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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41934128 No.41934128 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC Japanese epub reader: https://ttu-ebook.web.app/
PC English epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038

Previous: >>41858993

>> No.41935860

>other thread not even page 10

>> No.41939218

something something ded

>> No.41939947

smartphone bros...
we lost...

>> No.41942089

Is this peak romance? I felt that in my kokoro.

>> No.41942095

sounds gay

>> No.41942111

Can someone post taht "easy light novels for beginners" image again?

>> No.41942142


>> No.41942224

Do old novels get reprinted?
I may have decided to learn Japanese a little too late...

>> No.41942252

Japan is the land of used-book stores

>> No.41942254

9th 86 book.

>> No.41942416

Sorry, I'm not into NTR

>> No.41942520

Self-insert myself saying that feels カッコいい

>> No.41942695

you can buy complete sets of old series for like 150-200 yen per volume. "used" by japanese standards is basically like new condition

>> No.41945820
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I wish my tenshi was this cool, she just said
> そうあっけらかんと言ってのけた真昼はもう一度周の頰をなぞって、いたずらっぽく笑う。
>「何か辛い事があったら、頼ってくださいね? あなたが私にそうしたように」

>> No.41949221

I thought Mahiru was pretty cool when she told the entire class about Amane being her important for her
that scene made me love her even more and I love how angry she gets when someone insults Amane

>> No.41949572

i hate otonari tenshi

>> No.41950111
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Read crim-chan's novel.

>> No.41950155
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>> No.41950589

looks like bootleg SAO

>> No.41950609

Is SAO the only MMO-story you have knowledge of?

>> No.41950622

why would I need more?

>> No.41950676

Not really. But what you are doing is akin to calling everything with elves a LotR rip-off, or everything with vampires a Dracula/Camilla rip-off.

>> No.41950682

>Not really.
That's a terrible response to "why". I was too hasty and missed that word.

>> No.41950740

Now you must strangle yourself with your wi-fi cable to remove the shame from your family.

>> No.41950752
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>> No.41950759

>everything with elves a LotR rip-off, or everything with vampires a Dracula/Camilla rip-off
haven't seen those and don't care about them so I wouldn't call them that

>> No.41950768

>seen those
anon... those are all books

>> No.41950783

SAO is also a book but I only watched the s1 anime

>> No.41950791

But Crim-chan is a half-vampire and there's elves too!

>> No.41953756

I'm a lazy fuck who just uses those online readers/scrapers, is there some automated way to delete all the "read more at x" text strings that are just laid around the chapters?

>> No.41953807

I'm not familiar with the sites that you're using but I would recommend to switch to using the Nyaa LN torrent batch + a reader of your choice. It's a very nice experience.

>> No.41953830

Ascendance of a Bookworm and Mushoku Tensei are some of the best LNs made, in my opinion. What are some of yours /jp/, and why?

For me Bookworm does a really good job of blending together a lot of elements into one cohesive story that's constantly changing. A progressive magic system, religion-related lore (Part 5 spoiler) which influences the magic, royalty, local and national politics, slice of life, some romance, and action. It's all very well done.

And Mushoku had fantastic world-building from Rudeus' POV. You gave a shit about the character and saw him go through a lot struggles from (Vol. 11 and onwards) from Paul's death, his future self warning him about Man-God's betrayal, the final fight against the apostle's, etc.. I can't think of any series which have their MC go through such a painful existence, aside from Re:ZERO which I dislike because of the pacing around season 2's story.

>> No.41953860

Unfortunately what I'm currently trying to read is not actually Japanese (not in the batch already) and I'm reading past the released novel chapters, hence the need for these garbage sites as I'm too much of a jew to pay a patreon fee.
Speaking of that...

Punished Rudeus arc was some wild shit, I distinctly remember growing a bit bored with the pacing around the academy arc, and then suddenly BAM that shit happens and you're in the the Hitogami's wild ride. I also absolutely fucking despised Rudeus for a LONG time for his treatment of Eris both during the timeline description, and just in general in the "current" timeline.
I kinda wanna recommend you what I'm currently reading right now because it's very much in the same vein of Mushoku Tensei, but with a more interesting main character and some really fucking cool world building, all while having... decent writing, considering it's a LN. Unfortunately it's a western release and idk how autistic /jp/ is about these topics nowadays. I'm in this thread out of sheer necessity because online readers will be the end of me.

>> No.41953876

I agree with you, the Academy arc was fun but it got a little too 'slice of life' for me. When you get to the part afterwards though... That was some real shit.

The series you're describing sounds interesting, what's it called?

>> No.41953909

The Beginning After the End. Initial setup is very similar to Mushoku Tensei, except MC is actually a competent human being from the very get-go instead of being a hopeless pervert lmao.
Character progression is fun, there's very few annoying/unnecessary characters, doesn't go overboard on the typical tropes (albeit they're still there)... it's just been great fun. Pacing can be a bit here and there, but it was never slow enough to really disinterest or put me off me at the very least.
The 8th novel and the 2nd half of the 9th novel are really fucking good. Ending of the 9th novel was so fucking badass that I couldn't wait for the 10th release and just went through the standalone chapter releases instead.

>> No.41953925

I've been reading that too! It's really nice. I think I still have two volumes to go before I'm sort of caught up. I enjoyed it a lot but I think they went slightly too overboard on how OP Art is.

>> No.41953955

>I enjoyed it a lot but I think they went slightly too overboard on how OP Art is.
Really? That kinda surprises me, I'm not sure where exactly you're at, but we're reminded that Art's powerlevel is nowhere near the Scythe's despite all the "burrowed power" he's gotten from Sylvia's will. I'd agree that there's a point where Art just seems a tad too untouchable, but you start realising he's mostly been a big fish in a small pond for all of his life once he gets his ass handed over by the Lances on the academy attack. I wish I could say more but if you're missing 2 volumes that'd mean 8 and 9, where this discussion becomes kind of funny.

