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41811737 No.41811737 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Reimu lazy for a shrine maiden? Isn’t she worried that Sanae will steal her thunder?

>> No.41820282

you would be tired too if you had to fuck all the villagers all night

>> No.41820919

if I saw Reimu like that I would prone bone her instantly.

>> No.41821961

The sages ensured she'd be an apathetic retard so that they have the perfect puppet hero

>> No.41822091

Aun is disapointed in Reimu

>> No.41822920

She was, and then Sanae did, and she found that it didn't matter so here we are today

>> No.41822948

- Sanae and her god are literally only good at granting harvest blessings
- Reimu can do exorcism, something that Sanae and other incident resolvers cannot do
- Reimu have connections with other youkais, and they looked at her as authorative figure over the village, which is why they came to her first for permissions to do anything there and worried about her the most if they tried to do anything in the village under her nose. Sanae and her gods meanwhile merely borrowed a part of the mountain and have to strike deals with the tengus for anything
TLDR the only 'thunder' Sanae can steal is in competition for getting visitors, Reimu is superior in everything else

>> No.41824514

Sanae is superior in titsfuck

>> No.41829198
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A fine to place to continue writefagging i suppose

>> No.41829345
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Reimu is for abusing her loving husband after spiraling into alcoholism!

>> No.41832446 [DELETED] 


>> No.41832952
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x1125, Reimus dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mind was heavy with what lays in the future as there was only one more day before the casts come off, the appointment was booked for first thing in the morning and the golden rule of meeting Eirin was to not be late. It was still morning, and you had less then 24 hours to go till the appointment and you could practically feel the sands of time running low for you. You knew well that Reimu would never accept your whereabouts for the last three weeks and she already got it in her head that you playing around with Marisa just because you had tea with her, so knowing that you spent three weeks largely alone with Kasen being nursed back to health would only set her jealousy blazing. You didn't want to go back honestly, she's already almost killed you for less after all but you knew you had your vows to upkeep so no matter the outcome you had to face her again and get her to accept you again or you'd die from the onslaught you were to receive.
Those dark thoughts swirled in your head as you arranged today's breakfast on the plates infront of you and working on automatic you had arranged a lovely breakfast for you and Kasen. You hobbled out with your walking stick serving the table one tray at a time but you just couldn't muster your usual affable personality and bring a smile to your face as you set down next to Kasen. You could tell the her mood was mutual despite her best efforts to hide it otherwise and you both ate in a melancholic silence. Time rolled endlessly onwards and you immersed yourself in some chore or another for the rest of the morning, trying to take your mind off your fate but you were more industrious then usual and got everything done quickly until the mansion and its surrounding grounds practically sparkled and it wasn't even noon yet. You sat watching Kasen go through her forms from the porch, gazing at her go through the simple looking motions in the particular flowing manner of an experienced martial artist relaxed you and soothed your fears of tomorrow for a time.
The day moved fast, too fast it seemed but at least the kind hermit was there to keep you company and it seemed there was something she wanted to say as she kept glancing at you when she thought you wouldn't notice. Kasen kept averting her gaze in a hurry when you turned to her and you just couldn't contain your curiosity anymore so you opened your mouth, only for Marisa to come barging in with a wrapped object in her hands "Heyyy I've come to visit as promised! I bet your happy to see me huh ze!". Kasen took refuge in her sudden entrance and got up with almost indecent haste as she greeted her guest. You got up to greet her as well "Ah the witch is late how sad. We already ate dinner and have nothing left to offer~" to which Marisa looked shocked "eh? no way! I know i'm late but come on I was waiting all day for this dinner ze!", you let Marisa sulk for a bit as Kasen gave you an amused glance before saying to the defeated witch dramatically slumped to the floor in a consoling tone, "He's kidding Marisa its all hot and waiting in the kitchen, we were waiting for you however so you'll be served last you know!". A teary faced Marisa looks up at you, "Really? theres dinner for me?" its not a joke ze?" it'd be rude to tease her anymore and you simply nod. To that Marisa springs up like her one girl drama didn't just happen, "I can't wait then, hurry and bring it out before I keel over from hunger, I skipped lunch so I could eat a lot you know ze!".
Soon enough you were all seating and dining together just as the sun started turning the sky shades of red and despite Marisa taking seconds you were all happily satisfied sooner then you thought. You got the dishes all soaking along with the dirtier pans with Kasen's help and rejoined Marisa just as she was unveiling her mysterious package she called out to you both "bring out the cups, tonight were celebrating Anon-kuns recovery after all!". Although Kasen did seem a bit worried having you around alcohol given your history with the abusive Miko you weren't phased, in fact you were a bit relieved to be able to drink without worry of your partner being there to abuse you physically and sexually. Following your lead Kasen soon filled her special wooden bowl and you lead the toast, "To recovery, to a good night!" and you all clicked your cups together happily and started downing the clear brew. Marisa started bragging "this was some of the better quality stuff you know, you better praise me a whole bunch for getting it for you Anon-kun!". You mussed the blonde witches hair "Yeah its great, but you better drink up if you don't want me hogging the entire bottle!" to put action to your words you chug a cup down and start pouring yourself another. The party keeps going, with you all loudly bantering, and the worries you had melted away like a dream you couldn't quite remember, of course like all good parties it only really got started as the bottle emptied and a new one was brought out!

>> No.41833369
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Despite your efforts to pace yourself the drink got the better of you and whie you knew you weren't blackout drunk yet you were getting there, soon the banter slowed as you and Marisa got more and more shitfaced and soon a glance passed between the two girls. Though that looked passed you by given how drunk you were at this point, but you did notice how the mood shifted a bit with Kasen breaking the light banter you two were sharing. "Hey.. Anon-kun, its getting late and you don't want to miss your appointment right? why don't we get you laying down?" before you could respond you heard a loud "Ehhhhhhhhhhh?! The nights still young and that dumb Eirin can wait all she wants ze~!" the tipsy pink oni sighed as if she was expecting this, "Marisa remember what we talked about? we'll have too make sure Anon-san gets a good night sleep tonight, no matter what!". You nodded sagely, glad to have such a good friend that was looking out for you and Marisa, "of course, lets wrap up this party so we can all get to sleep!" as you it said in such a drunk confidence you missed the glance of dawning understanding the mischievous blonde witch gave to to the pink hermit, "heyyyy Anon-kun before you get to sleep why don't youuuu take this potion? Its so you don't wake up with a hangover tomorrow Iiiiii guarantee it you know!" Marisa puffed up her chest at those words.
You were almost moved to tears, clearly more emotional for all the drinks you had in you at this point, "Of course, i'll drink itttt all up! hangovers suuuuck!" and you took the vial that was about the length of your palm and half as wide, you heard Kasen gasp from behind you, "w-wait not the whole thing!" but you didn't register her words. Marisa smiled like an idiot and slurred to Kasen "its fine its fine ze~, I thinkkk?". Marisa hops up on her feet and stumbles and pulls on your arm prompting you to wobble up, "here here, come on toooo bed to bed ze~" Kasen followed you with a sigh. You were overjoyed to have such good friends that would make sure you made it to your room safely and sloppily confessed as such to the girls not caring about appearances. Marisa cockily replied but Kasen stayed silent, the two girls eventually lead you to your room where a futon was oddly already prepared, it was one of the bigger ones too but that fact passed you by at the moment as you slipped onto the bed that was when it hit you, you sure felt damn warm!
Although you were still partially mindful of the girls standing above you you couldn't help but pull at the short sleeved yukuta you wore "Heyyy Marisa that drink you gave me... what was in it?" Kasen sighed a bit as Marisa much more enthusiastically dived down onto the futon her eyes focused on your lower body. You were confused as Kasen joined her then you followed their eyes and realized the truth, you were standing stiff down there with your manhood almost poking through the Yukutas' fold! Embarassed you covered up not fully realizing what was going on and was at a loss of words, finally Kasen piped up a blush spreading across her face as she took that lecturing attitude, "Honestly you're such a troublesome man, you resist our advances and insist on going back to that abusive women... So! tonight me and Marisa agreed that we'd go all out in convincing you to leave her behind!", "thatssss right ze~ just leave it to us and you'll neeeeever want to go back to that dingy shrine again!". You tried to respond and say no but you couldn't help but become focused on them, despite Marisa's awkward drunken attempts at seduction it worked like a charm drawing your eyes as Kasen crawled across the futon to you and you couldn't not be taken by the mood despite the voice in the back your head telling you to get out of there.
You to tried breaking out of their advances but it wasn't long till they pushed you back, Marisa fumbled her dress off leaving her in a thin blouse and her puffy underwear as she excitedly started ripping at your yukuta, you tried to resist verbally but Kasen took your lips instead inserting her tongue deep, and due to the drug you started to melt at the touch of her tongue and couldn't help but return it as you felt the most pleasant sensation you've ever felt on the head of your manhood. You couldn't keep your good arm off Kasen and it wasn't long till you were making her sensitive in turn, Marisa was entirely wet by this point and mounted you, taking you into her in one motion as she stimulated her stiff clit. Marisa loudly orgasmed with you and soon it was Kasen's turn and you took in the immaculate naked body of the oni as she perched herself on you and started pumping, this time Marisa was on your lips and you did your best to pleasure her as you all alternated every now and then your stamina lasting longer then you thought due to the drug despite the sheer pleasure making you cum often. The night passed and it wasn't until the sun woke you that you realized what you've done as the two girls lay naked with you

>> No.41833389
File: 404 KB, 860x610, Reimu and Marisa stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this was the only other Reimu thread at the time I started writing i'm gonna finish up my story here. Hope you all found your way over!
The .txt file will be updated once i'm done with the story of if the thread slips off the board. I won't be invited for Ao3 at least till the 28th so please wait warmly!
Today was a two parter lewd story, where you get raped by a lewd pink oni and infatuated witch which sadly I couldn't elaborate as much as I wanted, how will Anon-kun live down the guilt? Will he be able to face his wife after all? Will be willing to tell the truth to her face? Find out next time and thanks for reading!

>> No.41833585

Thank you for the boner!!! I won't be able to take it easy tonight!!!

>> No.41837451
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Luv me 'mu

>> No.41839503
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Everyone loves Reimu, its why we all donate so generously!

>> No.41839890
File: 382 KB, 480x270, you got a lot of nerve punk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving her a donation then she gets mad at you because your currency is worthless to her.

>> No.41842980

Because her ass is too big

>> No.41843250
File: 707 KB, 759x537, Reimu at eientei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a rather rushed morning, the hangover for you and Marisa was bad enough but you also had to listen to Kasen, who was dressed and ready in the blink of an eye, lecture you both as you dressed and freshened up a bit about going overboard. You were out the door quick as you could be with your walking stick with Marisa following behind you still messing with the braid she habitually wore and fixing it in place, Kasen who finally got out of lecture mode was looking almost perfect already and you assumed it was a hermit art. Marisa was rather irritable by this point and took off to the air ahead of you and shouted at you both to hurry up so Kasen took your hand with a sigh and before you knew it you were in the air! Despite your soft headache you were still dazzled by the scenery, having never seen the top of the mountain like this before despite it not being your first time flying. After you left the senkai the greenery seemed to melt away into the vivid colors of autumn and the scenery took on a particular melancholy as the chilling winds buffeted you and you reflected.
Marisa took up position by your side as you flew through the air holding Kasen's hand allowing her magic to wrap around you causing to you stay aloft and keep pace with her perfectly. It'd still be a few minutes at the pace you all were going, conversation wasn't an option and despite yourself you couldn't help feeling conscious of the night before. You suddenly felt very aware at the small physical contact you had with the remarkable oni and the closeness of the lovely magician only a few feet from you. You tried telling yourself it wasn't you, after all you were drunk, drugged, and frankly raped. The Yama would surely judge you harshly you felt since despite the situation you enjoyed it anyways and fully committed to it despite your vows and you wanted to deny it but you knew your heart was in it as well.
You calmed yourself emotionally as you three set down at the entrance of the forest and with the walking stick in your good hand and with only a word or two between you three you ventured in and it didn't take long at all despite your hobbling to find the infamous path of the lost. For a split second you panicked since you didn't bring anything for the inaba to guide you but you did have an appointment so it should be fine you hoped. You were about to call out before you heard rustling from a thicket of bamboo and out came a short and childlike inaba wearing a slightly thick looking white dress, she called out to you three "ah its Anon-kun! Hurry up and follow me already, you're almost late!". You apologized as you moved quickly with the two girls keeping pace, admittedly rather slow thanks to your leg cast hampering your movement but you made surprising time thanks to the inaba's shortcuts and urgings, fortunately Marisa refrained from picking a fight with her and Kasen barely said anything either.
It wasn't long till the rather large facility known as Eientei appeared and the inaba to scurried off only turning back to say, "If master asks I got you here quickly! super fast! you better tell her okay!" and as you shouted back a confirmation she scurried into a thicket leaving the three of you alone facing the quiet yet fancy looking manor. "well, I suppose we better hurry. It'd be rude to be late after all" you sighed as you hobbled down the hallways you remembered form your last few times here. Marisa and Kasen still flanked you seeming to not want to leave you alone and despite some residual guilt you were happy to have them, a strange mood befell you all as you walked ever closer to the examination room, you all knew this moment would come and the occasional chatter you all had died down a bit more with each step you took as soon the excuse you had to be this close to each other would fall off with the casts. With that heavy mood in mind you walked into the examination room, the girls stayed back waiting without a word as you closed the sliding doors behind you and you were confronted with a stone faced Eirin. Eirin's always unnerved you honestly her attitude leaves no warmth in her interactions despite her profession, she stands up soon enough and motions to a rather modern looking examination table and tersely says "sit please" so you hobble over and do as Eirin gracefully selects several instruments from a drawer on the opposite side of the room and arranges them on a tray. "This will be short, it'll be a simple examination to verify your health then if all checks out the casts will come off." explains the cool beauty, you fight off the smile wanting to appear on your face that no matter where you are doctors all seem to want to explain every single step. It doesn't take for Eirin to use those fancy devices you assume are lunar tech to verify you're fine and soon the casts fall off to the floor and after way too long you're able to walk on your own legs and you can't help but keep a smile from forming as you flex your limbs.

>> No.41843322
File: 157 KB, 1080x608, Reimu touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New, and the last arc of the story finally!
We've reached the end game where now your one and only Anon-kun will go back to the shrine during his once favorite season of autumn and confront his abusive wife! No matter what Anon will uphold his vows even if it kills him!
Who knows what Reimu has been up to since then? The only thing Anon-kun knows is that she's been hunting around for him, will Reimu finish the job? Will she once again become your loving wife? Will the cycle of abuse repeat itself?
Find out next time dear reader and thanks for keeping up!

>> No.41851335

the hakurei is stored in the balls

>> No.41851364

Reimu doesn't have a big butt.

>> No.41851431

1 million Zimbabwe dollars doesn't really help Reimu all that much. Huh.

>> No.41852696
File: 47 KB, 653x912, Reimu morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The three of you found yourself outside the gloomy forest quickly enough with the same inaba guiding you out and you tried to keep your two friends' spirits up and chatted in a happy tone about this and that. You questioned your effectiveness really as even after leaving the slightly eerie you could tell that they tended to not respond much more then needed and soon a silence fell on all three of you as you reached the dirt road that would lead here and there around Gensokyo. Your mood wasn't particularly better honestly knowing whats to come but you still didn't care seeing those you cared about so gloomy, despite that you couldn't figure anything to say to the kind hermit nor mushroom loving witch. It felt like there was a barrier on the road as you all stood there, you knew that if you asked they'd happily take you home with them but once you stepped on the dirt path it'd be the first step to reaching the shrine. You knew that you'd face the wrath of Reimu again and might not see them again which naturally made lifting your legs heavy with that knowledge.
You walked forward then turned to your two friends and gave a polite bow of thanks, "I thank you both for helping me get better and sticking with me despite having your own matters to attend too and the risk involved, I cherish our friendship more then anything you know? I hope that we'll be able to hang out again soon again!". Kasen avoided your gaze by turning her face and Marisa couldn't keep her eyes from watering a bit, you turned to leave their company knowing that you shouldn't force things anymore when you heard Marisa's voice speak up. Her voice was wavering slightly but firm as she said, "Is it really that important?! Are your vows to that women really so important you'd go back knowing she doesn't love you ze!?", "She already left you for dead... if Aunn didn't get help for you when she did you wouldn't even be having this conversation... She isn't the same person you married! Not even a Yama could fault you for leaving her!". You knew they were right as you turned to face them again, the women you've forced yourself to love turned into a wrathful being and staying away from her for this long made you realize that it didn't have to be that bad and that could have a healthy sort of love that wouldn't devolve into a slow painful death. You fought to keep your face passive though you were sure it wasn't fooling the two girls in the least, "I believe Reimu is sick... and that she needs help... Over time she grew sicker and sicker until she gave into despair and it was on my watch! Even if she's given up on me and herself that doesn't mean i'm giving up as her husband! Like I said on our wedding day, i'll be there for her when she's sick even if its the death of me!" You forced another smile to your face as your gaze alternated between the two girls, "besides, this isn't a goodbye! I'm not going back to Reimu to die, i'm going to fix her no matter the cost then when i'm done with that we'll all gather for another banquet!".
Kasen spoke up, tears in her eyes now "I'll hold you to that then... if vows are so important to you then make one to us here and now that you won't go dying so easily!" Marisa nodded along with her statement the first of her tears now falling. "Of course! Kasen, Marisa, I vow we'll all get together again no matter what!" You used their given names with confidence and wrapped your arms around them in a powerful hug which they reciprocated as best they could and you all stayed like that for a bit with the cool breeze failing to extinguish the warmth you all felt. You almost lost track of time in their embrace then separated with reluctance, their tears staining the chest of your Yukuta. WIth another forced smile you waved your goodbye and said your farewells then turned to face the road, you took your first step onto the long dirt road knowing that there was nothing left to do but let your feet carry you home. You didn't look back at the girls despite feeling their gazes on your back till you turned a bend and broke their vision, it did hurt to leave what could've been but you knew that you could never abandon Reimu form the start.
Minutes passed, then an hour and not matter how much you racked your brain you just couldn't think of what you would say to your estranged wife upon your return. There wasn't much to say after all, both of you knew what happened after all and the best you could hope was that she'd be in a good enough mood when you got there even if that mood wouldn't last long. You did know however that you wouldn't apologize, you had nothing to apologize for after all and you figured that even Reimu as irrational as she's become knew that too. You mused to yourself that maybe you should've read a book or two on psychology while you had the chance as you had no idea how to vanquish Reimu's demon but that sure as hell wouldn't stop you from trying! With conviction in your heart you would heal Reimu or die trying!

>> No.41852743

shit forgot to spell check it so if the wording is a bit awkward or if theres a lot of typos thats why

>> No.41853276

I think Reimu is tempting Aunn-chan with her miko ass.

>> No.41854286
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Aunn-chan is a good girl and would never fall for such temptations!

>> No.41861162
File: 214 KB, 1500x1800, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_corporalblake__63f1cffe7f22781cba350a09c53d89d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu has had enough!
She's not lazy!
She's not an abusive wife!
She has worshipers!
All anons love her!
And her spell cards are COOL!!

