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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.53 MB, 640x360, Wind (1998) by Sono Sion.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42031355 No.42031355 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>41811875

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.42031409
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>> No.42031913
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>> No.42032841
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選べ、white or black

>> No.42032895
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>> No.42034138
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I might watch both.
Winter season is stacked. There is even an Ando Sakura drama.

>> No.42035152
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I always end up watching the new getsuku drama every January.

>> No.42035323

I see Dean Tapioca I download

>> No.42036404

Is there something like Densha Otoko out there?

>> No.42036657

Boys on the Run

>> No.42036722
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>> No.42036884
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>> No.42037956
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>> No.42038187
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>> No.42038507
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>> No.42038905


>> No.42041010

>love triangles

>> No.42041828

Imagine adapting a light novel series into a 2hr movie...

>> No.42041833

Johnny fangirls just wanna drool over their idol.

>> No.42041862

Wouldve been better as a tv drama imo unless sequels are planned

>> No.42041878
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, Takane no Hana-san S01E01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mean ladyboss secretly in love with kouhai-kun read in a book that men like women who praise them but he's so bad at his job that she cannot do it.

>> No.42043195

ywn work in a japanese office and have a hot boss who is in love with you
i guess you can see in jav what happens next
why live

>> No.42048817 [DELETED] 


>> No.42049518
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>> No.42049652

Nothing to watch...

>> No.42050009
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, 2022年12月12日 月曜から夜ふかし 「なぜあの時メイド服をくれたのか兄に聞きたい」.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet this degenerate sicko had a gooning sesh after this.
Haven't watched this show in almost 2 years, was this episode good?

>> No.42050451
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 月曜から夜ふかし 2022.12.12 【サッカーW杯を全然応援しない人たちを調査】 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she looks pretty cute. I bet she works at one of those 店 as she kinda gives that vibe.

>> No.42050515
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_2022-12-14_01-13-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy every week but this week's wasn't a particularly standout episode.
Next week is a Maseki Geinou special so if you're into comedians maybe you'd enjoy it.

>> No.42050750
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She's actually a pro cosplayer. She said on Twitter that she used to be a depressed hikikomori but the maid outfit her brother gave her got her into cosplaying.
Wonder if I should restart watching it regularly. Many variety shows are barely watchable nowadays, aside from 水ダウ and 夜ふかし who are constantly good.

>> No.42050857
File: 785 KB, 2200x1466, D8490DC8-F2C4-4920-9AA0-774D1544D0C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GACKT is back. Also Akko is on the show.

>> No.42050980


>> No.42051103
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>> No.42051529
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Yukihiko Tsutsumi is one of the directors.

>> No.42051743

He's so safe these days.

>> No.42051914

How many Battle Royale ripoff's Japan has done now? They more or less fail to imitate its nuisance and framing.

>> No.42051920


>> No.42053746

I wish he didn’t. We all know he’s gonna win now, it’s not fun anymore. They should have taken his hiatus as a chance to write him off.

>> No.42054813

did his voice return?

>> No.42056687
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The girl who likes Kurochan (whoever is she) was convinced by the staff to try and become an idol, therefore the last three girls made their debut today.
My money on Mina being the one who genuinely likes Kurochan.

>> No.42057089

There's maybe a 5% chance it's Miku, but it's obviously never been Richi. Mina being the weakest singer makes it even more obvious.

I'm hoping for Kurochan to guess correctly but get shut down anyway because she's lost interest for one reason or another. That'd be the funniest ending.

>> No.42057225
File: 2.93 MB, 950x534, 2022年12月14日 水曜日のダウンタウン.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's Minachan too. I predict Kurochan will pick her but she rejects him saying she wants to be an idol now and can't be having a boyfriend. They didn't show her on the preview too. The other thing is the lyrics of the song, she says "I think I fell in love with you" or something and in the song's cover she's the center with a confident expression while the other two are sporting a boo-boo face.

>> No.42057611

I guess Kuro-chan isn't getting married after all.

>> No.42057896
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>> No.42058031

if you don't mind it being older, 101st Marriage Proposal. There's a korean remake of it too but I haven't watched that so I don't know how good it is

>> No.42058065

Another City Hunter movie?

>> No.42058508
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>> No.42058620

I'll be disappointed if it's Mina because it's almost too obvious. She's the most amateurish. I'm convinced Miku is an idol aspirant. If she isn't then she made the right choice joining the group.

>> No.42058915

Where do I watch this show with English subs?

>> No.42058950

lmao'ing at your life

>> No.42059017

Yes and release in 2024 on Netflix.

>> No.42059052

I like Mina
I just hope they don't turn like mameshiba

>> No.42059934

Fuck off EOP

>> No.42059977

We Are Little Zombies was really good. Makoto Nagahisa needs to make another movie soon

>> No.42060001

I’ve heard about him a couple of times. His works worth watching?

>> No.42060053


>> No.42060067

i'd say so if you can handle really quirky colorful stuff. i'd also recommend his goldfish short film from 2017

>> No.42060769
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>> No.42060890

What do you mean "another"? This is Japan's first adaption of City Hunter. The other adaptions are gook and chink adaptions

>> No.42064218

The posters look pretty cool.

