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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42423913 No.42423913 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>42303875
This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.42424016

reminder that you can only post here if you at least passed JLPT N2
mods ban anyone who uses MTL

>> No.42424037

Imagine paying someone to tell you whether or not you're able to read.

>> No.42424050


>> No.42424054
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any vn like pricrel

>> No.42424170

Is that Takeda Hiromitsu's RPGmaker game he's been working on for 4+ years?

>> No.42424212
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>> No.42424222

Did erogedownload actually die? Fuck.
Fuck. Fuck.

Also that was like the last place I know of that actually had non-cancerous DDLs for things like YU-NO and such with the English patches.

>> No.42424293
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Glad he's still working on it, although I feel like his artwork has degraded a bit over the years.

>> No.42424296

Is it any good? I mean, for RPG maker standards.

>> No.42424321

NTA but there only exists a trial version from 3 years ago. The game isn't out yet.

>> No.42424373

yep, nukige

>> No.42424486

shit/mediocre VN with godly soundtrack?

>> No.42424717


>> No.42424721

fuck you for shitting on Nasu's masterpiece like that

>> No.42424906


>> No.42424909

dies irae

>> No.42425112


>> No.42425121

Modern NTR is trash because they just slap them in the title/cover like this
That's like telling "these characters will die in this story" upfront
There's just no tension at all

>> No.42425290

plenty don't

>> No.42425303

Many people do actually miss Mahoyo's subtleties.

>> No.42425516

Many people try to learn another language when they do not even have an acceptable level of reading comprehension in their native language. Another problem is that they try to read some stories that contain some references that require a certain educational level that they clearly do not have. That is why it is so normal in some discussions that some people understand the text only literally and cannot appreciate, for example, the subtext

>> No.42425554

I would say muramasa but even the soundtrack is mid so...

>> No.42426655


>> No.42426698

I don't feel so good tomefure bros.

>> No.42426968
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What do you guys think about this one?

>> No.42426996


>> No.42427043

What the fuck? Lump of Sugar is making an all ages game? Their games never have anything good other than maybe porn.

>> No.42427058


>> No.42427869
File: 72 KB, 680x383, 4C7761EB-E713-45A4-B179-2B692CEA6B0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s my Sakura no Toki hype?
It’s been so long brothers, seven fucking years. I am glad we made it

>> No.42427966

>implying it won't be postponed again

>> No.42428027

Dude they finished the master up so it’s releasing on time, unless their office gets on fire and all the CDs get burned up of course

>> No.42428049

I don't know. sca-ji is one of those eroge writers that I don't really understand why he's popular, makes me feel like I live in some bizarro world. I feel the same way about White Album 2 though. Sca-ji repeatedly saying that Sakutoki is like a shonen manga makes me think I really won't like it though, the new PV they released doesn't do anything to change that either. I'll still play it since it's one of the most hyped eroge releases but I don't expect to like it much.

>> No.42428311

> saying that Sakutoki is like a shonen manga makes me think I really won't like it
I really have to agree on this one. I’ll admit that I am pretentious and wants a philosophical story more than shonen like development but we will see. The second character pv is really good and Naoya and Kei relationship is the best part in the first game and it seems it will be the main big theme this time

>> No.42428418

Honestly, I'm not even sure what more they can do with the Naoya/Kei relationship in Toki that wouldn't be a retread of V and VI.

>> No.42428567
File: 64 KB, 609x1583, megu10605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All girls should look like this

>> No.42428570

The only reason I would read sakutoki at this point is because absolutely everyone will and I don't want spoilers. To be honest, the continued delays ended up killing the hype for me

>> No.42428638

Replaying sakuuta right now.

>> No.42428714

This will be probably be my last Scaji title and last big scenario eroge. The old age got to me and can’t focus long time reading text games on pc
I know I am insane for saying this, but if Scaji ever decided to write a Gacha mobage I’ll play the hell out of it

>> No.42428820

I feel the same way about White Album 2

WA2 is one of the most straightforward games ever made. I can see somebody not liking it since it does require that the player takes the drama serious and you can get turned of by the MC, but aside from that i can't see any reason to dislike it if you are into what it's trying to achieve.

- Main conflict/story is a love triangle drama
- MC has to choose one of the girls
- Player has to choose one of the girls
- routes add to each other since they give a different perspective the love triangle or the characters inside it.

Perfect drama VN in theory.

>> No.42428935

Oh fuck off, clearly if you have enough time to shitpost on 4chan you have the focus to read eroge.

>> No.42428993

I just think it doesn't deserve it's reputation. I have to roll my eyes whenever I see people talk about the trauma the game gave them as if it's the most depressing thing ever. I saw someone give a theory that the reason why WA2 got so popular was because it was played by a bunch of moebuta who had just started reading eroge and I think that's pretty accurate.

