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42262795 No.42262795 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038
v19.4: https://nyaa.si/view/1609471

Previous: >>42113382

>> No.42263084
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Yeah,but everyone I find for SAO Progressive manga is woefully out of date. And for OK reasons, the manga is just now reaching the 5th floor boss battle while the Light novel did in 2015 I believe,but it does have 3 or 4 thing s going for it.

>> No.42263194

Anyways, here it is:

The new guy poyucha is great.

>> No.42263247

surely i'll be good enough at nip to comfortably read shadow by the time volume 6 is out

>> No.42263256

>casual racism again
and when did you start learning anon? apparently the author is shooting for a 3-ish month release so unless you started a while ago i doubt you will beat that

>> No.42263292

tried a bit of learning a long time ago and picked it back up a few weeks ago, now reading some somewhat simple LNs now without much trouble. 3 months is shorter than i expected, maybe by the 7th is more realistic then

>> No.42263315

Let's be real, between working for the gacha and a possible season 2 there's no way vol 6 happens within 3 months.

>> No.42265126

I tried reading TRPG under this thread recommendations, but I don't know what's up with the way it's written, or if it's just hard, I couldn't really wrap my head around it and gave up.
Maybe it gets easier after the prologue, but I guess I'll save this serie for when I'm significantly better at jp.
Instead I started reading Strange Grief (weird title btw), since I read it mentioned around here.
Seems readable at my level, hopefully it's decent!

>> No.42265439

TRPG is written in a rather idiosyncratic way and definitely not for complete novices. Saving it for later isn't a bad idea.

>> No.42265670
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i'm not good enough to read it in moonrunes either (the best I can read at the moment is fucking Doraemon level) but basically the author likes to be very wordy and use a lot of archaic and fanciful/poetic words and turns of phrase, the translation which I'm reading reflects that as well

>> No.42266319

I may as well post the author's twitter worldbuilding and alt-timeline stuff as we are talking about the trpg ln -

You will find the previous collections in the related posts at the bottom. There's some interesting stuff in there

>> No.42266589

I will post this here because i don't know where else to post it. Is the translation of spice and wolf any good? I've bought some physical copies of it years ago before i started moonrunes studying and personally i prefer to read the physical version of something if it's possible.

>> No.42266619

I read it before I learned japanese so my opinion is unreliable but I think it's good

>> No.42267888
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I made this compilation to celebrate Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute’s volume 5 release, a lot of people don’t want to bother playing the game, be it because they don’t have time for yet another gacha or any other reason.

The main story can be found by searching カゲマス メインストーリー or “master of garden main story”.
It retraces the anime story you already know, just adding some LN content (mostly cid’s monologues and narration) and adding a few extra scenes here and there, which means worldbuilding is expanded on.
Surprisingly, it glosses over or ignores anime time period changes like the trains and guns, just like the LN it's basically renaissance with a few modern/magic elements, but sometimes it's inevitable for some scenes due to using anime scenes as CGs.
Meanwhile for gameplay reasons the cult now has actual magic casters, which is also not acknowledged at all by the story, so those elements basically don't exist.
There's also the shades using non-sword weapons but that actually gets addressed.
>Original JP version メインストーリー
>EN localization of the main story, it reads like it was translated by YP, so fair warning.

Then there’s 七陰列伝 or “Seven Chronicles” as the localization calls it.
They are technically part of the main story and runs in parallel to it, showing the world from the shade’s perspectives rather than cid’s.
>Original JP version.
>EN localization.

Then there’s the rest which are a pain to look up because nobody has everything and everyone uploads them in inconsistent formats, thankfully they aren’t in chronological order and can be read in any order at least, they tend to be either backstory stuff or SoL moments.
>JP キャラストーリー
>EN character stories.

>JP イベントストーリー
>EN event stories
Do keep in mind because it’s a gacha game, content is currently ongoing.

If you haven’t seen it yet either, watch the kagejitsu shorts uploaded on kadokawa’s official channel, they are already EN subbed too.

>> No.42268417

from what i remember before learning jp, it wasn't a terrible TL at least

>> No.42268849
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I want to FUCK Nina.

>> No.42269147

I want ritual posters to go fuck themselves.

>> No.42271058

How many people here are reading in English (Official TL, Fan TL or MTL) as opposed to directly reading in Japanese?

>> No.42271132

me, sometimes
I'm too lazy to look out words I don't know

>> No.42271406

more than you would think anon.

>> No.42271965

i always read stuff in english, but then kagejitsu's vol 4 took forever to TL in english and now vol 5 looks like it's going to take another forever so i MTL'd it
i was already learning japanese slowly but i doubled down on it this month because fuck waiting, eventually i will join the jp reading club

>> No.42272004

Me because I'm already spending enough time studying for professional exams I don't want to put my little leisure time into study as well, much less when my backlog is already super long and trying to read in JP will slow me down more

>> No.42272818

I take pride on not needing stuff in english anymore.

>> No.42272949

I spent all of 2022 tryharding Anki so that I'll never have to touch a fanfiction ever again

>> No.42273295

Anki isn't going to improve your fluency, immersion is

>> No.42274131 [SPOILER] 
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Please don't tell me goddamn Gerbera________ is jumping on the Ray train too

>> No.42274221

I forgot, can her embryo still evolve? Will she gain invincibility? Attacks failing to recognize that they've landed a hit on her, so they just don't do anything?

>> No.42275191
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Official TL, MTL, and Japanese for Dendro and TRPG yeah. Because I'm afraid of missing any subtext due to how they're structured and I also want to know how others interpret the scenes. But never Fan "Translation", they're always paywalled, and have a shitton of ads even if you were to use aggregator sites.
Not just Gerbera anon, Ray's train gonna include all the evil bitches (except Laplace) needing a healthy dose of Vengeance, else it'll leave a bad taste in his mouth. Hell, just wait till you see the war arc, Fransesca's hateboner will be amusing to see.
>Can her Embryo still evolve?
There's Infinite (Form VIII) after Superior (Form VII) so it should be doable (all Incarnations/ayylmaos are at this form I think). But the only Superior that gives a shit about evolving again is Benetnasch though, since everyone's too busy planning and realizing their keikaku. I think the author also mentioned the existence of Infinite Job and possibly Infinite UBM too, the former IIRC being Ray's sister, Nameless Axe's creator, and the one who made the Archtype System.
>Attacks failing to recognize Gerbera
Possible, but it doesn't really fit her current skillset, would closely resemble Death Shadow's Ultimate far too much, and most importantly: not chuuni enough.

>> No.42275583

I always read in Japanese because the text tends to stick with me more. Some stuff is just not the same in English, the statement "the original version is always more evocative" it's correct and I think it's even more true if we are talking about a language like Japanese.

>> No.42275799


>> No.42275810

I've never read a LN in English.

>> No.42275896

Spanish doesn't count

>> No.42276767

Translations in english are fully obsoleted by MTL these days, once you learn even the most basic japanese you realize they are in fact using MTL and editing it a little.
Sometimes they don't even edit it and post the MTL as-is, which somehow is the better option compared to edited MTL in almost all cases funnily enough.

>> No.42276784

the question was specifically about english, wasn't it? :^)

>> No.42277319

i've never read a ln in another language than japanese
hell i probably would have never gotten into lns if i hadn't started learning jp

>> No.42277571

Usually it's the other way around.
Why did you learn JP then? VNs?
Or are you one of those rare weirdos that actually learned japanese to become a riajuu in japan?

>> No.42278012

nobody needed to learn basic Japanese to figure out that the mountains of garbage being shat out by ESL patreon jews was really MTL, anon

>> No.42278059

You would be surprised, some of them are quite good at whipping up MTL into fancy sounding fanfiction.
The best ones work for official localizing companies even.

