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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 295 KB, 1200x1687, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42153201 No.42153201 [Reply] [Original]

Merry Christmas you autists edition.

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, and so on: https://controlc.com/e322ed43 [Warning, still under construction]

list/guide of plush doll providers: https://controlc.com/705b3aae

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Don't post infant dolls you dumb fag.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

>Keep it SFW and use spoilers.

Previous thread: >>42116753

>> No.42153265

Very lewd pic. Makes me want to buy an Alice themed onahole

>> No.42153465 [SPOILER] 
File: 693 KB, 1080x1440, 20221224_025439_capture(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this doll with the head for free, for only 200 bucks on amazon. I kinda feel like I got away with something. It's clearly a head they couldn't sell due to issues with the makeup on the lips and everything, but still.
Holes are pretty meh but 200 bucks for a fuckable hug pillow is easily one of the best purchases I've made this year.

>> No.42153488

i just fucking know it, my doll is in a fucking snow covered ditch in a truck with everyone elses toys and electronics

>> No.42153619

I was curious what she looked like after you mentioned getting a free head, congrats anon she's cute
If you're thinking of touching up her makeup try a powder lipstick

>> No.42153650

yeah that was the plan, to try to make her seem even a little lifelike. Holes are the biggest miss, they're fucking tiny openings and barely any texture.
The best thing about her that you cant see there is that her ass is absolutely MASSIVE. It's really less a loli doll and more a flat chest + big hips and ass doll, which is incredibly nice to cuddle with.

>> No.42154176

Are there any makers that make good shortstack dolls? Specifically I want to try to get a decent midna or really any LoL yordle.

>> No.42154375
File: 28 KB, 279x350, alice crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice IS an onahole anon. It's easy to trick her into thinking you love her and then ghosting her

>> No.42154541

Does fudoll use the same insert as piper? I had an Akira and that insert was way too small

>> No.42154704

Any otonaJP stories? I'd be curious to hear some good or bad.

>> No.42154909


125cm tall, tremendous waist to ass ratio

>> No.42154947

Nice starting point to compare other things to. I do prefer a more subdued shortstack size, especially when it comes to the waist. I don't like this whole super thin waist to gigantic ass thing. Also tits a bit too big for me.
It's really close though. I'll look through more of their stuff and see if I can make something work.

>> No.42155620

Always bought onatsuyu frm motsutoys in europe and never had any problems. I suppose that means ordering stuff like that to where I live isn't a problem. Just wondering if there could be problems if it comes from america instead, as motsutoys doesn't have it anymore but toydemon does? Anyone know?

>> No.42155627

Any opinions on Insomnia vs Onatsuyu?

>> No.42156238

A couple weeks ago multiple anons were reporting lots of problems trying to import onatsuyu and having it seized by customs and one anon that did get some said it was way to thin and dried up super fast, don't know if he was just unlucky and got a bad batch or what

>> No.42156346

I see. It does have an anime girl in the label so that might be it. Hopefully those anons are safe and not become doddler

>> No.42157715

Were those anons from countires that are strict about that stuff like that like the uk or australia? From austria and never had problems with motsu at least. Also ordered a lot of r18 doujinshi over the years with no problems either.

>> No.42158301

was really hoping a pair of chichifuetas would magically appear under my tree from santa :(

>> No.42159783

i tried onatsuyu and it was good but i don't think i could justify the price and i somehow used more than half of it.

>> No.42160911

>almost 3ft snow outside
>doll estimated to be here tomorrow

>> No.42161084

>Germany created a law specifically for "child like" sex dolls and threatens up to 3 years of prison for buying one

LMAO I almost bought a flat chest 140cm doll, glad I double checked

>> No.42161538

what an actual shithole

>> No.42161623

They were somewhere in the EU and ordering from amazon japan

>> No.42162206

I wish Sanhui had inserts
Love their dolls but I KNOW I'll be too lazy to clean 30kg of silicone

>> No.42162224

Then put the doll on the operating table and widen her holes until you can fit your favorite onaholes in there.

>> No.42162370

>tayu with all the relevant options costs just 100 less than a gynoid
Guess I'll get a Gynoid then

>> No.42162593

For what it's worth I hear Tayus have better hole placement

>> No.42163023


i feel bad for the sucker that buys this. you can buy a full sized hanidoll for the price of this low detail pos

>> No.42163354
File: 48 KB, 498x561, fgdsfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas sex with my doll btw.

If soys can say dogs are their kids I can say a doll is my wife

>> No.42163377

Just noticed that search engines block loli hentai. when did this happen?

>> No.42163406

yeah but the doll will have shit texture in the holes and feel like fucking a 5 buck tenga egg. I agree that's overpriced but you don't get a doll for the same reason you get a dick destroyer 9000

>> No.42163804

i bought a $200 torso recently that i'm getting more enjoyment from than my lolinco virgo. ymmv

>> No.42163964

The age of consent in Germany is 14. They'll let a migrant fuck that before you can buy a loli doll LMAO.

>> No.42164021

please understanden, this is to protect children from rape.

>> No.42164174
File: 195 KB, 1000x1583, MV5BMDk4MTdhYzEtODk3OS00ZDBjLWFhNTQtMDI2ODdjNzQzZTA3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjMxOTE0ODA@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know

>> No.42164560

unless you want it for pure photography, your better off with the tayu most likley. Gynoids dont have anus's for one.

>> No.42164787

the anus on dolls aren't really tighter and they just add increased risk of tearing the perineum

>> No.42164848

I was talking to another anon a couple weeks ago about problems importing lube in general through amazon japan but we're from Mexico. Depends on your customs officers I guess, I remember other anons from other countries had problems with lube from a while back.

>> No.42165517

which of the jp stores on the op link do you anons recommend? kinda want to try my luck with using a proxy service to save on shipping to my country

>> No.42165523

Yes, I already jacked off

>> No.42166605

Does anybody have a fudoll with the insert? Is it one of those usual thin rolls you have to wrestle in somehow?

>> No.42167027

South Korea has formally ended its ban on sex doll imports. Although no law prohibited the importation, Customs Service had a policy that confiscated all sex dolls. Only once the importer sought a court order would the items be released. Korea Customs Service now says it has revised its policies to align with court rulings, and only the import of "child-like" sex dolls is banned. Over 1000 sex dolls will now be released from customs storage.


>> No.42167339
File: 715 KB, 1417x1417, dollschwitz_ass_chamber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over 1000 sex dolls will now be released from customs storage

>> No.42167451

gawd gooks are horny mofos

>> No.42167658
File: 33 KB, 1063x233, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i bought both recently
insomnia was EXTREMELY thin and dried out pretty much immediately
onatsuyuu got the job done but also got dry and sticky eventually
i've gone back to using magic eyes il primo baccio (it's fantastic) and haven't touched either of the above since I first tried them
I've got meiki bliss included in the
46lb box of pussy and ass that i'm currently waiting on

>> No.42167862

For longer than 5 years at least?

>> No.42167963
File: 200 KB, 960x1280, C706E8A7-29DE-4D55-ADD4-3A836B9FA33B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like buying a mercedes.
If you have sex with gynoids they get dinged up and scratched and you feel it everytime it gets some minor damage.
Rather a cheaper doll is like a KIA and you get lots of use out of it and don’t care too much when it gets minor damage.
Gynoids dolls are fussy and requires a lot of extra precaution, sort of like expensive cars to own. Not sure how durable Tayu dolls are compared to them.

>> No.42168031

>just let the snow fall and not give a fuck for 4 days
>doll is at the nearest distribution center and due tomorrow
>time to shovel like 4ft of snow

>> No.42168061
File: 33 KB, 1098x472, ss (2019-10-22 at 03.50.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good ona for longer dicked individuals that still fits in 1 hand comfortably. A lot of these onas i see reccomended here have short tunnels and i hate bottoming out with 2" to spare and just pushing against tpe OR are basically mini torsos that i can't hold in 1 hand. I'm looking for something with at least a 7"+ tunnel.

>> No.42168076

free the loli dolls you bitches

>> No.42168082

why though

>> No.42168158

Times are changing

>> No.42168200

guess i'll start researching search engine censorship since i noticed 4chan search results suck too

>> No.42168211
File: 395 KB, 1536x2048, 54402438-8F58-4B46-B3AE-71B8971CB190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They allow different angles and positions.

