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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 404 KB, 1221x1276, ShinePost_ch_g_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42415450 No.42415450 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>42387448

>> No.42416753

Where is everyone?

>> No.42416768


>> No.42416911
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1947, SubsPlease_Shine_Post_-_11_(1080p)_E03C308A.mkv_snapshot_10.46.401_2022.10.11_20.59.18_copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autosaging Kyouka's BD thread to replace it with Haru
I didn't know Ren was a mod on /jp/

>> No.42416948

BRS waiting room

>> No.42417729

I always read BRS as Black Rock Shooter before remembering what it is.

>> No.42417986

How is BRS Fragment doing anyway?

>> No.42419015

So the uniform girls usually wear spats?

>> No.42419079

name one good game

>> No.42419093

Lapis Relights

>> No.42419181


>> No.42421828

Echocalypse is not flopping

>> No.42423214
File: 492 KB, 392x696, dffc6b12ec8845c69dd305fb56725e49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lives 8 years in your path

>> No.42423440
File: 145 KB, 561x490, 1643401470975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

67% of the closed beta users have already said they will play Blue Reflection Sun once it releases...

Hetbros won. Leader-kun has saved Blue Reflection.

>> No.42424868

But does it have pantsu

>> No.42424921

Uma musume.

>> No.42425562

In Mahou Otome case games with only 2D art dont really have or need pantsu. But it has bikinis.

>> No.42425873

Another loss for the Yurisisses

>> No.42425940

That's low... The beta testers were mostly die hard blue reflection fans and 1/3 of them are already gone.

>> No.42425949

Should have had pantsu instead of leotards/spats.

>> No.42425959

Should have had a female MC-kun

>> No.42426330
File: 73 KB, 640x361, 1659126900732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 months is the normal runtime for EoS now

>> No.42426364
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Happy birthday Assault Lily Last Bullet.
May you keep fighting the good fight towards yuri domination.

>> No.42426522

New polekino just dropped

>> No.42426556

>no mobage
>no pantsu

>> No.42426566

the spats have laces so it's cute

>> No.42426769
File: 322 KB, 1600x1600, 1666352355644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with blue hair girls and Haru?

>> No.42427432


>> No.42427872

Magical Girl Destroyer mobage announced
Another win for Hetbros

>> No.42429365

>media mix
>anime in spring
>game in 2023
Another flop incoming.

>> No.42429438

Too much time has passed since Shine Post anime. Shine Post is pulling a Lapis.

>> No.42430892

They'll release the game right before or after the Nakano live. Trust the plan.

>> No.42432397
File: 113 KB, 640x800, 46c93a09147d231b8c7453b3232c2134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 years
Small time.

>> No.42432664
File: 609 KB, 1024x500, 91JNl+6fdOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 years

>> No.42433749

Shine Post will live if it has pantsu

>> No.42434619

Dolphin Wave has panties and still is fucking dead. A few pixels can't fill the lack of gameplay you damn weebs.

>> No.42435397

This doesn't look dead to me.

>> No.42435907

Because that game has censored swimsuits which are supposed to be the main focus.

>> No.42436205

What mobage has this company done?
What are you schizo talking about?

>> No.42437081

Compared to Nikke and Memento, it is

>> No.42437212

It's doing well enough to survive so it's not dying anytime soon.

>> No.42437430

That's a good thing. The more revenue the games get, the less lewd they become. Just need to stay at the spot where they survive while getting lewder and lewder.

>> No.42437461

Did they really think that mobage players would whale enough to sustain a mobage of Rie Takahashi covers? I'm not even sure if her fans are numerous enough to whale like that.

>> No.42438109

Lapis was so short-lived that the postgraduate degree I got into started before Lapis was even announced, and now the franchise is dead and I still have yet to graduate.

>> No.42438565

>Mou Ippon is currently flopping in Japan
I guess Yukari really is the killer of franchises. The only franchise she's involved with that is still going strong is Idolmaster, which is so big that she can't kill it by herself. Well technically Onsen Musume is still alive, but the fact that it still hasn't gotten an anime despite being ages old might be her effect on it.

>> No.42438589

I don't think anyone had expectations for this.

>> No.42438742

Yukarin kills Idolmaster 2nd Vision!

