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41975708 No.41975708 [Reply] [Original]

Advent, Day VI: Christmas Cake With the Yorigami Sisters Edition

Last: >>41934534

>What is this?

Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They're not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it's one of the series with most era games.

>Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW - Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK - Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten - Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

- WIKI: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Main_Page
Guides and downloads for all era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
- GIT: https://gitgud.io/era-games
Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
- AUTO UPDATER: http://madhammer.club/files/era-updater.7z
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.
- TW NEODEV: https://gitgud.io/Pedy/pedy-tw/-/releases
Git repository with a version of TW that gets more frequent updates. Might introduce more bugs, though they usually get fixed on the following release.
- JAP WIKI: https://seesaawiki.jp/eraseries/
- TRANSLATOR: https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Sugoi
Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model.
You can also download the latest version at:
- BUGS?: https://wiki.eragames.rip/bugreport.php
Report them over here.

>How to play?
Run anchor.exe, japanese locale is advised so you don't run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

>How can I help?
Read https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/Contributing for starters.
You could try your hand at translating dialogue, there are guides currently in the TW folder (in #Translation) on what to do, not sure if it that folder exists in other games.
Another guide is:
1) Download an IDE. VS Code, for example.
1a) If using VS Code, install the EraBasic addon
2) Select UTF8 encoding
3) Open the ERB files and edit them
That way you can now edit files without much trouble.
The path for files to edit is usually the ERB folder:
K: ERB/口上
TW: ERB\口上・メッセージ関連\個人口上

You can also report bugs or typos here on the thread when you see them.
If you'd like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the 'resources' folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them

>> No.41975730

how do I throw Okina down the stairs to let her know that her cockblocking is not appreciated

>> No.41975740

It makes you both a sensitive and miserable piece of shit. You're welcome for the compliment, "gatekeeper".

>> No.41975752

NTA, but no. There will be no NTR.

>> No.41975768

Not if I have anything to do with it.

>> No.41975774

Sure, go ahead. Just like the last fifty times you’ve said that, right?

>> No.41975782 [DELETED] 

I truly hope Prankfag adds more pranks just for the sake of pissing you imbeciles off even more.

>> No.41975788

Whatever you say, false flagger. There is a toggle.

>> No.41975805

Can you not, please? At least wait for the festivities to end.

>> No.41975808
File: 3.52 MB, 640x480, back door crew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bait her with a grind rail, she can't resist the allure of trickstyling in her wheelchair

>> No.41975830

2hus WILL lose to the cock, you can't stop it.

>> No.41975857

don't reply, just report

>> No.41976136

Just take her wheelchair away. She's a crippled handicapped woman

>> No.41976143

And I'm sure once NTR, breaking up with 2hus, and more pranks are added you won't be complaining about it, right? You've been telling us all to work on it ourselves, but it's clear that you're actively working to thwart our progress.

>> No.41976156

Keep the excuses coming, wannabe dev-kun.

>> No.41976164

This is 4chan, anon - not Reddit. You can't report people because you disagree with them.

>> No.41976168

Shitposting is not allowed.

>> No.41976177

if you want to shit on the floor, be spectacular about it
don't just repost the same zero effort garbage again and again

>> No.41976210

You guys know that even if they add the option to break up, they won't let you collect her tears to use as lube with the next lover, right? So why bother?

>> No.41976232

Taking notes, thanks for the idea.

>> No.41976234

You know it just one person masquerading as a dev.

>> No.41976293

Do I really have to train the girls to join me in eraRL?

>> No.41976299
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Oh man, that's a neat idea, it should be a thing.
After breakup, if you choose to bottle her tears make a combat/trait check, reduced by genuine affection and maybe total time you've been together. If you fail she pushes you away and runs off. And the item itself should give you all your vigor and around 50% of sta/ene back in addition to fully lubing up your next lover.

>> No.41976328

imagine collecting her tears and then using them to spike tea that you serve to her, letting it all come back

>> No.41976490

The lovey-dovey wholesome fun anons ITT are absolutely SEETHING right now

>> No.41976522

I like butter toast. It goes well with spam on the side. Anyway, Marisa is bae. I adore Reimu. I need to pump my load in Ran. Tsukasa is made to be bred in all her holes. Can't wait to sodomize Eiki. Didn't some anon here say he wanted to make a good guy route for Megaten?

>> No.41976640
File: 146 KB, 1000x814, 236f51309d7f8b051222be5de719f37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone wants to see some misery porn, anon. Even you.

>> No.41976656

Sweet delicious cranberry. Glorious cranberry. Sauce is delicious. Anyway, when my homeboi Youki getting added to the game?

>> No.41976662

Just set Youmu to male.

>> No.41976667

Whenever Kourin gets added.

>> No.41976682
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>> No.41976696

Has TK been updated semirecently? Also, can anyone tell me how to enable multiple endings? It sucks that you can only get one ending per run, even when you qualify for multiple.

>> No.41976861

i am the good guy i just hate humans

>> No.41976900


>> No.41976929

Make sure to Join Play with the fairies today

>> No.41976965
File: 81 KB, 887x1000, d061e4e8e594f8a7dd6b6d5e7746698b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, play with fairies today. But make sure they realize when the fun is over.