>> No.41862063
File: 418 KB, 801x634, Aunn checks up on Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in all it was a pleasant day as far as the Earth was concerned with only a light breeze, overcast skies fought with the noontime sun for dominance, and the colorful leaves were falling providing a nice and pleasant view even at ground level as you walked down the well traveled road. You grew close to the intersection that would take you to the village if you so chose and regretted that you couldn't have gotten sent to Eientei with your wallet on you. You were ruminated as you passed by that it might just help to bring a souvenir home with you and amused yourself for a bit at the thought of Reimu's slightly goofy grin at seeing a gift of honey covered dango, which of course only reminded how hungry you were now as skipping breakfast and taking a rather lengthy 4 hour walk will tend to do that. Lost in thoughts you finally sighted the familiar approach to the shrine and soon enough sighted the long staircase with a deep red Torii placed on top standing as the final guardian to the those who were less then sincere in their resolve. You were oddly lighthearted by the time you finished ascending the stairs, perhaps it was the idea that you made it home, or getting closure to this emotional and physical journey, or maybe simply it was the effects of good exercise but regardless it felt good to be home and no matter what would happen next you would face it.
The shrine had a different air around it, it was a gloomy and dispirited feeling backed up by the clutter around the yard and path. Branches were scattered about along with the leaves littering the yard and paths going to the various auxiliary buildings. The clouds seemed to hang lower and darker here as well the wind seemed to be unimpeded by the trees and the chill was enough to start irritating you, it was like the ghosts of all the pain suffered were willingly expressing itself stark and unmasked for any would be visitor to see be forced to face. However you were calm despite the minor anxieties that tinged you as the knowledge that you were yourself again centered you better then any gyroscope ever could, Kasen and Marisa's influence healed you in more ways then one it seemed and you mused that you'd have to think of a way to treat them later.
You caught a flash of green out of the corner of your eye, turning you spotted the small Komainu you knew as Aunn peaking out at you behind from behind one of her statues, "Aunn-chan, i'm home!" you said with a grin as you waved her down. Aunn couldn't contain her tears that seemed to hit her like a gotei and she rushed out, "Anonnnnnnnn! I'm so happy you're back! I was so scared you weren't gonna come back!" she dived into you rocking you a bit as you ignored how much a horn jabbing into you hurt and cried into your torso as you stroked her hair grateful for the warmth. "Yes thats right... of course i'm back, how could I leave my sweet Aunn-chan all alone here? you're part of my family too you know!". It took awhile for the emotional Komainu to calm down but eventually she did enough to merely go back to being teary eyed and redfaced, you squatted down a bit reaching eye level with the short girl and said like a father, "Aunn-chan, I have to go see Reimu now. It'd be improper if I didn't right?" Aunn nodded softly and spoke softer "You'll be okay right...? You won't get hurt like that again right Anon-jiisan? I... I won't forgive Reimu-san if she does that again! Really!". You stroked Aunn's hair as she spoke and nodded along as she spoke happy that you were so close with the little guardian. "How has she been... Reimu I mean...?" you couldn't help but asking the Komainu with some trepidation in your voice, you heard from Marisa mostly about how Reimu has been searching for you up and down Gensokyo right after you vanished, Eientei feigned ignorance thanks to Marisa and Kasen smoothing things over and greasing palms and outside of the people that were there nobody would've known your location aside from maybe the troublesome Aya but if she did it didn't make the papers according to the Bunbunmaru Kasen brought in every week. Aunn's eyes took a bit of a darker shade as she recalled what happened, "Reimu-san... was real angry when she woke up... I hid as good as I could so she didn't bother with me but she flew off right after she woke up! I don't know where she went but she didn't come back till well after night fell.." Aunn looked troubled and you were about to stop her but she spoke up again "Then she left a lot everyday staying out real late but eventually she stopped after about a week... Then... there were some nights she just started yelling and breaking things.. I was too scared to see what was happening but when I checked after I thought she was asleep the house was a huge mess! I've barely seen her since.. only every now and then when she visits the well to get some water". You thanked the gentle child with a kiss to the forehead after she finished and turned face residence hidden behind the main shrine.

>> No.41862884
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Because she knows that no matter what, Yukari's going to force some villager to marry her to keep her bloodline going

>> No.41862968
File: 1.17 MB, 1400x2027, fd551fbb-6c46-43b8-9898-ef6cc755af5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't you know anything about the villagers?
Everyone would be stumbling over each other for the opportunity to marry the lovely Hakurei Miko.

>> No.41865513
File: 1.16 MB, 1078x895, Yuyuko wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter since we all know who the winner of the fight will be anyways... again...

>> No.41865548

WHo won the battle?

>> No.41865565

It’s fine. I’m sure Reimu will be very happy with her new husband Youmu, who is an excellent chef.

>> No.41865572
File: 207 KB, 382x489, Sakuya run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please, Youmu has her sights set on only one playable character!

>> No.41865657
File: 365 KB, 425x688, e5c3d0af-a2eb-4b81-9b91-4e0fa1114697~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you think that Youmu has any say in the matter?

>> No.41865704
File: 309 KB, 552x496, Yuyuko spank youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor youmu, if she doesn't go along with it she gets punished...

>> No.41865725
File: 42 KB, 1347x434, 1669007711857300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite having a full time job she doesn't have much work to do.

>> No.41865754
File: 325 KB, 1800x1817, Reimu embarassed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not Reimu's fault, she's at a tender age!

>> No.41869965

Bumping Reimu's thread even though she barely has bumps herself!

>> No.41875885
File: 71 KB, 441x600, dumb aunn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she doesn't even clean up the shrine anymore. She just has Aunn clean.

>> No.41875999
File: 235 KB, 850x1512, Reimu cry4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aunn's words proved to be prophetic and the mess started in the yard that the veranda overlooked, decorations that once adorned the shrine and empty bottles with some smashed were nestled among the damp leaves. The sliding door was wide open, some of the wood and paper on one of the door was busted like someone bashed it open in a rage. Inside it was worse, the table was flipped wantonly surround by empty plates, bottles, sake cups and leftovers of food the birds and local animals haven't yet touched. In the kitchen most of the cooking wear was dirty, left on the wood fired stoves and as for the stove itself the chamber was open leaking out ashes where someone halfway attempted to clear it before giving up. Despite the sandals you wore you took care to avoid stepping on the glass, not wanting to damage yourself or the tatami mats which seemed to have been a bit roughed up in some places. The main chambers of the house were in such disarray that if someone told you a rowdy party happened here the night before you'd believe them without hesitation while wondering if they hosted a tournament on the side.
The overcast sky threw a gray shade into the house and the interior mess which did nothing to help its presentation, making the entire scene seem even more cluttered. You ventured further into the shrine's familiar yet soul crushing state of disorganization, most of the wooden framed sliding doors left open asymmetrically letting a chilly draft breeze through the house. You wondered the house further, and the absence of Reimu left its mark more clearly then if she was raging infront of you, you checked the various rooms of the surprisingly spacious residence but somehow didn't find her and a vague anxiety started growing in your chest. The rooms of the shrine that contained various workspaces or areas for guests to sleep were empty at the moment and seemed like they haven't even been opened much less used since you left. It was already past the middle of the day but you realized that if she was anywhere it was going to be the room you spent your married life sharing since according to Aunn she hasn't left the main building.
Sure enough you reached the largest room of the shrine after what felt like hours of sifting through the rooms but in reality was only a few minutes from the time you walked into the livingroom to now. The door was ajar with a small gap where the sliding doors would meet, the left door was slightly off its frame likely from impact and the wood was looking worse for the wear from what was undoubtedly a forceful closing that caused the damage. You didn't see anything from the slit in the door just yet, it was darker in the room then outside in the hall killing all perception you could have as the wooden framed windows that lined the upper wall were all shuttered closed for the most part. You slid open the good door enough to allow yourself passage and as your eyes adjusted you noticed the ever present mess here as well, clothing and various household things scattered about, you could make out the shape of Reimu's dresser she had even before you came here toppled over on its side, its drawers open from impact and its items scattered about around that weren't secured inside of a still stubbornly closed drawer. You walked quietly and carefully around any obstacles towards what you now realized was the futon you both shared and the lump that you assumed was Reimu. You called out her name gently but didn't hear a reply and for the first time you felt the anxiety in your chest solidify into worry and made to one of the windows, lifting the shudder and shining the sun's albeit dim light into the room. The window shone its light into the room, illuminating the room gently with its gray glow and before you was the the head of Reimu peeking out of the blankets just barely. Her eyes closed at the sudden brightness obviously responsive and tracking you but she didn't seem to fully understand what was going on just yet.
You were relieved knowing that she was at least physically okay as you approached her prone form again and squatted down placing your hand on her shoulder through the thick winter cover and rocked her gently, "Reimu... I'm home... You know you shouldn't be sleeping this late...". You honestly didn't know what to say, in all the ways your reunion would go this wasn't what you imagined at all, you thought of everything from a happy reunion, to one where she raged and tried killing you on sight, to getting sent straight out of Gensokyo by a spurred miko but not this. Reimu simply stared up at you from her nest of raven hair until the light of recognition light up her eyes and finally a small voice sounded out, "Anon...?". The covers stirred and out of it came a hand that simply touched your cheek and felt your face. It wasn't long till the pale miko's face started to tremble as her eyes got watery and finally released silent tears that leaked out unending. You took her hand in your own.

>> No.41877266


>> No.41878281

Reimu Hakurei is typified by her desires, such as the desire to be wanted, to have good food, and to find happiness.
So if she wants a husband I support her.

>> No.41883580
File: 160 KB, 293x600, Reimu stare cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu was sitting still in her juban at the now right-side up table in the living room, the little heater warming up the room as best it could despite the draft caused by the gaping hole in the closed sliding door. The lamps on the walls provided a warm orange glow supplementing the gray autumn light and making the room feel warm and homey despite the mess that still prevailed. The heavy earthenware tea pot you've grown to love was smashed to pieces on the kitchen floor so you improvised and used the the surviving thick tea cups to brew the tea after finding the kettle from the mess and getting the water boiling hot. You got the water poured over the tea leaves in both cups and stirred them occasionally to release the flavor, the steam and heat was lazily rising from the cups on the table that was like the eye of the storm, with all the litter having been swept aside making a small rough circle where you both now sat on opposite sides.
It wasn't all that long since you found the lump of Reimu under the futon and fished her out after comforting her as she sobbed messily for what must have been at least an hour. After confirming it was you it seemed that the unconsolable miko didn't even want to touch you even though she didn't stop you from cradling her upper body and head as you wiped her tears and cleaned up her leaking nose as you needed too. Even after she was done with the waterworks you still held her for a good while afterwards as the last of the heaving sobs left her system and she was stable enough, you noted at the time that her unwillingness to touch you was so extreme she layed in your arms with her arms crossed on her chest the whole time not even daring to touch your yukuta. Reimu was like a guilty dog after that, doing whatever you asked of her with a crestfallen expression and downturned eyes that avoided looking you in the eyes so it didn't take more then a soft word or two to lead her to the living where you cleaned up the place enough to have her sit at the table while the heater warmed up the place despite the challenge presented to it.
You sipped at the tea finding it strong enough now and slid Reimu's cup to her over the table to her side where she took it like a nervous cat pawing at a plate of food. Now that you sat down in better lighting and weren't busy you couldn't help but notice how ragged she looked, her hair she always took great care of was frizzy and tangled up while also having that unmistakable sheen of oil unique to greasy hair. Her face looked a bit more gaunt then you remember and pale despite the orange light from the lamps, her eyes puffy from crying and inflamed red nose contrasted the paleness making it even more obvious. Even her Juban was looking worse for the wear, with the occasional stain on it and discoloring from what you knew was once rather pure white thanks to your attentions. Overall she looked a mess like you've never seen her even after coming home from an incident banged up and bloody, and while you wanted nothing more then to pamper her and coddle the mess you called a wife you knew that wasn't an option yet, not until you got the obvious out of the way.
Reimu looked down at her tea cup warming her hands with it without taking a sip and simply stared at her reflection with distant eyes that showed nothing but the kind of contemplation drives people insane. You picked up your own teacup, sipping it slowly enjoying the heat that spread throughout your body as the nearly scalding liquid hit your stomach despite the overbearing heat on your tongue. You set the cup back down, your thoughts in order now and you opened your mouth, the first syllables causing Reimu to jump up and almost spill her tea as her gaze darted up to yours despite obviously not wanting too "Reimu" your voice was firm and steady "Why?". Reimu squirmed at those two words, shattering her already wavering will to maintain eye contact with you, but you were solid, you had to be after all. Reimu hung her head clearly trying to gather her thoughts as the wind picked up making almost a howl as the hole in the sliding door gave it pitch. The dispirited miko finally opened her mouth, "I... I... just thought... I didn't think... I wanted..." Reimu stumbled over her words as she tried to give her thoughts form infront of you so you waited patiently as she paused for a moment then resumed in a soft voice you could barely pick up. "I don't have any excuse... I knew you wouldn't leave so instead of dealing with my problems I forced them on you..." Reimu's eyes started watering again and her voice began to tremble, "A-after the first time I... hurt you... on purpose... I tried to reign myself in but I let the stress I was under eat at me.". She shook her head after those last words, "No... I used that as an excuse... I didn't have to take it out on you! I know that but... I let myself use you anyways knowing you couldn't oppose me...".
Reimu put her face in her hands as the tears came out again.

>> No.41885885
File: 321 KB, 700x800, Reimu cry5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only sound you could hear was the chilling wind and the sounds of sniffing coming from the disheveled miko as her emotions got the better of her for the second time. You felt pangs of pain from simply seeing this display but you couldn't show her your love just yet so you took a quiet sip of tea to settle yourself mentally as you waited patiently for her to do the same. Eventually she settled herself wiping her face on her juban and faced you again albeit with reluctance and you could see the manifest emotion in her eyes as it glistened in the light from the lamps. She started working her mouth slowly once again stopped for a second and sipped her tea before continuing in the same soft trembling voice "I thought It was the sake at first... that it was the sake making me act like a monster! but I learned it wasn't..." she trembled, but the room was warm enough that it wasn't from the cold. "You know... i've thought about it for three weeks straight, three weeks of nothing but this" Reimu glances around the trashed living room with tired eyes,"I've realized something in that time... I was really just using the sake as an excuse all my actions were only own...".
Reimu was silent for a time after that just occasionally sipping her tea as seemed to be in thought and you couldn't help but replay the events of that one summer day when Yukari first appeared before you in all her splendor and terror warning you of your fate.
"I knew you weren't a normal girl from the start, you know the villagers always spoke of you with a bit of awe and reverence. Even the youkai treaded lightly when your name came up and that was something i've simply never seen before!" your voice was even and you were careful to give no warmth despite the kind memories that flooded back. "I've been in Gensokyo for 4 years by now, and by your side for almost as long, I thought I knew you like the back of my hand for those two years of peace and I thought I could be your support when things got bad for you but I learned that I can't quell your demons...". Reimu's pink eyes widened for a second before she reasserted control over herself, though you could tell she struggled to do so. "Reimu... only you can fight your own darkness, i've tried and failed and you took advantage of that time and time again. I'm tired of living like this Reimu"
Her flushed gaunt face seemed even more tired now but showed little surprise, only resigned acceptance that tried to hide behind a practiced emotionless mask but you knew better then to be fooled. "...I know... I don't deserve forgiveness..." the trembling in her voice intensified again "but... I don't want to lose you.. not again!" the mask she had on started crumbling showing that vulnerable side of her that even you've rarely seen "You know no one would tell me where you went! I thought you really died since even my intuition couldn't find you and Yukari wouldn't answer my calls even though I know she doesn't start hibernating yet!". The damn burst finally "I was so angry at first, I thought everyone was making a fool out of me! that they were all in on it and did it out of resentment so I looked and looked and looked for days and days!! But I could never find you now matter how hard I looked..." Reimu slumped down again, despite the burst of energy it seemed the well has gone dry. "Then I gave up... I couldn't do anything but lay there, all the friends I once had wouldn't tell me even after I beat them at danmaku... and looking for you lead nowhere... they just stared at me in disgust wanted nothing to do with me...", the tired expression resurfaced this time but it seemed she was too exhausted to show any emotion instead of concealing it. "So please. please don't leave me... i'll do anything..." she muttered out slumped onto the table looking exhausted.
Seeing her like this hurt even more then pain she's inflicted over the years, but it was necessary and you knew it. You reached into your robe's inner pocket and pulled out a blade. It was nothing special really but it was a knife you bought from a vendor you knew well and used it often and with care, its sharp point and keen blade would cut through frozen meat with ease. You placed it on the table and gave it a small push, sliding it over to Reimu's side. To Reimu's puzzled face you said in a blank tone, "I'm tired of living like this, you always lying about being sorry then return to your ways the second its convenient. But I made a vow to stick by you in sickness and health, through good times and bad, and till death do us part. I intend to keep my vows..." Her face showed slow realization then horror "I'm tired of living like this Reimu, you'll change of your own volition and cure yourself of this sickness and i'll support you every step of the way like always or you kill me now rather then force me to die slowly a second time, even as you are you're more then strong enough to cut my neck open..."
You maintained eye contact as she made her decision.

>> No.41885936
File: 115 KB, 539x455, Reimu go to sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that was a big two parter out of the way, second one took awhile to write
Today Anon-kun made his gamble, lets see if it'll pay off by the next story time!
So funny story I wasn't planning on writing the second part today as i was going to do some GMing with my group today but one of them had to flake since their family decided to do a sudden thanksgiving so my schedule freed up considerably.
Seriously the second half somehow took up an entire hour if not more to get it the way I wanted, I blame the fact that I was tired after staying up all night and day and crashing after drinking an energy drink, i'm way too ready for bed but its still midday and I have other obligations sadly. Oh well, tonight I'll have a nice dream about Reimu if Doremy is nice instead of the usual unintelligible nonsense

>> No.41887466

got patchouli syndrome

>> No.41887817

Oh no, Reimu's going to gain weight and get plump!

>> No.41888727
File: 152 KB, 216x266, Reimus new attempt to get donations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order your tickets NOW via ticket-sama!

>> No.41888923

i don't think i would ride a reimu hot air balloon
I feel like the balloon would ask me for donations

>> No.41889007
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1675, Reimu concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41891111

you'll never get a penny outa me Reimu

>> No.41891186 [DELETED] 

M-Mr. Krabs!

>> No.41894404
File: 895 KB, 1024x1018, Reimu and stalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it seems Reimu will have to escalate matters...

>> No.41896648

abuseanon i kept writing and rewriting this over and over again because there's just so much to unpack here but i hope you're okay and to please go hug a loved one today
that and i'm eagerly waiting for the conclusion to this

>> No.41898046
File: 165 KB, 487x527, Reimu lovey dovey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i kept writing and rewriting this over and over again
I'm not sure what you mean anon-san, are you writing your own story? i'd love to read it if thats the case! the collaboration with that other anon and Aya-anon was a lot of fun!
And don't worry, while I may not have had a good hug for a long time I'm very close to my family and have all of you and other online friends to keep me grounded!
This arc should be the conclusion of the story although an epilogue might be in order, i've tried keeping the more recent abuse grounded since the last spring arc as well I can taking from examples i've witnessed personally although that only goes so far when your wife a superhuman in a highstress job!

