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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 329 KB, 1003x1000, so fucking hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4241988 No.4241988 [Reply] [Original]

Haters gonna hate.

Also, Chie sucks

>> No.4241993

English patch. WHERE!?

>> No.4241997

I'm still waiting for the C76 album that Anon promised.

>> No.4242005

...you don't need a patch.

>> No.4242008

Does your back hurt from living under that rock?

>> No.4242014

Buy it like everybody else did.

>> No.4242021


>> No.4242026

Fuck you op, fuck you.

>> No.4242029

I've MU dwnld link to this VN (Full Version) .Will posted the link if someone ask nicely .

>> No.4242031

Mary Sue.

>> No.4242037

What's wrong? Too awesome for you?

>> No.4242040

You can feel Kirari burning passion in that pic.

>> No.4242052

Don't. They should find it themself.

>> No.4242055

She sets my soul on fire

>> No.4242066

>so fucking hot.jpg

>> No.4242079

If you don't like Kirari, there's something wrong with you. Even the devs prefer her. She's the most popular in Japan. Would you seriously disagree with that?

>> No.4242096

Because she's generic and boring.

>> No.4242098 [DELETED] 

Wow. Now you did it yet again. You never learn, do you? Kindly STOP spamming, harassing and generally attacking the best site on the Web immediately: www. anon
. com. We DO NOT want you there. We never did. GOT IT? If you want these messages to cease, simply STOP fucking with us ENTIRELY, remove ALL lying troll articles about AT and kill all the illegal clones (using whatever method necessary). Get the domain unbanned from all the ISPs that you got it banned from. Then and only then will you never be bothered by these messages again. However, every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 1,972 more of these messages posted as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be. We are not at all afraid of you chantards.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and kindly get the fuck off of our board.

>> No.4242102

...Yes, I would disagree with that.

>> No.4242108


Is that so? I guess I (will [ ] never [ ] ) posted link later. Goodnight /jp/. I've done for today.

>> No.4242114

She's anything but.


>> No.4242161
File: 181 KB, 800x999, kirarikimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone hate this?

>> No.4242229

Chie does suck, most overrated bitch ever

>> No.4242246

Compared to other characters in game, Kirari is the most generic. Young looking airhead with annoying squeaky voice? We know that appeals to Japanese crowd, so it'd make sense for devs to make Kirari the one with canon ending.
And for a genius she's pretty stupid.

>> No.4242253

What traits do you prefer?

Anyways, Sarina was my favorite girl in terms of waifu want, but Kirari's Normal End is definitely what made me love this game.

>> No.4242260

Wow I'm poor and my father is a failure but I love everyone and am happy because everything is bright and I am sooo genki also I just love to sing and I'm really really talented at it and I'm a super genius too but I'm just too genki and clumsy to get good grades haha and I also have this habit of talking way too much shit aren't I just lovable~~?

>> No.4242268

Bleh I been trying to replay kirakira, but after I run the iso and hit install game. Nothing happens..

>> No.4242272

Because that's so much more generic than a busty blonde rich girl, and a childhood friend that has always secretly loved the protagonist.

>> No.4242277

Same thing happened to me. I just left the computer on and went jogging, and when I came back it had unfrozen. So waiting is the best option, probably.

>> No.4242291

she isn't blonde

>> No.4242294
File: 20 KB, 367x252, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon on /jp/ going out and part-taking in physical activity

>> No.4242301


Suddenly it unfreezes.. I was way to impatience last night.


>> No.4242305

Oh, I agree that Kirari's normal end is the best one in the game, but the true end was really bleh.
Anyway, I tend to prefer characters that aren't quite so.... Genki.

>> No.4242320

Shikako was the best girl in the game.

>> No.4242341

So who did you like? Obviously nobody good if you don't like Kirari, but still.

>> No.4242367

Except thats a facade sometimes.

guess you didnt play true end.

>> No.4242378
File: 81 KB, 816x636, ohgods2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him/her. Also Chie, all of the guys and most of the other minor characters.

>> No.4242389

>all of the guys


im sorry, but i just cant take a cock smokers opinion seriously.

>> No.4242413

Why the FUCK does everyone like Chie so much? She's just another typical childhood friend/big sister type character. There's nothing interesting or remarkable about her at all.

>> No.4242428

A Kirari lover like you wouldn't understand the depth of our reasoning.

>> No.4242446

Because Chie-nee is pure.

