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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42552110 No.42552110 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.42552113
File: 16 KB, 378x328, 1667105040877782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m tired of loving this menhera, I don’t know how anyone else can do it. The constant need for her to take her BPD medicine, the endless accusations, the emotional outburst, it’s all so tiresome.

>> No.42555436

Can she be saved?

>> No.42555692
File: 36 KB, 1047x131, 010210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the full message for this?

>> No.42555705

She needs impregnation correction

>> No.42556286

The DM where she announced moving the videos over to the products section to combat piracy had no emojis, so she's apologizing for the message looking too serious and put emojis in this one.

>> No.42559126

living in Japan must be exhausting

>> No.42560850

I want her to use this voice more often.

>> No.42560902

Is there a blizzard in japan right now?

>> No.42561023

Her speaking like that reminded me of how Ronomiya Hinagiku speaks when she streams. Not exactly the same but fairly close.

>> No.42561121

No, but it is cold.

>> No.42561521

Or maybe the two 4 hour streams at early morning with singing and screaming had something to do with it?

>> No.42563723 [DELETED] 

Sora is so awkward sometimes.

>> No.42564764

She needs to quit that and focus on what's important.

>> No.42564939

>Crying over a WiiU

>> No.42565006

Hope it's more like "crying over leaving the preparation until the last day and feeling bad because there won't be a stream tomorrow now"
Imagine if she used one of those 4 hour streams this week to buy Twilight Princess instead of leaving it for the last day.

>> No.42565012

She might have thought it would be an easy setup, it usually is, I don't know why she can't connect it via wifi.

>> No.42565498

Lol. Why she wait so late into the night to start and set everything up.

>> No.42565505

New here?

>> No.42565523

Is it even a good idea to get tech support from twitter? She'll just get a bunch of retards saying random shit, don't other Holos have Wii U?
She can be well prepared when it comes to streaming, like she already set up frames for me out of the Canan stream for the month, and DQ 9 when smoothly despite whatever complicated set up they had to play 3DS.

>> No.42565525

WiiU only connects to 2.4GHz band Wi-Fi.
Newer devices and routers primarily only use the 5GHz band because it's faster
Usually routers will have both, but the 2.4GHz will count as a completely different ID when your device tries to look for Wi-Fi signals so you have to set that up too
At any rate she connected somehow so this is old news anyway

>> No.42565538

Apparently that error code is some maintenance thing and it will go away after some time.

>> No.42565542

Does she not have a hard copy of the game?

>> No.42565572

Couldn't find physical and even so it's too expensive, and she doesn't like the second hand market.
If she can't fix this she'll buy whatever physical she finds and leave the stream for another day, but still wants to try getting the download version.

>> No.42565573


>> No.42565579

>she doesn't like the second hand market.
I never got this. I know she hates second hand market for her own work for whatever reason but reselling is part of the market and the best ways to get things cheaper. I heard Japan loves to haggle.

>> No.42565585

Wii u subreddit

>> No.42565630

I think I saw the reddit post you're talking about, but I couldn't find anything about there being maintenance at all, and it was a day ago anyway.

>> No.42565760

Now I wish she had done a Space while doing this and we got to hear her celebration

>> No.42566150

From what she tweeted Twilight Princess was more expensive so that doesn't apply here.
She hates scalpers.

>> No.42566204

The game has been out of print for years. Scarcity drives up demand which drives up the price. That's just capitalism.

>> No.42568138

Do you guys think she going to show her face (with a mask) on cam someday?

>> No.42568222

Not anytime soon, at least in streams, she said she afraid of accidents.

>> No.42569178

Not anytime soon, but this past stream she showed a little mask which was a first so maybe eventually but I doubt she’ll ever do a full head with mask outside the photos

>> No.42569705

That gave me hope because usually she quickly cut the camera off and hopefully she show it occasionally.

>> No.42569779

It was a pleasant surprise to see and her not panicking

>> No.42569841

I'm curious because she's started taking care of herself and her image. Old pictures were of her being younger but also her hair was pretty straight and her bangs seemed young. Now she goes to salons and pretties herself up to the point the girls at the salon as if she does it for her boyfriend. She has to laugh and change the subject or lie.

>> No.42569993

Probably a little of both since I think she only goes to a specific one, all she needs to do is deny by saying she’s gay once and she is having a date with her friends for why she would want to pretty herself up every consecutive visit.

>> No.42575222

Asking about your relationship status is a common conversation topic for salon workers. I get asked if I have a girlfriend when I go get a haircut too.

>> No.42575233 [DELETED] 


>> No.42575510

Its pretty obv she has a BF
Well most people dont care

>> No.42575792

That boyfriend? Me

>> No.42575909

That me, me!

>> No.42576038

Plenty definitely care, unless by "most" you mean the EOPs fapping to her stuff on porn sites.

>> No.42576144

>Well most people dont care
True and also where else are we going to get a L-cup ecchi asmr?