>> No.42168280

Yandex? There is plenty of lolicon on every booru or anime picture hosting website anyway. Pixiv? They can't ban Japanese people from drawing lolicon lmao

>> No.42168364

what is this about.
sex doll chuckie?
the "friendship has evolved" is weird

>> No.42168552

oh no i have no issue getting whatever hentai i want since i use a webscraper. that's actually why i didn't know that search engines had censored loli hentai

>> No.42168560

It’s a robot doll for a girl to play with. You know how dolls are not only for men to have sex with but also for girls?

>> No.42168783

ultra based

>> No.42169347

I finally had some alone time, so I tried going all out on my doll. Lathered my dick with numbing cream and still came after one pump. Tried again later, waiting longer for the numbness to set in more, couldn't feel my dick at all, still came after one pump. I just don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.42169545

don't watch the trailer, it basically spoils the entire movie. If you're interested in it, just pirate it (or rent it if DVD/BD rental stores still exist in your area)

>> No.42169555
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 866890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must train, master your breathing and stroke rhythm while jacking it under a cold waterfall, only after your penis has endured harsh challenges and maintained its vigor will you conquer your doll

>> No.42169577

tfw you want to train today because physical fitness will make fucking the doll more pleasurable but am too lazy

>> No.42169580

This is like sex irl if you can't go 40 mins fucking a girl nonstop by the time you're 14 you will never have a gf.

>> No.42169623

actually read a reddit thread the other day with women complaining how they'd prefer their SO finished in 15 minutes rather than sawing at her pussy for 50 minutes. good robo dolls can't come soon enough

>> No.42169633

My dad said 5 minutes is enough

>> No.42169634

also one of the top reasons were females wanted to hurry up so they could go get other shit done. depressing shit

>> No.42169637

Which onahole most resembles Alice's vagina?

>> No.42169657

one of the horse ones

>> No.42169667

Give a serious answer

>> No.42169780

Oooh Alice!

>> No.42169796

Have you tried just holding your slong inside the doll for a bit? When I feel like coming soon, but i don't want to. I just hold my slong inside the doll for 30/60 seconds, helps 100% of the time for me. can easielly go another 10 min after that. That 30 seconds or so does feel extreemly boring and way longer, but it's worth the wait. Using to little lube also makes me cum faster.

>> No.42169813

FYI, whenever I get a new doll, it usually takes me a month to get desensitized to it. Just calm down and be patient. It will happen naturally.

>> No.42170471

anyone else here feel like they're lazy from fucking their doll/ona too much

>> No.42170480
File: 2.41 MB, 2330x3508, c0994e5130b4177c3ccbaf7cfb2a2953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up, kanojo toys has a 25% discount code, put "NEW" to get your discount, this code was given to their email subscribers

>> No.42170586
File: 185 KB, 1080x1620, DSC02109_bc16c06d-abf0-4681-a8e3-a0ce65da1c12_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble finding the name of this doll again, does anyone know what it is?

>> No.42171022

Anyone know if i can import a loli to Brazil without going to jail

>> No.42171241

No, because like a real woman, it doesn't allow me to fuck it unless I've accomplished at least 3 menial tasks (eg. clean room x, cook food for the coming week, spend uninterrupted 30 minutes on charts for work). This repeats for every session. If I want to fuck multiple times I have to do more work.

>> No.42171307

>having trouble finding the name
Really? I see her posted a lot.

Piperdoll 150cm TPE Akira

>> No.42171450

Girl detected

>> No.42171457

>just like don't cum

>> No.42171522
File: 138 KB, 800x800, 1642792956969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf just have some discipline

>> No.42171589

piper doll akira 150 cm TPE

>> No.42171637
File: 62 KB, 802x1200, cbde7bcbbb6c9a3b18d21574fbc48290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys!
virgin here
lately I have been cumming too fast when masturbating and not even fully erect so I think the + 10 years of just stroking my cock must be doing more harm than good.

So I decided to "train" myself, by no means I'm fat or anything, nor I have a hard time talking to women or something, I simply have very conservative parents so I couldnt go out as much as I would have wanted...
Anyway I want to buy I hip, want to train the trust motion and my stamina so figured out the best thing would be something closer to the real thing.

Any recs?
I simply want the inside to be as close to an avarage pussy (same for the poop hole), and light skinned if possible.
dont care for the weight, mostly would like to try prone, pile driver and mating press.
cheaper the better, but can go up too 300~500 usd

my pp size:
>14~15 cm length
>5~6 cm girth
Thanks guys!

>> No.42171655

bro you're girth is 5-6 cm that's like a pencil dick

>> No.42171660

You guys are fucking pussies

>> No.42171662

oh really?
I dont think I'm as thin as pencil, let me re-mesure

>> No.42171674

yep, 11 cm srry
or 5.5x4.5 inches

>> No.42171699

And I'm six feet tall

>> No.42171705

cheap route: get a plush doll and some onahole that goes for realism rather than stimulation

$500 route: get a cheapo doll from hanidoll.com

>> No.42171775
File: 413 KB, 750x1000, FkwCHvdVEAAI2sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone heard of this vendor before? Looks pretty nice.

>> No.42171868
File: 136 KB, 800x800, 72EED500-4918-403E-956C-AF95B714E320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently found this affordable and totally nude doll on AliExpress that would be easy to mod with the plush head of most>>42171705

>> No.42171887

I think that's a real person, anon

>> No.42171891

so no hip rec?
are they that expensive?

>> No.42172023

Get a Meiki ZXY and start from there, it's an onahole but it's cheap and fairly realistic feeling and you can do the pillow thing for hands free, I don't know any realistic hips and honestly for the positions you want to try you'll need a doll and just a small chunk of a hip

>> No.42172207

get a good look then because it's the only chance you'll ever get

>> No.42172231
File: 15 KB, 367x550, 61P9ZvjzNoL._AC_UY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to get something that looks like a bunnysuit, but for loli sizes? I want to put it on my Fudoll.

>> No.42172238
File: 119 KB, 768x768, E2Xf_IAUUAIbhrI-768x768 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if I could find pic related anywhere? I have to get this

>> No.42172300

Only on otonajp unfortunately

>> No.42172360

Have you tried looking on aliexpress for small sizes or is your doll like 90cm or something. If it is you might just have to alter it yourself

>> No.42172382

Get on aliexpress, find a seller, tell them you need it tailored to X measurements and see if they can take care of you, if they can't then repeat the process til you find one that can

>> No.42172437

I never thought the people on aliexpress would respond. I'll try that and see.

>> No.42172461

Chinks love to bargain and haggle anon, it's part of the culture

>> No.42172484

Is the seven teen onahole any good?
(yes I know otonajp a shit, but 4chins wouldn't let me link kanojo toys for some reason)

>> No.42173241

You can try to find a vendor that will take measurements though some wont do it if its too small

>> No.42173414

Isn't Brazil an open air prison already?

>> No.42173501

Found an incredible resource for *ACTUAL* doll pictures
Turns out there is a very active second hand market in Japan and those product inserts come with photos taken by customers
rdooll is especially easy to navigate, see e.g. for Sanhui dolls:

>> No.42173505

*GD Sino

Sanhui would be https://rdooll.com/products/list?category_id=17

>> No.42173557

Don't go to /ona/ often but what happend to the old guide?

>> No.42173599

n ot sure what one you mean but when the pastebin sites started charging money many people kinda fucked off

>> No.42173741

I'm doing it
I'm ordering a Sanhui

>> No.42174076
File: 262 KB, 600x900, doru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it
that's 3.3k those chinks better not scam me

>> No.42175300

Got corrupted with shill shit and telling people to join discords, the worst of it was the doll section getting completely cut and replaced with a link to a different pastebin that only contained a link to the doll forum
Now there's this in progress guide compiled from chunks of the old one and various anons knowledge that has been shared in the thread

>> No.42175395

Man why are full size dolls so samey. It's fucking fictional and yet people just want 150-170cm vanilla supermodel bodies.
I want 6ft tall Amazons, goblin girls, unholy fucked up agony demon succubus shit.
I'm getting close to getting in contact with some chink factories myself and seeing if they'll do a one off of one of my ideas.