>> No.42278251

i got into learning jp a few years back when i was into 3d idols
from there i slowly got into anime because it was great immersion material, from there into vns and lns
nowadays i can't stand idols anymore and just read a ton of lns and listen to audiobooks
though i would also like a japanese gf and i'm gonna try and see if i can put my plan into action this year

>> No.42278344

idk how it works for most companies but to do tl for jewnovel club you need to pass the ceo's test first and that guy has been tling for like 20 years so scamming them that way might be hard

>> No.42278621

and jnc is the only ln localization publisher that isn't complete trash
what a coincidence

>> No.42278761

>The best ones
I was just reading Youjo Senki 11, and I am pretty sure that the translator got regularly confused about who's talking.
There were several listening saying Rudersdorf was silently listening, followed by what was clearly Rudersdorf talking.

>> No.42278782

How the fuck did that turn into listening? I must have been thinking half a sentence ahead.

>> No.42278833

how does one even get confused about who's talking when reading a LN?
character tics and speech patterns make it always annoyingly obvious who's talking, to the point sometimes it would be nice if they toned it down a bit

>> No.42279153
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for anons that use calibrie on PC, what are your settings?

>> No.42279335

It's very easy if you're just editing a MTL as MLT just drops anything it doesn't recognize.

>> No.42279548

I use sepia light over the darker versions because both of them hurt my eyes more than pure white for some reason.
Other than that, default settings work fine.

>> No.42280295 [SPOILER] 
File: 396 KB, 1080x1147, trpg vol 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it autism?

>> No.42280332

TRPG vol 5 btw
I forgot spoilers block filenames too

>> No.42280448

you can still look at the filename by hovering over "spoiler image"

>> No.42281325

Unironically yes, she's simultaneously the best and worst character of the entire thing so far.

>> No.42282703

The more interesting question is what LN was the last straw that made someone take the plunge and learn japanese.

>> No.42283360

Is that MTL?

>> No.42283681

no, and MTL is nowhere near producing anything that solidly constructed yet.

>> No.42283737

I am ESL, so maybe my sensibilities are off. But there are several parts of this text that really annoy me.

>> No.42283745

Your sensibilities are probably off. The construction is not the most straightforward or simple, but it reads perfectly well to me.

>> No.42283773

I am not having difficulties understanding. The choice of words just seems unfitting.
For example:
>Faced with her irrational behavior
I would not use that for one's own behavior.
"Facing" would be much more appropriate. You are always in your own presence. It takes active self reflection to face your behavior. If it weren't so, then the "immediately" wouldn't make sense either.
She is sitting down and thinking about what she's doing.

>> No.42283777

"Facing her own behavior" still isn't perfect, of course. My point was just that "faced" feels very wrong to me.

>> No.42283811

There is nothing wrong with "Faced with her irrational behaviour". All it means is that she was confronted by the fact of her own irrational actions.
"Facing" would indeed change the nuance of the sentence to her being the one to confront the fact of her behaviour, but linguistically and semantically there is nothing wrong with either, and the former sentence does not contradict the fact of her then rationalising away such behaviour.
You are overthinking this far too much.

>> No.42283844
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How well do you REALLY know Japanese? Even what appears to be a rather fluent ESL is having trouble computing what is, in fact, quite an ordinary English sentence.
What is your JSL powerlevel, really?

>> No.42283845

>You are overthinking this far too much.
I am not overthinking at all. I may come across as wordy now, but that's only to express my initial and instinctive response.

>does not contradict the fact of her then rationalising away such behaviour.
And I did not claim that it would.
What I said was that unless there is a specific point where she confronts the oddity in her behavior (rather than just being passively aware of it), then there could be no immediacy in her emotional response.

>> No.42283871

The specific point where she confronts the oddity in her behaviour is the second half of that sentence.
>, she explained it to herself:
This "explained it" is the active measure of confrontation she takes in response to being confronted by the irrationality, and what triggers the "immediate" emotional response. You have missed this.

>> No.42283881

>The specific point where she confronts the oddity in her behaviour is the second half of that sentence.
That can only be the case if the first half of the sentence is anchored to that same point as well.

>> No.42283895

No, it isn't. While confronted by fact A, she comes up with explanation B, and immediately gets mad about B. Nothing could be simpler.

>> No.42283903

And then you go and anchor it to the same point in time.
Why do you do this while trying to prove that you don't have to?
Are you confused?

>> No.42283904

The first half of that sentence IS anchored to that same point, what on earth is the matter here?

>> No.42283908

>The first half of that sentence IS anchored to that same point,
And that's why I am saying I don't like the phrasing. See >>42283773.

>> No.42283914

Because the simple fact of it being in fact anchored to that point is already implied in the sentence without the need for the word "while", I'm just now having to spell it out for your dense ESL brain which cannot process even moderately literary English.

>> No.42283932

>Because the simple fact of it being in fact anchored to that point is already implied in the sentence
Except the anchor is incredibly weak.
It's possible to misread this as "whenever faced with..."
It's an incorrect reading. But to me, the sentence is too ambiguous about the fact that she's not constantly aware of it.

>> No.42283954

There is nothing wrong with it. You can be faced by your own behaviour.
>It's possible to misread this as "whenever faced with..."
It is absolutely not possible to misread it this way, not simply because this wording is not typically used in this manner, but also because the follow-up is "she explained", rather than "she would explain" or "she would always explain" or "she always explained".
And that's why you're overthinking it.

>> No.42283970

>You can be faced by your own behaviour.
And my point was not that you couldn't. But that if it's passive, then it's not at a specific point in time.
>It is absolutely not possible to misread
Odd claim.
>And that's why you're overthinking it.
See my previous post.

>> No.42283993

Were I to write the following sentence:
>Faced by his mum's dilated anus, anon decided to lick it; the taste of shit flooded his tongue. Immediately, anon was engulfed in disgust.
would it not be describing an event that took place at a specific point in time?
It's not an odd claim at all, you're just fucking retarded.

>> No.42284005

>would it not be describing an event that took place at a specific point in time?
Under the assumption that "he" does not live in the presence of his mom's dilated anon's for weeks on end, you mean?
It's a false equivalence

>> No.42284012

>It's not an odd claim at all, you're just fucking retarded.
So, are you going to add a qualifier about retarded people to your claim, or can we just dismiss it?

>> No.42284068

It's not a false equivalence, you pillock. It's a direct response to your claim that being passive and being at a specific point in time are necessarily mutually exclusive. Moreover, as I have explained, the specifics of the phrasing mean that it cannot be misread this way for reasons given in >>42283954, to which you have turned two blind eyes and change.
It is thoroughly evident to myself and any lurkers that you have over-rationalized yourself into a position of intransigence, any attempt at rational excavation from which is quite impossible. Not unusual for 4chan(nel), much less for /jp/. The time I have spent bashing my head bloody against this proverbial brick wall could have been much more productively spent fapping to eroge, and all replies will thus cease henceforth. May God have mercy on the stale loaf you call a brain.

>> No.42284108

>It's a direct response to your claim that being passive and being at a specific point in time are necessarily mutually exclusive.
That's tearing things out of context. I said that if your behavior is the thing in discussion, then unless you sit down and actively think about it, the fact that your behavior is always with you means that your passive confrontation is not time-specific.
Your ability to understand my posts is really weak.
And I am not using complex language here. I am just ESL, after all.
>to which you have turned two blind eyes
Do you know that neither"misread" nor "incorrect" imply correct action?
I did not address that part because there was no disagreement over it. You just again failed to actually read the words I wrote.
It's quite ironic, really.

>> No.42284234

my powerlevel is over 300 light novels read in japanese take that as you wish

>> No.42284245

>if your behavior is the thing in discussion, then unless you sit down and actively think about it, the fact that your behavior is always with you means that your passive confrontation is not time-specific.
you are overthinking it here, this being her behaviour or someone else's behaviour has no effect on the sentence's meaning at all, it's the same if it said "her irrational behaviour" or "her dog's irrational behaviour" or something
just stop shitting up the thread with self admitted eslness please and talk about light novels

>> No.42284255

>this being her behaviour or someone else's behaviour has no effect on the sentence's meaning at all,
But it does, quite a lot.
I am confronted by your behavior when I am in your presence.
I am confronted by my own, whenever I am awake.

