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41856782 No.41856782 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>41810935

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.41856860

I think I would end up on the sex offender list if I tried this in my neighborhood.

>> No.41856885

that's because you look like a sex offender and not a cute girl.

>> No.41857142
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Don't worry bro, Astronauts Sirius will save the medium

>> No.41857184

I don't know if it's just me or if their games are objectively bad. Demonion 2 is pretty good tho

>> No.41857370
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Their writing might be retarded and their gameplay elements shallow, but I don't think their games are outright bad.
At the very least their h-scenes and M&M's art are charming and a nice change of pace from the usual nukige we get nowadays.
But they really should go back to the Demonion tower defense/attack formula or just drop the gameplay shit completely.

>> No.41857423

Yeah, M&M's art is great; that's precisely the main thing that interested me about their games. Maybe I should try something else from their catalogue? I have played demonion 1/2, verethragna and guildmaster (I didn't like the last two, so I didn't force myself to finish them)

>> No.41857588
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The last GIGA gameplayge, goodnight sweet prince.

>> No.41857615
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I feel you, Verethragna's gameplay is a pain in the ass and Guildmaster is probably their worst game, being a buggy mess with characters that don't interact with each other.
My favorite one is Saint Estella Gakuin just because the setting it's good and it's extremely hot.
Chaos Dominas is probably their last game where the gameplay wasn't THAT obnoxious.
I think they are worth a try, even if just for the H.
But I'll swear to God I'm gonna send them an angry letter if they keep removing pubes.

>> No.41857701

writing seems abyssal judging by the prologue they uploaded
at least they got Nan for they last gameplayge

>> No.41857728

what giga games are even any good
I checked out the baldr fanbase once and it looked like it's generally agreed that literally half the entries are complete shit

>> No.41857798

The Baldr games written by Hiei are good

>> No.41857849

Are you sure about that? I thought Heart was supposed to be dogshit.

>> No.41857866

>Saint Estella Gakuin
Oh, right. That one was in my ws and from some impressions I remember, I could definitely enjoy it. Come to think of it, there's also those two chikange. I haven't read anything similar, so I guess it would be a good idea to give them a try.
I hadn't been able to decide what to read now, so thanks for bringing it up bro

>> No.41857934
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The normal routes weren't amazing but the true route was really good

>> No.41857940

I might have mixed it up with another one. Maybe it was bringer.

>> No.41857982

Heart is just good fun. It's like Sky if Sky wasn't tryhard

>> No.41858258

Holy shit is kisaku really that fun like on this vid? Downloading it asap

>> No.41858363

WAS, not is. Guildmaster rang the bell and they answered the call, Chaos Dominas was decent here and there but now it's a complete disaster. I have no idea how anyone can honestly look at their art now and consider it to be worth one's time. The only thing Astronaut Sirius still seem to get right now and then is the basic soundtrack; those are almost always relatively decent but not as good as the two original ones from Dungeon C.

>> No.41858646
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I kneel

>> No.41858854
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I do agree their peak was a long time ago, but I don't think they're hacks or anything like that.
Despite the fact that the latest Astronauts:Sirius games have been underwhelming, I'd still say both the art quality and the characters' designs are above average, even if that is not saying much.

>> No.41859671

Sana Edition

>> No.41859791
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>> No.41860312

it's not coming out

>> No.41860580

Really enjoyed mashifoni and went to check out the other games only to see koi ga saku has a pretty bad score on EGS
Was it really that bad? The girls look really cute

>> No.41860621

i'm just waiting for Waffle to give more info on the incest game desu

>> No.41860813
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i cringed out loud

>> No.41860836
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i guess i misunderstood the format of this game, i only wanted to play the old cuck's route, i don't care about the young cuck

>> No.41860915

The first case you touch is random so you can keep doing Case Start until you start on Case 1 but I was surprised at how much I liked Case 3
You'll have to do them all anyway.

>> No.41860916

>i guess i misunderstood the format of this game,
There are three stories told in a random order then a fourth story you unlock after beating the first three that ties them all together.

>> No.41860921

i'm ctrling through anything with a used goods heroine

>> No.41860933

Just don't play the game dude, go do something else with your time

>> No.41860961

Then it sounds like Aojashin (and a lot of other plotge, although not all) aren't really for you.

>> No.41860963

yeah that's why i don't play them, i just wanted to play this one route and uninstall

>> No.41860970
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VNs for this feel?

>> No.41861026
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i don't actually know anything about this game, but i'm guessing from the title the routes are all some dream bullshit?

>> No.41861030


>> No.41861061

i guess it's a good thing i'm not too invested, i find it hard to take stories seriously when they're not even real in the game universe and/or have an MLA ending

>> No.41861375

How's nonohara from himanatsu?