>> No.42429083

The MC ruined everything with his faggotry. I couldn't get invested in the drama because of him

>> No.42429634

Out of the big name chuuni games I've played, Muramasa easily had the worst soundtrack. It's not outright bad. There were some awesome tracks on it like Hikaru's theme, but it really should have had like double the songs. Hearing the same battle music over and over didn't bother me personally, but it pales in comparison to something like Light games which always have a variety of great bangers. Hell now that I think about, even Paradise Lost had a pretty sweet soundtrack despite the shit art.

>> No.42429739

Too scared to take the test?

>> No.42429829

Pay for my entry fee and I'll take it just for you.

>> No.42430174

The other anon is right
Kei and Naoya stuff was obviously the best part of Uta. Toki seems to be backpedalling on the romance stuff and going to focus alot on Kei. Issue is that Kei’s character is static and Ska-Di can’t expand much of him considering his eventual fate. He has to absolutely pull off something new to make the narrative stand out. Considering he is the same guy that incorporated Wittgenstein into a story structure, I have full hope.

>> No.42430213

N1 grammar destroys me

>> No.42430689

It's basically a Kdrama in VN format. If you don't like the former, then you'd have a rough time with the latter.

>> No.42430923

I'm Russian.

>> No.42431359

Obviously the point is that Naoya will be changing, even if Kei remains a memory. He's static but we barely touched the surface of their relationship in Uta, and the Van Gogh (Kei)/Gauguin (Naoya) allusions alone already show we're in for some fun autism.

>> No.42431540

I think Kei did something in life so impressive that Naoya only will discover in Toki.

>> No.42431550
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>> No.42431583

these are not mutually exclusive sets, eroge doesn't imply sex on screen
"eroge" is about the heart

>> No.42431833
File: 640 KB, 1280x960, 1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're totally and utterly wrong.
All girls should look like this.

>> No.42432087

Why are moms in VNs always just asking for it? Even in moege where they have no routes they're hory sluts.

>> No.42432117

How can Naoya change in Toki? His arc is finished in Uta, and the Toki Chapter 2 trial felt like an epilogue with Naoya very content as remaining a teacher. I do not see Toki going down the path of Naoya trying to become a world renowned artist or something.

>> No.42432139

Because Misuzu.

>> No.42432160

Ngl I forgot most of the stuff that happened in Sakuuta

>> No.42432236

Naoya will have sex with her, continue working for 10 years until all of a sudden Misuzu tweets about his sexual harassment, he gets fired, cancelled, and registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Bravo Scaji.

>> No.42432378

Rance 7

>> No.42432485

Are the 催眠奪女 games real sequels or is it more like all characters are introduced in 1 but MC only fucks them in 2 and 3? Only want to rape the daughter.

>Did erogedownload actually die? Fuck.
I haven't downloaded from there in years but sometimes it was useful for tech support comments. RIP Ivan.

>> No.42432584

More like the latter, they are talked a bit about in the 1 one but MC see, and fucks them later, story is reboot each time

>> No.42432902

If I get just one more Yuumi/Rina H scene out of Toki that'll be good enough for me

>> No.42432917

>Where’s my Sakura no Toki hype?
it's gotten delayed multiple times now, i'm not getting hyped for shit until it comes out

>> No.42432928

they probably won't even show up

>> No.42433532

Sounds good. Thanks.

>> No.42433597

The ambient tracks are awesome imo, as well as the Ginseigo battle theme.

>> No.42433781

>Ginseigo battle theme
That's what I meant when I said Hikaru's theme, but yeah miles away the best song on there.

>> No.42434147

B-but SCAT-自様 said the master disc's done and the game's gone gold...

>> No.42434799

They're not gonna have pregnant H-scenes in this one either, are they?

>> No.42435077

It couldn't be more obvious that they're lazily copypasting the last year's getchu goty winrar for easy points. I'm at least hoping the comedy stays good.

>> No.42435098

Same. Dunno if I should reread. Is there some kind of summary in japanese for sakuuta?

>> No.42435143

I'll probably pick it up just to read more 十全 writing. Something about his depiction of loneliness resonates with me. I'm a huge fag like that.

>> No.42435233

I want to read something with sempurna writing too. Got anything? With kedudukan tertinggi art if possible.

>> No.42435875
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The main story was quite a ride, didn't read the extra episodes. Shizuku best girl and Mina was a snek but still felt a bit bad for her when she died.

>> No.42435909

I wish racer would do art for more games.

>> No.42436489
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I wish the same.

>> No.42436842
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>> No.42436953

Seeing the characters slowly falling in an orgy spiral to forget their lonelyness instead of trying to solve their problems the "right" way is frustrating, but kinda nice too.