>> No.41953973

I did read the Lances' arrival to the Academy, but since then he's undergone that insane training regime, so he's in a much more different place. compared to before. I think currently I'm at the point where where he's in his first battle, after the meeting with the enemy army over the ocean, he's fighting some witch or something?. I can't exactly remember. Anyway despite my thoughts on his power level I'll eventually get back to the series.

>> No.41954039

>I think currently I'm at the point where where he's in his first battle, after the meeting with the enemy army over the ocean, he's fighting some witch or something?
You're at his first retainer battle, which is his very first impact on the war. That explains a lot, because up until this point he's just fought against regular trained soldiers after coming back from training against literal gods. I really don't want to inadvertently spoil you anything, so I'll just say that it does pick up from there.
That's the beginning of the 6th novel by the way, you've got quite a bit to go, especially considering how long 8-9 are compared to the previous volumes.

>> No.41954091

Ah. I see, looks like I have a bit to read. Will get through it soon then!

>> No.41954543

>is there an automated way to delete x
Yes, a simple regex would do
if you learn to code and scrape them yourself. Give me the site link, I will whip up one if I have the time. Also please stop shitting this thread anon, you have the /a/ thread to talk about non-jp stuff, evenmore considering that you seem to be the kind of ln disparaging idiot I am trying to escape from

I am not sure about calling them the best when I read maybe around 20 ln series but I enjoyed them very much. Especially honzuki because it lends itself to rereads and also because there's always a nice discussion going on at 5ch without the shitflinging and doomposting that's common in the other ln threads. MT scratches a particular itch that others fails to satisfy. Especially the SoL stuff

>> No.41954711

Who the fuck are you quoting? >>>/a/

>> No.41954896


>> No.41954924

I haven't really read enough LNs to have a good opinion, but my favorite is probably KnK (the main series; the side novels are enjoyable but not on the same level). I'm a nasufag anyway so that wasn't too surprising I suppose. I really like the atmosphere and diction in the whole series. Being inside Shiki's head was interesting and I enjoyed her relationship with Mikiya. The conclusion at the end of the 7th book was pretty beautiful. Really hit me.

>> No.41955004

Put your mirror down.

>> No.41956952

Thinking of starting SukaMoka but I forgot everthing about SukaSuka. Anyone here read it and care to remind me of the big revelations in v5?

>> No.41957502

Anon, you do realize he's talking about the old thread right? The guy is criticizing OP for creating a new thread too soon, which is the opposite of t/a/rds.

>> No.41961173

Try out Boogiepop, you will probably like it a lot.

>> No.41962760

Read any interesting WNs lately?

>> No.41962768

Yeah I really should. That's been on my backlog for ages.

>> No.41962851
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>> No.41962867

傭兵と魔女 is good

>> No.41962891

how does arya-san not have an anime yet
it's peak rabukome

>> No.41963399


>> No.41963628

the war, I guess

>> No.41963669

I don't really think they care. Akiba Maid War has a russian girl in it right now.

>> No.41963675

Akiba maid war doesn't have "Russia" in its title

>> No.41963685

I don't think that's a make or break here. Pretty much only euros have strong feelings about this.

>> No.41963692

didn't the author change some words from russian to ucranian?
I'm not sure tho

>> No.41963705
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Kumo bros... It's happening...

>> No.41964272

>Unfortunately it's a western release
this isn't a problem in itself
> it's very much in the same vein of Mushoku Tensei, but with a more interesting main character
If it's the series i think you're talking about, strongly disagree
Yup, big disagree. the MC in that one is basically rudeus minus any negative traits or personality whatsoever. the biggest appeal of MT is that it's world and cast are filled with gray, but tbate by comparison feels like a sanitized power fantasy.

>> No.41965839
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not voiced by Aoi though

>> No.41966163

the bear isekai is so fucking dumb
i still enjoy it

>> No.41967667

>read the chapter halfway thru the novel detailing the current status of all classmates.
>the whore I hate since the beginning is still fucking alive.
Aaaaaaaaaah I'm dropping this shit, what is this disappointing garbage, fuck I was enjoying it so much but to think I'll never get the release of the heroine going absolute ham on that bitch's ass just killed it.

>> No.41968605

holy shit Eromanga sensei is garbage, people read this shit? I swear this author just writes to eventually someone good make an anime out of it and make it pallatable.

>> No.41968747

What volume are you at?

>> No.41968867


Volume 1 around 50% pages.

>> No.41968876

>Also please stop shitting this thread anon, you have the /a/ thread to talk about non-jp stuff
Duly noted and no thanks, I do not think - nor will I care to find out - /a/ gives a fuck about lns either way.
I've figured out how to manage without resorting to scrapers in the meantime, but thanks for the offer nonetheless. And just to make it clear, it wasn't my intention whatsoever to disparage or ridicule ln reading. I just don't think it's particularly unfair criticism to point out that most lns have some unnourished writing, even if it's by design.

>the MC in that one is basically rudeus minus any negative traits or personality whatsoever
Bit unfair, especially when Rudeus' original personality is going to look like unredeemable trash compared to just about everyone. Art may seem too cold and calculating at certain parts, but he still ends up joining the absolute fuckery of dumb emotional world-shaping decisions whenever his family/Tess are involved - to an infuriating degree regarding Tess. It's more apparent in the later volumes especially, as certain character PoVs are introduced. He's still an interesting character who ultimately has a good idea about what strength is and how to adjudicate by it.
And let's not pretend that Rudeus isn't a flat character without much of a moral compass or sense of purpose. It's not until the Punished Rudeus timeline that we get to see him ACTUALLY care about something... and then the second he's partnered up with Orsted he's essentially nothing but a force of good resigned to its fate.
Keep in mind I loved MT.