>> No.41977141

Haven't been to these threads in a while. Nice to see they got even more schizo.

>> No.41977598

I blame the cross-posters and pedy

>> No.41977731
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They used to be fine again, until a few days ago.

>> No.41978005

They don't. Most just think I have instant transmission.

>> No.41978082

>Being unable to touch your own forehead to avoid suspicion of TSP


>Who are you quoting?

The thoughts inside my brain.

>> No.41978174

They probably enjoy all their seething at this point.

>> No.41979084

so will some characters just not push you down? Meiling had max frustration yet has done nothing.

>> No.41979136
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Some will never agree to sex at all.

>> No.41979217

Me too. You guys should have gatekept better.

>> No.41979667

There was plenty gatekeeping though. These shitposters probably don't even play the game and are just here for the (You)s. I blame the asshole that keeps going to /v/ to bring up TW every chance he gets. /v/ shitposting is particularly nasty.

>> No.41980675

>so will some characters just not push you down?
They can be scripted for it, yeah.
Meiling isn't one of those characters, though, so she shouldn't have any issues initiating sex. Maybe she just doesn't like you enough.

>> No.41980858


>> No.41980911

You are unforgiven. Retire yourself from this land.

>> No.41980931

Honestly, I would have thought that the reading requirement would have scared the average /v/ user away from era games.

>> No.41980940
File: 1 KB, 345x34, rabbit's revenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Akyuu ever do to deserve this?

>> No.41980946

It takes some time getting used to

t. not /v/ user

>> No.41981120

Wrote a slanderous encyclopedia entry.

>> No.41981169

Hey, I resent that!
Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.

>> No.41981328

finally got the Hourai event
a porn game shouldn't make me feel this way

>> No.41981334

It's not even about promoting the game, which is nice. Whoever goes to /v/ posts in coomer meme threads, sometimes even leaving an explicit link to this thread. What a way to attract the wrong sort of attention.

>> No.41982296

Anyone here have any experience with character.ai? I’ve started using it and it’s been pretty fun. Only touhou I’ve talked to so far is Orange and her bot isnt the greatest, but some bots on the site are really impressive.

This basically being a text porn general I’m surprised that it isnt part of the thread. It takes some effort to get them to be lewd but is doable, especially if a large number of users train a character to go in that direction.

>> No.41982301

The puritan devs neutered it.

>> No.41982347

>This basically being a text porn general I’m surprised that it isnt part of the thread
It kinda fits the topic but there already is a (quite decent, last time I've visited it) general dedicated to AI text generators on /vg/, with a focus on porn content: >>>/vg/409780356

>> No.41982378

Really is a shame that every time a good text gen comes out the devs neuter it and restrict the content it can churn out, on top of blatantly lying about how they handle user generated data like that novel.ai or whatever it was called.
>focus on porn
I mean for the thread yeah, last time I browsed there though all the listed ais were already nurtured with word filters and the devs actively were trying push off anyone that used their ai's for lewds

>> No.41982388

NovelAI did not "lie" about anything.

>> No.41982393

I've been out of the loop so I haven't heard about scandals with their handling of user data, but I'm sure NovelAI doesn't filter anything and in fact most people on /aids/ use it for their porn.

>> No.41982403
File: 37 KB, 480x480, here we go again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't the thread for this

>> No.41982407

I think he might be confusing it with a different language model service. But yes, what >>41982403 said. This is the wrong thread for that kind of talk.

>> No.41982408

not to rehash the drama or anything considering its all dead and buried but they did specifically say they weren't gonna word filter anything, they did
They said they wouldn't leak player generated stories and data, they did
They said non published stories were private, they were not
so on and so forth. Do not (you) me, I will not continue this drama in this already kuso thread

>> No.41982415

Yeah, that's a load of crockshit from your mouth, Spanishfag.

>> No.41982421

I see. You confused AIDungeon with NovelAI. Easy mistake.

>> No.41982447

Too bad. I don't care about whatever the fuck you're talking about, but you bet your ass I'm going to (You) all over that you-worthy face.
Anyway, I worship Pedy and Prankfag, and wish for more content to be added to TW. Sodomy, cruelty, whatever.

>> No.41982561
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I want more events that just directly let you harm a hu. Either physically or by crushing her spirit.
Think things like pulling Remilia's fangs out or closing Satori's eye, or fully blinding her on all 3 of them. You could break your umbrella right after you brought it to Kogasa for repairs, you could nail Alice's dolls into trees. Destroy Aya's camera. Glue fairy wings together, or just tear them off. Prepare a nice hot pyre for Marisa. Break Kisume's bucket, and her along with it. Burn Akyuu's personal library.
This is all possible, though it would require some kind of new permanent consequences, hate marks suck because you can just pray them away. Maybe not necessarily something negative, of course some would hate your guts, but some would eventually give up and submit to your wishes. With smart choices you could make a hu mindbroken masochistic. Imagine seeing Kogasa ritualistically sacrifice umbrellas in your name.

>> No.41982761
File: 203 KB, 626x600, 1658673739896563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to stop coming here

>> No.41982771

One day the thread will heal.