You are an idiot.

>> No.42284276

ESLs should get the rope

>> No.42284373

i just find it funny that anon decided to have this esl melty right after this discussion was had last thread

>> No.42285776

>What is your JSL powerlevel, really?
Hard to say, still think I'm pretty shit but that's probably mostly because of never doing any production and because I'm legitimately somewhat retarded (faulty working memory).
For reference I have somewhere around 7-12k reading hours in the last 5-6 years and I passed N1 around 2013.

>> No.42286201

Good enough. That's all that matters.

>> No.42286254

I have no idea why that anon is so fixated on trpg’s prose, he probably means something else as its pretty simple to read if you actually friggin know Japanese. Also I don’t really like TRPG and the way it does worldbuilding, endless non stop Erich’s rambling gets pretty boring eventually and the amount of text devoted to setting makes you feel as if you’re reading a tabletop setting/worldbuilding manual or something and not an actual story, it’s just endless dump and dump and the developments are just not interesting for me idk just not my cup of tea especially with how it does these what if scenarios , they just feel really cheap. That’s my take it on it but it’s pretty popular might get an anime in the future.

>> No.42286405

that's more a thing with english being an inconsistent mess than anything else really

>> No.42287762
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Just finished it. Pretty great. Next is 二十世紀電氣目録.

>> No.42287923

TRPG is quickly becoming the dark souls of LNs.
Take that in whichever way you want.

>> No.42288030

>as its pretty simple to read if you actually friggin know Japanese.
it's a step above most lns thanks to the author's love of archaisms and unnecessarily convoluted phrasing and that's what matters, i could say the same about the english version, it's not goddamn war and peace or some shit but you need to actually fucking know english to read it unlike baka tsuki mtl mushoku tensei

>> No.42288097
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Just finished Wild Last Boss/野生のラスボスが現れた
Really fucking stupid series but in a superman versus goku versus Zelretch good kind of way. Could probably have been a volume or two shorter but ultimately didn't overstay its welcome.

>> No.42288179
File: 197 KB, 1000x711, Carol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone reading Rebuild World? Carol's nanomachine enhanced pelvis destroying reverse handholding arc can't come soon enough dammit, not that it'll ever be written in the first place.
You know, I was actually half-joking about the whole ESL and quadratic MTL thingy (they exist, but not that much) but now I'm no longer sure dammit.
Sorry to bring up past thread's argument but
>simple to read
But is it as simple as Hellmode's though? Would you honestly say reading an entire chapter fully dedicated to flesh out literally the capital's extensive drainage system to be simpler than reading a chapter full of offhand remarks of Allen's summons destroying several dungeons in a row while he's busy butchering a deer he got by hunting in a nearby forest because he's "playing in hellish difficulty"?
>know Japanese
That's a fair point, but it's really bold of you to think most fans would put in the effort to learn Moon for an admittedly niche subcategory of otaku culture (probably directly below VN and trains) when even a fucking MTL would still convey the general idea, therefore slaking their thirst. And it's even bolder to think that those who says either is better actually read both series in the LN format, the raw JP version at that. How can you be so sure they're not the popular opinion of mangaonlies? Hell, how can you be so sure they're not just shitposters posing as either series' fans?
>the way it does worldbuilding
Heh, guess I've met my diametrical opposition then, because that's exactly what I love from TRPG. I'll admit that the worldbuilding can get quite superfluous most of the time, but to me that only adds more flavor to the world, giving it this 3D feeling like it's real because they're not used as a wordcount filler but as a foundation for current events and sometimes justification for later Deus ex Machina bullshit Schuld pulls out of his ass.
>what if scenarios
I personally like it, it evokes this feeling that Erich actually is in control of his own destiny since the Henderson chapter tends to (although it also hides and at times outright waives some issues altogether) state what he gave to obtain said ending (like the spirit wolf or vampire end for example).
>might get an anime
Hell no, the extensive worldbuilding would be reduced to mere 5 sec slideshow instead, while the fight scenes would be way too boring to adapt since we'll only get swordfighting, magic hand swordfighting, swordfighting with a flying blade, and finally napalm strike if we're lucky. He really doesn't have that much flashy skills at all when compared to other isekai series with [Insert Element Here] Ball/Arrow/Wall and he tends to fights logically to the point that it's not fun.
Man it's fun to rant.

>> No.42288184

It's one of those shitposts where you just have to be impressed that the guy managed to type it all out.

>> No.42288193

>fully dedicated to flesh out literally the capital's extensive drainage system
There seems to be a cute misunderstanding here. The topic is the language, not the content.

>> No.42288209

>the author's love of archaisms and unnecessarily convoluted phrasing
you just described the average LN on the lower half of the iceberg and then some
trpg isn't special in this regard in the slightest, if anything it falls short compared to those

>> No.42288222

can't be any worse than lazy dungeon master

>> No.42288232

I didn't say shit book.
I said shitpost.

LDM is a badly designed story by an incompetent author.
WLB is a freakshow of a 200-chapter shitpost made by a master shitposter.

>> No.42288244

impressive, every single thing you wrote in this post was wrong

>> No.42288262

How the FUCK is Hell Mode ranked above both Shadow and Re:Zero on narou?

>> No.42288293

akshually LDM wasn't that badly designed, if only because it wholly rips off other better structured lns, namely isekai smartphone and death march, by sheer plagiarism alone and copying good foundations, it was pretty decent
but yes, the author was hilariously incompetent, he wrote a shitpost then pivoted into trying to be "serious" and "family friendly" which tore the story apart
and unlike shadow that from the start took the shitpost unironically and make it serious so one side compliments the other, LDM just shat itself into getting axed by trying to be serious but failing at it, and trying to NOT be a shitpost, and failing at that too
it's a similar situation to yogiri's ln actually

>> No.42288313

Post-2014 narou is a normalfag website.
Hell mode panders to normalfags more than the latter two do, simple as.
That and shadow's WN has been dead on the water for literal years.

>> No.42288323

And now that I think about it, that makes dendro the labyrinth of touhou 2 of LNs.
Take that also in whichever way you want.

>> No.42288522

I said this in /a/ before but the gospel of Mr Henderson is a series in which the author goes hyper author appeal overdrive on his very specific crack mixture of loredumps, deadly monster girls, dense fanciful language, and tabletop RPG. The readers who land somewhere towards the center of that Venn diagram tend to turn into cultists for it, whereas anyone else is going to be left bothered and bewildered that anybody could enjoy reading the Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook or Codex: Astra Militarum from cover to cover.

>> No.42288551

what's with trpg that turns people into the annoying kind of cultist?
dendrokeks and shadowkeks are just as devoted but they are insular, they coom all over themselves but that's very much it
then there's trpg fags which are just like MTards, meikyukeks slimekeks, overlordfags and rezerofags these days, they try lord over everyone else their shit that is at best above average, at worst actually mediocre
not even otome mob faggots are this annoying, if only because people reading anything from that author are just reading for the train crashes in real time

>> No.42288564

Other than Meikyu, you seem to be listing fanbases that think their series deserve critical appeal, for one reason or another.

>> No.42288573

this much I will say, /jp/ LN general seems to care about these two sperg novels a hell of a lot more than /a/ isekai general

>> No.42288574


>> No.42288587

you're probably just seeing recency bias because /jp/ has like six posters, three of them liked trpg and one just read it the other day
in /a/ it's coomed about as much as dendro which is to say not very much at all and certainly well behind any of the other shit you mentioned

>> No.42288590

Dendro's manga ended about a year ago (and I'm not sure anyone's read it).
The manga of TRPG has just started. Maybe it'll get more of a following in the future.