>> No.42437080

Is there another text hooker I can use besides textractor? I'm trying to get proper text in a game I'm translating but the text always comes out wrong or have repeating characters.

>> No.42437128

this game is about playing games not "translating" them

>> No.42437148

If you're at the stage where you need a text hooker, you probably shouldn't be translating
If you're about to reply to me going "no I know Japanese, I just need the hooker to rip the script" you REALLY shouldn't be translating

>> No.42437311
File: 305 KB, 800x450, ama_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be awesome.

>> No.42437329

BR status?

>> No.42437351

Typical shitty 4chan response. Good thing I found my answer on reddit instead. Eat shit faggot

>> No.42437408

I can't wait for you to beg for help inserting text. And then no one will help you. And even if someone does, eops will never appreciate your work. And someone like me will bash your translation into the ground. You are pathetic.

>> No.42437418

Unknown but it's Yuzusoft so 実妹 seems unlikely.

>> No.42437421

I translate for my own personal use between close friends. You will never see any of them nor translations of shitty loli games you play. Have a fun day faggot

>> No.42437463

They're not "making" anything.
For some reason Lump of Sugar is re-releasing game that is already available

>> No.42437494

People in this thread shouldn't need translations anyway.
And you're a bad person for disparaging loli games.
Get the hell out of here.

>> No.42437497

Well you cant really have a story like WA2 if the mc isn't wishy washy, if he was decisive then its be a different game

>> No.42437506

Kill yourself with your filthy translations and the filthy circle around you that consumes them

>> No.42437553

Cope and seethe lolifag

>> No.42437604

Nice criclejerk of brainless eop faggots you got there. Why should I read your edited subhuman MTL output tho?

>> No.42438702

You can squeeze in a selective re-read of chapters I, II, the first half of shizuku's route, IV, V, VI
at the very least I, II, V, Vi

>> No.42439494

What's the best site to see recent announcements? I checked out some matome sites but they're actually 99% useless articles. I want to see just newly announced VNs.

>> No.42439873

Just finished Subarashiki Hibi and I really liked it.
Can someone recommend a similarly good read?

>> No.42440046

Not VNs, but try Chainsaw Man and Jujutsu Kaisen - a lot of overlap in the fanbases.

>> No.42440327

Tsui no Stella Remake and Sakura no Uta

>> No.42440369

>Tsui no Stella Remake
You probably mean Tsui no Sora

>> No.42442439
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Chances right is flat chested? If I remember right Ero Appli was the last game with flat cutie (The cat who gives MC his phone).
This at least imply the childhood friend is one.
Unless they go the breast expansion route.

>> No.42442537
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sorry, not happening

>> No.42443665

Yuzusoft's art really gone to shit after Riddle Joker, so generic looking now

>> No.42443817
File: 548 KB, 1280x720, moo moo farm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of when silhouettes for this shit were teased and 2nd from right looked impossibly flat. Then she had the biggest udders. These artists have good base models but simply can't into good looking oppai. They could throw a bone with 1 not ruined girl but nope giver huge gay tits.

>> No.42444014


Damn I can still hope. That and maybe this time give the side heroines the same treatment they gave the mothers in the 4th project. Side heroines is usually where the best designs come from.

>> No.42444082
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>> No.42444840
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why are soviets so mean?

>> No.42445022

Someone asked for [111105] [ソフトさーくるクレージュ] ぽこぽこ妹1と2と3 in the last thread. The 30 GB Soft Circle Courreges torrent on sukebei has them. All 3 are pure garbage by the way.
Studio-74 is what you want if you're into oldass dating sims.

>> No.42445321

Why not just read something with good char design instead?

>> No.42445916
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and thats it for the common route. Ive got to say I thoroughly enjoyed it overall, the pacing was well done. My initial perception of the game made me think that there would no shortage of info dumps about various subjects concerning otaku media like Hataota but it was pretty light in that regard. I felt they achieved a good balance of topics concerning media production but also telling an engaging and heartfelt story with its cast of characters. Ive heard theres a dip in quality for the individual routes but at most ill probably just do Yumemi and Aisa. I feel they could have been a bit more subtle with Aisas character.

>> No.42446616


>> No.42446649
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>English patches

>> No.42446728

good morning moeBVLLS
plotcucks need not reply

>> No.42446772
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>> No.42446780

i had this on my list for a while but realized there wasn't any pregnancy and removed it

>> No.42446791
File: 135 KB, 1024x576, そして煌めく乙女と秘密⁵(17062022_160426).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped it during the common route because it was actually fairly boring.

>> No.42446792

holy based! plotoids in shambles

>> No.42446813

i drop almost every vn i start anyway but i thought the teacher was cute

>> No.42446819
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, 凍京NECRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an 演出 and nolstalgia chad, plot and moe is meaningless in the face of high production values and kino settings.

