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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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420609 No.420609 [Reply] [Original]

But moot, the whole fun of roleplaying here is using pictures.

I hope you pick solution 2.

>> No.420613

Why pick any? Most of the GM threads were pretty self-contained. I don't see why there's a problem in the first place.

>> No.420614

Man, Fuck RP.
I just want WUIG back.

>> No.420617


I agree. But moot is all powerful, we shouldn't question his methods.

>> No.420641

I don't mind the occasional "picture plus sentence" but those alicemoe threads and shit were too much.

>> No.420649

I agree with this.

>> No.420653


>> No.420657


I think the rp threads aren't that bad at all.

The real problem is TOO MUCH TOUHOU, and too much VN/eroges.

>> No.420661


I agree. That shit should be considered RP spam and deleted on sight. YWUIG and derivatives are fine; the threads usually max out before they start a new one.

>> No.420672

>>TOO MUCH TOUHOU, and too much VN/eroges.

Well, It was bound to happen now that both are bannable in /a/ and get vaporized by janitors in /v/.

>> No.420675

>The real problem is TOO MUCH TOUHOU

Touhou. Still the Israelites of 4chan.

>> No.420677


Yeah but it seems like they overshadow everything else in /jp/. Maybe moot should make a /rp/, /touhou/, or /vn/ to replace any of the failing "test" boards.

>> No.420679

>I don't mind the occasional "picture plus sentence" but those alicemoe threads and shit were too much.


I hope moot goes for solution 2.

>> No.420688


/rp/ would be dead, /touhou/ would be too specific, /vn/ is the only one that might work.

I think the best solution would be a /2d/ general that functions like 2chan's /2d/ /b/s

>> No.420689
File: 125 KB, 806x625, 1207724638433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YWUiG only had one thread going at a time, and one for FUiG, though that was largely when YWUiG wasn't on. There were some extra waiting threads now and then, which was a minor problem.

More annoying were the alicemoe threads. Had multiples of those on the first page. Not good.

And only the alicemoe threads needed pictures, really.

ohbtw, the Touhou visual novel is making some progress, albeit slowly.

>> No.420691

I am fine with the Touhou. I just ignore it, I refuse to be trolled by it anymore.

>> No.420696

The Alice threads have been gone for a long time anyway. It kinda all went back to square one after the initial shitstorm. Anyway these solutions seem reasonable enough.

>> No.420702

>Yeah but it seems like they overshadow everything else in /jp/. Maybe moot should make a /rp/, /touhou/, or /vn/ to replace any of the failing "test" boards.

moot already said he won't do that.

Touhou/VN fans make up 95% of /jp/'s populace; of course they're going to dominate this board.

>> No.420698

How about a fucking /2d/ like was the better solution than /jp/ in the first fucking place?

>> No.420701

>Trolled by Touhou

>> No.420703

>>It kinda all went back to square one after the initial shitstorm

Well, GM's ban is still outstanding.
Not that it really changed anything, as someone always posts a thread here when WUIG is going on. So I guess you're correct.

>> No.420705

I hardly ever see any visual novel get posted about except for typemoon or ymk with 80% of the time that same strangling picture as the OP.

>> No.420707


What "everything else in /jp/"? Junior idol threads? Hot glue threads? How do I learn Japanese threads? Those creepy fucking masked cosplay threads?

>> No.420713


PoF and Saya bitching threads aren't too uncommon.

>> No.420717

Japanese culture!

>> No.420718

I'd say pick option 2. The last thing we need is another split.

>> No.420719

I see other VNs get posted, but it actually annoys me because they're all untranslated.

Do kinda wish people'd get over the strangulation scene, though. Seriously, that was so last year.

>> No.420715

no one said touhou should be outright banned, just that every thread shouldn't be about it.

Well, what do you expect? Most of the time when someone tries to make a thread relating to actual japanese culture (or even any other aspect of japanese culture aside from lolicon, touhou, or VNs), people troll and sage it. Hell, look at music threads. You can't make a thread about music here without 90 trollposts recommending dragonforce and another 10 saying all japanese music sucks. (I dunno how those MMfags escape that...)

>> No.420724

Even though /jp/ is a little hectic sometimes and the boundaries haven't been properly established, It's still my favorite board on 4chan. I just hope it doesn't eventually degrade into /a/...

