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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42445505 No.42445505 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/
>WN to e-book downloader:

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038
v19.4: https://nyaa.si/view/1609471
v19.5: https://nyaa.si/view/1622772

Previous: >>42314455

>> No.42445659


>> No.42446044


>> No.42446716

Regardless of some hiccups it’s genuinely one of the better fantasy senki series. from battle descriptions where a lot of times supernatural takes the stage to politics and of course the MC being legolas makes is unique imo.

Senki isn’t as popular nowadays sadly. You’d think with the advent of isekai we’d get more of those(I know about wortenia and a few others like Kuro no senki but they’re kinda meh compared to Vanadis)

The minus of this author however is that the can’t into romantic relationships and had to write numerous what ifs. But purely as a senki series(at least the first original Vanadis) it’s great.

>> No.42448451

Watched and enjoyed the first two, heard the second anime was terrible. I'd suggest Vanadis, simply because I like the girls in it a little more than the ones in Chaika

>> No.42449529

senki is one of those genres that is a bit too exhausting to read, i can imagine it's even more so to actually write
the first time (or few times if you're really autistic) you go on that odyssey it's amazing, you can see the progress all the way through, step by step
but at some point, usually the second time, one does wonder "do i have to read all this shit again?"

>> No.42449665

What does senki as a genre even mean? I imagine they are stories of long campaigns like the malazan series which happened to be the only similar fantasy I read. If it is anything like that can you suggest me a good entry series please

>> No.42449932

戦記 is 戦記 and i don't know how to explain it more than that
is it actually a genre? i don't know, i call it a genre because there's enough examples that feel like it's a genre
it's not exactly kingdom building either, though i guess the venn diagram does overlap a lot
for entry level stuff if you don't want to read vanadis there's クロの戦記 (already mentioned) or 死神に育てられた少女は漆黒の剣を胸に抱く the latter which is not exactly trying to be senki, but it basically is

>> No.42450233

To put it simply they are a series about war. Like >>42449932 mentioned I don’t think you can really explain it other than calling it something like a war chronicle.
Now since it’s not popular anymore they get mixed with naisei and stuff but a pure senki series is not naisei as in it’s not about kingdom or nation building no, just pure war/war politics.

MCs in these types of series tend to be commanders, or say maybe a foot soldier who rises up to a commander.
Anyhow they lead troops though some may have MCs that are quite OP themselves.
Also 99% of the time, more so than other genres these definitely never work as anime or manga due to how they’re written.

>> No.42450354

>i can imagine it's even more so to actually write
definitely is, which is why many authors don’t bother when they can write something much simpler, besides not like senki sells much either.
I’d say check out 濁る瞳で何を願う ハイセルク戦記 on top of what anon suggested

>> No.42450504

I'd say Malazan's way closer to something like Narita Ryougo's Bacanno/Durarara where there's supposed to be a bunch of different groups of characters with different goals/mysteries all eventually converging to one final battle to resolution.

So malazan's not really a senki imo, especially since it doesn't get into enough details of the actual battles and focuses more on the horrors of war or weird fantasy shit happening.

Plus Malazan's also really boring to read, that's the main issue.

In my mind senki is stories of war that actually get into POVs of multiple factions, goes into deep detail for the geopolitics, military, strategy along with a huge cast of characters.

Youjo senki, legend of the galactic heroes, three kingdoms are examples in my mind, many of which are also focused on multiple factions (so no real MC) which is usually called 群雄割拠.

>> No.42450906

>legend of galactic heroes
speaking of space ones don't forget crest of the stars. Space elves aside In general I like its battle descriptions and dedication/autism to battles a lot more.

>> No.42450954

Honestly LOTGH has a severe case of overhyped expectations.
It's always hyped up as the best thing ever but when actually reading it the result was kind of normal.

>> No.42451424

As an anime (which is what most people are talking about), it is pretty much unique in its nature. The praise is less about its quality and more about the lack of alternatives.

>> No.42451494

not to come off as a snob (though i know i am one) but i don't understand people that like the anime adaptations but refuse to read the source material, even if they loved the series
i really can't comprehend the mentality behind staying an adaptation-only

>> No.42451562

1) Many people describe reading as tiring. Watching stuff is easier when you're tired and/or just doing it on the side.
2) Many people don't like reading at all.

>> No.42451577

Let's be fair, the LoGH anime has a godly voice cast which the books obviously don't have. The series is on my backlog to get around to reading one day, but it's a pretty low priority when the anime itself is already great and I've got tons of other shit I'd like to read.

>> No.42451582

>1) Many people describe reading as tiring. Watching stuff is easier when you're tired and/or just doing it on the side.
i really don't get that either, setting up everything to watch an anime is more work for me than just reading
>2) Many people don't like reading at all.
a better reason, really

>> No.42451809

>setting up everything
I have no idea what you are talking about.

Watching stuff is really a less brain-intensive task. You just lean back and let the entertainment happen to you.
I like reading. I sometimes spend weeks doing nothing else.
But when I'm being lazy, I'll forget about reading shit and just put something on the big screen.

>> No.42452927
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Unexpectedly took a liking to "Too Many Losing Heroines!" I really liked that in each of the losing heroine's arcs it's all about them trying to find a proper closure for their own feelings while MC helps them with it

what other romcoms can you guys recommend?
other than tenshi btw since i'm also reading that

>> No.42453144
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一生働きたくない俺が、クラスメイトの大人気アイドルに懐かれたら is pretty comfy, if slightly weird, you will get it when you see it I guess.

>> No.42453205
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Anyone reading this? How is it? I'm thinking of picking it up because I like the MC's outfit

>> No.42453410

Any good zombie ones?
Does not matter if untranslated.

>> No.42453658

Any story that encompasses an ongoing war, focuses on it and explores the various political aspects is the simplest explanation I can come up with and that's essentially it at it's core.
It's a bit sad how they're not as popular nowadays. If anyone has some recommendations let me know bonus points if they're relatively new

>> No.42453684

even back then they weren't that popular once you take out all the ROTK, sengoku and WW2 rehashes

>> No.42453695

first time i see it but that's some really good clean art, damn

>> No.42454471
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Haven't read it but isn't this a recent senki?

