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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 409 KB, 833x600, S_ハズレ枠10_口絵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
42029616 No.42029616 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC Japanese epub reader: https://ttu-ebook.web.app/
PC English epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038
v19.4: https://nyaa.si/view/1609471

Previous: >>41934128

>> No.42029710

Having a lot of fun with ハズレ枠, currently three volumes in. I like the writing style because there's very little info dumps and it focuses on the actions and interactions of the characters instead of lengthy exposition, which is my preferred way of story-telling. The only gripe I have is that some of the classmates act just a little too fucking retarded, I think they could have been written slightly less on the nose while still fulfilling their role as retards. Not a big deal though.

>> No.42030023

I like how it's surprisingly comfy at times despite being a story about revenge.
That's part of what makes it work in my opinion, the contrast really helps sell the serious moments.

>> No.42030314
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Obvious FAQ but what LN are good to start with

>> No.42030348
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>> No.42030370

Whatever catches your attention first.
There's no real "easy to read" point of entry, because those tend to get real heavy real fast plot wise even if the text itself is easy to read.
Remember anime or manga you liked, there's a high chance the source material was a VN or a LN, start with that.

>> No.42030590

Anyone know where I can get toaru JP epubs that aren't OCR? I found the shinyaku epubs but the epubs for toaru on itaneko are nonretail, have awful scanned images, and on first glance have some errors in them

>> No.42030976

I got this https://mega.nz/folder/2sIRFJqa#FDkq70qCCpgJ4ZL5GKD_rA
try looking here maybe: https://nyaa.si/view/1548943

>> No.42031051

Just checked and unfortunately it's the same epubs from itaneko. Guess I'll have to deal with the occasional kanji error from the ocr or use the scans on nyaa

>> No.42031319

Depends on your definition of "get together", because romantic implications weren't explicitly mentioned in the question.
Though pretty sure that was indeed the question.

>> No.42032007

They are a bit obscure, but look for LNs with cute girls on their covers.
They are the best.

>> No.42032068
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Just finished volume 4 and yeah, Mahiru just destroying that other guy was kind of cool

>> No.42032847

Currently reading Death March Vol 3, will he ever stop hiding his power level? This is getting annoying

>> No.42032908

he'll stop hiding it in front of his loli harem fairly soon

>> No.42033475

How about the others? Will he continue to wear that mask and blonde wig?

>> No.42034185

Part of the point is him hiding his power because he thinks living as a hero/celebrity is a pain in the ass while he just wants to chill, and his assumption gets proven completely right when he meets an actual summoned hero later on and the life of that guy is pure suffering.
In the public yeah, but he pretty much just jumps in to dab on the bad guys then promptly leaves.

>> No.42035684

My first time on /jp/, got here through an /a/ Eminence in Shadow thread. Seems comfy in here.

>> No.42035883

>even more new blood
it's time to do THAT again

>> No.42035885

don't care and didn't ask
shut up and read

>> No.42035904

I'm surprised there's posters from /a/ coming here that aren't from either the isekai general or the twintail threads.

>> No.42035924

d-do what?
based. Currently /reading/ Tomozaki since a friend recommended it.
I have no idea what those are. I'm not a thoroughbred /a/ denizen

>> No.42035966

I think the isekai general has bled out. The only people left there are the ones too damaged to let go.
But LNs have a real audience on /a/, that previously simply had no place to go because of the isekai general.

>> No.42036008

>The only people left there are the ones too damaged to let go.
as an isek/a/i fag, can confirm, i still have that tab open and will likely still have it open until the threads die for good
which honestly may not take long, some days the threads need multiple page 10 bumps and the thread can die and go upwards of 30 minutes without the next one being posted
that was what i considered home before, i can't just abandon it bro...

>> No.42036180

Blame the incredibly worsening quality of the isekai general (and /a/ as a whole), I have gotten better discussion here in a month worth of time than years of isekai general threads, people here actually know japanese and read the source LN and all the dendrofags moved here, so I must too.
What I don't know is what caused a mass exodus recently and the isekai general to plummet in quality much worse than usual, it was always a slow bleeding out, not a cold and fast murder.

>> No.42036198

>What I don't know is what caused a mass exodus recently
It didn't need a cause so much as an outlet.

>> No.42036224

Well yeah but this thread has been a thing for a long while now, what happened around a month ago that caused the exodus? Now we are going through a thread every 10 days on a slow week, I remember when the threads used to last much longer from so little activity.

>> No.42036265

>quality dropped even further after the few anons looking for actual discussions left
>thread on /jp/ did not die as expected

>> No.42036532

i think i know why, and it's the same reason people are coming a lot here from kage threads
that one has always been closely beloved by a lot of people, to the point a few anons on isekai threads learned japanese just to read it "as the author intended" before volume 4 was a thing like the old BT days, and it got an anime adaptation this very season
and while everyone already "knew" it to an extent, those threads were likely the last straw that made people realize modern /a/ is not a place you go to for earnest discussion anymore
people can stand CN and KR shills just fine, they can stand daily spam of "what you like is shit because...it just is" just fine, but seeing "fans" (that ended up being mostly manga-onlys) act so dumb and ignorant of something they held close was probably what broke a lot of people

>> No.42036912

The kage situation was pretty cursed in the west honestly.
Normally with EOPs you would just tell them to read the LN, manga adaptations have been anywhere from bad to extremely awful for years, and anime adaptations are too slow and skip a lot no matter how good they are.
And while yes, nowadays there's no good translations, normally they are passable if only barely, especially JNC which tends to be "fine".
Not with kage, that translation is beyond awful, if you told me YP hates it and made it that bad on purpose I would believe it.

>> No.42037819

>new overlap wave
>it's almost all volume 2s of newer stuff
arifureta really was the end of an era...

>> No.42038314

Got any mech/scifi reccs without harem shit bros? I caught up on 86 and it was pretty cool

>> No.42038329

otome mob :^)

>> No.42038479

I considered reading this, but I watched a few eps and got bored of the MCs white bread personality lol. Does it get better?

>> No.42038510

that one is (in)famous for the author going completely off his meds in the later volumes of anything he writes, so that's really up to you
really i don't think he ever surpassed celes and the literal wife murder bowl until the marie route, but everything he writes eventually turns deranged

>> No.42038518 [DELETED] 

bros, I just dreamt of shadow and I had to save him because he let himself get caught and I didn't know why but I didn't know where did they take him...

>> No.42038536

Are you okay bro?

>> No.42038542

i just woke up and posted in the wrong thread

>> No.42038582

based retardbro
good morning to you too

>> No.42038590

it was just a nap
it's 7pm here

>> No.42038909

Can confirm this is the case for me at least.
Up until shadow threads I still held hope you could find something decent buried in the shitposting, not anymore, the isekai general is worse than ever nowadays too.
I guess it's my fault for getting my hopes up for fun threads with other shadowbros.

>> No.42039081

Seriously? lmao. When will jap stop being huge coward

>> No.42039128

Thanks to whoever recommended cdjapan, ordered like 20 LNs and none of them were damaged

>> No.42039210
File: 711 KB, 2000x1425, kei ntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntrbait is good

>> No.42039337

Alright for your opinion then name series where the female elf character (heroine) truly get ntr'd.

>> No.42039485

from my experience in isek/a/i threads, you can find plenty of those in yomu
they are mostly one shots and writing prompt ideas so they are never that long though

>> No.42039631
File: 448 KB, 1000x1422, 1669834196159746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of otome mob.
Did you guys know the marie route is getting a LN adaptation?
Are you ready for the absolute masterpiece that happened when this author really went off his fucking meds?
I'm ready, my eyes are buttered.

