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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42116106 No.42116106 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>42004466

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.42116132

Am I the only one who makes a new save every time I save? I usually end up filling up my slots before I'm halfway done with something.

>> No.42116170

I can't understand why this guy is always so desperate to make a new thread

>> No.42116176

based real thread

>> No.42116201

I used to do this. Now I only make new saves at pivotal moments, and overwrite otherwise.

>> No.42116648

Is anonymous;code worth getting a console for?

>> No.42116917

Most of them come out on PC.

>> No.42116932

It's literally the worst entry in the whole franchise

>> No.42116935

That would be Robotics;Note.

>> No.42117007


>> No.42117044

Robotics notes has better characters and production values. It's also longer.

>> No.42117175

No it;doesn't.

>> No.42117190

Help me pick an Eushully game bros.

>> No.42117209

nice arguments you got there, please tell me more about how a game with literally 0 slice of life scenes has strong characters.

>> No.42117644
File: 283 KB, 800x1284, 1631232434583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to take fitness breaks in between your reading!

>> No.42117930


>> No.42121369

I stand up every 60 minutes. Does that count?

>> No.42122056

Any good releases for December?

>> No.42122106

Maybe, if you like h there is the new milk factory, escude, and Nan's stuff I guess

>> No.42122229

Mahoyo R is the biggest december release (came out in the 8th). Will probably sell a ton. Aside from that there's a couple during the normal end of month timing.

>> No.42122866

why are you seething about gintama, cuck? too many references flying over your head? maybe you should stop being a casual ironic weeb then

>> No.42122872

Why previous thread link was two threads ago?

>> No.42123456

one slot a day is the way to go if it's just text, if you need to reread a scene you'll have to skip one day worth of reading at worst

if it's something like rance you should use as many slots as possible

>> No.42123542

The last one was made by a retard.

>> No.42123549

Seconded. I'm also wondering if ordering matters due to the lore connected worlds.

>> No.42123667

Just play in order then, tranny.

>> No.42123940


>> No.42124101

Clearly it's some crossboarding faggot, anyone from /jp/ wouldn't make another thread when the previous one is still on page 8

>> No.42124240

he's already vandalised the OP so just use the old one until it dies and use the proper thread

>> No.42124313

The previous one (with the fucked up eroge title) was made when the the one before that was on page 5. Sounds like you're just upset that you lost this time and don't get to force your shitty title down our throats.

>> No.42124321

Fair enough. I guess a new thread will have to be made when the old one dies. I refuse to use this faggot's threads

>> No.42124324

stop replying to yourself /a/-kun. very obvious

>> No.42124356
File: 314 KB, 1073x553, jop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what being a JOP is like?

>> No.42124485

bros about to start anekouji. what am I in for?

>> No.42124831


>> No.42125211
File: 49 KB, 1128x657, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get H-codes?The list in vn-hooking.wikia is fucking dead

>> No.42125322

Why not? He fixed the last one.
Silver-haired shinigami.

>> No.42125331

With Textractor (which is a much improved ITHVNR I believe) you don't really need H-codes anymore. In the rare case that something doesn't work with it you might, but there are brute force methods you can use with it to try and hook something.

>> No.42125876

Type Moon definitely wants to do FS/N R.

>> No.42125896
File: 263 KB, 2248x480, screeenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42126091


>> No.42126214

It always annoyed me how Japanese people butcher everything they transliterate.

>> No.42126307

Thanks I'll try with textractor.
Oh nice, this is just what I was looking for, thanks!

>> No.42126462

>Witch on the Holy Night
Why do they do this

>> No.42126555

It's much worse in English.

>> No.42126596

It's not because English has enough sounds to properly transliterate most of languages in the world. Japanese is effectively monkey babble for people who can't use their mouths to form anything close to the full range of sounds.

>> No.42126599

nigger you retarded gaijins literally renamed our currency to "yen" because you couldn't fucking pronounce 2 letters

>> No.42126600

>Japanese is effectively monkey babble for people who can't use their mouths to form anything close to the full range of sounds.
Ah, fuck off Slav. Nobody wants to pronounce your angry language.

>> No.42126712

Slavic languages are even easier than Japanese to pronounce. He was dissing shit languages like English and French, not Japanese

>> No.42126717

If you are even challenging this point you are an EOP moron, or an ugly, pan-faced, slant eyed Jap dealing with the stereotypical Jap inferiority complex, upset that I pointed out a very basic fact about the language.

Katherine -> Kyasarin
Reasoning -> Riizuningu
Hellsing -> Herushingu
Macbook Pro - Makkubukku Puro
Virus - Wirusu

Transliteration into Japanese sounds retarded because Japanese has to approximate incoming sounds that don't exist, because it has so few itself. The incoming words get completely butchered. The other way around is not true. While I enjoy reading Japanese in Japanese, it's monkey babble for people who didn't evolve enough to be capable of making a full range of sounds with their mouths.
Native English speaker, and I'm not Slavic. You might be projecting.

>> No.42126770

now thats a mic drop

>> No.42126857

I just make new saves at selections.

>> No.42126938

>Native English speaker
The same people who add unnecessary accents to anything. Don't think you're any better, Anglo.

