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42256292 No.42256292 [Reply] [Original]

Share any dreams you've had about going to Gensokyo and/or interacting with 2hus.
Discuss these dreams with other anons.

>> No.42256297

I'll start with a classic:

I have been to Gensokyo 3 times in my dreams, 2 of them where when I started the process to lucid dream (dream journal and shit) so it wasn't 100% lucid, in the first one I was on the Bamboo Forest of the Lost when I saw Eirin. She approached me and we went to Eientei and had a talk about science and stuff.

I knew it was Eirin because of her looks, the long silver/white hair with her large braid and her clothing red/blue gave it away, that end my assumption that I was on Gensokyo, aside from physical appearance she had like an "aura", I felt it when I got closer to her, it was like she was different like more classy and royalty than the way she looks, she seemed like super smart I didn't even ask her anything and yet it was like she "stood out" by just standing, something that I found very weird was seeing her without her hat, anyway going back to the genius like aura it felt like when I used to talk to my science teacher (I was really into science stuff) so like admiration, superior knowledge that I could get, I was so impatient to talk to her and try get to know more of her and the Yagokoro medicine, I wanted to test her that's the way I felt when I saw her like "she is so fucking great", also the way she acted was very calm, like she had everything under control and already calculated.

After we sat down I the first thing I did was to give her an equation to see how fast she could do it I wrote one on a paper (I have no idea where I got it) and gave it to her, she gave it back to me in like 5 seconds with a written answer (not jus x=b or some shit like that), her writing was messy but elegant at the same time, after that we just talked briefly about various topics (botany, the use of natural herbs in medicine, and I don't remember anymore), one that stood out was about how to transport medicine (pills) on paper, I told her that in the outside world they use bottles to transport pills and sell them, she taught me how to transport pills on paper without the risk of them falling out or getting dirty, to do that I had to fold the paper in a certain way (I don't know if this actually works IRL because I haven't tried it but it could probably work), we also talked about eyebrows and eyelashes and the function of them on the daily life, and lastly we talked about time, how it works why sometimes it feel like its running slower or faster and then she told me that the hour 06:50 was important, after that I woke up at exactly 06:50 (no alarm or noise, nothing at all).

>> No.42256419
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Doesn't really count but I once dreamed I visited a brothel with my old high school class and one of the girls on offer was cosplaying Sakuya with far too much makeup. She was also stupid expensive, too. (I'm not a big Sakuya enjoyer, by the way)

I had an autism moment so I ended up not picking any and just sitting in a lounge chair in the waiting room while everyone else fucked hoes.

>> No.42256479

Last night I was in a surf map like those found in Source engine games. Source Engine physics applied, so I really could surf on those slopes.
Yukari was watching me.

>> No.42256518


Did someone pick Sakuya?

>> No.42256519
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therse one dream I vaguely remember easily, just a snippet though.
I was on a really shitty raft that was literally a few logs held together with prayer and a sail in the middle of it like something out of a cartoon.
The raft was in the middle of the river and I was on a machine gun shooting at hordes of people trying to go down a large hill and into the river at me. There were also people with me but I don't remember if they were anyone important or who they were.
I remember that most of the people I was shooting were Reimus dressed in various outfits, notably some were dressed as the KKK and other random outfits like they were reskinned mobs in some weird game.

It was a weird dream and I wish I remembered more of it

>> No.42256738
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i remember one vaguely wherein yuuka was the wife of the protagonist of a shitty tv show in my country

>> No.42257869

could be important
perhaps a dimensional hole opens up during that time. You could try using this information to travel to Gensokyo again.

>> No.42257879

Maybe Yukari was the one who got you there?

>> No.42257894
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I don't know. The way Yukari was just standing there, watching me respawn after falling off a slope reminded me of this

>> No.42257952

How many times did you fail?

>> No.42258015

A lot.

>> No.42258042
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Don't think so; She really was stupid expensive, like, 100 times more expensive than the other ones.

>> No.42258412

I imagine she was testing you in some way
how did you wake up?

>> No.42258426


Sakuya's unobtainability is a metaphor of your lust toward your mother.

>> No.42258669

It's an old dream that I had a long time ago and I might have even shared it in a similar thread in the past but it's the only one I have had.

I was walking around my house at night looking for something when Koishi comes out of nowhere and knocks me off my feet. She laughs and runs off and when she does, I am confused about how I ended up on the ground because I can't remember. This happens a few more times and that was basically it for the dream. Koishi was an interesting one to have such an accurate dream about because I don't really think about her at all.

>> No.42259137

Same as always

>> No.42260269

Disturbingly true to life...

>> No.42260335
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It's true. Thank you, Freud.


>> No.42260465
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I once had a dream that started off in The Palace of Earth Spirits and after wandering around for a while I was found by Koishi. We wandered around some more, and this part is a bit blurry to remember, but what I do distinctly recall is her being curious that I remembered her and our interactions after she left my sight or tried intentionally hiding herself.
After that she dragged me off to Satori who said out loud that I was dreaming, and asked me to read the title of a book she was holding. I got half way in before waking up abruptly. Dammit Satori..

>> No.42260487

I see Satori wasn't going to tolerate another Sumi wondering around. What a shame, you could've had a Kosh

>> No.42260493

That part bugs me because I would've liked the both of them as a friend and didn't have any lust towards them.

>> No.42260499

Well I don't know who your favorite hu is but its clear Satori had her own motives, silly girl probably banished you from heading back too. Time to take up lucid dreaming

>> No.42260510
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They're both my favourite hus, with Koishi leading. Wonder if I could try diplomacy with Satori, and/or try to give her some books from the Outside World in exchange for some of the books she has, I do like reading after all.

>> No.42260518

I'm sure Satori would have an intrest in psychology books, maybe try tempting her with some Jung so she doesn't deport you?

>> No.42260629

1. I met Sakuya in the middle of a park with a big lake in the middle. I said hello and she just ran away, over the water of the lake.
2. Satori and I broke into my old highschool in the middle of a glorious sunset. I think we were there to steal something but it went wrong and she started freaking out.
3. I went into some sort of old junk shop with Reimu and she wanted to buy an old Playstation but neither of us had any money.

>> No.42261083

I don't remember much other than somehow having Okuu's arm cannon and trying to use it to blow up Reimu for shits and giggles, but she kept dodging my shots

>> No.42268615
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I went to an IT department for customer support. Youmu was at the front desk troubleshooting while Myon tapped away at the computer.
She never resolved my issue cause I woke up before the ticket could get sent.

>> No.42271003
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I once had a nightmare where Marisa was chasing me with a machete and screaming "Give me back my mushrooms!"

>> No.42271298
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I've been there twice. The first time I woke up wanting to kill myself. The second made my day (I had been napping during that one).
The first time I dreamt of Gensokyo I was with Marisa, Flandre, and some indiscernible 2nd child. It was just a simple day to the village, but I remember constantly looking down at my hand to see Marisa holding it, while Flan kept running ahead of us to point out cool things in the shop windows.
The second one was with Rumia, and we were getting ice cream from some industrial warehouse underneath my old elementary school. When we came back up she sat on my lap underneath a tree and we just ate in silence. I want to go back there sometime.

>> No.42275403
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Lots of people here seem to have had dreams about Satori and Koishi. Makes me wonder if it has something to do with their mind manipulation powers.

>> No.42278240

Sounds nice.
