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4227676 No.4227676 [Reply] [Original]

Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

* Translation: 0%
* Editing: 0%

>> No.4227681

They've been so busy translating it that they forgot updating the status.

>> No.4227682

Lazy sons a bitches.

>> No.4227683

Yea, it's probably already pretty much done.

>> No.4227684

man I am getting really tired of seeing that same Dlanor image

>> No.4227685

I want to believe.

>> No.4227688

I hope they never release it.

>> No.4227703

Didn't you faggots hate this one? Why do you suddenly want a translation?

>> No.4227822

If you squint really hard, the runes start looking like real words.

>> No.4227987


Because no one here's read it.

Same thing happened with Episode 5.

>> No.4227991

Because we can't have our precious Umineko discussion threads - y'know, the ones where we don't go DID MEIDO IS STUPID / NO IT'S NOT - without knowing about the red in EP6.

>> No.4227993

Everyone hated EP5 before they read it, too. They figured Erika was a boring Mary Sue (which is partially correct, but she's also entertaining and a total bitch with DEM PANTYHOSE), Dlanor was just yet another pantsless furniture slut, and that Battler was a total pussy who just sat around crying because of Beato.


>> No.4227996


Here is your red for episode 6, enjoy your DID meido when it will be translated too.

>> No.4228005

I assume the people who want it translated have not yet read it. So how could they hate it?

>> No.4228010

Because this is /jp/. When we don't see exactly what we wanted, we stop thinking and bitch.

>> No.4228015

DID doesn't even solve anything. Fucking deluded fanboys and their fucking disease X.

>> No.4228016

I don't fucking care about EP6 at this point. I just want to see the last game released, so that I can see the shipperfags cry delicious tears when their dreams are crushed.

>> No.4228017

Blame Ryuukishi07 and his love for disease x faggot.

>> No.4228033

>>4227993 Everyone hated EP5 before they read it

Bullshit. I thought we'd start getting some answers to some of the more controversial mysteries and have some definitive accomplices to further narrow down who the culprit is.

Instead I got yet another episode with Battler not going far enough in his questioning (e.g. Did Erika hear the other cousins breathing when Battler entered the room, among others), then suddenly, meta-scenes everywhere.

>> No.4228036

Give WH some slack, they worked so hard

>> No.4228038

Chiru isn't an answer arc. They continue on with the story.

>> No.4228040

>>4228015 DID doesn't even solve anything

DID gives Shkannontrice something that no other theory can claim; motivation for someone to act out as Beatrice.

>> No.4228041

DID solves the "how" and. "why", no other theory do this.

>> No.4228044
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Fuck you guys. Episode 6 was great.

Sorcerer Battler being sexy in his sexy cape, two Beatrices fooling around, Kanon suddenly being awesome after 5 episodes of him sucking, Jessica vs Kyrie and George vs Evatrice, witch Maria vs Erika, and Beatrice finally reviving to foil Erika and get back the soul of her beloved Battler.

Great stuff. Fuck /jp/.

>> No.4228045

What's DID?

>> No.4228049

Dissociative identity disorder
Episode 6 was quite good.

>> No.4228052

Often called multiple personalities.

I doubt anyone who has read Knox's would really apply something as cliche as DID.

>> No.4228056


And this is the basis of Shkannontrice?

>> No.4228061

Knox doesn't invalidate DID though.

>> No.4228068

ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the aliens" Rena shouted
The radio said "No, Rena. You are the aliens"
And then Rena was maggots

>> No.4228071

Yep. I think DID is to make it sound more legitimate-sounding, as psychologists aren't really sure that Multiple personality disorder actually exists (at least as it functions in fiction and popular culture). It's probably just schizophrenia.

So while DID would be an acceptable literary device, it's actually not scientifically sound enough to ever be used in reality.

>> No.4228074
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>> No.4228075

>>disease x
Higurashi = Brain parasite
Ookamikakushi = Wolf parasite
You really expected Umineko to be different?

Ryuukishi07 will fit perfectly in Key.

>> No.4228076

What kind of parasite is it going to be?