>> No.42126945

I love how you don't even disprove his point.

>> No.42127116

It's called "yen" for historical reasons, because え used to be pronounced like "ye".

>> No.42127336

No, I want to die anyway.

>> No.42127692

at the very least japs pronounce french way better than anglo
クーデター and クロワッサン are phonetically much closer than whatever croaking sound come out of anglo's throats

>> No.42127864

It's cool.

>> No.42128175

>Age is adding sumika route from Extra, Meiya from unlimited and the coup d'etat arc from Unlimited to their fucking gacha game
The absolute state of this fucking company. I guess now I have to mentally prepare for Resonative being a section in their mobile game if it ever does happen.

>> No.42128343

At least finish adapting Kashgar into anime instead of leaving it at Sadogashima you fucks.

>> No.42128415

did they fucking really? I'm like 3 episodes behind

>> No.42128435

Yeah they didn't even finish the anime. I was sort of expecting a movie announcement or something after the last episode aired, but nothing. The official twitter basically just said "read the VN for the rest of the story". What a disaster. It's like everything is run by senile boomers over there.

>> No.42128682

>Most of the anons who wrote really long reviews here in previous years moved to discord
Which one?

>> No.42130284
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you playing?

Just came into pic related and I've never busted so hard laughing at the gooey amount of shimoneta. This is amazing.

>> No.42130408

Did you read Nukitashi?

>> No.42130447


I have not but I assume it's also as good as this one since it's made by the same company.

>> No.42130530

I just asked because Henpri has a few Nukitashi references that will fly over your head if you haven't read that. Also Nukitashi has way more shimoneta to the point where it gets annoying

>> No.42130642

did you like attack on titan title?

>> No.42130671

They should have gone with The Eotena Onslaught instead.

>> No.42130702


You know I believe you you like the game but is it as GOOD as people make it to be or is this general invaded by shills of these devs

>> No.42130718

Wow, people are talking positively about something relatively new. Surely this must be the shill arm of the cartel(who by the way still definitely cares about this place) or Qruppo itself holding this general in its firm grip.

>> No.42130729


>> No.42130734

>or is this general invaded by shills of these devs

I don't know what you are talking about since I only really visit this general a few times and that's when I really want to talk about a particular VN.

>but is it as GOOD as people make it to be

Well, do you like Shawshank Redemption? Because that's the vibe I'm getting from it with all the absurdity that comes with a VN with sexual content. I just started though so it could turn to shit later on but I doubt that since the main focus is comedy so far.

>> No.42130750

I should also add the art is nice and the 'animation' to be more lively compared to a lot of VNs.

>> No.42130778

Something about the art feels off to me. I can only describe it as feeling Western.

>> No.42130792

No idea what you mean by that. It's definitely 'different' but I wouldn't call it western by any means. It fits the more grim setting of the prison if anything.

>> No.42130817

Sana Edition

>> No.42130852

>but is it as GOOD as people make it to be
It's good but it gets overhyped a lot.
The amount of CGs is way too low for its length.
Spriteless characters everywhere. I don't want to stare at empty backgrounds all the time.
The routes are too similar and the grand route was a bit disappointing plotwise. Seriously stop speedrunning the other routes in the grand route. Use a fucking ladder structure or something (they won't because then they can't brag about their 4MB script anymore)
No fucking harem 4P scene wtf man

>> No.42131015

Who are you quoting?

>> No.42131225

what is the cartel ?

>> No.42131315

Finished Amakano. Loved it, very cozy. Any other recommendations for the Christmas season?

>> No.42131326


>> No.42131657

It's fine for them to be a little different as long as both are official titles. If it's a translation though then it's wrong.

>> No.42131695

Innocent Grey stuff is usually pretty snowy.

>> No.42131745
File: 15 KB, 262x346, 1669550095167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read katan's review of Mahoyo and now I want to kill him. Any other interesting reviews besides Muramasa/sakuuta? I want to feel pure hatred.

>> No.42131853
File: 28 KB, 963x492, キャプチャ1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you did this?

>> No.42132005

that was me. sorry

>> No.42132308

>I can only describe it as feeling Western.
Do you think Danganronpa was Western looking too?

>> No.42132654

we all know R07 has the best art

>> No.42132942

Is that the same artist?

>> No.42133465

I refuse to read anything by Qruppo because I don't like the name.

>> No.42133587

thanks for the recs! looks good

>> No.42133620

Eromaid waiting room.

>> No.42133732

Read his WA2 review

>> No.42134408
File: 85 KB, 715x133, screen10_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be a christian like a normal person.

>> No.42134427

You know he was right

>> No.42134444

No he's full retard. Even shitposters are not this bad.

>> No.42134467

I disagree with his Mahoyo review but he was spot on with Muramasa and Sakuuta

>> No.42134553

>but he was spot on with Muramasa
How? Hell he didn't really say anything about Muramasa.

>> No.42134651

sakutoki delayed AGAIN

>> No.42134723 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 900x593, 10568009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based! Cartel trannies on suicide watch

>> No.42135550

Early 2023 is going to be packed.

>> No.42135635

With what?