>> No.41968907

oh my god /jp/ is finally having consistent threads yay
i started reading a lot of western stuff. i had been avoiding it for quite a while because i was worried they wouldn't be able to pull it off right, but it's been surprisingly okay so far. i even read a western cultivation webnovel that was good

>> No.41968963


>> No.41968975

sorry, anon, but i at least have some level of self-respect

>> No.41969192

Why do you post this garbage here? Fuck off retard.

>> No.41969336


>> No.41971680

It's been having consistent threads for months now.
What's likely happening is all the /a/ regulars are giving up on the board and seeking shelter here.

>> No.41971776

I am in a really weird position right now. I filter 50 threads on /a/, and hide another 50.
But it's still the only real home I have. I lurk this thread, but I try not to intrude too much. I have great respect for /jp/, and I know that I do not belong here.
Not sure where I belong anymore, though.

>> No.41972159

it feels most people from /a/ are like that right now, i don't think it's just you

>> No.41972164

LN authors really seem to love that word

>> No.41972184

It's a good word in general.

>> No.41972192

english authors say "wry smile" or "smiled wryly" all the time
same energy

>> No.41972203

at least it isn't like arifureta's fearless smile autism
it was cool, then it was used so much it became cringe, then the author kept using it until it looped back to being cool again, and then he kept using it even more

>> No.41972272

i associate this word with フェアリーテイル・クロニクル because the author uses it so much it's insane

>> No.41972547
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3 volumes, 126 uses

yeah, that's very high, everything else with a high usage is a lot longer, so it's only like 20 or less occurrences per book for those

>> No.41972611

thank you for backing up my post with data

>> No.41972702

What site is that?

>> No.41972854


>> No.41973007

Rebuild world is quite the fun ride. Akira's lose cannon antics, even when watered down a bit from the WN, never fail to keep my attention. His oneesan harem teasers are a cherry on top.

>> No.41973036

I may have to give it another shot i guess. Personally, i feel like if i'm going to read MT minus the 'unredeemable perv stuff', i may as well read faraway paladin instead.

>> No.41973081


>> No.41973090

my backlog is literally endless i don't think i'll be able to read everything i want within my lifetime

>> No.41973109

(and that's a good thing)

>> No.41973120

it is a good thing because i'll never run out of shit but it's also not a good thing because i know i likely won't be able to experience all the series i'm interested in

>> No.41973131

Through Samsara, all things are possible.

>> No.41973141


>> No.41973684

I kinda see where you're coming from, Art on his own isn't exactly too much fun of a character, and there's not really any goofy side characters to fulfill that role either... until volume 8.
Honestly think of it as MT without much of the spice of life stuff (which was a bit too hit-and-miss for me), less goofiness, but a more flourished writing and power-progression curve. Art also has some ridiculously badass moments reaped from training arc buildups, which honestly never felt too fleshed out in MT.
Faraway Paladin sounds bretty cool, might check it out later.

>> No.41973717

>unironically falling for fujo paladin shills

>> No.41973826

go back to chimp out on /a/

>> No.41973843

where can i read it then anon? might as well since i’m mostly caught up on my other series

>> No.41973935

nyaa has volumes 1-7, I think I got 8 and 9 from vn meido. iirc nyaa actually has the 8th as well, but it's not the official release so the formatting is garbage, beware.

>> No.41975842

shouldn't english translated light novels go in /lit/? was there ever a general there?

>> No.41975919

no general but i've seen threads about it

>> No.41975934

I can already see litfags chimping out over that.

>> No.41975940

literature is literature. litfags can suck it. i'll eventually make an OP and see what happens.

>> No.41975951

Let me know when you do, i'll bring popcorn!

>> No.41976732

How reliable are machine translations? I don't really care about deep subtext shit since I'm going to be reading mediocre SoL anyway.

>> No.41976740

they're fantastic go ahead anon

>> No.41976761

Are you being sarcastic? I'm unrinocially autistic so it's hard to tell..

>> No.41976813

I found MTL acceptable for CN stuff (I may or may not have read a few thousands MTL chapters of trashy xianxia in my youth...), funcionally worthless for korean novels, and only borderline acceptable for japanese sometimes... but that last one is mostly because I am studying japanese so I just use the MTL sparingly to help understand some weird parts. I don't think I'd be able to read an entire book like that.

>> No.41976922

>borderline acceptable for japanese sometimes.
If you want to get anything out of them with Japanese, you do have to second-guess just about everything it gives you.
Like yourself, MTL is autistic and can't understand what people are saying.
So it often makes wild guesses on what the omitted subject of the sentence is, and whether the statement is straightforward, or negative. Sometimes MTL confuses subject and object, too. DeepL will sometimes get poetic and put legibility over content (or even completely skip bits that it's unsure about).
These are all mistakes that you have a chance of spotting through subtext.
(forget about tone; you will not get anything of the sort)

>> No.41976949

they're shit but "official" translations are only marginally better
if you care about japanese light novels there is no way past learning japanese
if you don't really care and just want to read "x did that and then y did that" yeah an mtl can probably provide that info to you but you may as well just read a summary and do something else with your time instead

>> No.41976961

>I want to justify dumping 2000 hours into learning an useless meme language so I will shit on MTL today!

>> No.41976972

wrong i dumped easily three times of that and don't regret a second of it

>> No.41976997

Here you see a living specimen of a plato's caveman

>> No.41976999

You will instead dump that same time into copy pasting chapters paragraph by paragraph into wreplace and then multiple MTL windows to get a feeling for what the text might actually say.