>> No.42039703

Tell me any VNs (IRL) who has atmosphere close to Marie Route.

>> No.42039783

>I think the isekai general has bled out
You mean the CN and KR general? Because that's all that gets posted there nowadays.

>> No.42040003

How many years of studying Russian language and culture is it going to take for me to understand Roshidere beyond a surface level?

>> No.42040018

just enjoy a tsundere but in russian

>> No.42040289

I'll keep using isekai general since like 99% of /jp/ general users are reading in moon so anything I try to talk about is probably very out of date compared to whatever anyone else is reading

>> No.42040345

Not only it's never too late to start learning japanese, I'm always up for discussing stuff even if it's old.

>> No.42040417

>try discuss here
>you will get a lot of cheeky ">he is unaware" but otherwise discuss shit

>try the isekai general
>isekai is shit because it just is, and if it's not isekai it's still native isekai
>hey guys look at this garbage that i actively look up to get angry at for the hundredth time this week, and because of my bad memory it's the second time i post it this week
>i speedread the manga of that one, it's shit, i will refuse to read the source too
>cn/kr spam
>muh guns/tech/fief building for the xth time this months
>unprompted /pol/ stuff to be racist against japanese stuff
>crying_lip.jpg CF betrayal yomu link
i can't remember the last time anyone talked about anything without shitposting aside from shadow, and even then shadow threads have been dumpster fires since the anime started airing
it really feels the threads died with the zero believers ending and the shadow anime buried them for good

>> No.42040536

>be EOP
>try discuss here
>anon gets angry at translators again
i will learn japanese in 5 years when I finish my postgrad training program, i promise, but i don't need to be reminded every thread that i'm reading edited mtl or whatever

>> No.42040562

Aside from the initial grievances everyone ranted about when the threads started to pick up speed, I doubt anyone will care beyond telling you a quick >YP/7S, but leaving it at that.
The only series that might get a stronger reaction is kage, but that grievance was ranted already too.
Maybe strange grief, but that's on JNC's hands now.

>> No.42040582

How interesting is the original series and is it completed? I want something to read soon

>> No.42040601

the earlier threads gave me ptsd but I will try again sometime

>> No.42040603

the otome mob wn it's already done iirc, it's the ln that is not done yet

>> No.42040618

>Local /jp/fags use the power of unironic raw turbo autism to make the /a/ refugees behave.
Those threads were funny not gonna lie.

>> No.42040626

The anon who sperged out about TLs is also a kageshitter from /a/ who has been screaming about burgerized MTL in isek/a/i for months. The only difference is that with the slower threads here, his autism when triggered is proportionally louder. Just don't talk about kage and you'll be fine.

>> No.42040647

Nice. Are there any significant differences between the ln and the wn?

>> No.42040678

i dunno what beef you're carrying as a refugee but the complaints the guy made were completely right though, while i could somewhat argue about the choice of words on his example TL, they were correct
if you can read japanese you can confirm it yourself
the thing is, shit like that isn't rare, it's basically the norm, that and translations being awfully slow is why most just go learn japanese themselves

>> No.42040697
File: 632 KB, 1292x539, 1652539125776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majikoi I think? Though you'll find quite a lot of antagonist route in utsuges like Muramasa, Baldr;Sky, or anything Eushully. But I'm guessing you meant it in the "(unfortunate) villainess getting redeemed with comedic undertones"-sense rather than the "(You) turned your back against humanity for that sweet antagonist CG" right? Then Ar Tonelico, Stella Glow, 7th Dragon, and Luminous Arc better fits your description, though those are more in line with traditional JRPGs rather than VNs. Picrelated, kind of.
Don't forget NTR, fellow refugee/a/non. Can't make an isekai thread without mentioning whatever flavor of the month NU and/or Discord raiders currently bitched about after all.
You do know that even /a/ can use Google/DeepL right? Hell, I'm quite sure pretty much everyone there with enough free time at least knows Narou/Kakuyomu and had used MTL once to read further ahead. While those that doesn't do that on the other hand are commonly of the surface-dweller ilk whose limited attention span would make them forget a series as soon as the anime stops airing (Case in point being LoliOu, Bisco, and 86). And really, most of the fags doesn't even care that much if an anon is too far behind, they're just happy someone is reading the same shit they read, though some may appear irate due to the frequent shitposting they got.
Mainly on the second arc yes, the antagonist's Not!RapeDungeon IIRC got some changes due to obvious reasons. Still would rather shill Sevens than Mob though, mainly because how the story is structured.

>> No.42040765

Man now I remember my experience with learning JP.
>Reading the loner isekai WN after finding it off the manga.
>Translations slow to a crawl.
>Decide fuck it, I'm learning, let's fucking GO.
>Turbo autism my reps for like 2 months, reading easy 4koma for vocab.
>Start reading loner isekai again, the raws this time.
>Have a lot of fun laughing at the stupid puns and other things the TL skipped, patting myself on the back for finding the puns in the first place.
>My inner edgy teenager is happy over the stupidly elaborate skill names and titles.
>Finally reach the place I left it at before learning, took me almost 4 months total to get there.
>Take a look at the TLs, they only posted like 10 short chapters since I started.
It was depressing, I can't imagine ever going back to begging for TLs.
While it may take me an hour to read a single page worth of text, at least I can read by myself now.
Meri best girl.

>> No.42040767

I don't care if they're right, I care if they're obtrusively beating a dead horse. Which I'm doing now I guess so I'll shut up.

>> No.42040777

read it again in 20 years when you're powerlevel is high enough to catch the retarded obscure references to 1970s soap commercials or whatever that the author put in

>> No.42040791

>But I'm guessing you meant it in the "(unfortunate) villainess getting redeemed with comedic undertones"-sense rather than the "(You) turned your back against humanity for that sweet antagonist CG" right?
I meant more like what inspiration it take from? (which kind, type of visual novels)

>> No.42040793

I will, I'm the kind of guy that rereads stuff constantly, likely because of autism.
It's not like I'm slowing down on studying JP either.

>> No.42040817

>You do know that even /a/ can use Google/DeepL right?
>mfw my favourite isekai has reached the point of 50-80% LN-original content
ended up buying the digital raw and extracting the text so I could feed it into a parser/dictionary
I don't trust deepl for anything but the simplest phrases, it deletes sentences randomly for no reason even if you find and replace punctuation

>> No.42040824

i'm surprised this shit wasn't lower on the iceberg meme
this is one of those authors that mostly write when off their meds too, but at least unlike the otome mob author that goes deep on the suffering, he just goes on the deep fucking end on obscure references and/or writing REALLY erotic stuff
the guy has also been posting a daily chapter for over 5 years now and hasn't stopped, he's actually fucking insane

>> No.42040882

>Don't forget NTR, fellow refugee/a/non.
I actually forgot, that got so bad I mentally filter all of it at this point.
Is there anything salvageable about those threads at this point? The people using the old reliable gentlemen meme to call out low effort stuff are also dwindling in number.
Someone sperging out once every other week over something here for a few hours is nothing compared to that 24/7 circus.
But I guess I'm not saying anything new, so like the other anon said no point in beating a dead horse, just ranting a little here.