>> No.42439622


>> No.42440275

It's the other way around. The less lewd they are, the more revenue they get.

>> No.42440302

No, that doesn't describe how sexy but profitable games always start censoring themselves

>> No.42441128

What kind of pantsu does Haru wear?

>> No.42441273

Granny pantsu to go with her braids and glasses

>> No.42441287

Please play AGA

>> No.42441305

After Dolphin Wave EoS

>> No.42441377

>Dude your rolls can expire
Yeah no fuck that shit.

>> No.42441396

>play gacha games
>refuse to roll

>> No.42441455

>No pity system for F2P
>There's limit to how many rolls you can have
>Rolls also expire
Game easily has one of the worst gacha system in current year.

>> No.42441509

Just roll. You will get everything eventually.

>> No.42441572

Can't make up for the mind blogging repetitive gameplay. 3 years was the limit I could put up with it.

>> No.42441599

Yeah that's understandable.

>> No.42442292

>Voiced Story is back, but only for gacha cards
Holy based. Pay up, voicepigs.

>> No.42445093

Imagine a yuri idolge with pantsu. It would be /mbgg/'s dream mobage.

>> No.42445590

only if it has battles like Lapis

>> No.42446570

What's the closest worthwhile release ? I need something new to play

>> No.42446573

Monster Universe this month
Towa Tsugai next month

>> No.42447905

SelePro game when

>> No.42447914

After PolPri game

>> No.42447936

Idolge? More like flopge

>> No.42448275

Shite Post is going to save this general.

>> No.42451765

Lapis revival where you play as Yuzuriha who travels around the world to collect pantsu

>> No.42452444

That and make it Fanza only, that's how Lapis should revive.

>> No.42452462

DMM doesn't do gayshit. See Blue Reflection Sun.

>> No.42453106

You forgot Assault lily and Madoka are there bro...

>> No.42455465

Yuri pantsu...

>> No.42455972
File: 178 KB, 1865x1604, Idolmaster Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should she just become a mangaka?

>> No.42457082


>> No.42457186
File: 306 KB, 518x303, CUE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42457607
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Towa Tsugai is so popular it's getting a stage play already

>> No.42457886

It's impressive that gacha have become ads for offline events and merch.

>> No.42458068

>is so popular it's getting a stage play already
Yeah, surely this stage play wasn't pre-planned from the start.

>> No.42458085

It even has different actors from the game

>> No.42459679


>> No.42459830

It's hard to get the star studded voice cast of gacha to do stage shows. Proof it was not planned in advance like how it is in mixed media projects.

>> No.42460119

Where can this game be played.

>> No.42460693

in the kindergarten

>> No.42461035

Soon it'll get novels and a doll line, haha...

>> No.42461815
File: 480 KB, 1000x1414, FnEUAkeaYAIp7K5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGA just gave a free swimsuit selector ticket, first time I have seen one since I started playing years ago. The problem is: there are many swimsuits I want and only one ticket. Maybe will get Yotsuyu's

>> No.42462660

>Dolphin Wave has pantsu
>earns twice as much as Idoly Pride every month
Really jogs the noggin.

>> No.42464240

>Monster Strike does not have pantsu
>earns 40x as much as Dolphin Wave every month
my noggin is jogging so fast it just won a marathon

>> No.42464882

can't you buy more tickets?

>> No.42464954

Monster Universe is out if you want to play what is surely another inevitable mess from Colopl

>> No.42465028

Speaking of Colopl, why did You Generation fail?

>> No.42465091

Are you retarded? Almost all stage plays of the anime shit use stage actors instead of VAs, stuff like Revue is actually an extremely rare exception.

>> No.42465115

Are you retarded? It's proof it's not pre-planned like Revue or other Bushitroad projects.

>> No.42465270

> It's proof it's not pre-planned
How? Do you understand you can pre-plan a normal stage, that's what most of the industry do.

>> No.42465326

Most of industry only do stage after the original manga/anime/VN gets popular. Towa Tsugai is so popular it's getting a stage play already. It's different from Bushitroad shit where they cast stage actors in the mixed media project from the get-go.

