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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4223542 No.4223542 [Reply] [Original]

I was just on the phone with my mom and she popped the "Do you have a girlfriend?" question, so I replied "Several." She told her boyfriend who started cheering for me in the background. She sounded genuinely happy and proud of me for the first time in years.

I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was joking and that I'm still a 23yo virgin with a 3DPD complex. I think it would've literally crushed her heart. ;_;

How do you handle your mothers' crushing disappointment in you, /jp/?

>> No.4223552

Bigger question how does my mom handle my crushing disappointment in her.

>> No.4223554

Stay out of contact.

>> No.4223558

It's better for me to be single than date a train wreck like my sister is doing.

>> No.4223559

>BAWWWWWWWWW it's your fault I turned out like this

>> No.4223563

I've told her no grandchildren since I was 14. She's over it.

>> No.4223577

My mother is dead, my father is not around and even if they were I am relatively successful and not a neet.

Good day.

>> No.4223584

i am asexual so i don't need to worry about that shit

>> No.4223588

My dakimakura is my gf. She gets mad if I cheat.

>> No.4223589
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hi five brother

>> No.4223591

This has worked well for me, but it's not really optional since my parents both died when I was 20. I hope they aren't watching me fap to loli from heaven.

You figured out you were a homo at 14?

>> No.4223604


Nice try dipshit. There's no such thing as asexual, it's just a term retards came up with to try to deny that they can't get a girlfriend and instead fap in their room for hours on end.

>> No.4223612
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Really? Then what would you cause my absolute lack of attraction, sexually, to any male or female? I have no desire for pithy things like "sex" either.

Hell, women are scum anyway.

Don't be the butthurt one here, now.

>> No.4223617

You had damaged hormones.

>> No.4223623
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Call it escapism but I can't accept anyone real and as such have no interest in relationships with any woman or man.

>> No.4223627

You were either dropped on the head as an infant, had your sexual organs removed, or are lying.

Guess which one is the most likely?

>> No.4223629

0/10 get out of /jp/.

>> No.4223632

Been telling my mom and relatives that I was never gonna get into a relationship with ANYONE since I was 12. I keep my word.

>> No.4223634

You'll hit puberty soon enough, kid.

>> No.4223637
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I fell and hit my head at age 5 on concrete once, does that count as #1?

>> No.4223639
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just admit you're a homo already. you'll find a boyfriend that will suck your penis

>> No.4223640

My mother has sabotaged every attempt I've made at a successful relationship... But then she tries to hook me up with sluts.

Even when I was under 18 she didn't like me dating people under 18. Stupid bitch, women have an expiry date... It's somewhere around the 16 year mark.

>> No.4223641

0/10 what?

Are you saying that all the virgins on /jp/ are chaste individuals who have never fapped nor have an urge to do so? Or do you actually believe this asexual bullshit?

>> No.4223645

My mother would never be disappointed in me. She's always supportive no matter what. Tough luck if yours is.

>> No.4223651

Also as an interesting side note I am the last of my line. No brothers, no cousins that are boys, unless I have a kid, the family name ends with me. Whee.

>> No.4223657

All the virgins on /jp/ just aren't attracted to 3D women, 2D is where it's at.

>> No.4223658


Amusing words from someone probably younger than me. Then again, unlike you, I have studied psychology in college for several years and know "asexuality" exists.

>> No.4223663

so what if asexuality is caused by damaged hormones? why would i want to be sexual anyway? it seems pretty horrible

>> No.4223665

My brother broke up with his 2 year girlfriend because she wanted to get married. My normalfag family all supported him while I was shunned for saying that he shouldn't be dating some slut he has no interest in marrying in the first place.

I hate them all.

>> No.4223667

Fapping to 2D doesn't make you asexual.

>> No.4223669

I'm 34, if my mother hasn't figured it out yet she never will.

>> No.4223670


Snap, we've got ourselves an internet doctor.

Someone call internet Stephen Hawking.

>> No.4223675
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>Implying asexuality is related to fapping and not relationships

>> No.4223677

Good thing about being a shut-in is that my mother realizes there's no opportunity for me to meet girls in my daily life.

I wonder how I'll handle it when I eventually move out, though. I don't feel that I can just tell her I generally don't trust women enough to get close to them.

>> No.4223680


/jp/'s idea of getting a girlfriend = everlasting love.
everyone else idea = getting laid followed by breakup.

/jp/ is full of little girls? makes sense.

>> No.4223684


Enjoy your useless credits, retard. I got a psychology minor in a single semester with straight A's while not even trying. Psychology is a load of common sense BS bloated with technical terms.

Asexuality exists, but it's incredibly rare and I highly doubt any of these mutants is on /jp/ at this very moment.

>> No.4223687

in regards to humans, it does. i guess you could call it 2dsexual or whatever but it still falls under the asexual orientation

>> No.4223688


My mom probably thinks I'm banging girls all the time in college. I've only ever been to a few parties, and never even talked to a girl beyond casual conversation.

