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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42358782 No.42358782 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>42083119

Did you achieve anything new in 2022?

>> No.42358958

play etterna

>> No.42359710

you didn't tell me JAEPO is actually coming back...

>> No.42361060
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>see resident's chuuden
I'll stay at 10dan thanks

>> No.42361862
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uhh based

>> No.42362064
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>he doesn't know how fucked he is

>> No.42363429

i want to suck camellia's dick while he sucks my

>> No.42363984

play technomotion

>> No.42364502

play bms

>> No.42364568

You shouldn't be playing bms

>> No.42364570

and yet I am

>> No.42364609

imagine: ddr but keysounded
(no not pop'n stage)

>> No.42364632

play 4key djmax

>> No.42365298

So what actually happened to 1cc?

>> No.42367688

got shut down

>> No.42367922


Interesting that Tenku is in Kaiden DP but Chuuden there.

Chuuden DP is very rough too. Dynamite and Flashes as the final two will kill most anyone.

At least 10 Dan DP is slightly more reasonable now that Zeta's not in it. Not that I can pass it regardless. I'll be 9 forever, hopefully.

>> No.42367971

>I thought this was supposed to be a kids game

>reminder that arcades are for kids and if you go alone as an adult you're rightfully seen as a paedophile

What's the youngest age of a person any of you have seen play any of these games and not completely and utterly fail at it?

Are there any non-useless DDR players under age 18? Voltex? IIDX? Any of them?

These games aren't designed for children and as far as I can see, children sure as hell aren't playing them, and they're definitely not anything above uselessly retarded if they try them.

Any time I see a person under age 15 sit down at Drummania they just flail on the fucking pads the entire time and have absolutely zero idea what is going on. Nothing.

>> No.42368010

>What's the youngest age of a person any of you have seen play any of these games and not completely and utterly fail at it?
not that anon but there's a 15 year old who can AP level 14 shit in maimai in my local arcade

>> No.42368018

>Did you achieve anything new in 2022?
SL inf
got gold name in GF (high voltage)
revisit iidx and got to 9dan

>> No.42368075

I used to go to a Dave & Busters with DDR and there would always be a kid who looked no older than 10 playing level 15s. It was funny seeing someone so small hold onto the bar.

>> No.42368099

I once saw a kid who couldn’t be older than 12 going hard on chunithm. He was playing Groove Coaster too, and also doing pretty well.

>> No.42371307

In 2022 I cleared my first 17 in DDR (Bi ESP) and cleared my first d18 in PIU (Re: End of a dream)

>> No.42371494
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>If anything, Konami is afraid of pulling off a Guitar Hero and flood the market with shitty controllers
If quality of the controllers were the issue, Konami would've actually released the official hardpad with AC sensors showcased at JAEPO 2019 rather than locking songs behind a $129 softpad paywall.

>> No.42371547
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It even had lights.

>> No.42372009

Did Dolce caught the coof

>> No.42372107

Knowing konmai, this probably would've cost five grand

>> No.42373134

Never ever ever ever. But God it's beautiful.

>> No.42375143


OK, that's cool. At least there's some young players who aren't worthless.

>> No.42375352

There’s a billion people at the round1 in Hayward right now, and I know at least one of you lurks this thread.

>> No.42375577

kors k and Ryu are both at a Finnish convention doing sets right now

>> No.42375693

It was all high school aged zoomers who all suck balls at rhythm games at Lakewood today. I wish there were anons there :( even worse is that everyone was blocking the pop'n cab by crowding around Guitar Hero :(

>> No.42375797

Keep in mind most current day high skill boomers started as young teens 10-20+ years ago. These games always attract new young players. If anything, you're fucking weird if you're in your 30s and decide to start playing out of nowhere.

>> No.42376537

Falsely reported by an unstable user, the board is still up and so is the discord

>> No.42376673

might be different depending on region but i see a lot of young kids going pretty crazy on taiko, dont see them very often on other otoge though

>> No.42378805

>discord still up
Bullshit i was in it. Its for sure gone.

>> No.42378821

KAC when? or is it forever replaced by BPL?

>> No.42381428

A3 still not on us white cabs....

>> No.42381668

The anti-white discrimination in the US just keeps getting worse...

>> No.42383391

Thanks Chris.

