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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42487905 No.42487905 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>42423913

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.42487915

first for dab on plotcucks

>> No.42487984


>> No.42488020

holy based

>> No.42488180

plot"cuck"s self insert as the heroine dumbass

>> No.42488204
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>> No.42488597


>> No.42488710

How's the new Bishopge?
I like the black-haired girl's artist so I was thinking about giving it a try

>> No.42489067

Someone posted one a working one a few years ago. Looks like it's still up.

>> No.42489525
File: 2.05 MB, 3840x2160, 4766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These twins are too freaking hot.

>> No.42489608

How different is Secret Game from Killer Queen?



>> No.42489927

why are their eyes so far apart

>> No.42489935

why are their eyes so close to each other

>> No.42490266

moe.ge would be such a good website name
any hint of plotcuckery is an instant ban

>> No.42490393
File: 30 KB, 511x112, of course.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to check out the jop vn general for the first time
>first post i see is same old plotcuck vs moebuta shit

>> No.42490579

Reading moege is not just harmful for the visual novel industry, it's downright destructive. The obsession with moe has led to a decline in the quality and creativity of visual novels, and has contributed to the downfall of the industry as a whole.

Moe is to blame for everything. This toxic subculture has infiltrated the visual novel community, and has corrupted the minds of countless readers. Moe fans are not interested in the stories or the characters, they only care about shallow, superficial fantasies that have no substance or depth.

It's time to reject moe and all it stands for. We must restore the integrity and creativity of the visual novel industry, and rediscover the joy of reading stories that are meaningful and engaging. Let's say no to moebuta and yes to quality visual novels.

Long live the plotcucks!

>> No.42490588

not reading, shut up plotcuck

>> No.42490657

I'm gonna to strangle you, filthy fatty moefaggot

>> No.42490661
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is her seiyuu the same as mona from genshin?

>> No.42490671

> genshin

>> No.42490742

Ya niggas got any good lovecraftian horror VN reccs?
Ain't played no eroge ever since I got married a year ago.

>> No.42490866

Did you get this from ryuugames? It's not out on Nyaa yet.

>> No.42490929

buy it

>> No.42490959

> dead december
> dead january
> dead march
Dying medium

>> No.42491066
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No, I don't think I will.

>> No.42491173 [DELETED] 

>How different is Secret Game from Killer Queen?
They are quite different. Setting is shared, character personalities are somewhat similar but there are very important distinctions too, some important plot points are different, Killer Queen is much shorter than Secret Game, art is quite different too. The most important part for me was that it's possible to have some action with Yuuki in Killer Queen but not in Secret Game.
I would suggest to read Secret Game first and only then go to Killer Queen. That was the approach I took and it seems quite sensible to fully enjoy both.

>> No.42491267

Secret Game and Killer Queen are quite different. While general setting is shared and character personalities are somewhat similar, there are very important distinctions too, some important plot points are different, Killer Queen is much shorter than Secret Game, art is quite different too. Secret Game goes quite a bit deeper into both setting and character personalities. It takes much more sensible approach to revealing some important points too. The most important part for me was that it's possible to have some action with Yuuki in Killer Queen but not in Secret Game.
I would suggest to read Secret Game first and only then go to Killer Queen. That was the approach I took and it seems quite sensible to fully enjoy both.

>> No.42491320

feb is looking alright with a new clockup and iyashite agetai

>> No.42491510

they're scared to release at the same as scatji

>> No.42491531

I liked KQ a lot. Very suspenseful and imho nailed the original Battle Royal feel. It had pacing issues like early on with Fumika, and later getting rid of characters too quickly. The final stretch in both routes was extremely rushed and too opportunistic. I loved how different both routes were, almost complete opposites.

I know that SG has more routes for other heroines and some rewrites but didn't know about the extent. Would love to see more Fumika. Reika has a route which is interesting. The tomboy has one too I think, I liked her.
>it's possible to have some action with Yuuki in Killer Queen but not in Secret Game
What do you mean? Doesn't she have a route in SG as well?

>> No.42491676

You'll certainly like SG too. It has a lot of same Battle Royal feel. But it also has a lot of similar issues with pacing. Routes have very different conclusions too, often opposite of one another. There are certainly some problems with some thing being too opportunistic and ご都合主義 but that seems kind of unavoidable in a setting like that.
SG is rewritten to a very large extent. You'll get more Fumika, especially in the last route with some quite shocking reveals. Reika and Karin are very good in their routes and they cause quite a lot of tears.

Yuuki has a route in SG but she doesn't have sex scenes and her story is totally different. Unfortunately you will have to be satisfied with having some intimate action with close-combat gunner in that route instead of Yuuki.

>> No.42491692

And Nagisa has a route too. It's outright awesome one.

>> No.42491780
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They actually made a Biman 3 song. No fucking way.

>> No.42491795

is biman 3 actually more popular than I realize? sweet.

>> No.42491855


>> No.42491934
File: 1.87 MB, 1600x900, ヘンタイ・プリズン_-_Ver1.0.4_『“推し”』HENPRI (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Noah is actually voiced by Nana Mizuki. Look it up if you don't believe me, it's true.

>> No.42491950

Are there any eroge that can rival the absolute earworms that are WA songs though?

>> No.42491952

School Days?

>> No.42491964

Meh except for one song.

