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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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42027139 No.42027139 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you ever tried getting into Japanese religion? Shinto is a religion that sees everything as having a spirit, called kami. There is a generally accepted pantheon of gods that you can read about on wikipedia if you want but it mostly has no formalized creed. There are also many different sects of shinto who worship different kami or only worship a single kami. The general view of the world is that everything, be it a human being, an animal, a plant, an object, or a natural phenomenon has its own spirit and all are a part of nature that has to coexist. The religion largely lacks a formalized system of ethics due to not being centrally organized but it places great value on purity, which basically means being connected to nature and living in harmony with it. Worship and practice can more or less be done anywhere, as everything is a part of nature, but most people worship either at shrines in their home or in larger public shrines. One practice that also exists is to go outside during sunrise and worship the sun during sunrise. The sun godess Amaterasu is generally considered to be the highest kami in shinto, who is the kami of the sun and of heaven. I believe that Japanese culture is superior and eventually I want to move to Japan and assimilate into the culture so I already practice some of the religion. I have tried taking walks during sunrise, which forced me to get up earlier and go outside which makes me feel a lot better. A great emphasis is also placed in shinto on cleanliness and orderliness so I have begun to start my day with cleaning and have started to end my day taking a Japanese-style bath where I first shower off any dirt and then take a long warm bath afterwards. I already feel a lot better and happier doing these things. Can only recommend any fellow weebs here to go and embrace some of the more traditional parts of Japanese culture besides just enjoying Japanese entertainment (which is still very good, don't get me wrong here)

>> No.42027201

Didn't read, but I would gladly get into shinto if a miko gave me a lap pillow.

>> No.42027265
File: 1.13 MB, 2000x1333, 3579DF72-2397-4651-BA1E-0DD5445AE274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Shinto wedding at Horikoshi Shrine in Tennoji.

>> No.42027382

The ceremony was so refreshingly short/simple compared to western weddings. Mostly drinking sake, really.
I also like the Shinto equivalent of “vows”.
The bride and groom don’t make vows to each other, but rather, read it together in unison, basically as a “vow” to the Kami of the shrine (after making offerings).
What a couple will read varies from shrine to shrine, but it’s basically asking the Kami to bless the marriage.
Then more sake.

>> No.42027427

Off topic shit

>> No.42027501

Really great to hear that!

Do you live in Japan or did you travel there to be married?

>> No.42027526

omg really gr8 dud i love your blog!!!! where do i suscribe?? hahhaa congrats XD i care about your life stranger instead of caring about mine i love you internet strange please give me a child!!! kisses xoxoxo

>> No.42027755

Its cool but I'll stick to the spiritualistic side of it instead of being very devoted. Good for you 2 anons though.

>> No.42027809

Its a shame you're becoming enamored by foreign religions but its good how your growing faith is shaping you to be a better person. Good lucking on becoming a true and pure weeb

>> No.42029574

>Its a shame you're becoming enamored by foreign religions

>> No.42031181

>Have any of you ever tried getting into Japanese religion?
I have been living in Japan for many years now. I dabbled with Shinto for a while but to be honest I ended up becoming Christian. Shinto shrines are beautiful and there are things I like about it, but it doesn't hold up as a world view because it is easily disproven so there is therefore no point in believing in it.

>> No.42031190

>but it doesn't hold up as a world view because it is easily disproven so there is therefore no point in believing in it.
any more than christianity?

>> No.42031253

Correct. Are you familiar with the study of the historical Jesus? There is a lot of historical, non-biblical, evidence for the existence of Jesus and the manner in which he died. Historians who study the historicity of Jesus unanimously agree that Jesus was a real person, and that he was crucified by the romans under Pontius Pilate. It's an indisputable historical fact. Not only that, but thanks to historical evidence we also know that his followers and even some of his enemies (Notably Saul) truly believed that they met with him after the crucifixion, and they believed this so strongly that they all faced extremely brutal deaths for trying to spread that message. Seriously, read into how the apostles died; Several were crucified, some were beheaded, speared, or stones - the only one who died a peaceful death was John. The Romans tried to boil John in oil but he wouldn't die so he was banished to an island where he wrote a book of prophecy.