I am the same way, because I am too much of a failure of a human being to stick to any project for longer than 3 weeks. But I don't pretend that mine is the better way. It's just the only one I am capable of.

>> No.41977077

>damage control mode: on

>> No.41977085

I don't think you've read my post.

>> No.41977255
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>> No.41977335


>> No.41977369

>japanese readers are merely reading the text while i'm making up my own headcannon about a text i cannot understand
>god bless mtl

>> No.41977386

This is some advanced cope

>> No.41977400

I bet you don't even MTL English texts to Japanese, then Finnish, and finally back to English to get the same level of quality that you get from MTL'd Japanese texts.

>> No.41977514

>they're shit but "official" translations are only marginally better
from my experience this isn't really true anymore, nowadays "official" translations change so much their fanfiction is actually worse than MTL
and mind you this isn't praising MTL, because MTL is terrible, i'm shitting on "official" translations

>> No.41977648

This sort of gaslighting to try dissuade people from learning the language so they don't see the true depth of japanese media really doesn't work when people have been proficient with the language for a long time and are already used to seeing what they lose by using translations of any kind.
Did you get lost on your way to shitposting on /a/ or something?

>> No.41978255

I have a paperbook with me right now. When I want to read it, I just fucking read it. What do MTLer's do in this situation? OCR with their phone? kek

>> No.41978272

Nta but deepl is almost acceptable if you replace all Japanese punctuation and remove furigana.

>> No.41978302

lmao no, to this day deeptl keeps translating everything in complete monotone unless it's extremely blatantly not so

>> No.41978367

>complete monotone
Works okay enough for basic bitch romcom, but then again I have deepl pro (my company paid it) and personal glossary might help a little

>> No.41978690

See >>41976922.

>> No.41978835

any rabukome that's also porn? I don't want to be baited anymore.

>> No.41978859

read a visual novel

>> No.41978866


>> No.41978888

I don't see the point of a personal glossary in deepl when you're already using wreplace to replace punctuation.
Or are you using that deepl glossary for that purpose?

>> No.41978905
File: 443 KB, 1277x1800, Futari no Kanojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of single-volume ones

>> No.41978917


Yeah something like these, how do I look for them? リアルドリーム would be one publisher.

>> No.41978977

since epub basically a collection of html files, I wrote a userscript to hide furigana, replace punctuation, words (mostly turn character names to romaji). That way I can mtl easily on any device
Personal glossary is more for fixing pronouns and who's the subject in a sentence. Works better the more you use it since it's machine learning after all

>> No.41978996

>it's machine learning after all
Is it?
I thought the public version was fixed state, and only providing data for offline learning courses.

>> No.41979029

either it's placebo effect but my deepl usually got the pronoun right when reaching the last chapter

>> No.41979032
File: 510 KB, 1753x2500, 8105GBxZSkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

リアリドリーム文庫 and 二次元ドリーム文庫 are Kill Time Commnication labels that often have love-comedies
(KTC has other labels besides those but their 二次元ドリームノベルズ is focused on rape and their Beginning Novels is adaptations of Narou Nocturne stories and seems to be mostly isekai stuff)
Another famous label for smutty romcom is 美少女文庫 (from フランス書院)
But it seems like the number of novels of this sort coming out has slowed down (美少女文庫's most recent novel is from August and their current "upcoming books" section is empty on their website)
Maybe Narou Nocturne is taking over

>> No.41979044

That's impressive. Mine has never managed that even though I feed it consistent names too.
But then, I haven't used deepl in quite a while. Maybe the new version is different from what I am familiar with. Or Pro just makes that much of a difference.

>> No.41979098

but of course i don't mtl on any fantasy series or any stories full of wordplay. sometimes I just wanna read without opening dictionary

>> No.41979123
File: 696 KB, 1361x1920, 僕の彼女は処女ビッチ生徒会長!?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it seems like the number of novels of this sort coming out has slowed down (美少女文庫's most recent novel is from August and their current "upcoming books" section is empty on their website)
>Maybe Narou Nocturne is taking over
Still there's decades of existing books to read through

>> No.41979133

>Narou Nocturne

I have to dig through the trash or is Narou curated in any way?

Why are novelists obsessed with this word.

>> No.41979178

Nocturne is weird because it's practically self-moderating, authors take down anything too bad out of shame.

>> No.41979192
File: 34 KB, 298x500, School Days Kotonoha-hen (Harvest Novels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this thread we read novelizations of visual novels

>> No.41979270
File: 597 KB, 1920x1200, coming 2022-12-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked Puchipara Bunko Creative and there's still books regularly coming out from them
so I dunno about reading too much into Bishoujo Bunko slowing down
Sifting through Nocturne is kind of a hassle

>> No.41979401

>Why are novelists obsessed with this word.
I think it started in 2ch thread titles

>> No.41982182 [DELETED] 

ok what on earth is MTL

>> No.41982515

I'm reading the russian girl say a few russian things and it's pretty comfy

>> No.41982524

the 5head magnate or the magic schizo?

>> No.41982896

>Using machine translation actually cultivates a superior form of reading where you constantly have to use your
imagination while thinking about multiple possibilites of meaning and developing a high contextual awareness,
questioning every word and seeing every sentence as multiple possible sentences, composing your own story simultaneously
to fill in the gaps and calculating uncertainties while contemplating the nature of ambiguity. Readers of Japanese
just passively access memorised and thus already stagnant data, while MTL readers actively engage with the text on a
much more fundamental level, being intellectually more in tune with the writer's intention and the truth of the text.

>> No.41982992

What are you doing?

>> No.41983005

It's a robot glitching.