Lets all keep loving our troubled wife Reimu-chan!

>> No.41898396

nah I just had so many different things I was thinking of saying in the event you were in a dark place because of what I read and experienced in the past, but at the same time if you've got people with you, then that's a relief

>> No.41899244
File: 89 KB, 640x729, Reimu the husband beater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your concern anon-san! I'm actually rather optimistic and just want a normal relationship where we have lots of kids and an happy extended family. Of course i'm stuck in a rut at the moment but I won't blog post here and its not much to type about
This image got me thinking about the story idea however and became my muse, soon enough however Anon-kun went from being just a self insert to experience the unique feeling of being the abused male spouse into his own character with morals and a backstory. I became engrossed in telling the story of a generally upright, competent, and forward shooting guy that takes his vows seriously but is put in a situation where there is no right answer or at least none that he can find using his own strengths as a man which is what he knows to rely on.
Honestly I don't want to end the story here as I feel theres more to write but there are always more girls to write about and another Reimu story may happen after I finish up the last arc.

Remember anon

>> No.41900238

that's good to hear, just had a rough series of months so my immediate assumption was something negative but i also don't want to blogpost, but i'm happy to hear you're doing alright and have all those aspirations.

Love me 'mu too, though. Dunno how to get in touch with anons I like talking to but if you have any suggestions I'm all ears, if you want to blogpost or what have you

>> No.41904496

I'd be intrested in an IRC channel or even D*scord channel and I know a few exist already but naturally theres little interest among our peers since those places tend to bring out the worst in people

>> No.41905531

i get what you mean, yeah, i'd offer my tag but you never know what sort of fuckery anons would get up to with it

could try an IRC or something later tonight after work though, i'll keep an eye out for you here, but if the thread dies i usually lurk in /egg/ and some other threads

>> No.41906171

How's AO3 working out for you?
What about touhouproject.com?

>> No.41906227

Has Reimu ever been shown sweeping after Aun showed up? It feels like she's gotten even lazier than before

>> No.41909194

Thanks for reminding me actually the invite should've come in today
As for tp.com I was looking to get started there after I finish up here. I'm looking forward to being able to go more indepth with my story, especially expanding out the lewd, abuse, and emotional bits

>> No.41913681

And thats a good thing

>> No.41917399
File: 273 KB, 1002x1251, 1646256462471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can fix her

>> No.41918260
File: 631 KB, 846x476, 1663022586133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make her worse

>> No.41920887

Leave my wife alone, dumb hags, she is perfect as is

>> No.41921951
File: 2.96 MB, 2992x2992, Reimu sit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The days passed by unstoppable as they always did, and autumn deepened with time being counted in the leaves that fell. Rarely did the sun break the overcast skies much to the dismay of certain Gensokyo residents but the chilling winds commanded by nature were unforgiving. The shrine itself wailed thanks to the holes inflicted onto it during the time the lonesome miko stewed in her rage filled thoughts and the shrieking wind only seemed to help sap the warmth form its residents in more ways then one. The mess the shrine had been was handled by your practiced cleaning skills but the damages to the doors and tatami wouldn't be fixed so fast and added to the dispirited aura around the shrine. Reimu made her choice that day but you were still prepared to die at any moment, she was a wreck emotionally as much as you were numbed with resolve to see your vows through no matter the outcome, your resolve was fatalistic. Reimu looked malnourished after her two week stint without eating, but you knew better then underestimate the demon that lay under the surface. Naturally the old games started to resurface as she once again grew comfortable under your care as time passed, the small concessions that once shifted the balance of power into her hands entirely came back into play as you nurtured the thin miko but instead you didn't give ground this time despite the ingrained behavior wanting to reassert itself to avoid the pain etched onto your body and mind many times over.
The fight going on in your once beloved wife's eyes was obvious, she struggled as much as you wanted to give in as not only did she want to revert to her old ways but a million little things prodded her riling up the anger buried in her heart. Nevertheless the icy stalemate persisted and not even the warmth of the futon you shared together was enough to mend things, it was impossible to neatly wrap up such a situation and you both knew that. Even after your reunion you didn't engage each other physically, she refused to handle you and you simply couldn't find the mood for it in between all your concerns. Despite sake not being the root cause it was still a factor in her rampages, you knew as well as she did that once she drank the stuff she'd lose her inhibitions and become the same again, this time however you weren't the one to back down as while you both knew you couldn't keep her from drinking you could simply hold your ground with the same do or die determination that brought you to this shrine in the first place despite having better options. The first time Reimu got her way she drank, and drank, and drank... It was clear she was testing you at least subconsciously but you couldn't give in even if you wanted too so you held your ground simply watching the pitiful miko drink cup after cup.
The tipsy miko continued to drink, the sake she found showed no signs of ceasing its flow despite the 5 cups she swallowed in quick succession. You sat across the table from her disapproving and not hiding it which only seemed to piss her off more as time went on and the drunkenness set in further. Reimu's face was flushed by this point as she stumbled her words slightly, "What you think I can't handle my drink huh? I can see it on your face you know so why don't you just say it huh?!". She provoked you but you remained silent knowing that no matter what you said it wouldn't lead anywhere at this point so you simply remained seated and quiet not hiding the disapproval pouring out of your eyes and with a quiet voice you simply uttered, "you already know what I think...". She finished chugging the bottle and slammed it down on the table and you were surprised it didn't break from the impact and she stood up despite the stumble after she stood, "You think you're sooooo much better then me huh?! I bet you just think i'm pathetic huh! I bet you wish you never married me don't youuuu?!!!". You returned her glare without holding back in a measured response that betrayed nothing but the frustration at the long running situation in front of you, "You've had enough haven't you? You should lay down and rest instead of using your energy like this...". Your calm response seemed to fustrate her further, you knew there wasn't any good response you could make that wouldn't make her pissed aside from groveling at her feet but you were past that already, appeasement simply wasn't an option and you knew she was about to explode again. She stepped towards you for the first time since you came back and you knew what was coming but you didn't flinch this time despite anticipating it and her strike landed in your gut taking the wind from your body and making you feel like puking and if you had anything to eat before you would've.

>> No.41922412
File: 202 KB, 1302x529, Reimu stare2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a flushed face Reimu looked down at you, gloating and not holding anything back, "Ahhh~ that felt good, what do you have anything to say with that nasty glare in your eyes? I bet you hate how powerless you are huh?!". You stumbled, almost keeled over clutching your belly but you held your ground staying on your feet despite what felt like a sack of bricks launched at your midsection and with eyes more tired the anything returned the sharp and acidic stare coming from Reimu's heavy and sharp eyes. You were more tired then anything at this point, and simply had to ask her more out of curiosity then any wish of banter, "Was that enough to make you come back to your senses Reimu? is it?". Your cool gaze seemed to set her off further and the table that once had a few snacks and the bottle of sake along with its drinking cup on it flew out to the side of the room colliding with another piece of furniture and falling with a loud clatter and the sound of breaking glass. "You... you just really want to piss me off huh?! what the hell is wrong with you huh?!" she took a step towards you but you already stopped caring and met her gaze. Reimu didn't use her speed to close the gap despite that if she wanted too you wouldn't even realize it, she wanted you to feel the pain and fear and it wasn't just spur of the moment emotions it was planned sadism. In the second or two it took you fished in the folds of your jinbei and found a sharp double sided piece of steel. The dagger was a simple affair, it was one of the first items that got sold to you when you came to Gensokyo which made sense as it was both a utility item and self defense from the simple animals, you grasped its well worn grip that served you well for the past 4 years, the Hakurei glared at you in amusement. "what is that what you think will help you? you got sooo tired of this you'll think you can get out of this with the dagger?! Huh is that it! You finally hate me thhhhat much?!".
Instead you simply flipped the well worn dagger in your hand, the blade was in your hand gently resting on your palm and the hilt was pointing towards Reimu. It was clear she wasn't expecting this and you righted yourself with stubborn pride as you stood at full height again and this time due to such a difference in stature you were able to look down on her. With a voice level and stern, not betraying any emotion but tired resignation you said without mincing words, "Take it... You don't want to get better and I don't want to baby you anymore... Like I said i'm tired of this way of life you force upon me. I don't care if you make it quick or draw it, just let this night be the last!" you didn't care to make her feel anything at this point but simply said your own thoughts that you felt from the start of this nightmare you've been forced to live through and added on with the same voice. "I hope that when we meet again after the yama judges us that you be able to love again without hurting others...". Reimu glanced at the sharp dagger in your hands, its handle pointing in her direction waiting for the miko to grip it despite posing no threat even if you were to point it at her and charge she could easily just side step and take care of you. However, she halted in her steps as if it was wielded by a god of war.
You seized the initiative knowing that even if she decided to do it you wouldn't regret your decision, you were sure Kasen and Marisa would forgive you eventually even if you never came back to enjoy time with them and took your step towards Reimu. The now frightened miko took a step back despite your expectations on the contrary but you continued your walk considering yourself dead already and kept your eyes locked onto hers, you didn't think about it honestly as you were past that and simply approached as it registered in the back of your mind that she was backing up as you approached not saying a word till she hit the wall. You closed the rest of the distance as she sputtered, "hey... that's... You're joking right... Stop dammit!" and by the time you cornered her against the wall you took her hand that was once raised to strike you and forcefully guided the handle of the dagger to it. She seemed to want to open it but the muscles to open a hand were much weaker then to close it even for a superhuman and she you forced it closed and even though you couldn't quite lift her arm by way of force you could walk fowards onto the knife... As you took your step forward her face paled but as her reactions were quick on the uptake even while drunk as she was and in a stuttering and frantic mess she pushed you back with her free arm causing you to fall over onto the tatami and landing you on your back. You noted with a hint of regret that you couldn't get her to do it in the end and with a face as white as a ghost she ran out of the living room all her rage forgotten.
You picked yourself up and placed the dagger back in the folds of yukuta, you didn't feel much of anything.

>> No.41923137

reimu uses her lazy reputation by pretending to be asleep clumsily dressed with her legs spread apart directly in front of the door hoping that young boys walk in and take advantage of her

>> No.41923254

Just when I though there was hope ;_;
Please anon-san...

>> No.41926219

All they would do is laugh at her and go away
Leaving her with that familiar emptiness that her donation box brings her

>> No.41927069
File: 3.11 MB, 1318x1929, Reimu autumn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so close to winter now, the animals and youkai were feasting on what slim pickings they could and returning to their dens and holes for the winter while they still had time and you honestly envied them. Living with Reimu's tendencies was tedious and you couldn't remember the last time since the start of this autumn when you felt anything really, only your occasional meet ups with Aunn let you feel the warmth you once you felt with those close to you. Despite her earnest company the feelings of happiness didn't last longer then a second, thoughts of what you had to do and what situation you were in would tear it back down in a second. Going to the village was a somber affair, but you had to after all now that Reimu had calmed down you had to purchase lumber that was usable to fix up the damaged doorways and paper to patch to the holes along with other handyman items for future repairs for the season. All hope was generally lost for you and the overcast skies only helped you see things in the gray monotone that the world presented itself to you in, the woman that once gave you so much joy simply drained all emotions every time you saw her.
Ever since that day you faced Reimu's inner demon at her worst the dagger didn't come out again, the violent miko stopped drinking and her temper checked itself so you didn't really have a need but the emotional damage was done already. You were sure that no matter what the red and white miko did she would never truly change for long so it was all you could do too support her with faked and practiced emotions. You believed you pulled yourself together nicely enough and devoted yourself to handling Reimu's frequent emotional outbursts with a shoulder to cry on, ears to listen, and words to soothe but it seemed like the further your emotions receded the more and more these outbursts happened.
Oddly enough you soon found yourself utterly detached and going through the motions and you were somewhat shocked to find yourself hoping that Reimu would start drinking again or get stressed enough to take your dagger up willingly this time. Aside from the duty you set yourself up for you couldn't find any real reason to keep going, you knew that some would miss you, Aunn would, Kasen and Marisa who when you spotted in the village picking up supplies would chat with you till time forced you to part but honestly even despite the love you felt from them it wasn't enough to change your reality and duty. Your hell was one of your own making after all, knowing that it could all collapse again despite Reimu's improvement sapped your will and brought to mind your own failures in preventing this situation which ran through your mind unceasingly with only sleep being your only reprieve.
It seemed that after the chores were done and meals made you spent all day in bed, staring at nothing and stewing in your own thoughts when you couldn't banish them and focus on nothing but letting time pass. You wouldn't burden anyone else with the storm of pain that ran around your head, couldn't after all as the ones around you had enough of their own problems and soon enough thanks to your efforts it seemed Reimu stopped her outbursts and despite the obvious strength it took she started tempering her anger at the small things that bothered her learning to deal with them without taking them out on others. The toll it took from you to stick with it and get her there had already destroyed you however and soon all you could think about was the "what if" of that night where you got her to use the well worn dagger and you found that the most pleasant dreams you had as of late was the fantasy of the dagger plunging into you, nicking a major artery and letting you rest finally or maybe expiring that night in the late spring with the rain choking you to death as your blood poured out from the wound in your head.
You knew it wasn't healthy but those were the only thoughts that paradoxically comforted you in the increasingly surreal waking nightmare of seeing the women that once loved you struggle to contain herself in an empty and barren shrine that held none of the warmth it once did in any sense of the word. What made you feel worse is that sometimes you weren't able to entirely hold back your own internal struggle in tone and conversation and you could see it weigh on Reimu not to mention poor sweet little Aunn who deserved none of this, but you didn't see a way out of a future of watching Reimu relapse and recover and the idea of not being able to rest and being bound with your vows burdened you more and more and the "till death do us part" felt so attractive that it seemed to be what filled your thoughts when not busy. You couldn't just end it and you knew it however as suicide was not something the Yama looked kindly upon and while hell wasn't such a bad place, you've visited there after all, to end your own life or walk into some youkai's path was only breaking your vows.
There was no way out for you.

>> No.41927083
File: 175 KB, 800x850, Reimu pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was impossible to neatly wrap up such a situation and you both knew that
Things must get worse before it gets better anon-chan its that kind of story after all!
But don't worry no matter how bad things get Anon-kun is a strong person and won't give up!

>> No.41927146
File: 184 KB, 800x850, 1653106162087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts because i never had a happy ending to this myself

>> No.41927182
File: 94 KB, 686x960, Reimu summer outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still alive you have a future anon, don't give up!

>> No.41927247
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x1273, 1653988266178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i won't give up
but she's already gone

>> No.41927764

The wordings of this chapter seems like you have spent some more time and effort into it. The grammars are refined than the previous ones, i'm in euphoria

>> No.41933875


>> No.41935066

That image is so comfy

>> No.41935418

Imagine getting stuck out there at night and hanging around the stand till it closes then being left out in the dark alone after mystia flies off and you have to survive for hours on end till sunrise

>> No.41936271
File: 3.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1653990068050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sort of helps looking at images like this. I don't know which anon showed me them first, but I hope they're having a good time for it.

>> No.41937585
File: 299 KB, 1368x1200, Reimu relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satisfaction was something you haven't felt in a long time and it was a welcome diversion from the numbness that seemed to grip your mortal soul as of late. With a disassociated gaze you watched as Reimu's behavior changed from the demon you once knew to a more docile girl again that seemed to be able to actually express concern for you even when the irritants of daily life and her job seemed to harass her. Of course you weren't one to put her under fire and leave her be without comfort and you did what you thought was best to accomplish your goal of remediating the once violent miko. It wasn't a clear cut thing even after her emotional outbursts seemed to cease with the once inferno like intensity but you were adept and handling her by this point and you noted that it was thanks to your numbness that not even potentially violent outbursts phased you. You didn't try coaxing the demon out of Reimu nor did it wish to show up as it ran contrary your goals, you had to heal Reimu's soul no matter the cost to yourself to uphold your vows after all. You recognized the demon always lurking under the surface of the fiery miko's emotions however and realized that until you were able to stomp it down you'd never be done.
You knew you wouldn't last much longer if you weren't able to fix Reimu's spirits, everyday you spent together you found yourself gazing upon her as she spent her precious time with you in an imitation of what you once had and a part of you wished she'd snap again and become swallowed in another bout of endless rage. You realized that you were wishing for your own death at almost all waking hours you spent with her, despite the practiced physical contact and inflections in your voice to imitate the warmth you once felt it was just you going through the motions really. If Reimu realized this she never said anything, you knew her intuition must have been screaming at her however because when she thought you weren't looking she'd give you glances that gave away a complex emotional storm behind eyes that she no doubt thought were blank. As you sat there on the slightly battered wooden veranda soaking up the rays of light on a rare sunny day at the tail end of autumn you realized that you could've once found this comical, both of you stewing in your own emotions not willing to let the other in on it despite your supposed intimacy and love while you could both read each other as easily as one of Kosuzu's books.
As you predicted neither of you broke the silence beyond small words of thanks as you served hot tea and a small meal of steaming rice gruel with a bit of pickled fruit for flavor. Honestly if you didn't think it was needed for you two to be close to each other for her therapy you would've been much happier laying in bed waiting till the time to do the next chore so you simply filed this time as a chore in your head. The sun drenched miko glanced at you every now and then after she finished her meal, it was clear she wanted to say something and while you would've been happy ignoring her entirely you figured that it would only set things back if you didn't hear her out when she was conflicted so you opened your mouth first after moving your gaze to intercept hers, "Is something wrong?". You made sure your simple question had an underlying warmth you didn't feel as to calm her down and with a soft voice Reimu returned her gaze to just beyond you as if unwilling to look upon your face, "Its a dumb question but... you're not mad are you?" Reimu squirmed after asking this question a bit but awaited an answer nevertheless. That question wasn't what you expected honestly and you started thinking deeper then you thought you'd have too but once the silence fell upon you both like a smothering pillow you realized you had to say something so with not enough of a guard on your thoughts you let slip your real thoughts and with a tone that was as warm as the autumn breeze, "Ah.. well... I haven't felt anything like that in a long time...". You realized you made a mistake as soon as the words left your lips but such is the nature of such slips up and the storm of emotions behinds Reimu's eyes didn't subside at all as her gaze fell to her feet, you could tell she was conflicted as your answer didn't set her at ease but you knew better then to keep up the conversation once you let your mask slip as it took you a bit to compose yourself again and chase away the urge to let it out. You knew it'd only set things back if you burdened her with your problems as she went through so much.
The minutes ticked away and you put your arm around your wife in a calculated manner that you felt she always responded to the best, recently you've been initiating physical contact now that she has more reign on her emotions. She was still downcast not even daring to look at you and jumped slightly at the contact, but you persisted and soon she embraced you in a manner you haven't felt in a long time. Her tears flowed soon after.

>> No.41939301

I want to rub my glans on her smooth armpits

>> No.41941556

I want to bury my face her armpits while she jerks me off

>> No.41942393

I'll pay Reimu to be my personal bodyguard, then I'll be safe from the possibility of getting raped by youkai for sure.

>> No.41943011

nature...is healing...

