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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42113382 No.42113382 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC Japanese epub reader: https://ttu-ebook.web.app/
PC English epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038
v19.4: https://nyaa.si/view/1609471

Previous: >>42029616

>> No.42113454
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anyone else read this? super comfy series

>> No.42113939

>monster girl series
>featuring a slime, a wolf, and a dragon
bold choice, author

>> No.42114055

disgusting, the girl is cute otherwise

>> No.42114097

I appreciate that everything that comes out of MC's mouth is a shitpost and his relationship with the dragon but there are unironically too many lolis

>> No.42114105

at least it's self aware about it

>> No.42114113

"x amirite?" attitude is one of the very few things that get me to drop something on the spot
the other things included on that list are "girl the mc was in a relationship with got fucked by other men" and "the mc ends up saying 'yes loli no touch' at any point"

>> No.42114167

What's wrong with sandals?

>> No.42114331

I think they don't allow anon to appreciate her feet properly

>> No.42114408

that is a problem

>> No.42115278 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.42115483

never could get into neptunia, but this wasn't the reason i dropped it
i dropped it for the "bideo gayms amirite?" attitude pretty much since the first cutscene, tried to stomach it for a while because cute girls but no, it's too much for me

>> No.42116353 [SPOILER] 
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just finished volume 3 of chiramune and I want to cry

>> No.42116799
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>male humans fuck centaurians by jizzing into their hand and then using it like a dick to get the sperm into the female organ
This trpg ln author's too imaginative.

>> No.42117459

>centaur girl clearly has four ears
they breached the forbidden topic

>> No.42119469

Just completed trpg ln vol 6. This one's alt timeline is the first one I didn't like. Both the story and the general branching point author gives for each timeline felt forced for this timeline. Also the fact I expected something with deitrich

>> No.42119739

>too many lolis

>> No.42119959

Incidentally, what happened to the reward for the forbidden god's book that agrippina promised? Did the author completely forgot about it or is it touched upon in the wn?

>> No.42120787
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>Vol 6
The one with the centaur right? That should be expected since it's an LN original volume, which as a rule can't make the story deviate too much from its intended end. Same reason why the abused Not!Cirno's presence feels a bit jarring as a whole even after several volumes has passed since her introduction (which can only be fixed later on if there's no more content in the WN to be adapted).
Dendro has the same problem in volume 18, making Ray's leitmotif somewhat worthless due to the stakes not being high enough, but I digress. At the very least, Schuld haven't wrote himself into a corner like Nafuse does with Rebuild World, since the WN's been pretty much discontinued just slightly after Aina's arc, while the LN itself prolly gonna go hiatus around ~3 more volumes.
Ironically enough, the best way to add LN original content is to take down the entirety of the WN just like what Danmachi did. Though that only works since the story was pretty obscure pre-serialization, and GA Bunko is not *lphapolis.
It's been a while, but IIRC he chose Elisa's tuition as a reward since he has no particular need for a shitton of Drachmae while the second reward got turned into a Henderson chapter, he did obtain Criminelf's horses as a "severance" pay before fetching Margit though.
>"the mc ends up saying 'yes loli no touch' at any point"
But, what about a side story involving a certain character in a green diving suit connected to a LoliShota air tank, one of the strongest characters in the main story, also the president of the notorious YLNT Club whose fame may or may not be above a certain world-wide cult capable of singlehandedly destroy a kingdom from the inside if they wish to do so? Would you drop that?

>> No.42120923

>But, what about a side story involving a certain character in a green diving suit connected to a LoliShota air tank, one of the strongest characters in the main story, also the president of the notorious YLNT Club whose fame may or may not be above a certain world-wide cult capable of singlehandedly destroy a kingdom from the inside if they wish to do so? Would you drop that?
Why does anything VRMMO sound like absolute schizo babble out of context?
Worst thing is I know exactly who you're talking about, and it's somehow even more schizo in context.

>> No.42121945

So... what's everyone reading?

>> No.42121971

Margit going for some good old fashioned netorase only for it to backfire on her is some funny shit though

>> No.42122083
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>> No.42122092
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>> No.42122125

interesting combination

>> No.42122320
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>> No.42122348
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>> No.42122355
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Almost caught up finally.

>> No.42122386
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Liz! Liz! Liz!

>> No.42122454
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90% combat focused volume, as a tournament arc it doesn't really move the plot forward but good shit nonetheless

>> No.42124011

Got baited into reading dendro, it's fun.

>> No.42124528

What's a good LN to start with for someone learning JP? I'm approaching N4 and have heard that reading is the best way to continue improving. I'm aware no matter what I start with it will be tough at my current level.

>> No.42124624

kuma kuma kuma bear is pretty easy to read

>> No.42124648
File: 74 KB, 466x658, trpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す 7 very entertaining series, became my latest favorite.
Yeah that's the vol. I actually liked the main story and deitrich. It's the alt timeline I didn't like. erich felt too pathetic for some reason.
>elisa's tuition
He did? I don't remember him selecting anything, only postponing the decision, atleast in the lns. I believe he would have mentioned how wasteful his choice was when he got francesca's patronage for his sister.
>YLNT club and lolishota ergo sum
That's who I immediately thought of after reading that lol. Dendromind

>> No.42124664

Just read whatever story seems interesting to you anon, say for example some ln that continues the anime you liked. That aside, I think GJBu makes for a good beginner read because of the short story like chapters and SoL content

>> No.42124666

feels like this gets asked every thread but ultimately it doesn't matter much because everything short of the truly autistic shit like toaru and nisio will be equally hard
you're better off choosing on what you're interested in first, most of the difficulty is keeping interest in what you're reading once you know your conjugations and some basic keigo
that said i would suggest you to avoid romance focused stuff (not romcoms, but actual pure romance), because it's heavily reliant on usage subtext you can't get off a dictionary and you just learn with time, a mere suggestion because you can just go ahead and take the plunge anyway

>> No.42124707

I really want to read log horizon, but don't want to start a story that will never get completed. How likely is it that the author will come back from hiatus and completes the series?

>> No.42124717
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What are some good (preferably long running) "pure" comedy LNs? Doesn't have to be translated. I've been really liking baka to test recently and am looking for more comedy that isn't isekai or some other genre first with comedy second

>> No.42124745

what everyone said + I recommend Kino no Tabi, relatively easy

>> No.42124932

I think it was implied he took the free tuition since there was a whole passage about him wanting to pay off the debt and get back to adventuring as soon as possible, and that was the option that would lead to that quickest. The patronage wasn't a waste either since the book quest reward only covered three years worth.

>> No.42124954

the difference between having the criminelf as a lovey dovey wife and having the criminelf as a slave driver

>> No.42125752
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>> No.42125825

What is this referring to? Warhammer? From the trpg ln

>> No.42125866

gears of war?

>> No.42125913

Sounds like either 40K or GOW.

>> No.42125988

The Haruhi Suzumiya author moved his ass after more than 10 years, so there is always hope, but yeah, it's not very likely to happen

>> No.42126009

Thanks, looks like it's gow. This series got too many references that go over people not in the know

>> No.42126138
File: 183 KB, 1000x1419, FkFnbIbUEAAdvf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this and what's your thought on it? It's getting an anime but I don't see anyone talking about it

>> No.42126198

Never read it but the cover makes it look interesting

>> No.42126275

>cover makes it look interesting
how it makes it look interesting? how is it any different from thousands similar ln covers?

>> No.42126480

Well, I never said those thousand other similar covers aren't interesting too. Jokes aside, it's more about what the title, and the flag 1 text made me imagine. Made me curious enough about its content for sure

>> No.42127450

How frequently does amazon jp run the promotion of 3 months of kindle unlimited for 99 yen?