>> No.42491991

why is there a bust and waist perspective

>> No.42492052
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Those have been standard in bishop games for close to a decade.

>> No.42492174

Sounds good. Very interested in Reika. She was the least developed KQ character with the most teasing about her having more to her towards the end of route A. Guess they ran out of time or budget.

Maybe they changed Yuuki's route because of outrage? I don't mind as it makes for a new experience. Would be boring if SG was too close to KQ.

Nagisa was actually my favorite character. Her design, voice and personality were amazing. Surprisingly deep character for how she appears at first.

>> No.42492410

but ill be playing hooksofts game in March

>> No.42492413

I don't know if there was any outrage at the time. I liked Yuuki in KQ very much even though her story is very shocking. Heck, I've managed to like her even though I'm usually quite obsessive 処女厨. Would be awesome to find more heroines like that but it's usually very hard to do while avoiding spoilers.

Nagisa is awesome character and her backstory is revealed much more thoroughly in SG. I liked her a lot too.

>> No.42492443

Has erogamescape been down for a while for everyone, or did they just ban non-japanese IPs again?

>> No.42492449

Well, they banned my IP. Still works with Tor

>> No.42492664

Are any of the male characters in SG and KQ interesting or are they just backdrops of incompetence and psychopathy to be used as death fodder? Reading their bios don't inspire much confidence.

>> No.42492685

It is working for me at least. Although to be honest, I have no idea how EGS works in that sense, as some acquaintances in my country often have problems and have to use vpn

>> No.42492727

Might be specific ISP's block it. I know mine doesn't.

>> No.42492765

Protagonist is quite interesting and very dramatic character. Other male characters are not developed much. They are usually used as plot devices, thus often becoming death fodder if they are friendlies or outright villains if they are not.

>> No.42492886

I thought the guys in KQ were pretty good from stereotypical evil old man to messed up kiddo to calculating sociopath to good guys in bad situations. I don't remember his name but the guy with Reika was interesting. Capable and smart chap, I wanted him to kill everyone and win. Tezuka was also great but I didn't like where it went with him. Wouldn't have minded an ending with him winning either. The MC was the most boring of the bunch to me because he's the stereotypical pacifist in a battle royal.

>> No.42492923

Tezuka is what you get if you have the typical contrarian channer while the old guy is the typical coomer channer in a death game.

>> No.42492959

>the guy with Reika
Takayama, I guess. The one with some sort of mercenary experience.
He is capable and smart but somehow manages to almost always die in a messed up way.

I mean sure, male characters are quite peculiar and memorable. But I didn't find them to be particularly interesting, maybe it's just me not being interested in male characters in general though.

The MC moved me the most of the bunch and he is not quite a stereotypical pacifist due to his backstory and primary motivation.

>> No.42493003

I refuse to read anything without at least one other male significantly contributing to whatever's going on.

>> No.42493015

Males contribute to things which are going in SG and KQ. At least they try very hard to kill the MC and heroines.

>> No.42493038

I'll probably try SG out some time, played KQ a while ago. I'm currently playing sense off and wondering if I should continue. Just finished up Minagi's route and wasn't really interested in anything outside the few minutes around the ending.

>> No.42493076

>At least they try very hard to kill the MC and heroines.
Every time. It's like anyone who has a penis and is not MC is always some degree of antagonistic.

>> No.42494036

I'm pretty sure it's just two schizo's stirring the pot.

>> No.42494266

Are there any eroge which deals with pregnancy somewhat seriously? Would be especially fun if it's some kind of especially complicated situation like with loli or BR-incest. Maybe something which has scenes where friends or family notice that situation, etc.

>> No.42494390

Rebirth the Edge is still doing it for me
Rance 08

>> No.42494466

>Rance 08
For real? I had impression that it's quite hard to take anything about Rance seriously.

>> No.42494580

Depends how you mean.
"Serious" as in "Not Funny," then No, it's not serious at all.
"Serious" as in "Significant Impact to the Plot and the Course of Events," then Yes, it's very serious.

>> No.42494591

i sleep

>> No.42494724

I mean seriously as in "not funny", "dramatic", and having some impact on characters and their interactions.
I want some drama around that situation, not purely comedy or time skip to botebara sex.

>> No.42494791

You're better off with 06, 09, and 10.

>> No.42494812

i seriously hope you guys don't do this...

>> No.42494839

love rance me

>> No.42495741

Okay WTF, my first time in months checking some VN stuff (specifically if SakuToki comes out this month or the next) and along the way I learn Giga is kill.

What was our reaction to this, bros?

>> No.42495808

anybody that played clarias could have told you that Giga is going to die 3 years ago. Incomplete trash.

>> No.42495822

Clarias wasn't that bad. But admittedly, it was so unremarkable that I didn't even bother to play the expansion/dlc thing that came out later.

>> No.42495830

did anyone really care for giga outside team baldrhead?
they sometimes hired competent staff but their output was a mess
f at least tried

>> No.42495900

how do plotcucks feel about all-ages ntr? do you need to see the ntr happening or is just knowing that you're getting cucked enough to satisfy you?

>> No.42495918

>What was our reaction to this, bros?
Eroge is dead

>> No.42495936

Looking for something emotional, possibly with magical bullshit. Something like sakura moyu or iroseka. Any suggestions?