>> No.41982777

We need more of these completely harmless pranks in eraTohoTW. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot

>> No.41982861

I only come to here to ask for help with megaten, I feel like I'm walking into a building full of arsonists casually talking to the only people not burning the place down

>> No.41982884

Apt analogy.

>> No.41982892

Just play K dumbass, you can make a girl fall in love with you, marry her and then throw her into tentacle pit after having her deflowered by bunch of dogs on day of marriage

>> No.41982930

It's funny how chill the megaten discussion is in comparison when it happens.

>> No.41982955

The discussion around the life sim is pure hellfire, while the discussion around the slave trading simulator is very casual and helpful. Weird world we live in

>> No.41983415

>the slave trading simulator
I thought it was the wacky SMT crossover simulator.

>> No.41983440

In my timeline she rapes me 24/7

>> No.41983441

Depends on the player, we're in the same boat

>> No.41984188

im glad i became known as a master slave trader without selling a single slave
a testament to my prowess and expertise, really

>> No.41984212

Well, if the glove fits...

>> No.41984245

I had a little laugh going through Shinjuku on the Naoya route, he told Yuzu that I was a slave trader when I've been spending all my time beating the shit out of demons and not knowing how to use a COMP.

>> No.41984381

I can take my umbrella to Kogasa for repairs? I just buy a new one every time. Not that I can tell what changes when it's raining...

>> No.41984420

>I just buy a new one every time
Is that NTR because you are ditching your old umbrella or abortion because you aren't sticking with it long enough to become sentient? I'm pretty sure Kogasa wouldn't approve either way.

>> No.41984427

It's a damn shame Pedy and crew hate the concept of homebrew Tsukumogami tool OCs.

>> No.41985867
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They should let you overload the underground nuclear reactor and turn Youkai Mountain into a smouldering, uninhabitable crater. Let people have a merest smidgen of mirth.

>> No.41985909
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Yeah but pranks are only initiated by interacting with fairies. I want to be able to do this all on my own, when I want. I don't need a random onahole to be around when I burn down Yuuka's garden, humilate her in a fight and then use her only remaining flower.
Thought about that one too. Oni and Okuu might even survive that, but at least it would remove Koishi, tengu and the shrine.

>> No.41986172
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On one hand we have anons that want to watch Gensokyo burn, on another a dude that although stoic has nothing but love to share. The choice is obvious to any girl. Maybe except for Tenshi.

>> No.41986202
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>> No.41986263
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Well, let him be, Tewi.

>> No.41986307
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Wasn't Tewi involved in some story involving getting her skin peeled off and salting her wounds? Sounds like fun.

>> No.41986500
File: 36 KB, 1219x721, dafak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what you're supposed to do here?
I completed the mission, snuck through the factory and beat the boss and I'm just stuck

>> No.41986802 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sharks don't like being tricked, and Okkuninushi's brothers are complete dickholes.

Try talking to everyone. If that doesn't do anything, then you're clear to just leave for now and come back later.

>> No.41986840

Yeah, sharks don't like being tricked, and Okkuninushi's brothers are complete dickholes.

Try talking to everyone. If that doesn't do anything, then you're clear to just leave for now and come back later.

>> No.41988285
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i'm not fuckin' biting one until one of you hoes offers me the chocolate side

>> No.41988425

Damn bitch, the thread lives like this? K needs to be gatekept somewhere else.

>> No.41988480

>K needs to be gatekept somewhere else.
We don't care what happens to K, its the designated content shitter where all the increasingly awful fetishes go to.

We gate keep TW here

>> No.41988491
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Why did you people let this happen?

>> No.41988500


>> No.41988509

Fuck you. Do not blame that bullshit on us.

>> No.41988528

who are you?

>> No.41988535

Your God.

>> No.41988554
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>> No.41988559

Ignore the poseur. My identity will not be revealed until the alpha.

>> No.41988921

Its what zero moderation does to a mf, at this point you'd have better TW discussion on a discord

>> No.41988988

Blame Pedy. He allowed the shitposting to fester by empowering prankfag and his shit content. All due to his vindictive attitude towards the thread, as if destroying the thread and his branch is somehow worth the laughs. I hope he's happy.

>> No.41989079

I just don't care.

>> No.41989336

I like how if you’re any other class except for a summoner, you’re a complete novice at a comp in flavor text. I had a laugh when in the one Questline where your friend becomes a succubus, you lose someone and need to track them down, but you don’t know how to summon a demon to do that so you ask how in the summoner forums and get called a dumbass.

>> No.41989351

Go home then come back

>> No.41989489

i dont need to know how computers work, the elementary schooler can do that lame nerd shit for me
see what i need is [TRANCE]

>> No.41989531

My favorite bit is the intro as a Devil Hunter, you just use your COMP as a paperweight and don't even try to learn how it works.

>> No.41989538

I'm still waiting for good guy anon to deliver.

>> No.41989553
File: 50 KB, 914x1000, intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen that questline before, but I wonder if it changes if you got Summon Lv. 1 from Naoya beforehand.
The custom intros in general for it are really cool, they did not have to make one for it, let alone multiple but they did

>> No.41989667

I never played Shin Megami Tensei before what should I expect?