>> No.42465359

It's basically the same thing as gachas getting a pre-planned anime. Do you understand that stages don't fucking appear out of thin air? You need to plan it, you need to do the casting, you need to find a production team and plan what they will have to do, you need to rent a big stage and these are booked for ""many""" months in advance, you need to manage the schedule window of everyone involved. And if they announced the stage now with a proper date, with all the info already available, they already have the costumes ready and shit, that means all of this is already solved and that takes months, so they started with it even before the beta-test happen. Like holy shit, how clueless can you be.

>> No.42465386

Gachas getting pre planned anime have the same voice cast and serve as prequels to the gacha which launch months after the anime. Towa Tsugai is so popular it's getting a stage play already announced """many""" months in advance to the days of the play, months after the beta test.

>> No.42465390

AssLily fans and Jun Meltdown fans quaking in their boots, haha...

>> No.42465401

Okay, let's read the interview for the stage announcement
Literally the first fucking answer.
>Matsuta: It all started when Mr. Fujimoto, the producer of the game, invited me to a dinner party and told me that in addition to launching a new title there, he also wanted to make that game into a stage play. At that point, it was only decided that there would be girls named after birds. The story and the world view weren't solidified, and it was still in a fluffy state.
Wow, turns out I'm right and this was pre-planned from the start and you're a clueless retard, how could this ever happen.

>> No.42465423

It all started with many random ideas were tossed around during a party, but the stage play was only greenlit and announced because Towa Tsugai is so popular they are confident in doing a stage play already.

>> No.42465440

Have you actually opened the link, retard? It literally says they stared working on the stage when the game wasn't even remotely done and the director of the stage supervised the game's plot. Stop coping already.

>> No.42465463

Yes they specifically said that the stage play is not a separate story, but an adaption
> 細かいところはまだ言えませんが、ゲーム側のあらすじの構想に関わったり、監修したりしていくうちに、舞台はゲームのストーリー上で非常に盛り上がるところを表現しよう、という流れに落ち着きました。ゲームとは完全に別で新しいストーリーを作るのではなく、ゲームのメインストーリーを軸に起承転結して、次の世界が見えるように綺麗に落とし込もうと思っています。
All because Towa Tsugai is so popular, and now they announced the stage play already.

>> No.42465470

>what if I will just ignore the parts that btfo'd my delusion and repeat it again like a mantra
Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.42465474

No amount of malding can stop the popularity of Gachi Yuri mobage Towa Tsugai, sweetie

>> No.42465510

Not particularly far into it but Monster Universe is about what I expected, an unremarkable action game that reminds me of playing an old anime MMO except less fun because the controls are dogshit.
Looks like characters are just straight purchases rather than gacha which is an optimistic business model, dunno if there's some other way to get them.

>> No.42465542

You mean the girls and baras right?
What about monsters? Free to breed?

>> No.42465559

Yeah, you can just throw monsters together willy nilly. I think you can even breed your monster with other player's monsters, though I didn't try that yet.

>> No.42465589

Post gacha world... mobage are healing...

>> No.42465922

Im F2P...

>> No.42466548

Any pantsu game with peestain on pantsu?

>> No.42466603

This but canvas split-sole ballet slippers game with sweetstain. Revue Starlight only has full-soles.

>> No.42469023


>> No.42469727

>I think you can even breed your monster with other player's monsters
they want the monstergirl NTR fetish audience I see

>> No.42469767

Anyone who can imagine the goofy looking monsters as monster girls is already too far gone for that to matter much.

>> No.42469775
File: 1023 KB, 1420x794, 1666732468764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Monster Universe has pantsu...

>> No.42469845

But more importantly do the monsters have pantsu?

>> No.42469871

Not seeing it. Of all the games (this, BRS, DW, and that Chinese game) you claimed to have pantsu, I'd say only DW has them.

>> No.42469881

Please understand, you need to see the pantsu with your heart, not with your eyes. As long as you believe in pantsu, it will always be with you.

>> No.42469893

but I believe in nopan

>> No.42469898

I will now convert to your beliefs

>> No.42471171

That Chinese game?

>> No.42472049
File: 101 KB, 987x1280, 6dd582eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used the selector for Yotsuyu but first got Ayaka swimsuit using one of my silver bags, got it at first try (1/5 chance) so luck was on my side. She is so perflat.

>> No.42474563

Where is everybody?

>> No.42474646
File: 217 KB, 1257x2115, D4DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am playing Dilation for Disc Jockeys

>> No.42475966

I want to play my disc using her

>> No.42476009

You can in fact put her on the face of the discs and scratch them.

