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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 261 KB, 1280x960, 1264867955505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4257181 No.4257181 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/
im interested in chisame
this is the only pic i have of her.


>> No.4257192


Are you new, or trolling?

>> No.4257198

fine, *him
just give me more pics, damn.

>> No.4257200

What's your problem?

>> No.4257208

he doesn't have a problem, but I do, since i'm not getting more pics like I asked.

>> No.4257228

Fuck off

>> No.4257291
File: 17 KB, 309x269, squidwardkis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww man i was hoping this would be one of those hot aisan chick threads

>> No.4257303

This guy is from /adv/ most likely, a thread about someone wanting to become a trap was posted over there and someone posted about chisame with this picture in there.

I'm either guessing its the guy who wants to become a trap or someone who has a fetish for traps. By the looks of things though it is the latter

>> No.4257308

It's like I'm really on /b/. Reported.

>> No.4257309 [DELETED] 


>> No.4257315

Chisame's blog, if you are interested.


>> No.4257330

remember to click on the "half mode" to filter out the other crap.

>> No.4257359

awww, don't say my other stuff is crap....
Ok... so it might be boring, but .... fine, call it crap.

>> No.4257365


well... Its not crap... just your other stuff is MUCH more interesting

>> No.4257397

Oh god I'm so turned on.

>> No.4257407

Can I just ask Chisame, Are you embarrassed by "half mode" I know you post it on your blog and everything but you never show your face.

>> No.4257419

nah, I just can't afford cosmetics and I don't want stalkers or people hunting me down.

>> No.4257423

Damn, you got good legs and clear vision of what it takes to give guys a boner. If you feel embarrassed it's just another guilty pleasure. It's okay to savor that feeling. Take it easy.

>> No.4257431

inb4 that shameless naruto sexy no jutsu pic

>> No.4257441

Naw I wouldn't like that.

In some way I envy those who have guts to crossdress. As long as they kept the result to themselves I guess (if the result is gruesome, but not with Chisame).

>> No.4257444


Like what's happening here lol?

you look very pretty though, I do a bit of dress up myself but I never look as pretty as you do in your pictures.

I am shamed to say that I would probably never have the same self confidence to post myself on a blog though as I am rather insecure about the whole thing :(

>> No.4257448

Why post pictures online if you don't want stalkers?

>> No.4257461

Well there are regular stalkers and the one's that are out to buttrape you, I'm straight.

>> No.4257468

I want to blindfold you and take you to a dark corner of the park where I'll handcuff you to a broken lamppost and ball gag you. Then I'll proceed to j-jam it in your ass while perverts look from afar, and when they come closer I'll pull your skirt up for a surprise as I cum deep inside your ass, I'll then leave you there for others to enjoy till morning.

>> No.4257480

Damn, so I can't buttrape or reverse you. It's time like this that I wish I was a little girl.

>> No.4257482


Can you explain the mentality of a straight man who dresses up as the little girl?

>> No.4257483
File: 52 KB, 640x480, 1217404846175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4257489


Fetish, I'm straight and I like dressing up as girls.

>> No.4257499
File: 21 KB, 512x572, 100 whales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4257501

For some it's a thrill, for others, it's because, they want to see what they look like before they go with injections and surgery.

Some like it because of the frills and nice clothes that males don't have.

Some do it because of their fetishes.

Some dress up themselves because they don't have a girlfriend who can dress up for them.

Some like to play around with other people's sexuality, to confuse them, make them question their own sexuality, or to convert them to yaoi.

>> No.4257505

Ah, sounds like an alternate selfcest alright. Not like it's bad though, considering the rest of these outcast's fetishes over this board.

Carry on.

>> No.4257506

that copy pasta is always there in a thread that has to do with Chisame.

>> No.4257508

I just fapped to Chisame.

Does this make me gay?

>> No.4257509

Not Chisame by the way.

>> No.4257513

Now you can also go fap to Danbo

>> No.4257519

it's only gay if balls are touching

>> No.4257525

I'm definitely touching MY balls!