>> No.420731

No, what we need is a re-merger and a renaming to /2d/.

>> No.420737

A /doujin+vn/ sounds good. Then we won't get people coming in saying "Y R DERE SO MANY ANIME AND MANGA GO BACK TO /A/! !! JAPANESE CULTURE"

>> No.420738

I don't think you can sink lower than that. Maybe hitting rock bottom and burrowing into the ground.

>> No.420739


3D stuff is hardly a problem, at most maybe 1 or 2 on the front page. If there was a /2d/ then /jp/ would be left for the buzzards.

>> No.420740


no one here ever gave a shit about japan, the only people who come here are the people in /a/ who posted about touhou, vn's and figurines. roleplay and forum games seem to happen on every board so I don't know what the stance on those is.

>> No.420746


Actual cultural threads have been made and some were pretty well received. The only thing people have to remember is to not act like an idiot about it. Asking whether or not you need to know Japanese to go to Toudai is not the greatest topic.

>> No.420747

Well those people are either trolls or first timers to this and they have no clue what this board is for. Ignoring them is the best option.

>> No.420750

Wouldn't it be simpler just to make the latest YWUIG thread into a sticky? I mean, that way people will always know where it is and won't be asking every few minutes.

>> No.420760


Stickies are stupid. Just have them search for their threads like everyone else. If it gets too out of control and people start making threads all over the place, just have the janitors delete them since it's spam.

>> No.420761

That would require moderation that I don't think they are willing to expend. Check out the sticky in /fit/ that has been there forever.

>> No.420763

That would mean a mod would need to pay attention and support it.

Anyway, already has RSS feed.


>> No.420765

YWUIG threads are shit, seriously. The archived version of it is somewhat entertaining (though still not exactly awesome), but the threads are full of incredible amounts of massive failure.

>> No.420773


Better to have a single YWUIG thread perma stickied with no post limit. That way mods don't have to constantly be watching to see if GM began a new thread to replace the last sticky.

>> No.420772


I respectfully disagree.

>> No.420780


Well it's been there for a good reason, because a lot of people are interested in it! Thus if there's only 1 stickied RP thread for GM or whatever kind of RPing thats gonna be done, then that'll be pretty much all the RPing this board will need.

It'll probably bring back those "WHERE IS GM?!" threads, but that could be moderated probably. If not then sagebombed.

As for Alice squeezing threads, those should go out it's just faggotry.

>> No.420775
File: 228 KB, 800x600, 1207725495037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, /jp/ needs moar Saya.

>> No.420777

I've seen them work occasionally, but I've also seen a lot of them trolled. Especially in the case of music.

>> No.420787

Scary game is scary. Also blobs of flesh.

>> No.420792
File: 89 KB, 806x632, 1207725626839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ needs more nitro+ in general to counter typemoon and keyfags.

>> No.420797
File: 100 KB, 667x667, 1207725667602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I cute uguu~?

>> No.420798

The first few threads were fine. Maybe ten responses, then the next post would appear and would follow the FIRST response's choice. People also mostly shut the fuck up and didn't take it too seriously

Now there's about two hundred responses between every actual post, there is always an argument about how the non-existent 'voting' system works, and people shit up the thread with LUL EGGZ.

>> No.420799


Get it translated. Otherwise, not going to happen.

>> No.420804

Yes, but part of the rules for that sticky is that you post an image of your progress, and the image limit has long since been hit. If there was an active moderator looking over the sticky, they could have a new thread and people can post new updated pictures of themselves.

I would like the "WHERE IS GM" threads to end, too.

>> No.420824

Hey man, I'd like to see you translate 2.33MB of pure text.

>> No.420833

GM moved to http://www.touhouproject.com/th/

>> No.420841


It's only a tenth the size of FSN. Just have mirror moon do it. I'm sure they'll have it done fast.

>> No.420844


image limit is not really something to worry about, RP threads never did have a lot of images. maybe like 5 or 6 out of the 130 something posts lol.

>> No.420846
File: 425 KB, 640x480, 1207726175762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyon is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.420847

fast+4 months

>> No.420849

No it isn't, it's more than half the size.