>> No.4228077

Golden butterfly larvae.

>> No.4228080




You heard it here first, folks.

>> No.4228082


>> No.4228103

One of the things people don't like about Shkannontrice (me included, but let's not go there) is how it makes names refer to personalities instead of bodies. Granted, with EP6 Shkannon is probably a necessity, so interpreting red like that is a must, but there are people who use Shkannontrice to say stuff like "even if Kanon and Shannon are proclaimed in red to be dead, the Beatrice persona can still move the body and commit murders". To me, that feels like a cop out, but I don't really care. I wish people would do less of the Shkannontrice debates and focus more on solving the mystery, with or without a Beatrice DID meido.

Yes, but applying only a literal reading of Knox kind of misses the point. It's a bunch of rules trying to prevent deus ex machina like solutions, so coming up with something that isn't literally forbidden in Knox but still reeks of trickery is pretty dumb, in my opinion. That's not to say that Shkannontrice is a DEM, per se, but if you're writing a mystery novel based only on the exact reading of Knox you're quite possibly fooling yourself into thinking you wrote a decent mystery novel.

>> No.4228124


You also forgot the fact that most, if not all, of the personalities exist without them being aware of the others, along with the fact that there should be blank spots in each personalities' memory when they aren't active. The only time I can recall seeing such a thing would be the letter in Episode 5 (Beatrice personality placed the letter on the floor and Erika's line of thinking to explain the knock).

>> No.4228136

Kanon doesn't have the memory of Shannon and vice versa, he said in episode 2 that he learned from Jessica that Shannon went to a travel in Okinawa.

>> No.4228145

You guys are forgetting the possibility of Shkanontrice being the case, but them still being merely a pawn.

>> No.4228146

>Higurashi = Brain parasite

Thanks for spoiling the ultimate truth of a VN I was about to start for the first time tonight.

>> No.4228148
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After replaying EP 1-4, I believe that moon-chan is insane just like her wingless mother. And Shannontrice is just pretending to be Kanon to satisfy that crazy bitch.

>> No.4228149

It's pretty obvious from after the first episode.

>> No.4228154


So two scenes in the entire story, neither of which occur with the detective present, support DID before Episode 6.

>> No.4228163

So everyone knows the final answer that early?

>> No.4228167


I've considered that's a possibility but haven't really pursued it due to the "without love, it cannot be seen" notion that R07 has constantly been slapping our face with to explain the incident. Other masterminds, such as Kyrie or Jessica, have no other reason but personal gain to cause the incident.

>> No.4228177
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Goddamn it George, you carry your waifu and don't even realize it.

>> No.4228188

George was suspecting something during the first arc, but in the end he said that he couldn't figure it out.

>> No.4228227

The most awesome thing Ryukishi could do right now is to just stop making the games.

Unresolved ending a la And Then There Were None would be a historic troll.

>> No.4228233

> neither of which occur with the detective present
You do know that Beatrice was giving hints to Battler in (almost) every fantasy scene, right? So all those scenes in which Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice interact contain hints, or are themselves hints.

>> No.4228246

And that's why episode 5 was so unreliable.
Because the GM was bitch who didn't want to give any answers.

>> No.4228252

You can't deny that Jessica is very sketchy, though. And Kyrie has some suspicious stuff about her as well.

Personally, though, I think Kinzo arranged the bomb and all that. I started rereading Episode 1 last night, and that scene at the very beginning, with Nanjo talking about how a will is one's final words, their last requests and all that, not just something used to distribute inheritance, strengthened my thoughts on that, despite Kinzo's reaction at that time to the idea of a will.

>> No.4228264

even that was finally solved, though it had a big chance of not, he said he would at least say who's the culprit and why, just leave the how a bit foggy so people can have fun

>> No.4228270
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>> No.4228273

Genji is a strange character, Nanjo highlighted how Genji seemed as if he knew he wouldn't die for some reason.
Ok he did die in the end but the point is why was he so sure he wouldn't?

>> No.4228274
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Shkanon time?

>> No.4228278

Or he just didn't care if he died.