>> No.42136174

>アニプレックスのノベルゲーム製作ブランド“ANIPLEX.EXE”は、瀬戸口廉也氏が企画・シナリオを担当するPC向け新作ノベルゲーム 『ヒラヒラヒヒル』を2023年に発売することを明らかにした。
>瀬戸口廉也氏は、『SWAN SONG』や『キラキラ』、『MUSICUS!』などを手掛けたシナリオライター。
With this, with will undoubtedly have very high production values, Propeller coming back, Light re-opened, Key VN recently released, Projection Vermilion in the works, Innocent Grey updating Cartagra, big showy Deep One continuation, 贄の匣庭, new high production FrontWing, new high production CLOCKUP, SakuToki, I think we're in a possible new golden age of VNs.

>> No.42136211

For clarification this is for 2023 in general, but the first quarter has a lot of releases planned already.

>> No.42137419

What's Cartel?

>> No.42137531

Being the normalfag religion doesn't excuse you from your Abrahamic atrocities.

>> No.42138053
File: 121 KB, 369x500, 1671812217981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so beloved?

>> No.42138111

> kusoguchi
uh oh
> Propeller coming
> Key VN recently released
short garbage, also key is overrated anyways
> Projection Vermilion
won't be the same without narahara, even current writer fucked off and left nitro+, kusoge expected
> Innocent Grey updating Cartagra
> big showy Deep One continuation
still need to read first game, it's probably unerrated anyway
> 贄の匣庭
not expecting anything good from writer
> new high production FrontWing
haven't released anything actually good since third grisaia game
> new high production CLOCKUP
we'll see, maybe something good
> SakuToki
i'll give it a chance, but not expecting anything, sakuuta is a fucking garbage

>> No.42138164

Downloading Garufura as we speak. I'm praying to God that it's just a single route where you fuck all of them, but I know it's not gonna happen.

>> No.42138464

These threads should be like /jav/ they have cool lingo like
>fkn enjoy

>> No.42138606

>Projection Vermilion in the works

>> No.42139033

We have "fsn enjoy"

>> No.42139046

you can just use japanese here if you wanna be cool

>> No.42139203

What should I read this Christmas to give me the courage to kill myself?

>> No.42140054

I guess ジサツのための101の方法
But don't kill yourself, you need to live until 2030 when Project Vermilion releases.

>> No.42140128

Why the fuck would I want to read that? Everything about it suggests it will be a complete shitshow.

>> No.42140230


>> No.42140372

the fuck is that

>> No.42141216

2/10. Work on your trolling.

>> No.42141544
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1440, Purrint_1643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope lackgirl gets uploaded at winter komiket
I need my watanabe fix

>> No.42141802
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every VN should include a favorite voice option, needs to be a feature as common as having a backlog.

>> No.42141877


>> No.42141945

What does it do?

>> No.42142311

A lot of nukige do that as part of their diorama feature.

>> No.42142381

the fuck you talking about? my post is 100% serious, are you fucking cartel shill?
kill yourself

>> No.42142595

it's pretty obvious bro

>> No.42143138


>> No.42143158
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 2022-12-23 141005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need her too

>> No.42143336

i want to read something cool bros
recommend some good shit preferably with no romance and all that lovey dovey shit

>> No.42143358

Dozens of options. How good is your Japanese?

>> No.42144149

Who cares about that nerd.

>> No.42144618

I meant more something like a romance that's so warm and sweet that it'll make me want to kill myself for playing it alone on Christmas.

>> No.42144836
File: 335 KB, 1440x810, もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!hmaid (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really reading a qruppo game.

>> No.42144931

I keep having an issue where Samenana 'starts' but the game doesn't actually appear on screen and there's nothing I can do to actually get it to show up on screen. Even full-screen mode doesn't fix it. The only 'fix' I've found is deleting the save data file which somehow makes the game appear on-screen the next time I start it, but I've already had to do that twice and it's getting really annoying to skip through the game again. Is there a solution to this?

>> No.42145075
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, kf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel betrayed by anyone who has ever said Kyonyuu Fantasy has good writing or good stories. Once again I am reminded that one can simply not trust the general consensus on these kinds of things, though to be fair I should have realized that people would be more inclined to praise a game if it's filled with hot big-titted babes having sex with the MC.

I'll keep this brief. I started playing these games because I like big tits and divine beings having sex. Kyonyuu Fantasy 3 tempted me with Athena & co being heroines until eventually I caved. What I was met with was a series with incredibly stupid writing. 頭が悪いテキスト as they would say in the land of the rising sun. Yes, to be clear, I am an elite JOP that knows Japanese. I've been reading this kinda shit for six years, and despite being an ignorant hairy gaijin, even I was put off by how awful the writing in this game was - the literal prose itself gave me a headache. It legitimately feels like it was written by a middle schooler and I mean that sincerely - it reminds me a lot of Narou works written by young people. Honestly, it has worse writing than a Narou work my JSL friend wrote, but that's getting off topic.

Basically, the lines are bland and short. They carry very little description and feel like an Orc trying to grunt out a story. The protagonists all sound like people with mental disabilities, and I don't even say that to be edgy, they sincerely remind of me of cavemen." Big boobs! I wanna fuck big boobs! You. You smell good. Lemme fuck big boobs!" is actual dialogue you will hear from them, with only a little exaggeration on my part.