>> No.41944675
File: 812 KB, 917x1255, Reimu in the bath1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon reflection you suppose it was no surprise that you haven't been getting intimate with Reimu ever since coming home as you were never in the mood considering what you had to deal with. After your reunion Reimu went from clingy and treating you like a fragile wine glass, to getting back up to her old habits, and now it seemed she was barely balanced enough to handle physical contact again. Since just recently you haven't been giving her physical contact of nearly any kind as you believed showing acceptance of her before she could center herself and show restraint of her demons it'd just lead back to her getting spoiled again and taking things for granted. You felt that you were vindicated in your belief as now that you've been metering out careful physical contact she's been taking to it like she was making up for lost time and would seem viably hurt when you deny her after she started relapsing. You felt you were close now, Reimu's recovery was speeding along nicely now as that bit of positive reinforcement was going a long way in how willing she was to reign herself in.
Night has fallen over the shrine as the sun dipped below the mountains plunging the small residence on the top of the foothills into darkness as the clouds ensure that no moonlight reaches the surface in enough quantities to see by with the unaided eye. The darkness didn't permeate the shrine itself however as the dutiful lamps kept the darkness at bay and gave the in-use rooms a warm glow. You had just finished getting the bath pleasantly hot as you tended the little flame and made sure it was stable as it heated the large tub above it. Tonight was going to be special, it had to be after all since Reimu hadn't had an outburst lately and thanks to your tending it seemed that the raging emotions she's been tormented by had subsided enough for you indulge her obvious desires for greater intimacy. For the first time since you've come home you were going to take a bath together like you did in happier times and offer her your body which you've been denying her for so long.
You walked into the living room where Reimu was bundled up under the kotatsu and she called out, "Anon~ is the bath ready yet?", the lazing miko was looking up at you with gentle eyes which is a sight you you've only recently been privileged with again and would've made you jump with joy if you had any to spare. You nodded, "Yeah I already got your juban ready too so head in when you please." and to your words she gave you a smile that once would've made you feel warm and willing to take on the world. Reimu crawled out of the kotatsu with some hesitation and with a "then i'll be going on ahead" she passed by you, you waited a bit putting away the tea cups left on the table and rinsing them out for use later. You felt enough time had passed for the surprise to be sprung and not trying to hide your presence entered into the changing room where you took off your clothes and slid open the door to the bathroom proper.
Before you was a sight you haven't seen in a long time, the peach colored miko sat before you on a wooden stool without a stitch of clothing on her and under the warm glow of the lamp her skin glistened. Suds graced her dainty skin from where the washcloth kissed her body moments before you walked in and her raven colored hair clung to her lithe frame accenting her delicate shoulders and alluring back. Her face was one of slightly muted surprise as she instinctively turned to face you, "A-Anon?!" her hands moved to cover herself up hiding the lovely pink capped peaks of her chest and her subtle yet eye catching hips crossed themselves obscuring the mesmerizing sight of her puffy and familiar vulva who's dark black garden of growth guided your attention to it. Reimu's face was flushed as her own gaze despite her will seemed to lick you up and down and more then once did her willful eyes settle on your lowerhalf, you made no moves to cover yourself up naturally as tonight you wanted to entice her and bring her one critical step closer to full recovery. "No need to be shy, I thought you wouldn't mind me washing your back like old times..." You were careful to let out a certain amount of playful teasing into your voice and forced an appropriate smile to the mask that your face as you stepped in properly to the steamy bathroom closing the door behind you.
The bashful miko composed herself despite still keeping her legs crossed and nodded with a blush still making her embarrassment known to the world, "Yeah... I think i'd like that, its been too long after all...". Her gaze followed you and more specifically your lower half as you pulled up a stool adjacent to her but you made no comment about it as you took your seat behind her and poured the steaming water on your head letting it flow down you. At the time no words came to your head so you didn't force conversation and simply parted the jet black hair from her back then took the soap in your hands lathering them up.

>> No.41944693

You could make a real theory out of this. I'm not going to.

>> No.41945059
File: 409 KB, 704x1000, Reimu in the bath2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vulnerable miko squirmed lightly under your touch and you took extra care to massage the sweet smelling soap into her back. Your teasing touch caressed her body exactly as you knew she liked it and you took your sweet time in making sure she was feeling it before you felt things were going on for too long. By the time you finished Reimu was in a sweet daze with her eyes half closed, she responded sluggishly to you calling her and it wasn't until you whispered into her ear that she responded with a cute yelp and bit of a jump, "A-ah! You're done already?". You forced up a teasing smile to your face and nodded, Reimu looked a bit disappointed at the news and with a bit of bashfulness still lingering she asks, "Say... you know I need my front washed too... would you mind?".
Reimu's earlier embarrassment at your sudden intrusion seemed to be forgotten by this point as she coquettishly exposed herself to you after turning to face you. Reimu's body had never had the boldness of her peers in sheer eye catching power a women like Kasen or Eirin has but her sloping curvature and modest breasts were a masterpiece in their own right. Her seductive legs opened up giving you a better view of the puffy and slightly parted lips trembling with arousal under a black garden. Her slender arms had their palms planted on the stool under her and the way it pushed out her lithe chest emphasized her delicate bust that you knew sat just right in your hands. You wasted no time in getting the soapy pretext in your hands and lathered them up once again, you started with her legs working your way up from her slightly toned calf and slowly rubbing in the suds letting her sensitivity build until you reached her slender hips that deceptively hid an exquisite softness. You worked the soap onto her hips with practiced hands that knew all her weak spots, making sure to stimulate her inner thigh especially and working your way up to the eager and already glistening honey pot.
When the time came the sultry miko looked at you anticipating the sudden rush of sensation after such a long time of purposeful neglect but instead you worked your teasing hands around it coming ever so close to stimulating her greedy lower mouth but never quite doing so as you worked your way up her body instead. "Ah... thats..." You heard her slightly breathy voice protest lightly, "I have to finish washing you properly don't I?" you reminded her in a matter-of-factly voice which her pride wouldn't allow her to contradict. Instead the frustrated miko let out a hot sigh as she stared fixedly at your hands as they worked closer and closer to her chest rubbing suds into her belly and sensitive sides as they went. Your hands reached their target soon enough and by the time they got there Reimu's light pink nipples were already stiff and begging to toyed with. You started by caressing the breasts letting them slip around in your hands before tracing her areolas letting her really feel your deft fingers before you ever bothered to give her the stimulation she desired. Finally you decided it was time after her breathing grew deeper and using your sudsy fingers that flowed over her skin like oil you began to catch her stiffened nipples between your fingers causing her voice to leak out as she watched the spectacle in rapture.
It didn't take long till she returned the favor and grasped your semi-hard cock in her hands and started teasing it with purposeful strokes and squeezes, her gaze was intense and it didn't take long for you to become hard in her hands. You switched your attention to her steamy slit after rinsing off her front and with clear hands you started to earnestly tease her eager pussy, you coaxed out her clit and gently pinched it while teasing her greedy entrance with your other hand. It didn't take long to make sure she was ready and she wasted no time in leading you over to the wall of the bathhouse where she braced herself against the wall, "Hurry~ Put it in me already!". You obliged without a word lining up your painfully erect dick and sliding it in as muscle memory guided you to her weak spots and with small initial thrusts you began to speed up slowly.
Reimu couldn't contain her voice and you found it hard too as well, your stiff rod ground against the hot and wet passage and it wasn't long till the wet sounds of your lewd connection filled the bathhouse along with the sounds of pleasure leaking from her mouth. Reimu was quick to climax having been expertly handled by you and befitting of the end of such a long dry spell her voice was loud as she shouted out her pleasure and her knees gave out, you supported her not yet finished yourself and thrust into her with beastly determination despite her protests. You felt it coming yourself and with more force then you realized you pushed the loud miko into the wall as you shot out an absurdly massive load into her without pulling out.
You both sat in the bath after cleaning up enjoying the post coital bliss.

>> No.41945066
File: 175 KB, 953x1280, Reimu tewi cheek push.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew two parters are a hassle and i'm pretty tired, so goodnight /raymoo/
I hope you enjoyed the lewd story this time!

>> No.41953638 [DELETED] 
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>> No.41954554
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Remember to love your Reimu everyday!

>> No.41959075
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Bumpu waiting warmly

>> No.41963939

I love this gif

>> No.41968369
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It's not time yet

>> No.41969128
File: 2.03 MB, 1080x1828, Snowy night Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The winter has come properly by the calendar you used and you knew that both Cirno and Letty are rejoicing as they unleashed their power wholeheartedly and a part of you envied their single minded enthusiasm. The first snowfall around the shrine brought a deep chill during the day and night which if it were not for the stubbornness of the little heater that took residence in the shrine's living room the winter would be much harsher then what the little kotatsu could offset by itself. The dreariness of the gray overcast skies only added to the chill in the air and in your heart.
Reimu at this point had indeed seemed to keep the demon that caused her rage buried in her heart and as irrational as it was you couldn't keep the thoughts that all this will only begin again from your mind. You knew better then to show it consciously however as Reimu's fragile well-being had depended on you appearing as a foundational rock for her to heal on. You merely held on for duties sake but your fortitude was running thin and you knew it as every day of forcing intimacy and affection only chipped away at your contrasting thoughts. The only thing that seemed to bring you solace is that once Reimu was healed well enough you could disappear into the woods and with any luck have the animals and youkai consume your remains, after all now that your duty is done in helping the once wrathful miko recover surely not even the yama could fault you for wanting to rest?
However Reimu's intuition both blessed to her and honed through numerous incidents was nothing to underestimate and now that, thanks to your remediation, she was as affectionate and caring around you as she used to be she didn't stop fussing over you. You could tell that she knew something was wrong and took more of the chores that you've burdened yourself with and despite your protests to the contrary you were secretly relieved that you could have more time to do nothing. Despite your ability to hide it in your words and body language you couldn't resist the call of the futon as silly as that sounds, and as the now peppy miko worked the chores you once handled during her recovery you couldn't help but rest in bed reflecting. If you cared too you would see that you doing nothing in bed for such long periods of time, not even sleeping and only leaving to do chores or spend time with your wife was a warning sign but you were consumed with defeatist thoughts and couldn't muster the thin veneer of normalcy that you once did when you weren't up and about. You could tell Reimu grew more and more concerned despite your words and practiced tones that kept up the illusion of love for her and dismissed the hints of her worry with the unique indifference of a man that's given up thoroughly on himself.
A new day dawned despite the morning sun being covered up by thin fast moving clouds and a howling wind that swept through the forest of the foothills. The gray permeated the kitchen you found yourself in despite the lamp or two you had lit aiding your vision and you got to work on preparing a breakfast for the women that was once the love of your life. The breakfast was a bit extravagant for the time of year, with minced ginger pork over a bed of hot somen in a subtle soup stock, you suppose it was simple as it was just a one bowl meal but you were raised in believed that breakfast should be a heavy meal to fuel you through the morning labors.

Besides, it was suitable for it being a last meal.

You left the doors ajar leading to the bedroom knowing that sooner or later it would attract a hungry miko who after once last night of indulging in her passion would wake up to the smell of cooked food and soon wonder out into the warm living room like she always did without fail.
You left a covered platter on the table containing her meal and a cup of chilled fruit juice on the side of it along with a simple note. The note was nothing much but it contained your feelings and it read simply, "good morning I hope you find this meal before it gets too cool, I would have woken you but I had an errand to run so I had to leave before you woke. Please eat this meal warmly without worrying about me." You used to consider yourself a sentimental sort so you couldn't resist leaving some final message despite its simplicity, after all you didn't need her thinking you died in anything but some kind of accident and setting back her progress just because of your selfish wish.
The winter snow crunched under your feet as you ventured into the forest around the shrine after heading down the stone stairs, a skill you've picked up is recognizing youkai activity as it was subtly different from animal or human activity and you knew that a wild youkai was still active here even if the tracks suggested it only moved at night. Despite feeling a pang of pity at this wild youkai taking the blame you knew that if you were too slit open your veins here it wouldn't be long till you were found by that beast and devoured.

>> No.41969459
File: 424 KB, 1200x1000, Reimu nurse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a foraging spot only a 30 minutes walk from the base of the foothill the shrine was nestled on and where the youkai that would become a fortunate recipient of your flesh lurked. The wind was chilling but you didn't mind it really even as your feet and hands chilled more and more due to your unwillingness to waste the good winter gear on your last walk. You didn't mind this light chill either as you knew that it wouldn't be much compared to what you'd feel before you reached the sanzu river and just to reinforce those thoughts the dagger you kept in the inner pocket of your thick winter yukuta tapped against your chest with each step along with the bundle of coins for Komachi's fare.
Snow crunched under your lightly wrapped feet and the small walk did wonders to clear your mind of petty thoughts and let you focus on the matter at hand. It would be a simple chore and upon thinking of what you were about to do you were slightly surprised to learn that now that you were you thought no more of your last actions in the same way that you did of doing the laundry or cleaning the tub, it was truly just a chore to you at this point. For the first time in a long while you felt something approaching excitement that wasn't just a bodily response like when you let Reimu indulge her passion with your body and it put a spring in your step.
You approached the foraging spot which naturally attracted more then just the humans of the shrines, naturally it also attracted increasingly large game a chance which the local youkai didn't waste at all and if you looked closely you could see scraps of bone from both herbivore and carnivores. Soon enough the rare edibles that could nicely supplement a diet came into view and despite not seeing any other life you knew that the youkai wouldn't be far and only in a half slumber at best as it scanned for prey. As you pulled out your dagger you noted that luckly the local fairies were likely off huddled up in the warmth of their treehouse and didn't take the time to heckle you by making you lose your way.
You took the dagger and gripped the familiar handle tightly, you wondered about how to do this a couple of times and decided to do the tried and true method of a long slit leading from your wrist down your forearm. You debated slicing open your neck but without a clear line of sight you thought that not only would it be more risky but a small part of you didn't want to ruin your yukuta on the off chance it could be salvaged, besides although you didn't think you'd appear as you were on the Sanzu you didn't want to frighten Komachi if you did!
The dagger felt cold on your skin like the blade was made of ice and with a final bit of resolve you plunged it into your warm and yielding flesh. You knew despite the sharp pain that it wouldn't be over yet and despite seeing a shadow coming from the air fly across the ground you pulled the dagger towards you in one quick action and felt the terrible pain of your flesh parting. You could swear you heard a shout coming from above but you didn't pay it any mind as finally for the first time in over 4 months or so you felt truly happy and that feeling blew away the last few months of dreary gray that clouded your vision and soul.
You held your gashed open arm out slightly with the sleeve rolled up to your shoulder as you took in color for the first time in a long time it seemed to you and the world started swimming not too long after. A blur of red and white seemed to strike the ground and shout as it ran over to you but you could feel nothing but a definite joy even as the back of your mind registered the panicked miko's presense. You felt the sensation of a pair of hands on you but it didn't make you react as for the first time in a long while a genuine smile came to your face as you passed out from the loss of your crimson life's blood.
For the second time in a quarter of a year you awoke in a brightly lit room, once again you hoped it was the shores of the Sanzu river that greeted your tired soul but as you tried to move you felt entirely restrained as your eyes adjusted to the lights shining in your face. Not only did you feel weak much like last time but you couldn't even move your arms or legs, you fought the heaviness of your limbs as you lifted your head and in disappointment you realized that your arm that you slit open was bandaged thickly but as well it was held down by a large and thick leather strap along with your other arm and legs! You held your calm as you glanced around the room and with sorrow you realized you back at Eientei and the happiness that you once enjoyed as the blood drained from your arm was replaced by a familiar gray emotion as the color faded from your eyes as well and you fell back letting the bed you were on support your heavy and sluggish body.
A blur of red and white appeared in the corner of your vision but you didn't turn your head to greet her and the only thing you could say was a weak, "why?"

>> No.41969507
File: 1.55 MB, 2928x4096, Reimu and friends winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First two parts of the new arc that I said won't happen... I lied!
I couldn't help but explore the damage to poor Anon-kun's psyche after having to rehabilitate a women he no longer loves despite being bound by his own convictions. Although you may feel, "but wait abuseanon isn't the story moving away from Reimu as a focus?" well you're wrong as now Reimu will be taking center stage in healing anon poor Anon-kuns heart!
Lets all cheer on Reimu who drove her husband to end his own life as she tries to help him instead as a twist of fate!
Remember, it'll hurt everyone involved a lot more before it gets better but Reimu can pull through if she uses the power of friendship!
Thank you for waiting warmly anon-chan(s)!
Sadly anon-kun has been defeated soundly by his burden! lets pray for his recovery shall we?

>> No.41969645

How sad, hoped Anon would get some well deserved rest at last. I cannot think of any way Reimu could ever make it up to him, no matter what she does. The memories will always be there, like wounds that never heal.

>> No.41969857

>How sad, hoped Anon would get some well deserved rest at last.
So did Anon-kun but he'll have to learn that good deeds never go unpunished!

>> No.41969904

She's one of the worst forced memes of all time. No matter how much ZUN tries to force her down our throat she'll never get popular.

>> No.41971366
File: 471 KB, 567x800, Reimu Sanae fight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do not insult Sanae in her good friend Reimu's tread!

>> No.41972876
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_ayano_ayn398__08a20ed3c9445436beb682bde94b1cc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It indeed wasn't a direction I expected it would go in about a mouth ago but I like it, keep it up anon

>> No.41973033
File: 917 KB, 2000x1280, Reimus pumpkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was planning to end it upon a reunion with Reimu after a montage of you healing her, Reimu slaying you after a short but heated argument, or even Kasen and Marisa saving you from a wrathful miko and taking you away. By the time that chapter came I thought, "well wouldn't Anon-kun be destroyed emotionally considering his circumstances?" so I ran with that and now a new arc exists as Reimu will try her best to heal her beloved husband!
Will she succeed? who knows? I sure don't!

