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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42564276 No.42564276 [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question, how did you get into Touhou, how long have you been around, and what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)? It's been a long while since I've actually had a discussion with people about this topic, and it's rare in general I even get to talk to people about Touhou, so I'm curious how it's affected the different walks of life that come to /jp/

>> No.42564340
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started developing interest autumn-ish 2 years ago from discord memes and such, obsessed since last spring or so. It takes up probably around 80% percent of my thoughts since honestly. Good stuff, yeah

>> No.42564378

how old are you

>> No.42564443
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I first got exposed to it through Youtube recommendations back in 2007/2008 or so, and it was secondary material like IOSYS. The craze surrounding it at the time got me curious, but the actual material left me a little confused in that I couldn't see how a bunch of bullet hell games could sprout into the cultural phenomena it did. This gave me a weird love/hate relationship with it as a teenager, because I'd been raised to believe things were only worth liking based on a textbook notion of merit, but that conflicted with the part of me that couldn't help but want to learn more about how a series like Touhou could be so free to be itself yet so popular at the same time.

Ended up having a life-changing experience specifically because of Touhou, I ended up head over heels for pic related, and of course, even before all that, I came around to the series itself as I learned to mellow out over time. I haven't spent that much time with fan material (at least, I don't think so compared to others I knew), but I still had a lot of good times worth remembering.

Part of me misses the TH6-12.3 era, maybe more up to 14 I suppose, where the content was more dreamlike in its lack of focus on permanent changes to the overall status quo. I also think that was probably the most "pure" era in which the fan content was booming, but I'm glad many of its doujin circles are still around and just as passionate. I don't really keep up with the western part of Touhou's following, but I am planning to go to Touhoufest this April. Plus it's my dream to visit Reitaisai one day.

>> No.42564482
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>how did you get into Touhou
I saw cute girls in the 2hu thread back in the day on 8/cute/.
>how long have you been around
Depends on what you mean by around. I'm admittedly still new to 4/jp/. I've only been here for a few years.
>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)
Fun, but I've burnt myself out on it. Not that I don't touch Touhou anymore, but it's not an everyday thing anymore other than posting art here or other places as well as doujin music. I prefer other otaku media when I'm actively enjoying something, but I still love Touhou.
>I'm curious how it's affected the different walks of life that come to /jp/
I don't think it really had much impact. I'd be a weird loser either way. It's just something nice that has given me many, many hours of enjoyment.

>> No.42564530

>I've burnt myself out on it
How'd it happen? It's something I need to know because if I burn out of this stuff my life will practically turn soulless

>> No.42564552
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>how did you get into Touhou
CYOA fanfiction here on /jp/. Shit you not.
>how long have you been around
Since aforesaid fanfiction, back in 2008.
>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it
Remarkably impervious to the usual degeneration of media typical of everything I loved and cherished as a young man, so overall a positive experience.
>I'm curious how it's affected the different walks of life that come to /jp/
Well, for one I'm not afraid to write lust-dripping tirades in individual characters' threads.

On the other hand, being old and an incorrigible canonfag means I'm left out of a wide swathe of discussions on public channels that seem to preoccupy themselves with everything except the series' actual content. So tired of explaining Miko isn't a "transgirl," for example. Or that Flan isn't a schizoid ticking bomb. Or that Koishi... wait, who was that, again?

>> No.42564574

NTA, but from one generation to another, I'll tell you right now that burnout is going to happen eventually. At some point, you'll just have consumed the material so much, it'll conflict with your innate desire as a person to explore new things. But that's not necessarily bad. That just means you want to try something else. The value of the thing you burned out on won't go away, it'll only really take a "hiatus" so to speak. Worst case scenario, your memories are still in tact as happy ones that you can go back to if you ever feel like it.

That said, I also notice it's easier for you newer gens to fear this kind of stuff, because the role and use of internet has drastically changed in the last decade. You shouldn't view burnout as something that will turn your life soulless, because ultimately what dictates your life direction above all else is what you make of the things you have. Regardless of your circumstances, you shouldn't allow your happiness to be so fragile it's reliant on an IP. There's always something you can do with yourself, anon.

>> No.42564582

I knew about it since 2011 or something, but I only started to really get into it (play the games, read the mangas, etc) last year.

>> No.42564587

>NTA, but from one generation to another, I'll tell you right now that burnout is going to happen eventually.
Oh my god I don't want that to happen I love 2hu so much

>> No.42564602
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Man at least pretend you took the rest of my post seriously

>> No.42564608

>How'd it happen?
Spending a few neetyears on teh jay and consuming nothing but Touhou and Touhou related things will do it. Read some VNs or something.