>> No.42127842
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I just caught up with The Isolator today, came in thinking it was gonna be bad, left wanting for more... Kawahara you piece of shit release a new volume...

>> No.42128081

probably the best thing Kawahara has written

>> No.42129347

I'm only seeing raws for the manga and the original web novel. Do you mind sharing the LN version?

>> No.42129391
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the first two volumes are in the peepo happy books v2 torrent on nyaa
3+ i bought physically

>> No.42129837

thanks, grabbing those 2 for now

>> No.42130224

>writes nuanced and sympathetic villains in the isolator
>writes giggling rapey facial contortionists in sword art online
Why does Kawahara do this?

>> No.42131133

physical is very comfy but paying for shipping sucks ass

>> No.42131213

I'm glad to live within an hour of a Kinokuniya

>> No.42131453
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>We've had one, yes. What about second predatory bug girl?

>> No.42131711

Odds, Get the youjitsu BD for the bonus
Evens, Don't

>> No.42131747

I'm sorry for loss, bro

>> No.42131756

I regretted it as soon as I rolled

>> No.42131763 [DELETED] 

I don't think vol 0 is worth that much to pay for that shit

>> No.42131768

I don't think vol 0 is worth that much to pay for that shit

>> No.42132190

>wants to kill you
>neutralize her
>wants to fuck you, THEN kill you
why are insect girls like this

>> No.42132203

bugs are weird

>> No.42132815

the end of this was really good with vanessa going full murder hobo and rivermore pulling a "gotcha bitch'

>> No.42132865

>insect girl wants to fuck you then kill you
Many such cases in Monster Girl Quest

>> No.42132962

If even I'll buy and rip all of the toaru epubs.

>> No.42133498

what does this refer to? Some lovecraftian god?

>> No.42133558

please upload them too

>> No.42134991

almost certainly a Call of Cthulhu joke but I don't TTRPG enough to know what exactly

>> No.42135561

anyone got all chiramune volumes
the nyaa torrents have no seeders

>> No.42137443

Completed all the published lns of
TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す (what do japs condense this title as?). Extremely entertaining with the right balance of SoL and battles with a lot of thought put into both. The raws are a bit pain in the ass to read though, the writing style is completely different from any contemporary jp stuff I read.
I really want to continue reading with the wn but the addition of more and more ln original content is making me hesitate. So what do anons who follow the wn say, should I continue with the wn or not?

>> No.42137899

The author seems to abbreviate it as ヘンダーソン氏の福音.
I think the WN is a very fine read on its own, whether to read it depends on how much you like rereading stuff in general. If you like to reread then getting to reread it in LN form with significant additions or changes down the road with each volume release won't be an issue (and the significance of the changes will even justify a reread more), if on the other hand you're the kind who has too much on their backlog and can only justify experiencing stuff once then there's no harm in waiting for the definitive version.

>> No.42138223

volumes 1-4 are on z-lib, the rest hasn't been uploaded

>> No.42138419

z-lib is gone thou?

>> No.42138450


>> No.42140129


>> No.42141864

TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目 or min-maxing my build in another world. Vol 5 to be specific

>> No.42145306

The author barely knows how to write girls. His lolis are plain annoying, with superficial innocence and cuteness and nothing else.
Sword loli is the most interesting one of the bunch because her autism gives her at least some semblance of a personality.

>> No.42145615

So the problem is badly written lolis, not too many lolis

>> No.42145679

u clearly didnt read past vol 2

>> No.42146867

reading the wn now, most of it reads like a digest both content wise and the easier language he uses compared to ln. that said, I will take back my criticism in the previous thread about his needlessly flowery prose. Reading the presentation of first heroic song about eric in koningstuhl, it really felt like I was hearing a true epic.

>> No.42147518

purple prose only really makes sense if you can into keigo, at least basic understanding will do
somehow that's enough to turn it from boring filler to making you spiritually cum buckets, and i have no fucking idea how or why it's the case
though not even being above N1 is going to be enough to save you from overlord being a boring slog regardless

>> No.42148154

keigo and purple prose aren't remotely the same thing

>> No.42148172

>he is unaware
>he thinks keigo is just polite speech
study moar faggot

>> No.42148360

being long-winded and being purple are not the same thing fag

>> No.42148454

i don't feel like we are on the same planet let alone the same page on this
don't tell me you're reading it in english

>> No.42148489

Thanks for this

>> No.42148496

yeah obviously why would you read japanese fan-fiction when the original english version is available

>> No.42148518

im not talking about trpg or overlord but rather the basic concept of purple prose

>> No.42148527

so you went on a completely off-topic tangent for no reason? lol

>> No.42148532

I'm not the anon you were replying to I just don't like people misusing "purple prose"

>> No.42148575

you're implying people care about your opinion

>> No.42149401

why do I need anyone to care about my opinion to post about it

>> No.42149741

he forgot this isn't trannycord or reddit

>> No.42149763

Get a fucking room, nobody cares.

>> No.42149848

I care about all of you and I read all your posts. Merry Christmas

>> No.42150105

any recs for a novel with loli feet bullying?

>> No.42150774


>> No.42152595
File: 39 KB, 240x360, id_de7946b15f-fef0-4552-97d9-43892b2f3034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ai deluge has already begun

>> No.42152651

>author, label and publisher are all the same
not even surprised

>> No.42153159

It might actually be easier to filter trash like that out at a glance. The title sticks out like a sore thumb, coming off as a captioned image rather than a book cover.

>> No.42156355

i love coomer coomer coomer bear

>> No.42158465

I want to impregnate her...

>> No.42159173

how? by not reading anything with less than 3 volumes at the bare minimum you filter out 99% of the trash, and this doesn't look like any of them even have a second volume

>> No.42161243

Got stuck in the (first) volume focusing on the youngsters. I can't put into words how I care for these little fucks.

>> No.42161310

If you are not even going to even pretend to give your monster girls some character traits from the race they are supposed to represent, you may as well not bother.

Insects are not incredibly emotional animals, or prone to bonding.
Of course, a monster girl doesn't HAVE to follow any specific rules. But with the character of something as alien as a spider, their form of love should be at least somewhat off-putting, and ideally a bit spooky.
If you want an adorable, happy love, get something like are plenty of mammals to choose from.

>> No.42161652

Speaking of monster girls, is there any LN/WN, even 18+, focused on the monster girls?
Bonus if it's the weird kind like anon said
>their form of love should be at least somewhat off-putting, and ideally a bit spooky

>> No.42161808


>> No.42162468

Disclaimer: EOP
the only ones I can think of are
>Monster Tamer
surprisingly thoughtfully written in terms of characterisation, relationships and plot considering it could have gone the other way and become edgy revenge plot drivel. no real "alien" mentality to be found here but it's quite sweet
>Monster Girl Doctor
doctor/nurse/patient fetish series, the monster aspects are more seen in their biology than their mentality, and man does it go into their biology
>Now I'm a Demon Lord Happily Ever After with Monster Girls
this thing here >>42113454 it's just a dude with his loli/JC harem who happen to be a dragon, a succubus, a slime, etc. the fact that they're monsters is only strictly important in that they're hated by humanity. the sword girl technically identifies as genderless because whoever heard of a sword having a gender? but otherwise is a girl for all intents and purposes, just one whose singular goal in life is to be used to rip and tear stuff
>Min-Maxing my TRPG Build
been posted about a few times ITT
this isn't even strictly speaking marketed as a monster girl series, the heroines just happen to mostly be monster girls and the series illustrated by a prolific monster girl artist because that seems to be the author's magical realm. the mentalities of the heroines are sort of reflections of their monster origins insofar as it feeds what seems to be the author's fetishes (like the jumping spider girl being a predatory mesugaki or the fairy girls wanting to kidnap the MC to the twilight zone and dance for eternity)

>> No.42165588

I feel like I read some of the manga for this one, dropped it probably because I got caught up to translation back then. Could check it out again in JP now, cheers.
Most of those really aren't my genre.
TTRPG looks interesting af but I'm waiting to decide in the WN vs LN debacle, Monster Tamer I saw some anime clips and may read the manga but don't like it enough to read the novel I think.