>> No.4242454

Brohos > bros > hos

>> No.4242457

Its not like we hate the other characters (well, atleast i dont hate the other characters)

Kawashima's route was kinda sudden in the romance entrance, it literally was a "I love you" and "woah where the fuck did that come from moment"

they lampshaded it sure, but its not like it clears up the reasons behind it.

and i did like Kirari's routes, both of them.
but i just like Chie's more, its also a whole new level when the romance factor is Chie loving Shikanosuke since childhood.

so yeah.

>> No.4242458

She's not pure after she gets fucked like a dog.

>> No.4242473

>Chie loving Shikanosuke since childhood.
You mean just like every other childhood friend route ever?

>> No.4242483

Kirari asks Shikanosuke to fuck her in liblary.

>> No.4242484

The Sarina love was quite evident, really, I was mildly expecting it since I love beach scenes
Sarina liked Shikanosuke because he was kind, energetic, always happy and cared for her
a good reason, better than Kirari for sure

>> No.4242491

well, from all the animu and VNs ive played, most childhood friends dont love the MC since childhood, they start to have feelings for them after they get into highschool or what not.

whereas Chie, is, as i said before, from childhood.

so yeah.

oh yeah, and ROCKMAN was awesome too.

>> No.4242492

Sarina also liked him because he was pretty much the only guy she really interacted with.
Heck he said so himself.

>> No.4242500

Is there a soundtrack and does it have the full version of their original songs?

>> No.4242506

Yes but they enter the romance quite suddenly, infact, Shikanosuke had a whole confusion wall of text thinking perhaps she was confused about her feelings for him and misinterpreting it as love, because he too felt it was out of the blue and unexpected.

whereas Kirari's route, and Chie's route, theres foreshadowing and all that.

>> No.4242526

A good waifu reserves herself to her beloved husbando even before some hoes try to get to him.

Chie-nee loved him from the start, even before they started the band, unlike Kirari and Sarina who loved/liked him when they got the chance to be with him.

By this reasoning, Chie-nee is a pure girl and the best girl in the VN.

>> No.4242531

Sarina was a bit hasty, I mean being ill and so on, she wouldn't like to wait, I always ook that confession as her jus wanting to spend more time with him, then the relationship develops and you can truly feel it

>> No.4242544

Chie's confession scene was the best.
There, I said it.

>> No.4242559

But she said she liked Tonoya. She said he was the best one out of the guys.

>> No.4242572

I doubt she was thinking "shit, im going to die, I NEED SOME COCK RIGHT NOW" (paraphrased)

so hasty argument probably not.

and mind you she said she loved him, not that she liked him.
and it pretty much stayed the way.

so yeah, agree to disagree or something, unless there was some kind of crucial scene i forgot.

>> No.4242581

That is if the girls we're to pick from Shikako, big guy and Tonoya. Chie-nee just thinks 'like any girl would' -- any girl would like Tonoya, unlike Kirari who chose Shikako because of her liking to him (and the given 'true end') and Sarina who chose just for the heck of it. However, this doesn't mean her interest in Tonoya is romantic in nature.

>> No.4242599

Sure thing, bro.

Just admit it. Chie's "love" isn't as strong as you want it to be.

>> No.4242608

Speaking objectively.

just like how theres always that sweet girl who goes out with a guy who's bad for her, but for some reason she cant say no.

or something like that

>> No.4242615

Sarina was going to choose Shikanosuke but pitied big guy

>> No.4242744

But that guy was the most awesome one, and he probably has a huge cock. They should have all picked him.

>> No.4244033

Fuck. I just finished the true end.

This is the most unsatisfying VN I've ever completed. I thought I'd get the story book ending after what happened in normal. All they needed to do was show Kirarai's relationship going well instead of just say it was and I would've been happy. Instead you get to remember the good old days before you start a 9 to 5 job.

>> No.4244077

Did anyone else feel this way?

>> No.4244112

Nearly everybody prefers Kirari's normal end to her true one. Just look at this thread.

>> No.4244106 [DELETED] 

Nearly everybody else prefers Kirari's normal end to her true one. Just look at this thread.

>> No.4244119
File: 70 KB, 800x601, Aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo I liked Aki the best, i was so disappointed when she only had one CG in KKCC. I liked her song the best too.


(Lyrics some anon posted not sure on the accuracy.)

In this dimming world where the darkness hides your breath, I only pushed the truth.

With the same weight of your words that I lost, I try to catch the shining light.

"It's all right" I mutter and open my eyes.

Heading towards the new morning, I advance into the distance. Time flows and parts and fades into memories.

Your song becomes my path. I embrace that tomorrow and walk forward.

The color of the usual scenery no longer reflects you. It eventually melts and blends together.

As if calm thin clouds surround it.

A wide singing voice reaches towards the end of the dim sky. As if protecting me, it sparkles and shines through.