>> No.42384197

Is it available on SD cabs? I know A was..

>> No.42386325

Good. DDR players don't deserve shit

>> No.42388905

they're just waiting for KAC qualifiers to end before they launch A3 in USA cabs. this is konmai's way of banning USA from joining KAC ever again and you can thank chris for that.

>> No.42390120

>The anti-white discrimination in the US
I see what you did there

>> No.42393836

Old one was archived, new one was remade

>> No.42394267

i hate all of you faggots. if you are a rhythm game player please go jump off the nearest bridge.

>> No.42394368

love u 2 bby

>> No.42395102

I achieved RSI. Jk but my hands do hurt all of the fucking time. I might achieve permanent retirement in 2023 because I don't enjoy rhythm games anymore. It's hard to quit because I've played them for over 10 years. I'm not satisfied with my skill levels either.

>> No.42396216

Does anyone have that dumb meme image on hand that shows what relationships different music games get you.

>> No.42397660

>anime conventions
Reminder that rhythm games died in the mid 2000s

>> No.42398829
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>> No.42398882

What the fuck why didn't anyone tell me that playing dance evo + pop'n can turn me into an actual catgirl? That can't be right.

>> No.42399454

But IIDX is still alive

>> No.42399483

i achieved it after all daying iidx and mouse-based games for a few months. fuck video games

>> No.42400191

konami should bring back 5 key

>> No.42400954

>see a chuden
>he sacrificed timing for clear lamps
>managed to get a low A on level 10s

>> No.42401155 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42401427

H-haha yeah. Imagine being 30 and being shit at arcade games.

>> No.42405542

I feel more gratification in getting a B on a 12 than a AAA on a 9. The former chart is more engaging to play, too.

Also I personally despise playing a song more than once each release. I prioritize lamps and DJP over AAAs. If those AAAs aren't on 12s, nobody cares.

>> No.42405800

I started going to Lakewood because the lighting/valkyrie cabs at MPM have been off for months

>> No.42405900

When do song packs go on sale for nostalgia?

>> No.42406371

tell him to come to bms. nothing in iidx is hard to clear. even mendes black is a joke compared to upper level bms charts

>> No.42406385

anons what are your thoughts on dpbms? if you don't know what it is, search "ereter" on youtube.

>> No.42406500

I play 14key and I play BMS at home. That doesn't mean I play it well, but that's what I do.

I think I've heard the name ereter before but I don't watch anyone play anything online, YT or Twitch or otherwise.

>> No.42408221

couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.42408307

I go to MPM sometimes because they have the best Pop'n Cab. But holy fuck having only 1 active DDR cab is painful. I don't really mind Lightning being off since I think the normal IIDX cab looks like pure perfection.

>> No.42408446

>Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum Master!'s store page updated today with a note that it is leaving GamePass
Holy shit holy shit they really might end the exclusivity.
Or they are dropping support altogether.
It's one or the other.

>> No.42409563

I only play Ex Extreme nowdays, but I'll never pass World's End Dance Hall.

>> No.42410948 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42411907
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Cytus II just got it's 5.0.0 update, aka final update

>> No.42411932


>> No.42412333

what should i play if i can't go to arcade

>> No.42412364


>> No.42412385

is kshootmania good?

>> No.42412483

Honestly its kinda a shame, I was digging the story and music for awhile. But going back after a few years and seeing that 90% of the content is now behind paywalls is a huge kick in the balls. Especially for a paid app.

The rhythm game aspect kinda sucked though even for a mobile game, fun concept but in practice it was just kinda meh.

>> No.42412817

bms is the best rhythm game and it's not even debatable

>> No.42413181

Arcade data with an ASC, obviously.

>> No.42413250


>> No.42414353


>> No.42414641

his name is penis lmao

>> No.42414810

>valk generators 1-5 can be pulled online

pull #3 for a chance of swimsuit near/noah

>> No.42414878

yes really

>> No.42415141

Meanwhile inside of Dave and Busters being watched play DDR but make everyone leave when I play Bakunana Testroyer thank you Nanahira but fuck you to that fella who changed my speed mod to 2x while playing I can only play songs on 1x

>> No.42415763

USC has superseded KSM in pretty much every regard unless you play on ancient hardware.