>> No.42495943
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At least we were able to experience their magnum opus

>> No.42496022


>> No.42496033


>> No.42496112

Mediocrity after mediocrity results in plunging goodwill from fans. The only astonishing thing about this is how Eushully is outliving Giga.

>> No.42496185

I've played a handful of VNs in the past, but most of them struggle to hold my interest long term because they are pretty much 100% moeges, with no plot/interesting shit happening etc.
I want to dip my feet a bit with something more invovled/interesting past the cutesy stuff.
Any recomendations? netorare and female protagonist are really the only things I want to 100% avoid.

>> No.42496216

Aiyoku no Eustia

>> No.42497025


慟哭 そして remake got PC port

>> No.42497765

You can't run Unlimited in fullscreen on a 1440p monitor because it's locked to 1080p
You can't run it in windowed mode because then the game needs 600 clicks to go to a new line.
Epic stuff, GIGA. Simply epic. The options menu is also a complete kick in the balls.

>> No.42497783

Eroge is always a good reminder for me never to update to the latest OS.

>> No.42497878

You're just a brainlet, I made 1999 eroge to work on windows 10.

>> No.42497910

I don't want to have to waste time with registries and shit just to make deprecated code to work okay? I like things to just werk.

>> No.42497914

GNU/Linux doesn't have this problem. It just works.

>> No.42497924

Why lie on the internet?

>> No.42497999

Dealing with video filters and some odd dependencies is a pain. Otherwise you'd be right.
Sadly a lot of early 2010s eroge is so poorly built you're always struggling to figure out *why* it crashes.
There's also the problem of Live2D. Sometimes it works, others you're looking at...a black screen. Or crashes, again.

>> No.42498074
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This is the first time I've encountered this. Fucked up zoom with a forced 4:3 aspect ratio I didn't manage to catch with the snip tool for some reason. How do I fix this?

>> No.42498078
File: 721 KB, 800x600, 00001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is how it should look like.

>> No.42498094

You probably have high-DPI settings. Turn it off either globally or for that application. Your display in Windows should have 100% scale, not something like 150% or 120%.

>> No.42498131

That was it, I forgot I set it like that. My graphics driver usually automatically adjusts the global setting but it didn't catch it for this program, thanks.

>> No.42498140

>Mediocrity after mediocrity results in plunging goodwill from fans
what fans did giga even have? their moege were generic af and the only risk they ever took was making a sequel that was a reboot and it tanked.

read the yt comments on ops or covers for eroge songs from any other company and there's real nostalgia from fans. giga doesn't have even that. baldrhead aside.

everything interesting with plot has netorare.

>> No.42498157

>everything interesting with plot has netorare.
Wrong, time to go back to /vn/ with the other shitheaded pretentious butas

>> No.42498175

>baldrhead aside.
That was one of their core fanbases and they stuck with it despite the franchise rotting from the inside.

>> No.42498212

>everyone I don't like is an EOP
seethe more eacil you hookfag

>> No.42498242

If anything it ended right when it had to and didn't give in too much to the Sky secondaries. Bringer is a love letter to the people who actually cared for the series.

>> No.42498406

Are you going to get elitist about sky secondaries when the only popular gane otherwise is force?

>> No.42498423

plotcucks seething so hard they're just picking random words

>> No.42498437

moecucks seething lmao

>> No.42498444

Isn't Bringer tied up to the baldr gacha ? I thought Heart was the love letter one

>> No.42498544

Sorceress Alive

>> No.42498695
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Sasasagu and Sakura Moyu have some similarities

>> No.42499237
File: 4 KB, 73x63, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kanji is this?

>> No.42499276


>> No.42499655


>> No.42500069

You're the first person I see who not only doesn't shit on Bringer but calls it a love letter to the series. Heart was good not great. Sky like most other kamige gets vastly overrated for its battle system and good moments ignoring all the terribad. Honestly Baldr was never a good series but it filled that sci-fi mecha gap and the gameplay was fun. Entertaining trash like Eushully and Softhouse Chara games.

>> No.42500305

Sky's battle system was only entertaining during boss fights imo. The mob fights were mostly a slog to me especially grinding to level up weapons. I was usually relieved when it went back to the actual story. I'm not really much a gameplay fag though; the opposite if anything so maybe I'm not the norm.

>> No.42500426

needs more games where (You) impregnate tomboys and reverse traps

>> No.42500486

Well well well, Unlimited is definitely one of the worst games I've ever played. To think that this is ow Jinki finally dies... The previous title was already awful enough.
Hopefully Tsunashima croaks so he never gets his filthy NTR fingers on his own series ever again.

>> No.42500691

I tried downloading Mouryou no Nie, but neither H-suki nor Ryuugames have it. Nobody's seeding it on Nyaa either.
Am I just shit out of luck?

>> No.42500920

good, fuck mlfags

>> No.42501088

So much negativity in this thread. We should be more like /jav/

>> No.42501105

Oh you're still here? I thought the /jav/ retard was the same as the ノベルゲーム autist trying to annoy the thread.

>> No.42501210

What's your favourite chuunishit?

>> No.42501264

Anything Masada honestly. All of his games are gold.

>> No.42501815

I want happy autism, not angry autism. That's all.

>> No.42501837
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>> No.42501852


>> No.42501881

Wow, I really though it was bad Engrish. Shouldn't have doubted Setoguchi

>> No.42502229

tells you everything you need to know about setoguchicucks aka wannabe intellectuals iq

>> No.42502254
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, des.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Des is such a bully.