>> No.41978694
File: 1.09 MB, 762x766, Reimu marisa mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41983494
File: 454 KB, 800x1131, hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41984564
File: 1.05 MB, 1597x1080, Reimu kasen and Marisa bag of glowy things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were the kind of tired that sleep couldn't fix, about a day had passed since you woke up in the recovery room of Eientei with an IV of blood and saline pumping into you at a steady rate. You were still tied down by those deep brown leather straps despite your inability to move much anyways as the blood loss saw to that, you didn't ask for them to be taken off as you knew they wouldn't. The room itself was a small affair clearly only ment for one or two people at most and much more homely then any hospital you've seen in the insides of in the outside world, although thanks to Eirin's obvious genius it had some of the same functions like call buttons on the sides of the beds, health monitors that ran off of esoteric principles that didn't need connection with you to work. Despite the seemingly simple appearance of the monitors that seemed like they'd fit in an 80's hospital you could tell they merely appeared as such and were much more under the surface, however as far as decorations went they fit perfectly in with the white tiled floor and functional drapes which surrounded the bed and hung from the ceiling.
Reimu was a constant shadow at your side for the time you've been awake, and after your simple question upon seeing her again she's been as quiet as one. You supposed you should've felt bad and maybe a part of you did but it was hidden behind the regret of not going for your neck first, after all you should've known that a miko so well versed in combat would know a few things about keeping someone alive that was shedding blood in such a way either through her charms or simple hard learned practice. In the end you couldn't hate her, you were long past such things and if she were to do the same while you were still taking care of her you'd have done whatever you'd have to keep her alive.
You didn't pay her much mind and after that one word question she decided to sit alone in a chair only a few feet from your bed and she largely had her head down or otherwise cast to the side, never wanting to look directly at or the bandaged wound that throbbed despite whatever pain medication Eirin saw fit to dope you on. Sometimes you could see Reimu working her mouth out of the corner of her eye but she never seemed to form the words she wanted to say despite what you counted to be the fifth attempt by now and you had little interest in asking what she wanted to speak about either. Finally it seemed Reimu seemed to scoot her hair closer and gingerly placed her hand in yours while trying to ignore the large mass of bandaging on that mortally injured arm, you didn't resist her desire for affection in anyway but neither did you return it. You could hear her tearing up as the sounds that normally accompanied such a water works began as quiet sobs filled the space between you and her.
Part of you realized that it would be better for your miko wife if you apologized or even just spurned her for pushing you into this corner, you had a feeling that no matter what she would accept it and respond in kind but to do that would imply you had anything left to give and while you couldn't say what drove you to impassivity you knew it wasn't anything as simple as spite or sadism in wanting to see her suffer. You just felt tired of it all and whether it was from the drugs or your body compensating for the blood you fell into a sudden and deep sleep, the sleep from what you remember was dreamless and soon the blessed veil of unconsciousness lifted.
It seemed that there were new colorful flashes at the corner of your vision and the silhouettes of two girls you knew well were with you in the room, Marisa was standing there without her hat on and trademark broom nowhere to be seen and Kasen was there as well in all her glory. The small looking miko was sitting on her legs on the ground before Kasen while Marisa was slightly off to the side, at first the words were just noise but they crept into your consciousness and only then did you realize it was Kasen who was doing the lion's share of lecturing. Her voice had the usual haughty tones but underneath that there was a desperation that was clear to those that knew her, "-and another thing, what kind of wife lets her husband have to nurse her back to sanity only to strip it away from the one that was nursing you back to health! When he insisted on coming back to you claiming that you were sick I didn't believe you were anything but a failure but it seems I was more desperately wrong then I wanted to believe!"
The first one that noticed you were awake again was Marisa who for a lack of anything better to do would glance over at you her eyes drawn to your damaged arm and noticed you staring at her back. With a small gasp she seemed to draw both Kasen and Reimu's attention towards you as well and before you knew the three girls were at your side and despite her loud mouth even Kasen seemed unwilling to comment for the moment.
A simple one word greeting left your mouth for the trio to hear.

>> No.41989512

finally reimu gets what she fucking deserves

>> No.41993798
File: 61 KB, 850x606, Reimu shimmy halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if Reimu is a horrible wife that let all the horror happen please do not bully her!

>> No.41994233

She was just stressed out from her duties, she doesn't deserve it

>> No.41995495
File: 322 KB, 1487x1985, Reimu eats ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

da 'mu

>> No.41997987

is that marisa's hair?

>> No.41998538

/jp/ is healing

>> No.41998552

Marisa's pubes

>> No.41999192
File: 2.91 MB, 1800x1800, Reimu Kasen tv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the severity of your wounds it wasn't long till you were healed physically not more then a few days after being admitted as the once long and deep gash under your forearm healed completely without even a scar which you figured was a testament to Eirin's mastery of the human body. During the healing process if it wasn't Reimu then it was Marisa or Kasen who were watching over you, or chewing out and eventually pointedly ignoring Reimu. You weren't surprised to learn in the brief conversation that you were coaxed into here and there that you were on suicide watch hence the only time you were let out of your bindings was for monitored exercise or restroom use and if it wasn't for the girls then you'd have the breathy inaba monitoring you. Going in front of Marisa on her shift was a challenge honestly as you had no privacy but it was something you got through, despite already giving up your life it was still something of a challenge to say the least but eventually nature's call won out.
As far as your suicide attempt none of the girls made an attempt to get answers out of you as you lay there healing but you knew that was about to change after you got released into their custody. As is typical Eirin didn't make a fuss over your plight as you were dealing with the discharge papers, likely having dealt with cases like yours before and remained the cold beauty she reserved for those she didn't care to know further. However instead of the silent discharges you've had in the past she spoke as you finished the small stack of paperwork, "Its not often I get a case like yours, but you should look to those girls who care for you for your emotional recovery and learn to value yourself again.". If you had to say it was mostly surprise that Eirin deemed fit to speak to you on a non-business manner and while thrown off guard you found it in yourself to reply, "Am I supposed to take that as advice from a doctor?". Eirin fixed you with a stare you couldn't quite decipher and replied in the same tone, "The Hakurei household has become a good customer ever since you joined it and you personally made yourself an asset in your frequent sales of foraged materials.". The graceful doctor punctuated her statement by glancing over the paperwork and sorting it into a rack on her desk before continuing on, "I'm advising you as a business associate since no other human cares to do the work you do. Recover and don't let the ties you have here die with you. Your insistence on dying would hamper things for me and the Inaba that have grown fond of your treats." A subtle but unmistakable smile grew for a second before snubbing itself out, "Its more than those girls you've courted that would be affected by your untimely death.". With a nod to Reisen who was standing in the corner pretending not to show much interest in your conversation and failing she opened the door to the hall and showed you out with soft urgings and for the first time in a long while you felt a pang of regret.
Unlike the time you left here to get your casts off when you found yourself at the start of the dirt trails that would lead you home the mood was not one of farewell. Reimu tried ignoring it but the eyes that bore into her back were too much and she tried and failed at maintaining eye contact with the two girls, "You'll be living at the shrine for now... is that right?". This was the first you heard of it as ever since you awoke the girls tended to keep anything like chewing out Reimu or discussion of any serious nature outside of your earshot and recovery room. Both of the girls nodded and it was the ever outgoing and straightforward Marisa that replied to Reimu's question, "Thats right" Marisa turned to you, "We don't believe Reimu can help you nor watch you like she should so we're going to keep an eye on you instead ze! That means no going out without telling us understood?!". You could tell Reimu was silently frustrated but couldn't come up with anything in response and with a defeated expression simply stared at you as the last one that could put a stop to this.
However you were as resisting as the snow drifting down around you and didn't feel the need to object to anything at this point and simply nodded in the way of the long defeated, "Very well, do as you please...". Kasen nodded in satisfaction of things going her way as Reimu looked into your face then seeing the lack of any expression turned her gaze and quietly said, "then lets go..." and as she walked to you reaching for your hand as to get you to fly with her Kasen instead stepped forward with almost indecent haste and intercepted your hand like a raptor to its prey. Reimu was looking clearly flustered as Marisa watched the exchange with a dispassionate interest and your own interest in the exchange was nonexistent much to Reimu's dismay.
Before you knew it you were already in the air as Reimu simply kept up and to your side with a vengeance not letting you far as Marisa trailed behind.

>> No.41999339

So I didn't plan for this story to feature henpecking but here we are, I suppose this is the natural lead up from where the story with Marisa and Kasen left off from earlier so please don't think I brought this out of nowhere. I was debating to really include them in this arc but it seemed only natural to considering the situation.
Side note: Its sadly too late but I would've loved to include the three fairies of light who were strikingly absent in this story but please do know they've been playing happily but avoiding Reimu thanks to how scary she's gotten!

>> No.41999861
File: 325 KB, 750x750, 1653004233871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42000434

I wish to bury my face in there

>> No.42004279


>> No.42004418

this one's really cute

>> No.42007312
File: 265 KB, 1000x1400, Reisen cosplay Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is looking different today...?

>> No.42009243

come on! hurry up! i want to see reimu have a breakdown and be tortured by her past decisions because shes a monster and she deserves it! have everyone call her names as she cries! make reimu kill herself and have eiki berate her as she pleas for mercy! im waiting!

>> No.42009322

Did anyone ever do a compilation of the story of Reimu abusing her spouse?

>> No.42009343



>> No.42009517

Thanks anon. This is the best 2hu story.

>> No.42009558
File: 538 KB, 729x1032, 1668750380327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will take the opportunity to praise the author too. I don't particularly like Reimu, I just happened to check threads for characters I usually don't check out of curiosity, and got hooked into the story, and caught it early enough as to not feel like not bothering.
So yeah, good stuff. Have a Reimu too and keep up the good work.

>> No.42010481

That Reimu looks like a /jp/er drew it.

>> No.42010930
File: 2.25 MB, 1941x1944, 1661688381479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42013860


>> No.42017959


>> No.42020014 [DELETED] 


>> No.42021290
File: 160 KB, 850x1202, Reimu aya fumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The days haven't even passed beyond a week since you've all settled into the shrine and true to their word Marisa and Kasen has moved into the shrine's residence properly. The few rooms in the shrine that once housed its clerical staff now housed the two girls and Marisa alone filled up another spare room with her odds and ends whereas Kasen took up relatively little space while you had to assume that her animals stayed in her Senkai provided for by prior arrangements or spring's endless bounty. Despite the gray of winter and cold temperatures taking over the shrine's rooms the girls found ways to combat the cold, for you and Reimu the heater and Kotatsu did most of the heavy lifting but it was limited where as Marisa had some devices Kourin made that seemed to be smaller version of her furnace that heat up the air around her and Kasen simply didn't seem to mind any amount of cold despite her insistence in huddling in the kotatsu.
The changes to your daily life seemed to disturb you more then the reflection of your suicide attempt as you were no longer allowed to cook as you pleased nor clean up the grounds alone as someone was always watching you and trying to help you. It seemed that under Kasen and Marisa's watchful gaze you were barely even able to use the kitchen knives to make meals nor take baths alone. Of course Reimu was very unhappy at this, despite that the girls had early on made a schedule for who was going to watch you on what days that didn't change the fact that the jealous miko was kept from doing the lion's share of watching and got outvoted at every turn to only being yet another husbandsitter instead of the wife and caregiver of her beloved. It was so that you found yourself being watched by a different girl every day it seemed. The schedule was simple enough, Reimu then Marisa then Kasen would watch you with Reimu getting the most days by one per week which seemed to satisfy her after intense arguing and it wasn't until Kasen and Marisa brought up her failure to keep you sane that she relented with tears in her eyes and a cracking voice.
Another stipulation in the schedule was that along with watching you for the entire day was that you'd be swapping rooms as well until the hands that kept an eye on you swapped the next day meaning that depending on the day you'd be swapping futons with each of the girls in particular. Reimu did protest this point harshly and to a point you did too as you considered this was borderline infidelity which would trample your vows but with calm words Kasen coaxed a confession out of you that you only slept with Reimu to help her recover and Reimu held no such vows herself. The once exclusively loved miko didn't like this at all and upon your confession of how you would sleep with her and take care of her physical needs solely because you thought it'd help her recover and not for any love you still held she let the waterworks flow and stormed out while the other two girls held their faces firm and simply continued discussing their plans and schedules with you. The truth was that carnal relations were never actually mentioned in this part of the discussion but it was enough for to set Reimu off and you had to admit that a part of you didn't want to be able to love wholeheartedly again without fear of getting burned without fail.
With another wave of discussion out of the way the three way cohabitation launched under the banner of helping you recover had been launched and it seemed that even if Reimu would squirm and struggle under their advances onto you they wouldn't stop for anything. Reimu couldn't help herself and as you all sat in the livingroom to discuss things on another day Reimu couldn't help herself and in an outburst pointedly asked, "Anon you can't really want them watching you like this all day, you know that I'm the only one that loves you and understands you right!?". At first Marisa and Kasen looked a little worried but you didn't pay them any mind at all and you were forced to think about it, maybe you spent a little too much time thinking about it because all the three of the girls started looking rather worried for different reasons and eventually you replied with a simple and even tone while looking into Reimu's eyes, "I've long forgotten what love felt like...". With an unflintching gaze you watched as Reimu's gemstone amber colored eyes widened, fought for their emotionless mask again, failed, then teared up as she put her face into her arms on the table and sobbed softly.
It was just the day after that emotional conversation in the living room of the shrine that a copy of the bunbunmaru found itself under the shrine's Torii gate. The headline on this paper as you read was simply titled, "Endless troubles at the Hakurei shrine? THREEWAY infidelity is the norm!?" and it gave a rather fractious account of how you were hospitalized and found a way to seduce the inaba and brought home Kasen and Marisa using your "limitless" wiles...

>> No.42021305
File: 138 KB, 1056x1504, 1547414884261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had to eat *something* after her spaghetti was stolen.

>> No.42021341
File: 356 KB, 1056x1504, Marisa gets bullied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friend I noticed your Marisa is getting bullied but without proper shading!
please let me help you

>> No.42021376

I would eat that spaghetti off her body

>> No.42021449

Upon rereading it i realize large amount of mistakes and repeating phrases and words i used in the last paragraphs for the most part
Man I was really tired writing this, I'll have to fix it up when I post it to Ao3 or TP

>> No.42021992
File: 32 KB, 512x384, 1654889687574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel better, I was dumb enough to not notice mistakes

>> No.42022601
File: 32 KB, 512x384, Reimu stare4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon-chan

>> No.42022683
File: 1.62 MB, 671x520, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_takenoko_toxic_landfill__240d5982a584af887fabab8ce7db26a0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42023098

Do you think Reimu would become embarrassed if you visit the shrine while she's practicing her silly dances?

>> No.42027314
File: 349 KB, 900x600, Reimu deadspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42029629

>that leg position
>ass facing towards any passerbys
she's asking for it. 100%. are miko children still considered children of the shrine god?

>> No.42031647 [DELETED] 

I kind of feel bad for Reimu getting cockblocked. I hope they will have a happy marriage!

>> No.42031652

I feel increasingly bad for Reimu, even if she is an abuser. Let’s hope she can redeem herself!

>> No.42033707

I wanna see her husband get stolen away after being endlessly harassed by the girls and tempted with genuine love and affection

>> No.42035939
File: 169 KB, 850x1511, Reimu dodging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schedules were made and became iron clad rules, as the days alternated you were going from spending quality time with Reimu where she clung to you and tried appealing to whatever feelings you still held with her to the wild experiments with Marisa and personally tailored lesson from Kasen which left you enriched. Marisa took you and started teaching you magic and alchemy much to Reimu's disapproval and Kasen taught you the harsh lessons a hermit learns and helped forge your body and mind in an effort to regain your oldself. With all your heart you wanted too remember Reimu as the one that gave you the most but after the first year or so of pure love you shared you couldn't remember anything but the years of pain and loathing which in the end was only remedied by the love Kasen and Marisa shared with you during your short but eventful stay at Kasen's senkai.
Despite winter coming into itself properly as per this time of year and the sky being more gray and overcast then in the autumn months the gray seemed less intense then it used to be by a smidge. The cold wind that more often then not held a flurry or two of pure white snowfall didn't seem to penetrate the shrine with its biting chill either as the monotone that threatened the world was stopped at the paper walls. Today was one of Reimu's days to watch you and despite the girls often hoarding you to themselves it went without saying that a lot of the free time you all shared was spent in the familiar living room of the shrine chatting and sipping tea under the Kotatsu that seemed to sap all the will out its residents.
As it was Reimu's day the jealous miko was clinging to your side often trying to engage you in conversation you didn't care to carry on much as the rest of the girls aside from Aunn ignored Reimu almost pointedly. Aunn engaged with Reimu perhaps feeling sorry for her while Aunn was practically submerged into the kotatsu, something thats become a habit ever since she gained her human form, and became Reimu's emotional support despite the manifest weariness that showed in Aunn's eyes as she looked at her. Perhaps out of habit but when Reimu started seeming about to breakdown from the paradoxical isolation in the crowded living room you stroked her shoulders or held her hand tighter allowing her that much needed relief from the hole she dug for herself over the years which resulted in everyone close to her abandoning her.
The morning passed quickly after everyone filtered out to get up to their own devices and Reimu herself had you in tow as she did mundane tasks no one else was willing to help her with like snow shoveling and upkeeping the shrine. You could tell she was growing ever more dependent on you in the short time the girls she once called friends started openly trying to make their moves on you and the memories of her desperation in preventing your suicide were fresh. Back when your relationship was new and again before your failed attempt at ending your life Reimu was happy enough letting you take one task as she does another but now it seemed that she won't let you out of earshot and seemed to fumble over herself at every word you said in a scramble for any bit of attention you'd give her despite the mask she thought she could wear around you. Soon enough the snow along the path to the offering box and leading to the residence was cleared enough to satisfy the needy miko and as you put the shovels away into the little auxiliary shed with her and she pulled you aside before you could walk out. With a bashful and somewhat desperate expression on her face she whispered as if someone could be listening in at any point, "Hey Anon... You know we don't really have much privacy at home anymore so would you want to... do it in here...?". Reimus face flushed a bit as she glanced at a relatively clear table stored away and you face remained rather impassive despite the pang of lust that seemed to flare up despite not feeling anything approaching it for a very long time, you knew after all that Reimu and the other girls were treating you like a piece of meat at times in the way they've been stealing glances at your body and all but openly inviting you into their futons when you've been all but forced to sleep in the same rooms as them as per the agreement they made amongst themselves.
Returning her blushing gaze with the tired emotionless mood you've found yourself rutted in you could only ask, "Do you really need to do that sort of thing now?" which seemed like a splash of water on Reimu as she couldn't keep herself calm. Her eyes turned watery as she held herself back emotionally, "A-ah no of course not, if its a bother its fine! Really I should've known that you wouldn't be in the mood considering...". Reimu moved with embarrassment out of the shed and you sighed inwardly, for better or worse you were her husband and this was but one of your duties in the end so you scooped her up making her yelp and you placed her on the table butt first.