>> No.42478041

There's nothing to talk about. This month we've only had one "real" release, Eversoul, and that already has its own general. No one cares about Monster Universe or Zold Out or whatever.

Next month it'll be even deader until the end of the month where /mbgg/'s most anticipated release, Blue Reflection Sun, comes out to extreme critical acclaim.

>> No.42478082

Next month will see the release of Official Canon Yuri game Towa Tsugau around Valentine's

>> No.42478113

I thought no one cared about that game anymore because it has a male?

>> No.42478141

That's just one falseflagging schizo. The "man"/Minotaur is a summon like in Final Fantasy/Granblue Fantasy, not an actual character.

>> No.42478436

Playing that one game with horse girls.

>> No.42479508

What's the next サ終 game?

>> No.42479618

We'll know next week

>> No.42480020

Echoes of Mana
Revived Witch
King's Raid
Time Defenders
Girl Cafe Gun
Towa Tsugai

>> No.42480365

Shouldn't it be this week? Companies like to announce サ終's towards the end of the month.

>> No.42481135
File: 648 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20230125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I was so focused lately on shitting on the horses I forgot to mention that the devs gave us 3 more free nurse skins for some reason to the same girls as before but this time they are way more lewder.

It's a real shame because I would have murdered Winnie the pooh for this one being Grainne instead.

This garbage is far from dead yet, I hope the devs are planning on announcing Girl Cafe Gun 3 or some shit like that before the EoS.

>> No.42483419

Imagine the color of Haru's pantsu

>> No.42483576

>that censorship
If they know the rules why don't they just have the outfits respect them instead of tacking on lame undershirts. Does the Chinese darknet have uncensor tools or something?

>> No.42483933


>> No.42484189


>> No.42484368

EoS games are the only games worth playing... *hic*...

>> No.42484955

This random nip is having a stroke. They're all doing great by /mbgg/ games standards.

>> No.42485096

>D4DJ will die out before T7S
The dinosaur lives on.

>> No.42485154

Not so fast, according to /ourguy/

>> No.42486541
File: 25 KB, 316x446, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AGA should've EoS'd by now according to that guy.

>> No.42486566

That's what the anime is going to do.

>> No.42486628

AGA only survives this long because it's a gigantic ads for a model kit/figure lines. It flopped horribly in CN/TW when they removed this factor.

>> No.42486641

not like it's much different here, revenuefags cannot comprehend games existing below top 200

>> No.42486656

It does? Feel like it has less figures than Azur Lane, Girl's Frontline etc.

>> No.42486757

Because all their merch is manufactured by Kotobukiya and GSC, who are also busy with a fuck ton of different projects at the same time, meanwhile AL commits dozen of different companies to pump out their figures.

>> No.42486779

Didn't they just do a couple of collabs with Kotobukiya's model kits and that's it

>> No.42486812

They have their own line too
The collabs happened so they can shill other Kotobukiya's products.

>> No.42486824

If you open any of it, you can see those are literally part of Megami Device, not their own line

>> No.42486863

Yes, they all fall under Megami Device, probably for easy brand recognition since it's a long running mecha musume model kit line, but AGA itself should be counted as a spin off line or whatever you want to call it, same as Frame Arm Girls.

>> No.42486866

Alright I checked mfc and AGA got 1 scale figure, 5 figma, 9 Desktop Army, 16 Megami Device. Azur Shit (justice for Kayanon) got 100+ scale figures, 7 Nendoroid, 3 Kotobukiya's discontinued Nendo rip-off, 1 Dolk, 0 model kits.

>> No.42486937

Ehhh neither FAG or their new ARCANADEA line says Megami Device x Series name, only AGA does.

>> No.42486943

D4DJ confirmed dead for having 0 figure and model kit.

>> No.42487054
File: 6 KB, 287x83, cUYuU6TQ6U1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll down and you will see a few baselard kits there. But the point is that AGA is listed as its own AGA line when you check the product detail, they also do the same for other series like FAG or Busou Shinki, meanwhile actual original Megami Device kits will be listed with Megami Device line logo.

Arcanadea line isn't mecha musume, so they probably don't want to call it Megami Device? Same thing for Sousai Shojo Teien line too.