>> No.42415871


>> No.42415930

ngl I completely checked out of the story. Worth reseting for the story?

>> No.42415975

>any video game being worth it for the story
>any rhythm game being worth it for the story
Fuck no.

>> No.42416180

Its criminal that the sota remix of butterfly isnt on any soundtrack

>> No.42416303 [DELETED] 

buy arcade machines

>> No.42418314

ESL Canadian

>> No.42418336

Obese American

>> No.42419290
File: 52 KB, 798x448, BC61C452-904F-481A-8E2B-4616EB5D43F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw AA failed a 12

>> No.42420548

where 2 find arcade bms charts?

>> No.42422804

You shouldn't be playing bms

>> No.42422864

why not? there are no arcade in my country

>> No.42423062

anyone have experience with the dx5th? it seems like the cheapest iidx con currently in stock.

>> No.42425377


>> No.42425988

you should be playing bms

>> No.42426008
File: 34 KB, 1080x512, Screenshot_20230119_130103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donde esta el archivo puta

>> No.42426544

I should be playing sdvx but I got rsi

>> No.42426596

what's a sows?

>> No.42428179


what is it with rhythm gamers and raping people?

>> No.42428552

CGbros not like this

>> No.42428674

This is why I stay far far away from the rgc

>> No.42428752

I like Muse Dash.

>> No.42428866
File: 137 KB, 1108x292, corin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that sherl0k gave full ownership of bemaniso.ws to Corin from 2012-2020

>> No.42428893

dont forget remywiki my beloved

>> No.42428961

this is patently false but go off, sows has been run by the same person the whole time

>> No.42429144

I'm halfway across the world from them so they went over my head

>> No.42429374

Is there a new 1cc discord/forum? Someone spoonfeed me

>> No.42429533
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rofl even

>> No.42430930

rhythm games more like rape'm games

>> No.42431044

t. manlet

>> No.42431603

how did y'all get invites to sows?

>> No.42432218

I will never understand the plight of femoids. Imagine agreeing to """nonconsensual""" sex with someone for years for n-0 access.

>> No.42433915

Ask around rhythm game communities. Some people will treat you like you are breaking the law, I'm calling the cops, etc. And some of them will just be like "yeah hold on."
I got mine from here

>> No.42434529

Couldn't they just ban Chris and let the rest participate?

>> No.42435133

Not really. There was just a little bit of fun characterization and ideas. I wouldn't say it was anything worth wasting your time on though

>> No.42435714

im new-ish to DDR, how should i go about practing at home in order to not look ultra retarded at the arcade

>> No.42435761

i would fuck robo_head

>> No.42436005

consentually i mean.

>> No.42436136

They release the games on PS2 and used to do PS1 releases. Start there.

>> No.42436155

Luci literally tells this to everybody new she meets, none of this is new and any of Corin's (former) friends acting like this news to them (lol MENDES) are lying sacks of shit. Some orbiter decided to pretend he's doing her a favor by pressuring her to "go public" on something that was a open secret, despite knowing she's extremely easily manipulated.
Wonder why none of the screenshots showed dates :^)

>> No.42436167

I am retarded how do I make IIDX resident work on PC

>> No.42436759

I was in some IRC channel more than ten years ago.

I'd liberally hand them out if it wasn't for the fact that you risk getting your own account banned if someone you invite shits the bed.

>> No.42436945

So which community has more sex pests, rhythm gamers or speedrunners?

>> No.42437010

Maybe rhythm gamers are better at keeping things under wraps, because I can't think of more repugnant and reprehensible human beings out of that community than as people like Cosmo and that Fred Flinstone faggot.

>> No.42437129

I like to send morbidly obese women pictures of my penis cumming on dating apps.

>> No.42438634

good players look more retarded than new players

>> No.42439034

Check the support channel in the 1cc discord. Oh wait...

>> No.42439197

tch. no wonder activity in Silentblue wiki's so dead.
pair that w/ Ongeki not updating weekly anymore..

>> No.42439250

I think i'm more aware when i'm doing something wrong or being an asshole, this is good because i know how i can get better as a human being.