>> No.42040092
File: 279 KB, 1241x1879, Reimu teasing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu at first was a little confused as she looked at you, trying to determine what you were thinking and perhaps due to your earlier reluctance her proposed tryst on the very same table your motivation didn't come to her quickly. Seeing her confused face try to figure out what you were up too as you loomed over her was genuinely amusing but delaying any longer would only waste your time and you had to get lunch ready soon. "Umm, Anon you're not mad are you...?", Reimu asked in a soft and cute voice that seemed to drown itself out as she spoke into the muffler wrapped around her neck. You shook your head and with a firm tone you said without mincing words, "I haven't felt that a very long time, and taking care of you is my job". Your voice carried no warmth however and caused a complex expression to come over Reimu's face but she made no more comments as you took her into your arms.
She didn't resist in anyway but she didn't seem to return the favor as you took to her lips softly as if tasting them after kissing up her neck to reach them while caressing her like you knew she liked in order to get her in the mood. Her body was pleasantly warm to the touch as your hands purposefully glided over her skin and you teasingly increased her sensitivity after slipping them under her warm and baggy winter miko outfit, and despite her troubled expression you knew what you were doing and recognized all her tells. You pushed her back further onto the table as you shifted her waist up and sifted in her long dress till you could work through the multi layers of puff and reached the traditional puffy bloomers all girls in Gensokyo seemed to wear, "a job..." you heard escape from Reimu's mouth. With nimble and practiced fingers you started massaging Reimu's familiar and warm puffy lips with your thumb and fingers in the way you knew she liked and reading your mark right you soon were rewarded with a feeling of hot wetness that leaked through her bloomers.
You pulled back to get ready for the next part taking in the seemingly contradictory sight of the emotional miko's flushed face showing clear signs of pleasure while also betraying a deeper sadness every time her eyes met your own impassive face. However she said nothing to stop you from doing what she asked for and you slid off her bloomers casting them to the side on a relatively clean crate. Her dress was pulled up revealing her supple and lithe hips and always alluring lower mouth topped with a thick patch of black hair that was already slick with her love juice and slightly parted as if already begging for you to plug her. Merely the sight of the sloppy looking entrance was enough to start getting you hard as you pulled out your own semi-hard penis and grasped her by the waist pulling her eager and flushed pussy up to your manhood. Despite Reimu's sense of guilt the mood had clearly gotten the better of her as she stripped the glove off one of her hands and reached down her torso to grasp your hovering manhood stroking it with her own slightly cold hands that felt rather pleasant in contrast to your own cock which was only getting hotter as it got stiffer under her careful and greedy strokes and tugs and you returned the favor of coaxing her clit out of its hiding place and lightly pinching and rubbing it. She didn't stop her relentless assault even as your hips started moving as if possessed by your lust and started establishing a rhythm as you pressed your now erect and hot dick against her cool fingers and palm.
It wasn't long at that point till your mind had nothing but plunging into the lewd miko in it and as she climaxed from your relentless assault on her lusty clit she let you go allowing you to line yourself up and plunge into her. "W-wait I just came! Don't be so..!", despite her protests you couldn't help yourself and while you wanted to give her some time to recover you couldn't bear it and started moving your hips instinctively and with a wet sound the miko's lewd voice rang out into the small shed as she clung to you for stability as the powerful sensations rocked her body. You moved slowly at first with all the restraint you were willing to muster as a flushed miko had her arms wrapped around the back of your neck and soon she passionately returned the kisses you gave her tenfold. You took this as your queue to start moving in earnest as your hips sped up naturally seeking her weak spots as your arms wrapped around her and her legs locked into place around your waist. The hot wet sensations enveloped your mind entirely as you frantically thrust into her hitting her right where it felt best over and over causing her to moan into your mouth before an orgasm caused her to wrap you up tighter as your own cock sprayed its hot load into the miko's thirsty pussy.
You both basked in the afterglow before composing yourself and she clung to your arm as you walked back to the warmth of the shrine where she gave the girls the smuggest look you've seen on her face.

>> No.42040103
File: 3.55 MB, 468x498, Reimu fumo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So technically a part two of the last story despite the time that's passed IRL but I hope one of you is able to enjoy it before we move the main story on further!
Lets all love our 'mu!

>> No.42041873
File: 738 KB, 1500x1057, Reimu Marisa yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The interior of Marisa's borrowed workshop was rather cramped and since she didn't let you clean up in here it was getting rather dusty in certain places over the past week or so since she set everything up. The room was warm on account of her magically powered room heater that looked suspiciously like a model from the outside world that she insisted she bought from the kappa and the body heat from the two of you, you sat across a scuffed waist high table with books in the both of your hands as you studied. Silence prevailed in the room with only the occasional clicking of the heating elements going on and off periodically as it fought to keep the room a comfortable temperature despite the freezing cold that liked to try creeping in through the largely uninsulated walls. The room was stuffed with a motley collection of items some with clear purpose and some you suspected she brought in just because she liked the way it looked, all of it arranged around a cluttered work station covered in alchemical ingredients, tools of the trade, and magical devices in various states of dissemble as well on the opposing wall of the station was a large bookshelf with some of the shelves covered with other ingredients and devices whoes functions and uses you couldn't grasp. The good lighting that brightened up the room well came from a single bright standing lamp that illuminated the room well and seemed to be controlled by input from the black and white mage with a simple flick of the wrist which you suspected wasn't actually needed.
Not for the first time you were impressed by the studious nature of the blonde witch that you'd never get if you only knew her as the reckless girl she presents herself as. You were honored that you were one of the few people that actually knew this side of the straightforward and brash yet somewhat whimsical witch and noted that on the times you've been able to visit her house it was cluttered with even more materials, books, and devices that you knew were all read and experimented on. The blonde and white witch sat upon her practically made padded wooden chair with the black tea you've previously provided sitting in a western style cup infront of her, a pair of reading glasses rested on the gentle curve of her nose as her sharp blue eyes focused on the knowledge in front of her. You noted that every now and then her braid would fall onto her face which seemed to bother her slightly as she always reset it only for the cycle to repeat again as she moved subtly shifting about slightly as she read, her eyes never breaking contact with the words on the page and you couldn't help but have your gaze transfixed onto her whenever you looked up from your own reading material.
Being with Marisa like this seemed to let you truly relax it seemed, with Reimu even when you were simply resting together or enjoying a meal you always seemed to be set slightly on edge as an ingrained response that you couldn't quite shake from the past 3 years of hell you went through. However this was never an issue with the girl in front of you, you've seen her mad for sure but it was always a "normal" kind of rage that dissipated itself and even at worst wasn't overly sadistic. You couldn't help another gaze after finishing the latest chapter of the book you held that went over the basics of the elements and what they are in nature and once again you found yourself enchanted by the enchantress in front of you as she sat with her legs crossed as the winter hardened black dress she usually wore somehow accented her form despite its increased bagginess but perhaps that was your thoughts only because you still remember the night you shared together.
You remembered your vows however and dispelled those thoughts from your mind and any stirring thoughts and feelings of love in you died as you remembered the lot you made for yourself as the weight of your fate replaced the hope you felt and a part of you cursed yourself for letting your heart of letting yourself taste those feelings again. You placed the bookmark in your learning materials and closed it softly, you were almost through with it but in more ways then one you needed a break. That action caught Marisa's attention and she looked up from her book, barely halfway through but the material in it was undoubtedly denser and you heard her voice ring out lacking the usual teasing aspects and levity "need a break anon-kun? I need to rest my eyes so lets get out the snacks". She closed the book after marking it with a dog ear and took off her reading glasses placing them both on the table in front of her carefully as if the book would fall apart. With some rummaging worryingly close to the alchemical ingredients she told you were dangerous and to be avoided she pulled out a simple box and placed it on the table, and with the usual attitude returning she smiled brightly "Here, I got these from the village last time I went out since I thought they'd go great with your tea, try them!"

>> No.42043691

do jap women even need to shave their pits?

>> No.42043848
File: 1.86 MB, 1980x1080, Reimu cringing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe fic spam

>> No.42043865
File: 48 KB, 500x603, a tripfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinion tossed to the trash.

>> No.42043866
File: 878 KB, 600x677, Reimu misogi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42043876
File: 41 KB, 500x500, 1659308429637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed fic spam

>> No.42043951
File: 252 KB, 500x500, tripchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed fic spam

>> No.42044149

Opinion holder tossed into the trash along with opinion.

>> No.42044185
File: 1.23 MB, 1080x1331, tripgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the Discord?

>> No.42044229

Obsessed man laughed at and thrown into the trash again.

>> No.42044300

The tripfag is right.

>> No.42044327

"""Anonymous""" thrown into the trash, once again.

>> No.42045341
File: 236 KB, 811x1280, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Reimu, ugly opinion

>> No.42046010
File: 20 KB, 800x600, 1668148411484715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I would agree the fic is cringe but considering anon is still working on it and seems to care a lot about it it's pretty based. Probably the only interesting thing I've seen on /jp/ since I started posting here.

>> No.42046045

Anon no! Don't try reasoning with the schizo, he'll call you a brony and epicly BTFO you!

>> No.42046218


>> No.42050211

Youkai extermination bump

>> No.42052094

Youkai procreation bump!

>> No.42055722

Smooth sweaty armpit cumshot bump!
oh no my dick is going to smell like Reimu's armpit!

>> No.42055908

She’s gonna drug anon!

>> No.42058791
File: 362 KB, 650x850, Kasen reimu peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your training at Kasen's hands was going through martial art forms similar to tai-chi and you suppose other martial arts where through some physical conditioning and more abstract forms of stamina and hand eye coordination building were ment to improve you into becoming a more skilled person. Moving felt good honestly and the times you were moving your body seemed to restore your damaged psyche bit by bit with Kasen's earnest interest in your health and the mutual support you gave each other, your support in preparing care packages like you used too back in her senkai of high protein and electrolyte rich food and drink before training and her in giving you constructive criticisms along with her training. You grew to enjoy and look forward to the times you spent together more then most other activities of your daily life at this point as training close to the oni gave you whiffs of the flower that adorned her clothes and her own scent that invigorated you on some primal level and caused you to give it your all. You could even say that when you exercised with her the monochrome that enveloped the world would lift for a time and a part of your mind couldn't help but drink deep from the cup of color that you found yourself in front of.
Today was a typical winter's day, it wasn't snowing but the ground was covered in white frost from previous days only disrupted by your and Kasen's movements or the occasional spot from Marisa's more enthusiastic experiments that melted snow and burnt grass among other things. The whiteness and grays of the sky and ground that was only interrupted by the islands of brown and green of the hibernating grass was contrasted by the red hues of the pink oni hermit in front of you showing you new forms to practice as you followed along in the sometimes painstaking slowness of a student imitating their master. Your eyes were glued to the disguised hermit as you got the hang of the new forms and her powerful yet agile body transitioned from the forms with an ease that even Meiling would envy as between the movements large puffs of condensation would drift out from between her sakura pink lips that fought for the attention of your eyes away from the rest of her graceful body.
You kept up reasonably not inciting Kasen to scold you in the tones of a strict tutor despite the distractions that she presented you, and before you knew it the form practice was over just as the sun climbed higher in the skies behind the overcast clouds signalling a drowsy noon. The veil of gray that covered your mind was faded by that point as sweat crested your brow, the seemingly simple and slow movements took a lot out of someone surprisingly as holding your muscles there and moving them constantly gave you a good workout in the same way that a static exercise would. Kasen herself was seemingly satisfied not doing her normal post workout lecture as she beckoned you to follow her with a low volume but authoritative word onto a cold boulder that she commandeered as your uncomfortable break location which to her was supposed to grow your mental fortitude. There she opened the package you habitually made early every morning consisting of a variety of protein and cholesterol rich foods made to nourish and strengthen the body along with an odd tasting sugared and salted tea that you made to restore that which was lost by sweat and due to the hunger you both were feeling you soon ate your fill of the purpose made food.
Kasen looked satisfied occupying the left hand side of you after her meal, she always did thanks to your domestic skills which was a constant pride point for you, and spoke with the authority of a master to her pupil, "You've improved a lot, If you keep it up i'm prepared to show you the beginnings of the hermit arts". You nodded as Kasen proudly glanced at you and you made some small comment of thanks, Kasen seemed to think for a second and said after a small moment of uncharacteristic hesitation. "So... I was reading in a loan book for Suzaanan that students learn best from positive reinforcement... so as a reward for your good job you can have a more comfortable resting location..." Kasen patted her lap which to your weary body looked like a five star hotel and despite your hesitation she looped an arm around you and pulled you in where you soon collided with her soft lap that you haven't experienced for a long time. Your sweat had dried by that time but even if it didn't you suspected that Kasen would've had all the same fun in petting your head as you rested on her while she hummed to herself a soothing tone. Despite yourself you couldn't resist the temptation and got comfortable as she half hummed and half sang a strange yet soothing song you didn't recognize, the smell of her pleasant fragrance soon sapped all resistance and embarrassment out of you along with her melodic song and before you knew you couldn't even fathom getting up and breaking her embrace.
Before you knew it you nodded off.

>> No.42058804
File: 579 KB, 1023x723, Rumia and reimu hotpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tempted me but I decided it'd be better to pace out the lewd, although truth be told the only way these lewd girls will get anon to cheat is to drug him and rape him so that future may not be that far off after all!

>> No.42058843
File: 1.26 MB, 1110x1788, Reimu needles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha... oh no... how horrible...!

>> No.42058866
File: 412 KB, 1055x1500, 1641001967283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is holding these sharp needles quite menacingly. Can't keep an erection like this.

>> No.42058875
File: 2.36 MB, 1536x2112, Reimu armlift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you have a long way to go young one

>> No.42062786

Luv me 'mu

>> No.42063232

reimus outfit is cute

>> No.42066908
File: 53 KB, 600x619, 1649586314537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small bump for a big cute grump

>> No.42070412

Hug the grump

>> No.42071853
File: 498 KB, 754x900, 1666593157391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42072815

not if you throw in a sum larger than usual

>> No.42074847

no matter how many times i see this image it's still maximum boner fuel

>> No.42076570
File: 367 KB, 838x748, 103658535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bigger the ribbon the cuter the miko

>> No.42080299
File: 536 KB, 799x799, 957b0dd55766a92077f08ffd3082fd55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump still waiting for abuseanon's update

>> No.42081810

Reimu's god has the biggest dick of all, so she'll never not be top dog at the end of the day.

>> No.42083688
File: 1.86 MB, 2857x1637, Reimu under kotatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The winter was rather mild today as the low hanging gray clouds lazily sprinkled snow on the monochrome landscape that lacked the sounds of animal life you've grown used too hearing over the warmer months of spring and the summer. You dealt with the cold the best you could, footwraps swaddled your feet and your yukata was a thick one that had its interior padded with thick cotton treated to repel water, you wore a battered scarf that was once knitted for you by your miko wife during the happier times of your marriage that kept your mouth and neck warm enough. The path before you was pure white and without footsteps disturbing the thin layer of snowfall that fell across it, only the occasional animal track seemed to disturb the stream of white that flowed from the base of the stairs leading up to the shrine directly to the approach to the village gate.
It was shortly after breakfast and while cooking today's bounty for the shrine's temporary residents you realized that you were out of some vital supplies for the next week of meals and mounted an expedition to remedy this. Your mind was quiet, simply taking in the scenery before you and trying not to reflect too much as you knew it'd only ruin your mood to think on things for overlong. The weight of the coins weighed noticeably in your purse as it hung on the inside of your yukuta safe from any potential thieves of mischief makers although it felt wrong to not have your dagger on you. Your familiar dagger was taken from you quietly after the incident and never returned, you didn't ask for it either knowing you'd never get it back although you're sure Reimu hid it somewhere. Perhaps it was better that you didn't, although you hadn't felt the urge let yourself bleed again sometimes the weight of things seemed to weigh on you in such a way that you wondered if you could make out with a kitchen knife in the dark of night.
As those dark thoughts crept up on you again you heard a wooshing through the skies somewhere behind and far above you sounding through the quiet of the day around you that made your footfalls loud. You didn't have to turn know what it was but you did anyways as you figured it was the polite thing to do and sure enough what greeting you was in stark contrast to the monochrome of the her surroundings, the red dress of the miko you once loved more then world stood there after landing gracefully. Reimu trotted up to you quickly, "There you were, I was worried when I couldn't find you!" she practically leapt forward to wrap her arms around your neck as she clung to you as if affirming you were still alive. "You know you shouldn't leave without telling me, I never want to see you do things like that again okay?!" Her voice was cross but you knew her better and were able to see past her carefully constructed mask of anger to spot the deep worry below that and the subtle way her voice insecurely wavered.
Of course her reasons were obvious and you didn't need nor want to throw your own problems in her face so you simply apologized and consoled her, "of course, I was just in a hurry so I didn't want to bother you as you napped..." You returned her hug which seemed to mollify and reassure her and soon she found it hard to even project light annoyance. Reimu took your arm wrapping it in her own and leaning into you as if to warm her always exposed shoulders and upper arms, "So... Where are we going today Anon?" she asked you her voice still slightly uneasy and you responded, "We're low on a couple of things so I thought i'd stop by the village before all the deals are gone." to which Reimu merely nodded knowing the game of deal chasing well enough and with that mundane conversation a silence fell between you two.
Despite the slightly lengthy walk to the approach of the village Reimu seemed unwilling loosen her hold on you and only after a short comment of how its a bit difficult to walk did she relent in merely holding your hand as if she was scared you'd go off and leave her once she took her eyes off you. You didn't mind the clingy miko honestly and a part of you felt a forgotten emotion stirring in your heart for her the longer you were connected by skin contact even if it was just hand holding. As you approached the village you couldn't help but steal side glances at the raven haired miko who's soft cream colored skin seemed to be contrasted by the snow and her own jet black hair that framed her small and comely face. Your eyes were drawn to her thin but almost cherry red lips that seemed slightly flushed in this chill, small puffs of vapor from her slightly parted lips seemed to demand your attention. However you soon reached the village gates and Reimu feeling your gaze turned to you with a light look of puzzlement on her face and asked, "is something wrong Anon?". All at once the bubble your little world was in popped and you shook your head "Its nothing I was just thinking..." Reimu seemed scared to ask what those thoughts were and merely nodded.

>> No.42083725
File: 732 KB, 1250x1250, Reimu peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry the delay, I just couldn't get the right story written out yesterday or the day before and the words didn't flow. Today's story flowed a lot better however and is a small part of anon slowly healing!

>> No.42088014

Haha... Reimu's bumps...

>> No.42093149
File: 378 KB, 464x488, Reimu watermelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mg mg~

>> No.42095630
File: 564 KB, 849x1200, 99135054_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting never felt so good before

>> No.42097206
File: 1.30 MB, 900x1273, Marisa and Reimu christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The night was long for you as you lay in bed awake, it was a miscalculation on your part as normally you make sure to fill the day enough with things to do to let you fall asleep easily come nightfall. Today had hardly been different in the volume of activity but as you lay on your futon in the room you and Marisa were sharing sleep didn't come too you despite your best efforts. The room was deep and dark by this time, and the only sound you could hear was your own heart and the soft sounds of Marisa's breathing as all light was avoiding your eyes making sure you couldn't even make out your own hand in front of your face much less the whimsical magician laying not more then 15 feet away form you. You tossed and turned unable to coax the familiar feeling of sinking from the back of your brain and soon enough the part you dreaded started as your mind entered into the cycle of despair, self loathing, and addictive pity all too common to your mental state over the past few months.
The thoughts were ceaseless and unrelenting as they assaulted your mind and filled you with that pleasant and tempting sadness which would take your whole mind over as you fell into that logically illogical pattern of self destructive thoughts. You stewed considering yourself, your situation, the future and most importantly you considered the futility of it all, after all wouldn't Reimu surely relapse once unchecked? You knew you couldn't keep vigil over her forever as much as the two kindhearted girls that kept watch over you couldn't and even if you stuck with it you were sure that when you slipped once more it would start again, the certainty of your tedious and grim future played itself out on a cycle till you simply couldn't take the malicious darkness anymore and got up. You weren't exactly quiet but even in your self defeating mental state you just couldn't justify taking the chance of waking the friend that has given you so much kindness over the years and support over the last six months or so just because of your own problems.
You opened the sliding door and like a seal being opened cold air poured in and splashed you in the face, you closed the door of that hakkero warmed room quickly and softly behind you. The juban you wore was thin and did little to protect you from the chill of the air around you and without anything on your feet the wood sapped the heat from you quickly but it didn't matter, seeing the moonlight filter in through the window slits on the wall was a welcome reprieve from the darkness that seemed to drip into your own mind. As if by instinct you found yourself in the familiar living room smelling faintly of tatami and the incense that was lit earlier, you made your way to the kitchen as if guided by some instinct and found that familiar sharp kitchen knife you were once so proud of. You opened the sliding doors to the veranda and despite there being no real temperature difference in the unheated room and outside the gentle breeze and mere presence of fallen snow seemed to do its part in sapping your heat ever more effectively then the cold wood did alone.
You took your seat on the porch cross legged and placed the knife on your lap, you don't know if you were going to do it again but you simply had to have it's weight on your lap. The clouds were parted and the moon was a little more then a waning crescent tonight but to your attuned eyes it gave enough light to reflect off the thick layer of snow that covered the yard and gave your eyes a feast. Those thoughts of self hatred and the consequences of your own death still swirled around your head despite the beauty of nature and the chill made you feel uncharacteristically poetic as it reminded of how you felt as you bled out in that small clearing some time back. A familiar phantom pain on the underside of your forearm let you vividly remember the sharp burning pain you felt that day and the same curious tinge of relief played on your forebrain as you watched the moonlight glint off the knife seated still on your lap.
You stared at that knife like a lover and placed your hand on it unsure where you were going with this but felt yourself grip the knife as this fell mood kept you its prisoner. The chill bit into you as the wind picked up a bit and despite your body's desires you couldn't help but roll up your sleeve as you were edging closer and closer to crossing that mental line you raced over before and you knew it, part of you didn't want to make those girls that so cared for you feel pain at your behest but the thought of going through all this over again and again made you realize that the easiest way out both for you and everyone was staring you in the face.
Just as you crossed that final mental line you heard a creaking behind you that made your focused mind jump a bit as you heard the familiar voice of the black and white magician call out from behind you, "its a little cold to be stargazing isn't it daze?".