>> No.4228280

Goddammit, is there ANYTHING that can't be put past Kinzo?

>> No.4228284

so we can have as culprits:
Kinzo settinmg the bomb
Moon-chan manipulating Shkanon/trice
Kyrie manipulating moon-chan, taking high risks and getting killed

>> No.4228290

loving Natsuhi

>> No.4228291

Who dunnit: Beatrice/Shkanontrice
How dunnit: DID
WHY dunnit: love

not so fucking hard

>> No.4228296

The Shkanontrice-culprit theory doesn't work for Episode 3.

>> No.4228297

How was Hideyoshi fooled then?

>> No.4228304

Beatrice bribed him.
He was talking about going on a fucking vacation with Eva minutes before he was killed.

>> No.4228308

Who dunnit: Kyrie
How dunnit: manipulating the manipulator, Jessie
Why: revenge for her 'dead' baby because the ushiromiya family were the ones to do it since they didn't want to involve themselves with the Sumaderas and Ayumu was the easy option

>> No.4228311

So a man who values life above all else accepted a bribe?

>> No.4228312

It works actually, not for every murders though.
For example Rosa and Maria were probably not killed by her.

>> No.4228325

Something about the epitaph and the explosion that takes place doesn't make any sense. What's the point if everyone is going to die anyway? Or is there another step that everyone (except Eva in one case) overlooked?

>Solve the epitaph and the murders will cease.
But people still die.
As Lambdadelta said in Episode 5; there really isn't a point to the epitaph is there?

>> No.4228331

Remember the code that only appeared in episode 3?
Probably a message from Beatrice to Eva on how to stop the bomb.

>> No.4228336

And neither was Nanjo. There was a thread that talked about Shkanontrice in Episode 3 a couple days ago.

The overlooked step: Go to Kuwadorian?

>> No.4228342
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All but certainly. Golden land = hell, hell = fire

bombexplosion = small hell

>> No.4228343

The bomb wasn't stopped. The explosion occurred as usual. The only difference was that Eva was in Kuwadorian at the time of the explosion.

Something that might not mean much, but: the number on the door was one of the vault numbers in that high-class bank.

>> No.4228347

Are you enjoying the riddle of Kinzo-sama's epitaph?
You are probably already aware of this, but all of you do not have much time left.
Please, abandon the naive thought that when the storm passes by, you will be able to run away.
In this game, the only possible outcome is either you all or me winning. If you run out of time, I will win. There will be no draw. Please do not misunderstand that. "


>> No.4228348 [DELETED] 

>manipulating manipulator

New zts confirmed.

>> No.4228369

So if Beatrice understood the epitah & was playing the good guy, who's carrying out the murder?

>> No.4228378

Someone who felt that they could take advantage of the epitaph/the situation, and kill people?

Alternatively, Beatrice isn't acting as the good guy, but is merely following Kinzo's will.

>> No.4228383


The problem with that is DID doesn't work like that.

>> No.4228386

Beatrice wasn't playing the good guy though.
She just followed the same schema as Kinzo, greater risk = bigger chance of a miracle happening.

>> No.4228391

Tell that to every fictions that use it.

>> No.4228392

>>4228369 So if Beatrice understood the epitah & was playing the good guy

Beatrice doesn't care about the murders or the gold. She just wants Battler to remember his sin.

>> No.4228393

And why couldn't there be a form of it that allows the various personalities to be aware of each other?

>> No.4228394

I don't think those numbers were to stop the detonation of a possible bomb though. It might have been an encrypted message at least.

>> No.4228405

If Battler didn't come to the island, no one would be murdered.
The bomb would still go off.

>> No.4228408


The point of DID is that none of the personalities are aware of each other beyond blank spots in their memory.

Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice can not interact with one another as depicted in the story without outside help (Jessica and George in particular) or leaving written messages to one another. While the former is plausible, I have a hard time trusting the latter without more written material of Shannon's to go by.

>> No.4228413

So if we keep with the chess theme of Umineko, what piece would that make them?

