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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42328747 No.42328747 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.42329904

>Saito Soma as the big brother
Dropped. Never liked his bug-like voiced

>> No.42330133

He can only be bottoms.

>> No.42330300

White haired guy is probably MC's real brother

>> No.42330448

I’ll believe that when I see it.
Maybe if he’s a side character or a bait and switch true route who isn’t really a love interest.

>> No.42331481

I used to hate him and now I like him

>> No.42331585

Yeah same eye colour.

>> No.42334088

>they hate games with too many waifushit
More like they have nothing for them.

>> No.42335212

Which otome lets you romance a shota? Or at least someone quite young/younger

>> No.42336862

Listen to his niichan blcd sis, you gonna love him

>> No.42336917
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I am requesting BL related screenshots and images that have been saved in your PCs

>> No.42337291
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>> No.42337504


>> No.42339860
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>> No.42341159

I am surprised prince of tennis is still so popular

>> No.42342012

Yumejos of old are more faithful.

>> No.42342559
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I have a few from when /y/ was alive

>> No.42342569
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>> No.42346890 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.42352713 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42355039
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Blogs thoughts on Kintouka? Just started so without spoilers.
I'm surprised I didn't hear much of this, art style is pretty good and the JP isn't so hard.

>> No.42356876

Looks alright.

>> No.42357594

I played it a few years ago, it’s pretty good, or at least I remember liking it. Though if you have no tolerance for nakige shit it might be grating, I dunno.

>> No.42359477

I remember all the 5-some and 7-some fanfics.

>> No.42360653

What what everyone favorite love interest? Also I can't tell how high the ero is. So far it has been mostly depressing with the weird horny in the middle of the road moment, which felt like from another VN.

>> No.42362083

Seems like Takuyo's new game sucks, not unexpected if you've seen anything else they've put out in the last few years.

>> No.42362662
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MC could use a better sprite. Kyou is cute as fuck but something about the MC pose makes him look cardboard-y.

>> No.42364977 [DELETED] 


>> No.42367806

A&F shirts

>> No.42369100
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Sisters you were right.
Just finished my utapri marathon and this guy is hilarious. Disgusting but in a good way. I have a soft spot for his voice actor since my fujo days. He mindbreaks the worst boy my sides.
Please tell me that his game is on the way.

>> No.42369241

>Please tell me that his game is on the way.

>> No.42371970

Takuyo hasn’t released a good game since Sweet Clown. You shouldn’t expect anything from them anymore

>> No.42372634
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This is pretty fun so far, I was expecting the plot to be more SoL but instead it seems very deep with the island lore/funeral stuff. Sadly I'm not 上手 enough to get all the nuances.

All the love interests seem interesting too, there isn't much tsun. I'm surprised it hasn't been localized yet, it feels like it would be more popular than like, Parade stuff.

Kyou seems to be the cutest but I'm looking forward meeting the dude with black hair.

>> No.42373424

>Sweet Clown was almost eight years ago
Fuck, I remember it being discussed here when it first came out.

>> No.42374603

>Please tell me that his game is on the way.

>> No.42377255
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He is great sister, future /blog 2nd or 3rd husband. Midorin is awesome as Eiichi.
I hope broccoli folks get their shit together and finally release it. They did finish porting all the previous uta games after all.

>> No.42378969

It's being translated actually. Not officially, though

>> No.42379308
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Imagine being otomate

>> No.42380277

Is the TL any good? Most fan tl usually never finish.

>> No.42382444
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Damn, this bad end is genuinely one of the best ones I’ve read. The pain and suffering was delicious it actually made me tear up a bit. I’m almost done with the FD and I just want more Majima. I’m going to be sad once I’m done with everything

>> No.42382814

>Meet guy for the first time
>He starts insulting me
>Don't get points for telling him to fuck off
How did I ever play these games

>> No.42383691
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Damn the boys in this game seems all pretty good.

>> No.42383746
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I just started the FD myself after doing a playthrough of both the R18 and Switch versions of the VN. Did worst boy Mizuhito first on the FD to get most of it over with. The bad ending story left a sour taste in my mouth.
I know I'm going to feel sad after I finish the FD for sure so I'm going to try to leave Majima for last.

>> No.42383794

>worst boy Mizuhito
I just don't like him.

>> No.42383841
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The Switch version had some a pretty entertaining bad ending involving him but he's usually such an irritating character, it's hard to stomach it sometimes.

>> No.42384379
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Is this one of those games were the MC has a very clear designated love interest? Because it feels like MC is about to drop his pants any minute for this guy.

>> No.42384583

Man. The MC looking plain isn't even a problem but damn that posture looks painful. Like someone fixed him to a wireframe. It's making me uncomfortable.

>> No.42384656 [DELETED] 
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I think he looks fine in the official art and illustration, but the spire looks like an NPC. Weird cuz everyone else sprites looks pretty good.

Can't wait this for get TL, it seems really a fun game to discuss with people. Not many choices so far though.

>> No.42384675
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I think he looks fine in the official art and CGs, but the sprite looks like an NPC. Weird because everyone else sprites look pretty good.

Can't wait this for this to get TL, it seems really a fun game to discuss with people. The plot is pretty interesting if you enjoy Ragin Loops/Higurashi type of lore, though hopefully it doesn't shit the bed. Not many choices so far though.

>> No.42384808

Yes and no.
He's very much the true route/main heroine, but I didn't feel like his route was the only one that mattered or anything. You kind of get where the story is going with him once you get past the common route, I think.

>> No.42384953
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I like Otoyan so the mindbreaking was extra kino for me.

>> No.42385062

What's recommended for the first route? I was thinking of Kyou, I still haven't meet Munesaga properly, but he looks like my type.

>> No.42385154

I looked up a recommended order and did Kyou, then Shuu, then Munesada. Tsukasa is locked in last.
I don't think it matters that much but IMO that order worked well for me.

>> No.42385463

Why was that ever in fashion? It's so obnoxious.
It reminds me, I watched Itazura na Kiss for the first time with some friends a while ago and while it was really funny in the sense that it sucked it's so hard to believe the author genuinely intended any of that mess as being "romantic". I can't tell if eleven standards are that low or if they get indoctrinated with that shit on purpose.

>> No.42385766

I see people say it's a Japanese thing but it seems more universal than that. It seems to be all over trashy english language romance novels anyway. Though maybe it's pushed into more of a niche corner here, like, you wouldn't see it in a mainstream property aimed at teens.

>> No.42385862

Right now 溺愛 is super in fashion, specially in webnovels, so I wonder if there ever really was an audience for the 2000s "unlikable asshole with no personality insults (You)" genre or if people just took what they could get. I'm not familiar with those western novels but I assume it's that old thing where they treat the protagonist badly for [reasons] but at least like her, while with the former it's like they barely tolerate her presence and you're lucky if you see a smiling sprite after 5 hours playtime.
That show was like an animated version of those Reddit threads where some woman has 0 self-respect and a worst case scenario marriage to a neglectful asshole and is convinced she's always at fault for everything, and I doubt the comic is much different. It was really funny but I can't imagine what kind of creature would actually be into that.