>> No.42487097
File: 836 KB, 2340x1080, 1625286638328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already have released uncensored skins outside of China and global is still alive so there stil is a possibility they could release the uncensored version there.

Look at the bright side, if the game was a European she would be wearing a burka.

>> No.42488564

Global will probably die first.

>> No.42489498

You now remember 8 beat Story.

>> No.42489677
File: 628 KB, 1560x720, Screenshot_20230126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bilibili is not going to kill global until they can milk out everything the can from the game. The minute global reaches the Seibah Grainne's event everyone should be worried about the whole game.

Now that I think about it the new skins are really high quality, at the very least something you could expect from the L2D paid skins from Azur Lane. I wonder if they are going to try to make them non-free for global.

>> No.42490044

>The minute global reaches the Seibah Grainne's event everyone should be worried about the whole game
What that even?

>> No.42490171
File: 2.72 MB, 298x420, 1641450101458.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grainne was the main antagonist of the event in where the devs announced the end of the updates for the game.

It was a fun side story and Grainne got a great unit. It was released months after they killed JP.

>> No.42491439

which mobage should i play?

>> No.42491769
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>> No.42491889
File: 969 KB, 2508x3344, 1661758910251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What genre of game will it be?

>> No.42492143

afk game

>> No.42492488

Monster Universe

>> No.42492662

More like you now remember Re:Stage

>> No.42492845
File: 668 KB, 1172x890, TamakiFamily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this.

>> No.42493067

The monetization of Monster Universe is pretty hilarious.

15 bucks for unlocking a new character? Yeah nah, I'd rather roll a gacha with shit rates like Blue Archive or Eversoul.

>> No.42493115

P2W game

>> No.42493239

The pricing makes sense if the character won't be outdated gameplay-wise.

>> No.42493284

dumb gachabrain

>> No.42493598
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, Shine Posts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42493781

Imagine these kneesocks after practice.

>> No.42496651

Did they add Ai Kayano back to various games yet?

>> No.42497451

Why should they welcome her back? She mostly voices characters with big boobs so she is in two blacklists of the CCP.

No one yet has complained about the lack of big boobed qts in chink gachas lately. Guess why.

>> No.42497660

>Guess why
Nobody plays chink gacha?

>> No.42499083

Azur Lane? Genshin?

>> No.42499152

Will Engage Kill last at least one year?

>> No.42499296

Square Enix mobage don't usually last very long.

>> No.42502784

To Aru kusoge had been around for a while.

>> No.42502836
File: 225 KB, 869x1173, 1663952169791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World Dai Star has gotten 5K fans! It's so popular...

>> No.42503446

Doing better than Pole Princess even though the latter has already started airing...

>> No.42503544

Pole Princess is going to have a live in April... I hope Yui Ogura does pole dancing live...

>> No.42503564

>joined December 2021
I hope you aren't joking

>> No.42503579

It only became active late 2022
It's an official celebration pic

>> No.42505757

>It's so popular...
I was talking about this.

>> No.42505775

Why else would they celebrate

>> No.42506283

should i play gbf

>> No.42506318


>> No.42506319

too many guys and they never delivered on their iconic yuri pairings

>> No.42506335

sure, just play it casually

>> No.42506515
File: 2.36 MB, 720x720, 1644689595658.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizardry VA release when? It's actually looking pretty decent.

>> No.42506573

What does VA stand for? I thought it's called Daphne something.

>> No.42506777

It actually launched like mid November, so it's not THAT bad, just normally pathetic.
>Doing better than Pole Princess
I can't even imagine what kind of a retard green-lit Pole Princess, it's one of the most dead on arrival projects I have seen in a while.

>> No.42506875

They are heroes trying to foster a generation of young girls interested into pole dancing. Besides the VAs it doesn't sound too expensive at least.

>> No.42506981

YouTube probably funded the pole dancers. They just changed their channel name and every video with a prefix "YouTube Original".

>> No.42507712

5K doesn't sound like much especially with an upcoming anime.

>> No.42507824

Musk killed all the bots!

>> No.42507833

Their game account actually has 10k
This is comical. Were they run by different people?

>> No.42507856

Popularity is going to explode after the pre-screen. Trust the plan.