>> No.4228415

I don't talk much to soap opera writers.
I've seen some pretty terrible fictional amnesia, but no mystery I've heard of has ever pulled any "I SWORE HE WAS DEAD BUT THAT WAS JUST HIS OTHER PERSONALITY LOL" jedi truth bullshit.

>> No.4228417

The bomb is inside Battler!

>> No.4228423

Umineko is truly a work of art, it will revolutionize the mystery genre as a whole.

>> No.4228429


There's no reason that the pieces have to be linked to meta-world characters.

>> No.4228437

Chess piece.

>> No.4228449


Red Herring

>> No.4228454

No it's not, you know exactly what i'm getting at. Don't you?

>> No.4228461


Seriously, it's not going to happen. I refuse to believe in "killing personalities". It's not like Shkannon necessairily has to go that way.

>> No.4228464

Actually it does.
Shannon and Kanon die at different times and places in episode 2 and 4.
If personality can't die, then ShKanon can't work.

>> No.4228473


Yes, and I find it ridiculous.

>> No.4228475


I agree with you that it's a bad plot twist. Just look at Episode 1's First Twilight.

>> No.4228478

That's how i feel about the multiple personality theories.

>> No.4228482

Do you have proof that they do?

>> No.4228483

They were two seperate entyties prior to the game. Just one of them actually died in either game the other one was just a prepared corpse.

>> No.4228505

Red text, etc...

Knox, can't work, no foreshadowing, etc...

>> No.4228510

Battler inherited Kinzo's name. Battler is Kinzo. Kinzo fucked Natsuhi. Battler fucked Natsuhi.

>> No.4228513 [SPOILER] 
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Eva approves.

>> No.4228518


Again, I agree that DID is a ridiculous argument. However, it's the only one I've seen that makes a lick of sense, as it provides the framework to answer "who", "how" and "why".

>> No.4228615


You're too focused on the knox rules. Also "no foreshadowing" is a bit too mcuh said. I mean "Kanon defenitely died in this room" but his corpse is no where to be seen can be taken as foreshadowing that he died before the game even started. Same for the scene where both Kinzo and Kanon were an element of Natsuhi's delusion. Also Shannon doesn't neccesairily have to be an identity, she can be the real person talking to "the kanon in her heart" whose death she is forced to cover up to avoid a police investigation (or for another shady reason).


Who: Jessica
How: With help of Shkannon
Why: Revenge on Battler for forgetting that promise

It's not like it was ever stated that the promise was between Battler and Shannon.

>> No.4228622


You really think Jessica would murder her entire family for revenge agains her cousin?

I've had my fair share of family problems, but jeez.

>> No.4228628

So the Kanon was the servant holding the child?

>> No.4228635


You really think Shannon would murder the enitre population of an island just for revenge for one promise? Duh.

Being trapped on an island for your whole life can do this to you. I wouldn't put it past Jessica.

>> No.4228638
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>>It's not like it was ever stated that the promise was between Battler and Shannon.
The only promise we saw was between Battler and Shannon.
Umineko is solvable, therefore all the clues are presented to the viewers.
Therefore you don't need to use "what if" or "could", if something wasn't presented one way or another, it doesn't count.
There was no hint whatsoever that Battler made a promise with Jessica.

Also from episode 1.
Jessica was just behind Battler.

>> No.4228642

Kanon/SHannon = pawns that crossed the table and turned into a queen, Beatrice.

>> No.4228648

>>You really think Shannon would murder the enitre population of an island just for revenge for one promise? Duh.
Shannon doesn't do it for revenge.
" Her goal is not to make someone experience fear.
And it isn't to have revenge on someone either.
Beato never committed murder for the sake of pleasure. "

Motive is easy, she does it for love.
Follow the epitaph, be reunited with your estranged lover in the golden land.

>> No.4228652

Battlers sin could be leaving her to Kinzorape.
Or maybe he was the one that gave Kinzo the whole epitaph test with bomb idea, or he dressed up as a girl and rekindled Kinzos Beato fetish or something.

>> No.4228657

>Implying that's not Beatrice behind Maria

>> No.4228664

Reading comprehension, etc...
I never implied otherwise.
Only implied that it was impossible for Jessica to be this Beatrice.