>> No.42502315
File: 71 KB, 769x500, jinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf's his problem?

>> No.42502417

This sounds like someone who doesn't like RTSes playing an RTS for some reason.

>> No.42502558

maybe it's just a shit rts

>> No.42502639
File: 1.82 MB, 1600x900, RE:D_Cherish!red_cherish (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too dumb to bully anyone.

>> No.42502664

I've always wanted to get into Da Capo and now that DCV is out I'm gonna do it.
Should I start with Da Capo 1 or is it fine to start with the newest one and then go back?

>> No.42502680

6 will be out by the time you finish all the games

>> No.42502722

This is a warning. Don't play the new Jinki Game.

>> No.42502756

Rundown on why?

>> No.42503005


>> No.42503029

i'm an anti-cuckshit sentinel myself, but why would you play a game in that series (or i suppose more broadly anything by that author) at all if you weren't looking for it?

>> No.42503036


>> No.42503048
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>> No.42503238

-ri, - rare, or - rase? This is very important.

>> No.42503257

You can start anywhere you want. Order matters most with the first 3. 2 and 1 have the closest connection in the series. 3 to 2 is a lot looser but 3 finishes off a main plot point. 4 is mostly unrelated. I don't know about 5 but it can be related to 4. Dal Segno is a spinoff and only has references to recurring character Suginami and a quick mention of 五条院 from Da Capo 3.

Start with 1. Don't start with DS. Start with 4. Start with 5.

>> No.42503514

>Start with 4
Not that Anon but good to know. I read a bit of 1 ages ago but forgot literally everything

>> No.42503834
File: 95 KB, 580x580, moeshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does /jp/ have a approved list of vns for recommending newbies?

>> No.42503961


>> No.42504006

i wouldn't recommend any of these to anyone

>> No.42504053

>all kanji
How do bugmen tolerate this?

>> No.42504097

All the charts are really old at this point. Can't go wrong with the Infinity series, in my opinion.

>> No.42504106

I've been learning japanese for over 6 years now and can read plotgepretty smoothly but half of the jokes in henpri just fly over my head, even if I try to google it
am I just a dekinai?
I still don't understand why sofia is called sofurin and it frustrates me to no end

>> No.42504112

Kanji which have grammatic meaning are probably very specific.

>> No.42504125

Ignore this >>42504106 bait

>> No.42504283

I usually suggest to watch some OP medley like this: https://youtu.be/HPGRPWOEP5A or https://youtu.be/V_KqSM-ZLbE and pickup some games which were the most attractive by their art and song. It works surprisingly good.

>> No.42504455

Please understand, whatwashisname couldn't teach her those things because she is a lady.

>> No.42504477

Speaking of the Infinity series, how is 12riven?

>> No.42504577

>duuude the girl dies or is a ghost or something lol
Do keytards really...

>> No.42504619

>cucked by death
oh no no no no no!

>> No.42504713

just run strings on the game. or it's data.

>> No.42505047

When did the average IQ of these threads plummet hard?

>> No.42505089

When the cartel members left

>> No.42505202

Cartel members were disgusting. It's good they left.

>> No.42505537

What is this "cartel"?

>> No.42505656

When we stopped gatekeeping /djt/, that was the start.

>> No.42505728

Moogy, nnl, and all their entourage.

>> No.42505807

December 2019

>> No.42505818

But that was when I first started using 4Channel and reading plotge...

>> No.42506299

/vn/ crossposters and vndb/Twitterfags obsessed with [insert vndb e-celeb]/[cartel member] here flooding in? Probably about 3 years ago, with it really ramping up about a year and a half ago. The meidos are too preoccupied with defending the honor of VWhores or whatever to do anything about it most of the time.

>> No.42507048

Amazing, I haven't read any of those

>> No.42507256
File: 73 KB, 515x1653, ry11201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milf nukige players will inherit the earth

>> No.42507560

Wow that's literally me.

>> No.42507567

I fully expect that it probably is a shit RTS simply because GIGA are hacks but when you play a game of a certain genre and the only thing you can say as a criticism is just that "it's boring", it's not really convincing or a good review.

>> No.42507576

literally who

>> No.42507656

He isn't wrong and it's complete trash as RTS. The scenarios are the same over and over again and the pathfinding AI is a disaster. On top of that the damage numbers are all over the place and especially Angel companion missions are five minute long waiting games where you basically just position your Jinki in the base zone for heals and spam your special move. That's essentially the game anyway. The city maps are the worst because of the pathfinding and later on you drown in enemies you can hardly target. It's pure and utter jank.
There is barely ADV in the first place and you have no text/voice options. Game doesn't even have a backlog or voice repeat though only main story stuff is voice.
I'm quite impressed how they managed to make something even worse than Resurrection; at least that one worked and you were able to finish it. Unlimited already has two patches out that fix game braking bugs.

>> No.42507666

>Game doesn't even have a backlog or voice repeat though only main story stuff is voice.
jesus fucking christ

>> No.42507802

What's the middle one and what makes it worse than the others?

>> No.42507822

>vndb e-celeb
>cartel member
I suggest you take your meds.

>> No.42507837

Giga must be on full implosion or full apathy because basic shit like this shouldn't be issues.

>> No.42507841

He (not me) isn't wrong about vndb faggots shitting /jp/ up. Cartel left years ago though.