>> No.41989674

Bullshit and mandated assholery. You will be an asshole, even if you don't want to be an asshole.

>> No.41989675


>> No.41989683

Only applicable in certain quests, but this is still something you have to accept. Being nice is not always an option, and a lot of the time it goes unrewarded

>> No.41989684

The comfort of death will come, for men and demons alike.

>> No.41989761

Honestly I tried eramegaten and got filtered by the first fight having no clue what to and wondering if my attacks even come tru at all

>> No.41989781

Gameplay wise, it's a mix between pretty enjoyable turn based combat or some of the worst bullshit imaginable. A lot of old ball busting mechanics from the starting series of SMT still exists to this day.
Story wise, remember that you are just a single individual, what could you hope to change?

>> No.41989788

>remember that you are just a single individual, what could you hope to change

>> No.41989805
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>> No.41989837
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>Story wise, remember that you are just a single individual, what could you hope to change?

>> No.41989861
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>smells like bitch around here

>> No.41989866


>> No.41989895
File: 183 KB, 1206x348, renko mery threesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck everytime I get pushed down by either Mery or Renko, the other always barges in moments later

>> No.41989904
File: 237 KB, 510x556, DBE2736E-DE36-4A18-87B4-B297187EE14D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you need a shower

>> No.41989909
File: 165 KB, 600x400, ONE MORE GOD REJECTED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is to punch YHWH in the face.

>> No.41989938
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1723, beyondthisriverliestheafterworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41989987

>Momentary satisfaction against the truth that man will ALWAYS will to be controlled.
he won.

>> No.41989997

Lies. I will sodomize that bastard and usher in a new era for all kind.

>> No.41990207

What are those people complaining about? The only shitting I see in this thread is this idiotic whine that thread is somehow shit and earlier it was better. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy really, without any true root cause to complain about, only complaints because of complaints.

>> No.41990238

Are you fucking blind? The Rinnosuke poster is one thing, but the shiposters demanding ntr and more ryona to be added wasn't so blatant before.

>> No.41990241
File: 9 KB, 1019x129, cumguya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly, anon. Only a porn game would be able to make you feel this way.

>> No.41990255

Kaguya belongs to Mokou.

>> No.41990258

Whatever you say fag.

>> No.41990261
File: 97 KB, 1200x850, __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_deetamu__6a0ed0faf42f1532719b82340b6c54f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya will gladly share Mokou with her beloved husband, whether Mokou likes it or not.

>> No.41990269

Based. The least she can do after force-feeding me that damn elixir is to become my wingwoman.

>> No.41990273

I'm a little annoyed Kaguya doesn't have a scene talking about it the day after, like Eirin does
Does anyone else even recognize it?

>> No.41990279

Marisa and Reimu recognize it in that one event. But other than that, no. Which is a damn shame.

>> No.41990282

Kaguya doesn't really need an epilogue greeting since she already features in the main event. Plus, there's the final Udonge event she has for it, so there's already an epilogue of some sort.

>> No.41990290

I mean, the Marisa event kind of functions as an epilogue for her.

>> No.41990315

Event where your presence allows Genskoyo to achieve harmonious coexistence when?

>> No.41990322

>more ryona
And what's your problem, my dear?

>> No.41990326

Dead dove do not eat.

>> No.41990330

thats kind of already happening. A lot of people seem to be missing the point that TW Gensokyo is a much more relaxed place where everyone is just living their lives

>> No.41990361

that's already happening in TW. I'm looking for an event that does the opposite, where you can convince the hu's around your home to become the next incident.

>> No.41990380

An incident does not preclude coexistence. Human-youkai relationships are possibile.

>> No.41990395

the only way an incident could happen in TW world is if something happened to the player

>> No.41990417

Imagine how Wifeguya would react if you got hurt.

>> No.41990470
File: 94 KB, 1000x707, 1aada20cfc65652c397f784456f1acdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they ever make 2hu to 2hu fights real, I want something that will actually make Kaguya fight girls over the right for you to fuck them. Or at least do that to Mokou, with a flat 50% win chance.
And if Mokou is also deeply in love with you the end result would basically always be the same, simply with either of them starting out in bondage.
Hell, it could propably be done right now, as an event with a few checks.

>> No.41990497

That sounds like a great idea.

>> No.41990640

I think an incident could work, we already have the lewd weather which by itself should cause Reimu and co to start investigating. I can't imagine they will ignore panties carried on the wind like cherry blossoms or bouts of sudden unbearable horniness following pink winds. (you)r involvement is a good place as a red herring and unfortunate suspect, basically setting you as a mid/stage boss depending on your combat skill. Maybe the EX stage is Opanstu-sama and resolving the incident will give insight to a bit of TW's setting and its version of Gensokyo.

>> No.41990682

I just started playing TW. I chose SDM as my home map, but I can't leave misty lake/SDM/Prismriver Sisters Mansion area to go to the human village or anywhere else. Do you get locked into the home map you choose, and are not able to travel through the rest of gensokyo?

>> No.41990694

You need to choose the "go out" option.