>> No.42175662
File: 620 KB, 1504x2000, FiVfyA1XkAIuIta.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't looking hard enough, different skin colors are available including green short stacks for your goblin fetish, and ElsaBabe in particular has several extreme face models from animal girls to shit like this
Giant amazons are the only one you won't find because their size and weight would make them a hassle to manufacture and ship and they would be expensive as fuck due to the extra material cost

>> No.42176390
File: 195 KB, 453x497, 1608457604848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does any anon know whats the material used for fabric doll's skin is called?
for research purposes

>> No.42177203 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 2100x3148, DSC_1272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid choice anon, which one and tell me you got a hinged head

>> No.42177226 [SPOILER] 
File: 91 KB, 907x680, 20221219_092614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately few and far between, though i did see this gem recently. no clue where its coming from, but that depending on how they are working the tail and mouth it may have more addons/tech than 90% of the market.

>> No.42177404

I have had 3hips and 2 torsos. First hip was something i got of ali express it was around 6kg, I remember it being alright.
later i got:
https://www.motsutoys.com/kyo-skirt-girl.html 2.4kg is way to small for a hip (didn't like it)
https://www.motsutoys.com/nezuko-body.html Realised i like torsos over hips more (you can hug it when finishing is feels good, And i like tiddies:))
then I got:
https://www.motsutoys.com/do-you-like-perfect-hip-girl.html This one was to big, And the ring inside the asshole feels to thin and to tight (don't recommend getting)
https://www.motsutoys.com/real-body-3d-super-pai-kanon-kitaoji.html The one i ended up using the most, these tits are 10x better then on the other torso (i think these have gel inplants, the other was just solid tpe) have had 2 dolls with gel implants and i still think about these tits. Only downside is this torso has a very small ass but its doable.
From my experience i would go torso, or if hip get one around 6kg
Personally if i would get a something like this again, ive seen some anons post this one:
17kg is a lot but i guess its easy to hide and way cheaper to what i had, also is kinda combo between torso and hip (the hole placement might be a bit off in doggy)

>> No.42177844
File: 443 KB, 700x1050, 37as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one from the picture I posted
156 with the new 37 head
And yes it's hinged I don't trust them not to mess up the head so I want to be able to replace it

Can't wait to dress her up as my favourite japanese anime characters

>> No.42178077
File: 10 KB, 386x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally

>> No.42178145 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.70 MB, 3597x2400, DSC_1465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can change expressions quite a bit on them with the jaw and changing the depth of the eyes.

mines a 156 too, its about the right size to still be easy to move around and nice and big. swappable heads ftw, just wish they had a more universal connector. They have a really good socket connector, but i think its an m14 instead of the typical m16 most use, so its a bit funky to fit other heads on it.

>> No.42178507

>so many dolls thinking about repurposing my laundry room for more space
bros help

>> No.42178524
File: 287 KB, 620x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the exact same as the old one but it's bigger
Honestly I'm really surprised how long the normal version has lasted for me. Probably used it 70+ times since I bought it when it came out and it still holds up, midway through that I even started turning it inside out to clean and even though it has become ridiculously sticky and the entrance is tearing (but it doesn't seem to be getting worse when I turn it inside out recently), it's pretty impressive that the inner layer is still fully in place.
Probably not for now but will definitely get the big version in the future.

>> No.42178750 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1076x1400, kanihamiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a fun way to set up the chichifueta rockets? Tamatoys has that DIY oppai mousepad (is it really not for fucking?) and it kinda makes me wanna try something similar.

>> No.42178762

can you link directly to the customer photos? all i'm seeing are pro photoshoots

>> No.42178951

Im considering getting a sanhui in the far future to. How good/realistic is anal on these dolls?

>> No.42178985

>swappable heads ftw,
when you order just a head from them, do they still take care of customs for you?

>> No.42179146

doll anal is never "realistic", but the tunnel is in a good position and feels pretty nice.

i would assume they would do the same as if you had ordered a full doll, but i think they are one of the ones that is stingy on head only orders. currently cant even find a vendor that has them listed, coulda sworn there was one.

>> No.42179278

Quick question: what is available in category of kemonomimi?

Asking out of curiosity.

>> No.42179325

im assuming your referring to dolls? ona wise thats irrelevant, but there are some interesting internal texture ones even if they are usually just gimmicky.

doll wise, elsababe is one of the few with something other than elf ears with some dog/cat ears fixed to the head as well as this thing >>42177226
not much else exists doll wise unless you go fabric/worn heads

>> No.42179398
File: 226 KB, 1059x1412, IMG_20221227_154001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll came in, 90% sure it was in a snow related accident. box was wet, neck hole pierced the box and the middle strap was worn out. top and bottom straps fine. its really cold and im scared to move it because i dont know how tpe reacts to being so cold
why am i erect just unboxing

>> No.42179406

attachable animal ears and maybe a belt tail. beyond that you risk whats left of your soul

>> No.42179444

Congrats anon. Sanhui is legit but what vendor?

>> No.42179527
File: 244 KB, 1364x2048, FgAnnZUaEAIJ70i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm always talking about how I adore their babarori head. trades having a soft, kissable head for much better visual quality. I'm surprised it took this long for some brand to start selling pvc heads. pic related was ordered without the mouth but you can get one that's 3D with actual fangs and not just drawn on.

>> No.42179540

Get a hip or a torso and check the dimensions

>> No.42179579

if you're talking about the oppai board(no DIY), I got one and it works pretty well. I can post a picture if you want but I'll have to dig it out. I also tried one of those actual DIY projects with a hip rocker to make a paizuri machine, but it doesn't work very well and just made me want a proper one.

>> No.42179674
File: 377 KB, 890x900, Tengoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for office onaholes?
I think something in tenga's 3d line might work, as it takes the "hiding in plain sight" approach with its sophisticated design and display case. Perfect for a desk ornament when not in use?
Alternative options/personal reviews for anything in the 3d line are appreciated.

>> No.42179765

Nigger are you retarded? I've had stuff delivered to work including 2 dolls but those were all discrete brown cardboard boxes, deciding "I'm gonna keep a hole at work so I can jack off and then put it on my desk" is a new level of dumbassery

>> No.42179780

>fireman/princess carry it up
>its not as heavy as i thought it was
>then again i did shovel a fuckton of snow before it came
its still so god damn cold

>> No.42179849

is it worth buying? usb warmer + a lot of cleaning stuff included

>> No.42179869

You're probably right. I'll wait until next year when I *might* get a private bathroom. I don't have a lot of hiding spots in my office, so that's why I thought the open approach might be better. I have my needs you know!

>> No.42179920

>an episode of mythbusters from like 20 years ago
>jamie used forehead sweat/grease to remove a marker mark
>attempt this with some extra sexdoll makeup
neat, its working slowly but its working

>> No.42179956
File: 3.62 MB, 4080x3060, 20221222_013227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warmers are fire hazards waiting to happen, regular mild liquid handsoap works perfectly fine for cleaning, the towel is probably some dollar store shit you can pick up without ordering online, and you can get drying and sponge sticks off amazon that will come multiple to a pack instead of just 1 or 2
Kit is not worth buying at all

>> No.42179984

>I have my needs you know!
There's always a secretary or a cleaning woman anon
Baby oil also works, I need to touch up my elfs nipples and pussy since the color faded away after her last oiling

>> No.42179985

If they ever make a short stack I’m done for.

>> No.42180082

Sad, thanks anyways anon

>> No.42180202

stop demonizing my wife...

>> No.42180297

Get the NUHUi UV LED it's the best warmer I've had and I've tried about seven or eight. Next best one is the sturdy pink one. They all tend to break.

>> No.42180325

What are the best disposable options. What's the best bang/buck while still offering quality experience.

I'm completely new to using masturbatory aids, I've always used my hands but thought I'd try out something new.

>> No.42180399

Would you let your bro bang your doll? If yes, what's the doll-sharing etiquette?

>> No.42181135

yes and I'd lick off his cum

>> No.42181155

Never thought about that but thats an interesting question.
I think I must be in supervision to make sure he doesn't do anything that breaks my doll.
At the same time, I don't really want to see his dick getting my doll dirty or seeing his dick at all.
If you're question is asking if I would allow my buddies to use my doll, then yes, but theres got to be a collateral or damage insurance just in case.

>> No.42181233

I'd think it'd be hot as fuck to try and hold it up in the air with just our dicks spitroast style.

>> No.42181349

yall gay

>> No.42181473
File: 50 KB, 540x540, 48155AA1-AB57-47F5-8C34-630A3BEB89A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disposables are for cowards. Your cum is not dangerous or icky. Use water based lube and everything is easy to wash and maintain.