>> No.42097524
File: 248 KB, 1296x1000, Reimu and Marisa yin yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were caught and you knew it but you didn't feel guilt or try to hide it as Marisa approached your side, you simply let the knife rest in your lap and your arm sit where it was. Maybe you could've slipped the knife away and rolled your sleeve down, after all given the angle she couldn't have seen everything but you felt there was no point in hiding anything from her of all people. "It wasn't the moon I was gazing tonight." You managed to reply with a voice you knew was quivering lightly despite your best efforts, those swirling thoughts always did a number on you after all. Marisa approached your side finally and her eyes caught the sight you wished she didn't have to see but she made no reaction to it and if she did it wasn't verbal at least, you didn't face her even as you heard her sit next to you.
"I didn't mean to wake you. I apologize for that..." You said with your voice under control and the traces of that quivering vanished like the warmth of spring, you gave a glance over to the witch next too you. From what you could see Marisa was wearing her western style pajamas still, although you they did look warm you were sure she wasn't much warmer then you and it did hurt you a bit to realize yet again you're causing her discomfort thanks to your own failures again. "If you were a bit more attentive in your studies you would've realized that I had an alarm if someone opens my door ze~" you heard her shift slightly, "I was awake when you opened the door and once you were gone for so long I thought i'd come check on you... Turns out I was right to do so ze.". You breathed in deeply at her words feeling the freezing cold bite into your lungs a bit, "You always give me reasons to not underestimate you know? I should know by now you never slack off on things like this..." and you couldn't help but smirk in self loathing at this.
"Thats right you can't go easy when I have you in my sights!" you heard come from the sleepwear clad witch with a trace of forced amusement in her voice before her voice lost that pretense of joviality, "Is it really that bad, us taking care of you like this ze?". That question prompted you to turn your gaze from the yard you were forcefully focusing your eyes on to face Marisa. Once again that pang of pain rippled through your chest as her face made no moves to hide the worry she felt as she glanced between your face and your knife burdened lap with the exposed arm still sitting there as if you haven't given up on your course of action. You mulled over your words for a bit as you fixed them to your tongue from the muddy puddle that was your conscious mind tonight, "I just... I don't think I can do this again. I can't help but see that once again Reimu will become a monster when I'm not looking, everything will repeat again and again...".
A buried wellspring of fear and dread you felt hidden started breaking open from your chest and rising in your throat as you put it into words, "I tried so. so. hard to stick with it and became a... coward... just to keep up with the vows I held and the love I forced myself to feel. Even when Reimu almost killed me I kept up that promise thinking that even if she was sick it was just a matter of treating her." You cleared your throat as Marisa kept her silence, "I even got you two involved in this worst of all... You know that day I tried to bleed myself I was so happy, for the first time in a long time I thought I finally could rest after upholding my promise to heal Reimu.. but I failed and now you both are taking time out of your lives just to make sure I don't do something like this again...." you motioned to the blade on your lap. You sighed deeply, "I just want too rest, I don't see a future and i'd rather just end it then burden you and bring you down with me...", the water in your eyes was barely held back by this point but you didn't let it fall, it'd be unsightly.
Marisa hesitated for a bit but then seemed to resolve herself as she took your hand, "You really are an idiot you know!" she said with the familiar tones of levity in her voice again, "I thought you were smarter then this, have you even considered why I would ever bother sticking my neck out for you and watching over you? I'm your friend and... well... I care about you a whole lot, more then i've ever cared about anyone before ze~!". She was grasping your hand by this point and the warmth was welcome to you, "I don't care how long it takes or what Reimu turns into, I'd stay by your side forever if I had too just to make you happy!" As if catching herself she seems to settle down a bit and releases your hand, "So, I hope you learned your lesson and forget about this nonsense..." You could tell she was blushing even under the dim moonlight as she stood up and started pulling you up by your hand, "comeon, you'll catch a cold if you stay out too long ze~". As she lead you down the hall to the warm bedroom you could've sworn you smelled a familiar scent, the flower of a pink oni...

>> No.42097536
File: 2.57 MB, 2894x3515, Reimu winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With that a big two parter is out of the way and a milestone of Anon-kun's recovery is reached! Depression is a hell of a drug and Anon-kun is doing his best, lets all support him as he tries to let his whims carry him away to suicide!

>> No.42097540
File: 529 KB, 1600x2133, Reimu tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Tries not to

>> No.42097551

Do you have a link to read this all in one place? I really enjoy this story.

>> No.42097565

there is the moe link here >>41829345
with the chronologically arranged stories and they continue in this thread, as far as Ao3 goes I was planning on getting it all set up after this thread perishes or the story is done but if you really want I can get it set tomorrow I suppose. The rest of the night is reserved for getting drunk and shitposting you see
please wait warmly!

>> No.42097575

Thank you, write friend.

>> No.42104549
File: 145 KB, 278x267, 1644439315541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cool bump for a Kool Grump

>> No.42105087

i wish i was as cool as sunglasses Reimu

>> No.42106592
File: 150 KB, 640x800, 1661658413628976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42112576
File: 439 KB, 644x902, 8fde9cce5e58ac0e371bec46fb498858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to laugh at you

>> No.42115945
File: 292 KB, 800x1131, 0ff9e48b8cca6b4485f3ba5467df0517a6ece214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant think of an adjective that doesn't involve cute for this bump

>> No.42117275
File: 879 KB, 1560x878, __hakurei_reimu_kurodani_yamame_sukuna_shinmyoumaru_and_komano_aunn_touhou_drawn_by_teasmacker__490ea86cef7daa764653d0d755bdb2e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42122040
File: 318 KB, 850x1139, sample_36ed11816f6b896e40fb8fb5640515e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That still involves cute

>> No.42124673
File: 313 KB, 688x688, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_yanazuki__806a2e6fa9147efc4cd046491102927a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu and cute work together. It just works like that

>> No.42128518
File: 260 KB, 600x800, __hakurei_reimu_yakumo_yukari_and_hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn_by_futa_nabezoko__e4d55c8837f66098efeaa818b2349203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please not yet, I need the next part

>> No.42129865

It looked, due to this chapter, that anon and reimu mighty have had a rekindling
But then the other two chapters happened
What is the plan here anon?

>> No.42133642
File: 184 KB, 1536x2048, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_uchisaki_himari__082611d787850ba5ed33b8d737e288a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42138843

not yet

>> No.42140210
File: 2.09 MB, 620x722, reimu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42144769
File: 324 KB, 800x800, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_ritateo__5c7f97a3465143cc5833ef484aa5380d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42145079

That was a nice night of reading. Looking forward to the rest

>> No.42150394
File: 24 KB, 293x208, 1671146137684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42155622
File: 66 KB, 1024x789, 1669791107517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crumbmas is nearly over

>> No.42156148


>> No.42163261
File: 211 KB, 1045x840, cooking miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42163266

This may be one of the cutest mus I have ever seen.

>> No.42163446
File: 774 KB, 1900x3017, 33b296e6262c0a42ac5303d14a63543198e7c24a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you reply to ever picture of Reimu in the thread?

>> No.42166966

i don't know the direction of this fan fic you're writing, i'd rather he become overflowed with joy and just die

>> No.42172716
File: 1.01 MB, 1293x1724, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_tsuyuji_shigure__38209af0150334ba06c770803eff62cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42179582
File: 487 KB, 960x1280, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_fried_rice0614__8f261edf9aa64e5207255ac2aa52ee28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much effort.

>> No.42182524

The lazy shall suffer in the end.

>> No.42182766
File: 369 KB, 700x760, __hakurei_reimu_and_kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_nightea__492bcd3d55af0e432e33c725a10beb2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42182775
File: 487 KB, 3840x2160, Reimu_cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suffer right here, right in the middle.

>> No.42184634
File: 2.98 MB, 2600x3400, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_tqg_07__8edbbadc37a346c9b4b14630493e1ffb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42185122

Anon is so lucky, having all those women jumping around him...

>> No.42188379
File: 1.22 MB, 1132x1800, 1653886180524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's erotic body

>> No.42191675

I wonder where write anon is, part of me wants to start writing but I feel like it'd be rude nor do I have any idea where he wanted the direction to go

>> No.42196671
File: 404 KB, 1280x1280, 1642578964983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42198167

holy plap

>> No.42198629
File: 24 KB, 463x444, ESimXdwXgAEXiHK_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu's erotic body

>> No.42204755


>> No.42205067


>> No.42209010

Still more than what she usually gets

>> No.42211882
File: 149 KB, 914x1280, goldwasser__81015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is something that is well known.
It is very easy to put your sword in Reimu's saya.
All one has to go is give her alcohol and give a small donation and Reimu will be all over you.
The better quality liquor and bigger donation the further you will get with Reimu.

>> No.42215930
File: 2.06 MB, 3459x3840, 8qK2viEZa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42225177


>> No.42228133


>> No.42228191
File: 553 KB, 850x1200, 101998982_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse writefag here
My tmobile home network got rangebanned so I'm taking this time while in town to post my ao3
I've revamped a lot of my stories in some parts, especially the lewd scenes and fixed typos and phrases.
Once 8 finish up with formatting anon's autumn ill format and finish winterblues so please wait warmly!
Please enjoy and let's all luv me 'mu!

>> No.42228203


>> No.42228680
File: 115 KB, 650x919, 16652_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for enjoying my work, I'm heading home now so likely I'll go back to radio silence sadly. Please enjoy any future updates on ao3 and I encourage you and anyone else who enjoys my works to reread them as I've elaborated certain scenes thanks to an expanded character limit. I hope everyone can enjoy anon-kun's struggles!

>> No.42231761
File: 334 KB, 1700x2096, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_ga_chan24__8651454c7728f6527566fb5fbaaa9339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to visit her shrine this New Year's Day.

>> No.42232265
File: 49 KB, 500x406, reimu saisenbako empty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, and also to leave without donating lulz

>> No.42237910

No bulli pls

>> No.42240093


>> No.42240223
File: 220 KB, 1268x1450, ed6fbcea654c6dddeda2523fc1c93f0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save her.

>> No.42240865

I can make her worse

>> No.42244209

Aunn is too innocent to realise that she's falling for temptation.

>> No.42245449

hard work and dedication will be always inferior to natural talent and luck anyway

>> No.42250692

Pls gib donations n gib faith to da shrine

>> No.42250715
File: 220 KB, 720x720, nigger reimu_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das rite, gib donations n shit, crakkka

>> No.42250738
File: 644 KB, 699x877, Reimu nigger1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we nee' mo' money fo' dem extermination an' sheeeeit

>> No.42250753

I want to lick and caress nigger Reimu

>> No.42250886
File: 609 KB, 715x1000, 8928ee5715abc8301735ae193ab8ed32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay-yo! we wuz shrine maidenz n shieeet

>> No.42250905
File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, e8cd4c66eb1498cd5e4e6483769cf340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-ha ha relax guys it's just a tan, see? You didn't *really* think I'm a nigger did you?

>> No.42250913

I want to lick and caress tan Reimu

>> No.42252920


>> No.42258750
File: 162 KB, 439x493, Shameimaru.Aya.full.2117657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't be sure till i see your breasts miss

>> No.42262924

Aya, please do not sexually harass the lovely shrine maiden

>> No.42263578
File: 184 KB, 379x800, reimu tanned camisole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's come all this way, what's another piece of garment for her

>> No.42270372
File: 130 KB, 400x228, Reimu hell no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42271117
File: 1.29 MB, 1100x1600, aqoil7xn8cc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on i will even give you 50% of my profits from the bunbunbunmaru

>> No.42271180

built for having her native land encroached on by firthy american piggus

>> No.42276588
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, whatreimudoeswhenanonshowsup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42276929
File: 356 KB, 726x584, Kasen reimu swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your muscles were weak today after practice as your training session with your pink haired oni instructor was more rigorous then usual and as she went even more intensive you figured she was mad at you or something as your muscles burned. At least the chill in the air offset the heat from the workout that poured out of your body like steam from a pot and as you made to prepare the bath to clean off the sweat from your session you couldn't help but be envious of the hermit who's fair skin seemed to never perspire. In fact it seemed that for Kasen today's intensive exercise seemed to be nothing more then a light warmup and you couldn't help but admire the absurd limits she seemed to have pushed herself to to get to this level. Its not like you were especially weak either as you did exercise to keep up enough muscle to look visibly healthy and keep the excess weight off, your time in the casts or injured not withstanding but keeping yourself fit for your labors and appealing to your spouse was one of the many duties you had so being so thoroughly outclassed even if by an oni was humbling rather then embarrassing.
The water sat in a large tub over a stove that seemed similar to the one in the kitchen, made of heavy earth and built for function rather then beauty, the fire was small but intensive in that small space heating the water above to just below boiling. The embers and heat coming off of the earthenware stove and from its ventilation holes was enough to warm the modest bathroom as the two diametric forces of the winter chill and burning heat fought a small battle around you. Soon the victory of the small fire and steadily warmed bathtub was undeniable as vapor rose lazily off the tub and condensed into visible clouds as it rose to freedom through the slit wooden windows that lined the upper walls. Despite the heaviness of your limbs you managed to get a small wash basin filled with water from the tub and carried the heavier-then-it-seemed basin over to a stool so you could rinse the sweat off and get yourself freshened up before taking the long sought after bath to relax and help your limbs recuperate.
The fire crackled and popped every now then as it died down in intensity and the sound of water being moved in your personal basin sounded loudly in your ears alongside the hints of the breeze that flowed outside like the currents of a fast flowing stream, you were in your own little word as the water graced your skin. So much so that it wasn't until the door to the bathroom opened that you realized the presence of someone else in the bath with you! You were naturally nude by this point but you didn't make a move to cover up as you were facing away from the door, besides it was likely just Reimu coming to spend some time. "Ah good timing, the bath is hot. Your basin is in the usual spot." you said without any concern as her feet sounded softly on the treated wooden floor. You turned on your stool to face your miko wife only for the sight of Kasen to fill your vision instead, "I see, attentive like always!" she said with a smile on her face as she walked with a fluffy white towel in her hands and not a stitch of clothing on her, her hair was made into buns to hide the horns she thought you didn't yet know about.
The sight of Kasen's well proportioned body was eye catching and naturally drew your eyes as you saw it not only sober but under good lighting, despite yourself you let your eyes linger a second or two longer then you wished but you rallied yourself. You averted your eyes and with calm but quick motions covered your waist with the wash cloth in your hands, "Its... Inappropriate for a man to bath with a women that isn't his wife I'm afraid." you said steadily. The pink oni said in an amused voice, "Indeed it would be, but between a master and their pupil this much skinship is to be expected, no? I'll just wash your back and help you recuperate, after all I'm a hermit who's sworn off all earthly attachment~". Her voice was teasing and while you felt that it was the appropriate thing to excuse yourself some underlying tone in her voice made you think that you should stay, it was a sort of calming tone that came across as almost motherly and set you at ease, it was the same tone she took when you were under her care in her senkai and it disarmed you entirely.
You turned your back to her keeping the towel on your lap, "You have a point..." it wasn't long before you heard her scoop water out of the tub with the spare basin and take her place on a stool behind you. She was humming one of the many melodies she knew as she poured water on your back and you soon felt the touch of the soft washcloth she had in her hand spread suds across you. It was relaxing in more ways then one and entirely made you drop your guard, though you knew that could control yourself when it came to desires but if there was one women in the world that could entirely manipulate you like this it was Kasen Ibaraki and no other.

>> No.42277347
File: 1.66 MB, 2240x1260, Reimu Kasen kareoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen did a through job of washing you and rinsing you after, you figured she had experience bathing her animals after all but didn't inquire upon it. You weren't still either, continuing to wash your body with a more relaxed pace with the sound of Kasen's humming filling the room and soothing you to such an extent that you could swear it was a hermit art... or at least some ingrained response from her doing the same while tending to you over the weeks of you being injured. You couldn't help but speak up in this near dazed state and gave your earnest opinion, "While we were training I couldn't help but think you were amazing, my muscles are crying out but you don't even seem fazed. I'd be jealous if I didn't admire you so much.". There was a pause in her humming as if she was thinking something over and you felt the heat of the water on your back that rinsed off the suds from your back and hair.
You heard a small sigh before she asked you to wash her own back and as if it was no more then her asking you pass the tea you complied and got started yourself, seeing exposed back or the curves of her body didn't fill you with lust but at this moment was something more pure. It was as you poured some water on her back to wet it before getting your washcloth lathered that she spoke up, "Strength is something important yes... As is the arts of a hermit. However to any hermit worth her salt what is really important is the ability to resist desire and the attachments they bring.". As if to punctuate her thoughts she lathered up her cloth again as she began to wash herself before she continued in an even voice as if a teacher explaining something to a good pupil. "I see those qualities in you, and I have for almost as long as I've gotten to know you... I've never witnessed you willingly fall for desire beyond taking your station as a husband.".
The bare oni continued as hints of mutual admiration seeped into her voice, "I was a bit envious honestly, you were so easily able to resist the temptations of others, the desire to flee or abandon your life here for what you could have..." she sighed, and a bit of the lecturer in her crept up to the surface, "Honestly what were you thinking in not coming to me first, you would make a great hermit!". She sighed before she continued, "When you decided to come back I was worried but I knew I couldn't stop you, I thought I had you all figured out so despite my words back then I didn't try to convince you otherwise and thought you'd succeed your task as a matter of course...". The atmosphere was getting heavy as you rinsed her back off for her, washing all the suds from her back down onto the slightly slopped floor and to the drain. Before you could speak she continued as she shampooed her hair, causing you to realize that she still wore those odd bandages on her arm that seemed to not get wet in the slightest.
"I know now that even you had your limits like I do and everyone else does... I know you still struggle with your reality, you must think that theres no one that would be willing to take your burden and share it, that you're alone with no one to confide in... but thats not true in the slightest!", Kasen poured the water from the basin on her head and let the suds rinse off her body before turning to you, exposing herself fully to you. Despite the banquet displayed before you without reservation and your own similarly exposed state you didn't feel the temptation of flesh in this moment, instead you felt something more akin to a closeness that went beyond friends or even lovers as if you could trust her entirely with your being.
Kasen's face with slightly flushed as her hesitation departed her and she decided on what to say next, "I would happily share that burden with you no matter the outcome!", she leaned as if to bridge the already short distance between you. Your eyes met hers as she continued without waiting for your response, "Its fine no matter what comes of your vows and duty, you don't have to face this alone and i'll always be here, so... I hope to never see you driven to that pit of despair again...". You felt guilt flare up in your chest and the ghost of the raw emotions from that night on the veranda as she spoke this time with her eyes watering slightly, "I won't let you go to that place again, that is a promise I'll make as a hermit!". Kasen wrapped her arms around you in a slightly awkward hug and you returned it gratefully wrapping your arms around her body with only the affection filled words, "I understand..." escaping your lips directly into her ear.
The two of you stayed in the bath for a while yet, relaxing in the hot water, the mood was happier soon after and you chatted about this and that without a care as old friends before the heat caused you to get out lest you overcook and soon you both dressed before going your separate ways to attend your respective duties of the day.
For the first time a long while you felt something like joy.

