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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 379 KB, 450x4467, b1a977e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4247368 No.4247368 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4247372

Is that a toilet?

>> No.4247373


>> No.4247374

Is that a toilet seat?

>> No.4247376


finnel shitting event

>> No.4247379

lol i wonder how much DP that event costs

>> No.4247383

Mods say that this does not go here.

>> No.4247387
File: 101 KB, 491x557, Sion being snide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just don't learn, do you, ZUN?

>> No.4247389



>> No.4247390

Final Fantasy XIII
End of Eternity
Ar Tonelico 3
Tales of Vesperia

Pick one

>> No.4247391



>> No.4247394

G­o to /­v/.

Mods say that it doe­sn't belong.

>> No.4247397

/v/ durr hurr

>> No.4247401

Mods agreed.

Now fuck off.

>> No.4247409

You're the only one who's doing this immature stuff.

>> No.4247405


>> No.4247410

Still a faggot I see, quit causing unnecessary drama.

>> No.4247414

someone roughly translate some of this?

>> No.4247415


>> No.4247416

Go to /­v/.

>> No.4247423


>> No.4247425
File: 14 KB, 213x277, Sion's favorite reaction image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4247429
File: 29 KB, 400x299, 3laughingwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4247430
File: 165 KB, 500x375, Hinagikusip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4247519

I go to /v/ and make AT3 thread. Post some posts, thread has few post besides mine. Have to go for 15 minutes, come back and refresh the thread. 404... And who the fuck said it works there? when here I can get even some replies and discussion and in /v/ not? Shouldnt things be discussed on boards where it can gather discussion, isnt that the point of message/image boards?

>> No.4247527

Mods said that this does not got here.

>> No.4247537

link to the said post then?

>> No.4247545


>> No.4247550

he's baiting

>> No.4247564
File: 118 KB, 906x664, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4247569

You're a fucking idiot to actually believe that.

>> No.4247571
File: 155 KB, 500x500, getouttamyclub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4247602

Am I supposed to believe that?

Well actually, I've spoken to one of the mods myself too. And he said that western porns are also /jp/ related. I think his name was B-san.

>> No.4247622

dont see anything in that that states what you claim, all I see it was deleted because of bitching of the person who said so.
Besides my point still stands, isn't one of the unwritten rules that when something can go to multiple places, it should be posted to place where it can gather most of proper discussion.

>> No.4247639

Again wrong.

/v/ always has threads on this stuff and is much easier to an actual discussion than here.

>> No.4247646

Doesn't mean you cant post it on another board.

>> No.4247679

Easier to discuss? You are bullshitting me. As I said I made thread there yesterday and it 404'd under hour without any proper discussion. How the fuck is that easier to discuss than when I make thread here I get discussion always? Only reason it might be harder here is because of you who can't hide 1 fucking thread.

>> No.4247683
File: 521 KB, 1280x960, 1263352824828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is hilarious seeing you people bickering. AT3 threads were full of discussion, kept to a single thread and were generally fine and accepted. If you didn't like it you could simply minimize the thread, filter it if you felt like it and simply move on. Now they're utterly full of "hurr durr take it back to /vidya/", "Mods don't want this" and generic reaction images. Other than trolling 2-3 people who actually get annoyed at this what exactly is the purpose of spending your own time and effort purposefully shitting up a thread for the sake of trolling? I'll never understand it.

>> No.4247690


Can any moonruners tell us wtf is going on, I wanna know the context.

>> No.4247706

It's still /­v/.

I've been doing nothing really that wrong and its you all who are acting incredibly stupid and ignoring all logic.

>> No.4247715
File: 166 KB, 335x412, Sion's other reaction image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gets annoyed by them, but it's pretty amusing watching clowns like the OP make fools of themselves before the inevitable deletion of the thread.
And yeah, they never get any discussion now. Unsurprising, really, coming from /v/ level posters.

>> No.4247719


Ignoring logic how so? Shitting up the entire board because you personally feel the content doesn't go here doesn't exactly justify what you're doing or why you're doing it.

>> No.4247721

Just get the fuck out and take all your IRC friends with you fucktard.

>> No.4247728

You ignored logic in the past and I need to act like this now.

>> No.4247733
File: 64 KB, 243x247, Sion is outraged by your behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the little buttmad /v/ kid cry

>> No.4247740

You ignored the logic that threads can go multiple board, fuckhead.

>> No.4247743 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4247754

That doesn't work on /jp/, because /jp/ is for stuff that doesn't go on any board. Go suck a dick.

>> No.4247755


This is my first time posting about this so I can hardly of ignored logic in the past. And you still didn't explain anything.

>> No.4247759

Jones is rather annoying at times, I'll agree, but you're a horrendous poster yourself. You should get out too.


>> No.4247764
File: 76 KB, 600x409, 1261116943391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All things Jones welcome!

>> No.4247768

Go read up on it in the archive.

>> No.4247771


>Jones is rather annoying at times

People still haven't filtered him? I filtered him, Alicia, all their generic reaction images etc. long ago.