>> No.42064901
File: 578 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2022-12-14-22h13m32s286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Girolamo hothead just wants to beat up people.
Those costumes are ダサイ, like a Momokuro's early 2010s rejected outfit.
>I'll be disappointed if it's Mina because it's almost too obvious
Me too. Everyone since last week's episode, even the guests on the show, kept saying Richi is suspicious but now I hope she's the real one just for the unexpected swerve.

>> No.42065305

>This Girolamo hothead just wants to beat up people.
He's based. When he was on Aiseki Shokudou he just tried to pick up girls the whole time.

>> No.42066002

He's a good guy for not beating the shit out of him when he insulted his home country.
>Picking up girls with Instagram
Old man keeping up with the times

>> No.42066070

what are some good suspensful/thriller japanese movies? i feel like ive seen all the good stuff already

>> No.42066077

arer we excited for alice in borderland season 2 bros ?

>> No.42066215

Haven't watched the first one yet even though I wanted to. Should I finally do it?

>> No.42066675
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>> No.42066726

hey, I'm looking for a show I watched on youtube at one point and now I can't find it anywhere. As I recall it started with this guy on horseback cutting off a carriage full of rocks that he was pulling which then crashed into a bathhouse and sends a bunch of naked dudes flying. It's a sort of samurai show set in edo. If anyone knows what I'm talking about please tell me the title

>> No.42066882
File: 160 KB, 1320x704, talking-head-1320x704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you've watched but I think these are more obscure than others

>Oshii Mamoru
Talking Head (1992)
>Sono Sion
Strange Circus (2005)
>Miike Takashi
Visitor Q (2001)
>Ishii Gakuryu
Labyrinth of Dreams (1997)
>Tsukamoto Shinya
Haze (2005)
>Kurosawa Kiyoshi
Serpent's Path (1998)
>Iwai Shunji
Lunatic Love (1994)

>> No.42068867
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>> No.42068870

yeah, it's a fun watch. better than squid game

>> No.42069288
File: 631 KB, 655x550, Just_Kino_my_Sushi_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good recap video around?
I enjoyed the first season but pretty much forgot the majority of it already?

>> No.42070230

Another online mini film festival: https://jff.jpf.go.jp/watch/independent-cinema/film-lineup/

* FROM Dec 15, 2022 - Mar 15, 2023

Double Layered Town / Making a Song to Replace Our Positions
Documentary, Art / 2021 / 1h 19m
Director: KOMORI Haruka, SEO Natsumi

Dryads in a Snow Valley
Documentary / 2016 / 1h 39m
Director: KOBAYASHI Shigeru

Wonderwall : the Movie
Comedy, Drama / 2020 / 1h 8m
Director: MAEDA Yuki

Somebody's Flowers
Crime, Drama / 2021 / 1h 55m
Director: OKUDA Yusuke

Music, Art / 2021 / 0h 37m
Director: YOSHIGAI Nao

Leaving on the 15th Spring
Drama, Romance / 2013 / 1h 54m
Director: YOSHIDA Yasuhiro

* FROM Mar 15, 2023 - Jun 15, 2023

On the Edge of Their Seats
Drama, Romance / 2020 / 1h 15m
Director: JOJO Hideo

Music, Art / 2021 / 1h 29m
Director: TOYODA Toshiaki

Drive into Night
Crime, Drama / 2022 / 2h 5m
Director: SAKO Dai

What Can You Do about It
Documentary / 2019 / 1h 59m
Director: TSUBOTA Yoshifumi

In the Distance
Comedy, Drama / 2022 / 1h 18m
Director: KATO Saki

A Little Girl's Dream
Documentary / 2014 / 1h 26m
Director: TOKITA Yoshiaki

>> No.42071199
File: 393 KB, 2324x1720, 1964640a7026fa78e8c6b0bdace104be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music, Art / 2021 / 1h 29m
>Director: TOYODA Toshiaki
Great news, I've been dying to watch Toyoda's latest works. I hope they'd screen 生きている。someday. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.42073857
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Will it be a sad ending?

>> No.42073970
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Anyone watched it all?
How was it? Would you recommend?

>> No.42073996

I'll come back to finish this next time because the story is pretty sad and depressing.

>> No.42074979

I don't like the male lead.

>> No.42076817

she doesn't deserve meme!

>> No.42076825

Please inform me of the name sir

>> No.42076949

He's ugly without photoshop.

>> No.42080430

I mean, most italian weebs actually consider him a shame for Italy

source: I'm one of them

>> No.42081295
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, saa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuuki Ogoe

>> No.42082807


>> No.42082857

Kek. Lots of cute monomane geinins I’ve never heard of this year.

>> No.42084704

Sappy melodrama

>> No.42086525
File: 2.22 MB, 400x225, a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42087263


>> No.42087568


>> No.42087606
File: 210 KB, 849x939, 推しが武道館いってくれたら死ぬ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42087759

I give up. My Asahi stream keeps lagging.

>> No.42087770

>M1 does one of those faggy drone shows
>one of the drones is one step ahead of the rest or something and keeps fucking up the whole display
Somebody is getting fired for that blunder.

>> No.42087780

It says it's on TVer, can't you just VPN over and watch it there?