>> No.42509899

>Their game account actually has 10k
The game account had a giveaway for following and RTing, so people only did it for the gibs.

>> No.42510797

There's a game to be released on January 29 but I can't find it now. Anyone know what it is? The only thing I remember is that the game devs' twitter account has a gold checkmark.

>> No.42511832

So the followers are fake?

>> No.42514220

Haru probably wears cute pantsu.

>> No.42514238

Calm down, Ren.

>> No.42515038

WDS stream soon

>> No.42515192

Not flopping?

>> No.42515206

skinship girl!

>> No.42515240

Is it 3D?

>> No.42515252

About half of D4DJ streams

>> No.42515305


>> No.42515320

Literally Lapis 2.0!
GOTY confirmed.

>> No.42515405
File: 351 KB, 750x415, Photo Mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42515437

At least the girls look cuter than the gremlins of Shite Post.

>> No.42515545

They are designed by famed Fire Emblem Engage artist.

>> No.42515600

Why would you even frame it like idolshit(actors) instead of just making a revue clone when revue itself kinda stalled as a franchise? I don't get it.

>> No.42515612

What's the difference aside from changing melee into rhythmic gameplay?

>> No.42515642

Revue had a very strong niche with its concept, setting, general aesthetics etc. When you make a normal moe idolshit project, nobody cares that "it's about acting achkshually" or that "it's about hockey achkshually", everyone will see you as a generic idolshit and that puts you in the absolute bloodbath territory where most projects have absolutely no chance to survive.

>> No.42515647

Revue also looks like generic moe idolshit.

>> No.42515648

So will I be able to take photos of their pantsu?

>> No.42515662

>rhythm game
Dead on arrival.

>> No.42515684

Demise of Danmaku Kagura caused players to try out even D4DJ in desperation... the niche is not filled and World Dai Star will fill it!

>> No.42515702

Only if your publisher is DeNA

>> No.42515703
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They should just make a game about Gekidol. Now that's unique.

>> No.42515714
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Token dyke in the back

>> No.42515750

SIF2 will rule the market.

>> No.42515791

I don't play Chinese games

>> No.42515807

Does it have pantsu?

>> No.42515839

You guys always say this but Lapis, /mbgg/'s favorite game, was made by China.

>> No.42515849

for >>42515791

>> No.42515905

I thought /mbgg/'s favorite game was PuraOre

>> No.42515966

Killing off Lapis is what made me swear off them

>> No.42516049

Yet no one even thought of trying out T7S.

>> No.42516089

Should have been doing an anime like AGA is doing

>> No.42516364

BRSun vs Towa Tsugai
Shine Post vs WDS

Literally het vs yuri wars. And they're all going to flop

>> No.42516438

Both Shine Post and WDS will be asexual, with the standard Yuri bait/shipping.

>> No.42516743
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The more important question is: which game will be sexier?

>> No.42517328
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>> No.42517583

i want to breed Shiho and create a new world with her...

>> No.42517732

As a yuripig I refuse to touch BRS

>> No.42518269
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What about Engage Kill fags.

>> No.42518428

honestly I see BRS vs EK, and TT vs ALLB.
SP vs WDS is real tho.

>> No.42519009
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>touch your waifu all over when you were offline

>> No.42520228

Tojitomo lasted like 3-4 years.

>> No.42520718
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Cyberagent's (mother company of Cygames) revenue and profits are now below pre-Uma Musume levels and falling... things are not looking good at this rate.

Truly, the post-gacha world is upon us. Anything that is not Genshin will struggle. Companies will have to adapt, or quickly die.

>> No.42521872

Is this why PuraOre died?

>> No.42523298

is this good or bad?

>> No.42523723

>and profits are now below pre-Uma Musume levels
Wow, it's almost like uma was an unexpected explosion of enormous size and now the things are stabilizing.

>> No.42523984

Isn't that mostly because of Abema being a massive money pit? Yes, I can read that the game division isn't as profitable as in 2021.

>> No.42523989

Fire Force?

>> No.42524546

genshin kekedpact will die soon, a chineseslop pozzed game where character designs are not even allowed to show navel has no future. Once the normies get tired of it itsover.

>> No.42524595
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VD delayed

>> No.42524874

But revenues are also at pre-Uma Musume levels. Since horses are still doing well, that means it's their other games that are flopping.