>> No.42439462

hi corin

>> No.42439643

who the fuck is corin and why should I care

>> No.42440521

someone tell me good JS packs other than the obvious ones

>> No.42440597

I just assume all men are sex pests to women.
I always explicitly ask if what I'm doing is fine and if we're good to continue. But I always expect them to randomly do a 180 at some point in the future and call me a rapist because I "pressured" them or some bullshit.
>yeah sure I was laughing and orgasming at the time. but actually I was scared you might have a gun somewhere in the house and randomly murder me for saying no after laying in bed with you with my top off unprovoked.

>> No.42440699

hi19hi19 pack 3 is all js stuff around 19-22

>> No.42441009

I can feel the thick glasses and receding hairline emanating from this post

>> No.42441036
File: 399 KB, 655x427, be2213f1d13c26adb67ecd2261f65d8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to getting rhythm game arcade rips to work. I had some old stuff from an old tracker and got those working but grabbed the Nostalgia Op3 torrent from one of these threads awhile back.

Everything seems to work fine but none of the songs have artwork? Also, I assume I can't have a profile or how does that work? Just play guest all the time?

>> No.42442040

I might be completely wrong but I vaguely remember something about the jacket art having something to do with the server, so if you're running on asphixya you might have to look into it specifically

>> No.42442181

I don't think anyone that's actually had the misfortune of interacting with Corin in any way is surprised by this desu

>> No.42443495

What isn't working for you?

>> No.42443572

Keep getting some access violation error running it with spicetools, game window launches and crashes immediately

>> No.42444019
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1652283412228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to play ONGEKI at home? Controllerwise, I mean. Not sure if data is even out there, or a simulator.
>captcha: 2DXPR

>> No.42444138

F4S. but I don't know if it's actually open for the public yet

>> No.42445154

DIY, or wait for yuan/gamo2 to release theirs if you're willing to pay the shipping cost on this 10kg+ piece of shit.
Data is a bit of a pain to set up but works fine.

>> No.42445835

what are some fun DDR 14/15s

>> No.42445966

14s: Cytokinesis, Ishtar, 妖隠し -あやかしかくし-, 888
15s: Cirno's perfect math class, Hypertwist, Our Soul, Unbelievable Sparky remix, Vertigo

>> No.42446072

Any response from Corin on the sex pest allegations yet?
I don't know why anyone would have sex with anyone else in the rhythm game community, I swear it always goes bad.

>> No.42446102
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Any active rhythm games

>> No.42446148

Worst Plan ESP.

>> No.42446331

He admitted to it in the CG discord.
Guilty as charged

Shame no one has backups of all the fucked up shit he did to 13 year old girls on osu!

>> No.42446487

This was useful information, thank you. I found Asphixya in the giant bundle of things I downloaded.

How do work this? I run it, start the game and try to use spicetools to insert a card but nothing happens and no art so is there some more I need to do for it to all work? Readme on Asphyxia just says run and start the game.

>> No.42446590

endorphin is not only the most fun 15, its the most fun ddr chart in general

>> No.42446663

Can't help you there cause I've never used asphyxia. Just figured you were on it if you were playing op3 cause no network I can think of supports it

>> No.42447272

Tips for playing the IIDX keys one-handed?

>> No.42447505

bxg caroline was right (again)

>> No.42447572

villainized "bad guys" in rgc are typically least villainous. shine a light on more of the "good guys" you find real atrocities

>> No.42448332

you are all walking red flags. die

>> No.42448370

mostly not focused on js but has good js files

Sharpnel Instrumentality Project
Miracle Streamz
Trance EX Style
Scintill Steps Four Tracks From The Same Artist And Decides To Release It Tinypack
Grape Cola 2
Icy X

>> No.42448708

You can smell the BO in this post

>> No.42448940

you are Corin Simpson-Bryars and I claim my £5

>> No.42449031

UK Rhythm Games!

>> No.42449077

getting better at etterna

>> No.42449525

Hey corin,
Which secondary school's are you gonna hang outside to find your next girlfriend?

>> No.42449530

Use your fingers.

>> No.42450523
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man I love sdvx

>> No.42450548

Fuck off corin it's so obvious it's you. Nobody else would bring up MENDES and then use that stupid fucking :^).
I hope you rot cunt.