>> No.42507864

I finished reading a chuunige called 'Vermillion Bind of Blood', it was a nice read and the soundtrack was also very good. Which chuunige should i read next senshinkan or silverio ?

>> No.42507967

Just saw there is no recollection either. You can view the very first CG of any scene in the gallery but you can't watch the variations or the scene itself. You'd have to start the mission during which or after you got the scene.

>> No.42507978

The fact that you think any member/user of vndb is an e-celeb needs that you need to take your meds.

>> No.42508046

did they use such a barebones system because they know it's their last game or what

>> No.42508084

They don't post here but hadler and kastel are certified vndb e-celebs and there are youtubers with reach on vndb. The fags that post here are just namefags but that counts as e-celeb on the chans.

>> No.42508189

Senshinkan definitely, probably Masada most balanced work. Vendetta has some rather noticeable pacing problems, which can greatly hinder the reading

>> No.42508519

Good riddance GIGA you wouldn't be missed. Actual fucking roaches of the industry.

>> No.42508580

Why even try if it's already over?

>> No.42508774

Wouldn't you want your last game to at least not be a total joke? I mean assuming you are in charge and not just some dev slaving away.

>> No.42508798

Management gave up and is just filling some sort of quota.

>> No.42509087

The last game will apparently be some FD for a moege, the one that they tried to save with vtuber shit.
So an even more disgraceful ending.

>> No.42509288

by having a functional brain

>> No.42509419

Nobody with a functional brain would use kanji

>> No.42510620

any vns where the protagonist is a scary guy that everyone's afraid of? i want to relive my middle school days

>> No.42510624

Okay i will read senshinkan next. Thanks

>> No.42510714

Are these guys even alive?

>> No.42511107

Looseboy games.

>> No.42511505

There's nothing but nukige in the January release batch lmao

>> No.42511580

And not even good nukige.
Those start coming out next month.

>> No.42511734
File: 23 KB, 279x266, 1643982675591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

February is looking great bros

>> No.42511760

I'll wake up when the new yuzuge is out.

>> No.42512238

Half of those are shovelware. It's hilarious to think anyone would be excited for an Appetite game.

>> No.42512301

Right? I'll bust a nut to Sakutoki next month and them I'm done with this dead medium.

>> No.42512584

Almost every one of them. At least COCK UP saves the day.

>> No.42512604

>At least COCK UP saves the day.
top kek

>> No.42512900

>bnha ripoff with ntr

>> No.42513088
File: 276 KB, 1280x720, just trying to learn some bushido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love top gun.

>> No.42513451

>It's hilarious to think anyone would be excited for an Appetite game.
Like once a year appetite puts out a game that's decent enough to pirate and fap to twice then delete.

>> No.42513747


I know it has less ratings but it's seems crazy to me that KnS3 is the highest rated of the trilogy. It's baffling how poorly written it is.

>> No.42513763

People who don't like a game drop it at the first entry, so only people who like it get to the second, and only people who REALLY like it get to the third, and so on and so forth, until Rance X becomes the highest rated game of all time because nobody who doesn't fucking love Rance can make it through 9 games.
There's probably a word for this, you can see it basically everywhere that lets people upload reviews.

>> No.42513780

But that's just it, 3 is bad BECAUSE of 1 and 2. I can understand 1 being the lowest rated because it's the messiest one technically. But I don't understand how anyone coming off of 2 can possibly consider 3 better or anywhere near on par.
If someone were to walk into 3 with no knowledge of 1 and 2 I think it would land better for them. The supernatural Johan bullshit Rokushiki pulls and Yaginuma's character assassination is only terrible if you know what was built up beforehand.

>> No.42513952 [SPOILER] 
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, ev055b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are supernatural stuffs in 2 too. The culprit for Masaki's part felt pretty anticlimactic imo. Also there are quite a few things I think they never explained in 2 too (like pic related for example).

>> No.42513985

Rance is the Gintama of eroge except it's not shit

>> No.42513991
File: 32 KB, 511x662, i came here to neck at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not shit

>> No.42513995

Gintama also works, it's an example of the same thing but on MAL instead of EGS - you're not making it 200+ episodes into a series unless you love it so of course everything after 200+ episodes gets tons of high ratings.

>> No.42513999

What was supernatural in 2? In 3 Rokushiki's psychological work was shown to be some actual IQ drain bullshit like he has mind control powers or some shit. 1 and 2 did the smart thing by not showing exactly how the treatment worked, just its results. 3 was ridiculous.
It's been some time, what was unexplained about that?

>> No.42514089

>What was supernatural in 2?
The stuffs related to Yukiko seem pretty supernatural to me, also that scene where Masaki seemed to be possessed and strangle the miko.
>It's been some time, what was unexplained about that?
The description in that scene doesn't match the confession of the miko who did it (she was using a knife and a saw not a chisel if remember correctly). There are a lot of small details and settings related to Masaki that they do nothing with even in 3 so I was wondering if that plagiarism scandal made them change the plot of Masaki's story in 3.

>> No.42514180
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only game worth playing this month

>> No.42514184

nice upscaling bro

>> No.42514205

If the protagonist has eyes, you're cucked

>> No.42514242 [DELETED] 

>worth playing
no thanks

>> No.42514245

>plagiarism scandal

>> No.42514275

how dramatic is the love triangle in this ensemblekusoge https://vndb.org/v22561

>> No.42514378

Yeah, this is red flag that I need to stop hoarding so much. I'm trying to look for a game in my library to finally play. The premise is about a school with a dark cult operating behind the shadows. Has a two-faced priest pulling the strings. It was released sometime in the middle to late 2010's so hopefully that filters a lot that has these same concepts.