>> No.42454511

no lmao, senki doesn't mean kingdom building
dynasty warriors is unironically closer to the definition than this

>> No.42454733

my mistake then. I watched the anime and despite the name it gave me the impression it was more about conflict with the neighboring kingdoms than actual kingdom building.

>> No.42454778

I guess at it's core senki is more about the actual military conflict, that's basically what the word is, war chronicles.

>> No.42455726
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I started Roshidere to fight off the 余韻 left by the otonari binge I went through in the past month and it's been very sweet so far

>> No.42458346

We should have a repository for LNs that we want to share, where can we host them?

>> No.42458515

Mega. Or a simple ftp if you have the resources to keep it online

>> No.42458598


Can we all upload on a mega link at the same time?

We could do 2 folders, Japanese and English, and just push stuff there

>> No.42458748

Technically possible but its only on invite. Google drive's better for it but there's anonymity issues and drive stuff frequently gets taken down. If you want
1. a shared folder that anyone can upload to
2. while staying anonymous
3. with enough storage
4. and with longevity
you will have to either host a simple ftp server or something like nextcloud. But a mega folder will suffice if you take it upon to manage the uploads by yourself. There are similar folders out there already

>> No.42459070


I don't have the time to setup something like that or scout this general everyday sadly.

>> No.42459154

Rather than setting up a new service, wouldn't it make more sense to use those that already exist?
You could even set up torrents and put them on nyaa like what's in the OP.

>> No.42459340

He wants to continually update it with crowd effort I think

>> No.42459348

New torrents are created every day.

>> No.42459421

I can't even upload there.

>> No.42460000

Is 神様のメモ帳 good? only nihongoers please.

>> No.42460025

i don't even think that one is translated anywhere
weird given it's unironically amazing if you do get into it, pretty polarizing though

>> No.42460728


What about libgen? I don't know where do I go to upload it but that should be a good place. Does anybody know where can I contribute to it?

>> No.42461830

I've always liked the idea of a tracker like AB strictly for LNs but I don't have the know-how to set up and maintain a server

>> No.42463452

all it would really take is a single autismo to constantly update a mega folder
epubs are not that big either, 10 mbs per volume tops, 2-6 on average

>> No.42463911

Why do you guys have to be so autistic about precise definitions
>what is senki
>what is chuuni
>what is a grindmonke
>what is autism

>> No.42463963

Autism is an inherently positive trait granted only to chosen people that will lead the world into a better future.

>> No.42463988

before even trying to engage with your question, first i want you to realize you are on a thread with people that engage with a specific subset of fiction that, when looking at stuff with 5+ volumes anyway, gets incredibly autistic about the granularity of what things are or aren't
especially because this granularity, and the practical and unorthodox combat applications of this granularity is, to an extent, the plot
not just during combat, though it's the easiest way to spot it, but also non-human grieving they aren't humans, usually for the sake of love, or the alternative of humans that grieve they aren't effectively immortal, again usually for the sake of love, or scales of power, or different systems or even schools/branches of power, not just literal power but also political or social, and so on
what is loyalty, what is resolve, a bunch of completely different things that paradoxically all lead to the same non-answer of things being relative and borders between definitions or even literal entities being at best blurry, at worst constantly shifting due to literal faith is power and cogito ergo sum, which makes these relative definitions, and maintaining them, all the more meaningful
now, i don't care if you consider this arguing annoying, but before engaging with your question first i want you to look at yourself and realize your question is FUCKING DUMB

>> No.42464034

Autism is as much a mental illness as trannyism, consider sudoku.

>> No.42464038

These are all very important things.

>> No.42464046

>/pol/fag getting uppity again

>> No.42464487

If you're not autistic you don't belong on my website

>> No.42465641

So when are you guys setting up the communal library folder?

>> No.42469239

Nothing was really autistic about what we discussed here senki series have been a thing for a time now and if you had read Madan no Ou which is what brought this discussion up in the first place you'd understand what we mean and how pure senki differs from country/kingdom building series etc.

>> No.42469501

>HJ Bunko's March lineup is out
>Still no Yumemiru Danshi vol 8
The suffering continues

>> No.42469756

Is there any online submission process to japanese editorials, or basically you need to know japanese?

>> No.42470362

>Want to get published with a JAPANESE publisher
>Asks if you need to know Japanese

Yes anon, of course. Even if english is technically something the Japanese are supposed to learn at school, most are really really bad at it.

>> No.42470696

if you want to make a quick buck online as an EOP you're literally better off writing video essays and begging for patreonbux
just write up whatever, pass it through a thesaurus and people will eat it up

>> No.42470973

Any good LN or WN recs for beginners?

>> No.42471011

avoid senki stuff, avoid anything nisioisin, avoid romcoms (they rely too much on subtext when you're just starting to learn japanese) and that's kind of it

>> No.42471769
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>> No.42472847

Infinite dendrogram or Mushoku Tensei. I've got fond memories with reading them while learning Japanese and they're pretty straight forward.

>> No.42472882

i can't imagine reading dendro as anything less than a N3

>> No.42473194

Dendrogram doesn't even use that complicated kanji except for some technique/job/item names, and they usually got ruby text for their reading anyways.

The hardest part of reading dendro was realizing that I needed to pronounce some character names with their Mandarin pronounciations instead of their Japanese readings. I was so confused as to why shit like 苍龍 wasn't pronounced as sou-ryuu or something and only realized years later after learning mandarin that it's the chinese reading.

>> No.42473250

the Chinese themed country ought to have been the first hint desu

>> No.42473258

Names written in chinese without any indicated pronunciation is my biggest pet peeve. I can't read that fucking shit.

>> No.42473369

Yeah, thank god the LN versions added the actual readings of the chinese names unlike the WN version that just straight up didn't.