>> No.42451586

what do we do about the robeats / fnf problem? how do we get these toddlers out of the rhythm game community? any time i encounter an underaged person i want to punch them in the face

>> No.42451621

you must remind them that they arent welcome
if your community doesnt allow that, then it is already over for you

>> No.42452232

Taiko Drum Master PC is impossible to calibrate.

>> No.42452482
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, calibration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I use for the drum controller. For keyboard I actually settled on the default after some playing around.

>> No.42452492

Just ignore them. They're not part of your community unless you actually communicate with them.

>> No.42452497

Jesus Christ dude. Do you have a sound card or anything doing audio processing? This seems bizarre. That's the retail version of Taiko, right? Not pirate data?

>> No.42452564

>That's the retail version of Taiko, right?
Yep. This exact setting was a rec by another player, I tried it after auto-calibration failed to get me anywhere. It just werks.

>> No.42453346
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take your meds

>> No.42453379

bros wtf do i do to clear whiteout? its the last 20 i have to clear, is there any simplified patterns?

>> No.42454396

i need to find a woman who plays parapara paradise

>> No.42454477

What rhythm games DO women play? As popular as FNF and osu are I hardly see any female players in those communities either.

>> No.42454776 [DELETED] 

Ignore them. They aren't vocal and generally stay within their community. They don't seek out other communities to pest them about their game unlike Osu players.

>> No.42454860

Ignore them. They aren't vocal and will generally stay within their game community. Most will likely move on to other games sooner or later.
They also don't tend to pester others about their game unlike Osu players.

>> No.42454985

They play dance games. Hand games are for incels.

>> No.42455620

I always see women playing the Kpoop songs on PIU at my local Round1

>> No.42455714

Women don't play games and don't really enjoy anything

>> No.42456393

pop’n music

>> No.42458225
File: 12 KB, 225x225, 946290FE-E581-488F-9FAC-9961FEA7B5E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start button gets stuck as I change the hi speed

>> No.42459158

>cardinal gate
reminder that these services could have kicked Corin out in 2017 when his raping first came to light, but they chose not to until now, after six years, when there was no choice.

>> No.42459353


Sometimes they try out SDVX of all things too unless there's a regular playing level 17+ stuff

>> No.42459557

Who cares?

>> No.42460066

I do

>> No.42460185

fuck you

>> No.42460853

I'm glad infinitas exists so I never have to interact with any of these retards

>> No.42461738

Go back to your Discord hugbox

>> No.42461884

keep defending pedos on 4chan

>> No.42461924


>> No.42462033

Jeff Paine, a convicted paedo that was in jail for 11 years, was welcomed back to bemaniso.com with open arms?

>> No.42462664

Women don't get autistic enough for rhythm games.

>> No.42462764

he spent 11 years in jail for his. crime what more do you want

>> No.42462845


>> No.42463011

Well it’s been 4 since corin was a pedo so another 6 years and we have to welcome him back too

>> No.42463398

Corin was one of the few likeable people in this shithole

>> No.42463527


>> No.42463765

no rhythm game player is likeable, you all fucking suck.

>> No.42463782

I like you.

>> No.42463806

worlds biggest liar

>> No.42463982


>> No.42464306

because they're in the idol gacha ones instead

>> No.42464480

you’re all so nice you spend 4 years allowing a girl’s rapist to run around unchecked while knowing about it the entire time

>> No.42464651

yeah that's what i was thinking of doing, my local used games shop always has a few super cheap DDR Extreme 2 copies so i'll pick one up soon, thanks! hopefully i can find a decent soft pad on ebay or something

>> No.42464661

no one liked corin even before all this came out. Sherl0k just let him run shit because he was too lazy to do it himself.

>> No.42465018

i didn't know shit about was corin was doing because i'm not bri'ish

>> No.42465292

It's almost like it's not anyone else's responsibility to call the bong police on your bad boyfriend.

>> No.42465486

UK RHYTHM GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.42466978

ok corin

>> No.42467631

1cc and emuline are back

>> No.42467673
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>> No.42468170

F4S had a link but it is gone

(lost media wiki intensifies)

>> No.42469470

holy BASED

>> No.42469609


>> No.42469913

Alan need upload LDJ-2023011700 to bemaniso tracker. You is administrator on the sows sir

>> No.42471512
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>> No.42471809

Link to the new 1cc discord pl0x

>> No.42472056

This ugly idiot is abusing hot mentally ill chicks in the rhythm game community and basically you're fucking stupid

>> No.42472105

i hate women

>> No.42472126

Sows staff all of a sudden having memory loss about everything corin said while also posting a link to screenshots from their own fucking discord lol

>> No.42472800

hi tyler, how's the friendzone

>> No.42472877

sexual bga

>> No.42473241

Mental illness is a prerequisite of rhythm gaming.