>> No.41983021

It's a copy-pasta, anon

>> No.41983033

It's not.

>> No.41983070
File: 46 KB, 767x436, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.41983104

>tfw to smart to learn Japanese

>> No.41983108 [DELETED] 

Ah, so >>41977255 was the non-pasta.

>> No.41983123

to be fair you need a high IQ to MTL

>> No.41983150

This but unironically. I enjoy MTL novels more so than the original Japanese texts

>> No.41983166

Yeah, thanks to you I know this thread is filled with MTL apologists, so I'm just playing along for now.

>> No.41983255

>I enjoy MTL novels more so than the original Japanese texts
This used to be me but now I don't even bother reading past the first volume; once I get the gist of the story I just imagine the rest in my head

>> No.41983269

surely you niggers are just pretending

>> No.41983274

i just calculate the story inside my head from the start
add more sodium next time

>> No.41983283

Given most of the thread is literal /a/ refugees, I doubt it's just jokes.

>> No.41983354

I honestly need a history lesson on these threads. I just came here because I saw it in the catalog in /jp/ one day and though it would be cool to have an LN thread finally. Where does /a/ come into play?

>> No.41983382
File: 41 KB, 363x500, 51MEZAig6qL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading pic-related at the moment. All that's left is the epilogue (around 2400 characters) and I'll be finished.

I'm excited to finish. I had such a good time with this book and this is the first time I have ever read an actual book in Japanese. Up until now I have only read manga and visual novels. It's funny how Japanese is a language where you can reach a very high level without touching proper books. Meanwhile for other languages I often hear normies talk about reading stuff like The Little Prince and struggling to get through it.

I'm definitely going to read the whole series but I think I'm going to read something else before diving into volume 2. There's a new book that just released and I want to check it out because reading a series as it's published starting from the beginning sounds like fun and this book just won an award.

>> No.41983430

>There's a new book that just released and I want to check it out because reading a series as it's published starting from the beginning sounds like fun and this book just won an award.
Mind telling me the title?

>> No.41983438

one day some retards in /a/, me included, complained the threads were too shit and overrun by shitposters
then some retard, i think it was the dendrofag and vnfag, made a prototype thread and got banned for 3 days for posting it on /a/
then an schizo took that OP and posted it here, then he kept spamming this thread on /a/ ln threads like a fucking madman until the threads stopped needing back to back late page 10 bumps, by now i think he stopped or greatly slowed down
now because most /a/ lnfag retards, me included, are isek/a/i refugees you have all of us here sperging our autism all over the place

>> No.41983455

To be fair the award bit should narrow down the search somewhat.
>It's funny how Japanese is a language where you can reach a very high level without touching proper books.
From my experience "proper books" in japanese aren't all that much harder than the average LN, then again I have been rereading nisio stuff for most of the decade by now out of autism.

>> No.41983469

/a/ used to have an LN general disguised as an isekai general.
But the WN/LN-fags were getting sidelined as the threads picked up speed with people who mostly read manga. That was still fine, for the most part.
But then the threads began choking on the baggage that generals are prone to picking up. Discussion of any actual content was almost dead, beyond NTR memes, and what discussion did still persist, was corseted by a long history of "we've already had this discussion 500 times" and general paranoia of haters or "ironic" fans (and you can see traces of that fear even here). Restoration of the general seemed impossible. So, a few of the original anons decided to pick up their stuff and leave.

I'm not sure what the /a/ general is up to now, and I am not curious to find out.

>> No.41983503

>what discussion did still persist, was corseted by a long history of "we've already had this discussion 500 times"
The real irony is that anyone that says that sort of thing never was actually around to have those discussions, and you could tell from them thinking they were clever with generic ideas or complaining about stuff only someone that read 3 series tops would complain about.

>> No.41983545

The people who made that complaint were mostly directing that precisely at those complaints, with pastas and everything.

>> No.41983603

>Mind telling me the title?
我が焔炎にひれ伏せ世界 ep.1 魔王城、燃やしてみた
>From my experience "proper books" in japanese aren't all that much harder than the average LN, then again I have been rereading nisio stuff for most of the decade by now out of autism.
Sorry I'm counting LN's under "proper books." Although by your definition, I do have plans to read some proper books but haven't yet. I want to read こころ and 人間失格, among others. I view LN's as the same, they're just the Japanese equivalent of YA novels.

>> No.41983609

Honestly the isekai general feels like a fever dream now, I have been keeping track of the things that get posted and it's reached the point the same dozen of so things will get posted multiple times per week by someone that acts like they just found it and are reading it.
I think A-rank party is getting posted like that almost daily at this point.

>> No.41983625

>Sorry I'm counting LN's under "proper books."
Then pardon my poor reading comprehension from sleep deprivation, because I thought you weren't.

>> No.41983648

>我が焔炎にひれ伏せ世界 ep.1 魔王城、燃やしてみた
MC's design and thighs are so nice, shame it's pure comedy

>> No.41983694

the first one is always special
mine was hidan no aria (yeah >kugiriekeks, i know) and even after 7 years it still holds a special place in my heart

>> No.41983705

>我が焔炎にひれ伏せ世界 ep.1 魔王城、燃やしてみた
>artist is mika pikazo
god tier artist

>> No.41983738

>A-rank party
TFW I started reading that one unironically because of the manga edit calling the party protagonist's onaholes.
TFW I kept reading it because it was comfy.

>> No.41983816

Help me dendrofags. I remember that shu kicked karlulu (idk the official romanization) into space before he got his 破壊権限 but is it before he became true superior or after? I remember reading that his embryo is still 6th stage at the time but I am not sure

>> No.41983845

did someone say DENDRO!?!?