>> No.42288594

the manga doesn't have any of what made people become obsessed with the LN except the spider and she goes on hiatus after vol 1 so I doubt it

>> No.42288638

It's just a mild FOTM in here because of like one or two anons blogposting what they read and liking it. If you see it as being "lorded" over other people then that's possibly because you didn't like it yourself so anyone who does seems more uppity in comparison.

>> No.42288642

>Dendro's manga ended about a year ago
Wait, seriously? Wasn't it right bang in the middle of the LN volume 5 climax? How did they just end it there?

>> No.42288654

don't like dendro
don't like trpg

>> No.42288684

Do you prefer cute girls in clothes that would take hours to put on or take off, or sexy girls in improbable armor?

>> No.42288711

idk if i'm a cultist but i'm not under the illusion that either dendro or trpg should be critically acclaimed, i just like their flavors of autism and hope some other anons do too
as far as otakushit is concerned critical acclaim is for normalfag bait like ghiblishit and your name
the only reason mt can even pretend to want critical acclaim is because studio bind went full tryhard on the anime

>> No.42288741

Meikyu is definitively in the "fans think it deserves critical appeal/recognition", it's the ironic weeb's first sex scene after all.

>> No.42288757

i read crow record and liked it better than the main manga, mostly because it's new content
though i definitively liked more the art style of the main manga, sad it didn't go on for that long

>> No.42288770

the latter

>> No.42288807

I read Crow Record and while it didn't quite bore me to tears I wasn't surprised that it got itself axed. Like it tried to be cute girls doing MMO things and a main series style high stakes action with autistic conditional asspulls at the same time and it didn't really do either all that well.

>> No.42288868

it didn't feel like it was axed to me, it felt like it adapted about a volume of original content then ended normally

>> No.42288892

It leaped straight from the first round of a new tournament arc to the finale within a single volume and then ended after the previous arc was 3 volumes long, you can't tell me it would have done this willingly without madame la guillotine.

>> No.42288927

hard to say when i have seen that happen often and not just on manga original shit
nobody really cares about jobbers and even dendro focuses on a relatively small number of characters in proportion to the number of the people on the setting

>> No.42288969

Please name three tournament arcs which went straight from round 1 in one chapter to the final round in the next

>> No.42289022

1: crow record
do the rest of your homework yourself
no way fag

>> No.42289042

I accept your concession

>> No.42289069

you are an Anonymous on an anonymous imageboard anon, it's not a loss of face to just admit you are talking out of your ass, if you are not tripfagging nobody knows who you are or tracks you from one post to the next, you can be a totally new anon with no past with the push of a button at any time

>> No.42289084

>If you see it as being "lorded" over other people then that's possibly because you didn't like it yourself so anyone who does seems more uppity in comparison.
Nah there's definitively a "TRPG is one of the good ones/better than generic trash" sentiment among it's fans, even in this very thread, primarily about the prose, sentiments that try shit on everything else while propping up itself.

>> No.42289102

Get a fucking room, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.42289130
File: 460 KB, 600x600, 1672446964952213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, my mistake then. I thought you were talking about last thread's Hellmode to TRPG comparison since you mentioned phrases. I'll commit seppuku to preserve my famiri's honoru later on, but my point about the language itself still stands though. Be it in Russian, Arabic, Moon, Burger or any other language that exists, extremely long phrases/paragraphs dedicated to describe a single thing will always be a chore to read when compared to oneoffs of the same amount and is by no means "easy to read." Compared to "real" literature maybe, but we're not /lit/.
C'mon anon. There's nothing wrong with liking or hating a series. You shouldn't let isek/a/i's ironic shitposting stay with you, the thread was precisely made to avoid things like that so discussion can take place and it's not like I can only sing TRPG's praises, same goes for Dendro, Danmachi, Ben-To, Regios and all the other series that I've read (since past a certain point you'll be able to both accept and understand a series' strength and weakness, unless you read something from LDM's author, LDManon got a perfectly compelling reason to hate on that series forever). If you've got an LN you wanna discuss, just say it, nobody's gonna judge you even if you read 純愛陵辱 コンプレックス (can't say I hate it desu).

>> No.42289141

>even in this very thread
I searched the whole thread and all I got was
>Anon having trouble reading it and being responded to that it's probably above his reading level
>Anon posting a snippet of a newly translated chapter and causing an ESL to meltdown
>Anon says he doesn't like for X reason, another anon says he does like it for same X reason
>Anon crying about how uppity TRPGkeks are
not really seeing it desu
Even going back a few threads the only thing I saw any trpgfag shat on was Hell Mode

>> No.42289162

>extremely long phrases/paragraphs dedicated to describe a single thing will always be a chore to read when compared to oneoffs of the same amount
No, I can't agree with that.
I tend to writer longer sentences in English than people are comfortable with because in my native language, longish sentences are good form.
If you write well, you can write 10 line paragraphs with a single sentence and it will read well.
Contrarily, if all your sentences are "subject-predicate-object period", people will get annoyed at you.

>> No.42289187

I'm not sure I ever expressed difficulty reading it. I said that the text annoyed me. But the fact that the other guy (you?) kept assuming that I didn't understand the text does say things about your ability to read.

>> No.42289188

>unless you read something from LDM's author, LDManon got a perfectly compelling reason to hate on that series forever
Why the fuck the /a/ generals create so many schizos? I request a QRD on this, sounds fun to hear about.

>> No.42289202

Speaking as one of the fags who has on occasion said he enjoys TRPG's prose, I've only ever said positive things about liking how it flows, not negative things about other novels in comparison. I've also pointed out more than once that overwrought wordiness is not for everyone and many people who dislike it are very valid in those same opinions, in fact I've pointed this out almost any time I try to recommend it. At best I've made the occasional jab against SEAmonkeys who don't like it because they genuinely cannot parse it, but shitting on SEAmonkeys goes for pretty much anything. I can't control how you read my or any other anon's posts, but my personal opinion is that I think you're wrong.

>> No.42289208

Is this a self demonstrating post? You should read that post again, then read the thread again, then think harder about who is being referred to and where.

>> No.42289212

So, which post is
>>Anon having trouble reading it
referring to?

>> No.42289220

It's the seventh reply in this thread, illiteratebro.

>> No.42289230

It seems I am way too self-centered.

>> No.42289287
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>> No.42289292

>who can’t parse it
Actually there is a fan tl of the first few chapters though that doesn’t seem like a job of a sea monke comparing it with the official TL

>> No.42289380

Long shot but is there any epub uploads of Yuusha Yamemasu in Japanese? Looked through all the links in the OP and did some googling, found a zip but I'd really prefer an epub or htmlz so I can use it with ttu ebook

>> No.42289636

I interrupt your bi-weekly autism spergout to report the next overlap wave.
>ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略 life.11
>本能寺から始める信長との天下統一 9
>黒鳶の聖者 5
>エロゲ転生 運命に抗う金豚貴族の奮闘記 4
>反逆者として王国で処刑された隠れ最強騎士 1
>無気力ニートな元神童、冒険者になる 2

>> No.42289650

>no arifureta after
see you next month

>> No.42289683

i recognize that name, tried reading the wn and it was pretty good, then realized it's a fucking abyss and it was about to reach 2500 chapters last time i checked
stopped around the time he got the second undead girl because reading that would take forever, does he ever fuck the princess and the maid?

>> No.42289810
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>> No.42289832

what the fuck how do you even write that much

>> No.42290035


>> No.42290063

Some authors are deranged.
Some like dendro's write needlessly compounded convoluted stuff.
Some like shadow's and grief's write multi-layered schizo stuff.
Some just write a lot.
Quite a lot.

