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4205758 No.4205758 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever turn on the Clannad OST and just burst into tears, /jp/?

>> No.4205767

No, because I don't watch or read that shit.

>> No.4205766
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I listen to that one BGM that After Story's OP is based on. i don't know the name..

beautiful OST.

>> No.4205769

Mine would be Onara RPG (roughly translates as RPG of Farts)

>> No.4205777


Same Heights or something...

>> No.4205785

No, I am not a little bitch

>> No.4205790

No, but I listen to it often and enjoy it

>> No.4205797


>> No.4205801


>> No.4205804

Nagisa, Nagisa ~At the bottom of the hill~, Negai ga Kanau Basho, and Shionari never fail to get me teary eyed.

>> No.4205808

onaji takami he

>> No.4205815


Close enough

>> No.4205831

Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why I don't have the OST yet.
Seriously, it's something I would totally have.

>> No.4205868
File: 25 KB, 640x480, im-so-sorry-ushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True End.

Anyone who disagrees is a delusional faggot who believes in magic.

>> No.4205872

The file name brought a tear to my eye. ;_;

>> No.4205887

>Anyone who disagrees is a delusional faggot who believes in magic.
Tomoya is a delusional faggot who believes in magic?

>> No.4205889

Go download it. Immediately.

>> No.4205906
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>Anyone who disagrees is a delusional faggot who believes in magic.

>> No.4205924

No, but sometimes when I'm listening to my mp3 player while walking to class something like Chiisana Tenohira or Toki wo Kizamu Uta will come on and I'll tear up, which is pretty awkward.

>> No.4205925
File: 27 KB, 635x476, ushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good end was merely Tomoya's final dream before he froze to death hugging Ushio.

>> No.4205943

If it ended like that I would've shot myself.

>> No.4205952

No, the good end was Tomoya awakening as a gigalomaniac and evoking the power of Blick Winkel by offering the light orbs he collected.
It happened on a separate fragment.

>> No.4205968

There never were any orbs, it was all a delusion.

Nagisa never really existed. The entirety of Clannad took place in a single room in a mental asylum that Tomoya was sent to after he killed his father.

>> No.4205975

ITT Umineko

>> No.4205985

Tomoya never had a father.

>> No.4205986


I never knew Clannad was so deep and disturbing.

>> No.4205987

Never full out bawwwing like when I played the game, but Chiisana Te no Hira gives me goosebumps, and Negai ga Kanau Basho might make me tear up a bit.

>> No.4205993

Duh. He was just projecting his father onto a stuffed lion the psych ward gave him.

They took ti away after Tomoya ripped its head off.

>> No.4205996

Kyou and Ryou were the same person.

>> No.4206002

Get the fuck out of my Clannad, Uminekofags.

>> No.4206006
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Now you've gone too far.

>> No.4206017

All of the characters in Clannad were actually stakes - I mean dango dolls.

>> No.4206024

That image never fails to make me laugh.

>> No.4206026

That briefcase contains a letter sent from the psych ward island telling of the massacre that occurred after Tomoya escaped from his cell.

>> No.4206028

I watch this and come close.

I listen to either of those and I do.

>> No.4206050

Pretty much every song in the OST outside of generic_background_music.ogm makes me feel depressed.

>> No.4206946

I preferred the Clannad movie because Nagisa stays dead and Tomoya actually has to rely on his friends to get over it.

>> No.4206967
File: 79 KB, 1555x565, clannad_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Glad I am not the only one that think that way.
小さなてのひら is now playing in your head.

>> No.4206978

I've listened to Chiisana Tenohira and Sora ni Hikaru enough to where I don't tear up, but I swear to god, the second part of Nagisa ~Saka no Shita no Wakare...every fucking time.

On another note, Country Train is the best Clannad BGM. Discuss.

>> No.4206984

I believe that is just a alternate ending.

the 'what if' factor.

>> No.4206998


You are now crying manually

>> No.4207076

You and every other internet tough guy thinks the REAL DEAL end it better.

>> No.4207128

Realistic sad end vs fanciful happy end
It depends on what you like. At least Key made it so that you could choose.

>> No.4207235

I used to listen to the opening theme before I realized how true to the animu it is. ;__;


>> No.4207246

yeah, once you realize what she's singing about it tears you up ;_;
I also watched the 1st season's OP afterwards, all the references to A.S in it was pretty sweet.