>> No.41861685

I think its a fair rating. I tried reading through Yuri's route and I was annoyed by how much drama they crammed in it. When one ended another arose and because of that it felt kind of unnatural and forced, especially the later part of the route. Love Tsubasu's art, unfortunate the game is what it is.

>> No.41861781

Nan is a shit artist so it rounds out Giga's final kusoge

How many times are you going to ask this?

>> No.41861849

>How many times are you going to ask this?
No idea what you're on about mate, it's my first time asking this
That's really unfortunate to hear

>> No.41862085
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I've finally gotten around to finishing Criminal Border Ep 1 and I'm genuinely shocked Purplesoft put out a genuinely good first episode (even if it is essentially Ozarks x Breaking Bad x 1310's route in Henpri). I'm really interested to see where this goes and hopefully they deliver in future episodes.
Hina's absolutely going to die, huh? There's no ways he's making it through this series alive.

>> No.41862141


>> No.41862150

hello, EGSbro

>> No.41862157

Best waifu raising simulator available

>> No.41862171

Is it a good route? I know he didn't write it but I'm skeptical about any heroine route in a game that sca-ji is involved in.

>> No.41862191

Scaji's route was mediocre, Hina is actually all this vn is about, everything else is filler

>> No.41862274

Speaking of Waffle, I'd like to give hajimete no kanojo a try, but from some opinions I've seen, I'll most likely end up opting for suicide in the end. Why did life have to make me so weak?

>> No.41862344

god i so much hate those cringy english openings, do japs really find out this being "cool"

>> No.41862401
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In Japan EOPs are the kings, so I guess so

>> No.41862443

hajimete no kanojo is a meme vn praised by retards who can't read Japanese and haven't read ntrge and are just hoping they don't run into anyone who's actually read it to call them out

>> No.41862483

While not a fan of the Persona-style Yumi songs, looks like ZT will be able to scratch the chuuni itch unlike jewelshit shitcademia.

>> No.41862505
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>> No.41862649

Oh, but I'm talking about the Japanese perception of that eroge

>> No.41862857

I liked Ruka's route.

>> No.41862920

I can't take seriously anyone voiced by Mizusawa anymore, they all just feel like some inferior Yuki parody

>> No.41862927

>ghost heroine/protagonist
dropped immediately and without hesitation

>> No.41863025

I've played himanatsu before subahibi, and the ichaicha in her route was too powerful for the noob me at the time.

>> No.41863093

sounds like autism, she's voiced plenty of characters aside from yuki and has given stronger performances

>> No.41863142

The only role of her that I remember to sound different than usual is in Fuyukuru, the rest of those that I played were just literally Yuki

>> No.41863928

It's pretty short and the use of POV is pretty well-done in it, and although I hate cheating whores the fMC is actually a decent character. Def try it if you have the time anon, but it is an utsuge so be aware of it.

>> No.41864380

Probably give it a try once I finish what I'm reading now. If I do, I'll be sharing my impressions, because I refuse to suffer alone lmao

>> No.41864457

any good cuckge where the heroine only has sex with the bull and the cuck? i find the best ntr is when the bull actually likes her and doesn't just whore her out
bonus points for impregnation

>> No.41864480

did you like the fat gyaru?

>> No.41864600

please do, I haven't seen many people actually finishing the VN despite the popularity. Also just ignore what the troll above said, it's by no mean a revolution to the NTR genre but I like it that Waffle took themselves seriously for once and how the scenario isn't just about sex alone even though, well, it's a NTR. We do see some meaningful dialogues especially when the fMC confronts her mom in her own pov, plus another scene just after that one (the one with the kid, my favorite scene desu). It's usually hard to discuss about NTRge outside of sex scenes and the cuckhold relationship(s) but in Hajimete no Kanojo I find it worth it to discuss about the evolution of the fMC and, to be honest, I sort of interpret the mMC as more the secondary MC of this VN, it really is about what the fMC is feeling and her choices / consequences of those.

>> No.41864831


>> No.41864855
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I love Scaji

>> No.41864874
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>> No.41864911

She's not fat.

>> No.41864969

i feel like every time i've seen リストラ in the wild it's been a maruto project, and i've seen it in a few different ones

>> No.41865239

jumping from normige to chuunige in one go gave me a whiplash. So many unscannable compounds

>> No.41865363

Yes, the game is quite sad. Sometimes it would keep me up in the middle of the night thinking about Akino randomly weeks after finishing it. One of the greatest eroge heroines of all times.

>> No.41865517

Hamikuri FD out and my dick is still wounded. It's over for me.