>> No.42290065
File: 196 KB, 865x1154, 1673051109149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fan translator seems to have made a serious attempt at preserving the wordiness and stylistic flourishes, but almost certainly no native English speaker wrote these sentences, compared to

>> No.42290112

you should see what gooks and chinks can shit out

>> No.42290117

this reads pretty well and professional for a jap translation
this reads like ass

that said i'd rather eat a bowl of nails than read either of them when i could just read the nip instead - if you're actually interested in lns there's no way past learning the moon

>> No.42290120

they also make actual padding orders of magnitude worse than trpg's, so it hardly counts
just do >>42290035 at that point
or what the mushroom man does, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose, this prose

>> No.42290135

Obviously, I'm just commenting on the "this doesn't look like a seamonke job" thing.

>> No.42290146

That last paragraph gave me a headache

>> No.42290151

mushroom man did ONE this prose this prose scene but nobody will let it go.
I think writing for fate grand order actually tempered his habits a bit because he needs to write within the limits of a two line dialog box and a mobileshitter's attention span.

>> No.42290154

Weirdly enough this is more accurate to how it reads in japanese, even if it sounds weird in english.

>> No.42290203

I mean Ciel's route in the remake was still autistically long and awesome so I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.42290220

it's a literal tl that's what it feels like to try to read it in nip, sort of
on the other hand nip and anglo grammar and convention is so different just finding and replacing words this way doesn't give the same feel at all
it's also just full of grammar errors full stop
preserving japanese sentence structure this way is usually a sign of someone trying to mtl piece by piece and having no confidence in their interpretation

in conclusion neck all wordpress mtlkeks and patreon jews either read a "good" tl that manages a spiritual approximation in the target language (but is still a distortion by necessity), or learn Japanese

but outside of jewnovel and like one or two jewpress efforts you'll hardly ever find a "good" tl this way so you're stuck learning nip

>> No.42290239

>so you're stuck learning nip
I'd view it more as an encouragement to do a beneficial thing, than causing one to be "stuck" with this.

>> No.42290258

ah shit it reads meandering like western literature, just like overlord
teetering on the edge of making sentences skippable filler but adding just enough important context on each sentence because fuck you, you ain't skipping shit
and to top it off, zero emotional weight, flat lining all the way through
no wonder it's fanbase is nothing but absolute snobs

>> No.42290318

Again if you're reading snobbiness into people saying they like the prose, you might just be angry at others liking things you don't. Personally I like it and I've said so many times, but I also like tons of shit that read nothing like it, and I've also said that not everyone will or has to like it. Enjoyment isn't a zero sum game, anon.

>> No.42290415

if you left the /a/ fanbase war autism at the door like you were supposed to maybe you wouldn't be so triggered by others having fun

>> No.42290429


>> No.42290574

/a/ is that way consolewarfag

>> No.42290583

>LDM rips off isekai smartphone

>> No.42290669

Dendro isn't that convoluted or compounded, the fights are no worse than your typical O MY RUBBER NEN tier fantasy battle where every matchup depends on a domino cascade of very specific conditional activations and the lore is just ancient aliens. At best it can start getting hard to keep track of the clusterfuck that is Caldina's intrigue.

>> No.42290673

the magic system is a botched abomination that badly mixes smartphone's elemental system and death march's chant system (and hero skill lore)
basically, in that setting people need chants to produce effects with magic, with magic being split into different elements, and the MC has an auto-translator which means he can make up chants and create whatever spell he wants
which actually doesn't matter because people strong enough can just create the effects by willpower alone so they don't need chants either
except it does matter because people can learn spells and skills off scrolls
if this sounds like it makes no sense, that is very much exactly the point

>> No.42290837
File: 582 KB, 1080x2064, 1673056218457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone answer me this dendro lore question
what do the tians think of earth? Do they think it's another world where the masters are visiting from, or another world where native masters are forced to get kidnapped to? The very first volume implies the latter but every perspective from tians we see later implies the former.

>> No.42290999

>Do they think it's another world where the masters are visiting from
Pretty sure almost all of them except for those with more knowledge about both worlds think this.
I'm not sure how would anyone reach the latter conclusion when they are all weirdos without knowledge of the world that are obviously not native.

>> No.42291180

Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll assume either this was just early volume weirdness or Shu was talking shit or this is just lore that the "devs" wrote for their website that became outdated relative to actual realities within dendro

>> No.42291197

>this is just lore that the "devs" wrote for their website
Pretty sure that's exactly what Shu explains it as.

>> No.42291245

Sure, but he presented it as fact.

>> No.42291267

Well it is basically fact from a tian perspective, technically it's not even a lie.

>> No.42291428

Erich is a dex fighter, they can make the action gripping with a good enough director and animation team. Which it won't get so I don't want it to get an anime. Also because I don't want to dirty my eyes with a half 3d margitt or nakeisha

>> No.42291521

i want to play dendro so bad bros

>> No.42291544

It's not even a fact from a tian perspective though, they know that the masters are isekaijin and not kidnapped natives.

>> No.42291561

I don't think we are on the same page here.

>> No.42291585

>its pretty simple to read if you actually friggin know Japanese.
Not really. Even the jap comments in narou frequently talk about the idiosyncratic prose and I think their opinion's more believable than my fellow JSL's

>> No.42291596

i have also said the same shit too but oh well

>> No.42291703

Read some of rebuild world but kind of dropped off around the time they were fighting underground scorpions. The whole thing was just too dry for me and the MC wasn't the good kind of autistic. I should get back to it.

>> No.42291741

I mean he presented the website's story of "tians believe masters get spirited away as the price of Embryo power" as fact, but actually tians know perfectly well masters are just visiting from another world to begin with.

>> No.42293208

Does satisfying romance require sex?
Is avoiding sex a sign of bad romance?

>> No.42293250

I would say it depends
if the girl offers you sex on the first day after starting dating, then yes, I think it's bad

>> No.42293401

only if it's rape that leads to romance

>> No.42293428


>> No.42293460

Rokujouma has extremely wholesome and satisfying romance with no sex.

>> No.42293498

No and no. But a well executed sex scene is always welcome

>> No.42293873
File: 399 KB, 1218x912, lol .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it’s just not written well though when a native says it reads like ass so what about other opinions like this? I sure would trust them over some anons here....

>> No.42293986

I haven't read the series in question, but keep in mind that japs can have fucking retarded opinions too. If anons here have no problem keeping track of the points of views of the characters, then I'm not going to trust that dude.

>> No.42294060

I unironically liked Katsuya and his antics. Too bad about him though.

>> No.42294079

I trust that that dude is the same as the Anglos who wrote similar opinions on the US Amazon in not liking the style.

>> No.42294313

my point is not about it being well written or not , but it being not "pretty simple to read if you actually friggin know Japanese". The correct retort would be to post a jap saying it's pretty easy to read. You could find both people saying the prose is great or it is shit but I doubt you will find someone saying it's a easy read.

>> No.42295215

>racism again

>> No.42295339

Abbreviating things is racism now?

>> No.42296671
File: 81 KB, 1699x331, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's another review which says that the reviewer didn't have a problem with what he calls wordy and peculiar text but understands why naroufags who are used to template writing might find it hard to read
he recommends it but also recommends trying the wn first to see if the writing is for you

which has pretty much been my position from day one

>> No.42296761

cringe thread

>> No.42296810

idiosyncratic would be the better definition of 癖 here but anyway. The consolewar posts are really getting tiresome

>> No.42296972
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>> No.42297024

there's a mild difference in nuance between saying a text is peculiar and saying that a text has peculiarities but this is off topic

>> No.42297058

>that font

>> No.42297116
File: 68 KB, 1701x355, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what it looks like in desktop chrome
tried firefox and it's fine
i dunno if this is chrome or amazon's fault

>> No.42297127

>there's a mild difference in nuance
Sure. But I find it funny that an anon would call out a quick and dirty translation over a mild difference in nuance.

>> No.42297256

When do they get round to actually rebuilding the world?