>> No.42514418

Is the girl Russian?

>> No.42514501


>> No.42514625

Do cucks REALLY

>> No.42514878

There were talks about how the game copied some mystery novel's plot. Never looked much into this though since I don't really care.

>> No.42514911


>> No.42514989

Nice. Thanks.


>> No.42515026

I never really read far into 魍魎の匣 but I did find it striking how similar KnS was to it

>> No.42515115

Just not a fan of cuckoids, is all

>> No.42515359

its funny how much you seethe about the ntr. The game s quite fun and the ntr makes losing feel even better. I feel sad for you that you cant appreciate such an godtier scene as the golden haired girl gets her limbs smashed despite being an extremely nice girl

>> No.42515361

>Bringer is a love letter to the people who actually cared for the series.

>> No.42515393

Says more about you than anon or me and seeing as you have no connection to the original Jinki it's even less interesting. NTR vermin such as yourself are pleased with just about any small-time dreck.

>> No.42515806

Since some of you are talking about Astronaut's games, how is Labyrinthos? I like the girls' designs, but I'm a bit wary about the gameplay from what I'm hearing.

>> No.42515922

stfu retarded moetrash

>> No.42516688

Read our game.

>> No.42516821
File: 124 KB, 3045x359, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous;Code is our game

>> No.42516825

without clicking, i'm guessing it's cuckge

>> No.42517560
File: 69 KB, 900x505, e6542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carried by M&M's art like any other Astronauts Sirius VN. The gameplay is extremely bland and the plot is meh, but the h-scenes are really hot.
The black girl was also surprisingly cute, which is something rare in this medium.
Still, better than Maoujou Re:build.
If you end up playing it remember to send the devs death threats for adding less and less girls with pubes in each new title.

>> No.42517783

give me a nukige that'll wreck my dick
I need to develop ED

>> No.42518035


Get this one.

>> No.42518044

Is /vn/ having a spat about NTR and moe or something?

>> No.42518176
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, e_pat10_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Atelier Kaguya to release Tainone from their shovelware mines so he can go back to his kino designs.

>> No.42518180

i wish there were more vns with lolis that're more on the moe/character side and less on the nuki side, doesn't hit the same when it's just 'here's random lolis and h-scenes!'

>> No.42518566

What you're describing is most of the lolige I've played. Even those tagged nukige.

>> No.42518664
File: 883 KB, 1280x720, 2022_12_14_52__v1.0.1_DL_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nukige tag on vndb seems like a lie: virtually anything in my list that actually puts effort in the sex part? Must be nukige

>> No.42518721

the Gintama of eroge is Nukitashi

>> No.42519873

Yukimitsu is based.

>> No.42520523

Comedy-wise yes. We were talking about the Gintama effect of sequels getting overrated on rating sites though. Next time follow the discussion.

>> No.42520723

Rance > your shitty "kamige"

>> No.42520821

I already said Rance is good. It's still overrated due to Gintama/sequel effect which we were discussing. Sigh.. read the conversation next time.

>> No.42520851

Cucks be like
>my cuckge is better than your cuckge


>> No.42520859

? I didn't >> anyone
By the way, did you finish all the games?

>> No.42520884

Suck my veiny cock filthy illiterate dekinai who only reads moeges because that's the only thing you can understand

>> No.42520889

NTA, but this seems to require a crack? Do you happen to have it?

>> No.42520917


>> No.42520927


>> No.42520933

>cuck this, cuck that
My 2D wife talks to me with a thousand faces and through a thousand heroines. Our bond is far more special than anything some lowly self-inserting brain dead moetard will ever be able to understand.

>> No.42520950

>I'm a cuck and proud of it
Weird flex but ok

>> No.42520977


>> No.42521015

Launch SiglusEngine.exe through AlphaROMdiE. It will work without any problems.

>> No.42521060
File: 959 KB, 1282x747, the god of death bad end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read the god of death? There's a bad end that I have no fucking clue how to get past when the police bust through a blockade on the first floor. The guide I'm looking at says that I should have gotten a blocking condition earlier in the story but doesn't say which choice gets me this and there are no obvious ones.

>> No.42521111

yeah, I noticed that with anime seasons past the first one

>> No.42521186

At least for anime inside a single season that effect is called でんでん現象: https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/でんでん現象

It's probably even more pronounced across different seasons.

>> No.42521297

this guide? didn't know this has so many choices

>> No.42521381
File: 80 KB, 800x600, god of death opening mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I was using a different one but thanks for the link. I figured it out in the end that you have to visit the first floor really early on to check the blockade or it collapses way later when the police finally enter. Shitty design decision but whatever.
It has way too many choices. The map movement is fun as shit until you find out all the hints you're given are garbage so that you're forced to use a guide just to progress anywhere in the game, nevermind getting the true end.

