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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 216 KB, 590x635, 1_1257911453_m_17evo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4230820 No.4230820 [Reply] [Original]

So after three failed e-mails, I tried another address. Got through, it's 87 dollars for the 17evo, 7 and lubricant plus shipping.

Maybe I should have just gotten a fleshlight, but that's too... American...

Here's hoping the paypal doesn't muck up since he made a request to a nonexistent one.

>> No.4230828

Who cares where it's from?
It's all about the feeling

>> No.4230842

I wish Sumire 16 had been more popular so we could see a Sumire fapping device.

>> No.4231090

Personal taste?

>> No.4231260

Fuck that's really expensive.
I only payed like 2,000 yen for my R-20

>> No.4231786

Does that Miku one with the gears lacerate your dick?

>> No.4231790

stop posting these god damn threads

>> No.4231808

Yea. And it feels so good.

>> No.4231811


That's not actually Miku. ;_;

>> No.4231889

Does /jp/ have any suggestions on what Onahole is worth picking up?

I've been interested in getting one for a while now.

>> No.4232533

I want to know, too.

>> No.4232540

Check archives.

>> No.4232541


>> No.4232680


>> No.4232714

Get the 7 if you're any kind of man at all.

>> No.4232723

17evo always looked kind of hard to me, so I never got one.

>> No.4232768
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> Cat Girl Shokonyan
> Out of stock

>> No.4233144

I enjoy the Seven, but I gotta say... It IS kind of short, while admittedly that does make it both more loli-like and easier to transport, sometimes it's nice to have something you can really thrust deep into.

>> No.4233153

Get the best. Get a fleshlight with loli modification. You'll never go back, and it'll last forever.

>> No.4233169

I can't see why the Americans would have a better product than the Japanese, 'Onahole' is a word only in Japan, after all.

>> No.4233173

Woman hole is a universal term, no matter what language it is in. Every country has women holes.

>> No.4233176

Another thread to remind me that I can't get a Seven.

Feels bad.

>> No.4233177

Be jealous of my fleshlight, which is as tight or tighter than said onahole.

>> No.4233179
File: 111 KB, 654x917, fleshlight gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fleshlight master race reporting in.

Enjoy you're shitty plastic that will break in 2 months. I've been using the same Fleshlight for 2 years.

>> No.4233197

Amen brother. Fleshlight allows for extra tightness through mod'ability, and you can even change the amount of suction. Also, easy cleaning. We of the fleshlight brotherhood hear nothing of these trashy replicas.

>> No.4233198

Loli modification? Please tell me more.

>> No.4233201
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The "Ona" actually refers to 'Onanism'

>> No.4233210


How many times per week/day do you use it?

>> No.4233212

>I've been using the same Fleshlight for 2 years.

that's disgusting

>> No.4233215

/jp/ opinion?

>> No.4233220

Some of these look slightly horrifying. The mouth ones in particular are always more or less grotesque.

>> No.4233230

The 7 is very quick to clean since you can easily reach the back with your finger and it has a straightforward internal shape. I don't know about the rest, but most can't be much harder than that.

>> No.4233228

Not the one you're replying to, but I use mine at least twice a day. Also if you use a heating pad for 30 minutes before use it makes it 10 times better.

>> No.4233234

So can you put these in the microwave to simplify warming?

>> No.4233240

I've had mine going on three years and I use it pretty much daily. Sometimes twice a day. Also, let me assure you... I PUT THE FRICTION ON HIGH POWER.

No it isn't. It's like using a fucking towel for 2 years. You clean that bitch and keep it dry and suddenly it isn't disgusting. Unless you can't stand the thought of your own dick, then it might be time to cut the bitch off.

For the most part you can't see the vagina while your pumping your dick in it. It just isn't viable. You'll be watching your porn or whatever.. So the outside of the thing and how it looks is really no huge thing. Loligina, normalgina.. It's all good after you stick it in. The only difference is the tightness and texture. Texture you can't change easily, so just get one you think you'll like. Tightness can easily be changed by wrapping something around the outside of the fleshy sleeve before you put it into the plastic casing. I personally use a pair of my bikinistyle underwear and wrap it around the outside of the opening a few times before I stick it into the case. Feels good man. Feels reeeeal good. Making it tighter or looser is all a matter of how tightly you wrap whatever you're wrapping it with around the sleeve. Or don't even use the case and just grip the sleeve tight or loose with your hand. Not impressive, but yes, it's really that simple.

>> No.4233257

The body part ones are gross but how can you not love an alien tentacle onahole?

>> No.4233277

I've been turning mine inside out to clean them.

Is that bad?

>> No.4233282


Hm... It looks worth it.
But inside the fleshlight looks so "normal".

>> No.4233288
File: 20 KB, 350x360, Lamprey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamprey onahole!

>> No.4233297

Wow this is cheap as hell and it has a good rating.

>> No.4233300

The wonder-wave fleshlight I tried a while back felt like an old whore.

>> No.4233394

I don't know for sure, but that seems like it would decrease the lifetime by a lot.

