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42111124 No.42111124 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that idols hate their job and the whole cutesy kawaii uguu thing is just an act?

>> No.42111225

idols don't exist

>> No.42111301

Probably depends on the person. Some probably like the attention it brings at least idk.

>> No.42111378

then who are all these women that get posted here

>> No.42113760

>the way her expression collapses into disgusted tiredness
Gorgeous. This bitch is my spirit animal.

>> No.42113768


>he doesnt know

>> No.42113810

Aimin and Aiai seem to enjoy it.

>> No.42113829

They don't hate the money.
>the whole cutesy kawaii uguu thing is just an act?
I'm impressed that there are people that still haven't realized that.

>> No.42113933

A good look into the mindset of an idol is the 水曜日のダウンタウン segment Monster Idol, and to a greater extent, Monster Love.

Multiple girls are quite happy to pretend to be in love with a creepy oaf of a man in order to potentially BECOME an idol. And this is knowing full well that it'll be televised. If they're willing to do that in public, imagine what goes on behind closed doors in a cutthroat industry.

The reality is that all of these girls are prostitutes. They fuck producers for a shot at fame, and then they have to portray the blushing innocent virgin to maintain it.

>> No.42113974

>They fuck producers for a shot at fame
Not always there are plenty of queers running the entertainment industry

>> No.42114001

If their fans were fucking ikemen I don't think there would be a problem, but they're mostly ugly bastards, so kinda can understand a little if they're tired of living that shit every day

>> No.42114013

>posts seiyuushit cancer
Fuck off and go back to that shitty edgy youtube video you've just watched that baits views from brainless casualshits retards who are so damm easy to lie like you wñ

>> No.42114723

Take your meds

>> No.42116562

>it true that idols hate their job
idols don't exist

>> No.42116605


>> No.42116610

what's there to know? she's cute

>> No.42122830


>> No.42124513
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I like the story of Nanase Ayu getting fired from RILISREVERSE because she was very flagrant about how she was sleeping with their female fans.

>> No.42124531

>is it true that idols hate their job
Some do, some dont. We will never know which ones hate it since they will never admit it.
>the whole cutesy kawaii uguu thing is just an act?
Yes, this is one is a fact. Dont believe for a second this is how they act in their daily lives.

>> No.42124578


>> No.42124611

>whole cutesy kawaii uguu thing
"Idoling" is a verb, its something you do, its a performance. There isn't much kayfab around this, most idol TV shows are about some sort of subversion of this or pretending to threaten to undermine it. In truth though this is obviously about giving them the opportunity to be funny and interesting. Considering "everyone knows" idols spend their time simpering and prodding their dimples, they actually spend very little time doing this on their TV shows, documentaries and suchlike where they are generally presented as more rounded people. I think the conventions around all this are widely understood at this point.

>> No.42124875

if even the wota know its fake what is the point?

>> No.42125670

She's been an open lesbian for years, yes. Indie idols get busted for relationships with fans all the time but it's not usually "Alpha Dyke is bedding the few girls that come our shows."

>> No.42125706

People know wrestling and tv shows are fake and they still watch. I can't say much about those who follow mainstream idols since I don't but the underground scene is a different beast entirely because of the smaller and more frequent performances and the way it's possible for fans and idols to actually build a rapport through them. I think one of the members of LiLii Kaona described it for the idols as being like a bartender where you have regulars who aren't necessarily your friends IRL but you like seeing and chatting with them. Fans want to just go, have fun, support their favorite groups and whichever girl stands out to them. I don't see the harm and 99% of the fans are fine and at worst socially awkward.

Not all the girls who do idol stuff are Stacey extroverts either and I've seen interviews (not on TV shows or anything) where some seem like they can barely work up the nerve to string together a sentence when not "in character".

>> No.42125833

isnt being gay illegal in japan

>> No.42125859

>Likes: Girls, alcohol, 'Yuri' anime and manga, idols, eating

>> No.42126168

someone explain the appeal of idols to me. I know the japanese do it because they're loser hikkikomori but why do you all obsess over this shit? The songs are shit, the dancing is shit, the music videos are shit, do you really spend time fawning over foreigners because "le cute girls"?

>> No.42126240

a catamite faggot like you wouldn't understand

>> No.42126367

What idols do you know that actually do the "cutesy kawaii uguu" thing outside of punishment games?

I mean besides Saho.

>> No.42126394

yes majority do
I would say only 10% of idols love genuinelly acting cute. For instance Akimoto Manatsu

>> No.42126502
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False positivity is known to be a thing for any public-facing figure, from YouTubers & actors to newscasters & even fast food workers.

The act serves some utility that makes the public less messy to deal with, since more people do respond to positivity by being nicer. Someone who's energetic & joyful is generally just comfier to get along with than someone with an unreadable blank expression, so they avoid blank expressions, which makes their jobs easier. Now, you can't be high energy all the time, your metabolism only gives you so much energy, so just knowing the motions is a good enough replacement for those times when you have to perform on demand.

>> No.42128297

They say every woman is an actress, so i bet most of them like being an idol; as long they get the attention, the pandering and the money.

>> No.42132454

>the whole cutesy kawaii uguu thing is just an act?
They do this even if they're not idols because Japanese men prefer their women to act infantile.

>> No.42133553

>Japanese men prefer their women to act infantile.

>> No.42133617

>Japanese men prefer their women to act feminine.
This is what he actually meant.

>> No.42134246

Nah, that anon is right. They're already mega feminine, the kawaii uguu shtick is just going full retard.