>> No.42165626

>Monster Tamer I saw some anime clips
there is no anime, you must be thinking of another work

>> No.42165631
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monster tamer is the official title of モンスターのご主人様 (see cover)

>> No.42165685

There isn't a debacle, TRPG's LN is objectively superior to the WN.

>> No.42166619

Oh I was thinking of the beast tamer gets thrown out of the hero party or whatever one.
What I meant was, I don't really know if I want to read the LN knowing I'll then be stuck waiting for new volumes, or just read the WN so I can read all there is to read. I do have the volumes up to 5 downloaded already tho.

>> No.42166644

>I do have the volumes up to 5 downloaded already tho.
nah you're missing vol 4 part 2

>> No.42166653

once you actually get into something, reading both the LN and WN will hardly feel like work or take that much time at all

>> No.42167112

>I don't really know if I want to read the LN knowing I'll then be stuck waiting for new volumes, or just read the WN so I can read all there is to read.
Why not both? Start with the lns and continue with the wn, it's not like the story diverges between them. Trpg ln is like an extended edition of the wn, all the exclusive content just fills in the time gaps rather than changing the story. There is a lot of ln exclusive stuff though, nearly half of the stuff by my rough estimation

>> No.42168321

the centipede didn't even get a name in the WN

>> No.42171728
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>> No.42173195

best girls all in one pic

>> No.42174254

finally some eta

>> No.42177264

epub when...

>> No.42179111

Now that the dust has settled - what's the verdict on Vol. 5?

>> No.42179573

Dunno, haven't read it yet, but I can put it forward up my backlog.
Still have to finish space mercenary's volumes first, I don't like jumping from one series to the next unless I caught up with them.

>> No.42179781

damn it i wanted to finish arifureta before the year ends but the new shadow dropped...

>> No.42180233

do you guys also talk about regular japanese books?

>> No.42180301


>> No.42180305

fuck. where can i go to talk about regular japanese books?

>> No.42180316

you can try making a thread here on /jp/ or /lit/

>> No.42180375

alright, bet. i doubt /lit/fags can read Japanese so I'll maek one here

>> No.42181997

>tfw too lazy to buy & rip it

>> No.42182181

Bro, pls...

>> No.42182268


>> No.42182670

>It's real.
I fucking kneel, thank you so much bro.

>> No.42182681

anyone know where I can get mahoutsukai reimeiki (LN ver) raws at?
the LN ver doesn't seem to be in any of the pastebin links as far as I can tell

>> No.42182846

Any ebook reader recommendations? Kindle or Kobo?
For reading WNs(html support?) and pirated LNs

>> No.42183160

I have a kindle paperwhite and it works great. You can also make anki cards quite easily. If you do get a Kindle make sure it's on the highest firmware. You can update without connecting it to Amazon or the internet by just downloading the firmware on PC then transferring it through cable. This makes JP look ups bearable, on early firmwares modern calibre epub->azw3/mobi converts have some formatting that makes lookups almost impossible (personal experience, idk why it's the case). I've read pirated LNs and some WNs through a conversion program (forgot the name sorry) and they read perfectly

>> No.42183189

>I've read pirated LNs and some WNs through a conversion program (forgot the name sorry) and they read perfectly
Calibre is the name

>> No.42183233

Kindle is more responsive and feels nicer to hold but Kobo has support for epubs which are the standard format you'll find 99.99% of pirated books in. Although Kobo's epub rendering engine is worse than their kepub (proprietary format which is just an epub with some extra features bolted on) so you'll be using calibre to autoconvert on delivering to device anyway.
Also I think sideloading fucks up dictionary support for Japanese on kindle as well but can't check because I haven't used a kindle in years.

>> No.42183238
File: 200 KB, 1000x981, DSC_4662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a kobo forma, 'cause (at the time at least) it was the lightest-weight 8 inch ereader

>> No.42183292
File: 400 KB, 936x922, 2022-12-28 003058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got these, is anyone interested ? z-lib only has epubs up to volume 4
I'll rip them tomorrow

>> No.42183312

Breh I mentioned calibre in my post. I meant the conversion program that ripped WNs and made them into non shit formatted ebooks lol

>> No.42183332

i am

>> No.42183608

https://mega.. nz/folder/37wBnaAa#20VfSjbZWE7VlqLegqHXpg
I added volumes 1-4 too

>> No.42183879

okay after scouring the net for hours I managed to find volume 1 at least.

it came in the form of a rar full of images, I extracted it, zipped it up again, then used calibre to convert it to an epub (since it wouldn't work with the zip files as they were for whatever reason), leaving all settings as default.
but now when I try to open it in ttu-ebook it displays the cover and images at the beginning but once it gets to the images of the text it won't load them and it's just all blank pages.
do I need to do something special to convert it?

>> No.42183932

it does not fuck up dictionary looksups but you won't be using autoconvert for japanese books because it fucks with the orientiation of the text, you'll be using kindlegen for conversion

>> No.42183936

thanks bro

>> No.42184256

ipad pro
because I want color and the screen size and format is the perfect equivalent of a tankoubon format

>> No.42184299

How is the kobo's for Japanese dictionary, does it select the words mostly fine like the Kindle or you have to be selecting them manually? been hearing so much difference stuff about this

>> No.42184438


>> No.42186679

There's a surprising number of people on /lit/ who can read nip, and many read translations.
That said, unless it's about well known authors like Sōseki, Mishima, Dazai or either Murakami, the thread is unlikely to gain much traction; still, you could give it a shot regardless.

>> No.42186761

If you don't use koreader, kobos are somehow even worse than kindles for japanese.
However once you install koreader and get used to it, they are super duper nice, I've completely stopped reading on anything else since I got mine.

>> No.42186952

Kindles are pretty good after 5.x and as long as you use .azw3.

>> No.42187093

does koreader support vertical text nowdays? remember last time I checked it didnt

>> No.42187146


>> No.42187570

>till have to finish space mercenary's volumes first,
are you enjoying it? it's next up on my list

>> No.42188517

If I wasn't, I wouldn't be reading it.

>> No.42188914

i was skeptical over it being written by the same author as minecraft isekai
not only it feels written by a completely different person, it's actually >fun, also better thought out

>> No.42189591

Well worth the wait but damn don't make everyone wait that long for volume 6 this time.
Because people are likely still reading it or haven't even started I won't go in that much detail, but I will say it's pretty hype to see this series finally is done with the prologue.
To say it on an edgy way, it feels like the wheel of fate is turning, which is nice, it sure took long to get to this point though.
So now there's hoping the author doesn't get writer's block again.

>> No.42189931

the 2 arcs per volume shit made it feel really rushed and like a lot happened so far, yet yeah, only now it feels the status quo from the introduction is over and we are starting with the real shit
it's simply bizarre

>> No.42196386

That sucks.

>> No.42199791
File: 53 KB, 352x500, 51pexB9s1EL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually about to finish my stash of LNs, so I need to hoard some more books. Does anyone know if Mad Bullet Underground is as cool/chuuni as the cover looks?