>> No.42277379
File: 272 KB, 926x915, Reimu balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as you can tell i'm not longer really rangebanned as of the 1st of this year, we'll see how long it lasts but since I can i'm posting the rest of the story here first and i'll simply format it and revamp some scenes before posting on Ao3.
Thank you all for your patience, getting some of the arcs all formatted took up more time then I thought as this and that came up and naturally I wanted to greatly expand some scenes, especially the lewd scenes and descriptive tidbits here and there.
Thank you for reading and I hope you'll look forward to Reimu's redemption, despite her competition Anon-kun will never abandon his vows and miko wife! Lets all luv me mu!

>> No.42278811
File: 989 KB, 1200x1160, __hakurei_reimu_and_konpaku_youmu_touhou_drawn_by_sazanami_mio__5f4ef2a4edf8008f4aa5131c2f5e071e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lets all luv me mu!
Luv you mu!

>> No.42280434


>> No.42283714
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x2000, Reimu gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42286927


>> No.42287232
File: 106 KB, 490x690, Reimu gets gapped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu is a teenage girl of a delicate age!
She only has an overgrown forest

>> No.42290960
File: 36 KB, 843x510, Reimu car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in nerds, we're going DRIFTING

>> No.42299608
File: 1.64 MB, 1500x1061, Playable characters get together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New years was getting closer day by day and winter itself was reaching its peak with a force, today especially it seemed Letty was working hard to make the most of her time of year. The windows and doors to to the shrine were shuttered as a whirlwind of snow and ice blew outside without mercy, the first blizzard of the year was raging outside and all of you were sheltering inside. The living room was warm despite the ever present chill radiating from the poorly insulated wooden walls as the little heater gave its best to match the warm orange glow of the lamps with its heat. The kotatsu was in full use making everyone a useless mess as even Aunn was relaxing under it napping as she habitually does, you were the only one up at the time busy in the adjoining and much colder kitchen as you prepared some green tea for your dear friends and lazy wife.
The living room had little sound in it, only the soft breathing of of Aunn and Reimu as they napped, the heater humming, Marisa flipping the pages of a large leather bound book that you could swear you saw a "property of the SDM library" stamp on, and Kasen was humming softly as she peeled and ate an orange. The scene before your eyes warmed your heart despite the simplicity of it all and for the first time quite awhile you felt something approaching happiness as you announced just loud enough to the break the still air, "Teas ready!". Naturally no one jumped up like excited dogs, but it was enough to wake Aunn and Reimu from the depths of their kotatsu induced slumber as they groggily took in the smell of the aromatic tea and more importantly seeing the bowl of cookies you had prepared gave them the courage to drag themselves out from under the warm blanketed table and into a semi upright sitting position.
You took the contents off the tray and distributed them to the group who were set up on each side of the four sided table before placing the bowl of sweets in the center of the table. The cookies were something you were quite proud off, refined sugar was something of a rarity in Gensokyo as well the nuts you mixed into the dough were out of season and wouldn't be seen again till spring. As soon as you set down the bowl all eyes drifted to it as if the light was being absorbed, a soft tension no one would admit too filled the room as the stretch between breakfast and lunch made itself all too clear in the girl's bellies. You simply took your seat next to Reimu, cup in your own hand as you casually broke the still by reaching for the first of the cookies and taking a bite.
You swore you could hear a pin drop as the sounds of the outside blizzard and the heater faded as the first of the hands shot out like vipers each seizing a cookie in their greedy maws. Even Aunn's face was steel as the normally gentle and happy-go-lucky komainu knew the score. This was only the first volley after all, as the cookies were bit and tea sipped in an uneasy silence it felt like time was moving painfully slow as none of the girls would be the one to forget decorum. The self-proclaimed hermit was no exception to this either as it seemed the sweets were as much of a weakness to her as it was everyone else and you could've sworn it was a hermit art she used to swipe two cookies without anyone noticing.
Finally after hours of this deadlock, or so it seemed anyways, there was only one more cookie in the bowl and four greedy girls. The cups were almost empty but the tensions couldn't be higher as you could practically feel the electricity sparkle and crack across the table. You were practically leaning on the table despite the manifest danger of such action as you took the final sip of your now almost lukewarm tea, time seemed to slow further as you set the tea cup down, with an audible 'click' of the earthenware mug hitting the table the hands shot out from four cardinal directions.
Reimu and Kasen were the fastest on the mark, their hands almost colliding with each other in a blur your eyes couldn't quite keep up with before you saw the unmistakable glow of magic under the bowl and it shot up past the the hands of the pink hermit and greedy miko! For a fraction of a second the two girls shot death glares at the blonde witch and that was all it took for Aunn using her instincts of a guardian dog to leap forth intending to catch the cookie in her mouth like an unfortunate rabbit. As her teeth caught the cookie it seemed to turn into the bowl itself with a poof as what must have been a hermit art swapped the places of the two objects in flight. Kasen followed up shortly after as her bandaged arm shot out like rocket swiping the cookie from midair just above the head of the shocked komainu before an ofuda undercut her closed fist and dissolved it to mere bandages. Another glow of magic appeared as the cookie changed trajectories to Marisa's waiting hands but she fumbled it at the last second and the cookie flew in a gentle arc across the table, where it landed in your now empty cup.

>> No.42299616

Just a silly little story for now before I go off to do a ttrpg session, I hope you enjoy the humor as the girls and anon-kun heal a bit

>> No.42299621
File: 184 KB, 320x320, 1661605198810152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you anon

>> No.42304383
File: 271 KB, 900x1200, 104318817_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Da mu

>> No.42305364 [DELETED] 


>> No.42306184
File: 609 KB, 634x526, thebiggerthebowthecuterthereimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.42306443

Fun fact: Reimu's bow gets bigger whenever she's racist

>> No.42306943
File: 353 KB, 2846x1878, Marisa reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42307171
File: 2.81 MB, 1377x1741, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_kougekiryoku__1b5966c05072c99bca2909ed1bb9e4df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the more racist she is, the cuter she is and we're already at cute levels that scientists can't comprehend

>> No.42316178
File: 92 KB, 640x568, 1031_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So talented

>> No.42316431

I just noticed it didn't bump the thread

>> No.42316555
File: 2.68 MB, 1360x2390, Reimu school phone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You classmate, Hakurei Reimu!

>> No.42318237

If you weren’t a secondary and actually played the touhou games or read the mangas you’d find out she’s quite the hardworking miko

>> No.42318417
File: 628 KB, 1128x1600, 5fd54a3c-05a5-4386-9ed9-e6f583ef6745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This lazy shrine maiden only works hard when it's her money, her job or her pride is on the line. Then it's back to lazing around after said incident is resolved.

>> No.42318448

Kasen lectured her on her laziness and arrogance in every issue of Wild and Horned Hermit

>> No.42318827

Every single official manga I've read proves you 100% wrong
Reimu is lazy and greedy and its something I've come to love about her.

>> No.42318835

How can someone love Reimu? I understand lusting for her body (armpits) but love? That's illogical.

>> No.42319097
File: 763 KB, 2400x3646, 104355952_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you not love Reimu?
She's a grumpy shrine maiden that loves money but doesn't want to work hard at all, its super cute!! She likes to maintain an air of indifference but secretly cares deeply about those she considers friends, but also gives them space and only helps them if they needs it, its super cute!
She gets along with even those mischievous fairies and doesn't mind them as long as they behave, its super cute! She can be kinda dumb sometimes and let's things fall by the wayside until they get out of hand, completely ignoring red flags, its super cute! She let's her god go completely starved for faith and doesn't realize his true nature despite having all the clues in front of her cause she doesn't care to put them together, its super cute!
Reimu needs to have her upper arms exposed at all times or she feels suffocated even in the harshest parts of winter, its super cute!
Reimu is the best, I love her!

>> No.42319191

So you are telling me reimu is just shrine maiden garfied?

>> No.42319207

I was going to point out that you're wrong but you are uncomfortably close to the mark

>> No.42326367
File: 130 KB, 779x462, Reimu things.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'mu bump

>> No.42327154
File: 1.49 MB, 1417x2000, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_shinonome_asu__8e54a122058831dbd3537fdde3dfdaba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make fun of my bow, you'll be on death row
But her bow is so cute, why would anyone make fun of it?

>> No.42327269

I want to go to the Hakurei Shrine and tell Reimu all about how I donated so much to Moriya yesterday before leaving without doing anything else?

>> No.42327381
File: 266 KB, 659x932, 1642540581690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is that a question?

>> No.42327392

Because I'm still wary that she may beat me up or senselessly kill me even though making her jealous by bragging would be fun.

>> No.42329973

When will there be justice for Tokiko? Reimu brutally assaulted this innocent bird and nearly killed her and stole all her books which she sold off for quick cash! Reimu is a thief and a common criminal!

>> No.42332175
File: 1.98 MB, 1433x3129, 9ym3f5p7f18a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't talk to her or tell her i like her so i will resort to teasing her instead.

>> No.42332217

Tokiko is just a random stinky bird youkai and Reimu needed the money, who cares?

>> No.42333348
File: 423 KB, 220x250, Reimu dance2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sun won the battle in the sky today, shining its golden light on the earth and giving warmth despite the snow that covered the ground around you. The trees that lined the clearing you were in blocked most of the wind's intensity and reduced it to being merely a gentle breeze that your jinbei and cloak were more then able to protect you from. Reimu was with you today wearing her warmer winterized outfit and a shawl to cover her shoulders along with her mittens and scarf, earlier she had insisted with upturned eyes that you both spend lunch time having a picnic. You weren't really enthused by the idea of eating out in the chill but you did figure that it would be a nice diversion for her to enjoy.
Lately Reimu had been getting antsy which was something you couldn't fault her for as you two had hardly gotten any alone time. It was ever more clear on days where Reimu was 'in charge' of watching you, yet she could hardly monopolize your time and attention as there always seemed someone else right around the corner or on the other side of a paper thin wall. Personally you didn't mind the company and relished them after so long in what felt like isolation but you knew that as far as married life should be the situation was a farcry from ideal, it was why you agreed to this little outing after all.
The happy miko's mitten covered hand was in your own insulated hand with your other hand taken up by a bundle containing a blanket, bento, and a thermos of hot tea. The spot was familiar to you, back when you first started dating Reimu she took you here for the first time claiming it was one of her favorite spots to relax at and you were no stranger to this place either often coming by when you needed a moment to think or just to play with Aunn as it was only a short 20 minutes walk. It didn't take long to reach a spot on ground that suited Reimu's tastes and you soon found yourself spreading the flower patterned blanket over the white and crunchy snow covered ground.
You just finished setting up the little picnic spot when you heard Reimus voice call out to you, "Look out Anon~!" before you felt a puff of snow hit you square on the back. You rallied at once turning around on the spot to see a wide grin on the playful miko's slightly flushed face as she stood on a large rock sitting not far from you. The next snowball was already being lightly tossed up and down in her hand before she sent it flying at you again! The snowball hit you on the arm this time before you had the sense to shout your defiance and gather your own little danmaku bullet of snow and send it back to Reimu who was able to dodge it with a laugh of pure exhalation as you readied another one coating your mittens with a dusting of snow in the process.
In the end you were barely able to hit the agile miko as she was able to dodge your "bullets" with practiced ease only catching her when she got hampered on terrain as she was more used to fighting in the limitless skies then on the ground. She on the other hand got you plenty of times and her aim was rather better then yours. You didn't mind however and by the time you broke for lunch you both were giggling like children and even your mood had improved as you got completely taken up by the fun of the 'fight'. For a short time you forgot all about the dreary situation you found yourself in and were able to play like you used too when you two were actually happy, even after you sat down albeit a little breathlessly from all the running you couldn't keep that silly smile off your face so you simply embraced it feeling the giddy easy-going feeling run its course through you.
You two took your spots on the blanket chattering happily both bragging in turn of your highlights during the 'intense high-stakes' fight you two had and teasing each other about the blunders the other made. Soon enough the bento were opened after your empty stomachs took over your reasoning and before long you found yourself both eating while chatting about this and that, sharing each others favorites and swiping food from each others plates in good humor. Once again you felt that spark rising up in your chest threatening to reignite the long dormant emotions you once felt so strongly for Reimu, but you weren't sure if it would be alright to let yourself be overwhelmed again by that honey-pot of an emotion.
Despite your hesitation you wouldn't let it show on your face nor in your voice, you decided that at least for this next hour you'd ride this elusive surge of happiness and let the women in front of you made your wife become your world again. With that in mind you scooped up one of the pickled veggies with your chopsticks and held it up to Reimu where you enjoyed the sight of her holding nothing back in eating it with relish on her face. Despite her now messy hair, the snow that dusted her hair and clothing, and that she stole a portion of your fried chicken you couldn't help but feel that in this moment you found happiness.

>> No.42336191

Bless you Anon.

>> No.42336201

Imagine justifying the Miko's criminal acts just because they were done to innocent Youkai.

>> No.42339476

Even if Reimu killed a human i'd help her hide the body and tell everyone that a youkai totally did it

>> No.42340176

reimu's feet are erotic

>> No.42343741
File: 103 KB, 380x450, __hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_rasatbasa__0bdcfce181c1cb375d5e3f5138ac77ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42343759

Wtf is this real?

>> No.42349361
File: 456 KB, 1311x886, Reimu marisa bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This new years was quiet, the wind wasn't blowing more then a barely perceptible breeze and the snow didn't care to fall despite the heavy looking clouds that drifted lazily across Gensokyo in rolling gray sheets of varying shades. The sun was lazily spending its morning behind the clouds using them like a futon as its light was dimmed in the characteristic gray tinge of winter. For you and most of the residents it was a lazy morning and if it wasn't for you dragging yourself out of bed to get the living room warm and breakfast prepared you figured the girls would've become glued to their sheets. The only thing that roused them was you knocking on their doors making the sharp sound reverberate on the wooden frame and into the cold morning air of the chilling hallway, all except Reimu.
For today, as was tradition, Reimu was up and active even before you were able to drag yourself out of bed and you only belatedly realized she was gone by the loss of warmth coming from her half of the futon. It was no secret why she was excited, even in the worst parts of your marriage today was always a day marked by her high spirits as the masses flocked to her shrine for their new years visits. Of course your greedy miko wife couldn't care less about gathering faith or the traditions behind it, no. She wanted one thing and it was sick, cold hard coin!
Today she'd milk those peons for all their worth, selling hot sweet sake, distributing fortunes, and making sure the path to the offering box was nice and clear. By the time you called her in for breakfast and some hot tea she'd already had the stands set up, more then usual in fact as it became clear to you that she intended to use everyone in the shrine to sell whatever junk she had stored in her warehouse that she wasn't able to sell in previous years. You could practically see the money signs in her eyes as she irritated everyone with her upbeat attitude and chipper voice as you all partook in breakfast and hot tea in the now warm living room.
As per usual you were to man the sweet sake stand, while it seemed that a resigned Kasen, sleepy Aunn, and openly fussy Marissa manned the stands selling random nonsense merch Reimu was intent on turning a profit on despite that you've never seen a single person buy them for the years she's had them molding in storage. As always it secretly amazed you how many people would bother turning out to this shrine on the new years, mostly it was the older folk however as it seemed that most of the younger people were swayed by the Moriyan shrine's flash and liveliness but that didn't bother Reimu in the slightest as you were sure she saw nothing but walking purses. Soon enough the crowds died down in the time between the evening and midnight and after what seemed like too long you all were able to have a short break as you huddled together around a small brazier you set up after long experience in the tiring chaos of running shrines on new years, even the pink hermit seemed positively relieved by external heat despite her insistence to the contrary. For your break you had bentos you prepared the day before ready to go and it seemed after lunch and some hot sweet sake the lot of you were ready to handle the rest of the masses as they trickled in over the hours.
The night fell and with it the chill of winter intensified and the brazier moved closer to the stands and the amount of firewood in it increased as well providing some warmth to you three as you were huddled around it more then at the stands. It was close to midnight now and a bit of melancholy nipped away at your heart, once upon a time right around this time you could expect the first of the youkai and oni to show up for the end of the year party and it was a given that soon enough the shrine grounds and main hall would be filled with the sounds of music and merrymaking, but now only a deafening silence filled the air as only the light breeze filled the air along with some minor snowfall instead. It was clear that you weren't the only one thinking the same as a bit of bitterness filled the faces of the girls around you, "Hey Reimu, I think its about time to pack it up. I don't think anyones coming now that nights fallen...". Reimu gave in with sigh and an, "I guess so...". She put up a very optimistic sign board propped up by the box itself that read, "the miko is out, leave donations in the box".
You all relaxed in the living room shortly after and your moods improved somewhat with the warming heat and promise of new years food on the horizon, fortunately once again you prepared some staples the day before and had them sitting in cold storage just for this moment. After a short time reheating and plating the food you brought out the dinner on the best serving plates the shrine had and with a smile on your face you loudly announced, "happy new years!".

>> No.42354051
File: 558 KB, 960x1280, Reimu angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is ANGER

>> No.42354222

Idk she seems pretty cute

>> No.42354967

You know they don't have deodorant in Gensokyo, just imagine being around Reimu at the end of the day before her bath haha...

>> No.42359031
File: 2.77 MB, 2387x3423, 104479329_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42359057
File: 3.53 MB, 2728x4096, 104479329_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu when she sees the bulge in your pants(your wallet)

>> No.42362393
File: 647 KB, 1236x1440, reimu16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42363323
File: 166 KB, 250x747, Reimu sells her ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42367246 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 220x398, bwuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone talks about the supposed war crimes she commits but why does no one talk about this

>> No.42367311
File: 141 KB, 850x1232, Reimu sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i'll just save the end of the story for the next thread, i'd estimate 3 more chapters till its done and the current one is almost finished being typed up. But i'm fucking tired and just wanna get in bed, got a ttrpg game i'm GMing that I need sleep for
Until next thread, lets all luv our mu!
