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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4217867 No.4217867 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4217888

Shit sucked, fuck the hype

>> No.4217946

once again hollywood portrays white people as the hero and american morals and justice as the universal correct thing to do

I'm just guessing. I haven't watched it yet.

>> No.4217956

African/Native American tribe of savages vs USA-like government seeking to exploit the virgin land.

>> No.4217973
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Actually, it's the opposite. This is supposed to be a white guilt movie, so American morals and white people are the big bad evil.

But who gives a shit, the only reason to watch this movie is for the pretty effects and Miles Motherfucking Quaritch.

>> No.4218248

Except for the fact that ultimately white dudes save the day, so it's white guilt while still patronizing primative cultures.

>> No.4218539
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When you hype something to a level that equals and surpasses that of Final Fantasy VIII, there is no way it can live up to the hype.
That said, doesn't change the fact that it's basically Dances with Wolves in space. Not bad, but nothing new.

Though come to think of it, this is the first (and quite possibly the last and only) American action movie I've ever seen where the main guy is a whole lot smaller than the main girl.
Just look at that cute little marine. No wonder she wants to take him home. <3

>> No.4218560

Fuck you FF8 was good.

>> No.4218640
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So was Avatar. Doesn't change that both were extremely overhyped.

>> No.4218645
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>> No.4218652

besides the junction system backfiring alot of people enjoyed the story and music of ff8

>> No.4218653


Really now, /jp/?

>> No.4218656

Poca-smurfa-hontas in space

>> No.4218661

avatar would have been better if tim curry had a musical role in it.

>> No.4218664

Wow, when seeing it that's all I could think about.

The plot was completely unoriginal, but then again, what is original these days?

>> No.4218663


Come on now, Xu was awesome.

For the whole 10 lines she got in the whole game...

>> No.4218666

The only thing I'm sure people enjoyed was that card game.

>> No.4218685

ROMANTIC DREAMS, QUITIS, BIGS AND WEDGE'S "Fuck this shit we're joke characters", WHATEVER.

>> No.4218957

What does it say?

>> No.4219000

Wait, why did everybody see the army as USA-like government? Its not like the Europeans weren't doing this and not all Natives were peaceful LOVE THE WORLD people.

>> No.4219011

Because europe doesn't have MUHREENS, especially not the kind that goes HOOAH

>> No.4219136


And Europeans don't speak with american accents

>> No.4219281

Marines don't say "hooah," fucking retard.

>> No.4219335

So, why didn't they just mine underground again?

>> No.4219388

The Smurfs in 3D?