>> No.42521415

what's the point of having so many damn choices and endings
aokana had it right, 1 choice per girl and no worrying about whether you're fucked and have to reload

>> No.42521421


>> No.42521434

zoomers probably care about "gameplay" (if clicking different choices even counts as that) I just want a book with pictures and voices

>> No.42521451

It's the opposite, zoomers seethe at old games with lots of choices and bad ends and shit, because they want a linear experience

>> No.42521462

why would zoomers want a linear experience

>> No.42521482

Because having to make many decisions in their lives gives them anxiety

>> No.42521486

zoomers don't read VNs at all.

>> No.42521487

So they can move on to the next thing as quickly and effortlessly as possible

>> No.42521498

I only like having a lot of choices if it leads to cool stuff like in Fate/Stay Night or something. This isn't most games. We all know it's usually just a big waste of time. Most are better off keeping it simple.

>> No.42521507

There are decent number of zoomers who read Yuzusoft games. You could see them at pamphlet distribution places for the new game.

>> No.42521508

Every VN community including this thread proves you wrong

>> No.42521518

How the fuck do you idiots make a conversation about a rape game into complaining about zoomers, this is a whole other level of mindbroken

>> No.42521546

It probably would have mutated into something much funnier if you had given us more time

>> No.42521556

Did you never experience being around old people in your younger days? They almost always manage to switch every conversation into complaining about younger generations.
People in this thread have moved into that age. That's all.

>> No.42521571

I wish that was the case

>> No.42521576

t. actual zoomer

>> No.42521591

>They almost always manage to switch every conversation into complaining about younger generations
that always goes both ways. muh brexit boomers, muh remainers. muh christcuck rep boomers, muh lgtb commie zoomers. muh evangelion oldfags, muh insert seasonal anime newfags. muh fate/muvluv plotfags, muh moebuta coomers.

your conversation here was the same shit. anon asks for help, anon2 posts a guide and says that's a lot of choices. "zoomer" comes in and complains about choices being trash. "boomer" comes in and says zoomer is trash for hating choices. blablabla. go play something you faggots.

>> No.42521593

Nothing against my fellow zoomers. It's even funny when I see them read something really shitty and they think it's the best vn ever. We all go through that stage at first

>> No.42521608
File: 38 KB, 154x124, smug yuni 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in my younger days

>> No.42521695

I feel like having actual gameplay makes it more immersive compared to just dialogue.

>> No.42521732

I don't agree.

>> No.42521740

gameplayshit sucks, if i want to play real games i play them, if i want to read vns i read them
it's all ntrshit anyway

>> No.42521759

My brain can't help but separate gameplay and story unless they're integrated perfectly well (and no eroge does this).
I do miss relics of the past like map movement, puzzles, calendar systems, labyrinthine branches with bad ends at every corner and non-linear character interactions all impregnated with meaning. Basically back when ADV actually stood for adventure.
Shame moege gave literally everyone involved with the industry an irreversible lobotomy.

>> No.42521860

Whenever a VN has a lot of fights it always feels like a slog to go through. And the feeling of intensity or tension that writers go for is completely lost. Especially when it's aligned with some half ass 2 framed animation and screen flash.

This would is one of the things I wish they added systems for. It'd be a lot easier to describe what's going on.

But yeah most VNs put the absolute minimum effort into gameplay if even at all. I can see why it'd be so hated. It almost always becomes something that makes the game worse.

>> No.42521922

Play the ones where the girls turn into different forms of mindbreak.

>> No.42521925

Have you tried not being such a reductive faggot?

>> No.42521927

>Whenever a VN has a lot of fights it always feels like a slog to go through.
Not if the writer is actually good.

>> No.42521951

It's completely opposite for me. Gameplay pulls me out of the story and into some shitty gameplay grinding mode. It almost totally kills immersion.
I guess some rare occasional minigame like in Little Busters which doesn't affect story or other dialog could be fine but nothing more than that.

>> No.42521990

I like both, pure vn and gameplayge like Eushully masterpieces are ok. In before that one seething contrarian crying about Eushully, dont care they are still good.

>> No.42522006

>Maybe they changed Yuuki's route because of outrage? I don't mind as it makes for a new experience. Would be boring if SG was too close to KQ.
They probably had to tone it down because they had to released the game for home consoles (PS2, PSP and Switch many years later). Same happened with School Days, no sex scenes in the PS2 and PSP versions.
They did release an updated version with sex scenes for PC later (Depth Edition). As silly as it sounds the console version version of Secret Game Killer Queen is better in terms of narrative because the sex scenes are horribly timed and forced. In the Reika route, for instance, Souichi and Reika decide to have sex while they are running for their lives from an homicidal and armed Karin.. Also, PC version doesn't have the neat meta Bad Ending.

>> No.42522021

maybe if you're a cuck

>> No.42522031

Simulation/Strategy is the best gameplay to go with VN's and anyone who says otherwise is an absoulte nitwit.

>> No.42522039

>labyrinthine branches with bad ends at every corner
I hate this in most old eroge because it's impossible to keep track of every event I've seen and I don't want to waste dozens of save slots to try other choices to maybe get a new event 5 choices later. But hear me out. I think those labyrinthine branches would be perfect in our current era. Slap everything onto a flowchart and the problem's gone. Jump to an event and pick the choice that leads to something new. It doesn't have to be frustrating trial and error like in the old days. But you're right, the industry's lobotomized and simplifies everything now. 2D H games are the only ones that still do complexity. But they're games first, porn second, novel like third. And they follow the old concept of replaying with trial and error.

>> No.42522087

I'd rather be a nitwit than play a simulation game.