If you want to try something cheap try a tenga egg “mist” it’s sold as disposable but it’s easy to clean and reuse and is similar to using your hand but nicer imo.

>> No.42181496

Unless my "bro" was a qt girl of East Asian descent, then hell no would I let anyone else touch my pure doll pussy.

>> No.42181565

Absolutely not. I would be more likely to give a doll than to loan a doll. Dolls are just so fragile.

>> No.42181757

anyone got any experience buying from catdoll? Some of them look too good to be true, honestly

>> No.42181876

That's definitely a custom job, I saw one company make someone a horse girl that was a mild twitter meme for a while. I wonder how much that cost.

>> No.42181940

I'm not scared of my own cum bro, I'm just not in a situation where I can jerk off and then be able to clean whatever doll or onahole I have.

>> No.42182410

don't know if this is common knowledge already but liquid skin (the kind you use for small cuts) is amazing for repairing onaholes. I had a tomax wavy 2D succubus that I was carving a uterus into to enhance suction and I went too far and sliced a small hole right through it. I tried the liquid skin to repair it (just painting it over the hole on the outside of the toy) assuming it wouldn't work (since ttp is so inherently oily most stuff doesn't stick to it) but it stuck right to it and after the solution dried the hole was perfectly sealed even after several days of intense use. Absolute godsend for torn/punctured/etc toys.

>> No.42182415

It's on my wishlist, it's from climax doll and is 1,300 burger bucks.

I want a custom like that though, just minus the lizard shit

>> No.42182433

also speaking of 2D succubus, are there any other good 2d-style toys out there on the market? I've honestly been using a soft 2d wavy ripple succubus exclusively for the past 2 years, 2d/flat hole simply feels better than a symmetrical hole imo.

>> No.42182606
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That would be basic supply and demand anon, originally the generation that was supporting dolls were mostly retired boomers that wanted dolls looking like man-jawed bimbos pushing 50, and as such the market catered to their demand. Though as that generation is now slowly dying off and the new generation of doll owners coming in at an even younger age with some as young as their early 20s their tastes are now slowly shaping the market and forcing change upon it.

Hence all the recent anime dolls and video game dolls that have been popping up in the past few years due to the new doll owners' interest being into said things, at this point its really going to come down to that generation to shift the market to more varied dolls , and the various suspiciously wealthy furries that have their very specific doll molds created for them such as THAT horse head doll, that meet their tastes.

Though of course, you will always have stubborn sellers not willing to innovate/change until the last second or until the market is stolen from under their feet by a competitor that is willing to cater to the changing market such as doll house 168's runaway success of their anime dolls leading into a department forming to only make anime dolls.

tl;dr: we need to get zoomers to buy get into dolls so that their tastes force doll makers to innovate

>> No.42182632

Yeah, that is an unfortunate issue with dolls both tpe and silicone, when winter comes they are ice cold and you will need an electric blanket to heat them properly.
You could also sleep with them though from your previous posts about snow then you are likely in a place cold enough so that your doll will more than likely sap most of your body heat and still be mostly cold.

Cant recommend an electric blanket sadly as I have also been looking for one and the ones I have seen all have terrible reviews so I'm afraid to get one myself.

>> No.42182695

Post pics! I could use some inspiration to spice my oppai game up, and more OC is always great.

>> No.42182719

I also imagine only making "weird" head molds is safer to do, because even if they don't sell as well as expected it's not gonna bankrupt you.

>> No.42182742

I mean if they're a trap that's hotter than most women, sure. They'll have to let me participate though

>> No.42182747

Plenty of people do. In fact, email kitty from catdoll to get a link to their customer taken images of their dolls (there is a metric shit ton). They also have a video site you can ask for access to.

>> No.42182753

I bought a homemate 50x60 inch electric blanket off amazon that warms up the surface alright and then I use warmed up lube for the inside
It's a sherpa style blanket so one side is just white fuzzy cotton so you don't have to worry about staining and the temp range is 86-122

>> No.42182788

buy a large plastic syringe, quarter inch or so fish tank tubing, 1 inch fish tank tubing, and a 30-40oz cofffee thermo. Hook the syringe to the quarter inch tubing, squirt some antibacterial soft soap into the syringe, suck up clean water, plop the syringe tube into canal alongside the large 1" hose, and push water into the hole. Dirty water will funnel through the 1" hose into the thermo (put a towel under hole just in case). Quiet and discrete. It's basically how doll owners clean dolls since no one wants to lug the doll to the bathroom every session, except we use douches which are louder.

>> No.42182790

184 dollars for the h2292? What's the catch? I've never owned anything other than a fleshlight so I'm new to this but 184$ seems kind of low. Generally speaking how do hanidolls feel, especially on the cheap end? Gotta admit I'm very close to pulling the trigger on this one but I need some more feedback. Also how would I hypothetically go about cleaning out a torso without taking it to the bathroom? Douche and a bucket?

>> No.42183030

Hanidoll is legit anon, no catch
I can't speak for the torsos but I have 2 dolls and their insides are nice and soft but have fairly standard nub patterns and don't go crazy like some onas and the outsides are good as well aside from the hands, mine have wire fingers
A douche and bucket would work for cleaning just make sure you have plenty of towels, if you press on the stomach water will absolutely shoot out of its pussy

>> No.42183031

sometimes i just squat over my doll and masturbate on it

>> No.42183247

Why don't you be honest and mention that one of yours ended up with an extra hole torn into it that you "didn't know how it happened"? Sounds like there is indeed a catch with them. Or it was you just being a tard with your drying sticks.

>> No.42183286

>autist out of nowhere
>screeching about drying sticks
>and he's a liar
I made a small tear being to rough with her, no "didn't know how it happened" and I patched her up with some TPE glue and have had no issues since for half a year
The fuck is your problem?

>> No.42183343

Anyone know how long it takes stains to come out of silicone?

>> No.42183604

Use electric blankets to heat yourself while you heat your doll. They can heat her a little bit and then your bodyheat will do the rest. Great for ambient heat while cuddling and warming together.

>> No.42183641

which torso?

>> No.42183684

I tried edging with the mouth of truth and I notice that it chafes the everloving fuck out of my dick after an hour. I don't want to de-teeth it either. This sucks.

>> No.42183687

Use more lube

>> No.42183712

Ugh you're right, I hate cleaning up spillage but I guess there's no other way

>> No.42183737

Ordered from Sanhui directly

>> No.42183772

got my hips finally

>Puni Ana DX Kiwami
ho lee shit. this thing is amazing. anal feels great, probably the best anal texture i've tried so far and the material has a satisfying stretch to it that makes it cling to my dick as I thrust. the ass is huge and gives you plenty to grab on to. overall size reminds me of a lap dance I got from a petite stripper once.
vaginal texture is the real showstopper though. it's placed a bit high and it kind of angles up toward the belly button, so using it standing was kind of awkward. in under a minute though I had taken it to the floor and basically mating pressed the fuck out of it. has a similar dick destroying texture as my lolinco vergo premium, but it's not so tight that I feel like i'm going to tear it in half in 3 uses, and the weight/size is ridiculous and makes using it hands free much more viable. if anything it feels almost too heavy to jack myself off with.
I might just cuddle with it tonight and keep a bottle of lube by the bed for when I wake up
cleanup wasn't too difficult, I was able to fit it in my bathroom sink but it was pretty awkward, i'll definitely have to get a shower head attachment or something.

first impression of meiki bliss lotion is great, a few ml was plenty to lube both holes and so far it seems similar to il primo baccio, thought without the saliva stringiness that baccio has

>> No.42184094

>NPG Extreme Pleasure Hip Third Generation
much larger and more realistic size. the material is quite soft, but much better than tomax. vaginal canal doesn't feel very interesting to me at first, it's not particularly tight but it is VERY deep. (it fit practically the entire fairy mini vibe, but the toy is so large i can't feel much from it. will test with smaller hips.) this would be a great toy for big guys. lack of an internal skeleton makes it difficult to manipulate, but woo boy, the asshole on this thing, it's like a pillow that will suck you dry. the size and weight of the toy really add to the experience, and just rocking it back and forth on my lap feels wonderful.
also came out of the box staticy af and everything sticks to it

>> No.42186555

You managed to stain silicone? Impressive, it probably won't come out.

>> No.42187845

Worst case was 2 week for me, don't be afraid with silicone.

>> No.42187977

ohhh climax looks to be the one that did the horse/minataur one too. makes sense they would branch into other anthromorphs.