>> No.41983869

Dendro is a gateway light novel of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and AUTISM. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad. etc etc

>> No.41983901

>by adding in excessive shipping faggotry

>> No.41983906

That part never really made sense for Naruto either so I just left it in

>> No.41983941

I thought that was referring to the fans who shipped Naruto with all the members of his team, and his eventual wife.

>> No.41983943

Has anyone read Isekai Meikyuu and is it good
I downloaded a bunch randomly and it's the only one that happened to be an epub

>> No.41983955

I know exactly the scene that confirms it, which is when he orders his embryo to self destruct to pass the test, but I can't remember where is it in the WN thanks to the side story shuffling the LN did.

>> No.41983957

>Isekai Meikyuu
Which one?

>> No.41983993

lol good point, it's 異世界迷宮の最深部を目指そう

>> No.41984015
File: 519 KB, 600x847, S_ハズレ枠10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New round of overlap covers up.
I want to FUCK seras new volume cover out in this wave.

>> No.41984901

Any LNs from the last few years that have toilet scenes? I already know Imouza.

>> No.41985566

How is TRPGプレイヤーが異世界で最強ビルドを目指す ~ヘンダーソン氏の福音を~ for some build autism? Also does the wn differs from the ln at some point?

>> No.41985612
File: 27 KB, 490x114, 1573969_1573806_20211218173659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got banned for 3 days for posting it on /a/
And I'm still mad about it, heh. Granted I posted quite a lot of links back then so it's acceptable, but fuck if the reason is because it's "offtopic" when the thread is filled with chinks/gooks/lit, etc. Sorry for the rant.
Carl Lourlou (カルル・ルールル)
>In the WN
Try near the Episode Superior side or the more Shu-centric arc like Gloria or Leviathan. If I'm not mistaken then it should be around King of Crime though, the scene you're talking about is the one slightly after Sex tried to sell King of Destruction info right?

>> No.41985667
File: 712 KB, 1200x1706, 9784824001658_LL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really like the art for this series

>> No.41986438

I'm kinda sad that every cover of this serie is just Seras in slightly different fuckable poses.

>> No.41986904

Been thinking about picking this up, what's the MCs skill do?

>> No.41986910

I thought that was the point of the series?

>> No.41987021

Can someone give me spoilers for 呪術師は勇者になれない?
I read the first 60 or so chapters, and I was INCREDIBLY disappointed by the first confrontation between Mei vs Hero party.
No festival of blood, Mei just retreating and going away. I went ahead and read the last few translated chapters and I was even more disappointed, because that bitch Asuna is still very alive and the hero team is still all intact and protecting her...
So I need spoilers of stuff that happens after that even.
Does the hero harem die a terrible death?
I hate them so much I don't think I can keep reading this if I don't know they'll quickly meet their just deserts.

>> No.41987059

Gives status effect an 100% hit rate, their normal hit rate is dog shit. All the status he uses are listed on the cover.

>> No.41987620

>Also does the wn differs from the ln at some point?
like at least 1/3rd of each volume is LN original material and volume 6 was like 80% LN original

>> No.41987666

Frankly, I find the implementation of these status effects disappointing.
They are basically one-hit kills (even if most of them don't directly kill the target). The reason to choose one over the other is often that the other one is already affecting the maximum number of targets, or a marginally different range.
For status effects to be interesting, they should alter the course of a battle, not just end it.

>> No.41987899

Thanks. So the first question, does it scratch that itch good?

>> No.41988471
File: 457 KB, 523x1600, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's an epic typo

>> No.41988520


>> No.41988561
File: 1.31 MB, 2560x1106, dodge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41989398

>epic chuuni fight scene
>suddenly accidental headpats

>> No.41989545 [SPOILER] 
File: 918 KB, 1044x1600, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41989678

truly best girl

>> No.41989735

she is simultaneously worst and best girl

>> No.41989922

can you impregnate this?

>> No.41989947

she only does anal

>> No.41990160


>> No.41992556

So when are they going to announce the first volume of Arifureta After?

>> No.41992583

What that deal with Light Novels? Do they sell Dark Novels too?

>> No.41992598

first they're going to announce a novelized version of that magic school manga spin-off

>> No.41992645

they're the opposite of Heavy Novels

>> No.41992664

That's deep.

>> No.41992721

wouldn't surprise me if they do both the after story and the school manga one at the same time, zero has been pretty much dead and over for a while now iirc

>> No.41992733

heavy novels have more neutrons

>> No.41992800
File: 366 KB, 1252x1775, 81wvVYdQ1BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41993178

nyaa should add an LN tag

>> No.41993222

No, they should add a manga tag. My LNs deserve to be under the literature tag.

>> No.41995480

yeah pretty good, there isn't really much of any focus on the raw numbers unlike something like hell mode, but more on the utility of traits he takes

>> No.41995597

Any good sites for recent novels other than nyaa and sites like dlraw?

>> No.41997590

Unless they are popular, no. Zlib is good but the selection is still lacking compared to buying off of Amazon. Would like to see someone here comment about BiB selections of raw novel.

>> No.41999632

Going to pick up that vending machine isekai

>> No.42000082
File: 120 KB, 634x903, bakecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what the fuck where they thinking when they designed these covers?

>> No.42000105

they look epic, what's the problem here?

>> No.42000215

i like them

>> No.42000228

The designer is a man of culture that likes ZR.

>> No.42000498

Ask Ryuusui Seiryouin

>> No.42000553

>actually start reading it
>think people talking about how insane VRMMO stuff can get are just memeing
>it's actually true
i like this
may as well read dendro too after this

>> No.42001039

>expecting lies and falsehoods on 4chan
You are several years too late. The faggots here are being honest and supportive like they are hoping you will elect them to be your platonic close relatives.

