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File: 1.81 MB, 1823x2357, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_ikra_ikrazusi__f041378d0ed5f43cc5e1388c63de1230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42318211 No.42318211 [Reply] [Original]

"You want me to go out? With YOU? Ahah! Don't make me laugh! As if I'd ever think about dating a crude, average looking peon like ya'! Ya don't even know any magic I bet! You're barking up the wrong tree, anon."

>> No.42318246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42318276

But I am Marisa.

>> No.42318295

That's fine, I'll just go ask the better magician Alice out instead.

>> No.42318302

The mating press was invented just for situations like these

>> No.42318357

that dudes art has the funniest dialog

>> No.42318853

Sorry Marisa you misunderstood, I was asking if REIMU was interested me. I've had my eye on the lovely for awhile was asking to for any tips.

>> No.42318894

No when I said I wanted to take you out I meant with a rifle. BAM BAM ya feel me?

>> No.42318967


>> No.42319611

Touhous keep rejecting me.
I'll just give up on this whole dating thing.

>> No.42320271

You got a translation?

>> No.42320563

Leave Marisa alone, is this really how you react to a girl telling you 'no'? Take the L already.

>> No.42321445


>> No.42321552
File: 189 KB, 1080x802, 1670952410287874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are other ways of reacting.

>> No.42321884

Smug reaction and urges to want to step on you every time she sees you, typical behavior of tsundere and ohohohoho ladies... She loves me

>> No.42321908
File: 356 KB, 1056x1504, 1644859263793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with putting food on Marisa?

>> No.42321967

What about Seija? she can't reject you if everyone else is rejecting you

>> No.42322026
File: 235 KB, 1143x851, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i do think i am too ugly for any female to ever lay her eyes on me, i am also of the belief that marisa will not be so rude. even if this is exactly what she will think in her mind, she will definitely not let these words escape her lips. a polite rejection is all you will get. then maybe she will recall this moment while drinking with the red white girl and they will heartily laugh at me and my unattractiveness.

>> No.42322865

Me on the right

>> No.42322911

Me on the left.

>> No.42323056

Just be less ugly

>> No.42323493

Look, she is the one that decided to be a cunt about it instead of just saying no.

>> No.42323500


>> No.42323520

>average looking
Thank you Marisa that's the nicest thing a girl has ever said to me

>> No.42323552

These buffoons think they could rape Marisa, as if. She would vaporize you before you could react.

>> No.42323561

I raped her in eraTohoTW

>> No.42323572

That wasn't real, that was just a video game. Marisa would point and laugh at you for that.

>> No.42323576

She won't be laughing when he shoots a quick load into her eye.

>> No.42323594

No it's not a video game it's real

>> No.42323702 [SPOILER] 
File: 409 KB, 580x761, f87566116fe0bab6c718694c25b1d068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too my precious girl

>> No.42323732

We're already operating on the premise that she wouldn't be lonely enough to accept any confession that came her way. Unrealistic details are to be expected.

>> No.42323744

She has her girlfriend Reimu, she doesn't need a stinking man.

>> No.42323785

she is delicious

>> No.42323797

Would you go out with Anon?

>> No.42323814
File: 1.00 MB, 2108x3000, 474248228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42323866

hmpf well i guess i'll have to fart in your face then!

>> No.42323883

What a CRAZY bitch!

>> No.42323898
File: 272 KB, 1000x1600, 4b695589d1b822338323e6893a835cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That bitch" has a nice and puffy ass

>> No.42323913

Wrong, i impregnated reimu and made her my wife. Marisa needs a man to do the same to her too.

>> No.42324993

Marisa is the most rapeable 2hu in Gensokyo!

>> No.42326177

No, but I wouldn't be mean about it.

>> No.42326254

Wow no wonder she was so rude afterwards.

>> No.42326362

why not?
I think anon is a nice guy

>> No.42326419

Yes, but he's also a rapist >>42318246

>> No.42326439

he just has a vivid imagination! That's all!

>> No.42326506

So he's an imaginary rapist, that means he rapes people's minds. I don't like that, it's gross.

>> No.42326551

Alright would it be better if he didn't physically touch her but he did do it psychically?

>> No.42326715

You could literally manhandle her before she can get her hakkero and render her powerless, she's literally just a normal girl

>> No.42326729


>> No.42326743

*Rapes you*
What now, huh? You think you're so tough now, don't you? How does it feel? How does it feel being violated like that?