>> No.4257549
File: 75 KB, 480x339, traps-and-fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohoho I forgot I've been looking for these two things. Courtesy to Danbo.

Chisame: You should pack some of the downsized photos of your choice and upload to MF etc. That would be lovely.

>> No.4257565

I hardly have enough pictures for a photopack, and only 2 sets of clothes.

>> No.4257582

Couldn't you trap it up in your guys' clothes, like a trap pretending to be a reverse trap?

>> No.4257608

Its not very thrilling to pretend your a women in your own clothes.

I like it because women get soooooo much more options when it comes to clothes than men and I like the 'freedom' of a skirt

>> No.4257609

That's okay. Saving all those pictures one by one from your blog is still a hassle, so it'll be pretty handy.

>> No.4257618

it wouldn't be trapping... I wear genderless clothes normally to begin with so I'm sometimes mistaken anyways.

>> No.4257622

sleeping in a skirt on a hot summer day > sleeping in pants

inb4 nude sleeping

>> No.4257626

Hey baby,


>> No.4257631


I have to agree to an extent; women get the best clothes with the sole exception of the three piece suit.

>> No.4257633

An androgyne is fine too.

>> No.4257643

you know, that actually describes me, I don't go out and buy unlimited pairs of shoes like girls do but I don't go out into the sun and do things like guys do.

>> No.4257649

office women look great in skirts, I hate the ones that wear pants

>> No.4257657

>don't go out into the sun and do things like guys do.
Most neckbeards do this and becomes fatfuck dirty smelly basement dweller. I would consider a slim androgyny like you blessed, even if sheltered.

>> No.4257663

believe it or not I was once fat as a teenager started slimming down in highschool because people said I looked and walked like a penguin, lost like 20kg in around a yr or 2.

>> No.4257666

What good is a trap thread without pictures!?! POST pictures DAMN IT!

>> No.4257670


Same. First time I've heard that opinion expressed as well too. Haven't tried women's clothes at all though. I'd look quite bad in them.

>> No.4257679

this thread, feels so gay

>> No.4257685

I usually don't repost old pictures of me. People get tired of it because I only have 2 sets of clothes and not many pictures at all to begin with.

>> No.4257688

lol its not gay, were just having a decent conversation about the pluses that women have and still feel the need to bitch about everything.

>> No.4257689

welcome to /jp/

>> No.4257706

If its gay, who cares? still a shit load better than the craphole that is /b/

>> No.4257709

Someone made a thread about what touhou to suggest to you for cosplaying, did you get the memo?

>> No.4257717

This thread is pretty gentlemanly so far. Smooth conversation, with only small amount of impatient comment from grunts who thinks only with their dicks.

>> No.4257718

People that think that anything that isn't full of brawn and masculine auras are gay are insecure with their sexuality so they feel a need to tell others that they are gay.

>> No.4257725

No, I didn't get any suggestions besides the female santa costume on my blog last Christmas, I couldn't get hold of anything good as this country isn't very christmassy.

>> No.4257726

Oh hey it's that smelly chink again.

>> No.4257742

Someone has to ruin it don't they ^

>> No.4257748


I saw some pictures on your blog. Are you in Singapore?

>> No.4257752

this is why we can't have nice things, and probably why Chisame hasn't been starting threads or updates.

>> No.4257758

A question for the traps: After shaving your legs, have you had much trouble with ingrown hairs? I shaved my legs once a bit back, and now I have numerous ingrown hairs on the back of my legs. I really don't know what to do.

>> No.4257760
File: 276 KB, 1100x825, zr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm envious of your wig. I've bought a couple but they never look good in photos. I also need to improve my lighting. Working on cosmetics, but I just don't think it'll happen, I have pretty masculine features. This sort of picture is all I've had the guts to post so far, though.

>> No.4257765

Nah, GMT+8
Sadly I'm not in Japan either.