>> No.42446826

what part of "plotcucks need not reply" was unclear to you
i am more than happy to dumb it down for you

>> No.42446828

You don't even have the 気力 to press the shift key, let alone finish a vn.

>> No.42446830

you could have just said you like ntr

>> No.42446835

/jp/ is a lowercase board

>> No.42446852

No way fag, you're gonna do Kiriha's route because she's the best.

>> No.42446884

Plotsisters... W-we got too cocky...

>> No.42446959

Make sure to download the append so you can do the non-shit ending.

>> No.42446983

noooo you have to enjoy utsugeshit!

>> No.42447204

So it's safe to read now?

>> No.42447327

Yeah, it only took them basically a year. I hope them releasing the append means we will never get a fandisc. Part of me feels they wont put one out but I need my Shion, Yuina and adult cast routes.

>> No.42447409

> I need my Shion, Yuina and adult cast routes
Me too, but they would have already said something about a FD, it's been more than a year since the release.
I hope they are working on something and it wasn't their only shot

>> No.42448019

I've encountered those series and didn't really enjoy it. I guess what I really liked about subahibi was the way the story was told.
Thanks, I'll check those out
Hmm, I'd thought subahibi was also a Tsui no sora remake. Ig I should give the other remake a try

>> No.42448747
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>> No.42450367


What's OP's game?

>> No.42450461


>> No.42452521
File: 376 KB, 1092x302, Screenshot 2023-01-22 141147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Yumemi is adorable! I wish I had a cute petite degenerate illustrator wife.

>> No.42452555
File: 340 KB, 3840x2160, sousakukanojo.log_2023-01-22_14-18-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42452581


>> No.42452665

literally me

>> No.42454048
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>> No.42454922

So which one does a better job at making you hate Japan? Muv Luv or Muramasa?

>> No.42454969

Muv-Luv since it has the bonus of reminding you of the absolute joke of the company known as Age.

>> No.42455011

muramasa wasn't particularly big on the nippon banzai shit from what i remember unlike muvluv

>> No.42455461
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>> No.42455631
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, 1674449719326573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.42455903

>So which one does a better job at making you hate Japan?
Musicus and sakuuta

>> No.42456376

what is that from

>> No.42456416

What's the best loli vn

>> No.42456425


>> No.42456473
File: 517 KB, 1280x960, 30438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Otonari no Musume ni Itazura by BABEL: https://www.babel-soft.com/babel42.html

>> No.42456608


>> No.42457342
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>adult cast
I would have preferred this than what we got.

>> No.42457723

Justice for Sakurako and Suzuna and probably Rin.

>> No.42457854

It's going to take 7 years again isn't it

>> No.42457879

He talked about how he'd like to do a fandisc of sorts after Toki so he better fucking more sure to finish the more important bits within it. Namely Naoya making good on his promise to Kei and finally getting over his death

>> No.42458310

from what he said fandisc is most likely naoya banging his students. i really hope (and don't think) that naoya will be anything more than a teacher in toki since him being a world famous superstar kinda shits on the ending of uta.

>> No.42458504


>> No.42459081

Look forward to サクラノ響 in 2029

>> No.42459090


That cannot be the best one, I read it and it got so fucking stupid I was bored halfway.

>> No.42459319

can't believe that fucker scaji is going to gaslight me into buying sakutoki for a sakurako and ruriwo route

>> No.42459469

>eroge thread
>majority of it is talking about vaporware
Why are you all like this?

>> No.42459606

So you have to buy the limited edition to get the shizukuxrin yuri sex
This pretty much confirm they won't be bangable in the game too

>> No.42459751

I haven't seen anyone talking about https://vndb.org/v31396 tho

>> No.42460263

Is it actually coming out this April?

>> No.42460354

>4 writers
Yeah, it's shit

>> No.42461139

April is so packed with the new yuzuge, amakano 2+, yuzuriha, cartagra remaster and grisaia

>> No.42461152

People still care about this series?

>> No.42461194

who cares
>amakano 2+
might play it
it will be delayed again
>cartagra remaster and grisaia
who cares?

>> No.42461919
File: 1018 KB, 1280x720, 2023_01_05_85__v1.0.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian lolis

>> No.42463358

Can't wait to see Naoya discovers Kei's unfinished masterpieces and trying to finish/publish them under the name Kusanagi Kei.

>> No.42463470

Why would he do that?

>> No.42463575

there's no point if it's not naoya
best case scenario is some other teacher and scashit is too much of a pussy for that

>> No.42463580

To honor Kei's legacy and keeping their promise I guess? Like Naoya getting Kei's message through his art or something.

>> No.42463635

Nah, if he did something like that, he would give all the credits for Kei.