>> No.42473486

the most complicated thing about dendro isn't really the kanji, aside from what you mentioned which gets really autistic, you could probably do with just joyo stuff
no, the pain in the ass is the prose sometimes, and i don't mean oh it's very flowery and shit, because it usually isn't, i mean shit like xunyu or emmy, or just dialects in general, a lot of writers at most have the なんや kansai guy/girl and call it a day, dendro can be a pain in the ass with this
pretty sure someone with more exposure to japanese even if it's at the level of a native elementary schooler would find it weird but not that hard to understand, but a foreigner is almost guaranteed to get tripped up by it, in more or less the same way it's a pain in the ass to explain what "based" in the 4chan lingo usage means to a non-english speaker
hell i'm not even sure you can easily explain it to someone that does speak english but isn't that familiar with internet meme culture
the point is that it's not HARD, but it can be a pain and i can't imagine going through that as someone literally just starting to learn japanese

>> No.42473508

Based on what?

>> No.42473830
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>> No.42474229
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You gotta be Nipponese first anon. No matter how well you write your stories in Moon, the actual Nihonjin themselves could pinpoint if a story is written by a filthy gaijin or not. IIRC some fags at isek/a/i even got called out by the native Narou users for attempting that. Just stick with the EOP "/lit/" sites so I can filter you guys, please.
I assume you meant the Sci-Fi kind right? Then oh boy, you'll have a better time searching at Nocturne. For obvious reason, pure "zombie apocalypse" series tends to be 18+, and we actually did have a sudden surge of zombiepocalypse back at 2013-2014 IIRC, due to the influence of HOTD I assume, with ゾンビのあふれた/I Walk Among Zombies being probably the most well-known here in /jp/ since it got a VN adaptation. The story itself is acceptable (though abandoned), which is quite something for a genre well-known for being absolute dumpster fire.
For the fantasy ones, there's 望まぬ不死の冒険者 and 昏き宮殿の死者の王, but they both ends up with the MC evolving into a vampire ala pokemon within ~20 chapters, so there's that. The latter I believe is better desu, since Tsukikage's writing style fits dark/depressive series much more than comedy, with 堕落の王 being his best work by far.

>> No.42474266

some native japanese speakers have this strange ability to accurately locate those that are JSLs no matter how well they speak or write japanese
i have no idea how the fuck that happens either, they just can

>> No.42474385

Do you speak no language natively?
Have you never met a foreigner who spoke your language fluently, but just a little awkwardly at times?

>> No.42476184


I read the first chapter of Bakemonogatari and it was smooth sailing, does it get much worse?

>> No.42478506
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>Making someone read that convoluted mess as their first LN in Japanese.
That is just evil.

>> No.42478658

NTA but to be fair even as an ESL people have told me I speak english better than natives.
Who knows if that's an english-only problem due to burgers or if japanese natives actually have some sort of sixth sense.

>> No.42479060

What's funny is assuming the guy was asking for stuff as a beginner to japanese.
He may have been asking for stuff to get into LNs for all we know.

>> No.42479202

I'm a beginner to LNs and a beginner to (text only content) Japanese and Kagenou was very nice, read all 5 volumes in a little more than a week.
My previous attempt was Honzuki and it took me half a year to finish the first volume.

>> No.42479217


>> No.42479221

to be fair honzuki is kind of ass, you need both a specific kind of ruinous autism AND not be that familiar with isekai to really enjoy it to it's fullest

>> No.42481176

List of some stuff that are also relatively easy to read, or at least around the same level as kage.
And by that I mean on both language complexity and a mixture of action + comedy + combat tism + drama, to different degrees, while also not being TOO autistic to the point of being near incomprehensible to N4s and below.

>> No.42482085
File: 44 KB, 240x340, rabukome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone has the epubs for ラブコメ漫画に入ってしまったので、推しの負けヒロインを全力で幸せにする?

>> No.42482288

How does one reconcile the attitude of wanting to enjoy shit together with other anons with the attitude of shitting on anons who want others to enjoy stuff they enjoy?

>> No.42482307

why would you want to do the latter anyway
gets boring fast unless you're a deranged schizo

>> No.42482396

you can enjoy something as long as you don't try to claim it's good
(ignore that humans fundamentally like good things we're on seven levels of irony here)

>> No.42482537

Have parents who love you and gave you sufficient attention as a child

>> No.42482577

Light novels are pocket sized disposable trash "literature" for middle schoolers and otaku lmao, having not realized yet that you forfeited all right to expect anyone else to find you're favourite dogshit "good" the moment you bandwagoned in is why you're still a newfag

>> No.42482612

sometimes i wonder what are circlejerking redditors like you expecting when they come here
do you expect people to join in the wanking? anyone that isn't new is well past the point of considering shitflinging over what is "good" to be anything but a waste of time
is it falseflagging and you want people to dunk on that kind of "virtue signaling taste guy"? why? you won't get anything you haven't seen a hundred times already

>> No.42482628

Did you respond to the wrong post?

>> No.42482637

maybe, maybe not

>> No.42482731
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but it's good to me.

>> No.42482836

What is "good"? A miserable little pile of excuses.
Seriously though, just running with the label of "good" is pointless.
People call things they like good for having certain traits, shit for having other traits, but then things they like end up with the traits they hate, and things they don't like with traits they called good.
At that point most backpedal into using the "execution" excuse, but that concept is vague to the point of arbitrary meaninglessness.
Those that realize this delve deeper to the middle sections of the iceberg and at least start praising how "autistic" something is, which more often than not it means high rate of "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, the madlad actually did it" and "AIEEEEE, THE 逆転! THE COUNTER-逆転! THE COUNTER-COUNTER-逆転! OMG!" moments.

>> No.42482910

but can't I just skip all that and say I found something good? it's an easily understood shorthand for "this thing had something about it that I liked" that doesn't degenerate into having to justify myself to the point of being called an "ironic enjoyer" when i just plain enjoy it

>> No.42482960

>it's an easily understood shorthand for "this thing had something about it that I liked"
Which is very much the problem when even the definition itself is up to debate.
That specificity does matter exactly because the term "good" was already poisoned by ironicfags.
Calling something "good" carries the baggage of people trying to turn media into a commodity to signal class and taste, which involves somehow centering goodness/quality as an objectively measurable thing which then can be paraded around as if mattered fuck all, which in the worst of cases ends up devolving into arguing how "good" something is or isn't by paradoxically ignoring most if not all elements that compose it, while simultaneously killing all emotional attachment to it aside from to the very fact of how "good" something is or isn't.
That entire shitshow is easily sidestepped by just calling things interesting or something you liked, because yes, this can and will cause more autism spergouts, because it already caused a few.