>> No.42576683

Id be shocked to find out she has a bf because it means she was finally able to be out and about enough and be able to talk to a guy

>> No.42578118

>makes sure to never schedule work on weekends
>also makes sure to never do Canan streams on weekends
>now Noel weekend streams are shorter than last year
So I wonder what she's doing now all these weekend afternoons.

>> No.42578132


>> No.42578289

I don't want to think it but yeah, unless it's Canan stuff she would say, whether it's lessons, recordings or hanging out with a friend/holo
She's being very secretive.

>> No.42578331

She played for almost 6 hours yesterday, and played Zelda for nearly 5 hours today and has another stream tonight.
What exactly are you expecting like? That she plays for 12 hours like Korone?

>> No.42578350

I'm expecting her to get better at her lewd ASMR with hands on experience with her boyfriend

>> No.42578355

By her own admission she ended today because she had something else at 4 PM, and ended early yesterday too because she got confused and though the today thing was yesterday.
I'm just curious what's so important but at the same time so private.

>> No.42578442

Dude just stop with this shit she isnt a autistic kid
I dont know if you dont wanna see it but girls can brutally lie

>> No.42578471

You sure have ironclad faith in canan's acting if you actually believe that. Autistic retard schizo bullshit aside, judging from /hlg/ its probable that she's meeting Gura and Ina since they're in town.

>> No.42578472

>All women lie
Classic incel mentality, you belong on 4chan.

>> No.42578484

She would say so if it was that.

>> No.42578491

Most say so AFTER the fact. Like Pekora of all people met them and she never hangs out with people.

>> No.42578501

She never mentioned she moved to the same apartment complex as lamy and marine until Lamy mentioned it months later, she won’t talk about those things until someone else does

>> No.42578526

It's different, sure she has her life and likes to keep things private, nothing wrong with that.
It's just weird to be halfway, say that she has something to do and nothing else, other times she would have said "work" or "meeting a holo", even without being specific. Or just end the stream and say nothing, though in those cases most of the time it's because of a Canan stream.
I'm not the guy saying boyfriend, just think it's unusual for her.

>> No.42578535

Not really, at the end of the day, its none of our business what she does on her off days or after work. If she decides to make a comm stream to talk about her day (and she usually does), she will. And if she actually does meet them, then she'll probably make a mention whenever next stream she does. Its not that deep.

>> No.42578602

She started being more reserved after the slip with what she mentions before hand and won’t until it is mentioned by the other person beforehand. The only times recently she is open is because the other person is open about the plans on Twitter to hang out. At least that’s what I’ve noticed and good don’t be the boyfriend schizo

>> No.42579607

Canan does donation reading and sees all the love that you give her then starts crying...

>> No.42579673

>Now she goes to salons and pretties herself up to the point the girls at the salon as if she does it for her boyfriend
She isn't dong it for us, we can't see her face.

>> No.42579897

You cucks are still going to watch her even if she has a boyfriend because of sunk cost fallacy

>> No.42579919


>> No.42579935

She can't stream for more than a few hours with the mouthpiece plus she is going to stream again today.

>> No.42579980

Marine has a black husband ichicuck

>> No.42580119

She is a dyke. Only schizos disagree.

>> No.42580384

>osake haiteru
She came back drunk from wherever she was.

>> No.42581636

I didn’t hear it

>> No.42581677

At the very start, before starting the game.
The whole stream she talking about how she was drunk.

>> No.42581943

Cool wonder if she went to have dinner with her mom

>> No.42581973

Of all things you could guess, her mom is in Kyushu taking care of her grandma and doesn't have time to get away, the community stream last week she was saying her only interactions with mom are a few phone calls a year.

>> No.42582010

Every female streamer has a schrodinger boyfriend that torments all schizos until the end of time

>> No.42582337

Ah I missed that part then, with the mom. Wonder what she did then

>> No.42583076

I don't watch Canan for the gf experience. I watch her because she's essentially a pornstar for me. So I don't really care if she's taken or not. As long as she's putting out good material, I'm good.

>> No.42583293

sex with me

>> No.42583312

you say that but then when someone recommends other girls who show more you reject it because you're still attached to her

>> No.42583377

Who would you recommend that has as good, or better sound quality than Canan; as big, or bigger tits than Canan; and shows more?

>> No.42583628

So you basically admit that you are making this up in a desperate attempt to get people to stop watching her?

>> No.42583780

I never said anything about sound quality. That's you moving the goalposts.
If you want girls who are as big as her and show more, there's Anri Okita and Hitomi, who both have O-cup tits and have no problem showing nipples on their onlyfans.

>> No.42583799

Condolences for your butt I was actually watching and saw the massive strap on

>> No.42583830

Check fantia there are a lot of chicks who fuck dudes on there but as far as sound quality I’m not willing to pay to find out if they are better in that regard

>> No.42583850

That has always been their goal and they have always made up retarded lies about her.
Unfortunately for them it hasn't work and people still watch her.