Even looking past the blandness and chunkiness of the prose though, the writing itself is still trash - the characters and plot are awful. The characters are one dimensional and have zero depth. They never say anything interesting. When the MC or his male pals joke around it's stupid puns that aren't clever. The heroines fall for MC over nothing, sounding like stupid teens the whole time. The plot itself is stupid. Things happen in quick sequence and involve a respectable number of male characters, which is why I think some people are quick to say KF has good writing. In reality, though, the plots are paper thin and beyond the fact that stuff is happening (which is admittedly not something all VNs can boast), there's nothing even remotely good about them. Villains are uninteresting. There's no real drama or meaningful stakes in the overarching plot. It's just the protagonist going from one place to another while fucking big tit girls in a way that accomplishes his goal somehow.

None of this is unique for a nukige, but what's unique is how Kyonyuu Fantasy is hailed as THE nukige fantasy series. It's hailed as having great plots with above average writing. Even the translators at Mangagamer suck KF's dick, which is baffling to me. Now that I've actually played them, I feel betrayed by almost the entire nukige community - which I say with some intentional exaggeration, but seriously, I've never seen a single bad word about Kyonyuu Fantasy. Just overwhelming praise, when in reality it sucks.

Look, I get it. The art is good, and everyone loves a pervy dude going around fucking hot girls during an ascent in power. It's dumb fun. And I do appreciate that Kyonyuu Fantasy attempts to have a plot with a decent number of male characters. I can respect it. But holy FUCK do people overrate it for those reasons. Holy FUCK! It's so bad! The writing is some of the worst I've ever seen any VN! They may try, but holy FUCK do they fail! It's just... God, it's just so bad! I can hardly even believe myself just how much this series fucking sucks. I have to keep opening the game and re-reading scenes to remind myself that indeed, it was written by a middle schooler and every characters sounds brain damaged.

Jesus. Anyway, I'm done. I just wanted to yell into the void that I was shocked and emotionally traumatized by how much a beloved franchise sucked dick. God damn what a disappointment. I was so excited to go through the three KF3 games and now I won't be playing the other two of them in disgust.

>> No.42145102

So is that a Nier reference?

>> No.42145288

This protagonist comes up with an intricate plan to get gradually closer to a girl, involving an accomplice and an unspecified amount of time of preparation (a couple weeks at least?), and the payoff is just to get her into a deserted classroom and rape her by force. After which, of course, she becomes immediately compliant.
What was the point of all that shit? Just get a van and nab her from the street if that was the goal.

>> No.42145402

What game are you talking about?

>> No.42145505

And yes, I know I'm complaining about nukige plot.

>> No.42146073

Why copy someone's review from the archive?

>> No.42147666

Maybe it's his review and he wants to discuss it.

>> No.42147879

Thrill of the hunt

>> No.42148647

merry christmas

>> No.42148762

It's not Christmas yet.

>> No.42149204

Merry Kurisumasu Iibu! What are reading on kurimasu iibu?

>> No.42149535

Yeah but every time they make a reference they have like 3 other lines after it nudging and winking which detracts from it, Like with the M1 grandpri joke and the Saber parody. Haven't seen any more since i'm getting filtered like a pavlov dog by the the Fellatio button.

>> No.42150070
File: 6 KB, 155x109, もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!hmaid (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's revolutionary. It's set a new standard for nukige. I still haven't finished the first h-scene yet

>> No.42150289

Remember someone anon wanted Tsukutori some time ago, here you go


>> No.42150392

How does this work? Is it just the same scene with a different background?

>> No.42151249
File: 345 KB, 1440x810, もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界おっぱいメイド学園!hmaid (19).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially, every single one of the 9 main heroines has a unique fairly well animated blowjob scene, and you can trigger it anytime by clicking on the button then clicking the heroine on-screen. It's like how some games let you click on the heroine's tits or give them headpats or whatever, but with a fully animated fellatio scene.

>> No.42151392

cloudy days where

>> No.42152119

Is the animation better than previous entries in the series?

>> No.42153091

Can you guys rec me some good Netori games? So far, the Studio Pork games have been really good. The other brand that makes Netori games (Anim) however looks like they produce pure showelware.

>> No.42153485

Significantly, not as good as Role Players but a huge step up.

>> No.42154128

What is showelware?

>> No.42154175
File: 1.61 MB, 1600x900, メスつまみ3_~しっかり年下妻とおっとり年上妻とのエロハメ肉欲性活~_Ver_1.00mesutumami3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of Anim's games are netorare or netorase, their only netori series are the mesu games , which are alright (and I guess there's some netori routes in their netorare games but I wouldn't count those. I don't think the anim mesu games are as good as studio pork but they're quite serviceable, I wouldn't call them shovelware.

>> No.42154445
File: 74 KB, 800x600, 78693489634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas

>> No.42157417

>It's not because English has enough sounds to properly transliterate most of languages in the world.
Are americans really this stupid?

>> No.42157829

What a load of BS pasta. Didn't you get enough attention the first time? Maybe 頭が悪い applies to yourself.