>> No.42199917

>that new danmachi ln cover
i have watched the anime upto s3, should i read from the start or the other

>> No.42200090
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>> No.42200694

shit bros i have so much stuff to read i dont know what to choose next

>> No.42201100
File: 189 KB, 891x1005, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the author of TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す tweeted some interesting things about his sales numbers namely that the normal ratio of physical:digital for a LN should be 3~5 to 1, but for his series it's 1:2~3 instead which is evidently an extremely unusual phenomenon.

>> No.42201552

surprised people still buy that much more physical

>> No.42202243

Physical is good to have in case civilization collapses and you still want something fun to do.

>> No.42203907

only thing preventing me from buying physicals is shipping fees
otherwise there's not much difference in price

>> No.42204324
File: 103 KB, 630x900, 1672370828472254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Dendro for the 5th time now while waiting the WN to be updated. Also Fremd Torturchen.
I assume you're going to read the YP tl version yes? Then you should at least take note the honorifics used by each character and also familiarize yourself with their personal antics before reading, because you know >YP.
Other than though, the series is fun, Omori managed to develop Bell from your average aimless reactive MC-kun into a proactive EX CHA Übermensch capable and willing to realize his dreams no matter what.
The minotaur fight in the third vol and Asterius deathmatch in vol 12 creates an amazing contrast, not to mention the battle scene itself that's extremely well done.
Still can't believe Dendro managed to overtake Danmachi in volume numbers though. Also, Ryuu best girl.

>> No.42205377

>Omori managed to develop Bell from your average aimless reactive MC-kun into a proactive EX CHA Übermensch capable and willing to realize his dreams no matter what.
NTA, that sounds nice, but why start with a aimless reactive MC in the first place?

>> No.42205991
File: 507 KB, 1447x2067, Danmachi 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aimless reactive MC in the first place?
To be fair, the story won't be as good if Bell wasn't a bumbling idealistic teenager at the start. Despite the shitty cashgrab title (blame the editor), the story works more like the tale of a heroic saga and/or a coming of age series.
At first we have this naive bumpkin who thinks he can be like the heroes of eons ago just by killing monsters and saving damsels in distress just because his grandpappy says so. Then reality kicks in because any monsters can kill him easily in the dungeon and practically every girls he met can obliterate him in a matter of millisecond, second check comes in the form that practically nobody cares about heroes at all because all the Kami (yes, even Hestia) and adventurers only care about their own amusement and circumstances, resulting in him getting backstabbed several times throughout the story.
But even with all the machinations, backstabbing, keikakus, and near death events, he kept going with his flimsy aspiration without being dyed by outside interference until he himself realizes that becoming a hero is something that he truly wish with his own will.
It's like watching an NPC evolving into a PC through baptism of fire, where we as the reader would be able to experience the full range of emotions and thoughts as they walked into the fire because they haven't been dyed with anything yet compared to say a character like Log Horizon's Shiroe who would definitely think of a way to put out the fire first or someone like Kyoukai Senjou's Toori who's deranged enough to walk into the fire while performing a striptease.
And most importantly, because it was done progressively from the start to vol.12, the shift doesn't feel jarring at all unlike say Arifureta's Hajime who goes from a humble background character-tier MC to Coldsteel the Edgehog within a chapter just because he was betrayed once (granted the events after the betrayal was supposedly painful but desu physical pain in text doesn't feel as intense as emotional and/or mental anguish), though feel free to disagree.
tl;dr It's good, just read it, it really scratches your myth itches and Yasuda's art is always a blessing. Sorry for the wall of text.

>> No.42206302


this volume was fun as hell

>> No.42206619

I imagine after over a decade of collecting books, games, software, figures, CDs, etc. the average otakus 1LDK doesn't have much more space

>> No.42206856
File: 164 KB, 500x500, 俺、ツインテールになります。 7 (ガガガ文庫) (小学館)_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this series is wild man

>> No.42207065

how is ヘルモード ~やり込み好きのゲーマーは廃設定の異世界で無双する~ for someone who likes to read stories about hero building his power/abilities step by step but not being too overpowered until the end

>> No.42207514
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>> No.42208385

Another reason could be that his novel in particular is unusually popular in the west, for pretty much obvious reasons, and digital is the easiest way for people overseas to buy LNs in japanese.

>> No.42208497

dunno man the amount of people who can read this shit in the west is so microscopically low i highly doubt it can keep up with the jap physical sales

>> No.42208744

This was fun, also pretty sure in the west it was the primary gate for new people to get into LNs before dendro rose in popularity if we go by /a/ threads.

>> No.42208774

to be honest it's pretty fucking meh
like plenty of other people that really weren't into LNs before that still try to write something despite being an outsider, first it starts trying too hard to be unique, which is not exactly a bad thing, but it quickly pivots into what everyone thinks a "generic isekai" story is like, perpetually stuck in content that wouldn't be out of place at the beginnings of the story
wouldn't recommend it but there's worse stuff out there

>> No.42209870

shadow vol.5 is fucking hilarious

>> No.42209907

While I'm not exactly disagreeing, idealists sticking to their guns through fire and brimstone is hardly noteworthy or special.
It's been a thing since before FSN, given in some routes emiya is a version of that type of character gone wrong in multiple different ways.
I hate to use eceleb video essay buzzwords, so I won't call it a "deconstruction" because it isn't, but it's certainly not the thing that happens on it's own, it's something that happens once someone else already did it, and FSN builds on that idea.
The earliest example of "pure idealist goes through hell but stays true to himself" I personally remember seeing is what, getter robo maybe? My memory is hazy that far back though, I also remember that being relatively common around slightly before the FSN era in VNs, but I'm not that into VNs to really confirm it.

>> No.42210620

If you want to read about the kind of guy who plays games with spreadsheets then I guess it'll scratch that itch.

>> No.42211515

As someone that plays games as if they are spreadsheets, don't.
You will spend your time gritting your teeth seeing just how inefficient the guy is.

>> No.42211529
File: 581 KB, 1920x1080, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just nothing like reading Kage no Jitsuryokusha while drinking a glass of red wine

>> No.42212047

poor zeta her backstory is messed up

>> No.42212186

whose backstory isn't fucked up?

>> No.42212712

hello anons, if you use calibre to read LNs what are your settings/configs? also is calibre the only best option?

>> No.42212756

I only use calibre to convert stuffs
to read, I prefer ttu-ebook.web.app

>> No.42213055

Are you going to be home alone reading LNs tomorrow

>> No.42213138

Most likely that or playing video games, yes.

>> No.42213230

>cave in and pirate an epub, which i always avoid
>about to ask how the fuck do i even read this
>look at the OP, calibre just werks
>with vertical text to boot
unexpectedly useful OP
sepia light because pure white hurts the eyes, then flow mode but that's it
it's to read text, nothing that fancy is needed

>> No.42214160


>> No.42214200
File: 1.94 MB, 2220x1183, チラムネ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be in good company

>> No.42214481
File: 468 KB, 627x898, 1672153746068019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to FUCK Nina.

>> No.42215379

Excellent, especially the delivery of the comedy was top-notch. I can understand the author having writer's block if that's his standard for writing.

Only issue for me was the complete lack of best girl Beta, but I guess it's understanable after she showed up so much in Volume 4. Hopefully we don't have to wait two fucking years for Volume 6 now.

>> No.42216211

Reading the later youjo senki volumes is painful (in a good way)

>> No.42216251
File: 162 KB, 700x324, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story is probably shit, but cute voice

>> No.42216716

i also downloaded that 10 minutes ago

>> No.42216945

Have you listened to the Tearmoon audiobooks? I can't unhear Mia-hime, not sure I could get into this one lol

>> No.42221596

Still waiting for volume 13

>> No.42225204

It is worth it.