>> No.42583875

We're all cucks here

>> No.42583899

nah only you have that fetish

>> No.42583986

You don't really need to pay if most of those stuff are on kemono. And the answer is no, they're not exactly great on quality. They don't nearly get the amount of money to invest in stuff like that compared to Canan.

>> No.42584153

>Constantly complains about how lonely and horny she is
>Never tried to meet a guy to get off or fix it
You guys really think she isn't trying to get what she wants?

>> No.42584294

She complained for years about being lonely and having very few friends and she never did much about that,

>> No.42584320

Its funny how I get told off for hating Marine but these schizos are fine.
Its almost as if the schizos are Marinefags....

>> No.42584380

It wouldn't surprise me if she did within the next few years, since the FC started her complains and jokes stopped being about loneliness and are now all about dicks, like that stuff some weeks ago about how she wants her last meal to be "a man" or the talks about being curious how the dildo would feel inside her.
She's definitely a lot more curious about sex since she started watching real life porn to practice for FC and buying dildos, and not just that but all the general raunchiness, jokes getting a lot dirtier on Noel, like all the stuff about cutting the coach's dick off and straight up screaming chinpo last night during the Chilla's Art game.

>> No.42584426

but she has always made dirty jokes...

>> No.42584454

That assumes these niggers watch streams

>> No.42584471

Like I said, the vector of said jokes changed, she would never have said Chinpo on Noel, the actual word instead of an euphemism, some years ago, even if she did she would cut the part out.
On Canan she didn't use to make jokes straight up about being curious how a dick would feel and wanting to lose her virginity, she would just say she's not interested in that stuff.

>> No.42584505

>she would never have said Chinpo on Noel
That is because they were scared of getting banned back then. They were legitimately scared of getting banned by YouTube for things like that back then, that is why they didn't play that dice game with the dirty words.
She made some really dirty jokes as far back as 2019

>> No.42584541

Don't forget she was doing paizuri and countdowns at the same time period too. But this is information anyone would've known if you actually watch streams. Anon more than likely hasn't or is just being dumb about it.

>> No.42584573

Yes they still should be afraid of saying that, like it's not even a YouTube thing, fucking eroge literal porn games for adult still bleep out words like that sometimes, japs are autistic about this stuff.
Believe me I know all about her dirty jokes, still nothing ever like what she did yesterday
I'm not saying she turned into a whore looking for dick everyday, but just the porn and FC have started changing her, it could get worse of time if she doesn't hold herself back.

>> No.42584632

She made jokes about Wirriam's dick during Nioh and jokes about being raped by goblins during her monhun streams in 2021.

>> No.42584650

Did you read anything I said? It's about the word, Chinpo, maybe it's meaningless to you but it's a big deal to japs, like why do you think the Chilla's Art stream has comments turned off?

>> No.42584659

Forced her to do more lewd asmr, in the future you will regret making her do the stuff she does on fc

>> No.42584679

I agree its stupid to say it on YouTube because she could get banned but I don't think she has gotten more perverted.
She has always been a pervert, its part of why I like her.

>> No.42584708

They're cucks, they'll probably ask her to do a fc with her bf

>> No.42584759

Stop projecting

>> No.42584784

You sure like boyfriends alot, want me to get you one?

>> No.42584847

The absolute state of this thread:
>No FC streams
>During an FC stream
Anon 1 & 2: I'M CUMMING CANAN!!!!!

>> No.42584868

Is it true she showed manko on stream? Kemono is awfully slow at uploads and magnet means I have to jerk off on my PC...

>> No.42584955

She could get any guy she wants, you really think she's home alone crying all the time?

>> No.42584981

>she's not interested in that stuff.

Thats exactly i would tell my virgin autistic viewers to let them build a parasocial relationship on be so that i can milk money from them
While they are satisfied thinking im a virgin and they have a chance lmaoo
Wake up buddy she isnt virgin

>> No.42585000

>isn't a virgin
>sucks ass at doing majority of her sexual plays on streams

Are like, actually autistic? Actually you know what. Don't answer that.

>> No.42585021

Good thing she never actually said that.

but you call her hideously ugly all the time (or maybe just when it convenient for you) besides she does cry at home all the time

>> No.42585082

I don’t think anon 1 is there he probably waits for T to post a link

>> No.42585103

>sucks ass at doing majority of her sexual plays on streams

I wanted to include this so that none of you retards answer me with this because guess what retare not every girl is Mrs.Bedexpert
I fucked girls that also were so fucking bad in bed
Were they virgin? No
Also there is a possibility that she is acting

>> No.42585108

Can confirm she cries all the time at home alone when not with any Holo, poor japs staying awake until 5-6 am cause of it

>> No.42585122

>I fuck girls

LMAO, not with that attitude you don't mr. gigolo

>> No.42585174

>Also there is a possibility that she is acting
Why would she deliberately make her content worse?