>> No.42158437


New interview with Sayooshi artist.
Pretty surprised that it was big flop initially

>> No.42159178
File: 1.67 MB, 1862x1012, 1641061918640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other girls' faces here are funny

>> No.42160693

Can't wait for New Year's Eve so I can check whether Shumon Yuu is still alive.

>> No.42160722
File: 46 KB, 603x374, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Shumon VN next year. I can feel it.

>> No.42161418

Meri kurisumasu!

>> No.42161473

What he said is correct. Also, this is an American website and you are a foreigner. Fuck off.

>> No.42161905

that doesn't stop your kind from being stupid

>> No.42161989

Does any company have a confirmed announcement to make at Comiket? I'm hoping Harukaze give more details for Noratoto 3.

>> No.42162289

Stop projecting.

>> No.42162502

your species is universally regarded as the stupidest type, just accept it and move on

>> No.42162533

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're not that dumb.

>> No.42162699

i accept your concession

>> No.42162752

Coping will help you sleep.

>> No.42162761

i accept your concession

>> No.42162775

i accept your concession

>> No.42163231

Don't fight on christmas...

>> No.42164276

Merry Christmas anon.

>> No.42165319

Why noratoto is so fucking unfunny? Absolutely love marco and monkeys, but dropped noratoto half-way through Yuuki route.

>> No.42165651

I had the exact same experience when i went back for it after finishing Marco/Monkeys. Couldn't even get past the trial content since it just wasn't as good, which is somewhat of a compliment for Hato since he vastly improved in a relative short amount of time. Getting rid of the 地の文 is the biggest factor but overall his unique style ( a fun ride where only Hato knows where the fuck it's going and what turns it will take) only pops of in later games. Whereas Noratoto 1 is more 王道 galge.

>> No.42165780

Noratoto is fine as long as you stick to the main route, though the later part is going to be meh even then. Both the first and the second are largely fun in the common route.
I couldn't stand Monkeys at all though. So for me it's a big step backwards. Largely when it comes to characters. The cast in Noratoto and Marco was way better as far as I'm concerned. The only good thing about Monkey's cast was the main girl. Fine and all, but unlike the others, it has enforced route order -> drop.

>> No.42165943

yo there, mind telling me what vn this is? thanks paryar

>> No.42166091 [DELETED] 
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Gamu with Kunoichi that isn't taimanin asagi?
i need myè kunoichi fix

>> No.42166179
File: 196 KB, 1200x849, 97897897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game with Kunoichi that isn't Taimanin Asagi?
I need my kunoichi fix.

>> No.42166459

The second game is much better.

>> No.42167351
File: 512 KB, 972x344, 2022-12-26-174944_972x344_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a truly japanese (and retarded) perspective

>> No.42167423

What would be the Westoid perspective?

>> No.42167480

Do you guys actually buy VNs? or is this thread full of criminals?

>> No.42167496

the only criminal is the one who uploads them

>> No.42167503

>mages, cause of huge losses, about to go bankrupt soon
>giga already gone
>sakutoki delayed
It's fucking over bros

>> No.42167538

>giga already gone
how's their last game anyway? i like the synopsis.

>> No.42167566

I think it's cuter (and hotter) when the heroine is smiling and enjoying sex rather than it being something they have to endure.

>> No.42167656

At least Giga can (kinda) live on with Entergram with some of the staff moving there. Then again, it will be all ages stuff so yeah....

>> No.42169222

anon, that's the protagonist and a man

>> No.42169357


>> No.42169365


>> No.42169435

was checking 5ch eroge board out of idle boredom and they have a perpetually active ワルキューレロマンツェ thread
what is wrong with these niggas? that game blew

>> No.42170571

Giga is going because they couldn't make a good game in 10 years. Nothing to do with the industry. Also Team BALDR will still be around anyway so it doesn't matter.

>> No.42170774

2023 and 2024 is looking like a golden age and will be the best years for VNs in a long time. Possibly the best ever >>42136174

>> No.42171802

What are some easy to read VNs?

>> No.42171826


>> No.42172129


>> No.42172198

Haison Shoujo, the new Escude title. Full VN, no gameplay this time, thought it was a nukige but have not seen a massive amont of h-scenes in 8 hours so it is more like a plotge with high sexual content.

>> No.42172294
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it's my favorite of this month
the plot and the art are both nice
its budget is probably way higher than their other titles

>> No.42172318

Nah it's the best jousting series around.

How's the H-scenes? Are they tittilatingly degrading as advertised?

>> No.42172410

>6.08 on VNDB
That's pretty low for even a nukige.

>> No.42172498

I'm Russian, so no, I bought like 1% of eroge I read.

>> No.42172697

>mages, cause of huge losses
613 millions of yen lost, they can't pay off their debt

>> No.42172941

I like Tsubame a lot so far, gonna do her ending after Kagome. The others dunno.

>> No.42172973

You wouldn't be able to afford it anyways.

>> No.42173232

how could mages go bankrupt? Doesn't steins;gate print money?

>> No.42173535

I thought Steins;Gate is Nitro Plus. Maybe they get most of the money.