>> No.4223691

>implying ejaculation has nothing to do with sexual urges

>> No.4223692

It's called romance, /jp/ would be a fucking great boyfriend if they ever found a girl who met their impossible standards.

>> No.4223694
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Yoouuu... caaaalled?

>> No.4223696

i am actually asexual, and aromantic as well. it's not "incredibly rare", about 1% of the population are thought to be asexual, though of course most of them have no idea that they are. also, about 95% of asexuals are introverted, which makes it much likelier to find them on /jp/.

>> No.4223697


>implying asexuality is about sexual urges on the whole and not sexual urges directed at genders

>> No.4223698

Is not being a whore too much to ask for?

>> No.4223699
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> I've been to a few parties

>> No.4223701

i fap like once a week because it's supposedly healthy but i don't really derive any pleasure from it

>> No.4223704

As a girl, how do I become a good boyfriend? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.4223706
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You're not supposed to point out that you're a girl on /jp/.

>> No.4223707

Someone who wouldn't cheat on you? well if we're talking about 3D people, yeah it's impossible.


He never said it was to much, just that it was impossible.

>> No.4223709


>> No.4223712

I'm confident that I'll find a girl good enough to marry some day. I'm not going to completely abandon females just because most of them suck.

>> No.4223714

Grow a dick.

>> No.4223715

oh look, an attention whore, let's shower her with attention.... yeah...

>> No.4223717

I'm not just a girl. I want to surpass that. I want to become someone's amazing boyfriend.

>> No.4223720

/jp/ - Asexuals/Hopeless Romantics

>> No.4223723


Umm... on the business of fapping... I heard it was a 'healthy' thing to do, and I'm just wondering, is /not/ doing it something UNhealthy to not do?

Well... because, I'd hate to admit, I've never purportedly fapped... ever - unless you consider the occasional loads I blow while asleep every once in a long while. Am I gonna die soon?

>> No.4223724

Sounds about right.

>> No.4223725

I would rape you

>> No.4223726

My mother once told me how wrong it was to be gay. Since then I started fapping to traps, and then shota. She never told me how wrong it was to be a pedophile but I'm sure she thinks that.

But my mother is a crazy bitch, and I mean that literally. I haven't seen her in years at my own behest.

>> No.4223730


Yes. You better write your will now. Have a vocaloid sing it for best effect.

>> No.4223738
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>> No.4223742

>/jp/ - Asexuals/Hopeless Romantics
I think that's not a wrong way to put it.
Personally, even the thought of kissing someone disgusts me, but I do believe in 'true love' etc.

>> No.4223743


...bye then, guys. I liked lurking this place, while it lasted.

>> No.4223745

The reason for nocturnal emission is usually cause you don't fap. If that's happening then your not in any real danger.

>> No.4223747

Never come back.

>> No.4223749

Since fapping is 'healthy' not fapping is 'less healthy' at least. Besides, why have you never fapped? The reason you always blow your load in sleep is because you won't get rid of all that load you're carrying while you're awake, so your body has to do it for you while you're not in control.

>> No.4223751

The healthiness propaganda seems mostly like a counter reaction to the anti-masturbation propaganda. There are basically just some researches that conclude regular fapping reduces risk of prostate cancer, but it's not like those risks are high in the first place.

>> No.4223755
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>> No.4223757

Don't listen to him. That's just the devil trying to take over. Quickly you must hop on one foot all day to get rid of it.

>> No.4223759

They're only low because all those guys who say they never fap actually do, and there are only a very small percentage of people who really don't, and nearly all of them get prostate cancer.

>> No.4223760

Here friend, the place to go for all your masturbation issues and questions:

>> No.4223764

Too lazy to clean up after myself.

>> No.4223768


>> No.4223770
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I don't care about attention. I don't even have a username. I just feel left out with all this talking about all these guy things I don't understand.

>> No.4223772

go watch some porn

>> No.4223773

Grow a dick.

>> No.4223774

You and me both, bro. Let's lament the end of our lines by getting shit faced nipaa~

>> No.4223776
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Everyone on /jp/ is looking for a Nagisa of their own. A pure, platonic love in a world filled with greedy, hedonistic people only out for their own benefit. They know the odds are infinitesimally small, but they still persevere and retain their chastity in the hopes that their dream may one day come true, and they will find an uncorrupted, pure maiden who genuinely shares his love and will devote her whole-hearted loyalty in turn. And then, and only then, will /jp/ finally find true happiness.

>> No.4223778

Something I'll have to wash eventually.

>> No.4223779


Why don't you understand them?
I understand them.

>> No.4223782

You don't have to wash them. For instance, I have a drawer full of old cumrags so their godawful stench is sealed. Whenever a cumrag gets a bit too used, I just toss it in there.

>> No.4223783

This. And even if I die alone and miserable,I know... within myself...

I tried.

>> No.4223786

Get a banana and put it between your legs.

>> No.4223787

Everybody dies alone.

>> No.4223792

Well that's another layer to my problem, I'm also a bit of a neat freak, although I'm lazy like this. The mere thought of an area within my room where such a vile thing exists makes me shudder... not, but you get my point.