>> No.42041023

My first assumption was actually "route in which everything gets fucked up and other characters gets terrible ends in exchange for antagonist pussy"
So probably something like FSN Heaven's Feel

>> No.42041511

we need more villainess route

>> No.42042081

0, the author used Google Translate

>> No.42042677

there is no "learning" Japanese
there is only reading at different levels of comprehension, required effort and speed

>> No.42043067

the process of increasing your level of comprehension and speed is called learning, retard-kun

>> No.42043102

Yomichan is just glorified MTL. Anyone can learn Japanese

>> No.42043210

hence the ""
I'm criticizing the normie view of language "learning"

>> No.42043686

it's actually crazy how far the tools for learning japanese have come
I'm really impressed by jpdb, the fact that I can just create a full deck of all the unknown vocabulary from this serie I wanna pick up, AND review it by chronological order, it makes my life so much easier.

>> No.42044015

Where can I get the mushoku tensei LN raws (japanese) for chapter 6 onward? The only thing I've been able to find is the wn version.

>> No.42044105

i assume you mean volume 6 onward
and regardless, the usual has vols 1-25 either way

>> No.42044391

Ah, yeah I meant volume 6, no idea why I typed chapter. Im fine with 1-25.

>> No.42044674

epub (use tor browser): http://zlibrary24tuxziyiyfr7zd46ytefdqbqd2axkmxm4o5374ptpc52fad.onion/s/%E7%84%A1%E8%81%B7%E8%BB%A2%E7%94%9F?

disgusting jpg: https://manga-zip.is/archives/520140.html but it's disgusting jpg

>> No.42044869

Thanks anon!

>> No.42044965

First time I actually saw somebody link to deepweb for source of standard entertainment content.

>> No.42045053

which is hilarious because it's popular enough for the usual sites to have both the english fanfic TL and the raws
i would believe it for packs of obscure stuff, but MT? seriously?

>> No.42046754

that's a very big assumption to make about what other people mean by learning

>> No.42048226

Does anyone have epubs ダンジョンに出会いを求めるのは間違っているだろうか? My gf and I broke up and I'm sad and want to binge read something fun.

>> No.42048538

anonfiles com/55Y71eMdyf/Danmachi_zip

>> No.42048542

any LNs that have a decent following in japan but are completely unknown in the west?
degarashi ouji comes to mind for me but that does have a translation of it's manga adaption

>> No.42048616

nta but thanks, i had some shitty jpgs for danmachi prior to this

>> No.42048641

By "completely unknown" do you mean something that the average normalfag English TL reader has no idea about but still has a small following on niche corners of the internet or literally zero English Google search results?

>> No.42048678

He's asking for a title that we won't be able to deliver to him.
If he gets an answer, he'll be disappointed - unless you also post proof of your Asian heritage.

>> No.42048692

Dunno, most of them?
Let's trim out anything with less than not 3 but 5 volumes and that are that author's only work, and anything that is very clearly porn with plot.
You still have everything from old BT, as well as newer stuff like shinkou stuff and then some.
Honestly you would be surprised at just how much doesn't get translated, and in the rare cases it does, it gets dismissed as generic.

>> No.42048915

completely unknown was hyperbolic mainly used to (poorly) illustrate the contrast between something being popular in japan and being very niche in western communities i.e you could count the number of times degarashi ouji was mentioned on 4chan on one hand

>> No.42049006

Why does it take so long for Nemesis to go from lvl 2 to lvl 3?
What is this bs?

>> No.42049264

Why did Accelerator have to kill 20,000 Misakas to get to level 6?

>> No.42049385

Because reiji's brain structure is too simple

>> No.42049404

Oh, and also because he used that "???" feature to forcefully evolve to lvl2, making the next evolution slower

>> No.42049445

You can sift through https://ranobe-mori.net/db/ and pick anything with more than a (4) or (5) next to it. Can't really help you beyond that because I'd have to play 20 questions trying to gauge exactly what your def of obscure is.

For example, Hidan no Aria used to be known in the west but now it's dead even though it's in its 30 somethings in Japan. Kinda the same with Kino. Idk if you'd count those. 安達としまむら made it all the way to an anime but I doubt anyone but yurifags know about it. 嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん's manga would get passed around in OPT threads on /a/ but I don't think very many people know it's an LN. etc, etc.

>> No.42049620

conqueror from a dying kingdom is just okay, but I appreciate that the first "invention" the main character introduces to the fantasy world is the concept of patents. THEN he goes wild with the usual paper and such. but he doesn't even bother trying to get rich until patents exists.

>> No.42049627

if your talking about failure frame, i too love the down time moments, even the endless pokemon dialogue from pigamaru-kun. Was hopping speed chan would stick along for the cat girl hijinks but author made the right call having her stay with her elf loli.
Oh and did i mentioned MC actually fucked seras and didn;t sperg out about it?

>> No.42051905

anyone have vol 1 of
転生者の私に挑んでくる無謀で有望な少女の話? zlib have vol 2 and 3 but not the first one

>> No.42052705

Apparently Heat the Pig Liver/Pig Isekai is very good for N4 level people/beginner friendly

>> No.42052799

Because aleister needed an excuse to put thousands of misakas out in the wild to create the misaka network to control the AIM fields.
Yeah I know his lvl 2 evolution is forced, but to go from 2 to 3 it takes what, 4 volumes?
It's insane, for 4 volumes the MC makes not a single step forward in terms of strenght.

>> No.42052829

What fake address do you guys recommend I use for amazon.co.jp if I just want to buy e-books?

>> No.42052957

Just make an account at https://www.tenso.com/en , that's what I used for my audible signup

>> No.42052983

He fucked seras?!
Unacceptable, no one but me can fuck seras!

>> No.42054192

https://anonfiles com/pfsa81M2y4/_epub

>> No.42055918

Wizard's Brain

>> No.42056740

Why are official EN translation books so large? Do they blow up the text by 300% or what

>> No.42056762

I think Japanese is just pretty space efficient when it comes to novel writing. Anybody know how big Youjo Senki's english books are? The nip ones are pretty fucking massive (all 400+ pages).

>> No.42056801
File: 380 KB, 550x703, 1655868737074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single step forward
Nah, it's acceptable in Dendro's case. Don't forget we still have the Job system and UBM special rewards going on behind everything, some of which can be even better than the average low-rank Embryo advancement in fact, allowing them to easily substitute Nemmy by a fair amount. Now, on the meta side, Ray's been playing the game for only around a month but his stats is WAY higher than the average noob (+100% STR and 30% AGI of common Paladin remember?), so he really can't experience the usual stimulus for evolution like Rook did unless Francesca would magically appear to rouse his vengeance every week.
Honestly, Ray/Nemmy can actually be considered as quite strong already even at vol 1 due to their skillset, and getting a new form every 4 volumes or so would just cheapen the story desu. They only seem weak because the Ayyyylmaos don't care if there's a bunch of extra boss-level characters in the starting area.

Now, if you think 4 is long enough, wait until we get to Nemmy's fifth form, which would probably take around at least ~10 volumes from where we're currently at, since she kept getting NTR'd by the axe. Though honestly speaking, just the axe itself is already enough to elevate Ray's powerlevel to at least Pre-Superior.

>> No.42056974

Roshidere anime when?

>> No.42056996


>> No.42057041

>Why are official EN translation books so large?
I think it has to do with how people perceive books.
In Japan, manga (and LNs) are cheap items that you buy on the go and discard when you're done with them (unless you're a collector).
Outside of Japan, they are sold as fancy novelty products.
The rebranding includes making them hardcover for no good reason and increasing the sizes of the books.
It's not just greed that motivates this (although the ability to charge several times as much as the same book costs in Japan is certainly a reason). Western fans expect the fancy goods and would hesitate to buy cheaper-looking versions.