>> No.42463830

There's the part about becoming famous together though. Also Naoya probably won't appear in public under this name. Tbh I just think it's a cool idea.

>> No.42464930

>People still care about this series?
At the very least Frontwing is still pushing it hard, Akiba had a lot of phantom trigger ads when I last went (which was pre-covid admittedly). I think it's their only success besides Dibril, which they're too cowardly to bring back.

>> No.42464956

Scaji said if he’s making the third game, beside the students he’s thinking of adding routes for the adult women cast
If I can romance pic related then fuck I wanted, always found her lovely since the first game

>> No.42464959

sca-ji says a lot of shit and doesn't seem to actually work all that much

>> No.42464962

>adult women
i assume he just means rin, shizuku and MAYBE kana

>> No.42464973
File: 45 KB, 687x772, 667F1129-4156-44D5-9E7E-3B39CCAE8185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.42464998

Not sure what I want to read next. Maybe Yukiiro Sign or actually finish a route in Amakano 2nd Season. Started Honamis route awhile back but fell off of it shortly after.

>> No.42465172
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x3000, 1660134899599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play through game 1
>can read it almost all the way through
>sequel introduces characters that use obsecure words and weird dialects

Fuck japs

>> No.42465223

>Dirty Chink crying about the mess of a language they made and its derivations.
You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.42465781

What game? Post a screenshot of the "obscure words and weird dialects"

>> No.42466127

how do we solve the plotcuck problem?

>> No.42466188

It will solve itself

>> No.42467283

Just imagine the hate sex.

>> No.42467296

Kana would be the ideal main heroine for the game (after Ai).
So many years and she's still kind of a spiteful cunt with actually fun banter with Naoya.

>> No.42467601
File: 100 KB, 761x1712, st_ch10904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chii-chan my beloved!!!

>> No.42469783

i fucking love cuckqueans

>> No.42470492
File: 35 KB, 256x300, 57196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here read nikuniku? I just finished it and loved it. It has a great amount of plot for a nukige (according to egs at least). True route and beginning of revenge end actually got me slightly emotional. I'm also looking for more pure horror vns and guroge if you have recs!

>> No.42470585

>I'm also looking for more pure horror vns and guroge if you have recs!
略奪者の淫宴 might be up your speed, it's got serviceable plot in the form of a decent revenge story

>> No.42470912

Question for the buyfags. What proxy service do you guys use to ship eroge overseas?

>> No.42470936

90% of the time I just use amazon which ships to the US so no proxy needed. If not, then I just use from japan these days.

>> No.42471045

Looks good, I'll check it out thank you!

>> No.42471068

japanese is so convenient, you don't even need a full word, just 1 character, to know a game is ntrge

>> No.42471143

I wonder if it would work to read something together here

>> No.42471511

Interesting, I didnt know Amazon had such a service available. I thought they would be the most anal about shipping sensitive materials overseas. Ill keep this in mind, thanks.

>> No.42471590

Not exactly eroge but I used White Rabbit Express to order the Sankai Ou artbook. Good service, they bought it really fast from mandarake and arrived via DHL.

>> No.42471648

>Sankai Ou artbook
For the Borja art?

>> No.42471788

You got half way? You did better than me.

>> No.42472499

i literally need more dramatic love triangles and moege-adjacent games

>> No.42472545

fake lolicon

>> No.42472861

The one where you whore them out but still play the part of the catcher in the rye.

>> No.42473044

You are now obligated to give the actual title.

>> No.42473064
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A seiyuu asking a developer his favorite h-scene while the play one of the character she voiced is so bizarre to watch.

>> No.42473111
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed https://vndb.org/v15076 and https://vndb.org/v17972 and https://vndb.org/v22789 and https://vndb.org/v21282 and everything else I played by https://vndb.org/p4990 and https://vndb.org/v20372 and all the games I played by https://vndb.org/s6928 and https://vndb.org/p524 and https://vndb.org/v19560 and whenever https://vndb.org/s1242 made lolige and pretty much everything by Studio Ring but especially https://vndb.org/v5835 and https://vndb.org/v1620 and one of my all time favorite lolige of all time is https://vndb.org/v426

but https://vndb.org/v26448
I got about 3 hours in and quit. I started it over, got about 3 hours in again and quit. At some point you just gotta admit that it's boring and you don't like it.

>> No.42473131

why would someone do this

>> No.42473167

Almost everyone calls Chibi Pire bad. Babel lolige are discount lolige. The rest you listed are good or at least okay.
>I got about 3 hours in and quit. I started it over, got about 3 hours in again and quit
3 hours isn't even the whole common route and has little loli action. Why would you start over and not just continue? I prefer Tanuki Soft's games but Noshoujo is good. Did the hag filter you?

>> No.42473193

About a year and a half separates my two attempts at reading it.