>> No.42482995
File: 172 KB, 1358x847, kono light novel wa sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42483020

>because it already caused a few.
the early days of the general were pretty wild with near daily shitshows

>> No.42483848

The problem isn't specifically whether it's good or not, the problem is when fags who read one vaguely less shit edgy skelly novel or something always want to overly lord it over everyone else, then cry about it when anyone rightfully and justly takes them down a a peg.

>> No.42484216

probably an outdated reference now that most overlordfags killed themselves after the elf volumes

>> No.42484377

Nice projection there you self-hating faggot

>> No.42484729

when was the last time you met an actual overlordfag who wasn't just shitposting/falseflagging

>> No.42484898

>t. Toko Fukawa

>> No.42485796

The greatest recommendation is a negative review that complains about shit you couldn't give a fuck about.

>> No.42485842

These fags that have a hate boner for "critics" are fucking insane. Western youtube critics even. Making this thread accept EOPs was a mistake.

My fellow anon recommending me a LN because they thought it was good is enough for me.

>> No.42486076

https://mega.. nz/file/GiJEQL7Y#tkO5vZd4lU4tNnreMqp877deNuATYoogG9U8ixckF0k

>> No.42486553

you don't happen to have vol 2 and 3 too, don't you?

>> No.42488289

I've seen posts complaining about such people on here a lot, I've not seen such people actually existing here. It seems like just shit stirring for its own sake.

>> No.42488534


>> No.42488621

I'm going to get into the light novel hell, but before I start looking for some I want to read, is the OP somewhat up to date? I'm tempted to skip looking at a billion reader apps and get the one recommended in the OP.

>> No.42488637

don't bother if you're not going to learn japanese

>> No.42488649

I try to keep it up to date yes.
I can't vouch for the android app but calibre is great for japanese text, so the other reader got removed.

>> No.42488693

Rude I'm trying
Thanks, I plan to read mostly on my PC so this works great.

>> No.42488905

best Android app is Typhon: quick lookups and you can import your own dictionaries

>> No.42489695

prob mostly grudge seething because those people do make talking about anything basically impossible by drowning all discussion with "is x shit or good?"

>> No.42489843

Do you guys listen to audiobooks of LNs?

>> No.42489971

i got into audiobooks for a while but stopped because i was tuning them out as background noise at some point, missing the entire point of actually reading

>> No.42489979

No. I don't read on a screen when I can avoid it either. Physical books only

>> No.42490067

I lost a link to a youtube channel that had the first volume of King's Proposal. By random chance would you happen to know what channel that was, it also had a large list of LNs.

>> No.42490296

Can somebody please spoil me on the ending to Gimai Seikatsu Vol 7? It is the latest LN volume in the series.

Reading the manga and considering jumping into the LNs. I'm getting vibes that the manga will be more similar to a Domekano / NTR plot and eventual ending instead of a wholesome, Abe-approved family-friendly tale. If it's the former rather than the latter, I will pass on the series.

>> No.42490318

wouldn't it be better to ask for the vol 7 epub rather than just spoilers?

>> No.42490340
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>kemonomimi girl has four ears
This is actual heresy.

>> No.42490359

Finding the LN online is easy. I'm instead looking for a brief explanation of where the plot is at.

>> No.42490369

This was literally never an issue until "muh realishm" normalfags made it an issue.

>> No.42490460

I've been recently binging betrayal romance slop and this one stood out to me.
Unbelievable amount of brain rot and characters competing on the most retarded mental gymnastics to antagonize the mc and justify why they hate/love him but I was surprised the author did not compromise mc's integrity with copeouts and actually managed to pull off a very satisfying ending all things considered.

>> No.42490935

I see i binged the VN it was great
Thanks for your input.
Im just grasping at untranslated WNs atm

>> No.42492220

like untranslated novels? or untranslated stuff with no LN specifically?

>> No.42493684

anyone has the jp epubs for grimgar up to date, last 2 of MT or arslan ?
I'm craving for fantasy stuff but have a hard time finding jp epub, there is either nothing or 5y old stuff

>> No.42494514

That's a weirdly fancy way of saying "fishing on the weekly narou rankings".

>> No.42495010

>new trpg translated chapter dropped
>MC can't stop thinking how attract intersex Mika is
Erich should stop being in denial and just admit he's probably 25% gay

>> No.42497205

Is it really gay to constantly think how sexual your bro is?

>> No.42499953

it's not gay if you say no homo

>> No.42500726

Just WNs
I dont think i can find good zombie LNs

>> No.42500790

Any LN where a brown girl wins? Preferably not harem

>> No.42500807

Any good space recs?

>> No.42500900
File: 156 KB, 676x1000, 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like Elite Dangerous IN SPACE?

>> No.42500966

Why is Kadokawa hated so much?

>> No.42501058

are they? at least when it comes to their novel branches they are average to the point i could easily call them the silver standard
the DB side is also not exactly a golden standard but it's pretty good
the ones that need to eat shit are alphapolis

>> No.42501122

people just don't like that they have no SOUL and over-commoditize the industry while trying to make 40 isekai anime adaptations a year and fucking them all up.

>> No.42501157

>while trying to make 40 isekai anime adaptations a year
NGL, it was funny seeing the people trying to force that meme call bisco isekai then native isekai to backpedal.

>> No.42502576

mei is so cool bros...

>> No.42506442

Anyone who have this torrent could help me get アステリズムニハナタバヲユリエスエフアンソロジー from it for me? This archive is just too big.

>> No.42507407

it was in there twice, but at first glance the files seem to be the same

>> No.42507577

I ate this one up.

>> No.42508506


>> No.42508584

With Yuna

>> No.42509413

If I wanted to get a physical print of a fan translation, is there any service you all would recommend? I just really hate using e-readers and enjoy having physical books

>> No.42509445

buy the original books and learn japanese

>> No.42509694

First of all, but why though, it would be a waste of paper.

>> No.42509821

Pretend anon wants a physical print of a Japanese WN instead.