>> No.42188246

She will survive. I just know it.

>> No.42188519

You can try a condom, but also you don't have to care. The doll isn't going to judge you or anything. Then, there's some generally valid advice on dick health, like doing cardio, abstaining from porn, which can help.

>> No.42188551

Keep it in some sort of bag? No one will be looking through your bags.

>> No.42188740

You're good there and congrats. Looking forward to your review. What model and what options? I almost got a Sanhui but got a cheap TPE to buy me a year of shopping time instead. Still really want one. :)

>> No.42188803

The abstaining from porn thing never made sense to me. I've jacked off to it all my life with no issue. An orgasm is an orgasm isn't it?

>> No.42188888

It helps you retain your chi energy. Thats why women need men they are succubus that leech off the energy of a man.

>> No.42189029

Porn brain is a thing anon, the short explanation is watching porn releases a lot of dopamine and high dopamine levels for an extended amount of time fucks up your brain
The guys calling for completely abstaining from porn have no idea how to regulate themselves and were likely constantly watching it and because their personality type is already off they decided the only thing to do was go to the other extreme

>> No.42189168

You know what else releases a lot of dopamine? Orgasming in the first place....

>> No.42189284

>The doll isn't going to judge you or anything.
>you payed how much for me and you can't even fuck me

>> No.42189417

Anon are you reading what that anon is saying?

>> No.42189642

Are you? Go jack off, then jack off later on with porn. The sensation is about identical. There has to be a greater disparity in dopamine release between not jacking off at all than there is between jacking off versus jacking off with porn. I'm not convinced by this porn brain bro science.

>> No.42189670

If I'm an nsfw artist and I'm constantly looking at reference material in a purely artistic sense does that count as watching too much porn

>> No.42189711

>extended period of time
Just because you can't read and wallow in your own ignorance doesn't mean something is "bro science", people have Ben studying this shit for years

>> No.42189774

If your brain has associated it with work then you are probably alright, what's essentially happening with excess porn consumption is you rewire your brain the same way a heroin addict would except your chemical of choice is dopamine

>> No.42189903
File: 28 KB, 540x629, 13081-1-kaede-fox-sex-doll-1(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Kemono Hime Animal Princess Plush Doll on kanjo toys. I have the kaede one but she is in a storage unit 1000 miles away. I miss her so much ;-;

>> No.42189953

In better news...

>SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea has formally lifted a ban on the import of full-body sex dolls, ending years of debate over how much the government can interfere in private life.

>Although there are no laws or regulations banning the import of sex dolls, hundreds, and perhaps thousands, have been seized by the customs, which cited a clause in the law that bans the import of goods that “harm the country’s beautiful traditions and public moral.”

>Importers complained and took their case to courts, most of which agreed with them and ordered customs to release the sex dolls, saying they are used in people’s private spaces and don’t undermine human dignity.

>On Monday, the Korea Customs Service said in a statement that it began enforcing a revised guideline for import of life-size adult sex dolls. It said it reviewed recent court rulings and opinions from relevant government agencies including the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.

>The customs service said it will still ban the import of child-like sex dolls or others embodying certain people. It said other countries like the United States, Australia and the U.K. also ban child-like sex dolls.

>While the decision reflects South Korea’s slow yet gradual moves to restrict state interference into personal lives, some women’s rights and conservative organizations will likely again voice their opposition to the use of sex dolls. They say they deepen sexual objectification of women and undermine public moral.

President Sun Hung-Chud is delivering pro-man policies ahead of schedule

>> No.42190535

When will they understand that sex dolls do not objectify women. They womanize objects.

>> No.42190553

Sex dolls make women obsolete and they feel threatened by that

>> No.42191001

15 dolls + 1 destroyed
bros, i think its time to admit i have a problem
not enough orgasms in the day

>> No.42191247

Line them up and post pic including the deceased doll.

>> No.42191275

I have ten and plan to dispose of nine so I can buy two more. If only there was a private removal service you could hire...

>> No.42191753

>The customs service said it will still ban the import of child-like sex dolls or others embodying certain people. It said other countries like the United States also ban child-like sex dolls.
News to me considering it's only illegal in 5 states.

>> No.42191773

jerking off while picturing a woman in your head objectifies her... we're apes, stop acting all high and mighty. anything else is living in denial of our true nature. they just want more pregnancies so they have an oversupply of labor and captive workforces with no bargaining power

>> No.42191788

can you break down what makes this a good and trustworthy study? i'm afraid i can't read

>> No.42191873

thats your brain on porn anon
cant even read one article

>> No.42191963

He is right though. We objective people to an extent because of lust but that is sort of how the species continues so its normal. But we personify objects for the memories and happiness they represent. How many old gameboys sit in a drawer because it would be a shame to toss them when you once enjoyed it so much even if tons of things have replaced them as an example.

>> No.42192163
File: 561 KB, 1280x1829, scan010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any full-sized fairy dolls/onaholes? Preferably touhou ones.

>> No.42192209
File: 1.16 MB, 1731x1345, 0FA77F14-689B-4CBE-9084-A3385EADF6D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42192257




>> No.42192321

Depends what you mean by full size, six house and qita have some 60cm dolls that have the shape and proportions of a woman, smaller than that and you're gonna be looking at mini figures with a set shape

>> No.42192439

it's fine if you just typed in some keywords so you could trot out some random study. just let us know you don't understand it yourself and whether it's a quality study or not so we can be on our way

>> No.42192444

this doesn't add anything to the conversation. it was already stated that women are objectified any time a man jacks off to one, porn or not

>> No.42192445

Haven't ever really wanted to sex Miku, but whenever I see that picture it makes me want to buy something similar just because how cute she looks.

>> No.42192522

How? Explain how it objectifies them. Unless it is literal objectification or petrification hentai or something. The original statement is that it humanizes an object, which is right, so stating that porn objectifies women has nothing to do with it and added nothing.

>> No.42193015
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New head 37
options pic related

Already ordered a bunch of cosplay outfits I'm hype

>> No.42193026

Objectifies women, personifies an object, however you wish to phrase it is the same. The point is it's a stupid thing to be concerned about is the realization I was trying to bring to the other anon by pointing it occurs whether you watch porn or not. I guess that point got lost.

And as an aside, objectification implies something morally wrong and it's the same type of tactic religious freaks pull to feel morally superior to others and act like they have some special knowledge/goodness that others don't. Me personally, I'm gonna objectify until the cows come home since the alternative is being a celibate monk. You can't even have sex with someone without reducing their supposed humanity via subjectification according to these morons logic since you're just focused on feel good sensations rather than their human mind/humanity. Bit of a rant but these moral police fuckers get on my nerves and the people using their language of "objectification" don't even know they've fallen into a mental trap that originated from religion.

>> No.42193035

meant objectification

>> No.42193038

Also hardened feet for standing

>> No.42193498
File: 38 KB, 800x800, 1661464800701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first toy, a tenga flip zero. I've been enjoying it a lot, it feels great.

I've noticed that my mental refractory period is a lot longer with a toy vs my hand. Whereas before I could coom multiple times in a day, when I use my toy I feel "spent" and not horny for a significantly longer period, days even.

Anyone else have similar experiences? It's not necessarily a problem, I just thought it was interesting.

>> No.42194484

Do you guys think lube smells for a long time

>> No.42194524

Depends on the kind of lube and the brand btu from my experience no lube has smelled for an extended period of time.

>> No.42196566
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i have dgs

>> No.42197820
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its time

>> No.42198069
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>> No.42198141
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>> No.42198237
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>> No.42198427

Has anyone bought and tried the new atelier onahole? I've tried the first one and it was pretty good, but the black magic/warlock one is sold out everywhere

>> No.42199099

>rubber goblina...

>> No.42199125

The point is to go without daily porn and fap for a few weeks and observe how your attitude towards horniness, fap, sex, and women changes, because it will.

>> No.42199153

Before reading below that anons get a dozen of dolls I was under an impression that you're supposed to get one as a long-term partner of sorts, or maybe two at most. It would make sense that as a long-term partner people want some normal-looking woman and not an abomination.

>> No.42199176

The water based stuff you'd buy in a drug store, definitely not, it almost doesn't smell to begin with and washes off pretty easily.

>> No.42199673
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>and women

>> No.42199906
File: 1.03 MB, 680x668, !!! .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my new haul

>> No.42199951
File: 98 KB, 392x600, 745A346E-2E60-4383-A7DD-7F82612E6C09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried a automated device?
Is it just a niche thing or does it actually feel great?