>> No.4257772

At least for me, do it the first couple times with an electric razor. I never get ingrown hairs with them. Once your legs get used to being shaved, you can go for a closer shave with a blade and cream.

>> No.4257778

He's in Taiwan. Chalkboards, Traditional Chinese characters and everything. And that fact has already been mentioned a few times.

>> No.4257786

what they said, use an electric razor first and then use a blad afterwards, also try to get rid of as much hair as possible first by shaving with the grain rather than against it, this also prevents a lot of cuts.

>> No.4257794

you need to use shower balls (pic related) or a forgot the nameglove or something to remove dead skin cells that clog up the pathways, and a nice pair of tweezers.

>>4257760 That's not really a wig, I have slightly over shoulder length hair and hair extenders that clip on to my real hair, if some one were to yank on it, it will tear out my real hairl.

>> No.4257800

I'm pretty sure Chisame uses an epilator, pulls hairs out by the roots and not afraid of anything.

>> No.4257806

Crap. That explains it. Unfortunately, I (a) have average brown hair and (b) a job where I have no leeway in growing my hair out. Oh well, thanks.

>> No.4257812

Looks good, keep it up. I guess the secret is to be as picky as possible, and just improve as many details as possible instead of giving up if you're not happy with it at first. And if you're not happy with it after that, you can always hide what you're not happy with.

>> No.4257862

ermmm, does anyone else shave their balls? or is that just me when I want be more womanly lol

>> No.4257870

How's that womanly? I have never heard of a woman who shaves her balls.

>> No.4257874

what are you planning to do? crossdress in a bikini?

>> No.4257884



>> No.4257891
File: 160 KB, 960x1280, RL trap56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4257895

I would imagine that it would be hard to save balls as they are sensitive and are usually not smooth or easy to run a blade to.

>> No.4257904

Never really liked that one, shoulders seem to wide

>> No.4257905

I do. You're shaving most everything else, it just looks a lot better if you finish the job.

>> No.4257915

I actually only epilate my legs...

>> No.4257958

Yeah, they're difficult; what you need to do is stretch the area of the scrotum that you're shaving flat so that you have a smooth surface to work with. You're still pretty likely to cut yourself, though.

>> No.4257964

Cosplay as Sakuya!

>> No.4257970

you're still nuts to take a blade to your nuts man

>> No.4257995


It's not like I'm going to fucking slice them off is it?

>> No.4258006

the skin near your nuts feel pretty thin, and you'll have a hard time explaining to your girlfriend why there's scars on your nuts or to the doctors why your nuts are bleeding.

>> No.4258026

Dont you guys use safety razors?

>> No.4258029


I did cut them pretty bad once and it really stung like a bitch but still, I just don't like the feel of all the hair there when I do dress up.

>> No.4258049

I've never shaved so no, I don't have razors

>> No.4258058

Pubic hair is somehow essential to reduce friction between skin and underwear. So even if you manage to shave them cleanly, you'll get itch to skin irritation afterward.

Just compromise by trimming.

>> No.4258066

>>4258006 explaining to your girlfriend
Overlooking that obvious troll bait, as long as you use a safety razor you aren't going to cut deep enough that you need to see a doctor.

>> No.4258097

I don't shave them totally bare by the way, just trimmed rather close to the surface. I tried shaving them bare once and got a really horrendously bad rash afterwards

>> No.4258474

Yeah, never ask your gf to shave completely. That's not good, unless if you like her to get rash etc. At least trim.

>> No.4258826

bampu pantsu~

>> No.4260115
File: 456 KB, 453x690, Picture 63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was well ahead of the memo.

And if I had the money, I'd make Chisame a Sakuya outfit.

I bought my wig from Fantasy Sheep. It's pretty damn long.
It's their Mio wig in case you care.

>> No.4261346
File: 206 KB, 968x648, 1259036354449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for the lack of pictures

>> No.4261404


Saved. Who's that beside you?

>> No.4261786


>> No.4264627
File: 15 KB, 310x309, 10116064682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