>> No.42173729

I got curious and I don't think there's any other currently alive thread that would be better suited to answer, so I guess I'll ask here
What's the story with Milk Factory?
What happened to SQUEEZ?
Did they just rebrand a la Examu -> Team Arcana?

>> No.42173922

>What's the story with Milk Factory?
Seems to have been absorbed by RED.
Don't know them.
>Examu -> Team Arcana?
They the ones who made Arcana Heart? Then seems like they still own the rights.

>> No.42173971

SQUEEZ has a long history of eroge featuring profoundly voluptuous girls, to the point where you can instantly tell a game was made by them by the sheer audacity of a girl's tits.
They appear to have stopped, but in their place, this new Milk Factory studio is doing the exact same thing with more or less the same series. So I was wondering what the story behind that was.

Examu has suspended operations as of 2020, and all developments and supports were transferred over to Team Arcana then. Basically the exact same people but with a different name. I was wondering if it was more or less the same situtation.

>> No.42176550

Latest BST up on Rin.

>> No.42176554

How did you guys manage to run it? I'm getting false positives from my AV.

>> No.42177757

What exactly is taking sakutoki so long to release? Aren't VNs just picture books? If you have the story and the CGs shouldnt it not take a lot of time to slap the shit together?

>> No.42177803

Ever heard of Writer's Block?

>> No.42177910

>website died

(not actually dead yet)

>> No.42178188

No way scaji is still writing the game this close to release.

>> No.42178560

it's still software

>> No.42178563

>6 people sample size

>> No.42178740

Did you use girlcelly version? Windows Defender didn't give false positive for the crack.

>> No.42178930

No, I thought it was the same thing after I read the two comments. I'll try to see for myself.

>> No.42180465

People underrate scripting.

>> No.42181341

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.42181849
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, ふゆから、くるる_025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are giving away too much information

>> No.42181856

the vndb page, retard-kun

>> No.42181994
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>> No.42182092
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, ふゆから、くるる_277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad they got beyond the tsuntsun and to the dere. Feels good
Although in general I like 夏 kaichou more

>> No.42182102

obviously meant for

>> No.42182637

That text isn't anywhere on the page, newfag-kun.

>> No.42182682

are you esl or just mentally deficient?

>> No.42182693

Obvious fucking newfag. You need to go back >>>/a/

>> No.42182703

I accept your concession.

>> No.42183139

I accept your concession.

>> No.42183230

I accept your concession.

>> No.42184143

What do you need H-codes for?

>> No.42184414

You shove them into Textractor, AGTH or whatever accepts them and hopefully it will spit out the displayed text from a given VN/game/emulator in a useable format (text).

How to make them is an arcane knowledge lost long ago, these are artifacts of the ancient civilizations.

>> No.42184594

I just don't understand why you'd need them when the text is right there in plain Japanese.

>> No.42184662

because they're an easy way to bait for (You)'s and you're stupid enough to fall for it

>> No.42184769

Well, he >>42125211 didn't say, but he's probably trying to machine translate some old(er) untranslated VN. You can also use them to dump script for lexical analysis when there's no good script extractor, or help with the unvoiced lines if you're blind/reading impaired/illiterate (like those Japanese over at hakadoru) or whatever. In any case, it's better to have them than not.

>> No.42184862

Sounds like you're the one getting baited.

>> No.42185116

/ourguy/ has spoken

>> No.42185135

>So much VN to read
>So little time

>> No.42185263

He writes some things I'd hope are correct, aka that padding isn't popular anymore. I just don't believe that's correct. Sakura Moyu isn't that old yet, and I know there is one more active writer that I think released another game this year, that pads the living shit out of the entire text by permanent repetition of information.
I suppose this is more about padding with unnecessary chars/routes than the text itself, but I still think both go hand in hand. They are done for the same reason: Scenario inflation.

That said, otherwise I agree with what he says, at least the general stuff. I haven't played the game, so I can't say anything about that. I didn't like the game before the writer was working at, but I don't even know what their part was in that either. Maybe I consider it at some point.. but probably not anytime soon.

>> No.42185529

Kimaten 2

>> No.42185724


>> No.42185768

what a waste

>> No.42187235


>> No.42187279


>> No.42188332

Anyone here a member of VNDB? the page for the latest Kuroinu game-Inyoku no daishoukan-needs to be reported or edited for trolling. Some clown put the 3 male characters in as the only ones,and that's all it has for the full character list!!!

>> No.42188513

>not having VIP connections to get an account on the VNDB super secret club
Sucks to be you.

>> No.42188631

How about you make an account yourself and fix it if you're so upset by it.

>> No.42189203
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>big showy Deep One continuation
A whole year without news. Next year for sure...

>> No.42191174
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, 154143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some Chuunige gems that AREN'T made by Light?
I'm looking for something to play but I'm tired of just getting recommended shit from Light constantly

>> No.42191243

Type-Moon and Nitroplus

>> No.42191524

Go back to your discord, retarded eop-trash-kun.

>> No.42193076
File: 10 KB, 862x485, wtf kirikiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i fix this

>> No.42193107

have you tried the standard fixes - Japanese locale, fresh install, etc?

>> No.42193153


>> No.42193336

Not sure if this was the error I got after installing Re:Lief but just in case: Run the exe with admin rights and/or don't install it in Program Files.