>> No.42385960

It's really sad whenever eroge aimed at men portrays women with a spine better than the average shit aimed at the female audience.

>> No.42387899

>5-some and 7-some fanfics
Please elaborate

>> No.42388959

It's femdom shit.

>> No.42391323 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>Doing this with a love interest in the common route
Kek. At least the hand things was more weird than horny but this is pretty much sex.

>> No.42391333 [SPOILER] 
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>Doing this with a love interest in the common route
Kek. At least the hand thing was more weird than horny but this is pretty much sex.

>> No.42392556 [SPOILER] 
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This dude is waay to handsome. Hopefully his route is good interesting Souta gets horny with him kek

>> No.42394140

Shot in the dark here specially this thread but does anybody know good BL artists that take commissions? Mostly japanese from skeb but I'd be willing to forgive a westerner as long as the style isn't ugly and are willing to do incest.
I have so much money I could spend on my obscure ship with no fanart and be like those men that spend thousands on strange specific fetish commissions of their waifus but it seems BL artists either don't take commissions or they don't accept fanart (only OCs).
If you saw this elsewhere no you didn't
Why must liking BL be so hard, BL porn artists aren't as easily available and commable like hentai artists FUCK

>> No.42394696

Mangogaymer's annual "get EOPs hopes dashed for Mebiusline TL" survey is up, in case you missed it: https://twitter.com/MangaGamer/status/1614049546526507009

>> No.42394861
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I stopped bothering answering their surveys once my JP became passable to read most of everything untranslated. All my otome suggestions goes under their noses anyway. IMO they haven't localized anything worth a damn recently besides the Rance games.

>> No.42394891

Is there a reader site that specializes in hosting SFW or gen doujins? I have some I might like to share, but I don't want to dump them on the usual R-18 suspects. I'd rather they find their true audience.

>> No.42397762

Why what's wrong?

>> No.42401067

Gonna rec Kintouka, since anon posted about it I'm starting to get curious. It looks pretty good.

>> No.42401382
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>Traumatized teenage boy who is dependent on an older lady for emotional support
My new bf

>> No.42402247

The spine is almost always there to take it out during sex. It's true that there's a few firery heroines but even listening to some of the audience for these games makes it clear that all her resistance is what makes her being submissive and cute in bed all the sweeter. Like how tsunderes and danderes get their marketability

>> No.42402472

This pisses me off so much. It's just personal preference, but when it's consensual I like my women excited, confident, and reciprocating in bed. Femdom and extreme submissiveness are eh, fucking the fire out of someone is nice on occasion, but mostly I just want to see someone who acts alive and interested.

>> No.42404261
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He's so fucking cute. He's like a weird try-hard puppy. I usually go for the older love interests, but he's totally winning me over.

>> No.42404785

There's definitely some out there that would happily take your money for what you're looking for, do you have a specific kind of art style in mind?

>> No.42405082 [SPOILER] 
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Kintouka I'm surprised they gave out this twist so early? Then again, it would have been hard to hide it. I assume there is more to the story (likely related to the nature of the island), though it was also fairly obvious since he hadn't aged one day.

>> No.42407722 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42408031

Sakurai is such a slut

>> No.42408072

I wonder how he managed to do so on top of his busy work schedule

>> No.42408099

Right? Usually they don't have time to fart even, but there he was creating his harem.

>> No.42409118

Saw him trending on twitter again yesterday and cringed so hard from おぢさん構文 sexts, they're so unsalvagebly bad even trying to imagine them with the hottest delivery by a voice actorwon't help, it's even weirdly endearing if wasn't about real people cheating.

>> No.42409799

Where do nips find the confidence to set up a stand and sell doujinshi with utter dogshit art? It's baffling but also weirdly admirable?

>> No.42409888


Doujinshi aren't about the quality, they're about being passionate about your own thing and bringing it to the world to enjoy. You're not selling it as a product to make profit (at least for amateur circles) but to spread self-made content to other like-minded people. You CAN create a great doujinshi even with amateurish or straight up bad art.

>> No.42410058

That sounds nice on paper, but it's almost inconceivable to me that they can do it in person, without the anonimity of the internet. Is the con environment that friendly?

>> No.42410220


Doujin events are great, at least from visitor's perspective. Can't comment on how participating circles feel, but since you can find content about almost anything in any skill level in events, the culture around doujin content feels very welcoming.

>> No.42410783

Happy birthday tmtm (teenage mutant teenage mutant)

>> No.42413616

It's just for fun.

>> No.42414726

Honestly, no specific style but just kinda average BL fanart look. The only thing I don't want is chibis or cutesy styles, not because I don't like them but because the characters involved are a little old for cutesy styles

>> No.42415172

Faster to learn to draw yourself.

>> No.42416102

Faster to use AI

>> No.42416724

>Faster to use AI
This. Why aren't fujoshi who can't into drawfaggotry using AI like /h/?

>> No.42420420
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>Shuu has a cute side too
Holy shit all the love interest in this game seems fantastic.

>> No.42421839

>AI yaoi hands
How horrifying

>> No.42422026
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These two are going to have the most passionate vanilla sex scene when I get there, right please say yes.

>> No.42422253
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That's almost every sex scene in the game to be honest (excluding bad ends). Minor spoilers I guess, there's always this feeling that MC is unhealthily dependant on Tsukasa especially, so it's not as wholesome as you'd think.

>> No.42422455 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah I figure there is some codependency going on on. Gay memes aside, he's basically projecting his mother/father/OG Tsukasa on "Tsukasa" because it makes him feel like a child again.
Its a pretty good exploration of grief to be honest, and it helps the characters themselves have good chemistry and you can see why they like each other.

Even Shuu who has some weird Minku vibes end up oddly caring.

>> No.42423448

considering the kind of stuff world famous mangaka publish with their legal name and face attached, someone drawing self-indulgent doujin for 10 people at best wouldn’t feel embarrassed. there’s even old women in their 70s who sell doujin of pretty boys kissing

>> No.42426346 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42426520

It looks like unica (the dev who did Shitoku no Gyokuza)‘s next game is getting a dual language release if anyone is interested. Not sure how /blog/ it will be though.

>> No.42428949

oh wow
>Not sure how /blog/ it will be though.
it's a R18 novel about a girl and her dogboy it looks like, how can it not be
I'm gonna play the trial version right now anyway, thanks for the heads up

>> No.42430292 [SPOILER] 
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>Start the novel for Munesada
>Stay for Kou
>Fall for Tsukasa more
I feel like I'm being pulled in all directions.