>> No.42297273

still looks like a chinese font you're probably already crippled

>> No.42297295

I do have a chinese language pack installed on this PC but not a japanese one so you're probably right

>> No.42297312

i know japanese so yeah i am

>> No.42297344

i meant about me being crippled, not about the kanji being in chinese

>> No.42297352

just change the font in your browser

>> No.42297611
File: 121 KB, 788x560, Fat from stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do x think about earth?
I'm pretty sure it's the former, but to give you more context,
Ayylmaos: A cheap place to outsource slav--"workers," also potential invasion target, at least until they got another Infinite in their ranks.
Tians/Mooks: Heaven/paradise or some sort. Seriously, this is closely related to why there's no organized religion in Dendro. It's also why the former king refuses to conscript Masters during the Machine-Knight war also partially because of Flagman's influence.
High-Ends: Every high-ends (CoCk, Claudiah, and IIRC Rook's Chink ghost) knows the truth due to the Archtype System. La Place, Flagman, and Canglong aren't High-Ends though.
UBMs, SUBMs, Irregulars: Most Irregulars like Drag-Heaven and Drag-Stream, Altar, and Dryfe Imperstand knows the truth, the younger ones like Tunguska and Drag-Earth probably doesn't know the full extent. S/UBMs gives no fuck though.
The Evil: Doesn't give a damn.
Prism Persons: Everything related to Incarnations must be destroyed, no matter what.
The original admins: A certain someone is trying to invade earth.
Neverever? The WN's been abandoned now, while the LN's about to reach current WN's arc IIRC. I give it another ~2 years before it goes into hiatus. It's quite a shame desu.
No, it requires fully fleshed out characters and actual progress. Sex as the hallmark of romance feels to shallow, it's like the author doesn't know other ways to express love. Sacrifice (Fremd Torturchen), devotion (Faraway Paladin), desperation (MT), and sorrow (Alderamin) would work just as much or possibly even better depending on the series. And personally for me, if I were to read something about romance involving sex, it's not about the act itself but the sexual tension between characters that I care, because it signifies how deep their feelings to each others are.
Have you read Lazy Dungeon Master? The story itself has no ground to stand upon, the author at first wrote the series to be an SFW fetishistic dungeon/town-building mess of a story with loli-rape, slaves, used goods, and light yuri. But then he decided to suck the dick out of the big cheez exec of Overlap if it meant getting his story published, resulting in major rewrite that only serves to anger the old "fans" without addressing the most critical and important issue, that being it has no plot. This happens for several volumes until the author finally decided to introduce the final boss to make the nonexistent plot progress, but in the worst way possible since his disease flared up once again in the form of adding genderbender, futanari, and offscreen sex (not involving the MC) in the process. Now think about poor little LDManon who had devoted his lifetime hoping the story will get better with each update but was instead given an absolute diarrhea as time goes by. It's a fever dream of the worst kind, that's how I see it anyway.

>> No.42298248
File: 609 KB, 1242x1186, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't you just get off your high horse and talk about what makes the series good, or rather talk about the actual series instead of this nonsense which isn't true.
Yes it's nothing special and pretty simple to read.

>> No.42298457

He's saying, in the context of him being able to marathon the whole thing in one go despite being tired of the trope where you can say STATUS OPEN and bring up a game window, that the story (話) was thus considered easily readable. He's not talking about the wording and prose, but with the plot and content.
Being able to grasp context is a basic Japanese reading skill, you should try and develop it sometime.

>> No.42298565
File: 189 KB, 1074x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about what makes the series good
I posted my reason several threads ago
That hasn't changed
Another anon posted his reason here >>42288179
I'm an EOP who can only read kindergarten books so I won't comment on the Japanese text

>> No.42298627
File: 20 KB, 849x68, dudeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have serious issues with understanding Japanese it seems. First of all he's saying it's truly a narou-kei isekai with the usual tropes like MC having cheats etc and indeed he's saying how he was tired of status open type series but he found it easily digestible and read it in one go like you said because of plot and content but finally
話としても読みやすい is actually a compliment don't take it the wrong way but also look up the meaning next time before going apeshit about things you don't understand.

>> No.42298640
File: 15 KB, 186x208, 1348771217368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the blatant /a/fugee crying about supposed elitism is being way more annoying than the trpgfags have ever been

>> No.42298653

話としても読みやすい btw is exactly what you were looking for >>42294313
>I doubt you will find someone saying it's a easy read
Now you can stop coping and deluding EOPs that it's anything special.
I didn't want to call you out but you're going too far. it's nothing special ok? You're not going to surprise any native with TRPG's prose.

>> No.42298696

that's fine but this one anon is being all elitist about it which was amusing

>> No.42298908

>話としても読みやすい btw is exactly what you were looking for
Anon, I... try reading that whole jap sentence won't you? If you still think that's what he is saying, well, you do you.
And also stop fighting with the elitist boogeyman in your head, there's like one anon who was vaguely condescending other lns while talking about trpg ln. If anything, being the anon who did that little blogposting a few threads back about this ln's prose being needlessly convoluted, I don't even match the criteria for being your boogeyman. My only argument in this thread was only about the idiosyncracy of the text and how it needs atleast a bit more effort than the usual stuff.
If you still want to imagine a fictional elitist behind every comment you didn't like, you are welcome to do so.

>> No.42298935

I did, now you try reading it one more time, more carefully this time around.
Someone who can't understand basic Japanese shouldn't have an opinion about prose and whatnot.
The End that's all I wanted to say knock yourself out.

>> No.42299088

i hid the conversation a long time ago i wish these fags would continue their retarded argument on discord or something

>> No.42299117
File: 134 KB, 1008x1078, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look man I'm the first to admit that I'm far, far from anything like native fluency but between trusting multiple other anons, the translator who seems to have an idea of what he is doing, and multiple comments from nips on narou and amazon and bookmeter all saying the prose is too purple and longwinded, versus one anon having a meltdown about imaginary high horsed snobs and his single amazon review smoking gun, i would probably go with my gut and trust the former more.

>> No.42299156

>there's like one anon who was vaguely condescending other lns while talking about trpg ln
that anon was being vaguely condescending about Hell Mode which frankly deserves it

>> No.42299225
File: 18 KB, 240x258, 1320085991467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on anon, there's no need to be so negative. Hell Mode is an extremely readable example of the MMO grinding log genre, and it has cute girls.

>> No.42299442

what is the autistic desire that you can't fulfill IRL that dendro will give you the possibility for?

>> No.42299632

Calling hell mode technically readable is like calling a tree technically edible.

>> No.42299725

>But then he decided to suck the dick out of the big cheez exec of Overlap if it meant getting his story published
It's worse than that if you actually follow the author's twitter and LN afterwords.
It was self censorship to try get an anime, and mind you this is the same publisher that puts out arifureta, black summoner, and loner isekai, all of which are more edgy and sexual in their LN versions than LDM's WN ever was, and the first two already got an anime with the third being a matter of time after the butchered manga.
In fact, you can sort of see the editor desperate to make the author progress the romance since volume 1 to have any semblance of plot progression at all, with attempts that include aging up rokuko to make advances easier because the editor thought the author was one of those "yes loli no touch" guys, which he probably was but that was one of many problems.

>> No.42299765

>First of all he's saying it's truly a narou-kei isekai with the usual tropes like MC having cheats etc and indeed he's saying how he was tired of status open type series but he found it easily digestible and read it in one go
That opinion literally wouldn't be out of place on reddit.

>> No.42299795

all i learned from this is to add trpg to my "ignore literally all discussion about it because it will hijack any thread if you poke the hive" list alongside MT, overlord, slime and meikyuu

>> No.42300430

I'm confident that this was a one-off.
No one even tried to discuss the series itself. It was all meta about who said what, and why saying whatever was or wasn't said is totally unacceptable or actually perfectly reasonable.
You could probably quote random posts from the quote tree, make up some vague, general claim prose and no one will notice what you're doing.