>> No.42509827

I find it hard to get myself to read ebooks, but I can read a physical book much easier. It probably is just a waste, but wasn't sure if people here had done it before and had suggestions.

I know that I really should. I just need to stop being lazy and try again. I'm back in grad school now so most of my time is taken up by studying already

>> No.42509875

There's no real reason to not learn japanese and get the original LNs, both fan and official translations somehow keep getting worse by the day and MTL is still stuck translating in perfect monotone.

>> No.42509904

>there's no real reason
different anon but in my vase it's already having non-leisure time bursting at the seams with both stressful long working hours and studying for professional qualification exams, and already being in the process of learning a different language which will improve employment prospects more than Japanese, and just wanting to enjoy something in my spare time instead of doing anki reps or taking more than one hour to read one page of Japanese with jparser/mecab

>> No.42509908

>he fell for the anki meme

>> No.42509921

fair, you do need a lot of free time for a good half a year before you get to the comfily immersing in novels without a dictionary lookup every other sentence phase

>> No.42509933

I'm actually semi tempted to just go all in on learning Chinese since so much JP shit gets Chinese translations anyway

>> No.42509939

Somebody post that image of that anon telling you not to learn chinese.

>> No.42510018

why would you play the game of broken telephone when a lot of those translations are mtl?

>> No.42510019

I see people say this every once in a while and it's always the most retarded thing to me. Especially when they try to shoehorn some ad hoc bs about economic opportunities. Don't learn that worthless language, just study Japanese.

>> No.42510057
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, MiM3YTa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dug it up.

>> No.42510072

this anon here >>42509904 my home country is full of chinks many of whom are bad at the national language despite being born and brought up here (go figure) so you pretty much have to know mandarin to work properly with them
this is a special case though I don't think any other country is as bad at integrating the chinese as us

>> No.42510103

Anon who learned Mandarin after learning Japanese (all to just read random chink web novels online).

Eh, honestly it's not really worth it. Chinese translations of Japanese stuff are definitely the most abundant and easiest form of raw manga/novel you can find, but a lot is lost within the translation.

Unless you enjoy reading random Chinese novels that aren't translated (or want to read ahead of the translated chapters) I'd say Mandarin ain't worth it for media consumption.

Tl;dr just learn Japanese

>> No.42510124

I figured you were talking about Chinese when I read your comment but I didn't mean you. There's plenty of places here in America where immigrants don't bother to learn English so you're almost forced to learn Spanish/Creole/whatever. The bank near me practically has it as a requirement that you need to know Spanish since half their clientele only speaks that. It's just that every time I see learning Japanese discussed in other places, particularly other boards here, some silicon valley wannabe tech goon mentions "durr dead language, learn Chinese instead, all the good shit is translated anyway"

>> No.42510150

Learn MTL instead

>> No.42510229

I did say only semi tempted, mostly because I already know some intermediate Chinese at a higher level than my Japanese is currently. Economic opportunities are bunk since it looks like China is going to have its lost decade without ever having really reached Japan's pre lost decade heights and is frantically cutting itself off from foreign companies again. I'm not going to stop learning Japanese anytime soon.

>> No.42510230

To use a food analogy because I know EOPs love those, using MTL as opposed to learning japanese is like eating a paper with a dish printed on it as opposed to eating the real thing.

>> No.42510275

i can't imagine being so mindbroken by the capitalist cuck modern times to justify learning japanese because "muh productivity, muh money"
i learned it to read/watch/play jp stuff, that's it

>> No.42510276 [DELETED] 

yeah I heard about the immigrant communities in America where they only speak their home language, but afaik usually at least their kids will speak both languages or just English, and their grandkids only speak English
for my country we're talking fourth, fifth generation chinese who still speak mandarin as their primary language and only speak the local language at basic schoolkid level. in the worst case some of them speak english as their primary language and don't speak mandarin or local language well, everyone makes fun of them
light novels

>> No.42510655
File: 34 KB, 390x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still consider stuff not published under a proper "light novel" label to be a light novel?

>> No.42510689

depends if its a novel and if its light enough

>> No.42510696

Nothing written by a westerner and published by a western label will be considered a LN if that's what you're asking.

>> No.42510740

Because westerners are living rent free in your head, in case the accompanying image wasn't enough of a hint for you, I'm asking about something like Monogatari which is published under Kodansha BOX and is not technically a light novel.

>> No.42510849

what is even the point of this level of hair splitting? jp novels are pretty much all called "LNs" in general regardless of technicalities, with just web hosted stuff being WNs
powerpoint of the galactic fujos isn't technically a light novel either, probably, i'm not sure and don't really feel like checking, but you get the point

>> No.42510890

>what is even the point of this level of hair splitting
he asks in a general that had a melty over the definition of chuuni because of westerners

>> No.42510930


>> No.42511203

that's a word that has been mostly co-opted to mean megumeme clones rather than the original meaning
and to be fair i do have seen people trying to split hairs over the LN definition to call x bad y good, read reel literatoor and all that so i guess good point?

>> No.42511979

Unless you are hanging out exclusively with youtubers and the kind of people who click on their bait, no, it has not.

>> No.42512008

welp you guys shouldn't have shilled this general so much on /a/ then, given some of those people do hang around here at times

>> No.42512083

I have never heard of this mystical "other definition" in my life until the sperg out in this general the other day and I still don't know what it actually means (don't clarify, I don't care to know).

>> No.42512151

>(don't clarify, I don't care to know).
you cared enough to post

>> No.42512154

Yes, I want to just emphasize that this is some weird boogeyman that only exists in that particular anon's head.

>> No.42512187

Do you just not talk to other weeb communities at all that you somehow missed the word now meaning clones of either megumin or that girl from the anime with chuuni literally in the title?
Because that's a phenomenon that happens even among jp fans.

>> No.42512240

A chuunibyou character is not the same thing as calling a work/series "chuuni". This isn't hard to understand and it's not new either.

>> No.42512269


>> No.42512321


>> No.42512341

just bee yourself bro

>> No.42512352

No, I don't talk to random normalfags and neither should anyone who wishes to maintain their intelligence and mental well-being.