>> No.42087785

>she doesn't deserve meme!
Japan will riot...

>> No.42087977
File: 584 KB, 853x480, tv asahi 480p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some anon years ago shared this.

>> No.42088393

Yeah i use that one unfortunately.

>> No.42089170

Yamada Kuniko is awful.

>> No.42089304

Her scoring hasn't affected the standings so far, but I bet it's going to cost someone in the last couple. Absolutely fucking retarded.

>> No.42089912

kabe poster 87
mazora 92
Ozwald 94
Long coat 93
sayaka 96
dansei buranko 93
diamond 89
yoneda2000 92
kyuu 86
westland 92

Second round

westland 94
long coat 91
sayaka 95

Westland going into the second round with practically the same neta was ballsy but it paid off. I liked Sayaka more, but Westland were a close second.

>> No.42089957

Congrats Westland. Eguchi especially, i like him.

>> No.42090061

diamond bros.... its fucking over

>> No.42090193

I couldn't decide between Westland and Sayaka in the end. I wanted to see Dansei Buranko's second neta though.

>> No.42090286
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, sho-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42090697
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, DORONJO.S01E11(END).1080p.HDTV.AAC.x264-JPTVclub_00:19:46_377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the face of "Justice".

>> No.42093322

Sayaka were great, like the good ol' manzai of the 80s. Wish they won.

>> No.42093402

Really? I think she was great. She's not an owarai geinin so she couldn't delve into advises and corrections but that's what good about her, she's like one of us viewers, judging by how funny it was to her instead of going deep into manzai studies. I mean, the judges team is full of decorated manzai experts, having someone like Yamada shouldn't be too awful.

>> No.42093497

Sayaka had the best manzai skills but they were a bit too classical for my taste, felt like they lacked innovation.

I thought her scoring was all over the place.

>> No.42093541

There was a point where she gave Oswald 87 or something despite saying she was a fan of them, and then the next few ratings after that seemed bizarrely swayed by it, culminating with a shocking 86 for Dansei Buranko. Ultimately her score didn't matter because Westland made it to third place by 9 points over Dansei, but if they had only won by 4-5 points, it would've been purely down to her insane scoring, anyone else in that seat would've given them at least a 90.

>> No.42094952

>Ultimately her score didn't matter
You make it sounds like it's a good thing when this is a disaster. If her score didn't matter then that means one single judge controls the entire show, even you said
>anyone else in that seat would've given them at least a 90
which confirms it. People don't realize that the judges are, consciously or unconsciously, influenced by the legendary geinin Macchan. They know certain konbis are liked by him so they don't dare to give a very low score even if they deserve it. It's not Macchan's fault he's a charismatic geinin and an influential dai senpai but the entire industry panders to his tastes a lot. And then comes Yamada. She's not influenced by anyone and has her own personal criteria for evaluating the netas. In the first place, it's very unnatural to mostly just give 90+ points, as if 90 is the starting point. It's been happening a lot in the recent years. Some netas are so boring I'd rate 50 even. In the end, you'd like some and you'll dislike some, your preferences shouldn't be influenced by an imaginary scoring system of only giving 90+ points, especially when you're one of the judges.

>> No.42095427
File: 200 KB, 624x680, Danshi_Tatekawa_koen_1959_Scan10012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bizarre post considering Macchan's favourite conbi usually ends up losing but:
>Some netas are so boring I'd rate 50 even
This you?

>> No.42095577

Honestly, this year’s M-1 was more exciting than last year thanks to her unpredictable scores, hope they bring her back next year

>> No.42096106

Westland deserves the win solely because their final neta challenged the BPO and their autistic compliance, even if it was somewhat restrained. I completely realized today why owarai is so boring and unfunny recently, performers choose bland and boring themes and styles because they don’t want to offend anyone and get in trouble with the BPO and this notion will never be changed. The days of the likes of Bakusho Mondai and other risqué owarai geinin that made people so hooked on manzai is long dead. Seriously, if anyone wants to watch real manzai, go search for 80s and 90s manzai.

>> No.42096190

Dude she's supposed to be a fair judge. Hell M-1 catchphrase literally 人生、変えてくれ. She's playing with someone's destiny.

>> No.42096252

Playing with someone's destiny is fun, it was fun seeing many conbis shit their pants waiting for the scores and get BTFO. Laughed at Diamond.

>> No.42096978

First Love is the best Japanese Drama i’ve seen

>> No.42097037

Wish I had the time to watch it, been hearing many good things about it.

>> No.42098364

why is it good?

>> No.42104528
File: 370 KB, 2000x1200, hand-drawn-sketch-illustration-santa-claus-with-santa-bag-gift-boxes-christmas-tree-stars-decoration-balls-garlands-banner-poster-santa-pulls-sack-lettering-merry-christmas-new-year_245580-358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, /jp/! Happy Holidays!
Can you recommend me Japanese Christmas movies to watch over the holidays? Does Japan even have Christmas movies?