>> No.42001244

There's no way this is modern 4chan.

>> No.42002149

>5 stars on amazon jp
damn it must be amazing

>> No.42002717

pretty good. doesn't go hard on numbers but the main character's superpower is that he can choose which skills his XP gets allocated to, with the goal of achieving a broken character build by the time he's an adult. he starts out pretty young and ages up like a year or two per volume, so power growth is more gradual than just about any other isekai.

probably more interesting if you're at least familiar with D&D style stuff, his go to all purpose utility spell is bigby's hand and he makes good use of it.

>> No.42002790

i don't know anon, "unlike other isekai" is one of the 4 big red flags of recommendations

>> No.42003068

It's a D&D setting so the power curve is more restrained than JRPGs or MMORPGs

>> No.42003087

that's sort of believable since japan liked basic D&D/mystara but 2e onwards (including wotc crap) is a flop there

>> No.42003104

even harder to believe when i have heard of caster classes in dnd easily becoming dimensional reality warpers

>> No.42003122

The actual problem with TRPG is a boring meandering plot the author intentionally pads out for more LN illustrations.

>> No.42003349

that's just like your opinion man, the plot is interesting to me
>intentionally pads out for more LN illustrations
he turned a timeskip paragraph "I travelled home, it took months and there were shenanigans on the road" into an actual volume based around his road trip adventure with horsepussy and horsepussy pics, there is literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.42003389

nobody said it's unlike other isekai anon, all that post said was the power growth was slower (which I disagree with, it's slower than something like arifureta obviously but so are lots of things. 13 year old MC isn't on the same level as somebody like the criminelf but he can still clown on veteran imperial secret service officers)

>> No.42003455

there isn't even an overall driving plot until volume 7 (level 1 fighter arc). It's 6 volumes of episodic prologue

>> No.42003537

nothing wrong with that, the characters are likeable and the episodes and alt ends are interesting

>> No.42003982
File: 123 KB, 1024x576, diesirae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the go-to chuuni bullshit light novels? I'm used to reading VNs but I've decided to try out LNs. So something like Dies Irae, Fate, Silverio, Etc. Seems like action LNs are mostly isekai or otherwise not chuuni

>> No.42004093

Antimagic Academy
Reign of the Seven Spellblades
Infinite Dendrogram

>> No.42004139

all this will do is prompt someone to shit the iceberg image on you, refuse to elaborate, then leave, again
also back in my day we just called things cool, dunno what started the whole "chunni" layer of irony thing

>> No.42004152

>"chunni" layer of irony thing
Not a single soul uses it in an "ironic way" (whatever this is supposed to mean) when referring to the general genre.

>> No.42004223

it's not irony, chuunishit is just used to refer to a specific flavor of cool

>> No.42004291

Chuuni is definitely not just "cool". I was specifically referencing action ( often magic based) works that have grandiose set pieces with flowery prose, and have most of their themes centered around the emotions or way of thinking of a main character instead of having themes come from all aspects of the story. I think that's the generally accepted meaning of the word when talking about VNs in the west right?

Thank you I'll check those out!

>> No.42004309

The word is definitively poisoned by the western meme ironic weeb crowd though, people aren't going to get what you mean now.

>> No.42004445

i just call things autistic and call it a day, the overlap is massive anyway so it's not even wrong

>> No.42004635

I started reading 我が焔炎にひれ伏せ世界 ep.1 魔王城、燃やしてみた. Very fun so far.

>> No.42004739

Who the fuck cares what western meme ironic crowd thinks words mean on 4chan(nel), retard

>> No.42004978

Oh they warp stuff, but it's on all relatively tiny scales.
Epic DnD spells can take out cities, not reshape continents, and certainly not blast planets to bits.
(and smart DnD mages don't even use the high-level spells because they are so fucking inefficient)

>> No.42005081

this is /jp/ not /a/

>> No.42005314

Fuck off.

>> No.42005402

there's also how densely overwritten it is, both Japanese and English readers and reviewers have commented on it, some people love it and some people hate it but it can't be ignored.

>> No.42005867

Finally a sale for my favorite book

>> No.42006567

Translationbros, would you be willing to migrate to a light novel general on /lit/ if there were ever one created?

>> No.42006601


>> No.42006622

why not?

>> No.42006681

it's so obvious i shouldn't even have to explain it

>> No.42006778

no, really. why?

>> No.42006921

>Japanese media in any western dominated board like /lit/.
May as well just stick to /a/ at that point.

>> No.42007022

I used to browse untranslated vn general but eventually stopped visiting since the whole medium seems to be entirely porn nowadays. (as opposed to just mostly porn) Would you guys say LNs are doing better?

In terms of preferences I just finished Mushoku Tensei and found it nice (aside from the ending feeling kinda rushed) But I've also enjoyed stuff like Shana, Schwarzesmarken, Crest/Banner of the stars, Shin Sekai Yori, Oreimo, etc...

>> No.42007042

Whatever is popular in any given community is not reflective of what the medium actually is, the actual problem with VNs is the medium growing stagnant from everyone moving to WNs/LNs.
Making a VN nowadays is asking too high of a barrier of entry for most people that just want to pick up something and read.

>> No.42007165

>I just finished Mushoku Tensei and found it nice (aside from the ending feeling kinda rushed)
There's still redundancy to which eases you down to the true end, if you haven't read it yet

>> No.42007418

Just wait for Avesta. Surely it'll be soon.

>> No.42007626

should i read re:zero or just watch the anime?

>> No.42007672

both are bad because of the editor butchering, so either will do
not like the original WN was particularly good in the first place

>> No.42007827

Watch season 1, skip s2, read part 5 and drop it. Personally speaking, part 5 is the only part of the wn I liked. Tangential but what do you call this trope where something like a city or building is taken hostage and protags have to do thoughtful coordinated assault to save it with some battle autism thrown in?

