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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4245170 No.4245170[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, would you please tell me a story about your childhood? Seeing how I never had one, I want to hear yours.

It can be about videogames, pranks, ghosts, sex, onsets of roneriness, etc...

>> No.4245203

>never had a childhood

You grown in a vat or something?

>> No.4245207

I was normal until second grade, then I got bullied for a few years, then I was just a loner. That's basically it.

>> No.4245212

i was raped and killed at the age of 8.
shit sucks man

>> No.4245219

Well, let me tell you something. When me and your mother were just in junior high we went on our first date. But later as we grew I was also somehow two different people. Your mother was a powerful Mew Mew as we have told you. Your mother is a Mew Ichigo. While I was the Blue Knight. Deep Blue and me and myself, but all in the same body! I and Deep Blue had white skin and pointy ears and yellow hair and a BLUE CROSS looking outfit, and saved your mother. But until that form went bad, I was known then as PURE EVIL. Deep Blue. I had white skin and my same hair color was MUCH MUCH longer. I tried to destroy all mankind and all worlds, until I came back as a new me, same as I am now. And me, and Ichiko beat him. We saved everyone and the Earth. Now I just want to tell you, if you become a Mew like your mother, PLEASE fight for good and everything you are born for. Do NOT be afraid to tell your boyfriend most of all tell us, Toya. Please do not HIDE it from us, as well as Ichiko told her parents she was a Mew, Ichigo. As soon as we saved the earth. Just wanted you to know.

>> No.4245233


No, I lived a sheltered childhood that precluded me from creating lasting bonds with my peers, thus leaving my social skills severely crippled.

>> No.4245247

Quit your whining. I was a complete social recluse until I was 17, it took me all of 3 measly months of social immersion to regain acceptable social skills

>> No.4245253 [DELETED] 


However, this is not the point of the point of this thread.

>> No.4245261


However, this is not the point of this thread. So on with the stories.

>> No.4245274

That was the story.
Social recluse -> stop being a pussy -> good social skills, circle of friends -> choose to be a basement-dwelling NEET anyways

Story time over

>> No.4245283

videogames: played a lot, my parents had to restrict it, my favourite thing was the jigsaw puzzle however, I was really good at it, 2000 pieces and stuff

pranks: I didn't play many pranks, I was rather an intelligent, slightly autistic child, lost it nowadays though, too much impure stuff in the mind circulation, sometimes I talked very much when I was a child, but it was only when I met the right people

ghosts: we didn't tell many ghost stories, but I was afraid of them, nowadays not anymore

sex: what is that, I'm still a virgin

onsets of roneriness: used to think about it, but not anymore, everyone has 24 hours per day, if you can do one thing you can't do another, I'm happy

>> No.4245296

Well, let's see, my mother pretty much ruined my fathers financial situation and spent away his ~$500,000 inheritance on jewelry, which she gave away in her will to some of my faggot cousins who grew up my better of than I did, e.g. one of my uncle's is the president of a pretty successful record company, pretty much leaving me nothing. Which is ironic considering she hated her sisters and hadn't seen any of those cousins for about 10 years before she died.

>> No.4245293

I got damn near killed the day after columbine happened.

Everybody was scared all the unpopular kids would pull it. The solution? Gang up and beat the crap out of them!

And of course, since they had strength in numbers, they convinced everyone that we started it. So we got in more trouble, and they were hailed as heroes.

>> No.4245310
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Cool, /r9k/ is here!

>> No.4245318

I would have killed them.

>> No.4245323

videogames, I played Red Baron and Scorched Earth with my friends when I was a little kid
It was very much fun all the time, we were playing a lot of it.. Even Warlords that was a nice game too

pranks, I once put a nail in my teachers shoe, my friends also did similar things with other teachers.

ghosts, I met a ghost last week It was fun

sex, I raped my schoolteacher in highschool a few times

onsets of roneriness, It all happened with a piece of cheesecake when I suddenly realized that I didn't have a pony. That was when my girlfriend and I split up and then I went to meet the schoolteacher


>> No.4245340
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>I raped my schoolteacher in highschool a few times

>> No.4245351

she was pretty hot at the time... now however she's old and pretty unfuckable

>> No.4245361

and yeah I also went to prison for a time for raping her

luckily my country's prisons are not like americas prisons. We can order prostitutes to relieve us there. There are TVs there and a bar too.

>> No.4245362
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>> No.4245369
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>> No.4245375
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>He's still lying about his life!

>> No.4245380

I spent most of middle school and early high school blowing action figures up in the backyard.

>> No.4245374
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>> No.4245381
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>> No.4245386
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>> No.4245387
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So where do you live, England?

>> No.4245389

yeah its true

that all a lie

now I can tell you my real life as a spy for the Italian gardening magazine XXX

>> No.4245396


Only a bar? How the fuck does you country keep people imprisioned?

>> No.4245402
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>> No.4245398

It only depends on where England is, at the moment

>> No.4245394
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>> No.4245393

How can she let you rape her several times? Didn't she try to do something against it the first time or thereafter?

>> No.4245409
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>> No.4245414

no she was a retard
I went to a school with disabled people

>> No.4245416
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>> No.4245423
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>> No.4245427

Real dad told me to get fucked and signed off custody of me and my little brother when I was 11 so he could go marry slave woman in china.

That fucked up a good 3 years of my life, threatened to burn down a school and some other less than palatable things.

Thankfully my stepfather was a really good guy and helped pull me out of that shit.

Also I got molested at a DC discovery zone.

Besides that nothing really interesting.

Oh wait I once ghost rided my bike into a guy in a wheelchair.

>> No.4245434
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