>> No.42431027

Okay so it's apparently a direct sequel to Shitoku no Gyokuza, huh.
The following isn't much of a spoiler because it's all revealed quickly enough, but you might want to skip that and discover it yourself while playing the game:

Scaro's little bro Marjoram is now all grown up, seems he ran away and is now living in a human town. Most humans think those psychic vampires (the strigas) are urban legends but quite a few know they exist due to their victims, still the monsters are somewhat tolerated while being occasionally persecuted/hunted by those who hate them.
Marjoram befriended/fell in love with some human (Sora) he was feeding on, but that guy has a wife (Ao) and a daughter (Shou) already, also disappeared one day while entrusting them to him. Marjoram and the wife obviously have some mutual hatred for each other due to jealousy, but he's pretty fond of the daughter who has no idea what he is. She considers him a friend too somehow, it's one of those age gap relationships that reminds me of Kachiku Ojisan.
Anyway shit happens and Marjoram learns that back home the Count finally died and Scaro took over, also it seems he's planning a massive attack on the human town for reasons (I think mankind as a whole is getting too uppity and about to rise up against the vampires preying on them, so they want to preemptively crush them and enslave all the survivors?) so he's desperately trying to find a way to stop that while keeping Sora's family safe, but Shou is a blockhead and keeps trying to get involved. They're both pretty infuriating. That's about as far as I got for now.
Incidentally there seems to be one more character from Shitoku no Gyokuza living in the human town, remember that green-haired father/son duo of lab slaves? Well that son is all grown up too and apparently making drugs to help quell Marjoram's hunger.

/blog/-wise I'm not sure where this is going, it's classified as R18 but there's been no lewd besides rape threats so far, pretty sure sure Marjoram/Shou is going to be one route/ending, Marjoram/Sora seems likely too, and of course the inevitable Marjoram/Scaro reunion.

>> No.42431328
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How long is this common route? MC already went through a whole ass character arc.

>> No.42431499

There's actually a game that bridges the gap between the two with respect to what Marjoram has been doing, Koi to Tsumi. Striga is a sequel to it as much as it is to Shitoku. You don't really miss out on plot not having played it, but it gives you more insight into Marjoram's character I guess.
I played the Striga trial when it came out and I'm not sure what to think so far. It feels a lot bleaker than Shitoku did, Shitoku was dark but it had this sort of horror-comedy feeling (to me, at least) that Striga doesn't have at all.
I'm really curious about what is going on back at the castle though. I was disappointed you don't get to see it by the end of the trial.

>> No.42432013

Huh. It seems it came before, so actually Shitoku no Gyokuza was a prequel to that, and now Striga is a sequel to both.

>I was disappointed you don't get to see it by the end of the trial.
Aw. I'll wait for the full game then probably.

>> No.42433598

This is legitimately wholesome as fuck. If someone tried to do it here everyone involved would get blackmailed before the day was over.

>> No.42436398


>> No.42437864
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This doctor is pretty cute

>> No.42438966

Every time I see someone proudly display some of the most cringeworthy shit, I can't help thinking "god, I wish I had that confidence", because I want to kill myself over writing the most vanilla shit — literally going "too cheesy" over describing two boys holding hands for too long and overthinking being in character, writing style, whatever, thinking how if I ever post a friend in the same fandom is guaranteed to see it and figure out it's me. While on spaces where I post art my parents and some people I know irl follow me, so posting ship art would require some balls.
Makes me wonder in a bit of a humorous way about how much potentially good doujins/art/fic/anything we're missing out on because the people making it are some kind of insecure NEETs who'll be too afraid to ever post or are too overthinking about quality.
Courage to be cringe is incredibly based.

>> No.42439048

Honestly this opinion is a double edged sword. Imagine all of the weird western furry woke LGBT shit it's saving us from.

>> No.42439093

Fair point, but I wouldn't mind all this stuff as much if people making it weren't making it into a righteous position and attacking people with tastes they deem immoral. Outside of useless drama, I can just scroll past it, same with how I do with other shit that's not for me.

>> No.42439144

I feel this. I've published one fanfiction in my life and every time I think about it I want to shoot myself. Realistically no one will ever know it was me, since the account used a name I've never used elsewhere and I wasn't active in the fandom community at all, but I still cringe every time I remember it's still out there.
Weirdly I never feel this sort of shame about all the male targeted porn I drew when I used to drawfag. I still wouldn't publish it under my real name, but I don't care at all that it might still be sitting on someone's hard drive.

>> No.42439190

Yes, besides my distaste for the style it's not really an issue.
I joined the Degrees of Lewdity discord at some point just to get pinged with updates or report bugs and co, and while I mostly forget about it otherwise, I still find myself scrolling through the fanart channels. Now, the average demographic screams "15 year old tumblrite" and that's reflected perfectly in the art, it's godawful because the artist has just started learning to draw or because it's the archetypal tumblr style or both, but there's some good pieces here and there and more importantly, I noticed I don't particularly mind the shit art either, it just warms my heart to see people being so enthusiastic about this little game (there's hundreds of new pieces every day.) That's what the doujinshi community is all about too.

>> No.42439238

Alright, I'm taking that as a no. Completely hypothetically speaking, would there be interest in something like this? Sites like MRM and e-henai do a fair bit of non-h doujin archiving on the side. But it's probably a safe bet that those readers who really don't like porn would be averse to visiting those places.

>> No.42439323

I think your best bet is using those platforms to upload and just notifying us.

>> No.42439465

Probably, yeah. But it feels like a waste. Setting up a small site with a reader just for my own scans and leaving a link on manga-updates could also work, there are scanlator groups who do this. The downside is that I can only do raws, I'm too terminally ESL for translation.

>> No.42440018

Honestly wish I could draw furry porn for a living. They make so much money

>> No.42440049

Anyone playing the new Fire Emblem? I heard something about the localization screwing up the romantic scenes with the underage characters

>> No.42440274

You could just upload it to mangadex, they allow doujinshi uploads

>> No.42440516

>mangadex still exists
Huhhhh ain't that a surprise. Thanks, that sounds like the absolute best way to go.

>> No.42441389

I've been avoiding reading too much discussion about it, but it seems people agree the translation is just shit in general, and saw a couple people saying they messed up quite a few romantic scenes, not only underage ones.
I don't even know that much jap and can see the translators went for a more "flavorful interpretation" of what's being said

>> No.42441876
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Chris every love interest in this game seems sweet as shit, I'm in heaven.

>> No.42443347

If you create something and share it, someone out there is bound to find value in it in some way or another.
I remember seeing some doujinshi artist show examples of their dogshit doujin from when they were first starting, and how despite it objectively looking like shit, there were still people who ate it up.
Truly if these artists are passionate enough to put effort into making doujins, might as well follow through with it all the way. Especially considering the fact that their audience is likely fellow otaku of their niche, which can at least add to the initial interest.

>> No.42443576

How the fuck did you know my name

>> No.42445303 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42448260

No, the designs are ugly, that's a new trend in nintendo games

>> No.42448669

How is the switch translation? I'm already learning nihongo but my level is N4 at best

>> No.42449556
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They made him almost too hot

>> No.42450730
File: 73 KB, 584x438, majima02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is majima so perfect sisters, will I ever find someone as perfect as him.

>> No.42451692

He's just the right combination of yandere and pathetic. I'm curious if there are self-insert JP fanfics with him.

>> No.42452083 [DELETED] 
File: 693 KB, 1091x1213, 1660983412217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the R18 version before diving into the Switch port. For what it is, it's not bad at all even if the prose can be a little sniff. My Japanese isn't the best either but you can get the general idea with everything, especially since Sugoi isn't too bad as an aid. I learned a lot from just reading it untranslated, too.
IMO Majima kinda has it worse overall in the port. I understand the game is altered to be all ages and all but it sure loves watering down "no no" things like incest despite being very obvious in the story. The only real thing the Switch version has the advantage over is the superior QoL features and extra scenarios added.
my CUTE stinky wife (husband). He is perfectly flawed.