>> No.42300692

Eh not poking the hive is good advice, especially when it comes to mushoku and slime for example.
Yes, nobody is discussing the series itself, just how good it supposedly is or isn't based on the prose and meta on who said what but that's the point, that's what happens when the hive is poked.
Once the popularity of something revolves around first and foremost how critically acclaimed it is or should be (basically how "good" it is), that's when you know to not poke the hive, because the discussion will start at nonsense and devolve further from there.

>> No.42301211

I mean literally nobody in this thread or a previous ever claimed it should be critically acclaimed or that it's good just because of the prose. This was all just anon being a schizo and imagining a cabal of prose elitists and dragging /a/ consolewar faggotry in because people mentioned the way the text is written being a filter for enjoying the rest of it here >>42288522, note that at no point in that post was actual quality ever mentioned, only fetishes.
Rest of it was just that someone sperging out over whether that filter actually exists, and never about how good or bad it is.

>> No.42301405

Honestly none of MT, overlord, slime or meikyufags have caused problems in /jp/ so far. On the other hand a butthurt kagefag derailed a couple of threads by being angry about yen press.

>> No.42301526

There's one MT guy that tried to, but everyone ignored him because they know to not poke the hive when it comes to MT.
There was one slime guy that tried to, but the guy posted near the end of the thread and again, everyone knew to not poke the hive.

>> No.42301570

>by being angry about yen press.
pretty sure that was the usual "translations bad" that everyone rants about at least once a month, and if trpg wasn't by jnc you would have had the exact same shit happen with it too
be thankful dendro was also by jnc or you would have those rants happen daily

>> No.42301612

it's just one guy, nobody else cares enough to sperg about it outside of the boilerplate "learn JP for the more complete experience" reminder that goes with everything

>> No.42301644

>it's just one guy
If you're going to keep with your /v/ console wars at least go all the way and nuke the thread into bump limit to start a new one already.

>> No.42301820

Do people even talk about overlord anymore?
I see more people complaining about overlordfags than I see actual overlordfags. The author stopped writing even.

>> No.42301878

I see people shitposting about it on /a/.

And then there's the Quartet-fags of course.

>> No.42301902

I don't think there's any overlorfags left after the most recent volumes, but the stigma remains.
I wouldn't wish having an author like maruyama on any series.
Even LDM was better off, despite having a literal capeshit "everyone is here" final battle, at least it did so while returning to it's roots, giving the readers what they wanted for one final goodbye.

>> No.42301943

it's even stupider than that, people aren't arguing how good it is, just whether trpgfags are shitting on other novels or not and whether it's written annoyingly or not (which doesn't mean quality).
my conclusion after all this is that I'm just going to keep posting about TRPG whenever there's anything to discuss about it like a new volume or a new chapter on narou or something and idgaf

>> No.42301955

i would forgive overlord's current volumes if i didn't have to wait so many years for 3 volumes total, only to have them be a nothingburger anyway
vol 13 happened in April 27, 2018
vol 15-16 happened in June 30-July 29, 2022
that shit is not "wait literal years for the final showdown" content

>> No.42302011
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Anyway in actual LN discussion I recently finished the last volume of Strike the Blood. It feels like despite all the earth-shattering events and whatnot the main cast were left in almost exactly the same at the end of the series as they were at the start, from beginning to end there was not an iota of character development and barely a hint of relationship progress.
I was extremely let down that Natsuki did not get the fang. The author had one job.
6/10 it was definitely a novel of all time.

>> No.42302024

>Even LDM was better off, despite having a literal capeshit "everyone is here" final battle, at least it did so while returning to it's roots, giving the readers what they wanted for one final goodbye.
i mean, i did like the "everyone is here" final showdown
my only complaint was the author writing leona out of the final fight with such a copout

>> No.42302030

>they were at the start, from beginning to end there was not an iota of character development and barely a hint of relationship progress.
I was just about to ask you if the novels were any better than the anime or if I should stay the fuck away from it.
I remember watching it many years ago, until I asked myself why.
I just had no idea how to answer that question.

>> No.42302068

>Natsuki did not get the fang. The author had one job.
What the fuck why.
Definitively was a novel indeed at least.

>> No.42302118

I think the novels do chuuni action shit pretty decently, whereas the anime's budget being quit middling means it can't always give the action the weight it needs. The anime also skipped a quite plot-important flashback volume which itself had some great action and best girl, I assume they were holding out for a movie that they never got. In that sense the novels have more to offer. However in pretty much every other sense the novels have very little to offer over the anime, and at least the OVAs have animated and voiced girls, and some of them even have nipples.

>> No.42302140

by "chuuni" do you mean megumeme over the top shit, or just normal coolness
do please clarify if possible because i noticed this word also tends to cause autism spergouts

>> No.42302156

Just normal urban fantasy coolness in the vein of raildex or TM.
Else the novels are shallow enough that not much really gets lost in the transition to anime. You could almost make an argument that the novels read like an anime novelization.

>> No.42302252

>You could almost make an argument that the novels read like an anime novelization.
you're giving me arifureta flashbacks here, or at least you would if the anime for that wasn't terrible, though it's fight scenes do read in the same way
but yeah if not much happened i can see how that feels like "what was even the point"

>> No.42302260

>It feels like despite all the earth-shattering events and whatnot the main cast were left in almost exactly the same at the end of the series as they were at the start, from beginning to end there was not an iota of character development and barely a hint of relationship progress.
I enjoyed the anime for the dumb battle harem antics, but yeah I suspected the LNs would be like this which is why I never bothered to go deeper.

>> No.42302301

I would say "I don't want to step on the landmine but.." but fuck it, let's go, we're 50 or so posts off bump limit anyway due to the TRPG spergout.
Blame the new era of ironic weebs that can't embrace the coolness unironically and have to protect their egos in some way because it's "cringe".

>> No.42302319

If you're hanging out in places where chuuni is used ironically and not straight then you're doing it wrong, shit like FSN has been described as chuuni by its own fans for as long as I can remember.

>> No.42302334

To me, chuuni describes the point when you as the audience no longer accept the notion that the characters' actions are all business.
When you can't help but be consciously aware that they (or the author) set things up specifically because it would be cooler in this way.

>> No.42302375

As much as I hate the argument, words have meaning, but that meaning changes over time.
In current times "chuuni" doesn't mean what it used to be, exactly because of people being too irony poisoned.
It no longer means "things that are cool if impractical", now it just means "retard screaming shit as if they were deluded about having powers...except they actually have those powers, breaking the definition of the syndrome in the first place".
Does it make sense? No, and I'm not happy about it either.

>> No.42302391

Chuuni is definitely a word that precedes any kind of "new era", I would say. The existence of the word "cool" doesn't make it redundant, it typically refers to a particular flavor of coolness with lots of flashy lights and particle effects, gratuitous foreign languages, autistic conceptual conditionals and shit. and
also more like anti-trpgfag spergout but let's let sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.42302409

I'm not sure what kind of casuals you have been interacting with where "chuuni" only refers to megumeme parody nonsense, but I'm certain you'll not find them here or even in most of /a/.

>> No.42302420

This. I have described stuff I enjoy as chuuni for years and have never heard anyone complain until this one random dude in these threads.

>> No.42302427

Considering a fucking KyoAni anime is named after it, it should be easy to convince just about any anon that chuuni has little to do with actual super powers, even if they did try to argue that.

>> No.42302432

That's chuunibyou, not chuuni

>> No.42302439
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I'm not sure I follow.

>> No.42302457

Chuunibyou is EL PSY CONGROO.

>> No.42302464

Chuuni is the abbrevation of chuunibyou.

>> No.42302479

Chuuni is shortened from chuunibyou, but this short form is more frequently used to describe straight up superpowershit and not fake superpowershit.

>> No.42302488

>more frequently used to describe
That doesn't sound like a change in definition.

>> No.42302497

You're mixing me up with the other guy

>> No.42302516

Somehow this is about the exact kind of autism I would expect from a LN general.