Of course, this all is undermined by how cheaply the "fancy" stuff is made.

>> No.42057085

literally any hotel or mcdonalds

>> No.42057178

it increases their collector's value in a niche market and ability to sell at a higher price point
JNC prints in much smaller size than everyone else but with better quality paper and reception among casuals is mixed
Note in Japan it's the same way, Novel imprints are printed in bigger size than Bunko imprints and afaik command a higher price point too

>> No.42057241

was wondering the same thing the other day the ln is very successful and lends itself perfectly for an anime

>> No.42057791

Oh, nice, jpdb seems really good.
Now I only need a site with a search function of comparable quality to mangadex, but for LNs/WNs. There must be something better than novelupdates, right?

>> No.42059085

Eroge is dead, Now LNs will be my new refuge (never gachages)

>> No.42059089
File: 172 KB, 978x683, EgbFZMyUwAEdZeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to FUCK Komarin.
That's all.

>> No.42059108

damn that flattie is hot
is this a good LN?

>> No.42059113

i wouldn't call them dead, but they are definitively past their prime
everyone either stopped making them or jumped ship to non-eroge VN
new blood is just making small experimental shit on rpgmaker that gets lost in the sea of shit
at this point there's 2 big sources of eroge left, and one is a meme shitshow worse than konosuba with no aim now that rance is over and the second one is a convoluted shitshow of game mechanics whose fans only defend out of literal stockholm syndrome

>> No.42059125

nta but it's basically strange grief but with girls
also feels really old despite being fairly recent, reading it gives me a sense of nostalgia from the old BT days
i couldn't believe this wasn't from the 00s era when i looked it up

>> No.42059144

so there's no romance with the flattie?

>> No.42059168

there's no guy mc if that's what you're asking, but the maid wants to FUCK her instead
now due to being a f/a/g refugee i will preemptively brace for the newfag cries of "muh dykes"

>> No.42059176

The only content that I consider really important from my ws at this point is Mareni and Setoguchi's future work. Honestly, I'm tired of the medium. I've been wanting to take the leap into LNs for a while now, so here we are (I can read them anywhere so that's a huge advantage)

>> No.42059189

>Still caring about Setoguchi.
My condolences bro...
It still hurts.

>> No.42059216

Bst was the best vn of the year, literally peak writer

>> No.42059275


>> No.42059329

she's too hot to not get impregnated

>> No.42059569

anyone have a link to pdf or epub raws for kage no jitsuryokusha? i can only find it as images

>> No.42059583

first pirated LN raws?
welcome anyway

>> No.42059620

Welcome bro

>> No.42059795

>Get a hunch, go to /a/, there's a kage thread up.
>Thread literally hijacked by CN/KR shills.
Yeah, I can hardly blame anyone that 80% or more of the influx of new people seems to be from those threads if that's the current state of /a/.

>> No.42059905

/a/ has much more traffic than /jp/, so I guess it's normal.
In any case, /jp/ is probably the board that I feel most like a "community". We may say "kill yourself" to others from time to time, but there is still a relatively good vibe

>> No.42059923

kill yourself

>> No.42059936

In a few more years maybe, I have a lot of things to read yet

>> No.42059950

mandatory kill yourself comment, despite someone beating me to the punch
but yeah, that feel is much easier to get in smaller boards with less traffic

>> No.42059956

you can read in heaven bro

>> No.42059988



>> No.42059999

anonfiles com/ve8bE5Mey8/kagejitsu_zip

>> No.42060141

Thank you kind anon

>> No.42060277

kage threads did irreparable damage to /a/
i noticed most regulars from the isekai and LN generals disappeared almost overnight once kage started airing and the threads became a trash fire
some i have seen here, some are just fucking gone, stuff like blondeposting is just GONE, people calling out shitposting like usual are also mostly gone
did everyone actually move here? what the fuck

>> No.42060283

Uh, so what does the protag in the trpg ln mean by a cylindrical skill tree? The usual expanding circles one?

>> No.42060297

I think it just physically looks like a cylinder in the interface.

>> No.42060302

I haven't read it but that feels like it could be a translation mistake.
Unless that is indeed the raws, then I have no idea due to lacking DnD knowledge.

>> No.42060318
File: 82 KB, 1080x428, 1671086866995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means the skill tree is cylindrical

>> No.42060397

Yeah, I understood that but I can't visualize it. Are the skills wrapped around like a cylinder? How would the categorization and branching work? It's really irrelevant but I am just curious

>> No.42060420

this is hurting my brain

>> No.42060460
File: 229 KB, 417x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the manga artist's interpretation of it, so in this case circles connected by lines form the basis of the character tree and then cylinders extend out of the circles to represent magnitude

>> No.42060461

so a normal skill tree?

>> No.42060480

Ah, thanks anon. So a normal skill tree where the skill levels are displayed by a cylindrical projection above each skill. Don't know how it was in the raw but calling this a "cylindrical skill tree" is too confusing

>> No.42060496
File: 24 KB, 73x1025, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, the raw really does just call it a cylindrical skill tree

>> No.42060498
File: 113 KB, 254x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the raw for >>42060318 by the way

>> No.42060506

whoops, grabbed an extra paragraph by mistake
anyway you get the point

>> No.42060574

I guess the manga artist is confused about it too then.
And he hasn't even managed to give the cylinder a descriptive purpose. The imagery just holds together text blocks.
Not that I'm blaming him though. I wouldn't do better.

>> No.42061661

wow, the author put more thought into the anthropological side of TRPG world than I expected. Nice

>> No.42061698

Sorry for asking but does anyone have the epubs for ようこそ実力至上主義の教室へ? The stuff I've been able to track down are either jpegs, jpegs that encompass two pages in one file or an epub where the text is horizontal.

>> No.42061740

did you try the 94gb epub zip?

>> No.42062287

>feels really old despite being fairly recent
makes me think of Wakatsuki Hikaru's warning on authors spending all their reading time on Kindle Unlimited

>> No.42062793

It's fine I managed to grab them off zlib didn't know about it until just now

>> No.42062962


>> No.42063159

No idea about trpg, but the last line is definitely much more enlightening

>> No.42063324
File: 26 KB, 539x411, 12211aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, that cylindrical thing is something like this?

>> No.42063332

But what do the cylinders do?
Like, is there a purpose to this layout or is it just random clutter?

>> No.42063395

What other series are Dendro-lite? So far only I know one is Infinite Gacha.

>> No.42063545
File: 508 KB, 2800x1546, salt-and-sanctuary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mc says it's simple, but it's really confusing shit to be honest.
Now, it's not as if skill trees are really easy to explain in text...

>> No.42063588

There's a large difference between simple and intuitive (once you get used to it).

>> No.42064283

The cylinders are an easy visual reference for skill levels

>> No.42064341

i only read a little of it because i wanted to catch up on other stuff first but crim-chan's novel (destiny unchain) gave me similar autistic and "you just know this is going to be full autistic insanity later" vibes, but then again a lot of VRMMO stuff is like that
arguably moto sekai ichi is also like that but it's not exactly VRMMO, it's just straightforward isekai based on an MMO game

>> No.42065155

stop pirating stuff, you should support japanese weeb novel industry

>> No.42065242

I buy physicals of the less popular stuff and pirate things with already high sales numbers

>> No.42065270

My policy is to pirate the first volume and if I like it I keep buying it

>> No.42065273

if i can't pirate i will buy

>> No.42065314

i'm a third worlder that can't really do that
if i had more money i would though, instead i shill stuff here and hope someone else buys it

>> No.42065323

I would if they accepted my friend's card.