>> No.42200239

I've tried multiple and every single one was a major disappointment
>usually very loud
>inserts are garbage
>even though it's automated it somehow feels like more effort

>> No.42200367

If only the face was cute

>> No.42200417

i found rich soft a little too soft for my tastes

>> No.42200448

I found regular too soft for my tastes

>> No.42200450

>It would make sense that as a long-term partner people want some normal-looking woman and not an abomination
Thats the same logic women use so they don't fuck you

>> No.42200495

Seriously. Don't know why western companies usually have busted faces.

>> No.42200574

>buy 4 hips
>wakeup the next morning
>abs are killing me

>Sujiman Kupa Cocolo
I expected this to be my favorite but it's actually the bottom of the list for me. still fun, but the proportions are more toddler-con than lolicon. anal texture is very fun, but vaginal is pretty unimpressive. mostly due to more suction in the anal entrance, which i think is due to the valve design

>Petite Devil Kohai Legendary Hip
on the flipside, I bought this as a cheap hip I wouldn't mind wearing out quick by DP'ing it with vibes.
turns out it's a bit of a tossup between this and the puni ana kiwami DX for my favorite of the 4.
the kiwama has huge mass and a mindblowing vaginal canal
both holes of the kohai are very fun, but the combination of the overall dimensions and the fact that it has thighs really makes it feel like having a grade schooler sitting in my lap
it's also juuuust deep enough for me personally, and works GREAT for DP.
fairy mini vibe is pretty disappointing though, doesn't have enough mass. i'll have to get a proper magic wand.

>> No.42200615

oh and meiki bliss is great. little goes a LONG way. contains propylene glycol but also has aloe so i've felt quite moisturized lately. oddly enough the back lists Meiki as a trademark of toydemon, and says "produced by toydemon" but also says "made in japan" so who knows.

full ingredients:
sodium polyacrylate
propylene glycol
aloe baradensis leaf extract
soluble collagen water

next on my list is k-lube

>> No.42200617

rich soft is mu jam
fuuucking perfection

>> No.42200648

i made a couple paragraph long post about my experiences using The Plow from extreme restraints with a fleshlight attachment
tl;dr, it's great once you get everything positioned correctly, but doing so is a huge pain
fucking machines are much better when you have someone else to strap you into them

>> No.42200801

"attitude towards women..."
Why would I want to change this?

>> No.42200899

Exe auto a scam

>> No.42201631

The doll forum bans any dolls with faces that do not look like trans whores.

>> No.42201643

i choose to believe this no matter how untrue it may be

>> No.42201660

they banned pipers which makes full figured adult dolls meanwhile they host 145cm AA cup sanhuis etc etc. we know they're hypocrites with a dying tech stack and fraudulent advertising practices who cares let's move on

>> No.42201677

It's mostly true now

>> No.42201689

I was simply explaining why the western market has such ugly dolls. Doll forum has an extreme amount of influence. I’m not trying to stir anything up. I’m sure the recent bans on young dolls in some states have importers scared. Many dolls on eBay and Amazon have the faces censored or cropped off because of this.

>> No.42201797

damn i can't believe there are people that still use forum, i thought everyone goes to leddit or twatter

>> No.42201795

Can't tell who's more dishonest, the paid piper shill here or the trannies from dollforum

>> No.42201825

For a very long time the market in the US was mostly scam websites. Doll forum was about the only trustworthy source of information. Thank god it’s not the only place anymore as it’s really gone downhill.

>> No.42201890
File: 282 KB, 1536x2048, awoooooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right and really I think the biggest contributor was the UK/Aus forcing vendors to be cautious with marketing. Those waters have been waded and there's amazing new dolls coming out which break their bullshit rules while clearly being adult. The buzz for these will come from everywhere but that shithole.

>> No.42202438

there's bans? when did this start happening?

>> No.42202496

There are states in the US that have banned young looking dolls. The UK and Australia have banned anything under I think 160cm in height. Australia I think also breast size but idk. Vendors that serve those two markets tend to only advertise 160cm+ sizes. Ebay ships to the states that have banned those dolls so they ban them too.

>> No.42202532
File: 180 KB, 1000x1000, GD09_1-111-1000x1000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish these doll companies would step up their game and actually innovate. When will someone make a doll that has an actual skeletal system? Even just adding in a ribcage made out of plastic or something would add a shit load of realism.
Also I just want the doll ass to actually be soft and ass-like instead of feeling like a fully inflated basketball.

>> No.42202583

Also Canada has a ban on under 160cm or young looking dolls and ona's, people have gotten v& for box art.

>> No.42202636

>ribcage made out of plastic or something would add a shit load of realism.
wow, surprised I'm not the first guy to suggest dolls having fake bone structure.
Something about bones is so nice, isn't it? For me, it's the wrists.

>> No.42202677

Same. I'd probably buy a second doll if they added realistic shoulder blades and a ribcage.

>> No.42202702

Im not some kind of bone fetishist, its just that not having them at all makes the doll feel a lot less realistic, there's absolutely no comparison to a real girl because of it. A simple skeletal structure just seems like the easiest way to add realism, seeing as making the doll material feel like actual skin is still probably more than a decade away.

>> No.42202834 [SPOILER] 
File: 214 KB, 401x446, trannyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They give me nightmares

>> No.42202901

doll tech seems to be moving pretty fast in the past few years so it could be a posibility soon.

>> No.42203087

I'll stick to feeling the hard, flat chests of my waifus, thanks.

>> No.42203304

which states and when?

>> No.42203312

it's a business. it's possible to make a skeleton but expensive

>> No.42203363
File: 429 KB, 1331x1775, IMG_20221227_212308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when was the last time you bought a doll? i got mine in from hanidoll the other day and holy fuck its soft
almost done fixing the teeth

>> No.42203498

That doesn't make sense, how does that one Canadian vendor operate? it sells a lot of stuff under 160cm

>> No.42203568

didn't the UK ban under 140cm, not 160?

>> No.42203605

I might have been off on the exact height, and I think there may be some exceptions. Either way importing anything into Canada is sketchy nowadays.

>> No.42203718

idk but 3d printing is a thing

>> No.42203789

>make anya doll
>no cunny
why would they do this

>> No.42203818

I'd definitely ask the vendor if they had issues/think there would be issues before ordering, it's a lot of money to waste to something stupid like that.

>> No.42203835

one of those pics looks like ... what?

>> No.42204017

Anon don't take this the wrong way but I want to fuck your dolls tits and cum all over her face

>> No.42204035

>A simple skeletal structure just seems like the easiest way to add realism
Yeah but then you have to think about the added weight and material costs and that's not even thinking about some worst case scenario shit like what if she falls over and her ribs bend inward creating extra stress points on her skin that could lead to a tear
I'm all for more realism but I also get why somethings aren't practical

>> No.42204036

probably to avoid flame war and fishing interested clients to call them directly for a custom body with holes
you know how anal people are about lolis these days

>> No.42204044

but they have a just slightly taller doll that they have advertised as being fully featured for just over 2 years now
plus they are chinks they don't give a fuck at all anyway

>> No.42204093

try to make one to support the doll weight and all the effort she might take, for YEARS.

skeleton did plateau because the constraint are huge, ribs would be broken within 3 months of normal usage for example unless you reinforce them, then your 160 doll weight 60 KG.

also cute loli

>> No.42204127

As far as I know the rules only apply to import so if they handle importing and sell/ship within the country you should be fine? But people have had issues with less and things are changing fast so idk.

>> No.42204153

most of the western market Is US, and they have SHIT TASTE, If you go look at the sale section on the doll forum, all the us doll for sale are ugly sheboon ass type of doll.

>> No.42204512

>>no cunny
it clearly has a cunny. i don't see how this would really appease either side.

>> No.42204918
File: 2.35 MB, 640x640, cat-shaking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally accumulated enough savings to get the doll I want. Costs around 1.2k. Only problem is how do I turn my hard physical cash into something I can send them? I'm not too keen on going over to my local supermarket and buying like two paypal prepaid cards with hundreds of dollars in front of someone.