>> No.42452089 [SPOILER] 
File: 693 KB, 1091x1213, 1667838961537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to spoiler the image
I read the R18 version before diving into the Switch port. For what it is, it's not bad at all even if the prose can be a little sniff. My Japanese isn't the best either but you can get the general idea with everything, especially since Sugoi isn't too bad as an aid. I learned a lot from just reading it untranslated, too.
IMO Majima kinda has it worse overall in the port. I understand the game is altered to be all ages and all but it sure loves watering down "no no" things like incest despite being very obvious in the story. The only real thing the Switch version has the advantage over is the superior QoL features and extra scenarios added.
my CUTE stinky wife (husband). He is perfectly flawed.

>> No.42453731

I'll have one more question regarding doujin scanning, this one is about ethics.
I have doujins from two circles that are from 2010~2012. By no means new. But it turns out both circles are still active, and not only that, they are still active in the same fandom. Still, none of these doujins had been reprinted since 2014. On the other hand one circle is awfully anal about any kind of reproduction and art theft, while the other likes to release omnibuses and miiiight want to include one of these eventually.

Now I'm not enough of a moralfag to care about the wishes of a defunct circle, but where would you draw the line? Wait for them to drop dead? Old enough, who cares?

>> No.42456513

Do what you want. If you care about their sales don't upload the jp raw.

>> No.42458595

If there's no way to access them and the authors don't try to pretend these doujins don't exist, upload away

>> No.42460154

fuck off out of here with your vanilla shit jin uzuki. at least post some more decent reaction posts, this isn't your discord.

>> No.42460191

Why would they censor the incest?

>> No.42460244
File: 2.06 MB, 1366x1269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC is ugly but there are a lot of cute boys and handsome men. Probably wont be a bit as 3H but at least the ere a lot of gay fuckable men this time around.

>> No.42460398
File: 403 KB, 685x315, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013 I'm already forgotten...

>> No.42460536

New game when?

>> No.42460557

How's the Ero in this game JP anons? Can't seem to find any CG gallery.

>> No.42460566
File: 571 KB, 1104x1000, FW1Su0TaIAA6_74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels like Slow Damage here had less life than fucking Nu Carn.

I wonder why it flopped so much.
>High production values
>Story heavy
In theory is perfect, but?

>> No.42461343

I can't tell for sure, but whatever it is, it almost seems like they're scared of people pulling out anything explicitly direct from the lines themselves. It's a fine port and translation otherwise. Nice of them to offer a free translation for such a great otome in general if you already purchased the Switch version.

>> No.42461905

The translation is pretty bad, and I'm too adhd to read it in moon, so into the drop pile it goes.

>> No.42462036 [DELETED] 

Kintouka The writing of his game feels a bit unrealistic regarding how kind everyone is to everyone else to play a game with basically zero tsun.

>> No.42462050

Kintouka The writing of his game feels a bit unrealistic regarding how kind everyone is to everyone else, but it almost feels weird to play a game with basically zero tsun. the rapey end with the journalist felt honestly something out of another game because of it

>> No.42462074
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>The translation is pretty bad, and I'm too adhd to read it in moon, so into the drop pile it goes.
Is it really that bad?
Also wasn't DMMD tl very memey too?

>> No.42462103
File: 1.21 MB, 938x899, 1471013012440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't SD big on twitter? I like blog because it feels like it has a lot of oldfags but we aren't exactly the most active community. Though it seems like BL games don't get much traction with fujos nowadays and I think otome fans typically hand on discords and forums?

>> No.42462237

The kind of casual fan who maybe played DMMD back in the day, but normally only plays general audience mystery VNs if they play them at all seemed to like SD, from what I can tell.
I think the love interests are too underwhelming for it to have really become a phenomenon though. The whole thing was just the Towa show. They should have made a game where you play a self insert MC who's fucking Towa instead.

>> No.42462526

I keep on seeing this get shilled by shitposters on random /v/ threads and on /vn/

>> No.42463108

Where do you see it on /v/? I think the last time I saw it mentioned by someone other than myself there was around the jp release

>> No.42463656

If there's a VN thread in /v/, chances are there's gonna be someone who wants to talk about SD. I feel like once people caught wind of the English localization, it's really far from "forgotten". It's the top selling title on JAST's website after all, the group who did the English TL:

>> No.42463657

I was playing it, but currently stalled out right at the end of Rei's route. The pacing just feels really disjointed. I also feel like the common didn't sell me on the group dynamic of the hospital trio. I think Togainu and DMMD introduce love interests better. I honestly think Togainu has a really strong common (in setting up and tying together the characters). I was surprised that I was already on a character route in SD. All the episodic mystery cases were sleeper as well; absolutely no red herrings or intrigue. So far, I'm just mostly impressed by the UI and side character sprites. Nitro;Chiral games usually go all in on memorable casts, so SD just feels like such a miss.

I assume it will get better in the later routes, right?

>> No.42463841

>I assume it will get better in the later routes, right?
Well you know keeping in mind that I dropped DMMD very early so I can't make comparisons, I consider Madarame's route the flat out dumbest shit Fuchii has ever written.

>> No.42465485

They truly love it.

>> No.42467596 [SPOILER] 
File: 920 KB, 680x558, kintouka_Xs5oD14AzC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kintouka Selfcest kek this was unexpected even though it's a bad ending. Tsukasa being a ghost is so obvious that I'm not even sure it's meant to be a twist or just the novel is that obvious.

>> No.42467604
File: 25 KB, 433x380, 1492019461918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ reads BL VN? I thought the board went to shit a long time ago and homo content would get dogpiled by /pol/

>> No.42467624

4chan has a /vn/ board now? Since when?

>> No.42467677

I call bullshit until I see it with my own eyes, but I haven't bothered going on /v/ in years, if you see such a thread again please link it

>> No.42468022

/v/ was always garbage and fujoshit does get dogpiled but so does otome. Still, there are some people who want to talk about those things if given the opportunity over there. Once in a blue moon, you will find decent people who aren't totally deranged with parroting the same opinions they heard and /pol/shit. It's a matter of luck and ignoring the bullshit at the same time.
Since forever on /vg/. That general has gone down the drain over the years, though. Most /vg/ generals aren't very good anyway.

>> No.42468359

You meant /VG/ general. I thought BL fans wouldn't hang around there since there seem a divide between people who play BL and Otome and "normal" VN

>> No.42468443

Normally not, but for whatever reason, there's at least one person or potential bot dedicated in shilling SD in almost every thread from the last time I checked.
As far as I can tell, there isn't really an active English speaking place outside discord/reddit to discuss BL or Otome so sometimes people just wanna test their luck or at least tell someone about it anyway since a lot of BL/Otome are technically VNs anyway.

>> No.42468884
File: 536 KB, 1368x1428, deepl ocr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf major slowpoke moment here but I had no idea deepl could do screen captures now. The output needs corrections, but it's a pretty decent ocr overall. Totally shits the bed from vertical writing though.