>> No.4228669

"<Oh my god> Battler, <A BOMB>"
"<A BOMB!>"

>> No.4228672

I have a question, too.
What do All of the Goats represent?

>> No.4228677
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A bomb?

>> No.4228681

Goats Kinzo keeps as his pets, of course.

They will be the central actors in Umineko's sequel detailing what Kinzo did to Beatrice to bind her under his will. The game will aptly be titled Beatrice Bitch Training.

>> No.4228691

Flames. THat's why their method of killing is devouring.

>> No.4228710


That's kind of making sense...

You know I'm really wondering what kind of discussion we'll be having one year form now. Probably "Ryukishi is stupid, Umineko sucks."

>> No.4228718

One yeah from now we will be reading Inu no Naku Koro Ni or some shit like that.

>> No.4228720

The goats are fire.

So Krauss's asskicking in EP4 translates to FUCK YOU FIRE KRAUSS PAAANCH

>> No.4228723

Aka-chan no Naku Koro ni.


>> No.4228730

End of ep2. Goats are running after Rosa, in the middle of a typhoon.

It could work for Battler, but for Rosa, It's more complicated.

>> No.4228733

''Umineko was a good ride, just had a shitty ending. People were just expecting too much tough, the game was never about KILLER MILFS anyway.

So, you guys heard of Kitsune no naku koro ni? It looks good.

>> No.4228739

Goats could also be the radius of the explosion.
Which is why Rosa thought they would be saved if they managed to get to the beach.

>> No.4228741


I actually thought they could be something like Banken, a unit of soldiers deployed somehing like in middle of second day to clean the mess. Knox doesn't deny it because 6th is out, also the Tokyo Metropolis thingy in E4.

>> No.4228742

This time they are in a fantasy setting fighting against science.

>> No.4228750

Doesn't explain how she expects to defend herself with a gun, though.

>> No.4228752

Because it's a fantasy scene.

>> No.4228754

And implies that she kow that there is a bomb, and its power.

>> No.4228758

Yes, and the main theme of this time will be Faith.
Without faith it cannot be seen.

Also, killer grannys

>> No.4228759

Let's talk about something new now: Kinzo's wife. Do we even know her name?

>> No.4228762


>> No.4228763

She calls herself Virgilia.

>> No.4228766

By the way, I feel like reading one of them Golden Age by the Knox fiction books. Will it be better than umineko?

>> No.4228773

Friendship, love and faith.

Fuck, I wouldn't put it past Ryu.

>> No.4228775

Ryu's starting a cult.


>> No.4228778

Of course, what a weird question.

>> No.4228780


I don't think she matters as they're both dead. Thoguh maybe she might be the one with the most motive to hate.

>> No.4228786

that's his mistress

>> No.4228789

Also there will be a new version of Rika/Bernkastell within a new mithology. Also, kakeras.

>> No.4228792


>> No.4228793

No, I wondered about it since E1. Before I thought "What if Kinzo is dead" I also thought "What if granny is NOT dead?"

There are a few more characters like that. Asumu, Maria's father (slightly implied to be Genji, but duh), all of the Beatos...

>> No.4228795

Beatrice is the title for whomever Kinzo sticks his dick in. Hence Virgilia -> Beato -> Eva -> Ange.

If you're asking how he fucked the latter two after he died, well, I wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.4228796

A very long time ago, when the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW was first announced, I saw a thread on /v/ where some anon jokingly announced another expansion set in Northrend. History takes strange paths...

>> No.4228805

But one of them is a game with an already set background and the other is the philosophy of our Ryu-chan

I wouldn't put it past him though

>> No.4228815

>Maria's father (slightly implied to be Genji,
Wait, what?

>> No.4228816

What about Kumasawa? I mean it is kinda fishy that she's been working for the Ushiromiya family forever, is still working despite her old age and still doensn't get the golden eagle.

>> No.4228825

She was investigating the island too.