>> No.42225600

never got into youjo senki the whole sex change thing just isn't for me if she was a cute girl who got reincarnated i'd probably be into it but as it is it's just fuckin gay

>> No.42225623

It actually makes sense because no real women could be as utterly autistic as Tanya.

>> No.42226594

>want to buy some Japanese LNs instead of just downloading their epubs and whatnot for free
>Check out bookwalker and see how their reader app is like
>It's shit, can't even let you copy and paste the text for searching words on a dictionary and can't let you do basic stuff like infinite scroll, editing margins, changing the background color or brightness

LN buyers, is there a seller that has a reader that's not shit? Otherwise do you guys just end up buying the books and remove the DRM on them and use whatever app you're used to?

>> No.42226698

I just buy physical, reading digital is such a pain to me.

>> No.42226706

paperbacks just work

>> No.42226759

I buy paperbacks and read pirated digitals on a Kindle

>> No.42226820

Fug, sounds like everyone prefers buying physical books...

I prefer digital though, so I guess I'll just continue downloading books for free until I find a seller with a good reader, or sells the books without drm.

>> No.42226890

bookwalker is shite

>> No.42227005

i sometimes buy physical and sometimes digital, i remove the drm and then read on my kindle
you can remove amazon jp drm easily with UnpackKindleS

>> No.42228074

Kindle probably has the best "own-brand" reader but personally I use Rakuten Kobo which lets you either download an ADE epub and break the DRM on that or just break the DRM on their kepubs directly and convert those to epub. Then I read with moonreader+ on Android. Microsoft Edge Trident version used to be the best epub reader on Windows but they killed it.

>> No.42228508

Kill Time Communication sells their books as DRM-free PDFs

>> No.42228844

for me it's christina

>> No.42228951

Anyone has epub file for ある日突然、ギャルの許嫁ができた?

>> No.42229452

anyone have epubs for 終わりのセラフ 一瀬グレン、16歳の破滅 further than volume 1?

>> No.42229717

happy new year

>> No.42230275

anyone have epubs? i need them

>> No.42231422

Bookwalker is nice if you already at the point where you don't have to use a dictionary that often
free version is limited, on pc you can only change font size, you can edit margin/backgound color and brightness but only in the android/ios app

>> No.42231460

also you can actually look up words in the android/ios app and use a dictionary, while it's not as reactive as the kindle app

>> No.42234060

If it makes you feel better, Tanya is not a cute girl as you may be familiar with from other GB stories (where the authors feel compelled to remind you of how cute/sexy the MC is at least once per chapter).
She is most commonly described with various synonyms for monstrous (or heroic, in the case of her fans).

And the alienation is on purpose.
Her whole situation is a tightly nit web of misunderstandings. Not the romcom MISUNDERSTANDINGS kind (though those happen too), but a perfect ideological/cultural dissonance that makes it impossible for her to achieve something that ought to be reasonably easy for a girl her age: a job away from the front.
Her baggage keeps driving her into unwillingly volunteering herself for the most dangerous jobs that the great war has to offer.

>> No.42235037

reading without a dictionary is not as hard as it seems, learn all joyo kanji up to sixth grade and you will already only occasionally need the dictionary
you can probably get away with just fifth grade even

>> No.42235116
File: 301 KB, 1440x2048, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for me

>> No.42235361

i want to FUCK alexia

>> No.42235931
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, Demonbane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those whom it may concern, Dendro's Pale Psalms V is finished now, next we'll be continuing with Day 3 of the war. I thought Kaidou's insane for adding another Pale Psalms during a major arc, but now I can see why he did that, the epilogue in particular gives too much major spoiler than the usual amount. Rascal's survival seems like an asspull but is acceptable for the Deus Ex Machina reveal, that was absolutely cool. Though then again, the Demonbane raid battle at the end in general is hella fun.
>Hugo got Figaro'd
Well, you're not wrong. It's not exactly an original idea in the first place yes. But how the character is portrayed in the story and how the story itself treats the character for their ideals still matters desu, of which Omori did a great job in fleshing them out, making Bell's naivete not as infuriating as Shirou's blind optimism even if at the core they're the same.
Be that as may, if you read Danmachi expecting anything other than soft seinen acts of heroism and innocent love, you're gonna be pretty disappointed because worldbuilding-wise everything other than dungeon-related content is pretty barebones.
Hellmode? I dropped that in favor of Mynoghra around vol 2.
Still can't stop thinking that Hellmode and Minmax TRPG got switched out somehow during their creation though. Really now, despite saying "hardest," the author weren't able to properly convey how hard the MC's life supposed to be because everything can be countered with his "hard work" aka exp farming (of which he can automate around ~10 wn chapters in), hereby disrespecting even its own premise. While TRPG on the other hand kept churning out endgame final bosses as mob characters, making Erich seem weak as comparison and his "efficient" farming virtually worthless since he can only rely on whatever he currently possesses, even though both the mobs and the reader themselves knows that he's actually busted as hell.

>> No.42236015

>But how the character is portrayed in the story and how the story itself treats the character for their ideals still matters desu
Again, I don't disagree, but it's still not new.
I have been immersed in LNs, WNs, VNs and games for more than a decade at this point, I have long grown out of the phase of thinking "novelty = good" and you should too.
Which is what I was talking about, I'm not calling it bad, I'm telling you novelty is pointless as a measure of anything.
All that mentality will do is get you stuck on only liking the first 1-5 things you read earnestly, as in, without speedreading to find something to complain about, because anything past that point is not going to tickle your novelty sensors.
That's an all too common thing these days, and not just when it comes to LNs but media in general, and at times it's bad enough to start entire "subversion/deconstruction/codifier" circlejerks on it's own.

>> No.42236343

nah the actual problem with hell mode is more deeply rooted, it's what a normalfag thinks what "autistic MCs" are
an actual autismo find out every single exploit they can use to apply what they already have more effectively and get even more options in the process
the hell mode MC acts like how normalfags play games when they game "seriously", mindless grinding until the issue solves itself, to the point the MC gets into trouble and gets taken by surprise by shit that could be avoided by even the most basic autistic precautions and countermeasures
seriously, the guy is a summoner and has a massive toolbox of utility with a world of potential to exploit just with the summoning mechanics alone, and the guy still fights like a pokemon trainer, it's infuriating and i dropped that shit by the third volume
not like mynoghra is that much better when most shit gets solved by >o my eldritch powers

>> No.42236646

I wasn't aware that you had a patent on autism.

(your point on the story is good)

>> No.42236717

it's less having a patent on autism and more the story not abusing in-universe potential despite that being the hallmark of autistic storytelling and hell mode pretty much loudly claiming it's trying to be that but not actually being it
it's annoying like wallmart /k/ommandos are annoying

>> No.42236879
File: 328 KB, 599x541, 1637263908939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking "novelty = good" and you should too.
No offense but honestly speaking, I'm not though? If there's something related to novelty in what I wrote, then that's more related to how the characters felt about their own experiences when confronted with a new issue (in their perception) rather than we as the reader getting baited due to some overarching premise (which I don't care, a story is a story regardless, while like and dislike is just a matter of preferences). If anything, my post was more of a compliment I give to Omori for being able to properly convey what he's trying to tell through his plot-character interaction. Then again, I guess I didn't write that clear enough.
>every single exploit
>pokemon trainer
Huh, now that you've mentioned it, I get the feeling that the author actually forgot he's writing a fantasy and not a game "journal." While I understand that it's not what the author wants to focus on, a hardcore gamer whose got a lot of life and technical experience should really be like someone from Log Horizon even if he got blindsided, you've made a really good point there. Hell, just trying to exploit the system alone could easily fill out the entire childhood arc without needing to describe how he farmed an entire X dungeon for Y weeks.
>o my eldritch powers
Heh, that's true. Though you can't deny that isekai'd as a game character tends to have the same problems as Mynoghra does, those being their inability to properly explain the original game's mechanic, main draw, and/or plot due to sheer laziness, lack of writing skills, and/or simply because it's just a gimmick like say MagiEro (so I give a free pass for all of them). I still like the story (mostly because of Atou desu) though.