>> No.42471306

I don't know where to post this since it's not technically /blog/ but it's technically otomeish. I like P3P Ken's romance .
I feel like the people who throw a hissyfit about it have never played an otome where young shota kouhais or outoutos are common or they simply don't know how oneeshota is popular with women.
I wish there were more games with blatant shotas in it to filter normalfags

>> No.42473769

My life is saved.

>> No.42478064

If everyone is okay with P5 letting you get groomed by hags then shota is fair game. Anyway still not playing past 4 if there's no female protag

>> No.42478207

Didn't /v/ kick us out bc of the homo content years ago?
I still have trouble archiving the old threads and the memes are dead i wanna kms
/a/ did have quite a lot of otome ones a few months ago though

>> No.42478348

They always try to kick out anything considered """bad""" but it doesn't stop some people from ignoring or just telling them to fuck off and continue discussing what they do like. A couple of mental cases from /v/ also love trying to kick out non-BL/otome VN fans since some like to push the idea the VN genre itself has no place there.
Speaking of which, I remember someone blogposting their playthroughs of the Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side games on /v/ many years ago. That was fun. IIRC their favorite boy was Hikami. Pretty based taste.

>> No.42483448

The Tokimemo threads are the best thing to ever come out of that godforsaken board. When I started playing TMGS4 a couple of weeks ago I lovingly remembered all of the hilarious shit that went down back in those days, including the comics people made. Those threads must be 10+ years old at this point. I kind of wonder where everyone from those threads is in life now.

>> No.42483803 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.42485155

tsushimi bunta (writer of idolish7 and mahotsukai no yakusoku) has a very strong belief in empathy so their characters are cloyingly kind to each other. it’s nice since drama gets resolved quickly but it’s a bit grating. i dropped fruits basket back in middle school because tohru annoyed me with the same cloying kindness

>> No.42485985 [SPOILER] 
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I dunno, I'm not familiar with the writer but I don't mind. I feel like Tsundere are so over-presented in BL it's feels like a nice change of pace. Plus I think at least here fits the melancholy nature of the setting, it does feel like an oddly soothing Visual Novel.

>> No.42486478

Personally, I'm tired of how many male characters are written to be standoffish, aloof, cold, or sadistic. I'd rather they be overly nice instead of 3DPD lite.

>> No.42486609

For me, it's more a matter where the writing can strike a good balance between the two extremes. I dislike overly nice characters who cannot criticize the MC at all but I absolutely despise whenever it's full on asshole from the get go more so. Diabolik Lovers does this to such an overbearing extent where it's sickening IMO. This is especially bad when the MC has no backbone to counter the shitty attitude.

>> No.42486685

>10+ years
jfc sometimes I forget how old the Tokimeki Memorial series actually is. I bet all those guys were playing those games at high school or early in university/college. That was definitely for my case.

>> No.42488154 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42488245

Everyone sounds like American teenagers from early 2000s, unless we are talking about Rei
>GEEZ girlz you didn't tell me the cakes would be SOOO YUMMY~

>> No.42492375 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42492796

We should get an mc who disciplines assholes.

>> No.42494297

A tomoaki female version heroine

>> No.42495935

the unreachable dream

>> No.42496690

Would love a Rance-like game with a female protagonist but you and me both know that the chances of that happening is close to zero.
Digressing a bit from BL/otome but many characters (both male and female) in the Rance series are really fun and interesting despite rape being the main focus of the series. A good number of the games were actually written by a woman funny enough.

>> No.42496977

I think that writer actually did an otome game, Tsubasa no Oka. Thinking about it, it probably has the closest thing to a female Tomoaki out there, though that's not saying much.

>> No.42499046 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 569 KB, 490x798, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried. How much keio does Munesaga route have?

>> No.42499066 [SPOILER] 
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I cried. How much keigo does Munesada route have?

>> No.42499376
File: 185 KB, 800x600, yaoi sweep at comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The earlier convos on doujinshi reminded me that i had some pictures from old japanese magazines documenting how fujoshi dominated comiket in the 80s. back then comiket was held for a single day at a building with 6 event halls. 4 of them were filled with girls selling saint seiya and captain tsubasa doujin

>> No.42499451

Holy fucking based, I wish we had some old photos or some archived tv report of it. Imagine what it must have been like when the first fujo took her first doujin to an event.

>> No.42499582
File: 608 KB, 2048x1536, captain tsubasa boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most tv reports on comiket just focused on the guys and cosplayers. a lot of old magazines aimed at otaku featured photos of entire halls filled with women. nowadays comiket is filled with guys while events like comic city are predominantly female

>> No.42499698

My god that's a lot of fucking Captain Tsubasa. So it was the Star Trek of Japan?
>most tv reports on comiket just focused on the guys and cosplayers
Kek, of course. But the atmosphere must have been incredible. It's so difficult to imagine the beginnings. I've seen the birth of anime culture in my country, but it's hardly comparable to what had happened here.
>nowadays comiket is filled with guys while events like comic city are predominantly female
To be fair, I would have been pissed too if a new community out of fucking nowhere completely hijacked my events. Segregation can be a good thing.

>> No.42502468

No wonder the lolicons felt they had to band together and push yaoi out of Comiket; fujos were stronk.

>> No.42503137
File: 2.73 MB, 854x854, 1661810240146.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toma's such a trash uke to me. i like my ukes to be somewhat tsundere, or otherwise have a sense of "purity". he's just a dullard slut though so i couldn't fully fujo out, he doesn't even care if he's raped. boring

>> No.42503196
File: 676 KB, 673x964, 1643492631049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i reread this one every now & then

>> No.42503671

Who is your favorite uke protagonist/blog?

>> No.42506249
File: 1.30 MB, 476x498, eiden-nu-carnival.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sluts. Towa too broken for my likes though.

>> No.42506355
File: 31 KB, 400x400, UAGebHk-_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones that fuck kind and pure older men

>> No.42506384

Same. It's not really a problem for 90% of the game, but once you realize what euphoria really is enjoying the previous routes becomes really difficult. At that point it's like yeah, have wholesome vanilla sex with Fujieda for the rest of your life, I'm not replaying this.

>> No.42506450
File: 621 KB, 800x601, august.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half agree with you sister, but I find it more fun when they are experienced.

>> No.42506558
File: 22 KB, 167x289, 可愛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the most used up whore I've ever encountered. He can go fuck himself along with that shotatoyboy dildo of his. His anus must be so prolapsed, that it had to be hidden in the CGs.
Only pure ones for me.

>> No.42506594

Worst thing about Kintouka is that there was no threesome ending with Shuu and Muna. Heck, throw even Kou in there.

>> No.42506983

Back to doujinshi talk. We know that doujin games can be really wild. But have you ever encountered any /blog/-related original doujinshi that were really refreshing/unconventional?

>> No.42507755

...But but! used goods have a charm of their own-

>> No.42507795

not sure whats charming about aids

>> No.42507902

no i hate sluts so much. if i wanted to see a scrote slut i'd just go outside...
but it's such an uninteresting dynamic in media too, to step away from irl and return to 2d:
>seme wants to have sex
>yuke just hops on his dick because "OMGCOCK <3"
>no conflict no nothing
shit puts me to sleep honestly

>> No.42507962

But what if said uke turns rape into a reverse rape situation with his succubus charm like >>42506355 one?