>> No.42204936

I live in a shithole country (El Salvador). I was looking forward to buy an onahip (PuniAna DX) through Toydemon but it seems that "Sex toys", "obscene materials" and so on are restricted in this country, aparently a permit is needed, and i can only wonder if this only applies for retailers. I was looking for shipping through Aeropost, but they ask for a receipt to do all the customs bullshit. I was wondering whether you people have had trouble with getting your stuff because of the vague descriptions on packages "novelty toys" and whether or not it would be safer to just be honest and show aeropost the onahip. I don't really know other options, DHL operates here, as well as UPS.

>> No.42204987

Anon do you not have a bank account

>> No.42205264

I've only bought onaholes so far. How do hips compare to an onahole in feel? Is it worth the extra price?

>> No.42205270
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>> No.42205459

Just tell them you bought a painting easel or some dumb shit like that. That should work unless they already have some clue that their son is a filthy degenerate, in which case you're fucked.

>> No.42205478
File: 378 KB, 1708x2560, janny i censored it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip the hip and go full degen with a doll

>> No.42205670

You can send me the cash and then I'll make the purchase on your behalf

>> No.42205718

Doesn't have to be worth an extra price. Paloqurth 17 lbs torso is about the same price as a Fleshlight. But yeah, what >>42205478 said.

>> No.42205998

I don't think you're in a position where you should spend 1.2k on a fun luxury item that'll break within months to years

>> No.42206002

Is there any real alternative forum though
Wish we had an active doll community like japan and china

>> No.42206008

What doll is that?

>> No.42206019

The problem is that TDF has that amount of influences because the actual asian companies behind those dolls can't even be bothered to create a simple english website with basic information

>> No.42206232

I bought those Chinese drying sticks that comes in 4s (2 boxes of 2) because they're cheaper, but at the same time I'm afraid they contain asbestos or something.

>> No.42206376

This is the heel of dealing in cash, there is cost to avoiding the bankers.
Dolls are still too uncanny imo

>> No.42206621
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Anyway, I was the first one to open the door and no one else seemed to have noticed the bell ringing was inside.

>> No.42206814
File: 3.11 MB, 2500x3482, discreet shipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42207329

Exclusively for naizuri lovers.

>> No.42207374

I'm about to break down and buy a Tantaly doll, rosie specifically. Someone talk me down and recommend me a superior nippon hip, or tell me tantaly products are bad, anything to keep me from making a stupid horny purchase.

>> No.42207538

I'll be compiling my thoughts on this toy as soon as the next thread gets made.
There doesn't seem to be any reviews on Kyo Plush Doll DX, so hopefully I can give some insight on it.

>> No.42207737
File: 517 KB, 2748x772, motsutoys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's Motsutoys for you. Rhey don't give a fuck about privacy.
They also put the name "Motsutoys" on all the packages they sent me, despite claiming on their website that they'd use a different company name.

The package with my plush doll was also poorly sealed and was basically half-open when it arrived, anyone who handled the package could've easily taken a look inside.

>> No.42208362

Just tell them you getting into sewing. I once bought a 1/6 doll for fun. Now I don't even enjoy the doll aspect, but I am slowly getting into sewing clothes for her.

>> No.42208563

Yeah I guess being gay doesn't carry much of a stigma anymore nowadays

>> No.42208576

>end of work week
>hear door bell ring
>ding dong
>hear sound of someone leaping of bed
>fast foot steps
>slide to door in socks
>pick up package and instantly hear run back upstairs
>father face palms
>mother pops another Xanax
You got away scott free. Nobody will ever know you bought something shady on the internet.

>> No.42208612 [SPOILER] 
File: 46 KB, 1500x966, sashgray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any other faggots lurking here wondering if they should start, just do it.
You faggots broke me and I gave in and bought a cheap pussy on amazon. It was one of the Doc Johnson's Sasha Grey meme holes, pic rel.
I've been trying to go porn-less and jerking off by hand is just a chore without it, so i used this as an alternative.
Was worried I wouldn't nut without porn as I've used home made pussy's in the past and struggled to nut without some stimulation.
But this actually has some stretch and squeeze to it. Holy shit, I forced myself not to nut in <60 secs, but I easily could've.
Cleaning was surprisingly easy too, Idk why people in here sometimes complain that 10 minutes to wash and dry a pussy is too much. A 20 minute sesh with this thing wound up being way more fun than 2 hours of gooning.
The real question now is : How long until I break and get a fucking doll?

>> No.42208672

fleshlight > onahole > just the boxart > hip > torso > doll
thats generally the order

>> No.42208700

>How long until I break and get a fucking doll?
took me about 2 years to get a plush doll
then another 2 years for a real sex doll

>> No.42208710

I got one of those years ago I remember my magnum dong broke a hole on the end of it cause it was made for dicklets.

>> No.42208737

I think it's worth the price. Somehow the realism of trusting handsfree and groping something that resemble tits/ass pays off quite a bit when coming. For me hugging a torso when finishing is next lvl. only setback is you still want to watch corn with hips/torsos and since you need both hands to use it, you cant scroll tru tabs on your pc at the same time. so you would have to move to your bed with a tablet. If you go for doll then you'll lose interest in corn. but a doll is next lvl over hip imo

>> No.42208772


>> No.42208982

my original lolinco broke, are any of the RIDE JAPAN toys worth trying? or should I just buy a new and same lolinco?

>> No.42208998

Shit, In 4 years I should have enough scraped together for a house. If this timeline fits, I'll be living together with a doll.
That sounds like heaven And I think I should pursue that instead of an actual 3dpd slut instead.

>> No.42209002

He doesn't realize you can use naughty words here

>> No.42209095

I skipped all this dumb shit and started with the doll.

>> No.42209223

biggest issue is the cost of setting something like that up, thats why most just use twitter and discord since its free.

tdf is absolute dogshit cause its literally paid shilling and run by boomers.

>> No.42209250

Whats a good doll brand

>> No.42209322

Those sucks. If you can't contain your curiosity at least buy the cheapest one.

>> No.42209349 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.51 MB, 2700x1454, bigpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone has their opinion on whats good/bad/best.

imo best bet is to shop around for one that you just really like the look of, and then look into reviews on it to see if you like it.

>> No.42209399

>biggest issue is the cost of setting something like that up

self-hosting a forum is like 10 USD per month at most

>> No.42209442

yeah, as long as there arnt pics or if you are constantly purging. If you want to set something up long term with lots of pics and keeping info the cost climbs pretty quickly.

another issue i ran into when looking into it was finding a host/provider that wasnt going to flip their shit and smaller dolls, so it ends up being a bit more expensive for a decent host(been a while since i looked so i dont know current price) and then more on top of that for data. Was more than i was willing to shell out to host a site and you know full well most users wont contribute.

>> No.42209497

Dunno where you looked, but I'm sure there are forum backends nowadays that let you configure S3 as storage, that's literaly peanuts for terabytes

I think the biggest issue is the second part you mentioned, it'd just be yet another dead forum on the internet

>> No.42209541
File: 10 KB, 289x320, 1284618507314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ona's are better than jerking off but hips feel more like simulating sex, well worth it imo

t. just bought four hips

that reminds me
>bought 4 hips, fairy mini vibe, and meiki bliss lube across 3 separate orders
>toydemon packs them all in a single box, about the size of a refrigerator but half as tall
>over 46 lbs of pussy and ass
>travel history showed the label had been damaged and had to be replaced
>go to pick it up
>top was clearly pushed in and retaped, side of the box has a small puncture hole as well
>fedex guy tries to lift it, weight shifts, immediately changes his mind and gets a cart
>"Man I can't imagine what's in this"
>wheel it out to my car
>lift it myself ezpz (thanks stronglifts)
>go home
>realize I can't take this giant box past my family without questions
>drive to convenience store 20 minutes from my house in the middle of the night
>park in darkest corner of the parking lot
>remove packages, wrap them in blankets, put the blankets in trashbags
>have one bag full of clothes I plan to donate as cover
>toydemon filled up the top half of the shipping box with empty plain white cardboard boxes so even if someone opened it they'd have to dig through to see anything salacious
i love toydemon

>> No.42209608

Don’t choose isolation annon. My brother did and it’s fucking sad.

>> No.42209617

I've already owned one for a year. Friend helped out but I don't wanna make him log it over again

>> No.42209748

Depends what you're looking for as far as style, material, and cost

>> No.42209762

For my own tastes, Sanhui and Gynoid are the way to go. Even for my first doll, Sanhui is pretty resilient. Practice maintenance with a torso first and you can jump right to them if you can afford it

>> No.42210081

Any reviews on the Gokujo sujiman Kuma Roa ?