>> No.42237396
File: 24 KB, 600x470, 1670504445891399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one should I read for as my first light novel in Japanese since kind person gave me them?
Ryoushin no Shakkin?
Pig Liver?
Otonari Tenshi?

>> No.42237433

If I were you, I'd just hand them back to whoever gave them to me.

But I am not you. Maybe you actually like that sort of stuff.

>> No.42237505

Ryoushin and otonari tenshi are both easy to read.

>> No.42238307
File: 144 KB, 705x1000, 322206000111_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems very interesting
Is this any good?

>> No.42239087
File: 293 KB, 1440x2048, zeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Zeta.
She went from a literal who to best girl in a single volume for me.
Sure, she didn't have any screentime before this, but still.

>> No.42239752

I will never understand the people who consider Hell Mode's MMO grinding log an engaging and entertaining read while simultaneously finding TRPG's actually well crafted prose to be unreadable.

>> No.42239772

i'm one of those people that enjoy grindmonke shit and even i found hell mode boring as shit
not even moto sekai ichi grinding montages aren't this bad because they are brief and to the point because, well duh it's a quick training montage

>> No.42240299
File: 219 KB, 703x1000, 322204000984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this yet?

>> No.42240309

wait is that mylene?
same artist at least

>> No.42240695

No and no

>> No.42240802
File: 617 KB, 825x1079, 1662929678195201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mylene by the way

>> No.42240818
File: 3.14 MB, 1457x2064, Vol.4-00_Illu(MG).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought you meant this one

>> No.42240830
File: 813 KB, 2529x2000, 1664290250788152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to FUCK Mylene!

>> No.42240852

that's pretty gay

>> No.42240929

embrace the gei

>> No.42241072

can i embreace you?

>> No.42242302 [DELETED] 

When I was sleeping tonight, I dreamed about a really complicated argument with one of you guys. When I got up, I knew exactly how to win it.
Now I realize the argument doesn't exist.

I feel betrayed.

>> No.42243292

>out of all alt timelines, margit timeline's (the first one) erich is actually the best swordsman

>> No.42244272

sauce on that?
I mean I assume if that were at all possible it would be because he absolutely minmaxed the fuck out of swording as he didn't need to spec into magic as well but I would also assume that in that timeline he has way, way less opportunity to gain EXP, especially given that his EXP multiplier post-childhood is fame-based

>> No.42244833
File: 779 KB, 1280x720, Koukaku_no_Regios_15_[720p][C11F24E1]」 00_15_26.633 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the Regios anime. Are the novels good? I really liked the anime, especially the world-building and characters, but the reviews for the novels on amazon don't seem to be very positive.

>> No.42245175

From twitter, 2020-08-22
if we assume 光輝の器 to be about as effective as the blessed child trait (about 50% extra xp by erich's estimation) he most definitely used a lot more than the extra 50% on non sword traits considering that 概念破断 is the only new melee skill he took after leaving the capital. Even accounting for the extra xp from all the events in the original timeline it's reasonable to assume that ver 0.1 erich is the better swordsman because how much xp he diverted into other traits (especially magic) in the original timeline

>> No.42245788

i will never understand people that need someone else's permission to watch/read/play something, are you literally underage?
just pirate it if you don't want to spend money

>> No.42246193

>you can't ask for opinions before deciding on something
I'm not running out of things to read so give me ONE good reason I shouldn't ask here to help me decide how high I should put a series on my backlog. Knowing other people's experiences is always a good thing, even more so when it's a long series that has already concluded.

>> No.42246244

starts out okay but a couple volumes in he's already killing monsters by the millions so the author has to introduce new super strong enemies that were hanging back for no reason

>> No.42246269

there's a big difference between "gib recs plz"/"baglog beeg, wat reed? halp pick" and "is x good? should i be allowed to read it? will it give me good marks on my 'good taste' work resume?"

>> No.42246488
File: 209 KB, 851x1200, photo_2023-01-02_15-04-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost finishing this. There were some weird parts but I thought the series was pretty great overall. Too bad it doesn't seem anyone read it.

>> No.42246516

Baglog beeg, wat reed? Halp pick.
>Kage no jitsuryokusha ni naritakute, because I stopped at vol 2 back in the day then forgot about it.
>Infinite dendrogram, because it keeps getting shilled here.
>Black summoner, because I liked the anime.
>Nageki no bourei, which has been in my backlog since forever but I keep forgetting about it.
>Otonari tenshi, because it keeps getting shilled here.
Pretty much done with everything else for now, just waiting for next volumes.
I also gave hell mode a try despite the complaints yesterday to see it for myself, and yeah it was meh, not what I expected when seeing the title.

>> No.42246578

why would anyone read yurishit?

>> No.42246584

It's not, though.

>> No.42246590

>muh yuri bad
this isn't /a/ though

>> No.42246599

i hate otonari tenshi

>> No.42246825

otonari tenshi hates you too

>> No.42246907


>> No.42247187

unrelated and i never have any real chance to say it, but i really like how the MC is portrayed in this
he doesn't really come off as an ultra autistic superhuman like cid, hajime or second, but he doesn't come off as a "woe is me" forced to improve like the mapping skill guy either
i know it's not new, but i do like the niche of a guy (relatively) humbly doing his best and it working out

>> No.42247253
File: 198 KB, 812x1200, BEST END DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I miss Ben-To.
>TRPG's actually well crafted prose to be unreadable
That's usually the problem though, TRPG reads like an actual western fantasy novel even in its base form while Hellmode is pretty much just a minor step-up from something like Re:Monster, of which the latter can be read and digested easily since the stats and skills can also be used as a makeshift crutch for character and plot development, making it easier for speedreaders to keep track of the MC's progress. TRPG's prose on the other hand punishes anyone that can't into literature and those with ADHD severely, since you can miss a whole lot of context due to skipping a even a single paragraph, which non-native and ESLs tends to do from using MTL.
Only because you asked nicely
Stopped reading slightly after Cid got the finger in the WN. I understand the charm, but not my cup of tea, the misunderstandings are better than Strange Grief because they're backed with actual strength, but it has the same problem with other comedy series due to the heavy reliance on the same joke.
>Strange Grief
The plot and jokes relies heavily on misunderstandings and handwaving, so it could get infuriating at times if you're not into those type of development, it's almost like Shadow but with an actually weak protag desu. I personally would rather recommend the author's other work (particularly the priest one) than this though, but reading a weakling fumble his way to escape responsibility is admittedly quite fun.
>Black summoner
Nothing special to note. Has the same problem with most "weak" to strong series, that being the powerlevel progressing way too fast (though it's quite justified due to Kelvin being a fightsexual).
>Otonari tenshi
Haven't finished reading this yet. Years of being mired in /lit/ taught me not to read anything with romance as the main focus, unless it's explicitly smut like Shinsuki na Adam.
Chekov's gun, the series. If you're the type that loves to read deeply into something and overthink even the most insignificant molecule that exists, you'll be deeply rewarded if you read this. It has a shitton of character development, worldbuilding, and foreshadowing that stays engaging due to its exposition that doesn't feel overbearing (at the cost of it having practically zero romance).
The anime makes Layfon seems too OP and it deviates with the source material far too much (although ironically it ends up being better than the LN, except for the ending). Story starts to deviate around vol 9, and Nina NTRs the MC spot from Layfon at vol 11 for at least 8 volumes until Layfon killsteals the final boss, confesses to best girl Felli, then fucks off to become an immortal multidimensional traveler capable of using Not!Judgement Cut with his Not!Yamato without even bothering to say goodbye to his friends, it's amazing.