>> No.42507993

i thought that was one of the semes but it's actually the uke. i don't like hag games either

>> No.42508057
File: 99 KB, 960x600, be-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is both uke or seme, depends the route/guy, but in butlers route he is uke and he enjoys it more than the butler

>butler knocks him out bc he is a delusional schizo, ties him up and it's rape time "time to put you in your place bitch" moment
>mc is disgusted bc social status "how dare a pleb butler do this to me"
>after 1 minute? he realizes that he actually loves it and finds it hot to be done by someone with lower status than his
>schizo somewhat angry bc his plan failed but he always had a boner for mc so also happy?
>then mc tries to get him to fuck him in every given opportunity

>> No.42508063

I like uke that are natural seme dominated into taking dick.

>> No.42508104

I like situations where the uke hates what's going on and is disgusted, but is threatened or pressured into acting like he enjoys it anyway.
But it's pretty rare to find, I'll just have to make do with Shitoku I suppose.

>> No.42508147

If you have any good non-game examples please do share.

>> No.42508204

Omerta kind of? Then kichiku megane and masquerade

>> No.42508244

i just love dubcon. or the "my body is moving on its own" shit

>> No.42508318

I just want more fatherson

>> No.42508413

i want more brother x brother (twins)

>> No.42508518

Out of curiosity, what got you into it? What kind of fatherson do you like? Almost strangers? Long dead mom? Domestic violence a la Clarissa?
Not quite father-son, but I used to be into Raizen/Yusuke. Fuck it was hot with all the body hijacking and forced demon blood awakening. I wrote so many stories loosely inspired by it back then.

>> No.42508570
File: 38 KB, 512x362, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I should go buy this right now.

>> No.42508585 [SPOILER] 
File: 668 KB, 2256x3922, 1657591662950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but i like it when the father is attracted to the son because he resembles the mother. she doesn't have to be dead, or even out of the house -- it could be hot if her relationship with the dad was just strained so he started looking elsewhere for his "fix" and they have to hide their relationship. but then the mom turns out to be a fujo so it's okay in the end

>> No.42508819

Twincest is really nice, the closest I could find was in Noli me tangere but it's not exactly twincest so

I think it was Kouichi in No Thank you!! , that got me into it, Haru going all like "feels like my dad, holding hands like father and son", so I like the father figure one trope.
I especially liked that in No Thank you!!, the father figure, aka kouichi is the uke. I prefer the fathers bottoming, but I'm find with both, it's rare so I swallow up everything.

I also liked motomi in Togainu no Chi, fucking Akira while reminiscing his dead son.

This old man >>42506450 anon mentioned is quite a "father figure"-like trope, but he is twisted, he even role plays as mcs father while raping him. I didn't particularly dislike him, but I like gentle-like pampering father figures and in return twisted/obsessing sons.

Another father figure that I really liked, was Toudou in Omerta, that was also close to what I like. Taking care of someone younger that could be his son age-wise, healing from family loss/divorce while also healing the said younger one. In Omerta's case, JJ has been through a lot and Toudou or Master had his wife and child killed so their relationship is that of a couple but Toudou cant help but treat JJ as his son by instict alone. It's also kind of cute and hilarious, that he tries his best to satisfy JJ in bed and has doubts about his skills due to his age (Japanese autism he is only 42).

Sad that the tropes I like can be found in webtoons or manga only though...;_; Any recommendations more than appreciated.

>> No.42509014

NTA and it's an extremely weird example but I want to find something that's like Kendall and Logan from Succession. I don't actually pair the characters themselves because 3D old men make me sick, it's a shame becuase there's a lot of incest overtones to it. But the dynamic inspires me.

>> No.42510739

I miss dislocated heads.

>> No.42510851


>> No.42511593 [SPOILER] 
File: 600 KB, 471x573, azumaso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember to play Paradise Musubi/Kiwame too, not only do they really flesh out the characters/setting but it's also fucking hot

>> No.42511875

It's an acquired taste.
I think my collection commits all the cardinal sins of bad BL art and more. Like pre-2000 only my Silver Fang doujins don't have any weird art, and that's kinda cheating.

>> No.42512591


>> No.42517672

Blood tears?

>> No.42517717
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1209, 1595527750962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA as well, but I don't know if there's a common pattern to father/son stuff I consume. Definitely don't think too hard about the 'logical' sense or complications of being in the relationship, because that type of content is so rare. I was into Lloyd x Kratos; with Kratos being the uke from Tales of Symphonia, and despite not being into Persona 5, I've saved a few pieces. Pic related.

>> No.42521265 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize how good Makoto Furukawa was until this role, his voice is so soothing but masculine. I'm shocked by the lack of ero so far, any other VN would have used the main character condition for easy sex.

I'm mostly curious if Munesada is one of those "I loved you since childhood" type or he starts to fall for Souta during the route itself, I'm getting mixed signals.

>> No.42521278

This pairing has an insane amount of fic on AO3, I'm shocked. Father/Son is super hot but westerns all put the weird shit on it like pissing or abo, they rarely lean into the emotional, aspect of it. You would enjoy that father/son incest vn that got posted here some topics back.

>> No.42523878


>> No.42524162

Based taste anon. He made me love him more there. Delicioso misery, despair and pain.

>> No.42525399

Not blog but thanks to whoever recommended Black Sheep Town a few threads back, it was a good read.
I’m not sure I’ve wanted to reach through the screen and slap sense into a main character that much before, but in the end I just kind of felt bad for Ryou and was sort of glad he survived in the end, even though I spent most of the VN hoping he’d meet some kind of ironic demise.

>> No.42527343
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, Fnt5ADUaAAAMeQf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42528049

>square enix

>> No.42528443
File: 233 KB, 409x559, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Minakami.

>> No.42528879
File: 99 KB, 484x1011, Majima.Yoshiki.full.733769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swan's Song writer
Didn't know that writer is still active - guess that's another untranslated VN to read in the backlog. That guy does good shit.

>> No.42532161

its really good

>> No.42533762

Yeah I like Trigun too, anon.

>> No.42535344

I want a game that's just GitS with a male protagonist. I want not humanoid robot sex and AI mindfuck and copper wires in every hole and machine oil dripping and soldiers in riot gear and power armor with lots of dakka and if possible doing literal gun porn on cool vehicles and and and...

Please. DMMD is gay and doesn't and will never count.

>> No.42535626

Sorry anon, that stuff’s for boys

>> No.42535865

Ok cool so make it for boys who love other boys and put it on the danseimuke store and it'll be fine because we are all boys on the internet.

>> No.42538148

Too good for otomehags.

>> No.42538830

Try reading chuunige. Bl/otome is a fucking wasteland for anything interesting with sci-fi. I love hot 2D men but sometimes I just hate whatever limp dicked crud otome shits out.