>> No.42564620

>On the other hand, being old and an incorrigible canonfag means I'm left out of a wide swathe of discussions on public channels that seem to preoccupy themselves with everything except the series' actual content.

You and me both, anon. My problems however come moreso from being an actually good writer, who can make a longform story. Something I'm desperately still trying to iron out.

>> No.42564660
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A tf2 server I was frequent in talked about about 2hu so I got into the series, this must have been around 2011-2012

>> No.42564675
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Funny enough I miss that period for both series

>> No.42564682

Saw a funny meme of the wolf girl with a MAGA hat on twitter which lead me to /ptg/. Asked where she's from and they pointed me here. Been enjoying my time ever since!

>> No.42564701
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Well, shit. I'll see how I'll handle it. I really do worry though, yeah. I've never gone balls deep on an interest so hard before, usually I'll obsess over something for a short-ish period and have deeper interests that slowly ebb over years. Normally I'd have other stuff to fall back on but now I really don't.

>There's always something you can do with yourself
Maybe, maybe, I don't know. Pretty much everything I do now is 2hu related, no clue if I'll be able to claw much back if I do get sick of it. Who knows?

I hated all anime and weeb stuff before I got into touhou and I still hate anything besides it now, as ridiculous as it may seem

bruh dis nigga out here tryina pretend to be me bruh no cap ong

Everyone does

>> No.42564711

>I hated all anime and weeb stuff before I got into touhou and I still hate anything besides it now, as ridiculous as it may seem
How does that work?

>> No.42564721

honestly I'd rather have zoomers to in general be like this than worse

>> No.42564734
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>bruh no cap ong
Oh yeah. Totally.

>> No.42564735

Making Touhou TikToks imagine that

>> No.42564742

>discord memes
I've stopped reading there

>> No.42564754

>Genuine question, how did you get into Touhou
Fan content, in general very pretty pictures of 2hus and amusing videos/flash content, then because of music
But it was slow and thorough the years, I found free time to play through PC-98 games only in 2018
>how long have you been around,
Since 2012
>and what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)?
I loved it all except for the depraved psychotic shit. I wish I had the free time and energy to play through main official games seriously

>> No.42564760

Grandpa-san.... get with the times. Most zoomers get into media because of silly memes they see online

>> No.42564765

so surreal and flabbergasting that I'd love it
like benign cancerous tumor with a clown nose

>> No.42564769
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Very carefully

Sadly, they aren't. Most of then don't even know it exists.
Then again that's probably a lot better than the alternative.


>> No.42564783

Meant for >>42564711

>> No.42564788

Tfw not good at shmups so being a primary is actually a bit of hard work and still haven't played the PC-98 games

>> No.42564794


>> No.42564872

that's rather disappointingly timid... the probabilities I was imagining were far more utterly horrifying

>> No.42564908
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A youtuber I liked back in 2016-ish had Reisen as his waifu. I explored the series a bit from there but wasn't that interested. I was bored last year and remembered it so I got really into it and now Reisen is my waifu.

>> No.42564915

the only reason you'd try to normalize this retarded behavior is if you do it yourself, fuck off back to your discord server

>> No.42564916
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You might get more luck with #東方, but here's something I found in my hard drive

>> No.42564937
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I saw 2hu related stuff in youtube around 2007-2009, i didn't really care about it at the time but around 2009-2010 i investigated what touhou actual is and ended up here and while its been fun ride,sadly its been also some what lonely ride now that i think about it.

While i didn't play tf2 that much i still miss those times a lot.

>> No.42564941

Ronald McDonald UN owen was her before middle school

Like others Kind of lost interest around touhou 13

I liked Suika a lot

>> No.42564953

So why the choice to go for Reisen? Would you say the Youtuber you liked influenced that directly, or is that just a happy coincidence?

>sadly its been also some what lonely ride now that i think about it.
It has kinda felt that way since it dropped off in vocal popularity, hasn't it?

>> No.42564961

Looking at the upload date, touhou has been part of me for more than half my life

>> No.42564975

cute flashes on >>>/f/, tried finding out what anime they were from. early 2021 i think
i turned into a weeb during lockdown but i would eventually move on from whatever weebshit i was consuming, forgetting the thing completely in a few months.
>innate desire
Happens with me
Not anymore though things are changing and i don't want them to change so i want to keep consuming the same shit. i don't think there is any better weebshit available anyway.