>> No.42326840

She knows more magic than just what she can do with the Mini Hakkero, and since she can compete with the residents of Youkai Mountain and nope away an attack from Kaneko, she's likely got retarded superhuman strength as just about every 2hu does so she could probably tear you apart with her bare hands too anyway. You aren't surviving if a canon Marisa wanted you dead lol
She's a normal girl for Gensokyo, a literal fantasy land, not a normal girl for the real world

>> No.42326987
File: 1.50 MB, 1378x1111, cb4e4b0f5fa640545d267da3b5aa1ef4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me feel sad.

>> No.42327329

you can find the artist with some of his works translated pretty easy on gelbooru or danbooru
search for midori niku

>> No.42328109

>stop laughing, start getting turned on
I've been here too long

>> No.42328127

At least her body is intact right?

>> No.42328227

GAH! Kirisame Marisa I hate your guts! But I will train harder every day until you fall for me in an instant! I will make you eat those words!

>> No.42328231



>> No.42328925

Yeah okay, get off the internet Marisa and go steal a book or something

>> No.42329503

Work out session over! Better sleep with one eye open Marisa because I am coming!

>> No.42329700

why are you such a slut

>> No.42329753

Anon just accept that Marisa doesn't want to date you and move on with your life, it will all be better that way.

>> No.42331935

I can't believe that post took so long to get deleted...

>> No.42332314

Who even are you? Why is some blonde midget talking to me as if I know her

>> No.42334006

If not love I at least want to earn her respect. Study session over. Going to sleep

>> No.42334808
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I make it all the way to the Hakurei shrine only to have this sassy blonde child harass me. I'm just here to donate and give a prayer, I swear this is why nobody comes here if the miko is like this!

>> No.42334930
File: 239 KB, 1581x1834, FlT9crLaAAACqZp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine.
I just want Marisa to be happy, and I'm clearly not the person that'll bring her happiness, given how many times I've made her crash into bullets.
I hope she find happiness with a magician.

>> No.42335230

Marisa has a strange hobby of talking to herself as if she's turning someone down. It makes her feel good about being single, because clearly the reason why she's never been on a date is because everyone else is so out of her league. Marisa KNOWS about Alice, she's convinced that Alice is going to ask her out any day now, any second now... and when she does, BAM, it'll be so hilarious to see the look on her face! Marisa can tell Alice is just so into her, so she constantly tells everyone about it. Everybody gives Marisa these sad looks, obviously because they feel bad for her, being so out of Alice's league, and yet still lusted after.

>> No.42336171

You say this every week, and I still don't get the humor. I'm not asking "Do you want to go out?" in a dating sense. I'm asking if you want to go out and collect mushrooms. Honestly, you're weirder than Alice sometimes.

>> No.42341117

I wanna make her sad.

>> No.42341339
File: 2.78 MB, 1536x2048, 104384772_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon was happy, recently Marisa accepted him as an apprentice despite that she's still studying herself. Anon even built himself a little cabin in the forest so he could be a hop and a skip away from his teachers house! His teacher was a bit weird at the best of times often practicing in front of the mirror rejecting confessions from people you've never met and were sure she made up like someone named 'Alice', 'Patchouli', or even the famous Reimu. You've never seen her hanging out with any of them and none of them ever visited her. You just took it as witch eccentricity and besides after such a session she always seemed happier so you never brought it up.
Today you were heading over with a special big multi tiered basket you spent a few days making that would let you two sort out and hold way more mushrooms then the small basket she had so you were to head over and ask her out to go mushroom hunting! You approached her homely cabin and knocked at the front door, she looked a bit more then a bit smug at the moment. Undaunted and eager to learn a new brew from the rare mushrooms that must have popped up after last night's storm you asked, "Marisa-sensei I made a new basket, would you like to go out mushro-". Only to be cut off and the monolog she practiced everyday when she forgot you were there started up, "You want me to go out? With YOU? Ahah! Don't make me laugh! As if I'd ever think about dating a crude, average looking peon like ya'! Ya don't even know any magic I bet! You're barking up the wrong tree, anon.".

The mushroom hunt was rather awkward after you corrected her...

>> No.42342663

Marisa wishes, I doubt she works out enough to have an ass that nice. Her ass is probably barely average and barely better then Reimu's in size

>> No.42344252
File: 247 KB, 480x640, __alice_margatroid_touhou_drawn_by_myama__c02634bcfdc7761cf4ebe9dbc91a7aef_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to Alice's place, don't flatter yourself you witch. Perhaps if you stopped acting like a boy all the time you'd have some men in your life. Or better yet, rinnosuke might come to court you instead of that oni or tengu he is dating now. Witch

>> No.42347169

>rinnosuke might come to court you
Man is married to that grind, don't tease the poor girl that much