>> No.42512359

Reincarnated as a Bee, I just wanted to make some honey but the Queen keeps pestering me to fertilize her eggs件

>> No.42512654

Not the bees, I can't pawssibly bear the bees, kuma.

>> No.42513856

Tell me you're a redditor without telling me.
Go back.

>> No.42513955

>brings reddit out of nowhere
this general really is filled with traumatized ret/a/rds huh

>> No.42514002

>you guys dont talk to normalfags online??
>no i didnt mean reddit, i meant generic website with the same normalfag userbase instead!

>> No.42514031

>no, people don't use the word like you claim they do
>i don't talk to normalfags to know though
>except i know redditors enough to tell you to go back
if anything it's you that should go back to /a/ lmao

>> No.42514060

since when are normalfags people? not accepting inbred reddit tumours isn't an /a/ thing. leave

>> No.42514298

Is there a MEGA for Wolf and Parchment?

>> No.42514592
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, Papapapapapapapapapapa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really got into the jintai anime and I found out a while ago that it’s source material was from the lns
Is the jintai ln going to be translated ever? I’d do it and such, if I know moon runes

>> No.42514652

>I’d do it and such, if I know moon runes
if u knew moonrunes you'd know how dreadful a process it is to write a good translation so no you wouldn't

>> No.42514830
File: 855 KB, 1300x1920, 1669678731383371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they even still alive? I'm pretty sure even newbie wn authors actively avoids getting published by them past 2016.
>jp novels are pretty much all called "LNs" in general
Haha, no. As much as I would love to talk about Soseki/Murakami/Dazaishit, nobody who's right in their mind would even consider categorizing their works as LN, and I don't think there's any reason to put other published JP novels within the same category either even if you're like those /lit/fags with eternal hatred towards anything Nipponese, unless it got republished as an LN like in the case with 虚構推理. Hell, I'm sure you're literally gonna draw the ire of the entire Nippon if you did that.
>shilled this general
I don't think I've ever seen anyone shilling this general on /a/ past October though? I mean, I would know since I'm one of those that shilled the thread back when it started. At most there's the several pitiful attempts of LN thre/a/ds that quickly devolves into Muh 7S/YP bad and JNC shilling.
>going to be translated
Vol 1's been fully translated at least, after eight years heh.
>if I knew moonrunes
Heh, picrelared.

>> No.42514871


>> No.42515001

>but refuse to read the source material, even if they loved the series
>i really can't comprehend the mentality behind staying an adaptation-only
Committing to reading the source material can be a real chore, especially if you need to read it in Japanese.
I love Horizon on the Middle no Nowhere, I even bought all the books, but I can probably read all of the Wheel of Time in the time it would take me to read one of the larger books (and unfortunately I just read the Wheel of Time repeatedly).
And another thing to remember is that, particularly with an anime adaptation, things are added like musical scores and voices, that can make going back to reading the source material not feel as impactful.

>> No.42516765

Konosuba jokes land better with visuals, voice, and timing.

>> No.42517758

anyone got the rakuen noise novels

>> No.42517770

>Reading the wheel of time repeatedly
Holy fuck anon, why would you do that to yourself?

I remember dropping it in like book 6 or 7 when I realized the author keeps wasting words on a bunch of antagonist POVs that never go anywhere and I ended up just reading synopses for the later books. Fuck Egwene.

As for source material reading I mainly only do it for getting the info dumps or world building that animated adaptations would skip.

Horizon was also entertaining as an anime, but the story's pretty much impossible to follow, so I can understand why people would read the source there.

Lord el melloi ii case files is another example that drops a majority of the info dumps in the anime adaptation. Although entertaining a lot of fun world building about magic and the magical society is missing from the adaptation.

>> No.42518711

>Tanaka Romeo
that is impossible

>> No.42518760
File: 17 KB, 928x615, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42518776

>first line
I will never get tired of this thing exactly

>> No.42518814

who's this faggot author?

>> No.42518821

Moving in, getting married, having babies with my (not) girlfriend but never properly asking her out so our author can squeeze out one last volume and finally rent 1LDK he's been saving for件

>> No.42519201

Sorry, for the late response. I got banned for an erroneous report.

Being able to speak a language better than a native does not mean that you speak it more naturally than a native.
Being natural and being good at a language are two different things.

>> No.42519271

I count 3.

>> No.42519379

Stop fighting and share ebooks for ロードス島戦記

>> No.42519403
File: 16 KB, 752x458, 1674933333977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your LN title?

>> No.42519409

Once I'm done writing the novel, I'll just copypaste the entire story into the title.
I'm only at chapter 14 for now, so it's temporarily named after the date that I started writing on it.

>> No.42519412

Well, the author at least cooked up an explanation for the multiple ears: that the frequencies heared by the ears are slightly different and while human ears are used for normal communication, the horse ones are better at picking up slighter sounds and in conjunction with the human ears helps the zentaur be more aware of their surroundings.
Of course, it's just rationalizing his fetishes at the end though

>> No.42519446

>chink titles
Not good enough

>> No.42520738

bumping this, somebody please spoil me

>> No.42521760

I read Vol 6 of Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter and I cried multiple times. This was the first time I've ever felt emotional over a LN, but damn.

>> No.42521884

Read it for the cunny, stay for the feels.

>> No.42521988

The cute and funny is a lie, they're all JCs and he's already basically married to a JK.

>> No.42522174

I mean, that's very much part of the joke.

>> No.42524489

but why

>> No.42525187

...what's the difference

>> No.42526043

It's difficult to explain. There are different kinds of mistakes that one can make. Some are just natural mental shortcuts when you are lazy, and some are demonstrative for a lack of understanding on an intuitive level.
Like, EOPs might get into arguments on whether "could care less" is an acceptable expression.
ESLs will use the wrong prepositions.

>> No.42526932

So is there any current way to get EPUB from Bookwalker?

>> No.42527125
File: 336 KB, 996x560, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is/was this, no idea if it still works, it's half a year old now:

Also, it has apparently gotten people's accounts banned just for using it, even when not sharing extracted files, so use at your own risk

>> No.42527892

Thank you, I'll try it out when I make a new account then.

>> No.42528307

i can confirm that it's still works

>> No.42528862

Can you really get banned using this? My account is worth 50k$ I can't lose it.