>> No.42565248

The youtuber most likely influenced me somewhat, being my first exposure to any 2hu period, but she captivated my heart in design and personality

>> No.42565276

2017 after i got recommended subterranean stars on youtube. canon is alright but i cannot stand cutesokyofags, which make up 90% of touhous fanbase

>> No.42565452

I would take cutesokyofags any day over lewdsokyofags, many of whom are even less invested in the source material.

>> No.42565482

Those are all sex dolls wtf

>> No.42565485

iosys videos in like 2008-9 > try eosd shortly after > read omakes and other translated works > gensokyo lore is permanently embedded into my brain
im not good at bullet hells though, i have more fun playing the fighters and even pofv. sometimes i feel like a super secondary due to no 1cc even though i probably know more about zuns writings than the average fan and pump out a ton of fanworks/arts myself
though its weird hearing people who normally don't like otaku stuff get into touhou, i don't think i would have learned about it if i wasn't already obsessed with vocaloid and nnd at the time

>> No.42565830
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I was exposed to IOSYS and the other music stuff back in the day but it all started for me when a Youtuber I found also did Let's plays for Touhou fangames which turned me into a secondary at the ripe young age of like 11. Apparantly it didn't take me that long to become a primary because the farthest back I can remember getting into the games was between 7th and 8th grade because I wanted to play Soku. Touhou was my gateway into PC gaming, Doujin gaming and Pokemon romhacks so getting into this series was a bit of a watershed moment for me. It's crazy to think I've been a fan of this one shmup for over half my life.

I feel you. Only like last year did I finally get more than 1 online friend who is really into Touhou beyond fan stuff.

>> No.42565957
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I think it was around 2011 or so when I found Touhou arranges after going down a Vocaloid rabbit hole on Youtube or some other similar place. Vocaloid instrumentals were solid and that's what I stuck around for but I couldn't help but think it would be vastly improved by just having regular vocalists and Touhou arranges were just that, at least to me. I was especially interested in metal with clean female vocals and the arrange scene had that in spades. The album pictured and its sequel blew me away and they are still two of my favorite albums, Touhou arrange or not, to this day. I also greatly enjoyed the Alstroemeria and Shibayan stuff that was around at that time too. Special mention for Sally too. This one I found a year or so later but I loved the hell out of that circle while it was still around. I know it technically still exists as Touhou Jihen which is great too, but I digress.

After a bit of that I got curious about the source material that the music came from so I downloaded the games and played them a bit too. It was fun hearing all those familiar melodies in their original contexts. I got into characters themselves and the associated media last. I don't actually remember how on this one. It was interesting seeing how much fan interpretations of a character could vary through the art but that was the beauty of having a fairly vague setting that had very few of its characters fleshed out, at least at the time.

As for my opinion on the overall time I spent with this throughout the years, I'd say I had a great time with it.

>> No.42566152
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I watched a small youtuber I'm subscribed to play PODD like 5 years ago, thought it looked like a good game series, decided to play EoSD and Imperishable night, stood with it ever since

>> No.42566714

I wonder if it's the same guy who posts about loving Reisen on /v/.

>> No.42566789
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I discovered Touhou years ago alongside TF2 with YTPMVs like this one
And it was only last year that i really got into it, i still haven't played any of the official games but i did play some fangames on steam

>> No.42566802

Started back in 2011ish when I was 16 or 14. Played the 98s first but I didn't get into the community or anything so it turned into me losing interest and not really knowing what was going on so interest faded, barely browsed /jp/ for a time
Nowadays I'm a lot more into it as of last year. Shame I got here after /jp/ started going to shit

>> No.42567116

Maybe you should stay there and find out.

>> No.42567374

Got it from this video I watched 7 years ago, it looked a lot of fun to me at the time though I never managed to find where to get the games until around 2019 when a friend of mine gave me her files.

>> No.42567490

>how did you get into Touhou
I got recommended Bad Apple, Night of Nights and some piano remix of Owen was Her called Death Waltz
>how long have you been around
9 years of Touhou (half my life) but I've only been on jaypee for a few years
>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)
I will always love touhou. The mainline games are great, but even the fangames like Mystia's Izakaya or Labyrinth of Touhou 2 can keep me entertained for years. Every time I open a new (good) game, I discover something new about the lore of the characters, their original youkais, etc...
>I'm curious how it's affected the different walks of life that come to /jp/
I got into touhou fighting game communities, they sometimes speak about this place and so I lurk
Without the touhou community, I would probably be stuck on shitty social medias

>> No.42567566
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>how did you get into Touhou
Dude, I kinda don't remember. I THINK it was either through /jp/ or discord. I remember I fell in love with the danmaku and colors, and then discovered the music. I just loved the style of the games and everything, the setting was beautiful so I got instantly hooked. Plus, I really like difficult games, so I started to grind.
>how long have you been around
I'm fairly new to /jp/, been around for like 5 or 6 years if i recall correctly.
>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it
Fun, but just as >>42564443 said, I'm afraid I may be burning myself out. There's too much to dive into, and I've tried to consume as much as I can but the obsession gets tiring. I will continue to consume Touhou, but maybe less.