>> No.42538974

disgusting getting off watching the 2 shotas he grooms fuck all cucks and sluts must die horrible deaths

>> No.42539055
File: 36 KB, 256x391, 18249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking of sci-fi otome I'm still mad that this was so mediocre. I never even did the last route.
>made by mebiusline staff
>mid 20s action girl MC
>blood related incest true route
But it was just kind of boring. Felt way too light and comedic and the main multiverse gimmick was hardly touched on in most of the routes.

>> No.42539245

Okay my time has come, which one is better for an otomefags bl debut, Shingakko or Hashihime? Can you describe me the love interests and the protagonists shortly?

>> No.42539774 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking cute. Anon wasn't kidding when they say this game is vanilla.

>> No.42541151
File: 191 KB, 1024x1280, __taimanin_and_1_more_drawn_by_ban_bansankan__492b334fa5a9d7c796bebf58d845d41b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God I wish. Speaking of GitS like settings, what do anons think about males in bodysuits?

>> No.42541263

Hot but not this campy design.

>> No.42541299
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, __nagisa_kaworu_neon_genesis_evangelion_drawn_by_wumumu__8b5c1613fc1c169b3373a007996dc239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I agree that taimanin suits are too slutty and exposing, bodysuits should have 100% coverage up to neck or chin

>> No.42541536

any bl games with protags like this

>> No.42543168

It's fine if it's purely a fanservice game. It's need to be somewhat grounded for other kinds of games.

>> No.42543843

Hashihime of course, it has better pacing and plot (some people unironically have read it for that), ignore the "true story" part of the last route though, it's a ruse.

>> No.42546392

Talking about hashihimes last route, any bl game that has something similar to raising your own son so that he can fuck you once he reaches the right age. It was hot.

>> No.42549284

He didn't even raise him

>> No.42549291 [SPOILER] 
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Kintouka Why are all these CG so ugly The sprites look pretty great.

>> No.42551543


>> No.42558400
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>> No.42558980

slowly replaying lamento. rei was my favorite when i was young, let's see who i like now

>> No.42559247

Rai's still the best. There's a fine line between social awkwardness and mental retardation, and Asato falls too often in the latter. And Bardo never clicked. In theory I should like his route best, but I'm not feeling the chemistry with Konoe. Would have been more interesting with Rai as the protagonist.

Game still sorely lacks a Leaks route.

>> No.42561911 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42562898 [SPOILER] 
File: 699 KB, 589x675, kintouka_KQbVKZXbdU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kintouka Cute. I'm surprised how much Souta was into the sex, very refreshing.

>> No.42564265

Pet the fox.

>> No.42565688

I don't know if it was my comment you read, but I'm glad you liked it.
The problem is that BST is a story about broken characters in a broken world, so our common sense doesn't have any kind of importance in that context (even more so when you consider the exercise of power). Setoguchi makes quite an interesting contrast in the presentation between Ryou and Michio, as while the latter comes across as much more "human" at the beginning, by the end the story makes it quite clear to you who is the one who actually shows more humanity by prioritizing what's really important.
Currently reading 死神と少女 and I am really enjoying it

>> No.42566083

Off-ish cyoa talk but wow the sequel to Fallen Hero actually came out? I thought it was dead for sure. Probably was too what with it only adding something like three more chapters to the over twenty it had in the open alpha five or something years ago. Damn the ending where every single one of the massive, MASSIVE mountain of lies you've built over the two games come crashing down all at once and all you can do is lie there broken, naked, and completely exposed was prime angst. I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon or so abruptly. This series remains my favorite mid-life crisis relationship rekindling and social anxiety simulator. Also Chen needs more relevant screentime because Ortega remains best boy.

>> No.42566285

Yeah, my frustration with Ryou, and this is not a knock at the novel at all, I was just feeling for the character, was because he was contuning on doing mafia shit even though it was eating away at him and his reasons for doing it were growing increasingly nebulous as all the characters he was doing it to protect were dying or disappearing from the stage anyway.
You never really get the impression Michio is as affected by what he does. He doesn't have to surpress his feelings, he'll kill childhood friends regardless.
The parallel with the Haigami sisters didn't occur to me until I started writing this actually. Michio kills one, Ryou lets the other one go. I feel really stupid now.
I'll have to read it again some time since I'm sure there's so much like that I've missed, I read a lot of the back end way too quickly.
That scene near the end with Alexei and the surviving Haigami sister in the hotel makes my chest hurt and I'm not sure why.
StS is pretty good, hope you enjoy it.
I'm reading Muramasa at the moment. I'm not sure how well it goes after BST.

>> No.42566467

The problem with Ryou, is that he is too smart a character for the age he is. If you remember the flashbacks, he was a really precocious child in the way he thought and the way he perceived the world. Ironically and despite his actions, he is probably one of those who loved life the most. Many of the things he does throughout the story are precisely because his rational side comes before his emotional side, and while it is true that he has really good intentions, in the end he is fighting against human beings who also have their own motivations and interests. And yeah, it is precisely that parallel with the sisters that I am referring to. It was a really brilliant twist.
That scene in the hotel is especially significant because you realize that both are victims. And there's something really ironic about the individual who was tormenting the characters for much of the story ending up in such a deplorable state; in the end, we're all equally vulnerable in the face of death
>StS is pretty good
It had a pretty slow start, but the end of chapter 3 genuinely made me cry
Both muramasa and bst are pretty dark reads, so I don't know how well you'll be able to handle a lot of exposure to that content, but I can assure you that it's probably one of the best vns out there. enjoy it!

>> No.42567469
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I miss him so much.

>> No.42567569
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Suddenly Munesada rapes the main character all night.
What the Christ, why?

>> No.42568902

Before I waste my time with Slow Damage, does it have ryona scenes?

>> No.42569011

Yeah something like that
I love my whore Towa

>> No.42570616

Really was a weird development. Randomly turned him into a Minku at the end of the game.

>> No.42572309

It has some pretty wince-inducing stuff yeah, and Towa is literally damaged goods.

>> No.42573169

You're a retard.

>> No.42573275
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Can you fix him?

>> No.42573690

Slow damage barely has any sex

>> No.42573723

I think the writer had to take time off for health reasons.

>> No.42573834

Adelta will revive blog.
But what's the next big BL release?

>> No.42573894
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.42575958

How is dystopia no ou anons? I haven't seen it discussed here.

>> No.42575998

Shit game, shit route. But somehow it reminds me of .hack//SIGN fansite banners, so take me back to the land where my yearnings were born.

>> No.42576042

Clear was cute. Can't hate it because of nostalgia but it had very retarded plot and moments. I do hate minku though and that hairdresser slut. Noiz was fun.
The doggo route was retarded but in a based way.

>> No.42576187

What are some otome that have actual shota routes? Not fakeshota (just looks small) but at least actually young

>> No.42576212


>> No.42576282

Black Wolves Saga Last Hope, kind of

>> No.42576364
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Opinions on this?

>> No.42576462

It's alright, interesting premise. It's very short though, and the childhood friend route feels like an afterthought.

>> No.42576759

Brothers Conflict

>> No.42578543

>Collar x Malice anime

>> No.42579400

Just finished TaiAli, so did Wizard and the real Yurika actually have sex or not?
Yurika's "I gave him my first" line in EP3 and Alistair's initial reaction suggest they did, but then in the Epilogue Wizard said that Yurika rejected him and Yurika herself said she never physically cheats on Alistair in 'The Other Side' segment.