The only natural conclusion for why they would be willing to die such brutal deaths for that message is because it must be true - they must have met with him after the crucifixion. And if that is the case, that means he is God, and that confirms the old testament as well.

>> No.42031324

>by the romans
always amusing that the most unhinged of them didn't even read their own book

>> No.42031374

Are you talking about Christians? The accounts in the Bible record that he was arrested by the Sanhedrin, gave him over to Pontius Pilate who sentenced him to flagellation and crucifixion by the Roman empire. This is recorded in the Gospels as well as non-christian sources like the writings of the historian Josephus or Roman historian Tacitus.

>> No.42035378

>Its a shame you're becoming enamored by foreign religions
t. worships a Palestinian Jew
>There is a lot of historical, non-biblical, evidence for the existence of Jesus
All non-Biblical sources on Jesus were written long after his reported death. The fact that there is not a single document about him written during his lifetime easily disproves this claim.

>> No.42036324

That's how it is for most ancient historical figures tho. Do you believe Alexander the Great existed? All evidence we once had was written records of centuries after his death.

How about Tiberius? How about most goddamn ancient chinese historical figures? Add to that manu english historical figures before BC. How about Socrates? Or Plato? On the same vein as Alexander the Great, Diogenes also would not exist.

And those were extremely prominent figures, Jesus was a lowborn commoner that apparently only gained prominence when he was almost middle aged, it's a miracle there's evidence at all since most people of his origin don't leave anything behind.

Also, it's not contemporary but some letters in the new testament are dated only 20 years after his death and that would be very well before christianity gained traction.

Based on evidence, most historians believe Jesus existed, the only thing to dispute is whether or not you can turn wine into magic.

>> No.42036370

It is literally animism with some buddhism throw in, even the japanese don't really believe in it anymore.

>> No.42036548

Has anyone here read the Nihongi? It seems interesting because I like comparative religion but it is rather long for such a niche system...

>> No.42038472

>The only natural conclusion for why they would be willing to die such brutal deaths for that message is because it must be true
I'm convinced that anyone who makes statements like these has never actually met another human being in real life, and is some kind of p-zombie. Even if I grant this ridiculously retarded idea, what about literally everyone else who has died for ideals both false and true, religious and otherwise? Really don't want to turn this thread into a religious argument, so polite sage.

>> No.42038865
File: 161 KB, 600x427, Chen honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my religion and am generally saddened to see those that could be enriched by it drawn to others, simple as
>t. worships a Palestinian Jew
Mhmmm, tasty salt. Any more and you could open up a saltmine!

>> No.42043843

>even the japanese don't really believe in it anymore.
They literally all do, to various extents. It’s inseparable from cultural traditions.

>> No.42043946


>That's how it is for most ancient historical figures tho. Do you believe Alexander the Great existed? All evidence we once had was written records of centuries after his death
what the hell? lmao, most of what we have on Alexander is written by contemporaries who literally knew him personally but were also his propagandists so the debate is over which parts are exaggerated to make him look good, not whether he was real

>> No.42043969
File: 2.38 MB, 1024x1478, flan's feet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OwO is this what they call Animisms?

>> No.42044168

Some ultraweeb got taken off by a construct of XVIII century jap nationalist thinkers and Meiji government with vague basis on surviving syncretic peasant superstitions and a few Chinese court chronicles imitations, that no single Japanese except literal schizos and sectoids actually believes in. Lol, what else can be said.
If you want to delude yourself with religion and be weeb in that, roll into japanese buddhism, that's a real religion at least.

