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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4193961 No.4193961 [Reply] [Original]

Valentine's Day is almost here.
Are you going to spend it with your waifu?

>> No.4193977

Most of the special days I would not have remembered if it wasn't for people on /jp/ making threads about them.

>> No.4194072
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>> No.4194105

Valentine's Day is my imouto's birthday.

So yes.

>> No.4194114

Gonna bake her the best cake

>> No.4196130


>> No.4196135

Nothing. Bachelor for life.

>> No.4196138


False. /jp/ isn't an ikemen, it's a fat neckbread acne floor pisser.

>> No.4196142

But I am none of the above and /jp/ is my place.

I think you're projecting.

>> No.4196146


Oh, hush, Alabama. You're just as much of a loser as the rest of us.

>> No.4196151

It's like 4 fucking lines could some kind /jp/edo translate this?

please? ;_;

>> No.4196154

I don't know what that is~

And that would take talent to do. I don't think anybody could be as big a loser as some of you guys are. Not that I have the perfect life, but some of you are actively sabotaging yours.

>> No.4196161

Yui "The... Then we..."

I'm sorry. I can't come out of the screen.

No matter how strong my feelings are

I can't touch you

>> No.4196163

>fat neckbeard acne
Go back to /v/ and get off of /jp/, faggot.

/jp/ is full of skinny neets that stay indoors all the time in front of their computer, to lazy to go get something to eat, and never venturing outside either due to fear or disinterest.
We also eat only 1 or 2 meals a day, one of which is usually some crackers or a slice of bread.

>> No.4196180
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Maybe /jp/ is made out of both type of miserable failures-at-life.

Has anyone thought that might be the case?

Hmmm? Anybody?


>> No.4196186

>some crackers or a slice of bread.
You left out the instant ramen cups. There's lots of those. ;_;

>> No.4196194

Oh yeah, I forgot about ramen. I haven't had that in ages, it seems. Microwaving ramen tastes bad to me, and it takes too long to wait for water to boil on a stove.

>> No.4196203

Stick it in a rice cooker, if you're too lazy to cook the ramen packs.

For cups, seriously how hard is it to fill a cup with hot water and wait?

>> No.4196207

You're silly, you don't microwave ramen. You boil the water in the microwave (seriously, 2 minutes in the microwave sure beats 30 minutes on the stove), and pour the boiling water in the cup.

>> No.4196209

It's a Sunday, so I was planning on not leaving the house!
Out of sight, out of mind.

I'm also planning on filtering all Valentine's Day related vocabulary so that not even /jp/ can get me down.

>> No.4196214

I have the packs. They're less expensive and you can buy them in bulk.
And why the fuck would I have a rice cooker? Next thing you'll be saying is how pocky tastes great with ketchup.

>> No.4196217

Kettle + cup = best results for raman.

Hell of a lot easier

>> No.4196223

>30 minutes
>boil water

>> No.4196235

there's no ramen over here ;_;

>> No.4196241 [DELETED] 

it's friday at most

>> No.4196255


It isn't as delicious as bowling it on the stove, but if you crush a package of ramen into tiny noodles, put in a bowl, fill with enough water to cover all the noodles, and microwave for 3.5 minutes, pausing midway to stir the ramen and cover with a paper towel, you will find some of the DAMNED BEST MICROWAVE RAMEN arround

>> No.4196264

Well, if you don't have a rice cooker which is the next best thing, fucking cook the damn things properly on the stove.

Or, since you are that big of a faggot who refuses to do even that, crush them up in the bag, mix in the seasoning powder/sauces, and chow down to MSG-filled fried noodle goodness.

>> No.4196266

Sure is /ck/ in here.

>> No.4196269


>> No.4196288

Did you not read before, you illiterate? Cooking ramen on the stove takes too long.

I'll stick to my town house crackers, thank you.