>> No.42474870

Is there any pack of custom songs for ADOFAI that you recommend?

>> No.42475091

rhythm gamers can't be the worst when shmup players and the fgc exist

>> No.42476390

together they form a trifecta of shit when you consider they were all birthed in the arcades

>> No.42476433

I always say getting good a rhythm games require a similar kind of autism as speedrunning

>> No.42476964

None of these communities originated in arcades. Westerners don't play these games in arcades.

>> No.42477051

not sure if you can make your bait even more obvious

>> No.42477109

they originated in arcades but the cancerous part of them are not arcade goers

>> No.42477135

There's no bait here, you're simply retarded.

>> No.42477169

fgc is normal compared to shmups and rhythm games

>> No.42477779

>fgc is normal

Uh so is this when Smash is not included in the conversation? They definitely insist on it otherwise.

>> No.42478756

lmfao you're sheltered anon

>> No.42478824 [DELETED] 

Fighting games have a lot of pedophiles, trannies and niggers. Go look up why so many black people play street fighter, the results may surprise you.

Shmups have a LOT of weird hardcore chinky weebs, the same kind of people who spend all of their income on imported Japanese cars, games, consoles, etc solely because they're Japanese.

Rhythm games have all of the above. And furries, because of course.

Puzzle games (Tetris excluded) probably have somewhat normal communities. A lot of the Twitter queers pretend to like Puyo Puyo because of the art style though, so maybe exclude that as well.

>> No.42478918 [DELETED] 

Tetris and puyo are already 99% of the puzzle game community, so you may as well just throw them in the bucket of deplorables as well.

>> No.42478928

I would include 64 and melee in the comparison but brawl and onwards are all freaks
This is just from my time spent with all the communities, usually a mix of my locals and the online part, and the online part of any community is going to be crazier regardless of the subject.

>> No.42479834
File: 194 KB, 553x540, gryph0n1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the average rhythm game player

>> No.42480145 [DELETED] 

I'm a furry >:3

>> No.42480168 [DELETED] 
File: 806 KB, 676x676, SUPER_BUBBLE_JOURNEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And furries, because of course.

>> No.42480177

>underage girls like you
>tiny boy
Nigga which is it.

>> No.42480654

Are there any good mobile rhythm games?
I just have im@s right now and while I enjoy the pretty girls dancing its really lacking.

>> No.42480805

Arcaea is the only halfway passable one.

>> No.42481286

average shinji16 viewer

>> No.42481734 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 512x512, CUTIE CHASER-jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's cute but i'm not gay

>> No.42483120

It's Phigros and it's not even close.

> Totally free forever, holy based
> No overcomplicated gimmicks. Tap, hold, swipe. That's it. Unless you count drags but drags are free points as in every mobile rg
> Exactly the right mix of songs you know from other games and songs you've never heard of
> You don't have to worry about random gimmicks shitting up a normal chart - because the gimmicks are the point. Notes flying every which way
> This also means pretty much every chart is unique and interesting in some way
> Only real downside I could think of is partially combo based scoring (it has separate accuracy scoring so who care not me) and unlocking Singles is slightly grindy. You're still having fun grinding so eh

Play the pigeon game

>> No.42483384

>no gimmicks because the entire game is a gimmick
200 IQ logic

>> No.42483520
File: 174 KB, 1080x1350, 324878501_576502370587945_4971634494417454824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a depressed shut in but Round 1 always makes me happy. Usually stick to fighters and shooters but gonna start getting into rhythm games, any tips?

>> No.42483765

project sekai if you want something close to the chunithm experience.

>> No.42483811

Groovecoaster is a nice start IMHO, good song selection, easier control, and forgiving (if off-synch) timing.