>> No.42567815
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>how did you get into Touhou
Len'en, not joking.
>how long have you been around
Been mostly hanging around /mlp/ since 2017, only recently started checking out both 2hu and /jp/, and I gotta say the atmosphere here felt just as nice (at least when it comes to 2hu threads).
>and what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)?
Fukken awesome, I wish I had gotten into it way earlier.

>> No.42567977

first heard of it in 2010/2011 because a friend recommended i listen to the music
i liked some of the music and thought the games looked cool, but quickly forgot about it
only really got into at the end of 2019 as a giga coping mechanism and i've been here ever since

i regret not being a touhou fan in the 2000's

>> No.42567994

I got into Touhou and played the games when I graduated high school. The lockdowns kept me isolated so I also used Touhou as a cope for my crippling loneliness.

>> No.42568050

yea life was pretty awful for me too so touhou and halo became my biggest copes, then learning japanese became my cope
life hasnt changed much

>> No.42568062

those albums are so fucking good, the kancolle ones done in the same style are great as well even if i'm not familiar with the source music
being obsessed with touhou is a better cope than say hard drugs at least

>> No.42568075

indeed, although the 'magic' has worn off now unfortunately

>> No.42568165
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You missed out last year's poll, had one or two questions about this exact topic.
McRoll was my intro to Touhou in 2008, was interested in the music so I decided to dig a little deeper. Haven't looked back after going down that rabbit hole. While I don't play as much as I used to, I still go for (normal) 1ccs on every new mainline game as they come out. What's really kept me going this entire time however is the music, easily. Still look forward to releases from my favorite circles, and enjoy shifting through small, less known groups as well. The music's been there through some of the worst and best times of my life so far. There's so much out there I'll probably never listen to it all, which is a little sad to think about. I enjoy fan content of all sorts, but people putting their arranges out in the wild catches my attention.
A couple of people mentioning burnout makes me question whether I'm mentally well or not, but I've yet to reach that point, I think. Perhaps with all the big-name circles dissolving within the next few years, I'll put an end to that phase of my life, but it may as well make me dig deeper for more arrangers. Or even start making music myself, but that's wishful thinking. All in all, I really enjoy both the official and fan sections of Touhou, and plan to continue doing so for a while.

>> No.42568207

>Perhaps with all the big-name circles dissolving within the next few years

>> No.42568246

I thought the TH popularity poll always had those questions after character voting.

>> No.42568423

Just some doomposting, but I do feel like several of the big ones are going to step down sooner rather than later. It's going to happen eventually, and I believe we're closer to that point now than we are to their beginnings.
Sorry, shoulda specified I was talking about the /jp/ one.

>> No.42568494

got in for the loli hentai stayed for the music and loli hentai

>> No.42568521


>> No.42568886

>how did you get into Touhou
A high school friend told me about KKHTA back in 2010

>> No.42569074

>how did you get into Touhou,
Friend was into it forever. I was curious about the manga and decided to finally tackle the entire series
>how long have you been around
7 years
>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)?
Extremely enriching. Touhou is incredible.

>> No.42569209

Someone started posting in character as Suika on an obscure text board I used in 2008. They were genuinely funny with every post they made and it convinced me to check out SA. I didn't much care for it, but I decided to try MoF and for some reason it just clicked with me. I played the heck out of MoF until I cleared it on Lunatic and then just gradually worked my way through the series aiming to 1cc all the mainline games. Sometime around 2016 I started developing arthritis and so I had to give up before I 1cc'd LoLK.
I enjoy the official mangas and books, but really love Zounose and Bomber Grape's doujinshi. The music, both official and remixes, is what keeps me coming back to Touhou and remain interested in the lore and characters. Since I can't really play the games any more I tried different doujin games and the only ones I could play and consistently enjoyed were the Fantasy Maiden Wars games. I play Lost Word, but don't contribute to the threads and it is mostly just something to do while I am on break at work. I really don't talk about Touhou with anyone since my friends think "anime shit" is weird and for pedophiles. I have, however, had some friends comment on random Touhou music remixes that I have had playing when they come over to visit, but I usually just give them the group/performer's name and say that they are just some Japanese indie musician.