>> No.42585231

>she used that Noel Calvin Klein pic

>> No.42585242

Because people like think it makes it better to look inexperienced? Same reason they play games like retards on purpose.

>> No.42585254

>Anri Okita and Hitomi
gross deflated balloon tits

>> No.42585263

I give you a 5/10 for that mental gymnastic backflip but still spouting like a retarded. Also you might wanna work on your grammar.

>> No.42585274

She's gotten a lot more open about her lewdness. She used to be seiso and since the FC she's been in steady decline.

>> No.42585277

If its better than why don't other girls do it?
>Same reason they play games like retards on purpose.
Do you really think its on purpose?
They do the same retarded shit in competitive games.

>> No.42585293

>She used to be seiso
When was she ever seiso?
She was making lewd jokes and retweeting lewd fan art since 2019. She has an official R-18 fanart hashtag

>> No.42585310

It's kinda funny how at the end she asked for clips, wonder if any clippers will bleep her since I've seen even words like 死ね bleeped before.

>> No.42585319

Obviously they will bleep her

>> No.42585333

I don't think I've ever heard a jp word in clips ever bleeped before. Like that one clip ages ago when Mori accidentally said onani on stream, that wasn't bleeped at all.

>> No.42585371

Noel used to be cool.

>> No.42585381

She still is

>> No.42585418

It's kind of weird, most of the time they don't bleep and just censor the kanji on the subs but like, what's the point?

>> No.42585500

Yeah they just censored the subs

>> No.42585643
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 20230205_153551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the good old days. Pretty sure I'm the oldest one here.

>> No.42585828

Probably just to keep up appearances. Otherwise in reality, Susan luckily doesn't speak nip, spoken at least. Jewtube probably trips based on text but spoken in another language it just flat out ignores. Which would make sense with all the AVtubers doing what they do, they can game the system.

>> No.42586001

Unless you were here before 2019 I highly doubt it

>> No.42586623

I remember when these were Noel threads and pretty quiet. Threads could go on for weeks. Then she started the FC and everyone came out of /t/ and/v/.

>> No.42587079

>she's worried about her image and how people see her

>> No.42587093

>playing armchair psychologist

>> No.42587223

She is a virtuous person

>> No.42587336

Why do you think she's asking for then?

>> No.42587407

Anyone know if the sleep ASMR is going to be with or without cam?

>> No.42587420

Sleep ASMRs are always without cam.

>> No.42587502

for making merch and new outfits

>> No.42587643
File: 26 KB, 1671x262, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently yes, but it wasn't always like this

>> No.42587762

I’m hoping for a rage Noel merch, her war screams during demon souls would wake me up

>> No.42587773


>> No.42587794

I'm more impressed that she beat Nioh with the odachi only in high stance the entire time.

>> No.42588021

Anyone listening right now? Anything interesting yet?

>> No.42588024

I wasn't even aware she was streaming.

>> No.42588047

Yea over 30 mins now

>> No.42588052

Yeah, I see that with my phone notification, I wasn't on my phone though.

>> No.42588103

>talking about 5SS
That shit had some pretty peak /m/ designs


>> No.42588114

Greetings, smelly coomers
Have a good day of cooming

>> No.42588124

Just noticed she has all her streams planned out already. Like last month she's knocking out her monthly quota pretty early and having several days off at the end of the month.

>> No.42588127

To be fair, holofes is around the corner. She's probably not gonna have enough time to relax till afterwards.

>> No.42588146

Probably to have time for pre fest work or get togethers at the end of the month

>> No.42588621

another pretty long stream today huh. she talk about anything good? worth listening too?

>> No.42588644

Her taste is either extremely good or extremely shit. For she likes 5SS but she also likes trash like Eva.

>> No.42588912

I hope not, my download didn't work and I was asleep.

>> No.42590773

Look ar the fucking thumbnail on the current stream, nothing but FC shilling, what the fuck?

>> No.42590823

I know, its a bit off-putting

>> No.42591147

I don't want to see her as greedy so I'm just going to assume it's because of exhibitionism and loves more people watching it.
Like just a few community streams she was saying how she doesn't even know what to spend her money on.

>> No.42591233

She is definitely developing an Exhibitionistic fetish. It’d be interesting if she adds a new tier to her fantia that is even more risqué in the photos like the bunny pictures being the normal ones at the very top of a set.

>> No.42591313

She always talks about how she's using new tools but I'm to pleb to notice any differences.
Last Noel ASMR also had something about using a new tool so I'm assuming it was the same on both?

>> No.42591392

Any word on the underboob short vid?

>> No.42591443

i need to recheck her members ASMR from last week. im still mad I didn't check the archive anyways.

>> No.42591483

She want asmr feedback go go go

>> No.42591501

Can you rub your tits on the mic topless but i'm afraid that she would block me.

>> No.42591536

>go go go
How many people here even followed the sub account before she protected it?

>> No.42591677

she already says that she does this so that the mic can catch her heartbeats more easily. That's part of why there's no camera.