>> No.4223794

All this talk about how fapping is like the key to the universe and clearly I am very unaware of the world around me.

>> No.4223796

How about miserable?

>> No.4223797


>> No.4223804

Nobody wants to die unless their life sucked, so yes.

>> No.4223805

Your alone, your miserable.

>> No.4223810
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3D romances never end well. Why bother?

>> No.4223812

Damn, that's a nice watch.

>> No.4223815

i had a gf once, big mistake, she drove me crazy after a few months and i broke it off.
sticking to 2D now...

>> No.4223818

more like 3D loli romances?

>> No.4223819

I love 3D loli. But there's jail to consider.

>> No.4223822

Did you have intercourse with her?

This is important, as it may or may not result in a permaban for you.

>> No.4223827

I wish for the opposite, I wish to do glorious heroism, I enjoyed FSN for Archer and UBW route shirou.

Something about having the ability to do amazing things, and go on glorious adventures and have a reason to live, versus realizing there are too many humans on the planet and you are one of the many nobodies, who will die a pathetic life and be forgotten.

>> No.4223829

>I just feel left out
Deal with it. I know it's hard, being a girl and all, but you can't expect to always be the center of attention.

>> No.4223835

ya, im quite she she was just looking for sex.
but a sex friend is not as fun as it sounds, oh sure the sex is great, but everything else about the relationship sucks big time.
so i ended it.
she was driving me crazy.

>> No.4223840

One of these days you'll grow up and realize you're dust in the wind. Literally.

Stories of heroism are simply propagated by Big Brother to influence the masses to work harder for no return.

>> No.4223842

You can always delude yourself. I used to genuinely think I was an important person and that someday I'd do something great that people would remember me for for years. Sounds silly, of course, but it feels really good.

>> No.4223845

I've realized long ago that 3DPD women are nothing more than BITCHES and WHORES. As a rule, I'll never become anything more than a friend to a woman.

I'm not gay either. Hello, alone and miserable death.

>> No.4223851

Nobody dies a virgin. Life fucks us all.

>> No.4223853

Yeah, I always tell myself that I am a god, and that I can manifest some coffee if I wanted to, but I just want to play through this certain route as a normal being, for a challenge. Then I feel so much better.

>> No.4223856

NEETs are the true heroes, as they dare to stand against the whole world if necessary, and never abandon their principles, while the type of person typically portrayed as a hero is just someone desperate for attention, trying to do impressive stuff so people will like him.

>> No.4223864
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Please watch your language.

>> No.4223869
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>Stories of heroism are simply propagated by Big Brother to influence the masses to work harder for no return.

I thought you were dead.

>> No.4223872

I never delude myself, I realize I am nothing in the grand scheme of the world.

I do all I can to help everyone, but in the end my actions do not even compare to heroes of past.

I am a NEET, except I am not lazy. I workout, I try my best to look normal, and I train myself in everything I possibly can. I love target shooting, and fencing and I do all I can to go out and do these things.

I do this in hopes, that maybe after death I will have a chance everything I wished for will come true, and I will be prepared.

I do this in hopes that if a war comes, I can become a glorious war hero or die in glorious battle for a cause driven by the side I am fighting for.

I love stories of heroism. I love videogames that show a hero who isn't overly powerful, but normal in power to his surroundings.

I plan on joining the French Foreign Legion soon too.

I just hope that I can experience a true adventure of any kind before I die.

>> No.4223878
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>> No.4223879


>One of these days you'll grow up and realize you're space dust in a very peculiar formation. Literally.

>> No.4223882
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>> No.4223890

When I feel like it, I'll write something important enough to change civilisation and be remembered for all eternity.
But that's just when I feel like it, of course. Now I'm too busy with fapping and playing Yume Nikki.

>> No.4223891

Enjoy fighting a war to make some oil baron richer and dying to a grenade lobbed at your face by some filthy sandnigger who will laugh at your corpse as it's dragged away and buried in the ground.

>> No.4223893
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>> No.4223895

Goddamnit, my first reaction was the desire to smash her in the face with a shovel.

>> No.4223897

A cause is a cause none-the-less, the viewpoint of the person determines how they feel about it.

>> No.4223899
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>> No.4223903

I'm the complete opposite of you.

The only thing I find in life is comfort.

If it's something I can enjoy, I do it.

If it's something I want, I take it. Of course, this is in consideration to the consequences. Since, as I said, I want to only be comfortable, and getting a beef with anyone is anything but.

I don't want to overexert myself in useless things, although if it's something enjoyable anyway, like browsing /jp/, I'll gladly do it.

I don't need to be known.

I don't need to be loved by anyone else. That's why I'm still living with my parents.

I'm not really a NEET, yet. Although I do see myself as one, as soon as I step out of college.

I'm not worried, though. Because whatever happens, as long as it's something I can find comfort in, be it to actually find a job to fulfill whatever else I want in life, or just living out the rest of my days as a leech, I'm totally fine with it.

Take it easy, man. Yup. No matter how much I wanna maim and kill those Yukkuri, I must say they are on the right track.

>> No.4223906
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