>> No.42044231

no one believes shinto shit

>> No.42044263

If Shinto is a religion, then almost all of US believes in Santaclausism and Halloweenism.
Those festivals are literally just a tradition, an excuse to celebrate and drink, nobody believes gods exist.

>> No.42044721

>Mhmmm, tasty salt. Any more and you could open up a saltmine!
It's fine if you want to practice your religion but unless you are a Jew from the Middle-East, it's weird to criticize others' beliefs on the basis that they are of foreign origin.

>> No.42045264

Can’t tell if you guys are retarded or just peak zoomer anime/YouTube experts.

>> No.42045759

Here's your last (you)
Don't spend it all in one place

>> No.42045779

I think you know the answer already, its even worse. They're the kinds of guy that are both retarded and get set off by the slightest mention of someone having faith and seek to tear that away due to daddy issues or something
Probably also watch those shitty science infographic shows on YouTube that have dramatic music and try making things epic
Its best to ignore them entirely

>> No.42045820

Lol, shinto is horoscope-tier, they don't actually take it seriously.

>> No.42045875

>even the japanese don't really believe in it anymore
No one in the modern West is Christian in any meaningful way either so I guess Christianity isn't a real religion.
Typical christcuck can't come up with arguments so just goes 'lalala I can't hear you' instead.

>> No.42045966

>No one in the modern West is Christian in any meaningful way either so I guess Christianity isn't a real religion.
True to a degree, albeit for better or worse more philosophical minded religions(abrahamic religions, buddhism) tend to be more resilient of an intellectual level.

>> No.42046012

>christcuck got butthurt

Lol what are you about. Aren't US the insanely religious country, especially relative to its economic development? Here in Russia, probably yes, and there's still sectoids and so on, Europe is similarly healthy too (except p*lish)
Anyway the difference is, there were and are many christians whose worldview actually includes God as part of the universe (above and beyond, details) who can intercede sometimes and so on. Such thing never existed for "mainstream" shinto, it always was and is, at most, "just in case" superstition, and usually just hollow ritual.

>> No.42046179

Zoomie plz, you’re being silly.

>> No.42046211
File: 469 KB, 986x1036, 103012286_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd advise any anons entering this thread thats its already gone full kuso and off topic.
Best to ignore the thread till it slides

>> No.42046320

>could be enriched by it drawn to others
If Japan were to have been "enriched" by it, it would've lost almost every one of the eccentricities that make it unique today. No thanks.

>> No.42046390

>Lol what are you about. Aren't US the insanely religious country, especially relative to its economic development?
If 'religious' means that you just believe in the religion but don't follow any of the rules or rituals related to the religion (which is what Americans are like), then the term is meaningless.
>Europe is similarly healthy too
Most of Western-Europe (so the countries that aren't shitholes and are acutally relevant internationally) is majority atheist.
>Anyway the difference is, there were and are many christians whose worldview actually includes God as part of the universe (above and beyond, details) who can intercede sometimes and so on. Such thing never existed for "mainstream" shinto, it always was and is, at most, "just in case" superstition, and usually just hollow ritual.
The Japanese believed that both good harvests and natural disasters were caused by kami, based on how much respect they received from the people. Other than that, emperor Jinmu could be regarded as a human manifestation of divine will, similar to the prophets of Abrahamic religions. Clearly, you know nothing about Shinto.

>> No.42046447

Anyway, you Slavs have to come to Western-Europe to work for minimum-wage like slaves so clearly, worshipping a Jew didn't work out for you.

>> No.42046489

>Most of Western-Europe (so the countries that aren't shitholes and are acutally relevant internationally) is majority atheist.
Most of western europe's population identify itself as christians, even if only nominally.