>> No.4228831

she has the golden eagle engraved in her

>> No.4228841

Into her chest. and she would proudly show it to anybody that wanted to see it. pukukukuku

>> No.4228842

It's on her arm. It seems pretty fucking heavily implied she tended to the B's in Kuwadorian

>> No.4228846

Where, exactly? On her buttocks?

>> No.4228849

Scolds her twice with "Be quiet", in golden land and in E1 openly, puts the blanket over her once in E2 saying something like "Poor thing".
But it seems like that just because of the whole E2 solution and the differences in Rosa's interaction with other servants and him(i.e she is never suspicious of Genji, not even when he comes back to report five dead bodies and that he is somehow the only other person left).

>> No.4228853

you didn't follow the joke, right
maybe I should have said, if you know what I mean... afterwards

>> No.4228858

Rosa's a slut, i wouldnt put it past her that she had sex with so many guys that she doesnt know who is the father of Maria.

>> No.4228868


Episode 6 reveals that The one that got her into debt is Maria's father. He basically used her name to get a huge credit and then took off overseas never to be heard of again.

>> No.4228876

there's one problem with Genji being the father
it's heavily hinted in ep6 that Rosa owns the money because of a debt co-signed with Maria's father

>> No.4228877

I do know this. That's what made me duh there.

>> No.4228894




Battler Kinzo Sumadera
Maria 'Manon' Ushiromiya
Battler Joshua Ushiromiya
Maria Ronoue
Kasumi Ushiromiya

I doing this right?

>> No.4228895
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The true culprit is the fihsing boat captain. He has a super high speed ultra boat so he can do anything.

>> No.4228906

He drives his boat onto the island and collides with the mansion, causing an explosion and killing everyone.

The name of the boat was Beatrice.

>> No.4228911

So there's Shkannontrice, Jessitrice/Moon-chan, Bombtrice, Teatrice and Boatrice?

>> No.4228912

Except it was Hanyuu

>> No.4228914

U forget nanjotrice

>> No.4228915

teatrice is the best and most plausible one

>> No.4228923

It's actually not 30 knots, it's 30 Mach

>> No.4228924

This is sad/awesome because it's true.

Who was drinking tea with Natsuhi in EP5? Teatrice, of course. The old family heirloom teapot made Natsuhi think of the family, and she absent-mindedly started to talk to herself as she drank the fucked up tea from it.

Also, it's got holes for Battler and Kinzo to J-J-JAM IT IN, so it works.

>> No.4228934

Rosa is the culprit.
Teatrice is the accomplice.

Rosa brought Teatrice to the family conference saying that it would help Natsuhi headaches but in truth there were micro nanomachine bombs inside teatrice that flew from Natsuhi to Kinzo's body while they were having sex and then Kinzo turned into a zombie.

Kinzo counts as a dead person, and as a zombie he proceeds to do all killings for teatrice just like Rosa ordered her to do.

>> No.4228937

So Battler's sin was fapping in the teapot Natsuhi poured her tea from?


>> No.4228939


Umineko solved, nothing to see here. Move along

>> No.4228941

Yeah. Battler still had fucked up steroid in his system, and thus they were also in his splooge.

Which Natsuhi drank.

>> No.4228945

If only red wasn't introduced...

And I still had some hope but then R07 comes up and introduces fucking gold.

>> No.4228951

It was all about zombie parasites all along.

This theory is foreshadowed by Rosa coming with the tea in EP1 and Kanon that was supposed to be dead reviving and killing people in EP2.

>> No.4228953

Clues about the gold yet?

>> No.4228976

> If only red wasn't introduced...
Then we wouldn't be able to get anywhere.

>> No.4228977

What if they introduce motherfucking green?

>> No.4228998
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So what is the popular opinion on Jessica hiding Kinzo's death?

>> No.4229004
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>> No.4229005

>implying you're not the culprit

>> No.4229008

That she is just easily manipulated.
Everybody lies about Kinzo anyways.

>> No.4229011

I'd throw my computer out the window.

>> No.4229020

I really think she has no idea about Kinzo, if she did that's her motive out the window.

>> No.4229044
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The future of Umineko