Connecting with your song, that fragment of tomorrow, I follow it anywhere.

I'm overcoming that night when I could hardly move. Your eternity will surely stay alive within your song.

A wide singing voice reaches towards the end of the dim sky. As if protecting me, it sparkles and shines through.

Heading towards the new morning, I advance into the distance. Time flows and parts and fades into a memory.

Your song becomes my path. I embrace that tomorrow and walk forward.

On and on forever.

>> No.4244137

There are no good females in KiraKira. Not a single one.

Not Chie, not Kirari, not Sarina.

Not Tomo, not Aki, not that annoying Saya knockoff.

Not the tranny, not Shikako.

No one.

>> No.4244139

I wish there was a combination route of her normal and true.

The main character pissed me the fuck off. He should've accepted her proposal to sing with her or at least had the option. I'd have done it.

All Kirarai ends are bad ends.

>> No.4244146

I was unsatisfied because the game sucked but /jp/ had made it out to be the best thing ever.

>> No.4244164

I liked the beginning an middle. When the routes started it went to shit.

>> No.4244173

Kirari normal is god tier.

>> No.4244181

I actually felt the opposite. Although the first Kirari route was terrible (lame Clannad After Story ripoff).

>> No.4244185

Oh god this is awesome.

>> No.4244186
File: 76 KB, 800x601, ShikanosukeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KKCC part2 better have a route for her.

>> No.4244190

It was good story, but because of the self insert nature of the games I was hoping for something much different from true. Instead it ends up being the shittiest of all the endings. It wasn't bittersweet it was just dull and meh.


>> No.4244194

It was completely different from After Story.
What, do you think Clannad is the first one to do something like this?

>> No.4244199
File: 10 KB, 240x200, 1259128658257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>KKCC part 2

Not in this lifetime, man. Enjoy your Dear Drops.

>> No.4244213

You will never have sex with Maejima's delicious sister.

>> No.4244215

FUCK I'm still raging at the true end. Who the shit thought that was a good way to cumulatively wrap everything up? WHO!?

>> No.4244207

Spinoff is spinoff.

>> No.4244269

>It was completely different from After Story.
Man meets and falls in love with waifu->waifu dies->timeskip->man is a depressive wreck->man eventually overcomes his sadness and accepts the world

The main difference being that Tomoya actually had good character development.

>What, do you think Clannad is the first one to do something like this?
Probably not, but that's just the impression I got while playing it. If you want you can replace "ripoff" with "a poor attempt to achieve a similar result."

>> No.4244282

Do you have any idea how hard you just generalized everything to get it to fit your idea?


>> No.4244314

You obviously have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Clannad practically INVENTED the modern romance formula.

>> No.4244321
File: 216 KB, 551x472, 5970219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clannad invented nakige

>> No.4244329


>> No.4244331

The execution was completely different.
Everything can be similar if you try to make them similar.
Kirari's normal ending wasn't that much about Kirari herself, or even her death.
It wasn't the central focus, the focus was on the choice Shikanosuke had to make, between continuing with his childihish dream or becoming a proper adult.
Kirari's death was like an anchor, he couldn't "grow up" because of this, but he did finally realize in the end it was okay like this, even if he finally accepted Kirari's death, he still wanted to continue living like this.

Personally I liked the fact that Shikanosuke's development in this route wasn't as "in your face" as Tomoya's in After Story

>> No.4244358

Clannad invented canon

>> No.4244360

After Story was also more about Tomoya's growth than Nagisa's death, so I don't really see your point.

>> No.4244371

Did clanned have thinly veiled references to letting go of imaginary waifus?

>> No.4244374
File: 45 KB, 400x400, lelouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clannad invented Kanon to ensure they invented Clannad.

>> No.4244370

Kanon invented Clannad

>> No.4244378

Clannad invented romance.

>> No.4244394

You obviously have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Clannad practically INVENTED extant orders of starfish.

>> No.4244411

Clanned invented inventing.

>> No.4244414
File: 944 KB, 1107x1600, clannad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude are you guys serious? Clannad is the pinnacle of VN/Anime/Manga/Fiction, period. It invented modern day romance, period. Shakespeare and Stephenie Meyer were good for awhile but Clannad has done everything they have and surpassed it, period. You guys must not have read it because it so romantic. Period.

>> No.4244426

Clannad invented video games

>> No.4244439

Clanned invented the modern written language. Sumer agreed. Don't bother them about it.

>> No.4244466


>> No.4244481

Clannad invented this post.

>> No.4244482

Clannad invented life.

>> No.4244507

Clanned invented our current physical plane of existence.