>> No.42524958

They closed down Dragalia Lost

>> No.42524977

That's the problem
The aggressive advertisement makes sure they have a stable income of new players
It's unironically still growing

>> No.42525089

Nope, that's one day late and the devs' twitter account lacks a checkmark.

>> No.42525128

Towa Tsugai, Shine Post, World Dai Star, the Holy Trinity of 2023.

>> No.42525192
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>> No.42526372

But which of them will have pantsu?

>> No.42526542

the holy trinity of EoS

>> No.42526864
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you can mod Genshin without getting banned now so the censorship is no longer a problem. there are many mods that even let you take off or put on the girls' clothes freely.

more mobage would benefit from having modding support to get around stricter regulations. developers should even make "unofficial" mods themselves, such as pantsu mods or sex mods.

>> No.42527249

What's releasing tomorrow I forgot

>> No.42527693

Didn't they ban a mod that was giving big thights to a character?

>> No.42527703


>> No.42527797

You can't "ban" mods. You can take down mods from mod hosting sites, or you can ban users using mods if you can detect them.

>> No.42528003

So anyone playing monster universe?

>> No.42528048

Yeah but probably not for long, combat and movement is far too clunky for an action game where you do nothing but.

>> No.42528246

It's flopping pretty bad too

>> No.42528277

Eh, it's a single player game, financially I imagine it's exactly as expected.

>> No.42528281

Yes, until something else comes out. Combat gets kinda repetitive. Wish we could climb, swim or fly with monsters.

>> No.42528400

Anyone still playing Echocalypse? I don't want to reinstall just to find out who's the artist for Leviathan and japanese suck at properly managing wikis

>> No.42531654

>Shine Post
Not with Kyouka leading on her womanlet fangirl
Or Ren desperately trying to get Haru back in her bed.

>> No.42532084

What do idol otakus think when their oshi writes an entire love song about some other girl idol

>> No.42532190

Misty(MISSING you [Haru])

>> No.42532202

Ren just keeps LOSING and that's a good thing.

>> No.42533277
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HoneyWorks Premium Live
2 years 4 months

>> No.42533489


>> No.42533517

Official thread theme:

>> No.42533540

How long it has been going again? 9-10 years?

>> No.42533552

He was right: >>42484189
D4DJ, Shiny Colors next

>> No.42533645

Less than a month shy of 10 years.

>> No.42533711

A real success story. Thank you based Klab.

>> No.42533738


>> No.42533753

This bodes well for Angie Relink

>> No.42533774

Wait a minute that's not the new game. They are just killing off the old one. The new game from last year is still doing great.

>> No.42533817
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Time for chinked sequel...
First stream will be hosted by 3 most Chinese members (honorary Chinese, half Chinese and full Chinese).

>> No.42533819

Miracle Live? More like Chinese Live!

>> No.42533828

Is Re:Link out yet?

>> No.42533894
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No they are still busy doing ASMR.
In other news, anime cast confirmed for base game. Another win for hetchads.

>> No.42534008

How is Re:Link different from the Vierge game anyway?

>> No.42534458

It will have 3 times more Chinese Progress in reflection of the changing market.

>> No.42534482

Also EoS

>> No.42534527

It's another Rhythm game?
Project Sekai eating 'em good, literally.

>> No.42534703

Shit. T7S is reaching it's 10th Anniversary soon.

>> No.42534728

That's a whole ass year away.

>> No.42535197

Let's hope it doesn't die before then.

>> No.42535215

>Kusoneko has optional ingame ads now
EoS soon. Not that I'm complaining since it gives 1 free roll daily + 10 extra gems each day

>> No.42535222

What makes you think that having ads means EoS?

>> No.42535640


>> No.42535643

It's not like they relied on the game anyway, HoneyWorks will be just fine without it.

>> No.42535652

I'd live with them.

>> No.42535660

I thought she was American.

>> No.42535668

I miss PoO

>> No.42535682

PoO would have succeeded if its gameplay and graphics weren't poo.

>> No.42535688


>> No.42535698

I will miss Takaramonozu.

>> No.42535791

I know it's early, but such an important game deserves a special send-off.

>> No.42539107

amerimutts and chinks, same thing

>> No.42539331

good one

>> No.42543025

Bye Bye SIF
