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4193219 No.4193219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Firefox 3.6 Final.

>> No.4193230


That doesn't mean I'm ever going to get you 'DOWN WITH MICRO$OFT HUR HUR' fanboys to shut up about Firefox, does it?

>> No.4193240

It's "DOWN WITH GOOGLE" nowadays.

>> No.4193243

U mad

>> No.4193252
File: 220 KB, 649x444, bela lugosi what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But didn't they pimp Google like mad before? Why the u-turn?

>> No.4193255
File: 54 KB, 321x459, 1229729460755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you people talking about, it obviously means its the final version of 3.6, not Firefox.

>> No.4193268

Maybe it has something to do with Google counter-hacking that Chinese guy? Though I would think they'd somewhat applaud that.

>> No.4193269

One word: Chrome.

>> No.4193280


>> No.4193286

Seeing as Chrome is their competition now, I would say this is pretty obvious.
You're not implying IE is anything other than other shit, right?

>> No.4193306

Oh no, of course not. I know IE is complete shit. I'm just sick of hearing Linuxfags tell me about it over and over and over again.

>> No.4193315

lol he's defending IE on the internet

>> No.4193308

Someone make some moe personae

>> No.4193319

In that case I agree with you in thinking of those people as faggots.

>> No.4193325

>Install Firefox 3.6
>See this thread and open a new tab with it via the middle mouse button
>Tab appears next to my current window instead of at the end as it always has previously

This will take some getting used to. And I like how they're trying to make Personas out to be this amazing new feature yet I've had the addon installed for months.

>> No.4193347

Why I can't update from 3.5? And can I just install 3.6 over 3.5?

>> No.4193353

how is a persona different from a theme?

>> No.4193388

I know, that's annoying.

>> No.4193391

Who cares, Netscape Navigator is still better.

>> No.4193403
File: 25 KB, 328x300, 017avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the fact it's a huge piracy issue, I prefer Chrome.

>> No.4193404

I actually find this tab behavior more practical. I haven't updated to 3.6 yet, but by the sound of it, it seems similar to the Tab Open Relative add-on I have installed a couple of months back.

>> No.4193414


No idea, I had to manually download it. And yes, it installs over 3.5. There's absolutely no difference from what I can tell other than tabs now changing colour to match your 'persona' and tabs now opening beside your current window instead of at the end of your list of tabs, which is quite annoying.


It's not different, it's just the name they use for it.

>> No.4193409

How is your ifail different from any normal 20$ mp3 player you fucking hipster

>> No.4193427

Piracy issue?

>> No.4193429


Perhaps it is more practical but after months/years of being used to opening a new tab and going to the end of my list of tabs to view it I'm just not used to it. Which is why I said it's annoying, I'm manually dragging the new tab to the end of my tabs bar just so I know what tabs are where.

>> No.4193430
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Scrolling feels a bit faster.
Also, my horrible theme / persona thing.

>> No.4193436


Kids these days. Everbody knows google is spying on you but the kids don't seem to care. They will continue to let them google bots to scrawl their private life details from their silly social network sites and use their silly google ~spy agents inside~ products.

>> No.4193439
File: 123 KB, 340x507, 0125456a5e6a813fe3a566e2bf6dab3d98c444f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google basically mines tons of info from you when you use Chrome, even going so far as to track what you TYPE into the address bar (Meaning each and every litter, even before you hit enter.)

If I had a problem with Google doing it I wouldn't be using Chrome.

>> No.4193442

yes, it's faster now

>> No.4193444

You still use frames?

>> No.4193446


Hmm, it does feel slightly faster. And I'm personally using http://www.getpersonas.com/en-US/persona/5918 , it looks rather nice with my current desktop theme.

>> No.4193453

Google is going to spy on me whether I like it or not. I might as well get a cool browser out of it.

But of course, I use Opera. Chrome pisses me off for other reasons.

>> No.4193472

>Help > Release Notes
>Document not found

Oh for fuck sake.

>> No.4193473

Much better than the one I used, thanks.

Why not?

>> No.4193478

flawless logic and no there is no reason to use google

>> No.4193494
File: 155 KB, 579x665, f75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still uses firefox

>> No.4193501

In before trolls.

>> No.4193504

I just realized that Opera-tan is a Touhou.

>> No.4193514

Looks more like a Umineko character.

>> No.4193515

Butthurt opera/chrome fag.

>> No.4193519 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 187x145, opera-tan_and_eirin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare for some mind-blowing.

>> No.4193528

*searches for Touhou pesonae*
*four crappy matches found*

What the fuck?

>> No.4193531

Can you play SNES games on your mp3 player? Because I can play them on my iPod.