>> No.42065410

No way fag, I'm still mad from the time they were all "we don't need your dirty Gaijin money, japan only, IP locked, we don't cater to your kind" on a lot of things, specially in Visual Novels, so I'll keep pirating because they don't neet my filthy gaijin money

>> No.42065907

What does the blue spine or yellow sprine of dengeki books mean?

>> No.42066163

My nearest Kinokuniya is a 2 hour drive away

>> No.42066864

were you not here when Hololive English happened?
god fucking damn

>> No.42066875

pretty sure that's the point, /jp/ managed to survive the /vt/ flood

>> No.42066886

Did it?
You guys have AI niggers in your midst as well as dekinais.

>> No.42066899

Which board doesn't have AIshit shilling?
In general tourists have always been a thing when they try to be one of the "cool kids" and think of themselves as too cool for the mainstream boards.

>> No.42067409 [SPOILER] 
File: 600 KB, 1515x1080, 1671162360341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reinvented spacebending to become a hikkineet
>invented timebending to dab on the college
>reads mindrending forbidden god grimoires for shits and giggles
>beat up a hound of tindalos and made it her time janny bitch
is there anyone who can even remotely defeat Agrippina?
(spoilers for lastest translated TRPG chapter)

>> No.42067441

I am on vol 2 but it has been entertaining. Now if only I could find raws for the later volumes...

>> No.42067452

there are free raws up to volume 4.2 on dlraw, you'll have to paypig past that point

>> No.42067525

Yeah I know but I mean the volumes after that. I could try satisfying myself with the WN but knowing that the LN has too much added content (it seems) I really can't

>> No.42067604

just take the buypill anon, it's simple enough to make a bookwalker account, they're only the cost of a McDonald's meal each, and the author could use more support because he's not quite in the cancellation-safe zone

>> No.42067640

Spare me anon, it's too costly for my third worlder neet ass. Even so, I would have bought it if it was available on google books (which generally has books at half price) like I do for honzuki but this series isn't

>> No.42067709

my condolences anon, as an escaped thirdworlder I know the pain. there's always pirating the TL if the raws never get uploaded I guess. LN original content is becoming a lot, like half of volume 5 and most of volume 6 wasn't in the WN, although the WN is still a good read as it is.

>> No.42068673

I can barely afford food on my NEETbux, fakenipanon

>> No.42069344

>My original homeland had produced a tale of a mortal retribution for a god, but only with the caveat that the hero’s ancestors had descended from the heavens themselves.
What japanese myth is this referring to?

>> No.42069994

Is there anything out there with a similar atmosphere to Kara no Kyoukai? Preferably more focused suspense/horror but I will take anything.

>> No.42070006

>Support Japanese game industry.
>Gets rid of Satoshi and replaces him with interracial couple.
Never again.

>> No.42070844

izanami and izanagi?

>> No.42070960

>a tale of a mortal retribution for a god
only thing that comes to my mind in japanese mythology is susanoo
he goes sicko mode after winning a competition against his sister amaterasu and throws a flayed horse into her weaving halls, destroys her rice fields and shits in her palace leading him to being banished from heaven and fucking around in earth until he slays the yamata no orochi as part of his redemption arc - gifting the sword to his sister and making peace

>> No.42071083

I want to know the thoughts of anons who read the trpg ln about something: why did margit refuse erich's proposal in the alternate timeline 3? Because she didn't want to bind him down in boonies with a marriage after all he had achieved? Because she thought she is not suitable enough for him at that point of time?

But susanoo is a god too, that's not mortal retribution. To be clear, that specific paragraph is talking about the trope of human victory over a god, not "mortal" as in death

>> No.42071129
File: 19 KB, 699x428, 1667072112482673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be clear, that specific paragraph is talking about the trope of human victory over a god, not "mortal" as in death
Should have posted the raw text then, english is shit when you want to talk about symbolism.
That said he could also be referring to "his homeland" as earth itself, a lot of otaku aren't exact patriotic unless they are also /k/fags, and I have seen MCs refer to earth in general like that in a lot of isekai.

>> No.42071785

I love my wife Tamurahime.

>> No.42072081

Nevermind, kobo.com works.

>> No.42072245

it's basically this >>42063545 but in 3d so that the height of the cylinder = skill level (on a scale of 0-9)

>> No.42072263

it sounds like an absolute nightmare to navigate

>> No.42072286
File: 1.38 MB, 1133x2031, ECD20EFD-C4D7-42C8-B880-C23DB4DFA1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LN threads on /jp/? What happened have VNs finally died for good?

Also if anyone has and would be willing to drop Mushoku’s リコレクション until my next paycheck I’d be willing to share and drop pic related~
I’m simply forced to. You can’t find raws even for slightly less popular stuff anywhere.
Shangrila Frontier.
I was expecting more war focused isekai senki with this title but I guess it’s rare to get full blown senki titles these days like Madan that focus on wars from the get go and less on misc stuff and buildup.
Quite a few but what comes to mind now is Nageki no Bourei since it’s almost constantly one of the top sellers on bookwalker/Amazon whenever a new vol comes out.

>> No.42072304

This general isn't even VNfags but primarily /a/ isekai general refugees.

>> No.42072372

What are they running from? I’m pretty sure those those threads aren’t being deleted even now.

>> No.42072421

main character just needs to max out his massage skill

>> No.42072444

>any LNs that have a decent following in japan but are completely unknown in the west?
btw almost forgot, this too, even got an anime announcement recently:

>> No.42072844

>constant raids spamming NTR and calling everything NTR
>CN and KR shills living there 24/7 like leeches because they can't sustain their own threads
>normalfags feeling recently enlightened posting their "isekai is shit, here's why" essays that all look identical, not realizing the irony of this
>any mentions of the source material (LNs) or recommendations to read it are met with "i'm not going to put in that effort lmao"
>any attempts from JP LNfags to discuss anything in any sort of depth gets drowned with "imagine taking this seriously" and it's variants on top of ironic racism remarks, while CN/KR/western stuff gets a free pass
>/his/, /k/ and /pol/ fags constantly making the threads their dumpsters by discussing completely unrelated shit under the paper thin pretense of "it's relevant to isekai", spoilers: it very much never is
>calling any of this out can get your post deleted or get you a vacation, depending on how the jannies feel that day
you know, the usual
do you see the TRPG discussion about the menu? that alone is more discussion about a particular series than the isekai general has had in weeks if not months

>> No.42073278

>normalfags feeling recently enlightened posting their "isekai is shit, here's why" essays that all look identical, not realizing the irony of this
there isn't really that much of this, it's been done so much that anyone who writes this is immediately mocked by countergentlemen

>> No.42073338

That was in the past, they in a resurgence now because fewer and fewer countergentlemen care to post that by now, probably because they all gave up on /a/ moved here lol.