>> No.42193353

Ayakashi, Ayakashibito, ChronoBelt, Evolimit, Amatsukaze, Draculius, Last Cavalier.

>> No.42193526

Stealth chuunige: Itsusora

>> No.42193575
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jesus she just keeps going
i think in japanese this is the equivalent of pissing on someone's feet and calling their mother a whore

>> No.42193729 [SPOILER] 

Tsukikadojima is indeed great.

>> No.42194003

Is Zwei really dead?

>> No.42194091
File: 3.29 MB, 2439x3509, 382816ced313ee4c2d8989816ca1c9c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At risk of death, but not dead, and not alone.

>> No.42197143

Outside of typemoon it's just light that produces quality chuunige. From propeller, I think only Evolimit is worth it. Ayakashibito had too many things working against it for me. I never touched Fortissimo so I can't speak for that.

>> No.42197592
File: 9 KB, 72x57, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After hundreds of hours of reading, I still can't figure out why they do this stupid shit

>> No.42197826

It's cool

>> No.42197833

>here's your art bro

>> No.42197855

The other characters seem mostly okay aside from a few derp faces, but this one is the worst by a mile for some reason.

>> No.42197948

I'm gonna be really disappointed if I can't fuck O in Zwei Trigger.

>> No.42198394

which of you subhumans is this

>> No.42198419

remove the chuuni cringe and it's a decent list

>> No.42198434

A guy with reasonable taste not too many weird edgy votes?

>> No.42198451

Who are you quoting? >>>/a/

>> No.42198495

Chuuni is just an alternative word for novelge for functioning human beings, with an actual creative plot. The only cringe shit is moegarbage designed to appeal to manchildren and nukige. I didn't really check if those are on his list or not though.

>> No.42198507

almost got me, good bait

>> No.42198530

It's not bait.

>> No.42199012

>Chuuni is just an alternative word for novelge for functioning human beings, with an actual creative plot. The only cringe shit is moegarbage designed to appeal to manchildren and nukige.
Chuuni is objectively the most juvenile genre of plotge. I'm not saying this as bad thing, just find it ironic that someone who loves chuuni stuff complains about manchildren

>> No.42199058

Chuuni's appeal to juveniles is literally in the word. Moe is for people who grew out of their chuuni phase and have to deal with the harshness of the real world. In the end it's both escapism with a different flavor.

>> No.42199124

lost 4 hours of playing 街 because i fucked up save states on my emulator like a retard. this game doesn't even seem to have a speed up text function so i have to sit here mashing circle for an hour. kill me

>> No.42199177

Just use the emulator's speed up?

>> No.42199183

It's not though. It's literally just standard plot novelge but with slightly more difficult writing and perhaps slightly philosophical/heavy themes.
Moe is for escapism for retarded manchildren and losers, period. If you like Moe something went wrong with your development as a person. It just implies so many things at once: you're mentally weak, you're entertained by things that have no substance which means your IQ is probably low, you have no interests, etc. Not you in particular, just the kind of person who is exclusively attracted to moeshit. In fact even the fucking Disney Channel has more substance than the average moeshit game. VNs, and even anime in general, being invaded by retarded moeshit manchildren was the worst thing to ever happen. Ever wonder why the second half of the 90s up until 2006~2007 or so had so many timeless 神アニメ? There wasn't as much moeshit. Thankfully it's sharply declined.

>> No.42199188

What's the highest IQ moege?

>> No.42199233

it goes so fast that you might accidentally mash wrong on a choice, and the choices aren't super visually distinct + sometimes you have to check a keyword and jump to another character's route to progress the story so if you miss that you have to go back on the route map. augh

>> No.42199269

As always, the chuunitard cannot comprehend a world outside his juvenile mind. Sad.

>> No.42199270


>> No.42199291

As always, the manchild is mad that someone pointed out the obvious.

>> No.42199328

Hour long low-budget purple prose padded fights that get resolved by a deus ex machina are not 'substance'

>> No.42199367

Reading retards do nothing from beginning to end is not substance. You're a manchild and need to stop digging.

>> No.42199368

Speaking of that, what are some good low-budget chuunige? Most of the stuff in this category that I've read are Type-Moon/Nitroplus/Light, so it's generally pretty well produced. Budget is nice, but I don't need that if the writing in the fights are entertaining (e.g. the last fight in Kohaku's route in the OG Tsukihime).

>> No.42199458


>> No.42199473

grow up lol

>> No.42199534


>> No.42199551

grow up lol

>> No.42199606
File: 482 KB, 800x600, ALICEぱれーど(29122022_220359).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42199927

What is the most arousing nukige you've read? Preferably without a great story, so I don't feel bad about ruining the experience practicing my Japanese from it.

>> No.42199972

>It's not because English has enough sounds to properly transliterate most of languages in the world
EOP detected.

Just because you're ignorant of the fact that other phonemes than the ones you're aware of exist doesn't mean that they don't exist at all.

Just because your mangled pronunciation of e.g. German "Bücher" or Hebrew "Chutzpa" sounds OK to you doesn't mean that it doesn't sound cringe-inducing to actual speakers of those languages.