>> No.42473203
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, まいてつ_Last_Run!!_04212346146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that hard to post the title instead of just a bunch of vndb links that I have to click through

>> No.42473218

Do you not know how to greentext? This is hard to look over each one.

>> No.42473237


>> No.42473240


>> No.42473269

There's no shame man, they've been doing this shit weekly for years and always weirdly professional.
Well sometimes you do get the occasional newbie seiyuu being embarrassed but who knows if they're just pretending, Kitaooji Yuki was really cute in her guest appearances.

>> No.42473436

I would love to have a physical collection of eroge but I'm always paranoid about customs. At best you get your shit confiscated, at worst legal troubles. I should've loaded up when I was in Tokyo last year.

>> No.42473516

I would just say to steer clear of anything loli but even more grey area stuff like 学園もの could be misconstrued as highschool shit by the court. Sometimes I hate where I live.

>> No.42473527

Move to a non Anglo big brother state. That should be easy if you have any form of income.

>> No.42473529

Even if it's not straight up loli, the back of eroge packages are usually full of H-scene screenshots which will probably get you hit if your country has any laws about sending obscene material through the mail. Plus even a non-loli heroine will likely look underage to some random customs normie. I live in the US, which isn't the worst for this type of thing, but far from the best either.

>> No.42473549

I don't see you guys problem with this. It's their job and they have fun or at least pretend to. Why would there be shame when they're doing this in their known environment? They aren't recording that in front of a normie audience or for NHK. They're used to moan on command or write H-scenes. Asking about favorite scenes is just banter. For Japanese entertainment this is very tame.

What offends me is them skipping text and voices. Paying 0 attention and just spamming enter. They could've at least used auto mode.

>> No.42473644

Dear God, please make her BR imouto.

>> No.42473645

This looks interesting, what percentage of it is just brutal rape though? I get really tired of reading H-scenes.

>> No.42473681

I'm glad I live in a country that hasn't legislatively adapted to new trends and doesn't give a shit about 2d porn

>> No.42473692

I have used https://goyokikiya.com/ a couple of times to ship eroge bought through Getchu. It was flawless experience.

>> No.42473708

Too bad Philippines is a shithole.

>> No.42473807

Does Naoya have voice acting in Toki? Or is that last line only for the PV?

>> No.42473893

>Or is that last line only for the PV?
probably this, or it'll do that meme thing where the protagonist is voiced only in certain scenes but that's more unlikely than it just being for the PV

>> No.42473903

you should really have one of the numerous extensions that changes vndb links and dlsite numbers to titles and shows a preview image when you hover over

>> No.42474133

What is it called? I kind of fail to find it.

>> No.42474137

Would she be considered blood related after drinking his blood?

>> No.42474219

wish there were more vns like https://vndb.org/v25816 but not in 2 hour kinetic novel nukige form

>> No.42474346

So you want more Wanko to Kurasou?

>> No.42474379

i don't play cuckge so no

>> No.42474779

Thank God I don't live there

>> No.42476357

need nukige with good plots and/or meta writing

>> No.42476480

Any game with girl saying this after H scene.

>> No.42476519


vndblinks extension exists?

>> No.42477224 [DELETED] 


>> No.42477227

Was the problem of ななみとこのみのおしえてA・B・C HD not running on Win 10 ever solved?
I remember it was discussed many months ago but I might've missed some discussions since that time.

>> No.42477772
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>> No.42477825


>> No.42478111
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>> No.42478173
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x763, Screenshot 2021-06-10 17.18.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste and triples

>> No.42478188

I still haven't finished Musumaker. Heard it's long.

>> No.42478993

Any kind anon can help seed https://vndb.org/v2405? Please, I need my twincest.

>> No.42479715
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What am I in for? And why are Clockup games so memorable?

>> No.42479772

Wish I could help but I don't have it. Hopefully someone helpful does.
They get the dick hard AND the noggin jogging. They should do loli shit sometime.

>> No.42479810

Maybe I should apply for the company. Probably better than being a NEET in Japan of all places.

>> No.42479892

do cucks REALLY.............

>> No.42480007
File: 28 KB, 319x369, 1667087940870713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing's good coming out this week, right?
Next month is when the good stuff starts coming out, right?

>> No.42480023

Red Cherish Eternity Blood is this week.

>> No.42480039

>No hags
I was asking for the good stuff

>> No.42480162

There's Giga's magnum opus.

>> No.42480255

Da Capo 5(all ages)
I guess people still play these games

>> No.42480256
File: 300 KB, 713x706, 0f613701-85c5-49b4-be1c-0ce45597763c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this even going to work

>> No.42480288

DC5 Early Access won't interest that hagfag or anyone waiting for the full release.