>> No.42104545
File: 392 KB, 720x480, Ghost Soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost Soup (1992) by Iwai Shunji
Love & Peace (2015) by Sono Sion

>> No.42105738
File: 1.95 MB, 900x1274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched this, what did i think about it

>> No.42106042
File: 379 KB, 1881x1423, 832B8C2D-4A40-4F70-ABAA-0AF147366611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savannah’s Takahashi got married

>> No.42106363
File: 1.42 MB, 1749x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCK this was bad and i say that as a Kanna fan. it was really really shit

>> No.42106665

I don't know what you expected, manga adaptations are generally terrible.

>> No.42106680

yes it's pretty bad but she was pretty cute

>> No.42106732
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>> No.42106740

Is this the sequel to Blue Lock?

>> No.42106931


>> No.42107031

We warned you a few threads ago

>> No.42107039

Fun action like Fable?

>> No.42107430

omo ryohei is so HOT

>> No.42108037
File: 1.20 MB, 1088x628, 5637878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get in losers. We're going to build our own government court.
>t. The Genji boyz

>> No.42109931
File: 72 KB, 660x949, 1666325257094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we think of matsuko deluxe?

>> No.42109976
File: 2.99 MB, 1440x1080, ドヤ顔.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about
but he is funny and a very good tv host.

>> No.42112388


>> No.42113627

This is why Japanese drama will not blow up overseas like K-Dramas. She's right btw https://twitter.com/cokemashita/status/1604470883057561600

>> No.42113693

I'm not going to read whatever that disgusting gook wrote, but everything in that clip is completely correct and the only valid opinion to have when it comes to creative work. Imagine dumbing down your product because you want to appeal to Americans. Only a gook would have that little self-respect.

>> No.42113727

speaking of matsuko deluxe
gookrean culture got highly americanized to the point all the original cultural elements have vanished from it
simply there's no exotic element to a foreigner that would make it enticing to an overseas audience, just a carbon copy of american culture whose only original element is the language (and even that has been tarnished)

>> No.42113909

yet the title of the show is in English and she writes about sign language which she doesn't speak...

>> No.42114186

I remember reading that Shochiku initially refused to distribute Sonatine overseas because they thought people won't get it and only Japanese can understand the film. Japanese really are autistic with these things huh.

>> No.42116085
File: 1.39 MB, 1000x1416, 1649793654264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished watching pic related and loved it but can someone explain the ending to me

>> No.42116089

eop desu, translate for me

>> No.42116093


>> No.42116180

i think she is correct about translations and the japanese language but i think its still worth releasing things in other territories with subtitles. the masses are likely to not care or look into it and just take the translation at face value but people like me and im sure others here would look for clarification. if less things were released/made available overseas with subtitles i might never have got into japanese media in the first place an im sure that goes for many others as well. think of how many people actually start learning foreign languages because they become such fans of a country's media that tends to start with reading subs in their native language

>> No.42116907

She's not saying the work shouldn't be released overseas, she's saying she doesn't care about the translation or reception of it, and the people who read that translation because they are intrinsically missing out on the whole point, be it culturally or linguistically. Her goal is to write works in Japanese for people who understand Japanese, because Japanese is what she knows.

I'm sure 99% of people here started out reading translations, but at some point you have to stop relying on second hand interpretations and actually experience things for yourself.

One of the worst hackjobs of a translation I've ever seen, which is so funny considering the subject matter of being misrepresented abroad.

>> No.42118965
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>> No.42119609

What an episode of suiyou. I get why the other segments were weirdly short now, they wanted to save it all for an extra length special.

>> No.42119844
File: 243 KB, 300x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im shilling this now

>> No.42120274

I'm neither a girl nor a regular romantic drama watcher just a 30yo loner and I approve this comment.
Pure kino with fantastic cast

>> No.42120355


>> No.42120491

what do you like about it?

>> No.42120493

baby assassins 2?

>> No.42121146
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>> No.42121162

nice. i thought the first one kinda meandered and was hoping for more action like the first scene and the ending scene but was still entertained. the short hair had some really good action sequences. i also want to marry the long hair . will watch

>> No.42121168

>the strokes

>> No.42121192
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x960, 1651545955851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice season 2 tomorrow
are we hype?

>> No.42121294
File: 985 KB, 650x920, 1669527421729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting premise, shit movie

>> No.42121370


>> No.42121465

The dude from the staff revealing that everyone wants to see Kuro succeed before he went to confess was true kino.

>> No.42121551
File: 466 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2022-12-21-14h16m52s833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a good girl, really.

>> No.42121576
File: 150 KB, 1169x843, FkgslX8akAENyaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42121598

Congrats for the sex

>> No.42121639

Suiyou can do feel-good endings sometimes. The Obon Kobon setsu and this filled me with happiness.

>> No.42121689
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, 1669838718145606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Risa's face tonight while watching them on TV kissing repeatedly

>> No.42123722

I wonder if what Fujimon said about Kurochan’s graduation from the show is true and not a joke. Macchan did say it’s not fun pulling pranks on him now that he’s a happy guy.

>> No.42123933

I am lowkey surprised it was her. Too sad she is graduating from the group tho

>> No.42123995


>> No.42124106


>> No.42124306

Movies like Eureka?

>> No.42124393

Helpless (1996)
Sad Vacation (2007)

>> No.42124582

I feel bad for doubting her all these weeks. On the other hand, Miku, who I thought was the purest and the one who genuinely loved Kurochan, was the sleaziest.