>> No.42591713

Sadly I don't speak JP

>> No.42591764

It bugs me because when the FC started she wanted to keep it secret, like something private between her and her closest members. She also didn't want to talk about it too much on Community Streams to not upset her followers that couldn't afford it. Now she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.42591909

I mean, she likes money, can't blame her

>> No.42591948

Nah she loves being watched, I’ll still be waiting for some hot exhibition Cosplay that let her scratch that itch. Personal hopes are royal icing and dangerous beast from FGO

>> No.42591958

She also complains about paying too much in taxes and other expenses but that's everyone. I think things just got expensive, I wonder how much she pays for this new apartment. She's with friends but I wonder if it was more expensive than her old place. She also pays for her mom's place and another apartment she uses for storage. Doesn't Japan have storage units? I don't think she's good with money and has a lot of it so she spends a lot. Which is weird because usually when you grow up poor you're usually fickle with money.

>> No.42591980

I'm sure it's part of it. But it feels like the main reason is money. She's advertising, I can only think her FC subscriptions slowed down over the last few months.

>> No.42592117

She's has said that the stuff she's signing for the subscription rewards is in the 4 digits, no fucking way she thinks that's not enough money.

>> No.42592218

If you earn that much money, you can't complain about taxes. Expenses, that's just a budgeting/money management issue.
Nobody ever thinks they earn enough money.

>> No.42592268

I feel that the Nip Slip and it's aftermath changed things for her. She saw how far and how quickly the clip spread on the internet, particularly Twitter. Then she saw how much her streams were being shared. So I feel that she did intend it to be more intimate, but after seeing it spread like wildfire she realize that the intimacy she was looking for was gone and just started to double down on advertising it.

>> No.42592300

>she realize that the intimacy she was looking for was gone
it was dumb of her to think that in the first place

>> No.42592347

I think it could have worked of the site wasn't broken.

>> No.42592682

Cmon guys money is the the top reason she promotes he FC so much. A couple months back she talked about how her nnd numbers have been going down so she knows people are jumping ship so she's gonna promote her FC and get people to join the 50k yen-10k yen plan instead of trying to get people to stay on nnd any only pay 550 yen.

>> No.42592692

not really, people were always going to torrent the archive. It might've helped a little bit but not much

>> No.42592763

please just play something different soon...

>> No.42593133

Thing is people are probably leaving because of the economy. It's shitty around the world so people need to save money and this shit is usually the first to go. Also they probably found out how to get it for free which is why she's so against piracy with such a passion. It really is about money but it's understandable. She's losing money because of it and I'm sure her expenses are increasing and she's losing members. It's why she does so much for Hololive too. She works really hard and puts a lot of passion and effort into her work, she has every right to be upset. It's probably why her rentals are so expensive.

>> No.42593144

i wonder how much the economy is also impacting other hololive members in general.

>> No.42593154

Live again.
And supposedly she was too tired to stream as Noel today...

>> No.42593174

Someone asked her about Cosplay but I didn’t quite catch the full question or answer

>> No.42593188

Something about twitter girls, but she just went back to talking about plushies.
She's lonely and wants a human sized plushy to hug?

>> No.42593204

She should get one of those full size character sex dolls, I’m sure she can afford it

>> No.42593270
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, Shiranui-Flare-dakimakura-uniforme-WaifuParadise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a daki with Flare on it.

>> No.42593351

God she sounds so pathetic, talking about having children with her chat at 6 AM

>> No.42593453

You know how that guy in the beginning of every thread writes "Can she be saved?" She unironically can't be. She's way to dependent on internet strangers to keep her company.

>> No.42593533

I almost want to create a burner account and just heckle her about doing this shit but nothing for Noel. To not even have energy to stream Minecraft with Flare or something but sit on a stream and cry about your life where you make millions and have a successful life as a streamer and member of Hololive? Come on. First world problems.

>> No.42593601

She's lucky the fans on Noel side aren't as unhinged as Canan side. Shit she's been basically bullied into streaming as Canan even tho she didn't want to stream. Honestly if Noel fans start to give her shit I don't blame them, she's given them a lot of ammo to use.

>> No.42593618

Imagine a content creator promoting their own content

>> No.42593637

Bro make an account and tell her stop doing so many community streams and do some twitter spaces instead. Give danin some love too

>> No.42593656

>Shit she's been basically bullied into streaming as Canan even tho she didn't want to stream
How so? This stream was literally her inside her bed, not being able to sleep and feeling lonely.
She fucking asked chat to yoshi yoshi her, nobody demanded this, she's the needy one.

>> No.42593667

>She fucking asked chat to yoshi yoshi her
she can't be saved...

>> No.42593701

Not talking about this stream. There's been times when she wanted to push back nnd streams and even her latest youtube bday stream but people would reply/dm her saying that she doesn't care about them and then stream on those days even tho she wanted to do them a different day.

>> No.42593743

this woman needs help...