>> No.42522133

Sex in Karin, Nagisa, and Sakumi-Yuuki route was pretty much timed like that too.
Only sex in Sakumi route wasn't timed to be in some sort of direct life-threatening conditions.
But yeah, that's an eroge that almost always has characters in life-threatening environment so it's inevitable that sex happens under those conditions too. It would be bland if it only happened after everything was resolved.

>> No.42522136

>he prefers to be stupid

>> No.42522225

Danger makes people horny, that's not an eroge only thing.

>> No.42522224

I think Euphoria pulled off sex during high tension situations better.

>> No.42522952

but i'm right

>> No.42522992

We know your mom says that about you.

>> No.42523017

everyone does, because i usually am right

>> No.42523099

By everyone, you mean the voices in your head.

>> No.42523127

the final stage of plotcuckosis... projecting their delusions and hallucinations... then... death...

>> No.42523220

I don't know who you're talking about, but I enjoy both plotge and moege in equal measure.

>> No.42523863

What is your favorite vn?

>> No.42524010

I see the spambot has started posting here too.

>> No.42524402

Elfen King or Elden Ring?

>> No.42524565

moecuck talking about projection, the irony kek. aieeeeeee every plotge has cuckshit butaman save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.42524576

we live in your head rent free.

>> No.42524582


>> No.42524653

Wasn't sex central to Euphoria's plot and concept?

>> No.42526300
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start tomefure because cute designs and seems like a nice harem from rave reviews.
The whole initial part is about how this bitch of a whore plans to do her best to just tease the protagonist to use him for her own monetary gain without ever putting out in exchange, literally trying to use the MC as a convenient wallet and then throwing him away.

WTF, I thought it was supposed to be a cute and innocent moege...

>> No.42526466
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, Tomefure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a cute and innocent moege

>> No.42526577

That's a nice Amaenbo panel there.
Is MC a lolicon who would resist those tit monsters by any chance?

>> No.42526674
File: 1.08 MB, 1800x1200, RpNpECoUb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not, not with these search terms.

>> No.42526699

That's too bad. It's kind of weird to see Amaenbo heroine there though.

>> No.42526719

You will love Sakurako soon enough.

>> No.42526744
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1647118201845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i already do?

>> No.42526759

I love moefang. In fact I'm reading a moefang VN right now.

>> No.42526829
File: 1.53 MB, 1280x720, ltC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both tomefure and amaenbo are from candysoft, so it's probably just "they put the last thing they worked on in the bg of the next thing they worked on."

>> No.42527004

>コチラハ 「メゾンロリタ」デスヨーコリ。
If you don't know it, you are a fucking newfag zoomer, and need to stop posting immediately for the good of the site and your own health (children can't handle the internet).

>> No.42527021
File: 15 KB, 624x145, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42527119

How can nips say "yup this site from 1995 is good" are they stupid?

>> No.42527225

It's objectively better in every way. Enjoy your 50mb sites retard.

>> No.42527240

He says this while posting on a site that has a design from the early 2000s. Go back to discord or something.

>> No.42527262


Why talk when you know nothing about web design. Right now I'm scouting jobs and most are to destroy their shitty websites that has no traffic cause it's old as fuck.
Oh I remember that on here it's cool to make your hobby die a slow death, ok.

Also I use 4chanX and all those shitty scripts to make this site palatable for more than a decade anyways.

>> No.42527277

>his job is replaced by a script

>> No.42527318

webdevs deserve a bullet.

>their shitty websites that has no traffic cause it's old as fuck
Because you literally get deranked in SEO and also because most people are retarded.

>> No.42527336

The first purpose of all websites is to serve files, the second is to help the visitor find the files they are looking for.
Since no modern webdev understands these 2 principles, all new websites suck hard shit.

>> No.42527365

The first purpose of all websites is to deliver ads

>> No.42527389

It's to eat up your RAM first.

>> No.42527920


>> No.42528055

you're least favorite one

>> No.42528238

/v/ called they want their jokes back.

>> No.42529119

1/1 Kareshi Kanojo Mini Fandisc doko

>> No.42529176

>1/1 Kareshi Kanojo
The art is a new low for Smee

>> No.42529990

Worse than Kanojo Step?

>> No.42530419

but it's one of the few games where I can experience what uncanny valley feels like

>> No.42530487

What's a problem with the art? I haven't played it yet but sample art on the site looks decently hot and good.

>> No.42530510
File: 164 KB, 1500x844, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just looks off

>> No.42530663

Proportions around hips are a bit off but it looks tolerable to me. There are a lot worse things out there and I fapped to a lot of them.

>> No.42531273
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, ROLEPLAYER:小粥姉妹の粘膜ポトレ_ぐりぐちゃLIVE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how ruby text is supposed to look in ROLEPLAYER or did I fuck something up?

>> No.42531310

That's just how the default font looks, if it bugs you just change it in the settings.

>> No.42531330

Nah, I launched it with locale emulator and fake UI, which raised the ruby text a bit, better, but still pretty ugly.
Probably the same issue that causes character names to be cut off in certain games.

>> No.42531341

i don't use /v/, seems like you do though

>> No.42531418
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, hmm what country could this be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love all of the politics in this muv luv.

>> No.42531417

New thread:


>> No.42531832

Sana Edition

>> No.42532091

Better than Purplesoft's artist.
