours?

>> No.42624353


>> No.42628908

Belongs in /a/ or /cm/:

>> No.42628952

Fujoshis have more spaces to talk about their stuff than yumes so I don't understand the point of this general. Is it that triggering to share /blog/ with yumes and see posts about things that are only loosely released to the topic itself?

>> No.42629912

there wasn't a /blog/ up when this was made, and it was looking like no one would make one

>> No.42630510
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>why do you need to use a board for otaku culture if you're just going to make a "my wife is so cute" thread?
Yeah why would otaku like to be otaku.

Let me be straight with you.

Everyone knows /y/ is shit because the board is plagued by retards who make request/source threads all the time, legitimate schizos who don't tolerate certain genres and often spam threads for hours with crap art to kill them, and barafags.

Only one mod swipes /y/ every few days, giving the schizos plenty of time to flood threads with rants shitty art.

Since /y/ has the lowest activity of all imagedump boards, these cancers become much more noticeable, specially when mod activity is equally as slow. I don't even want to get into other Yaoi/BL/otome communities.

Everyone knows you have no other options, you have nowhere else to go ー You are, at most, a guest we but tolerate here, and so we took you in and accepted you with open arms. And you do this to us? Have you no shame? Where did we go wrong? I thought we set a good example. I thought I brought you kids up right.


I am now convinced that all-around tolerable fujoshi and fudanshi are an absolute minority. Don't get me wrong, normal otaku are worthless sacks of shit as well, but I am friends with many that are bright people who are fun to be around.

And then there is you.

You truly have no shame. You have no control period; you mention the first thing that comes to your mind, regardless of how esoteric, incomprehensible, or just downright embarrassing it may be. On that note, you are simply embarrassing to be around. We don't want to be seen with you, we don't WANT to share spaces with you, but on top of all this, we are just plain embarrassed for you. And the fact that you are all oblivious to all of this makes it 100 times worse. Kusatta will never get it through her head. Kusatta will never understand how healthy adults conduct themselves properly in society, in online spaces, or in local meetups.

That is why society should never tolerate the Fujoshi and Fudanshi Kusatta trash.

This is not open to debate. I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, for you bring nothing to the bargaining table.

We SHOULD never tolerate you, but we openly accepted you out of the kindness of our hearts. And you do this.

Knowing all this, and, YOU MUST know this, you have the audacity, to make this comparison? I don't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of your tongue or your virtuosity at lying.

In not as many words ー Let me get this right ー You come into MY house, suck MY dick, and call ME gay?

>> No.42630518

Is this pasta?

>> No.42630540

No, I made it up just now while watching "Blade of the Immortal". I think I quoted Dr Breen from Half Life 2 though.