>> No.4207266

Sorry for preferring realistic tragedy over a magical Disney-esque good end.

I just happen to have good taste.

>> No.4207280

Does anyone have a translation for the full song?

The anime OP seems like it's clipped in the middle or something.

>> No.4207287
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>> No.4207289

Sure bro, whatever makes you sleep better at night.

If I am a internet tough guy I wouldn't like Ever17 or any other VNs with happy ending.
Having a happy ending just retconned everything that >>4207246, >>4206978 and >>4205987 that reference worthless.

>>4205925 got it right.
Delusion end is shit.

>> No.4207867

I find it amazing how many people think the good end is the true end.

It was clearly added so that people didn't label it as having a generic Hamlet ending and so that elevens wouldn't kill themselves. The lights and Robo-Tomoya scenes weren't even relevant to the story until the end and could've easily been inserted as an afterthought.

>> No.4207886
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You'd be amazed to find out how many dumb people inhabit the internet.

>> No.4207887

>The lights and Robo-Tomoya scenes weren't even relevant to the story until the end and could've easily been inserted as an afterthought.
Not really, they were foreshadowing the whole 'dandelion girl' part since the beginning (even by name, in Kotomi's route, where they also explained a part of the multiverse-theory).

>> No.4207902

Hurry Starfish is the best song anyhow

>> No.4207906

Hardly, the multi-verse shit (which is poorly explained to begin with) is only mentioned for like 5-10 minutes in the whole "300 hour" VN when they talk about Kotomi's dead parents.

It was a pathetic cop-out that equates to magic as far as I'm concerned. I have a major in physics and I can say with 99% certainty that Key was pulling shit out of their ass and throwing it on paper when they thought of it.

>> No.4207914

>I can say with 99% certainty that VN writers generally just pull shit out of their ass and throw it on paper when they think of it.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4207916

People here actually take the whole "REAL DEAL/Disney" crap seriously?

>> No.4207921

Why can't people just choose and end for themselves and be done with it?

I personally prefer the tragedy but the good end is just as valid. It's Key's story, after all.

>> No.4207923

Now I have. ( ; Д ;)

>> No.4207925

Personally, I found it a ridiculous ending as well.
But the whole story is basically a reference to a story that's based around a timewarping young girl.
So I don't think you should see it as a 'pathetic cop-out'.

>> No.4207934

People here take fan-made fiction about a drunken japanese man's fiction about little girls wearing silly hats shooting lasers at eachother while flying seriously.
...well, that was a little confusing. Let me put it this way: people here take umineko seriously.

>> No.4207940


I see. Yes, I suppose you're right.

>> No.4207942

Étude pour les petites supercordes

>> No.4207947

Nobody here takes anything seriously. We take it easy. Welcome to /jp/.

Now get out.

>> No.4207950

People discussing about how shit Clannad true end is and you are inferring it as real deal/disney crap.

Maybe you are the troll.

>> No.4207952


Sure is buttmad in here.

>> No.4207956

You can say butthurt here. Go back to /v/, fgt.

>> No.4207959

it's the only title I can remember because the name is so strange

>> No.4207975

No, as I am not a faggot. Also, clannaids is shit, thread hidden.

>> No.4207984

Whatever happened to that guy who's life went to utter shit after finishing Clannad and had to go to therapy?

I think he made a thread on /jp/ a while ago.

>> No.4207983

Etude for the little superchords.

Best name.

>> No.4207982


You're not >>4207952

Quit lying.

>> No.4207992

That was Anonymous, right? Yeah, I remember him. He was a real loser.

>> No.4207997

Kotomi theme is so out of place that you feel weird listening to the OST outside of the game when it is sandwiched between tracks like 渚, 同じ高みへ, 願いが叶う場所, Ana, 小さなてのひら and etc.

>> No.4208014

I wouldn't call him a loser... more like he had a fucked up life. his mum died or something and it really hit him hard.
Clannad is baw-inducing enough, playing it with all that crap that had happened would fuck you up.

>> No.4208028
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>not a loser

That's a good one.

>> No.4208043
File: 6 KB, 363x258, 1236022159036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4208335

Anyone else think that the Illusionary World music is one of the most depressing songs ever?

>> No.4208386



>> No.4208421

I do find it to be depressing, but also peaceful in an odd way.

>> No.4208429

Superior version