>> No.42569529

i got into it from youtube and 4chan, I don't exactly remember when I got into it but it's been a while, I still like it a lot and might try writing something eventually.

>> No.42569549
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Discovered it through /f/ like 16 years ago or something. IOSYS mv's.
Touhou has kept me sane during some pretty dark times. Gensokyo was always right there.
I was fairly obsessed for awhile and shut myself off. The obsession has died down and I wish I could get that level of fanaticism back but it's probably for the best. Still enjoy the music and games dearly.

>> No.42569614

I saw synthesia midi videos of Bad Apple, Necrofantasia, and Night of Nights on youtube in 2013 and listened to them every day for months. At the time I didn't care about touhou and it fell dormant in my mind until 2019 when I listened to Kou Ogata's Necrofantasia and realized the sheer quality and quantity of music produced by touhou project. I wish I had gotten into it earlier but I'm just happy to experience it at all.

I also hated everything japanese before I discovered touhou, but since then I've seen good enough anime to raise my opinion to neutral.

>> No.42572177

Mountain of Faith is lowkey one of my favorites. It feels rare that ZUN tackles seasonal themes in his games, but when he does, he really tends to knock the atmosphere right out the park. I think MoF was also the first game that really captured my heart, because of how much it went into showing the beauty of nature in Autumn. All those colors and different scenarios just blended into each other nicely in a way most Touhou games just don't.

>> No.42577645

>how did you get into Touhou, how long have you been around
Early Spring 2021:
So there was this terrible writing advice youtube video about "isekai"
Dude in the comments talks about "Diamond in the rough" and "Touhou"
I think you can see where this is headed, but if you can't, diamond in the rough is a cringe fan animation of touhou that even the creator kinda hates now

>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)?
Pretty awesome, thp.moe is my go-to for fanfiction

>> No.42578225

I played doujin fighters and learned of it through iamp. Maybe that was around 2005 or so.

>> No.42578967


>> No.42586465

Porn doujins

>> No.42586691

I wasn't around for that era. What was that like?

>> No.42586724
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I've seen it for years and years on the internet with my first real exposure being either Bad Apple or being McRoll'd but I had no idea what the series was about beyond cute girls and good music. A friend of mine that I got into the Super Robot Wars series a few years back persistently kept recommending Gensou Shoujo Taisen/Fantasy Maiden Wars and I figured I'd give it a go and got completely hooked during a really shitty period of my life. It's probably the best Super Robot Wars game since @3 or Z1 depending on who you ask.

If anything though, I'm pissed at myself for not getting into the series sooner. I love all the fangames I've played so far like Yoiyami Dancers, Labyrinth of Touhou and Genius of Sappheiros and Mystia's Izakaya, and while I suck ass at the actual bullet hell games I've been going through them at a steady pace as well. I only started coming to /jp/ around half a year ago and it's been pretty comfy too so I'm hoping for many more years of enjoyment to come.

Thanks for reading my blog I guess.

>> No.42586764
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Got desperate for more shmups to play, tried it and it was a bit slow but the music kept me from falling asleep.
Then I discovered the lore and it all went downhill from there.
Now I'm here

>> No.42586802

Kill yourself normalfag

>> No.42586896

*Rubs my glans on your cheek*
*Precum drips on your face*
What did you say, hmm? Sorry, I couldn't hear you. You gotta open your mouth wider so I can hear you, bubba

>> No.42589730

I'm just glad 2hu at least introduced some people to shmups

>> No.42590745

Knew of it for years and listened to Precious Thing and Bad Apple a number of times plus some other memes but unironically in 2017 it was fucking Cookie that got me into it.

>> No.42590904
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ランランルー got me interested back in the late 2000s.

>> No.42590957

>what is your overall opinion on the time you've spent throughout the years with it (both official and fan material)?
One of my favourite game series ever. Though I only played through 1-9 of the official games, I've enjoyed a lot of spinoffs at this point as well. I really ought to try the post-classic era games at some point.

>> No.42592850

Looks like I'm the only newfag here. I've only been into touhou only for less than a year (late 2021). Although I've been listening to touhou music from way before that I only recently got into the actual games and series as a whole.

>> No.42593023

Found and played Labyrinth of Touhou like 5-6 years ago. I had no context for what was happening and who were all those characters, but it was a nice game despite bugs.

>> No.42597878
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I stumbled across and watched a lot of 2hu flash animations back in elementary school, started playing the games during junior high and well over a decade later I'm still addicted.