>> No.42073461
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as for me

>> No.42073500
File: 593 KB, 1200x1800, P107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my subjective experience has been that shitposters crying about "westoids" and trying to force "kingpoid" to be a thing are nowadays more disruptive than GENTLEMEN but I also only pop in every now and again to post something about whatever I read recently so maybe I'm not seeing the full picture
anyway I'll stop metaposting now

for me, it's Milligan

>> No.42073532


>> No.42073534

yeah you aren't seeing the full picture if that's your impression lmao, the people using westoids/kingpoid seem to do it as a way to counter-shitpost because the thread was a lost cause and that was a last hurrah
what a coincidence that basically died around the exodus thanks to shadow threads recently too

>> No.42073553

>the people using westoids/kingpoid seem to do it as a way to counter-shitpost
The kingpoidposter is a mindbroken kagefag who got utterly buttblasted that he couldn't blame the West for everything anymore and invented a new word with hardly any cohesive meaning to spam.
>like isekai? kingpoid
>hate isekai? kingpoid
>X isekai is kingpoidshit
>Y isekai is kingpoidshit

>> No.42073570

the plot of the series is gonna be that he's secretly taking over the entire continent so that he can marry her without repercussion, right?

>> No.42073574

i doubt it, because it was me who tried to start the meme then got bored from the threads by the next episode and barely lurk them by now, i stick to the isekai general and don't use it there either
if people actually got a hold of the meme and spammed it then that's hilarious, shadow threads are even more of a trash fire than i realized

>> No.42073577

What I'm getting out of this is that Shadow anime was to /a/ threads what Tales of Hearts R's official global release was for /jrpg/.

>> No.42073582

the lore of the /a/ threads is deeper than I expected

>> No.42073583

what i'm getting out of this is that i just hid the conversation because i couldn't care less about metaposting

>> No.42073593

>what Tales of Hearts R's official global release was for /jrpg/.
As a newfag, I request a QRD.

>> No.42073619
File: 613 KB, 1322x1149, 1569124164808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42073663

Makes me wonder why a fucking cylinder?
Why not just put a number on it like a normal person would? I can't believe that a skill tree from a LN I don't even read is bothering me so much lmao

>> No.42073677

Perhaps for the same reason we have charts and graphs instead of just pure spreadsheets for everything, it's easier to grasp at a glance when manipulating a menu in 3D space.

>> No.42073706

well damn, it actually matches like a glove
the isekai general also had a similar spoiler and fake spoiler frenzy, a katt parallel with marie from otome mob, and the general "vita is shit" with the attitude towards (translated) manga adaptations, and it all went down because of the shadow anime
what a ride

>> No.42073725

But the function of the graphs is to facilitate the reading of the data mainly when they are in 2D. In fact, what is most recommended is that they are simple (without any kind of additional effect or depth) to avoid any possible misinterpretation of the information. In 3D this is an absolute nightmare.
In trpg case it's more like: 3D is cool, so let's make it 3D (prioritizing visual over functionality)

>> No.42073759

You have a point, though in fairness neither the in-universe creator (a boddhisattva who made it just for the MC) nor the real world author are probably professional UX designers. There's no GUI for pen and paper after all.
in the manga 99% of the time whenever it appears it's just portrayed in 2D like >>42063545 without any 3D projection so the mangaka probably agrees

>> No.42074135

can vouch, that one polfag who keeps repeating this killed the airing kage threads, and the one's after are almost always better.

>> No.42074294

>And now the 'Cultural Imperialism' schizo is back
Yeah let's just get back OT
Orc Eroica is exactly the fun episodic read i was hoping to get out Goblin Slayer. what a difference actual characters intead of walking tropes makes

>> No.42074325

You people really need to stop blaming everything on one schizo on big boards, boards like that are a lost cause for a reason, everyone is deranged and with too much free time.
Someone comes up with the newest insult and it spreads like wildfire, I have seen it happen time and time again over the past decade which has been the downfall of 4chan.

>> No.42074376

the cultural imperialism thing is the one schizo i find hard to dismiss because it makes too much sense, it has that "what if it's real" creepypasta quality, especially with how the anti-jp sentiments increased when anime really started to get into the mainstream
and orc hero is hard to take seriously after MT, once you read MT you just know the author is trying to pull off his hollywood cinematic experience shit and it really comes off as trying to run fortnite in 4k, it comes off as insincere when the serious moments take themselves TOO seriously
it may work with the comedy being either just as serious for dry humor or wacky as hell for the contrast, but with the relatively tame and normal comedy it's like two different series fused together

>> No.42074445

>and it really comes off as trying to run fortnite in 4k
UE5 Fortnite with raytracing is the new Crysis

>> No.42074606

>orc hero is hard to take seriously after MT
...Why would you take it seriously to begin with it never tries to be the next MT? The author himself said he's writing it to break from MT, and not a single plot point in Orc remotely approaches the seriousness of MT. It doesn't pretend to be anything other than a fun story about an orc trying to get laid and improving the rep of orcs ironically.
And no, a schizo talking about his boogeyman when someone disagrees with him shouldn't be taken seriously. No sane knowledgable person can read this >>246374793 and think the director made changes because they give a fuck about westfags/christians in a show that is literally impossible to appease them with. The same adaption that added fanservice, because westfags CLEARLY love that in their asian cartoons!

>> No.42074629

Wrong thread?

>> No.42074861

It almost sounds like the thing of thing that looks like a fucking mess (like modern games) but it's intuitive when used.
Almost, I'm not convinced, but it could be that.

>> No.42076194

you never know, some games may look like absolute clusterfucks at first glance only to be really easy to play in practice

>> No.42077919
File: 524 KB, 1183x2494, 1EDB757B-17B3-487A-82BA-4D3B7DDF0D8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I kinda get it actually that’s one of the reasons I barely participated in those threads, off topic stuff aside I’m really not that interested in CR/KN stuff and most people are discussing manga adaptions instead of their LN counterparts which wouldn’t be as amusing if what they were discussing was manga original stuff but no they’re literally all LN adaptions and in most cases inferior to the original.
I also like Orc although rather than taking a break from MT it seemed like some editor U contacted the author when he finished MT asking if he wanted to work on the orc project together as they also got Asanagi on board. It’s in the afterword(pic related) of vol 1 actually where author talks about this.
Also I don’t want to sound elitist or like I’m coping but I feel you’ll be getting way more enjoyment out of this story if you read it in Japanese otherwise I feel that 掛け合い/misunderstanding/comedy doesn’t work. Usually that’s true for most of these types of series btw

>> No.42080604

>Also I don’t want to sound elitist or like I’m coping but I feel you’ll be getting way more enjoyment out of this story if you read it in Japanese otherwise I feel that 掛け合い/misunderstanding/comedy doesn’t work. Usually that’s true for most of these types of series btw
i doubt that's elitist, it's just the truth from how language works

>> No.42080940

It's more like the standard in "weeb media" is surprisingly low. Good translators usually work on books.
But yeah, no matter how good a translation is, it will never be the same experience as reading the material in its original language

>> No.42080972
File: 444 KB, 1063x1286, 1658935908940552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's more like the standard in "weeb media" is surprisingly low. Good translators usually work on books.
Lmfao no.

>> No.42081002

Literature communities have exactly the same kind of autistic arguments over translations like you see about otaku media. Their saving grace is that something like German -> English is probably a lot easier to translate but fundamentally it's not really any different.