>> No.42593853

I don't know what that means.

>> No.42593861

She doesn't want to because what would she talk about as Noel? With Canan she can talk about upcoming FC streams or cosplay. She can also do this and vent and cry and talk about how lonely and horny she is and how she wants babies and other shit. That shit wouldn't fly on Noel.

>> No.42593941

Okay bros, where do you think she's at on the crazy scale? I'm fairly sure most of us are at the "Hit it and quit it" stage. But is she "Pull and pray" crazy, "Condom must stay on" crazy, or "Don't stick your in crazy" crazy?

Me personally, I'm at the "Condom must stay on" crazy. I think she'd be a terrible mother at this point and I wouldn't want to have to take responsibility if she gets pregnant, so while I'd still fuck her, I would take no chances.

>> No.42593943

Wdym? She can literally talk about so much. Hanging out with other members, upcoming stream ideas, past stories, casual everyday stuff. What you listed about stuff she talks about in community streams is what makes them boring nowadays. It's just FC, nnd, fantia, people reposting her content, and lonely hours. I used to listen to nearly every community stream but they have gotten so repetitive and boring since she started her FC. The few spaces she has done were actually fun to listen too.

>> No.42593951

Noel's chipo on Koyo news.

>> No.42593982
File: 500 KB, 1920x1080, 1669580950087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i missed it. koyo always does that shit.

>> No.42593993

She's on again because of ass sniffing

>> No.42594236

The condom stays on and I flush it in the toilet after we finish.

>> No.42594238

She's making the news for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.42594246

You shouldn't flush condoms. It's bad for the pipes and sewer system.

>> No.42594577

Damn. That's almost "Don't stick your dick in crazy" crazy.
What the anon meant was that she might be the type of crazy where if you just throw the condom in the trash, she'll dig it up once you're gone, tear it open, and shove your cum in her pussy so that she can get pregnant. Then if she does get knocked up, she'll go "Oh no, the condom broke and I'm pregnant now, when are we getting married?"

>> No.42594591

Sperm doesn't survive long outside the body.

>> No.42594796

So she said nothing? I don't get her community streams sometimes.

>> No.42594815

She couldn't sleep so she started one and complained about her life, same shit every stream at that hour.
I've only been following her a little over a year and I'm already sick of it. Don't know how you long term ones keep at it. She has ways and means to fix it but she does nothing.

>> No.42594857
File: 35 KB, 603x202, not risking it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long enough that she might try something

>> No.42595459

first time she's really acknowledged an EN member outside of an offcollab.

>> No.42595497

it's not. She's said hi to most of them on Twitter when they debuted and talked about seeing clips of them on stream.

>> No.42595621

short term memory strikes again

>> No.42595639

I'm finding it really hard to lie in comments when knowing the truth. It just feels like shit, I know she has to keep it secret but to pretend nothing is happening feels wrong, like it's lying.

>> No.42595708
File: 958 KB, 519x783, 1627497930713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're complaining about lying from someone who plays as an anime girl?

>> No.42595828

She was working on submissions before the ASMR stream while people like this guy >>42587079 played armchair doctor yesterday, then did a community stream to take a break while EOP like this guy >>42590773 complain about her thumbnails because they can't understand what's she's saying

>> No.42596250

Canan, is that you?

>> No.42596307

Imagine if she doesn't stream and does yet another community stream instead lol

>> No.42596419

I'll riot. She's so quick to cancel or reschedule Noel but for Canan she beats herself up and gets depressed.

>> No.42596454

Noel takes effort, she needs to put up an act and set everything up. A community stream literally just starts on her phone and she complains about her life or some other shit, literally no effort.

>> No.42596582

If she doesn't feel like she can do a youtube stream so a space then

>> No.42596906
File: 295 KB, 1859x553, canan truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he right?

>> No.42596998

Half true but he's flip flopping on his answer. Its obvious as fuck she likes it. Money is just the entry incentive. She's an exhibitionist at heart.

>> No.42598947

she has a morning stream set up. I call bullshit.

>> No.42599330

theres a direct soon. i hope that there's news on the BoTW2 game.

>> No.42599392

I remember that one time a community stream ended up turning into a Direct watchalong, hope it happens again, or even better, does a real one on Noel to have an archive.

>> No.42599401

>hope it happens again, or even better, does a real one on Noel to have an archive.
directs on at like 3 JST. its late at night over there

>> No.42599483

7 AM JST bro, do your timezones reps.
I could see it happening on either account, but she's already doing a Noel morning stream today so maybe she won't feel like doing 2 in a row.

>> No.42599499

fuck i forgot the main tweet said PST. i think she'll probably tweet about something if anything gets announced.

>> No.42600048

Yeah except for the part where Canan is somehow indebted to the yakuza.

>> No.42600320

10AM is a little different from 7AM.
No way she's going to set up a youtube stream for 7AM. At best she'll maybe tweet about it or do a community stream if she pulls an all-nighter.