>> No.42247493

Interesting. even ignoring the multiplier, the other timeline+mainline Erichs should also be getting a ton of XP from regularly fighting boss level threats and a variety of other adventures that he just wouldn't get by hunting generic bandits, so I guess maybe the author wants to highlight how hilarious level IX rank of any stat would be?
Although it would be funny if Koenigstuhl was also regularly endangered by endgame bosses.

also just checked, in volume 4.1 year 13 early winter he mentions that getting to scale IX hybrid sword arts to make his sword start defying reality and cut concepts would be disgustingly expensive, so magic would be a cheaper way to get some options for crowd control and physical resistant enemies.

I guess Schuld mostly wanted to highlight how far single stat autism can go despite being inferior on balance to a properly synergistic build.

>> No.42247695

I'd vote for dendrogram. It's got a lot of exciting battles because both parties usually have some sort of trump card that you can usually guess yourself because of all the foreshadowing.

It's very similar to battles in the Fate series, where you can have fun guessing at the names/abilities of the servants and how they'll fight. Dendrogram's very similar with embyro names also being references to legends/folklore/concepts and adds extra layers of fun with the job system and video game logic.

Tl;dr if you like chuuni VNs or any battle focused story with lots to speculate on, read infinite dendrogram.

>> No.42247788

>TRPG's prose on the other hand punishes anyone that can't into literature and those with ADHD severely, since you can miss a whole lot of context due to skipping a even a single paragraph, which non-native and ESLs tends to do from using MTL.
I disagree, the prose makes it easier to speedread, which I did this weekend.
Due to the word structure you can actually just read half-sentences most of the time and still get the gist of it despite skipping a few lines, one of the problems with it's prose is that it's somewhat redundant as a necessity from it's complexity.
Then again, I did read it in japanese, so I don't know how much we are referring to the original version or if you're talking about a "spiced up" english translation.

>> No.42247811
File: 353 KB, 1363x1920, 【あらおし悠】百合嫁バトルっ! ~許嫁と親友と時々メイド~ (二次元ドリーム文庫) 挿絵:相川たつき.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna read this and you can't stop me

>> No.42248006
File: 169 KB, 900x1350, 0015-031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nageki no bourei, which has been in my backlog since forever but I keep forgetting about it.
Liz Liz Liz!

>> No.42248094

Well sure, let's go with infinite dendrogram first, I was going to read it because the black dress loli on some of the covers looked cute but it sounds interesting.
If it's actually VRMMO stuff then I'm ready to expect deranged stuff.

>> No.42248188

the English TL is written pretty much in the same vein as the Japanese, in fact imo the way the Japanese is structured and overwrought allows the English to get away with sounding more "natural" in the first place since English is more long-winded than Japanese by nature
maybe given that English is just a low context language to begin with there could be less room to infer meaning from context when skipping bits
if it was down to "spicing up" that shouldn't really affect the basic information density, if anything it would make speed reading easier with more redundancy

>> No.42248258

different anon but given that he said base form and MTL I assume he was talking about skipping stuff in JP, unless people are dumb enough to pivot MTL instead of just MTLing the raw

>> No.42248535

Depending on the language pairs MTLing from a pivot can produce better results (or at least more readable results) than direct MTL if the pivot translation is good.

>> No.42249817

I finished the first volume the other day, pretty comfy read

>> No.42250027

The LN changed thing to address the over-reliance on the one joke. Everything after the financial arc is a completely different story.
I recommend giving it a second chance, start form V4

>> No.42250152

the weird thing about shadow is that it only started working again once the author stopped taking it as a comedy, and instead as a normal political/mystery/drama story that just so happens to be dryly comedic by happenstance
more or less the same with strange grief, it's a fairly straightforward story where the misunderstandings happen to be comedic, rather than it being a comedy first and foremost
similar to how something can have romance elements but being different from an actual romance novel
for example i wouldn't exactly call the recent volume 5 capital C comedic, shadow's antics are funny, but i wouldn't exactly call it the focus
and in my personal opinion, this contrast between complete seriousness and happenstance comedy is what makes them work, because both settings would be far too grim to get emotionally invested in them otherwise

>> No.42251071

why rely on MTL at all? just learn japanese

>> No.42251465

>harem instead of cute &loving monogamy
never dropped something so fast

>> No.42251760

a lot of third world ESLs don't have the time or means

>> No.42252288

yet you have the time to read MTL.

>> No.42252418

I wouldn't know I'm not a third worlder ESL , I just use MTL to read foreign news sources sometimes to get an external perspective

>> No.42252948

Can anyone explain to me why zettour decided to invade ildoa though he opposed it initially before the armed mutual defence agreement with the you-know-who?

>> No.42252978

I thought it's because zettour saw a chance to minimize the post-defeat damage by forcibly bringing the war to a quick end and cutting a deal with the unified states in the process. But in that case he should have described the pact as a chance but the fact that he thought the intervention of you-know-who as problematic makes me confused

>> No.42253005

I haven't gotten to the part yet, but there were always good reasons to attack them. He opposed it because a) he wanted a neutral country for diplomatic reasons and more importantly b) he couldn't spare the troops and logistical support.

>> No.42253056

I know the reasons why he opposed it and the reasons you mentioned are still valid as of the event. What I am confused about is why he decided to attack. I think it's the reason I mentioned in the previous post (which also seems to be the common opinion) but the paragraphs in the book detailing why he made the choice is too incongruent in the tone.
Tell me when you reach that part, I can explain why better then

>> No.42253118

Actually, never mind. It feels like something's lost in the translation

>> No.42253229
File: 94 KB, 487x677, Dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somewhat redundant as a necessity from it's complexity
Exactly, but I could guarantee you that most of those that can appreciate such lengthy prose have already read books for a long time and decided to read TRPG precisely because they've been wanting to read something like that. You should remember that most LN/WN are pretty simple and direct in phrasing, so it's understandable if secondaries used to the "usual" schlock gets irritated from the amount of redundancy, decides to skip several chapters ahead, then gets utterly confused due to the climax not resolving as they thought it would be. I mean, that's exactly what that one anon who hates TRPG did when he said the story seems all over the place due to Erich not learning magic even after he was given the magic ring (which of course gets addressed even in vol 1).
>unless people are dumb enough to pivot MTL instead of just MTLing the raw
Oh you have no idea how dumb desperate people can be. It's almost as amusing as seeing an addict in bumfuck nowhere without crack in his pocket (at least before they threaten to burn down your home). Especially so during the LN/WN boom in ~2014 where you can see a bunch of wordpress "TL" site popping out of nowhere. If you've ever bothered reading the comments, you might notice that most ESL users (particularly the SEAniggers) prefers MTL (and quadratic MTL for their own language) rather than "translated" series from YP and 7S with at least passable 英語 because it "reads better."
Desperate people don't want quality, they only need instant gratification, and there will never be enough time that would allow them to take on additional task like learning Nipponese, just take a look at the isek/a/i thread for proof. Sorry for the rant.