>> No.42007947

are there any light novels that are inspired by the arpg genre?

>> No.42007956

isn't death flag basically Tales of fanfiction?

>> No.42007978

arpgs like diablo or grim dawn

>> No.42008003

no point when you can jump straight into vrmmo stuff instead of a literal who genre

>> No.42008056

I always forget that's what people mean by arpg these days
I'm used to thinking of it meaning Secret of Mana, Soulblazer, and Ys

>> No.42008098


>> No.42008336

it sounds like i would enjoy it but i already have so much shit to read aaaaaahhh

>> No.42009133

your backlog can't be that big, right?

>> No.42009663

it's huge

>> No.42009827

My backlog is everything I've never read

>> No.42009888
File: 278 KB, 1216x1370, backlog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is just the ones i haven't started yet, i still have countless series ongoing
i need another 人生 to get through it all

>> No.42010106

That's deep.

>> No.42010121

What program/site is this?

>> No.42010201


>> No.42010305

it's already a big enough ask having to come to /jp/, /lit/ is right out.
if culturally moving from /a/ to /jp/ is like moving from the UK to the US, moving to /lit/ would be like moving to a French African colony

>> No.42011218

/lit/ is also terrible, in fact so bad actual western literature snobs avoid them, it's just that bad, and on top of that there's the general western attitude stink westerners in general do of scoffing at anything from the east by default, doubly so if it's "weeb" stuff
it makes me suspect it's a thinly veiled attempt to kill this thread when discussion already got decent here unlike on /a/

>> No.42011382

converting wns to an epub with proper vertical layout is such a pain in the ass especially because wn authors love using 25 line breaks after every sentence
absolutely maddening

>> No.42011592

So there aren't that many recent LNs that have toilet scenes apart from Imouza?

>> No.42011614

bro, what is your obsession with toilet scenes?

>> No.42012077

I'm looking for LNs with them

>> No.42012500

how fast is everyone's reading speed? even at 20k char/h it feels so damn slow

>> No.42012509

about 1 volume per volume :)

>> No.42012665

That's one of the things I never keep track of.
I read about a volume or WN equivalent text in a day each even when I'm being slow, so about maybe 4-5 hours tops? Nowadays it feels my reading speed in japanese is faster than my english one.

>> No.42012678

I'm probably slow. I've never really timed myself but I figure I'm in the 40 pages per hour range.

>> No.42012934

who cares
are you on a race or something?

>> No.42013515

no I just wanna read more books

>> No.42013631

About a tankobon volume per day if I spend most of the awake reading. Even more if the sentences are shorter like kagejitsu.

>> No.42013640

What's the best font and the line spacing to read jap text? For some reason I feel something's off with the ebook's typeset compared to the paper books for japanese stuff but that was never the case with english

>> No.42014297 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 949x1328, 20221210_134729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, ferdinand holding a pistol doesn't look as cool as I imagined

>> No.42014878

where is epub raws for 両親の借金を肩代わりしてもらう条件は日本一可愛い女子高生と一緒に暮らすことでした。?

>> No.42015112

nta but there's a chance your issue isn't reading speed but distractions
you would be surprised how much time social media (4chan included) really zaps away from you for example
with that in mind for most people that read a lot it's surprising this general has as much discussion as it does

>> No.42017917

why is the mc a dude turned into a girl that's fucking gay

>> No.42017967

akshually she was originally a girl from the start but turned into a guy and then now back to a girl again

>> No.42018049

okay that's fine then

>> No.42019417
File: 84 KB, 491x787, 789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update i'm slowly getting the hang of it

>> No.42019526

kaede is a cutie

>> No.42020407

from the thumbnail it looked like a scan
this looks pretty good

>> No.42022789

Any current WN recs?

>> No.42023423

Any translated finished LN with vampires?

>> No.42024429


>> No.42024826 [SPOILER] 
File: 430 KB, 1362x1920, 0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love seras now

>> No.42024916

Looks very nice, like the other anon said. What are you using?

>> No.42025269

No wonder that everything that has consciousness wants to fuck her

>> No.42025375

Well yeah, I know why.

I'm reading the official LNs so I guess I'll just wait for those.


>> No.42025799 [SPOILER] 
File: 341 KB, 1362x1920, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this is awkward

>> No.42025898
File: 926 KB, 1930x1080, 1668161643115967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're still working on the VN adaptation (which is why I haven't bothered reading the LN yet), but it looks pretty cool at least from the last screenshots we got.

>> No.42026148

nice ftmm

>> No.42026624

Yeah I've been thinking for a while of starting to read that.
But I starte dendro just a while ago...

>> No.42027217

Speaking of dendro, I vaguely remember reading the EN novel years ago, and I got at least to the point where the MC and the lunar crazy lady meet up irl.
Do they ever actually get together?
I know I'm asking for a spoiler but I'm very curious.

>> No.42027834

>receive email with updated delivery date for ordered LN
>"fuck, I won't be living in this flat anymore by then"
>change address
>can't change address because system demands credit card number for confirmation and I don't even have a credit card
>system suggests to cancel and re-add the order
>cancel order
>can't re-add because item is out of stock
Sometimes, I feel like greentexting on /jp/.

>> No.42027871

which ln it was bro...

>> No.42027877

Youjo Senki

>> No.42028015

Surprising something that popular is out of stock.

>> No.42028096

Out of stock says little about total popularity, from what I know. It just says that the expected sales were below the actual demand. (or there are issues with printing)

>> No.42029622


>> No.42030519


>> No.42030717

Actually no, they don't, but they get to know each other very well