>> No.42528871

just like with any third party modification, there's always a non-zero chance

>> No.42528872

I'll tell you when it happens

>> No.42528968

I am once again asking if anyone read Gimai Seikatsu Vol 7 and to spoil me on the plot.

Thank you.

>> No.42528984

Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad

>> No.42529197

yes you can get banned

>> No.42531077

are there any good War related light novels similar to youjo senki or 86

>> No.42531124

you mean like, basically anything senki?...

>> No.42531127

doesn't have to be?

>> No.42531257

does it have to be modern war?

>> No.42531269

it doesn't matter. Modern, Future, Past is all ok

>> No.42531727

I'm currently trying to read a physical copy of Kizumonogatari, and I'm pretty damn stuck. Is Monogatari at a higher than normal reading level?
What would be an easier, similarish novel (I'm a rusty N3) and would Kizu be readable with one of the e-readers posted in OP?

>> No.42531768

I'd definitely recommend an ebook version for monogatari so you can easily look up kanji.

I don't think the monogatari series is a difficult read overall, but it does use weird ass kanji, and has a bunch of weird references that'll probably make you confused more than not.

Honestly I'd tell you to keep reading Kizu. Don't stress about trying to understand everything, it's ok to skip words or sentences and to try to understand from just the context of the story.

>> No.42531820

>weird ass kanji
Glad I'm not just a noob and it's normal to be confused. Half of what I looked up wasn't even Joyo/common and some kanji I couldn't find using radicals
Also I read through the thread and saw reccomendations for beginner series, and yeah I'll stick to Kizu, but probably as an ebook

>> No.42533161

Honestly that normal if you're reading that, yes it happens to a degree with most LNs here and there, but this has it up to eleven.

>> No.42533310

What's the difference between the original lodoss and the 新装版 version? Just a better designed reprint? I am not confusing it with the new lodoss btw

>> No.42533523

You probably need N1 to do Monogatari, and you'll still miss a lot of the wordplay.

>> No.42533537

does modern senki even exist?

>> No.42533550

try 覇剣の皇姫アルティーナ or 神話伝説の英雄の異世界譚

>> No.42533792


maybe select something that's not rated a 9/10 difficulty on jpdb if you're N3 level. Unless you like that suffering, I guess

>> No.42534475

It seems it was reedited, and some random jp blogs say there have been some additions.

>> No.42534555

So good or bad? Wouldn't mind if you link that jp blog instead

>> No.42535202

Singapore school trip, Ayase meets a polyam women who makes her think about her step brother relationship.

They kiss at palawan beach.

More hints that maru and narasaka are friends.

>> No.42535845

Anyone read 裸足でこい vol2? I don't get it, the whole premise of the series is that MC is going back in time to save his ex, but he gets flustered linking arms and she said he was just a class mate in all her other time loops? Are they going in reverse timelines like doctor who or something? Or did I just miss something.

>> No.42536478

Aight mah niggas give me some LNs with good prose, like really beautiful prose that makes you stop and savor the text for a moment

>> No.42536952

Monogatari is not hard at all. It's just your skill program. His prose flows™ and I don't think he particularly goes for obscure vocab. I guess if you're not comfortable with Japanese sentence structures it might be tough but that's basic grammar stuff you should've acquired by now.

>> No.42537533

Damn according to this 86 is a 10/10 on difficulty. I didn't know I was that much of a baller.

>> No.42537588
File: 98 KB, 718x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably all the military terms, I guess?

>> No.42537605

That and also colors. Asato fucking loves colors.

>> No.42541147

why do i have a feeling there's harem stuff in those?

>> No.42543047

the first one i haven't read, but in the latter, kind of?

>> No.42546497

does anybody have epubs of 魔技科の剣士と召喚魔王?

>> No.42547201

nta but harems ruin those types of stories.
romance is alright but having a main character go all over the country just to meet a fuck ton of girls during war is strange.

>> No.42547290

I wish harem really meant that, but we all know that "harem" means 99% of the time that the protagonist is a dense fuck and doesn't notice that 10 girls want to fuck him until the last chapter of the last volumen where he decides that he likes one of the girls, normally the girl in the cover of the first volumen

>> No.42547461

that's only really a thing outside anime adaptations if you read post-konosuba outsider shit
and if you are, why would you?

>> No.42547803
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 61-XSfBcuHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its out!

>> No.42547915

Anything else to steal from Kindle Unlimited (in japanese)? I have 20 days left.

>> No.42548041

>having a main character go all over the country just to meet a fuck ton of girls during war
Soldiers meet and fuck randoms on deployment all the time

>> No.42549078


>> No.42549461

Have any of you read Ramune or 負けヘロイン? How are they

>> No.42549675

I read the first chapter of Ramune and got bored so dropped it.

It's not like it was particularly bad or anything, I just felt that too many characters were introduced at once, and the character antics weren't very fun to read.

I'll probably give it another chance after I finish my typemoon vn/ln binge as of late since I feel like I should at least finish the first book before dropping the judgement on Ramune.

>> No.42549760

Going to buy some LNs but don't have enough to make shipping worth it, rec me some random LNs that aren't the obvious

>> No.42549972

We literally don't know what you like.

>> No.42549996

Anything that isn't BL or yuri pretty much

>> No.42550138

is there a way to check what's on KU in japanese without just outright giving you a list to check like last time? i imagine that's going to be pretty annoying for you to go through

>> No.42550597
File: 63 KB, 318x500, ミニスカ宇宙海賊.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try older stuff

>> No.42550613
File: 297 KB, 1160x1649, 81rr4Ieb0nL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also a reprint with new cover art for modern tastes

>> No.42550745

currently on volume 5 of chiramune and loving it so far. Great seishun story that keeps getting better with each volume.

>> No.42550851


You can't check the unlimited catalog? It says kindle unlimited all over the LNs

>> No.42551433

Did they intentionally move away from the anime designs?

>> No.42551444

Looking at those covers, it looks like the other way around. The newer one has the blue skirt from the anime.