>> No.4247790


>> No.4247803

last time I reply to you. let me cite the rules
1. All things japanese
now for unwritten rules.
/jp/ is for for anime-"esguish" stuff that doesn't belong to /a/, visual novels/bishoujo/eroges/untranslated japanese games, Touhou and generall japanese things.
When posts are posted they should be posted on boards they fit most in the case they fit in multiple boards.
/v/ geared towards general gaming and western tastes.
distinction between Visual Novel/Bishoujo games from ordinary games//v/ material is that their focus is stories and girls in them.

well those are the rules that should affect this discussion most.
So here's a question still for you, how you see these threads more /v/ than /jp/? and we keep things in 1 thread and there are atleast around 10 far more off-topic threads from general rules, why don't I see you in them?

so yeah, I stop trying to say anything to you anymore untill I hear proper justifications from you to those questions. Well, im out of here making these pointless posts now.

>> No.4247824
File: 108 KB, 657x803, 2753431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "countdown to the AT3 release date" threads were some of the greatest threads we've had in a while. No trolling and no drama; just tons of people discussing/fapping over the game. In other words, the heart and soul of /jp/.

Then a few people saw that we were enjoying ourselves too much, and here we are now. But at least we had those threads; they're proof that /jp/ can still be awesome every once in a while.

tl;dr we were having fun, so now other friends are having fun with us.

>> No.4247835

Stop deluding yourself, ZUN.

>> No.4247838

>durrhurr unwritten rules because i rules this place and I AM THE LAW

>> No.4247866
File: 870 KB, 1920x1200, wp_04_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree, those threads were awesome. Not that we can have such good discussions again.

On another note, because couldn't wait for it, I watched the first hour of AT3 from niconico. Looked awesome. In one hour there was allkinds of stuff happening already.
Mute and Aoto having way with words of mutes girlishness, lvl 4 Saki purge and the cake is not a lie, Tatsumi being too serious, suddenly Soma out of fucking window. Also have to say that Aoto didnt seem that bad of protagonist.

>> No.4247871

Go to /v/.

>> No.4247874

Where did you guys order AT3 from?

>> No.4247879

You're both idiots, those rules are clearly written.

>> No.4247885

Take i­t to /­v/.

>> No.4247894
File: 14 KB, 441x88, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support this guy.
It is clearly written.

>> No.4247900

because I live in europe I couldn't order from Play-asia. So ended up ordering it from Himeya shop, not the best choice tough for being so expensive but they are fast usualy. Why the fuck they havent even shipped my copy yet. still have to get ps3 from somewhere tough.

>> No.4247905

Goes in /­v/.

>> No.4247937


Same here. I'll own both AT3 and Valkyria Chronicles but don't have a PS3 to play them on yet.

>> No.4247942

Go to /­v­/.

>> No.4247943

Buy one now.

>> No.4248043


I'm personally holding off. With recent news of Tales of Vesperia not getting an international release on the PS3 it has kind of set me back with buying a PS3. I'll probably wait for the next price cut to get one since I'm not in a hurry.

>> No.4248047

Stop bumping your own thread.

>> No.4248049

I don't think there will be any price cuts in at least a year or two though.

>> No.4248050

/jp/ would be a lot better if all this shit went to /v/, and by all this shit i mean touhou, fate/stay night, rance, im@s, etc.

we have a board distinctly for video games.

>> No.4248082



>> No.4248088

But then /jp/ wouldn't have any material except for Japanese bird and Dawson.

>> No.4248104

>Fate/stay night
The others are reaaaally pushing it, but if you think Fate/stay night is a videogame, you should get /v/ to show you what exactly a videogame is.

>> No.4248109

Japanese bird is /an/
Dawson is /tv/
Everything else is /v/

/jp/ has no material.

>> No.4248120

Why can't we just assume everything is /b/ content and be done with it.

>> No.4248133

Whats the difference between asia and jap versions? (region 2 and 3) I got the asian version since it was cheaper

>> No.4248139

Go someplace else.

>> No.4248148

/jp/ was fucking created to take out VN/LN/Touhou out of /a/, so those are this places main focus +whatever other japanese stuff goes here.

>> No.4248209


Not according to the "take it to /v/" shitposters.

>> No.4248225

Nice job bumping you own thread again.

>> No.4248227

Take it to /v/ not /jp/ related.

>> No.4248260

>Not according to the "take it to /v/" shitposters.
Yeah, and who are you going to believe, me or a shitposter?

>> No.4248263

shmups, fighters, visual novels and even idol raising simulators are games.

/jp/ should just be one continuous thread of 3D idols posted by bots.

>> No.4248283

But how many of them are video, dumbass?

>> No.4248295

Cosmospheres look promising.

>> No.4248310

Does not go here.

>> No.4248339

I notice that the fuckers that keep trying to run Japan out of /jp/ seem to have shut the fuck up.

Maybe they got a clue after last night. We can only hope that all the telling people to /int/, /lang/ because they want to talk about Japan is over.