>> No.42124765

I love the Japanese v-cinema and just look at the cast, they're full of v-cinema stars. Where did you watch it?

>> No.42124965

At least now you know Mina is best girl

>> No.42125064

Mina was doing it to be an idol just like Miku, albeit wasn't as manipulative as her.

>> No.42125129

>was the sleaziest.
Just like Hamachan said

>> No.42125169

Do they have new go-to Suiyobi lab dogs to replace Kuro-chan yet?

>> No.42125227

Kek gotta love Hamachan’s gaffes

>> No.42125256

The Mummy’s Sakai, though not as busaiku and visually-striking as Kurochan. He was on a handful of dokkiris this year, a natural boke. Since he’s young they could do it with him for 10 years even.

>> No.42125261
File: 517 KB, 1280x1519, 1659021784924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife

>> No.42125288
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, 1280x720, Heavenly.Forest.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor man's Miyazaki Aoi.

>> No.42125687
File: 3.90 MB, 3840x2160, Screenshot (22).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll probably do an update on their relationship later on, possibly do a "Can a man remain faithful if he gets he on by pretty girls?" especially if he gets engage. Anyways there's images and a vid of her when she was younger and running for a beauty pageant in college. She was really cute and pretty.


>> No.42125695

Sakai isn't a dirtbag though, he's just an idiot. That one where his senpai got fake mad at him and told him to go home was great, with him holding on forever and even after finally leaving he was just sat outside the place waiting for round 2. The closest replacement for Kurochan would probably be someone like Nadal, but his reactions aren't generally as good.

>> No.42125724
File: 241 KB, 1280x902, Nikaido_Fumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you

>> No.42125837
File: 1.89 MB, 500x772, 1654116524849.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42126185
File: 276 KB, 650x434, tao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to watch Alice in Borderland season 2 later.

>> No.42126374

He will be back on the show once Richi dumps him

>> No.42127670
File: 207 KB, 713x597, kyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42127755

I'll just wait for the raws later.

>> No.42127785

in the end we only hear sou call min by his name

>> No.42128042
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, レンタルクロちゃん.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42128046

Lucky Kurochan. But almost all geinins end up dating or marrying hot girls so this isn't out of the ordinary.

>> No.42128061
File: 187 KB, 1920x1080, レンタルクロちゃん_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42128159

Let's hope Richi is on season 12.

>> No.42128636

he cute!

>> No.42129273
File: 351 KB, 791x440, b334922540a0e6935a22247e9ac0b08a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42132684
File: 484 KB, 1920x1080, Alice.in.Borderland.S02E01.Episode.1.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DUAL.DDP5.1.Atmos.HDR10.H.265-SMURF0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRO, look at Yamapi's ass BRO
also, yamazaki kento looks old as fuck compared to season 1

>> No.42132788

The ending was still nice.

>> No.42132907
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, MONSTER LOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that it's all done, what do you rate it?

I give it キモい/10

>> No.42132929

This should be good.
True love/10

>> No.42133050
File: 37 KB, 640x427, 20221220-00000018-pseven-000-1-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. As long you are a semi-popular geinin that's earned some money you got a chance with an underground idol or gravure idol. Shigeo married a gravure idol.

>> No.42133094
File: 47 KB, 616x879, 81neakZJ8gL._AC_SY879_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42133153

>True love/10
I'm not convinced, she was hesitating every time he went in for a kiss.

>> No.42133252


>> No.42133303

Oh yeah, forgot to post about his marriage. They’re 16 years apart, which is also ordinary among geinins. Kurochan and Richi are 20 years apart. Life must be fun being a successful geinin.

>> No.42133324

Speaking of should be good, there will be a manzai competition for the veteran manzai conbis who can’t do M-1 anymore, airing next year and hosted by Higashino

>> No.42133760


>> No.42133772

kek this was used pretty well.

>> No.42134007

Old man Johnny had a taste of that.

>> No.42134123

Combination of stinky breath and the fact it's embarrassing to do that kind of stuff in front of others, like the camera crew and all the people watching.

>> No.42134318

yamaken looks exhausted from constant filming

>> No.42134457

Is there a list of recs with Japanese subs available somewhere?

>> No.42134781

is that good ass?

>> No.42138945
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>> No.42139200
File: 45 KB, 600x422, 4979539b7205ca1be70c78b2c1dfb0d7_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main character is a beauty who looks like a literal fucking mermaid with those huge eyes, why cast Acchan when someone like Tamashiro Tina and Imada Mio exist?

>> No.42140267
File: 122 KB, 1108x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they're here

>> No.42140364
File: 2.87 MB, 960x540, Come.on.Girls.1982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42140807

Meh besides Koji Shiraishi's film.

>> No.42141541
File: 915 KB, 1920x1080, silent11END.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42141856
File: 336 KB, 1280x1638, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on Alice S2?

>> No.42141868

nani sore

>> No.42142029

where the fuck do I get raw stuff with decent seeds or ddl? Do y'all just all have access to private trackers?

>> No.42142102

fuck the author

>> No.42142210
File: 622 KB, 1535x2102, 3002B92B-0499-4054-948F-DA0A5E53E4F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A completely unnecessary adaptation of this beautiful manga.