>> No.42483875

To git gud "fast": Dont try to memorize, dont grind the same charts to hunt full combos (accuracy > combo anyways unless your game is shit). Try to get good at actually reading the notes. Note speed increase and lane covers are reading aids, not to make it harder. So make sure to fiddle with them once you feel comfortable with the basic movements.

Otherwise, just dont overexert yourself. Shorter but frequent sessions are still better than longer, less frequent ones. Dont force yourself to play, try to have fun.

>> No.42483915

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, don't spam buttons. Take a second to reset your hands/fingers/feet and keep going and don't worry about getting a lower score.

>> No.42483952
File: 166 KB, 938x632, 1672606467059551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Rhythm bros, will keep this in mind

>> No.42484595

So the January Taiko PC dlcs are out.
>3 Detective Conan songs
I was not expecting much, but still.
>Kami-Oni*10 pack:
>OK I'm blue rat
>What's in the box?
These could be good I guess, I'm not familiar with any of these. Dunno if I'll pick it up though, Oni 10 is way fucking out of my reach. Although Hard 7-8 could still be fun.

Still no announcement on whether these are the final two dlcs for the game. Would be disappointing if they were.

>> No.42484773

I'm not sure who I despise more, early antymis or early exsch

>> No.42485523

accuracy is the most important thing, but you should focus on density as well. i neglected accuracy forever and now i'm struggling to reach mediocrity with it

>> No.42485535

it's a tranny

>> No.42486696

where new 1cc discord

>> No.42486984

I hate fat people

>> No.42487103


>> No.42487243

17 year olds are stupid as fuck

>> No.42487326

There isn't one, that other guy was lying.

>> No.42488170

Well I caved in. X-DAY2000 is pretty good. Not my favorite 2000 song, but pretty good. Not feeling Xa, but maybe I'll warm up to it. Ok I'm blue rat is love at first play. Haven't tried the other two yet. Still hoping for more dlc, the game has literally 4 (four) JPop songs. I get that we are only getting the cheapest and staplest of staple, but then where the fuck is Linda Linda?

>> No.42488456

then make one

>> No.42489848


>> No.42490280

Just be gay. Then you can't be called out for being a rapist. Trust me, it works.

>> No.42490485

miku project diva is actually really difficult

>> No.42490777

the tomokun method

>> No.42492709

What did tomokun do?

>> No.42493624

>chris is back at posting sdvx scores at youtube
is he trying to join SDVX KAC for this year?

>> No.42497288
File: 248 KB, 1319x641, dao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool free* DDR tournament you guys got there.

>> No.42497369
File: 284 KB, 1200x600, 2986012814743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Chunithm gets to go to JAEPO as the only SEGA rhythm rep
Ongekibros, it's looking pretty dire..

>> No.42497698

Be cute and tease me with his belly

>> No.42497781

Aren't ProSeka and Chunithm the same game

>> No.42498643

I hope they announce the new sdvx at jaepo

>> No.42498744

>ufo catcher 9
holy shit

>> No.42498818

I hope they announce the new piu

>> No.42499447
File: 23 KB, 500x496, Green album.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I suck at Etterna

>> No.42499862

I hope they announce DDR A3 for MDX:U

I'm fucking tired of playing on garbage cabs. I wanna go back.

>> No.42499979

>announcing something for americans at a japanese convention
Don't hold your breath there bud

>> No.42500196
File: 553 KB, 720x669, 2141289852721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>announcing something for americans at a japanese convention
apparently Ban Nam has this title listed for overseas only. prolly an answer for Wangan Midnight mostly being Asia and Oceania only w/c is wierd since US has 5DX+ now

>> No.42500907 [DELETED] 

>Don't worry, in order to participate or spectate, it's a normal free signup process just like any other convention!

>> No.42501009
File: 889 KB, 833x2797, update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, in order to participate or spectate, it's a normal free signup process just like any other convention!

>> No.42501083

what is this shit

>> No.42501346
File: 261 KB, 424x598, 1524180951208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>competitive rhythm games

>> No.42501454

remember that tux is now a girl and got cancelled for being creepy to a 17 year old (3 years younger)

>> No.42501483

No way

>> No.42501982

accept that ddr is dead already anon

their top ranker in the west was involved in a scandal that broke e-amusement tos

>> No.42502844
File: 9 KB, 542x95, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one bites the dust

>> No.42508206


>> No.42508237

>White """people"""

>> No.42508454

communities killed by an orbiter:
s-ul devops
vega london
cardinal gate

>> No.42508690

Kindly fuck off back to your rapist hole Corin, thank you

>> No.42508768

Good now maybe Konami can get the revenue those pirate communities have been stealing back

>> No.42508784

stay delusional

>> No.42509049

Corin why are you still here?