>> No.42579510

Any hashihime last route/mink route/whatever level of weird shit?

>> No.42580243


>> No.42580364

post the cgs, no one uploaded them yet wtf

>> No.42580887

No, not really, just yanderes

>> No.42580889

The best boys were never the ones you can fix. They would be boring if you could.

>> No.42580997

Jacopo anon is that you.

>> No.42581007

That sounds interest consensual sex with yandere?

>> No.42581136
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>I want to spend the rest of my life with you AS YOUR ATTENDANT
No one can know that I'm trying to marry a 10-year-old

>> No.42581189
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Jacopo is a fine unfixable trashfire but Kageaki is better

>> No.42581272
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Idk about eyepussi but heartpussi one was hilarious

>> No.42581308

Yes (mostly) there's no rape, but drugging/mindbreak in the 2nd ending

>> No.42582612

I thought it was pretty clear they did, Alistair even refers to finding "something wet" in his bed and all that iirc. I figured Wizard talking about being rejected was about how Yurika specifically wants Alistair and just uses the Wizard to help him. Not sure about the other thing though

>> No.42582932

Love your gif sis, it's is perfect I want to make one for Majima but he didn't have sprites. I'm still early on muramasa but he does indeed seem husband material. Hope he will fill the void I feel...after majima can't find someone as based.

>> No.42584542

Is anyone else incapable of separating Okamoto and Shimono from their roles as those fucking dogboys from BWS?

>> No.42584669

Shimono screaming like he is getting screwdriver fucked by keisuke instead of normally moaning in bl works has been imprinted to me forever so a pup shota isn't that much I guess

>> No.42585022
File: 636 KB, 800x600, 1665193468591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad you're giving Muramasa a shot! Hope you're enjoying it so far. It's great to see /blog/sisters trying out non-BL/otome titles as of late. There are a lot of great guys outside the genre for sure.
And yeah, I know the feeling too well. I felt the same way when I finished up Muramasa two years ago. It's a very long read but absolutely worth it for Kageaki. IMO he gets better and better as you go through it. There is nothing quite like him at all. Such a fun character.
Majima is also another one who left me a very lasting impression. As someone who loves both him and Kageaki, they have different appeals but it's still like "wow, there's something extra special about him" that I can't describe well. Making a gif of Majima's expressions would be unbelievably based btw. Best boys also have the best expressions.

>> No.42585151

I always picture Shimono as this generic brown haired shota character from a Karin game I never finished. I'm not even sure if the character was actually voiced by him or exists at all, thinking about it, but it's the first thing that comes to mind anyway.

>> No.42585173

for me it's just toucan from african salaryman, for better or worse.
makes things really weird sometimes.

>> No.42585361

Sisters should read Dies Irae, there are a lot of really great guys in there. Also, she is literally /ourgirl/ material https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4qDnfXv7ZU

>> No.42585409

>/blog/sisters trying out non-BL/otome titles
NTA but I've ran my blog backlog dry. At this point it's just a couple older otome games I doubt I'll like but feel I ought to try because they're well known rattling around in there.

>> No.42585475 [SPOILER] 
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Dies Irae is also great one. Excellent cast all around. Besides the fun, over the top fight scenes, Masada really knows how to write meaningful characters and great SoL. I'm currently reading 相州戦神館學園 八命陣 - takes up DI's SoL elements to another level.
Yeah, same. The main reason why I bothered with JP in the first place was purely for otome titles at first. Funny how it works that way.

>> No.42585602

Coincidentally, I've also recently started Muramasa. Kageaki is moe beyond belief, what a terrible mess of a man.

>> No.42585711
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>> No.42585798

>州戦神館學園 八命陣
That's a really good choice; probably the most balanced thing in Masada catalog. When I finish 死神と少女 I'll probably read 蝶の毒 華の鎖; Sayo has been a very pleasant surprise as a protagonist, and it's impossible for me not to mention how much I love Kaho

>> No.42585873 [SPOILER] 
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I think a couple of people must have picked it up since there was a whole thread not that long ago that was pretty much just people throwing out eroge recommendations.
I'm somewhere in the second chapter myself. It seems insanely long but I'm enjoying it so far, so I'm glad of that. It's nice to have a VN to get lost in for a couple weeks plus.

>> No.42585895

The protagonist in 蝶の毒 華の鎖 is also quite good. Compared to other otome protagonists, Yuriko is very proactive and considerably intelligent. My biggest gripe with the female leads I've read within the genre is that a lot of this supposedly "strong" characterization is only shown at surface level and/or thrown out the window as the story progresses. Yuriko on the other hand, does quite a lot on her own. It's rather refreshing.
Though admittedly, she's rather inconsistent with her characterization in several routes. It's hard to say it's for everyone.

>> No.42586103
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I'm only interested in the new Fire Emblem for this fine specimen.
After playing 3H and getting screwed over by FEH, I'm not at a position where I consider FE games worth much of a damn anymore especially when the localization is like that.

>> No.42586461

There are many specimens far more fine than Mr. Sigludo in the new game. Also, you can always turn the language to JP even if you buy the NA eShop version, which is what I've been doing.

The localization is preventing my favorite yurifag from having his incestfag awakening, among other things. But since I'm playing it in moon I can just enjoy the game because it's good and funny

>> No.42586474

lol fuck that shit

>> No.42588263

They talk about it in the fandisk and reach the conclusion that Alistair could have come in his sleep on his own. "First" was referring to the first story Yurika wrote.

>> No.42589194 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.42591234

Which otome game has the most unique cast? Like that they defy otome hero stereotypes

>> No.42591907

The author's other work was better.

>> No.42592598
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MTL is funny sometimes

>> No.42593233

slow damage love interests suck so bad

>> No.42593284

True but they both reason to want to deny anything happened so I didn't take their speculation very seriously

>> No.42593510
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Talking about non otome/bl games, I love reiji. He suffers so much though, but not in a good way. I really like innocent greys games since they do have some fun boys + the shojoish vibes.
Not to mention suwabe voicing him. The new VA ain't that bad but Suwabe nailed him as Reiji.

>> No.42593528
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Also from kns series, if only he got his own game one day...

>> No.42593569 [SPOILER] 
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majima lookalike is a qt

>> No.42593664

He's adorable, broken but fixable since he got the best girl meanwhile coomers can keep seething

>> No.42593729

The CG in this game look like shit, you aren't missing much.

>> No.42593900

It's kind of ridiculous how much people want to hate the game. The 5ch otome thread is something else.

>> No.42594793

true and he does have some common things with majima as well

>> No.42596199

>playing BGII for the first time
>with modded kivan in because i've heard for years anomen sucks
>wow he actually does suck
>the mod's pretty decent
>accidentally lock myself out of kivan's romance by being generically nice to anomen
>have to roll back like 4 hours

barely even BLOG related but the thread's at p10 anyway and I need to complain

>> No.42598500

Bg2 npc mods are infamously bad. Good porn when I was a kid though