>> No.42142221

I use nyaa and bagikuy. If something isn't on there im fucked. I just recently got into avistaz the last time they had open signups but my ratio is low so I can barely download shit when I want to

>> No.42142427


>> No.42142803
File: 449 KB, 2048x1365, FktmPdeaYAAWH8R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42142996

Just finished Alice in Borderland s2. Wtf was that? Any manga readers here? Didn't read the manga, how was it for you manga anons?

>> No.42143123


>> No.42143210

Which episode+time has nudity?

>> No.42143273


>> No.42143324

Comfy Christmas Gamecenter CX stream.

>> No.42143738

How was the weekly ratings for this drama?

>> No.42144078
File: 1.23 MB, 812x1200, 1660140657724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched pic related
did i like it ?

>> No.42144162

Not sure if this is the place to ask, but does anyone know where I can watch Blue Christmas/Blood Type: Blue (1978) with English subtitles? I'm fairly sure that they exist, but I can't find them anywhere.

>> No.42144310
File: 24 KB, 640x427, haggeredojisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw A Girl Missing from Koji Fukada and it was another great movie. Maybe not as disturbing and good as Harmonium but it has great performances and the film is structured well, I guess the script is bit light and Fukada doesn't deliver in all fronts, but it's still dam good movie. It's free on Tubi so if you have VPN or live in US give it a shot. Harmonium is there as well and can't recommend it enough.

Also so Zeze's In the Wake. There was lot of potential but was ruined by some really lame detective tropes, especially Kento Hayashi's performance as the "tough" cop was just ridiculous and stood out like a sore thumb. Haggered Abe Hiroshi was great as was Takeru Satoh soon as his character got bit development. Still, Zeze does best crime thrillers in Japan right now.

>> No.42144466


>> No.42144746

There is no nudity. No coomers allowed.

>> No.42144799

>Blue Christmas/Blood Type: Blue (1978) with English subtitles?

There's a dvdrip on avistaz with eng subs. The comments say that the sub DON'T stay in sync with the more recent AMZN WEB-DL that is also on nyaa (probably a different cut?), so it looks like your only options is the older dvdrip.

>> No.42145159

>A Girl Missing
Harmonium is more appealing to me than A Girl Missing. However, Mariko Tsutsui's performance is outstanding.
>In the Wake
I honestly try to avoid watching anything with super mainstream cast. This looks like a glorified tv drama to me.

>> No.42145390

Will she ever do nude scene, in case she wants to be considered as serious actress?

>> No.42145434

Mainstream actresses never do nude scenes.

>> No.42145611
File: 110 KB, 1920x1080, 私のシてくれないフェロモン彼氏.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42146650

>I honestly try to avoid watching anything with super mainstream cast. This looks like a glorified tv drama to me.

And most of the time it felt exactly that. Zeze does insert social commentary into his work and in this movie it was about the newish welfare system of Japan and how the 2011 quake burdened the system in some regions. Those parts actually were interesting, but overall it was very heavy handed and the eventual plot twists were just stupid. Not a good movie but I found the welfare parts interesting.

I do recommend Zeze's the promised land. It has uneven story and the part with Hana Sugisaki is more or less filler, but overall the focus on small rural societies and how hard they can be toward's people who don't fit is superb. Really dark stuff. And do not watch the trailer, it really paints wrong picture if the movie.

>> No.42148238

can't believe I waited 2 years for Alice in borderland season 2 and it was shit

>> No.42148516


>> No.42148636

9% but extremely popular over streaming

>> No.42149021

that manga ended the same way

>> No.42149353

9% in real-time viewing is fine nowadays. I see it trending every week on Twitter and Yahoo News.

>> No.42149529
File: 186 KB, 1132x800, 1671907620142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching this drama and I'd like to fond the source comic. Does anyone know where I coild find it?

>> No.42149584


>> No.42149834

I can only see the first chapter in Mangabox

>> No.42150042

>Will she ever do nude scene
god i hope so

>> No.42150046

learn chinese 2.0 already

>> No.42150738

Hello, japanese tv experts.

What are some good christmas-new years specials I should be watching? The only one I know is the NHK new years concert.

>> No.42150817

There’s THE鬼タイジ airing on New Year’s Eve, it was fun last year.
There’s also 芸能人格付けチェック airing on New Year’s Day. Basically the most popular show every New Year.

>> No.42150828

お笑いアカデミー賞 was on earlier and I enjoyed it. There isn't much for Christmas, it's all new years and beyond really.

>> No.42150882

SASUKE 40 in two days.

>> No.42150977
File: 163 KB, 1200x900, EE02AFFD-8CFE-465C-B254-B451D7511159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite year-end show is クイズ正解は一年後 but if you’re not into Japanese celebs you might find it not that fun.

>> No.42151117
File: 534 KB, 1566x2244, One-Cut-of-the-Dead-affiche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever little zombie movie, I liked it.

>> No.42151160

these threads are a bit weird for me because I watch japanese movies but don't know about or care about the celebrity aspect of it at all. Also most of the stuff I watch isn't talked about in these threads

>> No.42151236

Well, this thread is for recommending and sharing. What do you watch?