>> No.42081090

that's probably universal, i have seen the exact same arguments on project moon stuff, full with the same "don't expect much, good translators work on REEL literature" cope, and that's korean

>> No.42081341

Do your reps bros
varishangout com/index.php?threads/shitty-localizers-general.553/

>> No.42081849
File: 309 KB, 1400x1977, 81cPJ0R2U1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42081931


>> No.42082207

30 years later and we're all still lusting over deedlit

>> No.42082486

people keep reposting this but I don't see it. Technical translation requires LESS skill than creative writing because the only barrier is the technical terminology which, once referenced, remains consistent. Otherwise there's no need to worry about all that shit like tone, voicing, honorifics, stupid puns, plot consistency, authorial intent, autistic lore unique to every single IP etc. there is just one tone, one voice, and the text is boring as fuck.
also REEL literature translation is even more hacked up than otaku media translation, if you look at how Haruki Murakami books get abridged and rewritten in the localization process otaku media has it extremely good

>> No.42082509

>make a mistake on media translation
>worst case scenario, someone spots it but defends it for "a good localization that adds spice to the original", but more often than not nobody notices because anyone that cares is reading it in the original language or learning it

>make a mistake on a technical translation
>worst case scenario, someone misuses medical tools and people die, someone uses industrial tools wrong and people die, make a mistake on academics and you set the field back months if not years, make a mistake on finances or contract work and people will kill themselves over losing thousands if not millions, regardless of what happens you're not getting more work ever again

>> No.42082514

Just completed all the volumes available on the high seas for the trpg ln. It was very entertaining, especially the alternate timelines at the end of every book. I hope someone uploads the volumes after 4-II soon. I quickly glanced through the wn and though the overall outline seems to be the same it lacks lots of content

>> No.42082529

you're confusing the importance of accuracy with the difficulty of producing accuracy. Nobody is writing convoluted kanji wordplay with references to a variety show commercial from 1980 all wrapped up into a rhyme into a technical document about how to operate a potato peeler.

>> No.42082538

which is the point
there are no good translations, this isn't even up to debate but an objective fact >>42081341
learn japanese

>> No.42082693

any LN where MC romance the demon king (female)?

>> No.42082722

Glad you could join the club of henderson enjoyers anon. Which was your favourite alt end so far? For me it was volume 3, I want to see more of disciple-chan.
if raws don't get uploaded soon (it's been months so I'm pessimistic but you never know) you'll probably be able to grab the translation of volume 5 (which is all about the criminelf) from nyaa in early February.

>> No.42082950
File: 958 KB, 1200x4290, 1620743539097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the translation/localizer situation was somehow even worse than i expected, i knew it was bad but apparently that was just the tip of the iceberg
it's so fucking bad that it makes the /a/ cultural imperialism poster look sane and completely right
>once i get into anime production committees i will do the medium a lot of good as a whole, making sure problematic figures are eliminated from the industry
>i don't even like anime that much and i have more power than you
what the actual fuck is this? who the fuck keeps hiring these deranged lunatics?
i don't regret learning japanese years ago in the slightest

>> No.42083231

just a couple of nitpicks
>that one guy who says Japan is racist/xenophobic etc is 100% objectively right but this is extremely off topic
>the person who claimed to translate 奴ら as incels admitted that they didn't actually do that and was just shitposting for clout
>meru specifically says there that the whole gatekeeping thing doesn't apply to stuff that actually is niche
but otherwise everyone else there is completely deranged
that being said this is really off topic I just want to talk about light novels
and this conversation exactly what I was afraid of here >>42040536
90% of what I read translated is J-Novel Club and they're more or less okay so I don't have reason to get up in arms mostly

>> No.42083269

Meru is a joke (still acting like she's 15). But yeah, I agree that it's best to just stay on topic with the thread

>> No.42085143

>alt timelines
I like that one too but I actually like the 4-2 one where he became an immortal vampire i feel like the author wrote the melancholy and the tinge of lunacy that arose from that very well

>> No.42085786

To ask for more, you first have to know why people call some series like that.
First, you have to know the baseline, the hero's journey, the starting point and how conflict arises from that.
Usually conflict on a traditionally "well written" story revolves around the topdog and the underdog, talent vs hard work, the rich magnate and the poor super rookie, giant killing, winning against all odds and deliver a sort of moral quandary in the process.

Then, you have the relative standard for more autistic "otaku" stuff, hard work taken to it's absolute autistic limits, the swordmaster that autisms so hard they being to manifest reality warping shit, the crafter that ends up creating godlike relics, for more specific cases, the ice user that autisms so hard they freeze time itself.
You know the drill.
But this tends to happen only for the protagonist, at most the final antagonist as well for a big parallel, but that's kind of it, which is also why non-important characters tend to get powercrept really hard and really fast in some cases.

To be "dendro-like" is to be on the lower half of the depths of the iceberg, while it's far from exclusive to infinite dendrogram and it didn't invent it either, it's certainly a lot of people's first exposure to that sort of story in the 20s.
What this means is asking a simple set of questions: What if EVERYONE (or at least everyone important) took their autism to the absolute limits? What if talent worked autistically hard? What if the protagonist abused every little thing to their advantage, but so did every antagonist in every conflict? What if everyone had backup plans upon backup plans? What if everyone was searching for the apex in their own way? Just what would happen if this chaotic autism pileup actually came to be?

To answer your question, stuff like nageki no bourei, no game no life, dendro itself and hidan no aria are all good starting points.
Yes there's the big autism trains like mahouka, monogatari and to aru, but those aren't starting points.

>> No.42085926

add 七つの魔剣が支配する/Reign of the Seven Spellblades to the "everyone is autistically chasing their own peak" pile

>> No.42085977

I haven't read it so I can't recommend it but I have heard stuff like that about it.
I probably should read it already.

>> No.42086897

What's the store that gets the cheapest in the long term- amazon, bookwalker or rakuten kobo? Also why the fuck are japanese ebooks priced nearly as much as the paperbacks?

>> No.42086938

Bookwalker is probably the cheapest in the long term if you factor in coinback campaigns and not having to pay Japanese sales tax, although their DRM is much less easy to strip than Amazon and Rakuten Kobo (basically impossible unless you're in a super sekrit klub because they are very punitive about updating their DRM when broken)

>> No.42088703

well, I said fuck it and bought the next vol (but only that one) thanks to yen depreciation. If only someone will buy the next 2 vols

>> No.42089353

Also if someone wants to step up their jp game from entry novels, this TRPG series is a good choice. Not exactly useful to increase general jp fluency I think because this author's phrasing feels obfuscating for no reason, but a good exercise nonetheless

>> No.42089400
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why is seras so horny?

>> No.42089424

elf genes

>> No.42089508

As an EOP I'm curious, the official translator has said some stuff about the text
>The original Japanese is already very dense and chock full of turns of phrase as poetic as they are dated, so I would say the majority of the substance comes from the author, Schuld. While I am admittedly fond of wordy prose, its inclusion here is by no means an addition from our end.
>(...)the author is very much keen on using traditional rhetoric and avoids modern English terms outside of his pop culture references, meaning his writing often uses dated definitions or just straight up archaic words that were popular before the mass adoption of English loan words.
>At times it is difficult to decode the text when Schuld employs archaic or otherwise fanciful turns of phrase, but the tradeoff is that it becomes significantly easier to produce interesting English prose when working with interesting Japanese prose.
would you say this is an accurate characterization of the text in JP?

>> No.42089573

Classically women were considered to be the hornier gender in western tradition until Victorian sensibilities rolled into town.

>> No.42089678

Yeah, the tler's right. Unfortunate that it actually doesn't add anything to the atmosphere considering the anachronistic clusterfuck the setting is.
Incidentally, the english tl for this is very good imo

>> No.42089878

Do it anon, it's peak dark chuunishit.