>> No.41990700

Eh, I want Opantsu-sama to remain a mystery.
Did you click the "go out" option?

>> No.41990938

I just noticed certain characters respond differently if you're hard. I was under the assumption my clothes could cover that up fine, is there a way to prevent this?

>> No.41990990
File: 51 KB, 252x463, 1644864020795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TSP rape to get rid of it of course.

>> No.41991008

Tsukasa is best sex fox.

>> No.41991066

Tsukasa is barely a fox, much less a sex one.

>> No.41991082


>> No.41991452

instructions unclear, i was even more erect afterwards

>> No.41991502

Eirin can help you "relieve" yourself sufficiently so that you can keep your boner under control.

>> No.41991553
File: 283 KB, 924x900, doctor's orders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see Eirin about that, she'll get rid of that problem for you.

>> No.41991561

Instructions unclear. I was amazon pressed.

>> No.41991581

Fuck that artist in particular.
Quit shitposting and do your damn job. I know who you are.

>> No.41991637
File: 239 KB, 800x720, choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do your damn job. I know who you are
Damn, I've been found out. Guess we're doing this again.

>> No.41991669

Go back to Rome where you belong. Or is that too on the nose for you, bub?

>> No.41991906

Woah anon you can't just call people Sicilian's online. Thats too far even for this website!

>> No.41991945
File: 207 KB, 850x918, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit far for a date but alright.

>> No.41991958

Don't make me reveal you and the entire Discord.

>> No.41991985
File: 161 KB, 600x400, eirin eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do that, oh noo

>> No.41992005


>> No.41992081
File: 225 KB, 203x203, 1637460744274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking do it pussy.

>> No.41992090 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 292x69, Fuck You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people of /egg/ have spoken.

>> No.41992105 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 850x821, fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me.

>> No.41992124

Me but not me thats >>419885XX

>> No.41992161

What timezone is this? Do you live in Angola?

>> No.41992578

Never mind. I was mistaken. Apparently that dev is not responsible for the shitposting. Still. It's borderline avatar posting, dude. Moreover, it's the damn holiday season. Quit it and get help.

>> No.41992581

You should anally rape that anon to assert dominance

>> No.41992599


>> No.41992631

Stop just stealthily lurking in the shitscord and holler at us at least once, you coward.

>> No.41992673

leave our shitcord please

>> No.41992712

You already know my ultimatum. Not until justice happens. Anyway, I adore your work on Marisa.

>> No.41992723

Wrong dev schizo

>> No.41992735

Every single dev is Pedy and one of his alts.

>> No.41992746

Oh, did someone burn discord down by accident? Stop posting your circlejerk drama here.

>> No.41993221

too late, the cancer has grown and we are now a proper general so shitcord drama is to be expected here

>> No.41993694
File: 3 KB, 651x129, Meiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41993732

Could it be.. her character arc?

>> No.41993941
File: 2 KB, 537x131, Flandre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could it be.. her character arc?
Now flandre on the other end...

>> No.41993954

I wish there was a way to have multiple endings in K in a single run and/or slow the game down to a crawl.

>> No.41993984
File: 16 KB, 1000x234, lunatic time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slow the game down to a crawl.
I play in lunatic mode which increase greatly the numbers of soldiers and general the AI get.
It definetly slow the game down.

>> No.41994002 [DELETED] 

I meant making the game last longer than ~150 turns. Without special factions.

>> No.41994015

I've never played Lunatic mode, because I assumed it'd snowball too quickly in favor of a single faction. Is that not the case?

>> No.41994092
File: 380 KB, 833x718, 104309852077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I assumed it'd snowball too quickly in favor of a single faction.
Yeah it tend to happen until said faction get coalitioned which is a game over for them.
Also depend if special factions are on which is game over for everyone unless you focus them one by one with your ally.
In short instead of fighting against 2 succubus generals with 3000 soldiers in normal, you fight against 6 succ with 30000 soldiers in lunatic.

>> No.41994253

There's unrefined sake in the jar in TW. What is my next step for acquiring it? Do I need an empty container or something?

>> No.41994304

You need fresh water to replace it with. You could also wait for it to turn into a real sake.

>> No.41994319

I'm sorry for these super basic questions, how do I do that?

>> No.41994331

Shit, the water, I mean.

>> No.41994360

Go to a source of water like the misty lake, sanzu river, youkai mountain, or hell's hotsprings and there should be a draw water command. Then bring the bucket back to the sake bug and you can replace the water. Different waters have different sake they make too.

>> No.41994377

Why can't we use toilet water to make sake? Toilet wine is a delicacy.

>> No.41994766
File: 155 KB, 1313x1402, 1666761312203024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask doremy

>> No.41995000

Technically speaking, the same water you draw from wells is the same water they use for toilets. I don't think they have proper plumbing yet.

>> No.41995010

Event where you introduce modern plumbing to Gensokyo alongside Nitori when?

>> No.41995023

Is having a proper shithole more important than making waifus out of the 2hus?

>> No.41995031

wait what event is that?

>> No.41995032

What're you talking about? Helping Nitori invent/understand technology would be her idea of a date.