>> No.42600509

At any rate Nintendo Directs are always a viral topic so I'm sure someone in the chat will bring it up during the morning stream

>> No.42600570

It's fun seeing her live reaction, specially for Botw 2 stuff, and just imagine if they had something about DQ3 remake, so yeah I hope someone brings it up and convinces her to do a watchalong tomorrow.

>> No.42600596

Minus the yakuza part and change the money for the exhibition thrill and mostly right

>> No.42600614

Outside of Zelda is there anything big we could expect

>> No.42600617

Someone will bring it up, but that doesn't mean she'll do a stream for it. She always stays up too late so 7AM is too early for a youtube stream that needs setup. At best I expect her to tweet about it, otherwise she'll probably sleep in.

>> No.42600627

>Outside of Zelda is there anything big we could expect
he just brought up DQ. I would personally just hope for something that isn't just a JRPG. i really wish she didn't have motion sickness...

>> No.42600674

Pikmin 4, I don't thinks she's played any but it could be fun.

>> No.42601592

either she's played or heard of the first game, and she knows the song.
She hates time limits so Pikmin isn't a franchise she'd play on stream, and Majora's Mask was an exception because it's a Zelda game.

>> No.42602013

>She hates time limits so Pikmin isn't a franchise she'd play on stream, and Majora's Mask was an exception because it's a Zelda game.
well has she ever admitted to playing the game? I'd be down for a noel pikmin stream after korone's recent playthrough

>> No.42602037

Why won't she play Hogwarts Legacy?

>> No.42602048

noel isn't really a witch type, or canan either.

>> No.42602049

No, she said she doesn't like magic.

>> No.42602777

well she has a collab with marine

>> No.42603094

she's boycotting JK Rowling in support of trans rights

>> No.42603122

Fuck the tranny Harry Potter game, she wants to play Dark and Darker instead.

>> No.42603141

i blame PBOT

>> No.42603146

>I don't want to play harry potter when all the holomens are doing it too
What a contrarian

>> No.42603152

More like her roleplaying autism, better be a warrior on DaD than a wizard on Hogwarts

>> No.42603162

And now she finds out its a limited time demo.
Not happening

>> No.42603168

wait it is? fuck

>> No.42603184

Dead /vt/ thread got made.

>> No.42603257

She wants to play bloodborne.

>> No.42603366

What does she mean by wearing a breast band at all times? Like something on top of her bra?

>> No.42603371

yeah thats getting clipped

>> No.42603378

She's talked about it before and showed it off on a Canan stream. It's a band that goes under the arms and over the breasts so when she's dancing and doing things active her boobs don't bounce around because she can't find a sports bra in her size or they don't offer enough support.

>> No.42603387

>so when she's dancing and doing things active
Yeah I expected something like that, but from what she said just now apparently she wears it at all times? and only recently didn't put it while at home and liked the "freedom",

>> No.42603401

>only heard Flare was sick from a clip
Nice couple

>> No.42603407

They're just best friends, the couple stuff is played up for the viewers and fans.

>> No.42603410

flare's been playing splatoon and mother: she's a mess

>> No.42603414

Nice best friend, why didn't she know she was sick? Flare talked about getting worry messages from Korone when she told her

>> No.42603424

I'm just going to assume you don't have friends but for us that do, we don't know everything that's going on all the time.
I don't know why you're getting so antagonistic about this unless you are trying to start a fight.

>> No.42603432

sankisei love?

>> No.42603433

Bless you guys that watch her chatting stream every day so i don't have too.

>> No.42603448

more friend talk.

>> No.42603450

Food talk actually.

>> No.42603470

well looks like she at least did talk to suisei.

>> No.42603475

Why is Suisei such a bitch?

>> No.42603488

That's just Suisei.
I don't have a picture but Noel shared a notification spam from her. She's just quirky.

>> No.42603498
File: 229 KB, 800x689, 1656568321231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suisei is always like that

>> No.42603525

you know we're getting old when the GBASP and DS are almost 20 years old

>> No.42603630

Now Noel is getting hag jokes like Marine too.

>> No.42603637
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>> No.42603642

And she ends with a dirty joke.

>> No.42603691

Is DaD even fun solo? She really wants to do it

>> No.42603696

>She's using the Calvin Klein as a thumbnail

>> No.42603699

>Calvin Klein art for an ASMR thumbnail

>> No.42603702

Wait why did she start talking about Shield Hero?

>> No.42603736

I think to her it's just sexy and fits a sleepy ASMR. I don't think she's making the connection to her Fanclub stream.

>> No.42603742

It's also not even chosen by her but by the thumbnail maker

>> No.42603752

collab at 20:00 with senchou

>> No.42603761

Marine collab again later huh.

>> No.42603784

Off collab?

>> No.42603792

Someone mentioned this clip at the end and I went to check it out, hadn't noticed how much her voice (demeanor?) has changed it this last year.