>> No.42254318

That reminds me that one criticism I've seen more than once of TRPG from some readers is that they think it would be useful to see Erich's stat sheet more often now and again as they lose track of his skills and levels. Despite how detail-oriented the script is with everything else it's comparatively sparse in terms of keeping the reader up to date on his skill levels, and especially vague about particular XP quantities and costs.
Like I get that the author probably wants to go more by feel and have relative power levels come across in description and outcomes rather than in hard numbers just like in the good old days, but it's not what most litRPG readers are used to.

>> No.42255690

>you might notice that most ESL users (particularly the SEAniggers) prefers MTL (and quadratic MTL for their own language) rather than "translated" series from YP and 7S with at least passable 英語 because it "reads better."
85-90 IQ crowd getting access to the internet was a mistake

>> No.42255937

>Desperate people don't want quality, they only need instant gratification, and there will never be enough time that would allow them to take on additional task like learning Nipponese, just take a look at the isek/a/i thread for proof. Sorry for the rant.
The self-proclaimed manga elitists who refuse to learn the language and the bottom feeder MTL-junkies are two groups I simply do not understand. At the point they are in their "fandom" the next step to take should be obvious.

>> No.42256270

I read this years ago and I swear there was a good reason but I forgot exactly. Wasn't it something to do with Ildoa being basically shitters and not really committing to the war effort? Also every problem they had could have been solved by just listening to zettour. Poor guy is the real hero.

>> No.42256277

Especially burger people

>> No.42256410

>you might notice that most ESL users (particularly the SEAniggers) prefers MTL (and quadratic MTL for their own language) rather than "translated" series from YP and 7S with at least passable 英語 because it "reads better."
i doubt that's the case, or rather you're likely misunderstanding the point, before just learning jp myself i preferred literal MTL to official TLs because at least that wasn't butchered by a faggot "localizer" thinking he knows better than the author (he doesn't)

>> No.42256489

At least MTL readers, if they are using deeptl+hover dictionary themselves instead of reading the english nonsense someone posted, end up learning the basics if only off sheer osmosis given enough time, and eventually end up learning japanese because it's simply faster to just read than copypaste every single paragraph and double check the MTL is not eating lines or words.

>> No.42256526

Oh I just remembered something. Lehrgen fails in his negotiation with them. I forgot the specifics but I'm pretty sure that was the breaking point and he reasoned that it would be more advantageous to invade.

>> No.42256860
File: 2.30 MB, 1500x1065, Tenseid_Villainesses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone seen either of their respective authors or illustrators comment on the similarity between Mariabel and Runa in afterwords or narou pages or anywhere else? Or alternatively whether they had a common source of inspiration that I might have missed, perhaps?

>> No.42256880

not this slime schizo shit again

>> No.42257072

There's nothing schizo about having doubts when two characters have the same (exotic for the country of origin) hair color, eye color and dress color scheme, both happen to be reincarnated into another world as a high-society girl and also happen to have both the resources and capabilities to be financial magnates that goes far beyond what they started off with. They also both happen to aim for controlling society with wealth, albeit with some obvious differences in the specifics and motives, and I guess Runa also had a far tougher starting position, not only socially, but is also herself still a physically fragile little girl who needs protection, while Mariabel is easily in the top 1% of fighting prowess due to her abilities as a reincarnator.
But there are still far too many overlaps to dismiss them as a simple coincidence.

>> No.42257106

I mean that's easier than most people think it is.
That plus learning basic grammar would already get you to being better at japanese than most translators these days.

>> No.42257172

I mean they already have 6 limbs

>> No.42257183

and whatever I manage to scrape from this thread today

>> No.42257305

>Desperate people don't want quality, they only need instant gratification, and there will never be enough time that would allow them to take on additional task like learning Nipponese, just take a look at the isek/a/i thread for proof. Sorry for the rant.
Pretty sure at this point nobody is using the isekai general for actual discussion, it's beyond a lost cause.
And they aren't desperate, they are bored with nothing better to do than speedread whatever manga they come across, and with a low memory span to the point I don't doubt people have read the same manga multiple times after forgetting about it, only to complain "everything is like this now"..
They are stuck on a perpetual cycle of calling everything shallow, yet never engaging with anything earnestly, which makes everything feel shallow, it's a self fulfilling prophecy of the highest degree and I would pity them if they weren't obnoxious snobs.

>> No.42257548

I am stuck where I am because I have a crippling drive disorder, and learned helplessness.
I used to try to learn Japanese many years ago, but I have since come to accept that I will inevitably abandon any project that takes longer than ~2 weeks, and stopped attempting things.
Japanese media have taken up most of my time for decades, and it frustrates me to no end that I am in this dumb position.

(though I doubt that I am representative of the average consumer who doesn't speak Japanese)

>> No.42257697

You forgot a lot anon, lergen was never supposed to succeed in his negotiations as rudersdorf always intended to invade them. Zettour didn't want to initially but the alliance made him change his mind.
My confusion arose because the tl made it seem like the event reduced the leeway in zettour's timeline. But after checking the raws it's actually the opposite where it creates too much leeway, thus prolonging the war as I thought initially.
Sorry for not being able to express myself clearly but, basically, the choice of words in tl made the alliance seem like a ticking time bomb while it's actually portrayed as unwelcome help

>> No.42257734
File: 209 KB, 1400x560, 639f2e0cecf46e022cff11d27303a1a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm, burgers

>> No.42257755

>I mean that's easier than most people think it is.
Vocab, grammar, kanji, pitch accent, etc. is but having the discipline to sit down and study every single day for however many years it takes definitely isn't. Most people are lazy

>> No.42257762

Shit, I'm going to be really confused whenever volume 13 comes out. It's been too long damn it.

>> No.42257771

Just put a note on your wall about it.

>> No.42257800

If you're already MTLing with a hover dictionary, vocab and remembering kanji is a non-issue.
Grammar as a concept is far easier than people think it is, getting a grasp of the basics shouldn't take you longer than a week.
It's even easier than you give it credit for, all you have to do is sit down for a week to get the basics and ta-da, you're a better translator than even professional ones these days, you don't even have to memorize it, you can just have the grammar guide/dictionary open while you read.
And yeah people still can't be fucked to do even that, it's pathetic.

>> No.42257927
File: 613 KB, 1277x1800, gaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shishunki na Adam
Been meaning to read that

>> No.42260061

just reread it all again
it's that easy

>> No.42260182

Basic vocabulary and grammar is like the most surface level shallow understanding, though.

>> No.42260183

>(though I doubt that I am representative of the average consumer who doesn't speak Japanese)
You would be depressingly surprised.
You're actually above average for trying to learn, even if you always fail, the average is the kind of person that asks for EN dubs and actually thinks those dubs are good.

>> No.42260195

You aren't wrong, the point is getting to that level of basic shallow understanding barely takes a month tops.
Isn't it depressing neither of us is incorrect? How even "professional" translators can't even do that much?

>> No.42260632

that's more on burger distribution markets showing no respect to "weeb stuff"
that and the english fan translator scene degrading too much over the years because of >>42253229
people don't want quality, they want something to speed-consume and move on to the next thing

>> No.42260755

How long does Desu archive save images?

I'll post a link soon to some manga of SAO progressive that was posted there. It will never replace the LN for me, but the drawings are great, they made Asuna thicc as gumbo soup,and Kizmel is a micro MILF. Much better than the anime that seems set to eliminate fan service, even in the movies.

>> No.42261222

aren't manga aggregators for that though?
unless you mean posting them raw, but aggregators for that still exist
post away anyway, may as well

>> No.42262800


>> No.42264001

>How long does Desu archive save images?
I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be permanent.
It's just the incompetence with which most of them are run that causes data loss.