To clean mine, I rinse it out several times with nothing but water, using my finger to rub all the old goo and cum out until it feels clean. To dry the inside, I twist up part of a paper towel and insert it and leave it in for 20 minutes.

I only had to use soap once, when I forgot and left the towel inside for a few days and it started to smell like a fish tank. A quick rinse with some gentle, unscented soap fixed that.

>> No.4233447

I just keep mine in those cheap breatheable zip-sacks NLS sells to dry. Works fine and they don't stink or anything.

>> No.4233500



>> No.4233530

I've tried leaving mine to air dry and it still felt wet inside later. But maybe it doesn't matter.

>> No.4233549

The best part of the Seven is how it looks. I know anon said that you aren't looking at it when your dick is inside it but those moulded body parts still creep me out.

>> No.4233550

I came inside mine for a week straight without washing it out. I stand it upright so all the cum pools up inside the cap. After a while it gets really watery and smells like tuna salad. It's also cold right before use because the fleshlight sleeve sinks down just enough to set inside the cold pool of week old semen. It makes for decent lube though. Since I don't wash it out it slides in perfectly.

>> No.4233569

That's.. pretty gross, man. But I applaud you boldly reaching into such a dark place.

>> No.4233573

http://www.e-nls.com/pict1-13976-1111 The "first day of school" looks pretty good too. And I never stop being amused by that name.

>> No.4233586

I have that one and I can comment on it.

>> No.4233719

Man, it's two weeks since I posted about buying an Onahole and I still haven't done it.

I need some way for my roommate not to intercept my shit too.

>> No.4233727

Remind him that it's a federal crime and back your threat up.

>> No.4233743

Well, we share the same mailbox so there's a chance that he will get there before me and see it.

Even if he doesn't bring it back to the room, the fact that he spotted it is cause for him to ask something along the lines of "What was in that package?", which would require lying out of my ass. It would be much simpler to get a p.o. box or something so I don't have to worry about shit like that.

>> No.4233756

Some places won't ship to a PO box. International packages also usually require signing.

>> No.4233759


Tell him it's none of his business and punch him if he pushes the issue.

>> No.4233768

Man, that's bullshit. There goes my plan.

>> No.4233798

Wait a second, international packages require signing?

I've imported Gunpla before and I never had to sign anything, and those boxes are much larger than any onahole.

>> No.4233822

Maybe it's just express ones, all mine have but I forget how I had everything shipped in the past.

>> No.4233824

What country are you in?
Was is it sent by courier?

>> No.4233834

I am in the US.
I have no idea what a courier is. I just ordered from a website and it showed up a few weeks later.

>> No.4233833

This shit is 10x better than fleshlight because there aren't any loli fleshlights... Unless you count that pathetic 'discreet' version.

>> No.4233832

packages here require signing too but the security handles it and then phones my apartment that I have a package to pick up.

>> No.4233839


Same here, I just have to sign a book showing that I picked it up from the desk.

>> No.4233843

It's some dirty-old-man "adult novelty," right?

Where are those illegal?

>> No.4233856

A courier is a private delivery guy kinda.

Like a postman for hire.

>> No.4233864

Sounds fancy.

I assure you that I have never had contact with any such person. It might have to do with the fact that I always select the cheapest shipping possible.

>> No.4233876

Some people don't give you a choice of delivery services because they've already got a deal with a courier agent.

My cousin ordered a drumkit online and this dude pulled up in an plain white truck and was like "lol here's your stuff, want me to help you take it inside?" but they're not all nice like that, one dude I had was just like "here's your shit, bye".

>> No.4233896

In my country it's either you pick it up at your local 7-11 or a Black Cat truck (owned by 7-11) drives it to your house (extra fee) and my security handles it, or snail mail which pulls up in a green postal truck and again my security handles it.

the good thing is that there is a 7-11 on almost every block. and 2 of them within a 300meter radius of my apartment

>> No.4233906
File: 42 KB, 500x373, cat(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh forgot the right name is takkyubin
pic related

>> No.4234036

How to order from e-nls?

>> No.4234041


>> No.4234269
File: 41 KB, 358x500, 51zHWqEZs9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onahole expert here! I finally tested the Aki Versus onahole, and i don't recommend it : there is no stimulation and i felt nothing at all. This is the worst shit ever.

>> No.4234281

That's because it's literally a PVC pipe.

>> No.4234354

anyone gonna do a proper review of the fliphole black from experience and not just promos or waving it around without actually using it?

>> No.4234420

Looks good man.

>> No.4235382
File: 378 KB, 480x720, 081230_02x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235390

I have a nippon onahole of some kind bought in dendentown Osaka, it has lasted me three years so far, and its in good shape

even though I have a giant penis

I use the local fleshlight vendor for getting enough lubrication though...

>> No.4236267

I believe you can ship to a local UPS store, if you don't want the package shipped to your dorm.You might be able to rent a private box locally from a company, just make some calls.

>> No.4236329
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This is the only part of /jp/ that I don't like.