>> No.42603800 [DELETED] 

Her and marine collab are becoming boring now. Her last collab with koyo is great and i would love her to collab with aki someday.

>> No.42603813

i want another iroha collab.

>> No.42603815


>> No.42603817

Her and marine collab are becoming boring now. Her last collab with koyo was great and i would love her to collab with aki someday.

>> No.42603826


>> No.42603828

Why did i pressed del lol

>> No.42603842


>> No.42603863

Shit that was fast

>> No.42603877

What time is best for her streams?
20:00 for me

>> No.42603878

Tarechichi noel in da house

>> No.42603880

22:00 JST

>> No.42603894

A little bit late maybe after pirme time jp

>> No.42604126
File: 34 KB, 569x631, 71Cgs-vkvLL._AC_UX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's designed to stop your tits from bouncing when moving around a lot, because that hurts.

Generally any woman who does have tits her size either give up on running or dancing a long time ago, or they have fake implants so it wouldn't matter anyway.

>> No.42604254

In the end no one mentioned the direct

>> No.42604398

She need at least 3 to tie her milk jug.

>> No.42604417

direct feels really moot to bring up.

>> No.42604892

Playing Armchair doctor using the fact she hasn’t been able to sleep well the past few days she is going through her low phase. And knowing her she doesn’t want to worry the others so she’ll do minimal contact, and flare probably knows she’s trying to not burden them decides it’s best to not mention she is sick.
But in all seriousness you only tell friends you are sick if they plan to come over or are making plans involving you through messages and considering Flare is still doing her 5+ hours of streaming you wouldn’t know it at a glance

>> No.42604994

people mentioned it in the chat, she just didn't talk about it anyway.

>> No.42605367

Nah man Furea's a ho.

>> No.42606264

>sponsored collab

>> No.42606525

It’s a thread of cucks in denial
>she’s a loner, she doesn’t go out, all she does is plays games and stream for us lonely men!
>I’m sure she’s still a virgin!
She and her co workers are attractive women with bright personalities, they all probably have sex at least a few times a week. There, now go cry about it

>> No.42606555

Only lesbian sex so it doesn't count.

>> No.42606563

Never seen Canan have this much fun.

>> No.42606890

So this is what made Canan want to have the more varied Fantia...

>> No.42606984

That was fun makes the depressive episodes worth it for moments like this >>42606890
Now I’m hoping she considers that physical photo book someone asked her about

>> No.42608370

Yes, I am having sex with them. Every last one of them. It is me.

>> No.42609117
File: 1001 KB, 1418x1024, kazuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagining girls with other guys unprompted

>> No.42609586

>She and her co workers are attractive women with bright personalities, they all probably have sex at least a few times a week.
go work a real job and see how often you have sex with your coworkers

>> No.42609734

Stop projecting, you are the only cuck here.

>> No.42610554

Shut the fuck up anon. My minimum wage fast-food job is a real job. And I get all the bitches there.

>> No.42611824

Your mother and sister doesn't count, fucking insest looser

>> No.42611839

Aw she'll just watch it without streaming.

>> No.42612183

she's never officially done Direct watchalongs before. That's usually Korone or Pekora.
The one time she did was a coincidence because she was already doing a community stream for hours before it started

>> No.42612533

Fuck we couldn't even get live reaction tweets.

>> No.42612544

Yeah, twitter is down.
She'll talk about it next stream though

>> No.42612740

Twitter turned off API access to cut off third party apps and didn't realize that first party apps used the same API too.
Elon Musk, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.42613602

Thoughts on no FC stream for Valentines?

>> No.42613736

She has Holo work on Valentine

>> No.42613757

FC streams are always around the last week of the month anyway

>> No.42613913

I don't mind, but doing oni cosplay feels weird. Should be something romantic and vanilla.

>> No.42614035

It's not just any oni, it's Lum from Urusei Yatsura.
There's not much more vanilla than a flirty girl calling you darling.

>> No.42614284

Still, I know she's done other stuff in the past but for the first year of the FC on Valentine's Day, should be something special.

>> No.42614326

Does she? What is it?

>> No.42614336

Every year they do fan meetups.
Fans go to an area where there's screens and webcams and they get a brief time to say something nice and give gifts. It's where a lot of those images come with the Holos on screen and fans doing something silly. It's also where she keeps getting ideas to do the same thing as Canan but she doesn't have the team, time, or money to set that up by herself.

>> No.42614337

When they were about to sing the Uresei Yatsura ED they laughed and Marine asked if Noel was up for it, wonder if she knows about the cosplay.

>> No.42614787

Lum was one of THE waifus of the 80s and 90s.
They don't have to be hinting at Canan's FC work to know who she is.

>> No.42614797

>>42614787 this
It's just a coincidence. That was a very popular anime and series in Japan and both Marine and Noel know it well. It also just got a remake so it's back in the zeitgeist.

>> No.42615025

What about a seductive oni that calls you danna and wants to eat you

>> No.42615210

She's insane.