>> No.42302520

No, I'm trying to make sense of the argument.
It doesn't sound like much of one to me.

If it were like with ecchi, where people use it to refer to softcore in contrast to actual hentai, then I would accept the point.
But you just spoke of frequency.

>> No.42302551

No, I'm not the one arguing that chuuni now means ironic retard powers, I'm saying that chuuni more often describes the kind of shit that chuunibyou sufferers fantasize about, and the KyoAni show is about the latter.

>> No.42302566

I'm going to continue to describe anything that has superpowers, hidden organizations, archaic language, life philosophies, dramatic over-the-top battles, etc. as chuuni and you can't stop me.

>> No.42302584

>No, I'm not
Anon, I don't care who you are. I am addressing what you are saying, not you.
I could stop quoting you, if that made you happy. But to me a functional quote chain makes threads easier to read.

>I'm saying that chuuni more often describes
And I am pointing out to you that this does not alter the definition, since from the beginning that described both.

>> No.42302592

i already stopped using a lot of japangrish stuff in normal conversation but not because this, because /vt/ shit was fucking cringe and i didn't want to get lumped in with them
it's either straight english or straight japanese for me now, i just call things cool
cool things are cool

>> No.42302601

To me, cool requires that you manage to sell it as natural.

>> No.42302653

what is "natural" anyway? is it the sweat and tears that comes from a hero's journey? or is it the fine conceptual orchestra that comes from compound ideals colliding? is it someone smoking cheap cigars? or the one quippy one-liners that wouldn't be out of place in a hollywood movie?
each and every person born in this world is shaped by the environment they grew up in, you have to be biased, arrogant, and completely ignorant to believe there's a way of showing something you could call "natural"

>> No.42302695

Yeah, my bad, I assumed that when you were talking about "changes in definition" you were referring to this post complaining about meanings changing over time >>42302375
Because I was not arguing that the definition changed, only that one form more frequently refers to one over the other, and therefore contextually in a vacuum 99% of the time the more frequent usage can be assumed as the default.
Yes, if we were to get this autistic about it then couching it in such absolutist terms as here >>42302457 was strictly incorrect. Forgive me for thinking that generalizing in broad strokes in casual conversation would be acceptable.
My original point was that no, it's not easy to convince any anon of that, because a definition for chuuni is already in frequent use.

>> No.42302702

>what is "natural" anyway?
I mean like pretending that you didn't spend 2 hours in the bathroom this morning getting your "unkempt" hair to look just right, and fixing your 3-days beard to exactly the right length and shade.
That you never practiced how to sling your jacket over your shoulder and hold it by a finger, such that it wouldn't look out of place in a movie.

Natural as in, "not trying to be impressive, just being impressive".

>> No.42302720

No, Kage has a rather dedicated troll. I think he came here just to make what he was say sound more authoritative.

>> No.42302755

Why do /a/ refugees like you keep thinking anyone here cares about the schizos living in their walls?

>> No.42302792

You would be surprised at the amount of "natural" stuff that is fake as hell.
The only difference is it being socially acceptable.

>> No.42302821

I never implied that "natural" existed at all, so I am not sure why you would take me for somebody who thinks most of the world to be natural.

>> No.42302897

>no the details over how a word is used doesn't matter
>everyone proceeds to argue over the details of how a word is used
it's like i'm back in the early 2010s, this general is great bros

>> No.42303314

>learn Japanese so you don't even have to look at translations
>still spend time arguing about them instead of reading

>> No.42303577

yeah i had to scroll past all of this garbage

>> No.42303639

and exactly nobody cares you didn't read it either, it's just adding more garbage to the pile

>> No.42303672

you never know the arguing faggots may be deeply hurt by the fact that i didn't read their drivel and take a step back before hitting the submit button after their next fit of mental diarrhea

>> No.42303697

Pretty sure it's the opposite, pointing it out means it annoyed you enough to post about it, which just empowers people to post more.
Which is, you know, why most were just ignoring it.

>> No.42303751

In my defense, I'm still waiting for my shipped books to arrive.

>> No.42303763

my books from cdjapan always arrive within a week max i love those guys

>> No.42303780

Reminds me I need to buy a bunch of those clear sleeve protectors

>> No.42303786

it's about the emotional investment and feeling scammed from realizing how bad english translations really are

>> No.42303902
File: 144 KB, 750x1059, Fl0g8fxacAAp62l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfway into vol6 of お隣の小悪魔様 and it's been constant いちゃいちゃ so far. I wonder how the story will be paced from now on.

>> No.42303921

is this real?
why did mahiru turn evil?

>> No.42303933


>> No.42303941

when she teases Amane, characters call her that way

>> No.42303968

yeah, I remember that
gotta start reading it again sometime
the last one I read was vol 5

>> No.42304028

if it can help motivate you, volume 8 releases next Friday

>> No.42304056

I'm just really lazy when it comes to read in japanese
sometimes I'm motivated enough to read and look up words I don't know but other times I just don't even want to and pick up something new that already has a "decent" translation and see if it is good

>> No.42304095

I'm a bit like that
my trick is to pick series with very far-behind translations so that I'm forced to read the latest volumes in Japanese

>> No.42304127

>my trick is to pick series with very far-behind translations
I do that too sometimes
the problem is that you can't find the newest volumes on the internet and you're either forced to buy them or wait years for them to be available for free
I was reading クラスの大嫌いな女子と結婚することになった and had to stop at vol 3 because I don't have access to the newest volumes...

>> No.42304197

yeah that's the hardest part about being an ln fan
though you're lucky:
https://mega.. nz/folder/en5iEKKb#AdKJ8PElMhmfZz_4yWlrZg
I ripped volume 5 from kindle unlimited and volume 4 was on z-lib

>> No.42304259

>forced to buy them
Oh no the horror

>> No.42304261

bro, if I had a pussy, I would give it to you right now and suck you dry lmao
thanks a lot!

>> No.42304287

good reading to you bro

>> No.42304291

I'm just really afraid of buying novels that are just too recent and that might get axed

>> No.42304845

Not buying something is exactly the opposite of what you should be doing if you're afraid it might get axed.

>> No.42305701

if they have more than 3 volumes, you're pretty much set

>> No.42305973

This, it feels like the rawest form of betrayal, and I assume that's why so many people have the same kind of seething hatred towards translations these days.

>> No.42306100

probably more relevant in lns than any other medium when as little as 100 sales can save a series depending on the publisher, especially before the 3 volume great filter

>> No.42306223

>if they have more than 3 volumes, you're pretty much set
that's not always true

>> No.42306231

fucking lmao
stop being melodramatic, do your reps and read your fucking raws
life is too short to spend it seething at an irrelevant past

>> No.42306244

it works all the time, about 80% of the time
which is basically all the time
really, you need a special kind of talent to run a 10+ volume down to the ground all the way to the axe
and on those special cases you can see it from a mile away anyway

>> No.42306275

pretty funny that LDM managed it

>> No.42306287

Pretty sure it's more common for an author to die or lose interest past the 10 volume mark.

>> No.42306356

what's worse is the author probably could have avoided the axe if there was any real romantic progress at all
even if it was ripped off he still had a good setting, that was one of the examples of needing a special kind of talent to run that to the ground, it's pretty impressive honestly

>> No.42306409

If anything it's impressive it even got to 10 volumes in the first place.

>> No.42306478

the premise was solid, the MC was entertaining, the girls were cute, there was more than enough intrigue setting/plot wise, there's not much else a story can ask for
for a while it did well with those elements too, in my opinion everything up until leona appears is actually kind of amazing, i don't blame anyone that stuck with it until the end from sheer sunk cost, i know i did

>> No.42306513

Also stuck with it until the end from sunk cost, still reading the WN too.
I just ask myself why.

>> No.42314458


>> No.42314666

Right in the middle of a heated discussion too.
You made me lose track of what I was saying.