>> No.42046541

>Most of Western-Europe (so the countries that aren't shitholes and are acutally relevant internationally) is majority atheist.
Yet I meant exactly that, being atheist means being healthy. What part of your body do you read with?
>The Japanese believed that both good harvests and natural disasters were caused by kami, based on how much respect they received from the people. Other than that, emperor Jinmu could be regarded as a human manifestation of divine will, similar to the prophets of Abrahamic religions.
So, you quote textbook or wikipedia article, judging by how bland and devoid of any specifics those phrases are, and than it's somehow me who doesn't know shit, not you. Of course there's mythology and so on, point is that nobody truly believes in that. Also I'm not talking about historical animism of japanese tribes which got replaced and coopted by Buddhism when civilization came to islands, but about modern construct called "shinto". In latter, again, no one in its short history ever believed that "both good harvests and natural disasters were caused by kami".
You might be confusing slavic countries, only ones who come from Russia are liberal zoomers who think that grass is greener on other side and then get corrected, not wage-slaves.

>> No.42046821

>Yet I meant exactly that, being atheist means being healthy
How the fuck am I supposed to know that? I thought you meant it from a pro-Christian perspective.
>So, you quote textbook or wikipedia article
I didn't. But I have read many books on the topic because I wanted to know more about the subject, unlike you who makes claims based on nothing.
>point is that nobody truly believes in that
Based on what are you making this claim? Because you don't believe in it means that no one else can believe in it? Millions of people visit shrines during New Year, just as an example. Just because Shinto is different from Abrahamic religion and people practice it in a different way, doesn't mean it's not a religion or that people don't believe in it.

>> No.42046874

No because I am not Japanese

>> No.42046906

>But I have read many books on the topic because I wanted to know more about the subject, unlike you who makes claims based on nothing.
Articles about actual practice of Shinto and related "new religious movement" sects, about japanese in general.
>Millions of people visit shrines during New Year, just as an example.
Again, that's the point - it's just a ritual without actual religious meaning behind it, a simple tradition. If you take that as a proof that Shinto is a religion, than everything from New Year celebration to military oath to corporate teambuilding is a religion. Not every ritual is religious, and if a ritual is historically derived from religion it doesn't mean people practicing it in modern times see that religious meaning in it (yet again, New Year or Halloween celebration as an example).
Practice means nothing, worldview is what defines religion.

>> No.42047003

not him but, i am arabic, and im orthodox
and youre right, maybe you should fuck off instead of trying to practice a real religion because youd only be into it "because it looks cool"

>> No.42047060

nearly all historical texts from before the middle ages dont survive because people were using papyrus and clay tablets, parchment came later and nearly every old text they could find was rewritten on parchment because of its archival features
you should be surprised that any surviving manuscripts from before the fall of rome survived at all

>> No.42051842
File: 284 KB, 1060x750, 1667365657304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinto is great and mikos are cute

>> No.42057162

>Thread about japanese culture in a japanese board
>immediately gets riddled with americans throwing shit at it
Fucking americans

>> No.42057717

>I believe that Japanese culture is superior and eventually I want to move to Japan and assimilate into the culture so I already practice some of the religion. I have tried taking walks during sunrise, which forced me to get up earlier and go outside which makes me feel a lot better. A great emphasis is also placed in shinto on cleanliness and orderliness so I have begun to start my day with cleaning and have started to end my day taking a Japanese-style bath where I first shower off any dirt and then take a long warm bath afterwards. I already feel a lot better and happier doing these things.
That no one noticed this just shows how absolutely impossible it is to even bother calling this board /jp/ anymore.

>> No.42064608

no one actually reads garbage like that beyond the first two lines

>> No.42064641
File: 59 KB, 787x787, Amaterasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Shinto.

Listening to this right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDZLb4sk98w

Lyrics: https://myjpop.jspinyin.net/lyrics-fripside-double-decades-%E6%AD%8C%E8%A9%9E/

REMINDER TO FELLOW SHINTO ANONS: Get the Ofuda for Ookuninushi if you can. He's the ruler of tokoyo-no-kuni (the eternal land), where your soul goes after death.

Yes i've heard the soul becomes Mitama and ascends to Shinkai also