>> No.42151238

I switched to 芸人生放送 on youtube as it's more fun and unfiltered.

>> No.42151260

There are many movie watchers here (including me). Don’t shy away from posting. I love discussing movies myself.

>> No.42151322

I just like whatever they talk in here. It's a nice thread desu

>> No.42151401

Go back to your film general on /tv/.

>> No.42151448

Was it REALLY that bad? I was gonna watch it but now I’m not sure

>> No.42151599

well, I just watch shit for cute girls and Matsuoka Mayu so

>> No.42152112
File: 633 KB, 1080x1640, setlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, japanese tv experts.

>The only one I know is the NHK new years concert.
we're watching kinpuri here

>> No.42152398

Anyone specific you watch?

>> No.42153392

have you ever watched gojira?
is a pretty good folm

>> No.42154942

I really do like Minato
This was a nice project overall and I cant find much flaws in it but I think I ended up enjoying other flawed less popular project more

>> No.42155111
File: 2.73 MB, 1000x540, Ox-head Village (2022).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty underwhelming, it's quite dull. In the end the only good one in the villages trilogy was Suicide Forest.

>> No.42155455

japanese netflix has it till 47

>> No.42159215
File: 845 KB, 800x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did i just watch and dont just say "kino" i want an actual explanation

>> No.42159255


>> No.42160600
File: 330 KB, 1720x525, 13822383837f3db1ab962a03f1f561e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up

>> No.42160791

Thanks for the heads up anon! Looking forward to watch it.

>> No.42161382

isn't this some sakana-kun shill movie with that amachan girl?

>> No.42162193

Hoshi Furu Yoru ni https://twitter.com/Hoshifuru_ex/status/1606802175421997057

>> No.42163014

It's inevitable that people will compare it to Silent.

>> No.42163244
File: 698 KB, 2235x1018, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we watching this or nah bros?

>> No.42163350
File: 211 KB, 482x535, 1559132307116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big fat no from yours truly.

>> No.42163557

Your bros are here.

>> No.42163609

Do you think it was Shimizu’s worst film?
I think it’s up there. Felt it was way too mainstream-y. Probably given the cast.

>> No.42163717

you posted the wrong thread, the real one is here >>>/tv/178340226

>> No.42163777

I don’t know how to explain it but it was kino

>> No.42163780

that anon was clearly shitposting but what's wrong with discussing japanese movies here? not all of us care about celeb drama/variety show shit etc. as long as it's a live action japanese show or movie it can go here

>> No.42163857


>> No.42163914

Ehhhh, I’ll just stick with the getsuku

>> No.42165186

Takako Tokiwa did nude and she's a big actress
Also Rie Miyazawa, Yuriko Yoshitaka

>> No.42165527
File: 680 KB, 1334x720, ox-head actress.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think it was Shimizu’s worst film?
Yeah definitely. Certainly the most uninspired among the ones I saw. The main actress didn't help...

>> No.42165610

She wouldn’t be getting roles without her daddy’s influence, same as how her sister is in the fucking Kouhaku this year thanks to her daddy’s influence.

>> No.42166688
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>> No.42166710
File: 562 KB, 2048x1448, FkvMH5OaMAED4Mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42166728

>Yuriko Yoshitaka
What drama or movie did she do a nude scene in? Is it that movie she co-starred with Iura Arata, I forgot name of movie

>> No.42167670
File: 1.18 MB, 2895x4096, Fk3qajeagAACZAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42167723

bros...korea is beating us...

>> No.42167731

>t. K-fag

>> No.42168189
File: 1.36 MB, 640x906, kingdom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REEEEEE where the fuck is it?! I've been waiting months, and its finally out on bluray and it's no where on the net, what the flying fuckkkkkk.

>> No.42168228
File: 61 KB, 640x427, 1656581133761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hebi ni Piasu and Yurigokoro

>> No.42168541

It's been up on Avistaz for two weeks now

>> No.42169187

>private tracker
What the hell am I suppose to do with this? Where is the public torrent?

>> No.42169524

stop being a pleb who isnt in avistaz

>> No.42169536

>What do you watch?
i like mystery/thriller/suspense stuff. whenever i make too many posts in a row discussing these kinds of movies people bitch that im not talking about celeb gossip or industry news/topics. im not into that kinda stuff i just watch stuff to be entertained i barely even know any actors names

>> No.42169572

Stop being an overdramatic bitchtits. Over 100 unique IPs and It's only one autist who seethes about movies and I have a hunch that he is you, it's all an obvious samefagging and falseflagging.

>> No.42169611

in a previous thread i posted about movies like twice and from then on a bunch of the posts became people complaining. this thread less so

>> No.42169722

This isn't real life, you're taking this anonymous website way too seriously if someone's samefagging and falseflagging had you shook like that. Post whatever you want as long as it is Japanese movies and TVs and stop being a pussy who gets paranoid over 4chan posting. I still think he is you but whatever. I'm not gonna continue this pointless back and forth so don't bother replying.

>> No.42169737

Step up your game, git gud

>> No.42169747

I just want one movie, why go through all that effort? Someone just post a public link please.