>> No.42090016
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this is still my favourite description of nanatsuma

>> No.42091690

Bit of a weird one but does anyone have recs for a bookshelf you can buy online that's specifically for A6 size books?

>> No.42092067

i wouldn't recommend getting an a6 one specifically because there's always that one weird thing that makes you need that vertical space

>> No.42093348

zlib has them, but after zoomers started making tiktoks about free textbooks, the FBI took the site down. It's still accessible via the .onion link, but you need a TOR browser and an account (it's open registration).

>> No.42094071

how chuuni are we speaking

>> No.42094394

Just looked at vol 1 on zlib
It's the same version that's on peepobooks and itazuraneko unfortunately

>> No.42094857

When's the last time you picked up something that started before 2003 and how did you like it

>> No.42094936

looking at my bookmeter: never, and i'm not sure i ever will

>> No.42094945

Why that specific year?

>> No.42095017

Just wanted to see if you guys were reading anything old while excluding the more popular stuff that I'm sure most people have at least tried like Haruhi, Raildex, ZnT, etc.

>> No.42095031

Iriya no Sora was pretty nice

>> No.42095149
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old bad
new good

>> No.42095359

That does remind me I ought to get back to reading Banner of the Stars.

>> No.42095765
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Some day I'm going to read Yousei Sakusen

>> No.42096420
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idk about chuuni bit if it's autism we're discussing a minor side character was selectively bred across generations for the sole purpose of breaking the broomriding world speed record, that's just a minor character

>> No.42097832

Any good cheatsheet for english equivalents for a bunch of jap nobility titles like 伯爵 and 子爵?

>> No.42097842
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>> No.42098212

>こうしゃくis also こうしゃく

>> No.42098487

Boogiepop like half a year ago, shit's rad as hell.

>> No.42101640

Hey, somewhen yesterday, someone posted a thread on /jp/ asking about a link or translation of "Touhou: Answer the Conclusion", a light novel sequel to "Touhou: Concealed the Conclusion".
Since that thread was apparently deleted, I surmised this would be the best place to answer it.

I snooped around and found the source code for the e-publish.
It took a while, but I have it ready to post, is this an appropriate place for it?

>> No.42101952

wait until you learn about 士爵 and 子爵

>> No.42102049

japanese is retarded

>> No.42102103

Still orders of magnitude better than english. >>42071129

>> No.42102123

I don't even know the differences between nobility titles in English.

>> No.42102135

I only know the titles used by Crusader Kings

>> No.42102157

Also kind of related, but I actually know my military ranks better in Japanese than English because of all the military-oriented stuff I've read.

>> No.42102189

it's not like you need context when every single LN reminds you of the subtext every time they are mentioned
>bro don't mess with her she's the daughter of a duke!
>just what a shitter son of a baron like you can really do?
that plus jp keigo makes it pretty obvious and frankly you don't need more than a "x > y" and "z > x" in context, you don't need the full table of importance

>> No.42102200

Japanese military ranks are definitely easier to sort because of the 小中大 for the officers and 三二一上 for the regular soldiers

>> No.42102296

death march and hachinan taught me all about nobility ranks

>> No.42103283

I intend to read welcome the nhk

>> No.42103368

I mean once you read enough stuff you get a rough idea
i think they only thing you need to know is that dukes are just below the king/emperor

>> No.42103546
File: 324 KB, 1593x1383, read dendro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.42103591

Because I'm waiting for the LNs to be uploaded somewhere as epubs.

>> No.42104748

Where can you even buy digital copies of toaru?They aren't on Amazon

>> No.42104759

I have them, willing to trade, what have you got?

>> No.42104925

They are on bookwalker
No clue why they aren't on Amazon

>> No.42105009

>Answer the Conclusion
A prime example of why sequels over 10 years after the original are a mistake. This was so bad, but oh so fucking bad, I was reminded of how low the bar for novel writing can actually be. Really, I've been spoiled by the quality of the stuff I keep to reading.

>> No.42105120

Someone here needs to be a hero and buy them all for us

>> No.42105255

Bookwalker DRM is a bitch to rip though, you have to be in a sekrit klub because they quickly patch anything publicly available. Rakuten Kobo would be better.

>> No.42105305

alt timeline where agrippina marries erich
Actually sweeter than I thought

>> No.42105522

the WN has even more since he wrote more chapters set in that alt timeline after volume 5 was published
this one especially is 10/10, I hope it (plus the extra volume 3 alt apprentice-chan chapters) gets into an LN form at some point

>> No.42105846

Nice. I am being lazy but can you also link me the chapter with the extra content for the apprentice?

>> No.42105872

They're basically increments of the matching version number (so 1.0 ver 0.3x are all from the apprentice-chan timeline, 0.4x are all from the vampire empress timeline etc).
The only major WN/LN mismatch is that scale 2.0 ver 1.x in WN became 2.0 ver 0.2 in the LN.
so these are all Apprentice-chan/Sir Vagabond alt chapters
these are all Agrippina alt chapters

>> No.42105920

Thanks anon. This series is more engrossing than I thought, gives me MT's SoL vibes especially the 蛇足編's. Hope this gets popular enough to get published till the end.
Also just realized that the short stories in the official tl books were actually limited to specific stores. I thought kindle version would have them as the bookwalker versions do.

>> No.42105999

JNC licenses a lot of JP store exclusive shorts but they're usually exclusive to their own DRM-free epub store. BW versions don't usually have them either.
However sometimes BW-only short stories get licensed to JNC with the condition that they're also BW-only in English. So the BW short story of TRPG vol 4-2 is one of those. BW EN version has a short story about the imouto that isn't in the JNC DRM-free epub, however the JNC DRM-free epub has three short stories from various JP stores that aren't in BW or any other EN store version

TL;DR fuck BW

>> No.42106008

desu the fact that JNC both took the effort and managed to persuade all the different stores except BW to let them publish their exclusives in one place is already impressive, in Japan you'd have to preorder the same book like 5 times from multiple stores to collect all the bonuses

>> No.42106056

I see, thanks for the info. Only makes me respect JNC that much more. Also this style of store-specific ss is too much, if they are going to do that they should atleast do it the honzuki way-release one ss per volume that all tie-up stores share and collect them after a period in a seperate vol

>> No.42106098

The SS are typically commissioned and paid for by the JP stores (who now own the rights to them) to entice people to preorder from them specifically, and they're quite short so as to fit on a card pack-in, so there isn't usually really a huge incentive for that kind of collection either from the publisher side or the store side, it's just an unfortunate reality of the industry.

>> No.42106262

yeah I know, Just annoyed at the larger publishers after seeing how a small time publisher like TO books cares enough to get the stores to agree to a comparatively reader friendly model

>> No.42109049

>tfw when reading a book from 10 years ago and learn there were store-specific short-stories on paper-only that you'll never be able to find

>> No.42110709

I just got to the first Rook chapter in Dendro (jp) and all of a sudden when he mentioned lip reading I had a flashback of remembrance about all his backstory about how he's the son of like, the best thief and the best detective or something from when I read some of dendro in english years ago, and now I can't help but imagine him being the male version of Anya from spy x family...
I should just drop this baka.

>> No.42110755

>him being the male version of Anya from spy x family...
that isn't exactly wrong per se...

>> No.42112105


>> No.42112157

next round of overlap is really disappointing

>> No.42113388


>> No.42113579