>> No.42509176
File: 328 KB, 640x352, _0-7_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corin when he sees secondary school students

>> No.42509343

More like sows was killed by Corin and his orbiters. Sherl0k needs to ban his entire invite tree and especially everyone he ever made VIP, starting with Nin.

>> No.42509762

Time to hit up konami and pay them for realamuse. Im sure they make it easy to give them money for their services

>> No.42510985

get used to it. better yet embrace it and show off your skills to these zoomers to enter their social circles or smth.

>> No.42511000


>> No.42511023

17 was a pretty normal age to get married and have kids in the middle ages, and genes haven't changed much since then

>> No.42511066

You can smell the HRT in this post

>> No.42512577

bemanipaedos.ws din no nuffin

>> No.42512609


>> No.42513963

I'm gonna say it
I think osu is fun

>> No.42514027

Anything is fun if you're drunk enough.

>> No.42514208

It feels like a decent chunk of hate for it comes from people who don't want to have to buy a tablet just to be competitive at the game. Osu has flaws for sure, but it's a unique experience from an otherwise stale genre. It's at least worth a shot if you already own a drawing tablet.

>> No.42515103

Most of the hate comes from the underage playerbase being seemingly unable to shut up about osu when interacting online, pissing off pretty much every rhythm game community.

>> No.42515125

every rhythm game pretty much requires a special peripheral to play. compared to the others a tablet is super gay

>> No.42517728

you can be competitive with a mouse

>> No.42518253

Just like you can be competitive playing IIDX DP on a keyboard.
Funny how the Osu community says you can be competitive without buying a tablet despite the consistent whining about touchscreen players having better scores making Peppy add a flat 30% touchscreen score penalty.

>> No.42518770

Lol, the game was literally originally designed for a touchscreen.

>> No.42521851

tablet and touchscreen gameplay is a lot different though

>> No.42522780

I started playing IIDX a month ago and I am finally able to pass level 5 songs reliably!!! I am so happy!!! I think I'll buy a controller from Buyee or whatever so I can play at home and become a rhythm game whiz!!

>> No.42524641

I like SDVX.

>> No.42527228

Beatmappers found exploits in the rating system (short songs + long distances between notes + small circle size = big rewards) and touchscreen players capitalized on it. The game's developer couldn't fix it without angering 98% of the playerbase (who exclusively play the exploit songs thousands of times) so his ultimate halfassed fix was to severely reduce points if your score was detected as touchscreen or manually marked as one. Even before this became a widespread issue, maps meant for 4 played multiplayer (TAG4) had to be manually excluded because of a few touchscreen players.

>> No.42527400

same but osu mania
i just find it more simple and fun than etterna

>> No.42527655

Dont understand why you would still play osu!mania when you want "Etterna but user friendly" when Quaver exists now. Unless you are specifically interested in 5k/6k I guess.

>> No.42527679

i dont know why but when i tried quaver something just felt off about how i played. maybe i'm just too used to osu at this point

>> No.42528139

Well the cool thing about a lot of vsrgs that are not osu!mania is that they let you fiddle with a lot of settings to make them feel just right for you. But you have to actually learn how you read and how things like notespeed or lane covers affect your reading. But once you do... I simply cant go back to osumania after getting into Etterna and IIDX because I am so accustomed to using these settings to achieve high accuracy sightreading but they simply dont exist there. I had an easier time getting into Gitadora than trying to play osumania again because of that. Meanwhile Quaver has all the settings I need.

I guess if you got comfortable with osumania and only ever want to stick with it, its fine... But its lacking so many useful features that can help you with fundamentals that are also common in other big rhythm games, it should really just die already as an entry point in favor of Etterna or Quaver.

>> No.42528185

i don't know, the skin and settings i have right now on osu feel like they're just right for me, so i'm happy enough just playing that.

>> No.42528273

The solution: just do not play osu