>> No.42210120

Got one, it's a pain to clean but Magic Eyes delivers. More durable than the Lolinco Virgo series too.

>> No.42210527
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, 1650816561326.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piperdoll Akira 160cm Silicone

>> No.42210600
File: 1002 KB, 2732x4096, new_akira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They pissed off a bunch of autists. It won't be a problem for long. I have no problem learning Mandarin and can do it in a fraction of the time it will take for them to learn the code they rely on. The real problem is creating a space that works for everyone without being obnoxious about the monetization. I need ideas there. Also some issues w/ the general community vs. lolidolls. There is a problem there that needs a solve. It works here because /jp/ or on /b/ because /b/. It won't work on twatter because opsec, privacy, and ToS.

>> No.42210651

most of the time when i lift my dolls to move them i put my hands under their armpits and lift that way
and my newest doll has something called "double gear skeleton" which allows stuff like squatting and shrugging shoulders
i got scared lifting this one

>> No.42210657

Adjust the skeleton into a default pose (standing or sitting). Then reposition, then repose.

>> No.42210673

I think it’s very draining to cum. Whenever I cum a bucket full I would be very tired and could even get into depression. After this I try to fap but do not cum at all, or just to cum as little as possible, it’s challenginrestrict cumming, but it’s well worth it

>> No.42210720

It’s very tricky to control yourselves to no cum, I think emotion play a very big role, try to not distract by the feeling, I think it’s very clear when you’re very horny you would cum harder, which also bigger in volume, control emotion to not get too horny is very difficult, because it’s very time critical challenge, you have just about ten or fewer seconds to do so, also it’s not easy to tell when you’re about to cum without a lot of practice.

>> No.42210726



>> No.42210937

Nice. It's almost gone after 3 days.

>> No.42211102

you don't princess carry your dolls?

>> No.42211122

not if its the same room

>> No.42211245

depends. if you're buying a hip from an onahole shop, 1000% don't buy it since they'll charge as much as a low priced doll for it. if you buy a hip or torso from hanidoll or tantaly, then yeah, go for it. toydemon? nope

in absolute terms though, yes, hips are more intense than onaholes. can't beat mashing your dick and crotch into a jiggly butt. honestly though, I'd just go for a cheap $500 doll at that point from hanidoll. they aren't top of the line, but still good as fuck for the price and leagues ahead of an onahole experience even without hentai/porn.

this is coming from a guy btw that couldn't see paying more than $100 for a sex toy a year ago btw....

>> No.42211255

i think it's important to spend irresponsibly every once and a while, especially if you're poor. you could end up waiting and waiting and never be able to "justify" the purchase. as long as you got food money and a roof, go for it i say

>> No.42211260

buy an anime doll or a realistic one (they exist). problem solved

>> No.42211315

>The real question now is : How long until I break and get a fucking doll?
depends. if you get small dinky onaholes, maybe never. if you get a miniature figurine or even an ona with boobs (taimanin sakura) or a hip, you start thinking "what's another $400? i'm worth it" and "if a hip is this good, a full blown doll is gonna suck my brains out through my dick"

>> No.42211340

calm down there frank

speaking of opinions, i was hoping someone here could explain why they personally like the types of dolls you find on TDF or even on the sexdoll subreddit? some of those dolls look like a blowup doll in silicone form and it's nightmarish to me. much prefer eastern dolls to most western ones

>> No.42211350

does your bro have a doll? if not maybe you should buy him one

>> No.42211381

if you think lolidolls are a problem or are tempted to use twitter for this short of shit, then don't bother. you'd be much better off using mastodon or a self hosted website overseas. that way it's both legal AND you can't get cancelled as easily. could also make it invite only

>> No.42211453

should mention that lolidolls are legal in the first place no matter what if you live in the US. could make lolidolls NSFW section though since I can understand some people being uncomfortable with it even if I dont agree

>> No.42211614

>>over 46 lbs of pussy and ass
Listen man, you've been posting about your 40 pound box of pussy and ass for a few days now, we better bet getting pictures. You're toy edging me here.

>> No.42211798

i didnt know how much i wanted a doll that can squat until this one

>> No.42211799

anyone here live in a shared space? my bed shakes floor somewhat so i gotta go slow with my toys so the people downstairs aren't getting woke up when i decide to do some plowing. got a foam mattress

>> No.42212236

Debating all of this. Slippery slope, liability, risk, etc. If you wall the garden you can't reach other networks. And then algos will penalize you with anti-competitive shit if they sniff out competing networks onsite. Maybe a mastodon instance is the right way to go but it sure would be difficult to get people active on it. Then again, when boners get control of decisions people can be come computer geniuses if need be.

>> No.42212431

telegram is another option. i think you're overvaluing search engines though. this is already a niche hobby that relies mostly on forums and word of mouth. look at all the people in this 4chan thread yet 4chan is basically banned on search engines

>> No.42213109

Is onayatsu edible?

>> No.42213218

If by edible, you mean non-toxic, then sure, it probably won't kill you to ingest a small amount. But I guarantee you drink a couple tablespoons, you will be in the bathroom with it coming out of both ends within a few hours

>> No.42213253


>> No.42213386

Hmm. For the hobbyist side yeah I can kinda see your point. But wom for dollfucking is mostly visible on plebbit, here, and twatter from what I can see. I'd want to know people could find stuff on search. Especially if we are focused on authentic info. Providing "community" space is a 2nd priority. Might be dumb reasoning but I like hanging out on *chan. I think first I need to clear out any conflict of interests and focus on what people need/want to find. Then bite the bullet on what networks to be exposed to. You can't broadcast content w/o reach which means G, T, Fb/IG, etc.

>> No.42213429

were you trying to eat doll pussy?

>> No.42213567

Any recommendations on heated blankets? I mainly want it to heat my doll since it gets cold.

>> No.42213610

As long as you don't try and shill that shit here, all that social media faggotry belongs on /soc/

>> No.42213625
File: 3.58 MB, 3737x2661, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you know which models these dolls are? Especially the one in the cabinet.

>> No.42213652
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x1920, 20180401_071652650_iOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have gone through a couple. They're great but they will get lube and cum all over them. Washing them can fuck them up. I'm trying to find one that has good reviews on cleaning. A thin plush blanket between the doll can help. It's worth it. An ice cold doll goes from sucks to really fun foreplay heating her up inside a nice warm blanket.

>> No.42213812

left is a tami 138cm catdoll torso. right doll is also from catdoll, but not sure about the size. looks like a 126cm maybe. how'd you find the image?

>> No.42213818

just remove the blanket after she's warmed up. wtf you doin getting liquids on it? hopefully not while it's turned on....

>> No.42213980
File: 7 KB, 300x225, Kidstaring-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AXB Loli Doll
>or Aibei 5'9" doll
Fuck man.

>> No.42214068
File: 3.74 MB, 3024x4032, 20200525_IMG_3016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf you doin getting liquids on it
fucking the hell out of my luxurious sex toys with lube and cum furiously spilling and shooting all over the place for many hours at a time

>> No.42214081 [SPOILER] 
File: 341 KB, 720x1280, 1652017827060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got word that my wife is ready and waiting to be shipped. Here are her breasts, I went with large areolas for puffy nipples effect, apologies for the bugmen phone quality.

>> No.42214119

What brand? Looks quite nice.

>> No.42214125 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20221221_152421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice tits. What model is it? Kind of wish I got larger areolas for mine.

>> No.42214155

you'd wish they were smaller!

>> No.42214174

Janny-san please. No nipples here. Bandaids fully covers them.

>> No.42214187

Tayu 161f

>> No.42214199

He found it on 4-ch /img/ and for some reason decided to ask about it here instead of asking the person whose dolls they are what posted it there.

>> No.42214338

Is there any info anywhere about what the vaginal/anal texturing is like on catdolls? Also I'm primarily concerned with how it feels, so I don't know if removable or fixed would be better on that front.

>> No.42214417

you can check out thedollchannel discord and also the sexdolls subreddit for additional places to ask about it. also removable inserts are the number one regret of doll owners. they move around and get slippery on the outside while fucking it and it just doesn't look nearly as good

>> No.42214483

I like the serenity of blue boards. I might buy ads.

>> No.42214497

japs already shill their dolls on twitter
they hardly need help considering the bigger they get the more likely they are to get account terminated

>> No.42214526

Maybe I really should focus on copypasta.