>> No.42169781
File: 370 KB, 1440x810, 3541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone watched this/know if there are subs for it
Series is called Columbo of Shinano and yes its a Jdrama adaptation of the Columbo series

>> No.42169786

Someone would have posted a link if it was available elsewhere. It's a very popular film, it will be everywhere in due time, stop being impatient.

>> No.42169814

No one subbed them.

>> No.42169838

i still think making this thread only about kino movies is a good idea

>> No.42169861

according to anon there isn't one. I only got on avistaz like a year ago because they had open signups. apparently they have them relatively often. funny part is i dont even use it. since i mostly watch movies and not shows most stuff is available on public trackers they just might take a little longer to download due to less seeders. private trackers are kinda retarded imo you end up downloading things you're not even interested in to keep a ratio. everything is about ratio. the only 2 things i ever downloaded from avistaz were because they were free download/freeleech and my ratio is barely even good because everyone seeds but barely anyone leeches although im protected since the torrents were freeleech and thus didnt put count towards my download amount. the only time i use it is when i find a movie i wanna watch raw without subs I go to avistaz to download the subs.

>> No.42169902
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, [MagicStar] Motokare no Yuigonjou EP01 [WEBDL] [1080p] [JPN_SUB].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Winter 2022: A getsuku with a lawyer heroine
>Winter 2023: A getsuku with a judge heroine
Prosecutor heroine in 2024?

>> No.42170051

You are supposed to use your BP for upload, you idiot. I have no problem with ratios whatsoever and i'm definitely not downloading things i'm not watching. Blame yourself for being inept not the tool

>> No.42170259

half of these unique IPs are just the same phonefags and ban evaders funposting in other generals coming back everyday
*cough* Sakamichi *cough*

>> No.42170312

But they're the best, at least they're actually funny.

>> No.42170351

Why is there always a Disney song segment on music shows?

>> No.42170375

Japanese people are huge Disneyslop consumers.

>> No.42170683

>1080p U-NEXT WEB-DL AAC x264-NSBC
you mean this one?

>> No.42170704
File: 20 KB, 1515x48, 1642373093000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my stats after downloading the 2 things i mentioned and have been seeding ever since but nothing ever happens because no one is leeching. I'm fine enough to not get kicked out. waiting for bonus points to hit 1000 then I'll redeem for 10GB upload.

>> No.42170953
File: 11 KB, 303x200, ,.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be doing something wrong... pic related is from a friend of mine

>> No.42171093
File: 938 KB, 1280x720, 2022年12月26日日本テレビ 月曜から夜ふかし 【年末恒例!街行く人の手帳の中身を調査してみた件】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad beta cuck.

>> No.42171100
File: 6 KB, 149x141, 1658790335205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be doing something wrong
not really. people just arent leeching

>> No.42171112
File: 7 KB, 748x111, 1649828061591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42171417

what are some suspenseful movies you bros recommend

>> No.42171428

What kinda suspense? Action? Psychological? Horror?

>> No.42172777


>> No.42173932
File: 164 KB, 1920x1058, EhAjKEsWkAI8KtA.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kitano Takeshi
Violent Cop (1989), Sonatine (1993), Outrage (2010)
>Oshii Mamoru
The Red Spectacles (1987), Talking Head (1992), Nowhere Girl (2015)
>Ishii Gakuryu
Angel Dust (1994), Labyrinth of Dreams (1997), Electric Dragon 80.000 V (2001), That’s It (2015)
>Sono Sion
Suicide Club (2001), Noriko’s Dinner Table (2005), Cold Fish (2010), Guilty of Romance (2011)
>Miike Takashi
Audition (1999), Visitor Q (2001), Ichi The Killer (2001), Gozu (2003)
>Tsukamoto Shinya
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989), Tokyo Fist (1995) A Snake of June (2002), Kotoko (2011)
>Kurosawa Kiyoshi
Cure (1997), Serpent’s Path (1998), Pulse (2001), Retribution (2006)
>Toyoda Toshiaki
Blue Spring (2001), Monsters Club (2011), The Day of Destruction (2020)
>Nishimura Yoshihiro
Anatomia Extinction (1995), Tokyo Gore Police (2008), Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009), Mutant Girls Squad (2010)
>Nakashima Tetsuya
Confessions (2010), The World of Kanako (2014), It Comes (2018)
>Kawasaki Minoru
Executive Koala (2005)
>Otomo Katsuhiro
World Apartment Horror (1991)

>> No.42174269

Many /jp/fags visit this thread now.

>> No.42176256
File: 409 KB, 800x1200, 1672149380903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking this is fat

>> No.42176637
File: 55 KB, 640x360, 2022%2F0209%2Fe40fee20j00r71fr4001jc000hs00a0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42177029

an edit

>> No.42177170
File: 552 KB, 1146x2048, HashimotoKanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a Kanna gf?

>> No.42177196

you don't

>> No.42177204

why isn't japan embarrassed to lose to worst korea all the time

>> No.42177268

It's a goblin.

>> No.42177289
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, Alice.in.Borderland.S01E05.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-SHNX_00h14m54s519ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42177298
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1646709518152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey i know that guy

>> No.42177340

Make it the next thread

>> No.42177461