>> No.41995047

If you get intimate with both Reimu and Marisa, and you complete the Hourai event, Reimu and Marisa find out about it the next day. I don't have a screenshot saved; sorry.

>> No.41995055

does it have to be in that order? I only started with Marisa after it was done

>> No.41995062

I think the order itself doesn't matter, as long as you're intimate with both. Kosuzu also has an event if you're intimate with both her and Marisa.

>> No.41995129

The Romans and medieval fuckers had proper shitholes so it wouldn't be a hard thing to do, proper hygine makes the 2hus even more appealing in the long run!

>> No.41995158

The use of modern sewage systems began in 1884; the barrier was constructed in 1885. That being said, a sewage system was built during around Osaka Castle in tate 1500s, so perhaps that in combination with Kappa technology could make the concept of a semi modern plumbing system in Gensokyo be somewhat feasible.

>> No.41995161
File: 121 KB, 328x323, 1649276116380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when 2hus manage to maintain proper hygiene even with their shithole tier plumbing, meanwhile here I am in the modern world with my balls having been sitting there unwashed for 2 weeks, marinating and stinking up the place.

>> No.41995169

That's your waifu's job.

>> No.41995225
File: 1.80 MB, 1408x1024, 07563-4099941352-Masterpiece, best quality, best work, beautiful face, water color, night, stars, incoming hug, arms outstretched, (touhou), blus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I played eratohoTW marisa had just gotten translated, any new updates since?

>> No.41995247

Yes. How else are you gonna make proper toilet wine without proper toilets? Gotta get your priorities down.

>> No.41995293

take a fucking shower

>> No.41995306

Modern sewage system yes but you had sewage systems in both roman and medieval cities post feudalistic rise so its not out of the question to implement a basic one in gensokyo, especially with Kappa help

>> No.41995310

Lack of motivation does that to a man

>> No.41995317

That's why I added the part about Osaka Castle and Kappa technology. Being that several youkai are/were royalty, I wouldn't put it past them to know about that.

>> No.41995331

I suppose at that point you'd have to find the money and the authority to install latrines connected to a piping system to carry it out of the village if not actually purify it and recycle it back into a water system. Kappas could help but theres easily enough options to recycle it as long as you can get the materials

>> No.41995347

True. Touhou hasn't had an Akaname character yet, but they probably exist.

>> No.41995365

pretty good doujin featuring one but even without them you have carp which eat shit that could easily go a long way into recycling the filth along with aerated pellets that collect bacteria for future cleansing before being clean enough to release into a waterway or other filtration device.
Like I said lots of options I'm dreading up from my memories strangely enough and with kappa made filters this could be made simpler

>> No.41995379


>> No.41995449

>discord shit
>now actual sewage discussion
Great thread guys, actually amazing. What's the next topic? How about all the ways hus can be cruel towards you? Let's see those murderfags and castration posts.

>> No.41995469

Touched a nerve there, eh? I don't support the first three, but how is talk about the fourth topic bad?

>> No.41995488

The wiki says getting abnormal cleaning exp to high has consequences. What exactly happens?

>> No.41995698

Clearly he has a grudge against literal shit posting.

>> No.41995814

You get a special Talent for it.

>> No.41995828

I want to add in an option to confess to the 2hus instead, with them absolutely demolishing you if they reject, which they might do entirely on a whim.

>> No.41995835

If you live alone, sometimes they'll barge in around lunch or dinnertime with a meal for you, and even more terribly, they force you to eat together when all you're trying to do is enjoy some alone time.

>> No.41995899

I fucking hate those worthless whores. Especially Yuyuko and Shion becaude they eat my food and constantly barge in my house. This is why we need more pranks added in the game so I can give them a bit of their own medicine

>> No.41995908

His father was killed by sewage. It's a really personal topic for him so its best not to talk about it. It brings back traumatic memories and we wouldn't want to do that here on /egg/.

>> No.41995920

just put diuretics (or some other drugs) in the food

>> No.41995946

why cook when you can forcibly join someone else's meal

>> No.41996080

Sumireko and Eiki got TL'd too.

>> No.41996093

>Eiki got TL'd too
I'm shocked, someone actually translated her multiple essay long autism

>> No.41996099
File: 865 KB, 992x1404, Yamaxanadu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did a damn good job, too. Respect.

>> No.41996110

requesting prank where you can irradiate people to render them permanently infertile

>> No.41996111

I find it more annoying when they're in my house while I'm trying to wrap up a hot date.
do these bitches not have their own kitchens?

>> No.41996205
File: 182 KB, 850x850, i really hate you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be an event that lets hus break up with you, especially if you do cruel things to them like sleep around or ignore them. They could talk about how they never really loved you and that you're utterly worthless, or that a human is at best entertainment for a youkai anyway and you're a fool if you thought you'd stay together.

>> No.41996208

Cranberries are delicious. Would love a recipe for cranberry to be in TW.

>> No.41996226

That sounds like something Pops would write.