And whoever said Clannad is longer than FSN is full of shit; pure textwise, FSN is 4.29 MB. Clannad is 3.91.

>> No.420851


I don't know whether to laugh or rage...

Unrelated question: How long do you think the sticky will stay there. It would be great if we had a locked mod-moot sticky filled with 1000 posts.

>> No.420856

/jp/ - Japan / General

Remember when /jp/ was good? Before the shit storm?

I don't even know what is or is not allowed to be posted here anymore. So confused.

>> No.420863


I've got the UBW text files decrypted right now, and altogether they're 16mb

>> No.420864


tsundere anon is tsundere

>> No.420865
File: 549 KB, 800x600, 1207726376833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scary game is scary. Also blobs of flesh.
Huh? What are you talking about? ಠ_ಠ

Well said, not only Keyfags/TypeMoon, also Touhou, because it looks like /jp/=/touhou/

>> No.420873

That includes scripting, which makes it a useless figure for length.

When I say "pure text" I mean nothing but lines displayed in game.

>> No.420877

I don't actually have a problem with type-moon or key, but when that's the only thing posted aside from Touhou, it starts getting old.

>> No.420884

Scary game is scary. Also blobs of flesh.

>> No.420887

Jesus christ, man, that's disgusting. Are you sure that's worksafe? Shit my pants, I'm going to have nightmares now.

>> No.420890

She should have showed herself to Fuminori when she fixed his brain back to normal.

>> No.420896


Well, There's also the Type-Moon/Touhou crossover threads.

>> No.420900

p.s.: http://notazsite.hp.infoseek.co.jp/main/soft/size.html

Useful link that tells how long games are based only on lines.

>> No.420902

Those are 5x worse than either of them individually.

>> No.420905

.....lolwat? EVACU...hey look money

>> No.420908
File: 189 KB, 425x1700, 1207726956449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.420911


power level threads are always awful

>> No.420935


How about that doujin that had nanoha too? What's that on the scale?

>> No.420946
File: 65 KB, 550x409, 1207727570058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.420955
File: 69 KB, 400x585, 1207727732898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koji is always unlucky.

>> No.420972

No, that was awesome because it wasn't being serious.

>> No.420980


>> No.420986


>> No.420993

ITT: We make up requests for a board for mainly Touhou/VNs, but make it ambiguous enough that we can slip in whatever else we want without breaking rules.

Way to ignore:
>As I said when I created this board, I didn't want to see it get overwhelmed with any particular topic.

Feel free to comment about how unfair it is for you, and how your interests fall into a majority with made up numbers.

>> No.420996

>>made up numbers

Take a look at the front page of /jp/ at any time. I'd say the majority claim is easily backed up.

>> No.420997

That game sucked shit. Controls were unresponsive, characters were unbalanced as hell (fuck YOU, Another Blood. Fuck you.)

It's sad, because I love nitro+, and the concept seems amazing.

>> No.421014

When its the same people making the same threads, it doesn't mean it's the majority.

>> No.421019


>> No.421021


When it happens 24 hours a day, It's hard to say it's the same people.
Not to mention, everything in /jp/ is made up of groups of the same people.
It's always the same people that make Morning Musume threads. It's always the same people that make music threads. etc.

>> No.421042

/tg/ might be interested in a roleplay board. but no images? that's just sad ;_;

>> No.421046


You don't need pictures to roleplay.

Just go to a fucking MU*, for christ's sake.

>> No.421063

We should totally start a Touhou MUCK.

>> No.421076


1. http://www.mudconnect.com/
2. Search "anime"
3. Flood a low-population MU* with Touhou people
4. Obtain building position
5. ???
6. Profit!

>> No.421093

Multi-User CooKing Game?

>> No.421106


Multi-User Cock Klan

MUCKs are for faggots and niggers, MUDs are superior.

>> No.421120

A MUD wouldn't really work for Touhou roleplaying, though. You can't really hijack a MUD in the way >>421076 suggested because MUDs don't have extensive building and shit. At least none of the ones I've ever seen. If you wanna do Touhou you have to be able to create a Gensokyo.