>> No.42480354

hentai-sharing has it, although it's unlikely that it will be compatible with the torrent,. That dude with the unreadable nickname seems to have the original archives (they still have the original timestamps) but he unpacks them and recompresses them.

>> No.42480377
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1562, Fm7EHUDaMAA5Msc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamige confirmed. Where's the guy who said Gotou wouldn't be reprising her role?

>> No.42480378

They stuff all the ero scenes in the very start and almost the very end of the game, back to back to back. It'd work way better than a lot of titles.

>> No.42480511

Any way I can acquire henpri on android through the sailor's means?

>> No.42480650

isnt like half of the text in this is porn

>> No.42480725

Torrent soon...

>> No.42480754

ladies and gentleman, i present the typical reddit prison tard

>> No.42480786
File: 63 KB, 720x405, pasta wrecked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any history fag know if this actually happened? I did some brief searching and came up with nothing, but I want to believe because that'd be hilarious.

>> No.42480792

Haha am I glad that guy's not me. He looks like an idiot now. Maybe he was just trolling you.

>> No.42480803

not even just the text but the game having futa isn't just because it's an eroge and the H scenes themselves are related to the story so have no idea what's the point of making this

>> No.42480866

the countries differ but the rest checks out so yeah something similar occured

>> No.42480893
File: 51 KB, 618x385, 2023-01-25-190229_618x385_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides. Thanks anon.

>> No.42480894

>18+ plotge mc that isn't a cuckold
is it possible? is the science there yet?

>> No.42480985

Very rare but they exist. Most plotge require NTR and heroine rape to work though.

>> No.42481064

Most of them, only moebutas believe every plotge has NTR. Must be brain rot from reading moe garbage constantly

>> No.42481079

>18+ plotge reader that isn't delusional and highly paranoid
is it possible? is the science there yet?

>> No.42481112

There's a reason why plotge are also known as cuckge. If they didn't have NTR they wouldn't be plotge, it would be like calling an allagesge eroge.

>> No.42481123

Can someone explain this meme to me? 99% of 18+ plotge I've read are just "MC has sex with the girl" at some point during the plot.

>> No.42481129

ah yes, famous plotge like riddle joker and dracu riot...

>> No.42481151

The meme is there's some absolutely insane guy in the thread who keeps spamming about everything being "cuckge" or "NTR", just ignore him

>> No.42481152

It's some garbage from the bot-infested /vg/ thread.

>> No.42481158

you know that "plotcuck" has been used on this board for years, right? are you new or just delusional?

>> No.42481190

You seem oddly familiar with the EOP general. Care to explain?

>> No.42481196

since almost all plotge have ntr as an important story element a lot of people use plotge and cuckge as synonyms

>> No.42481217
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, what did Teddy say about this shit again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyphenated Americans were a mistake.

>> No.42481249

Plotbros... It's オワ㍑...

>> No.42481348

moecucks sure are delusional

>> No.42481387 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.42481601

>it would be like calling an allagesge eroge
"people" who do that exist

>> No.42481650

probably plotcucks

>> No.42481901
File: 2.15 MB, 1471x905, 1661385831254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear these girls from the new hooksoft are just vtuber ripoffs. No idea there names since I'm not a fag, but I'm pretty sure I've seen all their designs before.

>> No.42482106

Guess I know what im playing till I wait in April for Amakano 2+.

>> No.42482538

Like they need any help when it comes to degeneracy.

>> No.42482553

I still hate most of those uniforms. Who thought circus stripes are a good design?

>> No.42482617

>soft palette designs
>ohhh nooooo VTUMORS
Why are you like this?

>> No.42482626

sure u could technically say "for years" but

occurence of the word in /jp/ according to warosu: 1 page
>>/jp/thread/S20722157#p20728955 VNTS //28.01.2019
>>/jp/thread/S29267408#p29421316 This general //19.11.2020

occurences of the word in /vg/ according to b4k: 19 pages
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/264367060/#264414414 /vg/ //31.08.2020

really made me think

>> No.42482650

>board with way more posts has way more uses of words
yeah man really smart of you
it's the same for moebuta so that doesn't really mean anything

>> No.42482666

You need to read boring moeshit to not be exposed to le evil ntr, imagine being a buta and believing that unironically.

>> No.42482675

>the plotcuck recoils and begins spraying feces when confronted with reality

>> No.42482676

Fuck that reads like something I might've written.

No surprise the word is used a lot more on /vg/. Everyone who's here is also there.
Everyone here is a plotcuck.
Everyone over there hates plotcucks.
So they use plotcuck to insult us.

>> No.42482691

moechad live in your head rent free

>> No.42482699

>sameish topic
>this thread has has like 2 300 post thread a month
>that thread has like 1-2 750 post threads a day

>> No.42482715

Oh thanks anon. Didn't know about this site. Now I just hope my PC can run it.