>> No.41996240
File: 1.15 MB, 850x1511, leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41996539
File: 746 KB, 1414x1971, 1604771419242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why a prank? Just make a new radiation buildup mechanic that eventually makes anyone that comes into contact with Okuu infertile. The harder it is to impregnate a girl due to her race the higher the value should be. Chireiden residents could start out this way.
It should also cause miscarriages in case you managed to get someone pregnant already. And the player should not be exempt from this. In fact, isn't it easier for men to lose fertility due to radiation?

>> No.41996550

Sushi is subarashii. Can't wait for a fishing minigame.

>> No.41996576

There should also be a very low chance of gaining super powers when she bites you. Still go infertile though.

>> No.41996587

>im your friendly neighborhood spiderman

>> No.41996602

She is a chicken so it should be chicken related powers.

>> No.41996604

Eating spaghetti with a character needs a noodle kiss flavor text. Same with pocky.

>> No.41996610
File: 576 KB, 820x800, 1517130394747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to be able to eat sushi with Waggy.

>> No.41996611

we should move this general to an alt ch

>> No.41996629

Reimu, we (you) need to milk my Dragon Balls so we can repair the hole in the barrier. Least that's what Yukari told me. Gomenasai.
An event like that would be great, no joke.

>> No.41996683

>+200 experience to all non-H stats

>> No.41996734

>Gets bitten by Clownpiece
>+1000 experience to all H stats

>> No.41996747

Nah, she’d change your race to “clown” instead and you’d get extra favorability with everyone but desire would grow only half as fast.

>> No.41996831

should also make it so that a breast caress/fondling/etc. makes it make a clown horn sound effect that kills the mood entirely

>> No.41996982

Yukari would just gap out your entire reproductive system and weld it into the barrier. Or if needed, do so to a hundred or so men for an easy access.

>> No.41996993

After a lot of visits shitting up the Yakumo household and literally hogging the bathroom all day, I realized there is an option in the options menu that makes it that only 2hus that fell for you can visit your map. It's a game changer, specially if you live in maps that are close to the entry point.

>> No.41996998

Can you post sauce please? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.41997282

I dont have it unfortunately. It come from a /v/ thead and wasn't sourced in it either.

>> No.41997786

There is absolutely nothing wrong with civil engineering posting

>> No.41997861

Damn, thanks anyway.

>> No.41997904

It's stupid to discuss the idea of a sewage system in Gensokyo. Girls don't poop, so it would be useless to everyone but Rinnosuke. and there's no point making so much infrastructure solely for him.

>> No.41997938
File: 112 KB, 867x676, Nitori makes mustard gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ideally in either K or TW i'd love a mechanic where the engineer bonus could be take which would let you fund projects like better irrigation systems, dams, sewage and runoff, roadways, etc.
Like once you get Nitori into a high favor and reliability you can start discussing and drawing up plans to build the damns and waterways needed for sewage and irrigation purposes.
Or being friendly with Akyuu would let you start fixing up the roadways or building better waterways and firewatches by implementing building codes.
Much like the forest harvesting where you have to be friendly with certain hus you'd have to become friends with hus of two maps in order to link them through proper roadways that would let you travel faster as well makes the non flying hus more prone to traveling.

Goddamn civil engineering and efficient distribution of resources into and out of rural areas is a joy
Don't forget lumber dealer guy and the guys at the markets and stores or the farmers.

>> No.41998493

There already is one, it has existed since before this general was even born and has the same name that has been given to this general.

>> No.41998544

At least in TW, such mechanics would be better put to use in any kind of player base they implement eventually. It would give your place an unique quirk like every other place in Gensokyo instead of just being a random house in the woods. Imagine every 2hu assisting in droves to player initiated feasts because your home rocks and has all the infrastructure.

>> No.41998580
File: 422 KB, 1000x1000, Nitori picked up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd actually be a pretty nice bonus, where you can improve your home map and by extension even finicky hus that don't like you would come by a lot since its just that much better then the mud hut they're living in(doesn't even have plumbing or an electric grid haha)
Your lover or hus you're really friendly with can throw parties at random and the more built up you are the larger amount of girls attend and as the host you'll gave some favor and reliability based on how nice your house is.
Honestly for just infrastructure wank it could be a rather viable idea

>> No.41999068 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 305x321, The hell is this..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I understand now how terrifying a shinigami can be.

>> No.41999087
File: 47 KB, 305x321, The hell is this..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I understand now how terrifying a shinigami can be.
The horror.

>> No.41999091
File: 502 KB, 2000x2000, [Vine Boom Sound].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41999139

What is that, octuplets?

>> No.41999175
File: 251 KB, 599x531, 1666834923658241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... "noticeable" is not an inaccurate term.

>> No.41999241


>> No.41999296
File: 67 KB, 235x267, Like holy fuck mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, komaichi might actualy be an ancient goddess of fertility.

>> No.41999302

I mean yabadabadoo used to be a jizou statue so its not out the question

>> No.41999323

She isn't pregnant, she is just american.

>> No.41999359

What does that even mean? I don't think women's bodies can do these sort of things.

>> No.41999478

Any new feature we can expect from neodev any time soon? Or we are sticking with current version for a while? I think it's time for me to start a new game.