>> No.42199988

>this is an American website
it's owned by a Japanese citizen named Hirohito Nakadashi

>> No.42200126


>> No.42200279

I can't believe the art quality in the new Kuroinu gaiden pack. The old remastered game has a rare fetish,that should be more common. Dark Elf ear licking,or elf ear licking in general

And the new game has a Celestine scene with 3 events. The last one has her doggy style taking it in both holes,and the very first CG is her spreading her ass. But what really stands out are her ears. Her head is turned,and you can actually see into her ear canal,which I don't remember ever seeing before, even though Elves should have ear canals too.

>> No.42200329

Literally everything in this post is wrong. Fuck off EOP and stop projecting.
Founded an American like everything else that matters. It was only recently sold to a Jap.

>> No.42200713

Not a bad list overall, even if 9-nine too high.

That might depend on your fetish. Not sure if worth the answer as it's so personal.

>> No.42200794

Saiminjutsu 2.

>> No.42200872

>That might depend on your fetish
True, but I'm open to everything from vanilla to extreme guro, except gay men. It doesn't even have to be a nukige, but I'd prefer if there aren't any English translations. I see now that I should have specified that in the first place, but I thought it was implied. Thanks anyway >>42200126.

>> No.42200961

>Saiminjutsu 2
Didn't notice your post. This looks promising, thanks.

>> No.42201031


>> No.42201067

Currently going through mamagoto to mine sentences for anki and I was liking it a lot, but I got to the part where both Chikage and Kyouko start fighting in the supermarket to see who has gone further with the MC and Kyouko is annoying af. If it's gonna be like this the whole way through I'm not sure I wanna keep going.
Does it get better? I wouldn't mind just powering through it but since it's my first time reading an untranslated VN it still takes some time to go through it, and doing it with one I'm not enjoying doesn't seem like the best experience

>> No.42202769

Are you a Slav? You rakia drinking fucks are the ones who shit on moe the most. Soviet living really does fuck the brain hard.

>> No.42202790

>Founded an American like everything else that matters
Burger please. You didn't even invent gunpowder, your essential boomstick component.

>> No.42202860

Is it a compilation collection? Too lazy to hunt down each individual entry.

>> No.42203026

>t. edgy chuunitard seething
Let me guess, you read something like 10 vinnies in japanese, including muramasa + all masada and you learned jap solely for chuunishit. Right? Go back to your djt and keep on sucking your own dick.

>> No.42203048

Chuuni is for escapism for retarded manchildren and losers, period. If you like Chuuni something went wrong with your development as a person. It just implies so many things at once: you're mentally weak, you're entertained by things that have no substance which means your IQ is probably low, you have no interests, etc. Not you in particular, just the kind of person who is exclusively attracted to chuunishit. In fact even the fucking Disney Channel has more substance than the average chuunige. VNs, and even anime in general, being invaded by retarded chuunitard manchildren was the worst thing to ever happen. Ever wonder why the second half of the 90s up until 2006~2007 or so had so many timeless 神アニメ? There wasn't as much chuunitrash. Thankfully it's sharply declined.

>> No.42203176

I wasn't expecting to get more recs; I really dig the art style in these. Thank you.

>> No.42203196

I hope a studio makes the same premise but with more reasonable or flat chested girls.

>> No.42203200

They have top tier animation too.

>> No.42203430


>> No.42203466

What the fuck happened to loli nukige? It's all mega milkers now.

>> No.42203492

>you're entertained by things that have no substance
so if someone likes chuunishit, they love moege? makes sense

>> No.42203817

Chuunishit have no substance.

>> No.42204440

Cool. The only vn animation I've experienced was in School Days, and that's just like a low quality anime. I've already downloaded all the games recommend to me earlier, and look forward to trying them out.
This looks good too. Thank you.

>> No.42204472

The art and character design is great, but the writing is just bad, even for nukige standards. I can't say if it get's better because I dropped every route I tried at some point and I'm still mad the MC refudes to bang Aki in the train.

>> No.42205248

Yes, buy it and get 2 games at once. Kuroinu kanraku mura,and Kuroinu Inyoku no daishoukan.

>> No.42209176

neither does moege

>> No.42210670

any good momcest vns to recommend?

>> No.42210898

Sadly not. Kyouko's route in Sweet Home ( >>42200126 ) is great, but it's "only" his step mom.

>> No.42211053

Amantes or Acta est Fabula for DI?

>> No.42211403

If you care about the H scenes (I'd argue many of them are surprisingly good), both. Play Acta est Fabula when you go through routes, then ctrl/skip through them after completion in Amantes to read the extra stories. Also Amantes has an additional route ending that is 100% essential. If you don't care about H, then you can get away with just Amantes.

>> No.42211694

so I can just play through Acta, then grab a 100 save for amantes, then read the new ending and go onto KKK?

>> No.42211896

I would not recommend doing that because Amantes has extra stories that unlock between the routes. Basically I would recommend: play a route in Acta, ctrl/skip through the same route in Amantes, read the unlocked side story, play another route in Acta, etc. It's autistic but kind of what you have to do.

>> No.42212274

how important are the extra stories?

>> No.42212299