>> No.42482770

>Everyone who's here is also there.

>> No.42483006

There's what, 10,000+ vtubers?
At some point there'll have to be overlap. There's only so many designs.

>> No.42483017

My first thought upon seeing them was definitely not Vtubers. You're mindbroken.

>> No.42483065

>Everyone who's here is also there.
Nah. I'm not there. I have no interest in English translations since I started playing in Japanese a dozen years ago.

>> No.42483189

Never visit /vg/ but fuck chuunitards.

>> No.42483194

hows tokyo necro

>> No.42483208

ok boomer

>> No.42483228

>Plotge are for high IQ individuals
>NTR is the high IQ fetish
It's not rocket science

>> No.42483233

Is there a non-nukige game with a gyaru as the main heroine? I don't mean a game where every girl is a variant of gyaru.

>> No.42483253

cucks are mentally ill tho

>> No.42483297

That's good taste actually. Any VNs prominently about a girl that wants to see you cheat with other girls?
Maybe a girl that builds an harem for you or something deviant like that?

>> No.42483355

So I finally can comfortably self-insert into oji-san raping some MSGKs?

>> No.42483635

Kinda related to your question, but I do want to see gyaru with aesthetic tattoos. Something that's more common in 3D than 2D which is weird.

>> No.42483756

>Everyone who's here is also there
speak for yourself, I am loyal to /jp/

>> No.42483978
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 凍京NECRO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.

>> No.42484218

>Everyone who's here is also there.
I do visit other boards, but /vg/ is not one of them. I stopped going there after velka died, so like 4 years ago. I've only opened /vn/ once ever, same with /a/, /b/ and /pol/.

>Everyone here is a plotcuck.
I'm a moebuta. Plot is third, right after the porn.

>> No.42484308

>velka died
Did he really bite the dust or did he just disappear?

>> No.42484330

Nobody knows, but he had no reason to stop uploading shit. He was literally making money off the piracy from some third world shithole.

>> No.42484614

It looks better than their usual dogshit style.

>> No.42484860
File: 32 KB, 462x125, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what now anon
crack doesn't seem to support win11

>> No.42484904

Upgrade to Windows 7

>> No.42485078

Get DL version and use denchi unwrapper, do not use chinkshit

>> No.42485431

I need the eroge equivalent of Forspoken just to make sure if the toxic waste I experienced isn't just limited to AAA games.

>> No.42485484

Dona dona

>> No.42485497

That's Saints Row the eroge.

>> No.42485510

wtf saints row is cuckge?

>> No.42485533

ドスケベふたなりっ娘が人目を盗んで大声でセンズリ ~朝からずっしりミルクポット1.5L~

>> No.42485659

don't you dare insult SR like that

>> No.42485690

You have played the new one right?

>> No.42485809

Are you telling me that the ノベルゲー op schizo was right all along?

>> No.42485844

right in what way

>> No.42485903

can't be worse than DD

>> No.42485942

In theory, labeling the thread as エロゲスレ should exclude all non porn game discussion. In that sense, ノベルゲースレ is a more appropriate label since it encompass all the discussion that goes around in this thread.
Nevertheless, the title has never been an impediment to talk about all ages games, nor it has ever been actively discouraged, so at the end of the day it isn't as important as all the shit flinging seems to suggest.

>> No.42485957

It is. It doesn't even have porn to make up for it.

>> No.42486259

I love moege so much, bros.

>> No.42486405
File: 114 KB, 431x565, 333421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

April bro

>> No.42486629

People have called Clannad eroge since forever, even though it doesn't have eroscenes.
ノベルゲー seems to be just too rare term to be used.
If there is a need to encompass both eroge and all-ages game of the same style under accurate and widely used term then 美少女ゲーム seems to be quite a bit more appropriate.

>> No.42486639

If you're going by dlsite then that excludes thousands of doujin eroge.

>> No.42486707

>ノベルゲー seems to be just too rare term to be used.
I've seen it used mainly for VNs with NVL format

>> No.42487015

I have no idea how they will handle the rape scene. They can't just remove it since it's actually plot relevant

>> No.42487101

Me too. But vast majority of eroge is in ADV format nowadays. NVLs are pretty much non-existent.

>> No.42487109

For me, I'm waiting for a resurgence of dating/choukou sims. I like to work for my porn.

>> No.42487119

this shit is too masochistic for me

>> No.42487124

Only if you're aiming for 100%. I'm not that autistic.

>> No.42487130

What's wrong with you, anon?

>> No.42487908


New thread.

>> No.42487916


>> No.42487943

but i don't want all-ages in my thread

>> No.42487948

too late bud

>> No.42488307


>> No.42488367

it's dead bro

>> No.42488392

It's exactly last on the last page.