>> No.41999556
File: 73 KB, 570x283, not even 50 kg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TW Komaichi being actualy Inanna/Ishtar confirmed.
>"Inanna[a] is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility."
>"Inanna was the enforcer of divine justice"
>Multiple story about her going in the underworld, fighting judges of hell.
Thousand of years later, is now a lazy goddess of death who barely take her boss seriously since she is far older than she is and potentialy fought 7 of her predecessors at the same time.
No way, too lightweight for that.
Gensokyo women's are built differently.

>> No.41999692
File: 405 KB, 520x394, Nobody is going to care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Komachi liked this rock so much she killed her boss so it could take their job

>> No.42000377

Why can't I make anyone do a concert other than MC?

>> No.42000415

Need to train them or get one of the characters that can do it out of the box.

>> No.42000420

They're fallen and everything. Even have levels in singing. They'll work at a strip club but they won't do a concert?

>> No.42000459

Ok, I looked it up and it works on a point system. You need 5 or more points by meeting various conditions and they need more than 500 stamina left.

>> No.42000536

Thank you for holding my hand anon-kun

>> No.42000677

>she'd rather whore herself out than become a rockstar with me

>> No.42000721

Retarded bait.

>> No.42001004

She's an inochigami now

>> No.42001133

Not bait but whatever, I already started my game. Been out of the loop for a few weeks. Them hags need love too.

>> No.42001411
File: 539 KB, 782x782, 4090653e5b1273563b7ca732c48baf66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hurl insults at a hu until she either tries to fight me or breaks down crying.
It would be an easy way to remove excess favor and reliability.

>> No.42001448

Devs, get on it

>> No.42002239

my samefag intuition is tingling

>> No.42002360

no shit sherlock, just don't reply to bait

>> No.42002387

Man I feel filthy if I go for two days without showering because I woke up too late, how do you function?

>> No.42002404

What chan is it on? I need to find a list of altchans, the only one I really know is lainchan...

>> No.42002417


>> No.42003395

Alright, it sounds like there are multiple forks, and Pedy's is the most updated one? Is the dev release copy pasting his translations, or is Marisa's dialogue just untranslated or something? I download once every 3 or 4 months so I try to pick the correct one.

>> No.42003414

We aren't doing your job for you. Compare the releases yourself.

>> No.42003546

just get pedy

>> No.42003662

This is the fate of all permanent generals. Makes me want to puke, but you have no one to blame but yourselves.

>> No.42003671

Whatever you say, threadshitter.

>> No.42003697

I will once I find a download link that doesn't say source files. Or am I supposed to compile it myself?

>> No.42003727

Do not respond to the retard. I gave him the link.

>> No.42003752


>> No.42003776

Stop being a melodramatic faggot. This thread is fine. It's actually okay.

>> No.42003787

go to repository,files and click the download button

>> No.42003915

>They seem crankier and their thread is full of porn
Oh man, and I thought we had it bad here.

>> No.42004046

Alright, after looking through that I'll stop complaining for at least a week.

>> No.42004916

I took shower and shaved. Feel a little better. Next release next week, mostly includes new dialogue translations, underground den translation and whatever JPAnon cooked up in there.

>> No.42004926

They're basically us but with more testosterone

>> No.42004960

>why are the slit eyed yellow niggers adding this shit to TW? it's always a fucking nigger dick holy shit what is wrong with them?
Lmao this made me laugh. Why can't /jp/ be this funny? Are you guys scared or something?

>> No.42004979

too many /v/ermins

>> No.42005730
File: 6 KB, 968x103, no yoshika content though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, why was that piece of info not shared in this thread?

>> No.42005804

I thought it was? I'm positive of it.

>> No.42006136

I thought Pops' branch was common knowledge at this point.
That guy has some serious issues.

>> No.42007618

There is no such thing as a shithu. Every character is perfection.

>> No.42007639

I have no idea what you're working but remember to shower at least every three days!

>> No.42007849 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 520x829, 1525388302664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every touhou a shit, except one.

>> No.42007862

I'm positive that's an edit of a MIsty picture by TER.

>> No.42007889

Based shit lover. Even bad characters need to be dicked.

>> No.42007926

You're a shithu.

>> No.42009185 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 1617x2014, plyyhxgbcx781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taunting a hu until a fist fight and she has the potential to admire your strength similarly to yuugi.
god, I wish.

>> No.42009365
File: 632 KB, 800x807, pinch~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, every character needs some love. You're not a character though.

>> No.42009373

(They) are not me. Ignore him(?).

>> No.42009896

Maybe us in the thread can brainstorm holiday events for TW? Like, what things would you like to see (be serious).

>> No.42009943

Maybe we should start by defining what should happen on each holiday. Stuff like christmas and white day(valentines) is easy to understand, but there are some really obscure stuff in there. I mean, what the fuck is a reitaisai?

>> No.42009952

Sounds like a good idea. Some holidays in game are references. For instance:

>> No.42009995

First we'd need an option to actually have a real year in the game instead of the strange 120 days thing. Maybe something you can only set up at the start since I can imagine it messing with things if you flip flop between old and new system.

>> No.42010079

New thread~!
New thread~!

>> No.42010143

To anyone who visits the new thread. Ignore Rinnocuck. Do not respond to him. Hide it instead. They are unworthy.