>> No.421137


Go look at some of the better Wheel of Time MUDs. No stock cities, stock items, etc. Expansive, true-to-the-atmosphere world built from basically scratch. The one I log onto every now and then (I have a 10+ year history with it, I can't just leave it alone. Fuck, I even cried when one of the admins died.) is... really well made.

>> No.421144

If it's a proper MUD with a theme, won't they frown on people Touhou'ing it up in anachronistic weeaboo forest?

>> No.421146


Who the fuck cares? If you outnumber them, the predominant theme should win out in the end!

>> No.421150


Oh, and I was referring to WoT MUDs more as an example of the building power MUDs have. Really, most MUDs tend to have the same 4 cities and the same basic code with a handful of differences, so I don't blame people for not realizing that they're really customizable.

Oh, and a lot easier to use, but that might just be because I'm accustomed to it.

>> No.421153

I think what Haruhi meant is -players- being able to create rooms and stuff, which is almost universal in MUCKs. It seems like players can create rooms and stuff in Wheel of Time, but they have to be approved.

>> No.421157


Provide the building port to the general public, restrict building access per average joe user to a certain VNUM range.

>> No.421170

I know a muck we can hijack, it's almost perfect. Adult-oriented, free creation and building, and basically no limits when it comes to theme. And most of the population is furfags, but furfaggotry isn't compulsory, which means we can troll the regular userbase without technically breaking the rules.

>> No.421173


That information is really, really useful without an IP/port.


>> No.421179

Discworld MUD was/is extremely well put together and entirely customised. I got creator status (entry-level wizbit) on it in the mid-nineties but got bored of creating stuff after a couple of months and just kinda disappeared. Haven't logged back on it since, actually, so I don't know if my cave system in the Ramtops ever got finished....

>> No.421183

I was just throwing some info out there for an interest check. If no one's really interested then I'm not gonna bother. I don't wanna be one of the only two touhous on there, you know?

>> No.421186


Knowing MUDs, probably not...

>> No.421188

Guys. MUDs are horrible and you should feel horrible for even making such a suggestion.

If anything a MUSH/MUCK would be better. However, a Touhou themed MU* will be doomed for failure. I can foresee it.

>> No.421189

Hey! Don't say it's doomed to fail before we've even tried it!

>> No.421195


...why not?

>> No.421213

would /rp/ board be constituted of ronery and incest?

>> No.421223

The advantage of a MUCK over a MUD is being geared to social/lulz over quest/grinding. It's all about the programs you write.

You can "easily" make a GensokyoMUCK and whip up a danmaku battle system if you want to. The MUCK I frequent has some space trade/battle world in it that I have never used the ten years I've been there.

You'll need writers, coders and regular users, and lots of them to gain critical mass. The pure text interface is a double edged sword, while it keeps most idiots away, the MUCK I use has been slowly dying for seven or eight years as kids want phallic showers in Second Life. The MUCK I use was once dismissed as being "DOS-based".

>> No.421228

Roleplaying doesn't belong here. Besides the fact that it is for total faggots, it creates many shitstorms and useless threads. Make your own board somewhere like GM did and leave /jp/.

>> No.421229

I got sick of MU*s just by virtue of there being no decent dedicated program out there for them. zMud was acceptable but not actually 'good'.

>> No.421230


Little late to the party, slowpoke.

>> No.421231


>> No.421232

MUSHClient worked fine for me. Waiting like ten seconds for it to start due to refusing to pay to register was nothing huge.

Exactly why I said a MUCK/MUSH is better than a MUD for that sort of thing. And why it would be doomed to failure. The time it would take to get the coders, builders, descers, other staff positions, hammer out a theme, type up help files, etc would mean that it would never get off the ground if left up to Anonymous.

Nevermind that it will probably end up being full of faggotry and just might become another Shangri-La.

>> No.422812

>>421232 The time it would take to get the coders, builders, descers, other staff positions, hammer out a theme, type up help files, etc would mean that
No no no, I don't think you understand. We're not talking about making a Touhou MUCK. We're talking about hijacking someone else's MUCK and setting up our Touhou community there. It'd be the world's first text-based Touhou hijack!

>> No.422838

>The real problem is TOO MUCH TOUHOU, and too much VN/eroges.
What. Besides Touhou, VN and eroges, what else is there to discuss in /jp/?