>> No.42551454
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x2560, 超ミニスカ宇宙海賊.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sequel series is still going
Newest book is from 2021

>> No.42551607
File: 158 KB, 931x1024, 1647630187925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I immediately recognized the first pic because it was the orange haired brat in a black pirate costume. But now that I am comparing her with anime(-inspired) art in my folders, it's much more of a mixed bag than I thought it was.

Still. to me the first image looks much more like the Marika I know than the second image does.

>> No.42552362

what are the differences between dendro wn and ln? finding all volumes in epub proves to be a pain in the ass so i'm considering just going with wn

>> No.42552435

A few short stories in the early vol. It is being increasingly rewritten and reorganized in the later volumes, but you won't be losing out much by just sticking to the wn as the content's the same. Read vol 17 though, that's a complete LN original

>> No.42552505

Yeah the anime had the black coat

>> No.42553809

The other anon's generally correct, but the LN has extra scenes not in the WN even during the same arcs. For example, Ray vs. the king of light during Figaro vs. Hanya was LN original.

The LN also edits down a lot of the exposition to make the story more compact.

You should be able to easily find epubs for dendro vol 1-17. I'd recommend finding those then reading the WN

>> No.42554301

volumes 2 though 11 are nowhere to be found

>> No.42555483

>LN version of a web novel is out
>no english versions exists
am sad

>> No.42555547

that's a good thing

>> No.42555940

Ironically I've always put off youjo senki for later because people mentioned how difficult it is and now I find out I've stumbled into one that according to that metric is even harder.
At least now I don't feel so bad anymore about struggling with it

>> No.42556020

Speaking of 86, the new volume is next week. I can't wait.

>> No.42556418

>I can't wait.
I've always wondered what that's like.
You cannot pass the time (that would amount to waiting), therefore you must be stuck in time.
Is it a loop, or does the time not pass at all?

>> No.42557702

Oh, my bad. I guess I read them from scanned images and not epubs.

>> No.42558556
File: 736 KB, 1512x2151, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the second Makina book. It was okay I guess. Gets repetitive after a while. It's probably dumb to complain about this, but the overall plot felt really scatterbrained and didn't have nearly as much progression as it should have. The first book was better about this. The school characters aren't bad though; likeable even. ジーク won so hard in the end that the author even retconned ケミィ losing her virginity to キース in one of the ending parts. The rest of the story seems to be web only and there hasn't been any updates since January of last year. Dunno if the dude actually finished it or not, but there's not much left so I might as well read the rest.

>> No.42559514
File: 117 KB, 702x991, 【筆祭競介】プリボテ お姫さまデキ婚計画 (二次元ドリーム文庫) 挿絵:のりたま.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first book was better about this.
mmm that doesn't bode well
Maybe I'll still read it out of curiosity, after I finish PuriBote
>there hasn't been any updates since January of last year
Yeah I saw that too, wonder if it's dead

>> No.42559679

You know how the first book dropped some plot threads as you went along despite Makina getting fucked silly? This one mostly doesn't. It's more like the author remembers every 100 pages or so to let up on his fetishes a bit and blurts out a few things. I mean I know what I'm reading, but really the first book integrated this thing much better. The prologue bit in the second book, which is some 101 foreshadowing, ends up being 100% irrelevant.

>Yeah I saw that too, wonder if it's dead
He was pretty steadily writing new chapters since 2017 and then suddenly stopped in 2022, so I'm guessing it's dead. I really doubt he actually finished it just glancing at the titles + the overall pacing.

>> No.42560251
File: 145 KB, 1024x1452, 71ts8jOygwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the author couldn't make up his mind about what the series should be about. Either that or just didn't have a plan
If it was Episodic Adventures of the Wandering Slut to begin with we wouldn't be expecting an overall story, could be like 魔女の旅々 or such, but he made it seem like progress was actually going to be steady

>> No.42564178 [DELETED] 


>> No.42565516

somehow elaina doesn't strike me as a ln that could get close to the 20 volume hall of fame
even though i know episodic adventures like that and death march have an extremely easy time getting there

>> No.42567589
File: 127 KB, 960x1280, photo_2023-02-03_22-29-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally starting this shit soon.

>> No.42570484
File: 190 KB, 800x1132, FnTDARMaUAQaiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...

>> No.42570909

I want to fuck cuco!

>> No.42572870

Suggest me a wish fulfilment soft porn LN. Not those that deal with hate and revenge but the getting transported into a dating sim kind

>> No.42574426
File: 362 KB, 703x991, 【筆祭競介】トリプル美少女に抜け駆け誘惑されてご奉仕ハーレムな件 (二次元ドリーム文庫) 挿絵:あいのせりん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about transported into dating sims, but I thought this one was pretty fun, if you're looking for something short (single-volume)

>> No.42574438
File: 309 KB, 703x990, Page 2, object 4 (X).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The characters are common archetypes but their interactions were entertaining

>> No.42575964

new thread when

>> No.42576010


>> No.42576024

bump limit is 310 retard
and page 10 comes a good 12 hours after that, minimum

>> No.42576513

thanks for the explanation bro

>> No.42578703

i hate light novel

>> No.42582410

let's face it, no one's going to discuss anything before the new thread is up

>> No.42582498

Is your hypothesis backed by anything other than lack of activity?
Following your line of thought blindly may very well cause ruptures in the fragile fabric of our conversational culture, and I will not stand for reckless speculating.

Give your reasons.

>> No.42582526

Just post something you faggot if you want to talk about something in particular. If the thread dies while you're talking about something, guess what? You can just link to the post in the old thread. Imagine that.

>> No.42582572

>Is your hypothesis backed by anything other than lack of activity?
>Just post something you faggot if you want to talk about something in particular.
why dont you post something

>> No.42582609

>why dont you post something
because I'm not reading anything right now and just waiting for the new 86 volume to arrive.

>> No.42582663

sorry to hear that

>> No.42582708

Does anyone know where I can get actual pdf´s of New Testament, Geneis Testament and the Toaru Majutsu sidestories? Collected that shit years ago and it fell of nyaa.si apparently.

>> No.42582922

NEW THREAD >>42582919
NEW THREAD >>42582919
NEW THREAD >>42582919

>> No.42583101

>The general grew to the point I'm not the only one making new threads anymore.
They grow up so fast...