>> No.41865554

I'll crank a few out in your honor.

>> No.41865597

be selective, retard.
it's a mark of growth when you can bear it out at the first sign of 勃起

>> No.41866124

Well, sharkge is already uploaded. Enjoy it for those who are going to read it (and comment if it's worth it).

>> No.41866278
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Jesus, this VN makes me appreciate VNs with straightforward route choice/short common route and instant jump to next choice button. It sucks skipping shit for 30 minutes straight only to find out you're booted to default route because you missed that one fucking choice.
Also cute Yui

>> No.41866295

It's rude to the artist and the voice actress if you don't fap to every H-scene.

>> No.41866350

you can go back in the gallery and critically think over the scenes yourself. Then decide which's worth your spent energy or not.

>> No.41866391

I've got plenty of energy, like I said the problem is ripped skin.

>> No.41866395

fuck did you do, son
or are you uncut

>> No.41866418

I'm not jewish, so yes. I remember it like yesterday, it was October 2018. Just finished a great nukige by a 6 shot streak. And there it was, the frenulum cut open bleeding like your mother. To this day, it sometimes opens up and asks for a few days of abstinence.

>> No.41866491

i'm not a jew and i still cut.
that sounds totally dreadful but it's your fault for overdoing it, lol. My cervix hurts as soon as the third shot happened and the whole lower body got sore long before that

>> No.41867074 [SPOILER] 
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this part is total bullshit. not only Gimel isn't there, and that's OK since Medusa isn't an organization in the true sense of the word, but Rubi, the girl who kind of agree with them already is the Representative? for real? and Noa is the one who talks instead of Marcus which would have made more sense? if this summit doesn't go horribly wrong I'll ragequit.

>> No.41867086
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>> No.41867091

Why do you keep posting spoilers without saying or indicating what game they're from? I'm really tempted to give you some Jeweha spoilers.

>> No.41867112

because I didn't want to spoil for others who haven't read it. but now that you're saying it then yes, I should clarify in the post. I'm retarded.

>> No.41867236 [SPOILER] 
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, 白昼夢の青写真 (137).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got round to finishing Aojashin, overall really liked it. It's been a really long since I just fell for a heroine, Yonagi is great. Though it did make for suffering with the developments throughout the story. It's genuinely been a long time since I was so engrossed in a romance but fuck me man it was a beautiful pure love story. The sci-fi elements were a little eh but I'm willing to look past them.
Asukawa Yuu really put in the work in Aojashin. I've always liked her voice but man.

>> No.41867292

>Asukawa Yuu really put in the work in Aojashin.
She is truly amazing. Normally one can appreciate the vocal ranges when making comparisons between different works, but to be able to experience so many in one eroge is mind-blowing

>> No.41867452

I was dreading a sad/bad ending since the first prologue scene and the last part of the true route fortunately the ending was happy, fuck sad endings

>> No.41867620

Same brother the universe was just out to shit on Yonagi between the alzheimers, lobotomy and then the meme disease. I was just exhausted by the time of the last one. Thank god for the happy ending.

>> No.41867648
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all woman should look like this

>> No.41867669

>my cervix

>> No.41867700

Doesn't Okomeman use real life pornstars as models for his characters?

>> No.41867791

Since SakuToki got delayed I thought I'd finally play Clarias.
Did they change the combo system to a more normal Bayonetta-type button masher? That's the first thing that's throwing me off...

>> No.41867837

it's literally just worse 2d sekiro

>> No.41867899

He has a few JAV muses like that for the body-types.

>> No.41868423

I think the illustrator of Zwei Trigger understands Thanksgiving.

>> No.41868479
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oh my

>> No.41869158
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>Butcha-U's new game delayed... again

>> No.41869188

Probably because DMM want an English+Jap simurelease.

>> No.41869215

I'll forgive the EoPs if the game comes uncensored

>> No.41869311
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This is some advanced "cock"blocking.
Feels bad.
I didn't expect there actually being any cool background stories for the supernatural characters. Really glad I didn't drop Indigo in the second phase which went on way too long.

>> No.41870447

Any vn's about reverse corruption? Redemption might be the best word for it, I guess. Heroines that start out slutty, but overtime, become faithful and their appearance changes as time goes on.

>> No.41870485

is the brighter than dawning blue version of keyorina the definitive version? as in just skip the original 18+ release because there's enough new content to justify it

>> No.41870836
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She's cute as a button and the twist was fun but she's fairly boring until the twist, and it comes way too late in the VN for her to do much with it. I'll see how she develops in later VNs but as mentioned I would be astonished if she doesn't die.

>> No.41870869

It won't. None of DMM's english release are uncensored because DMM is too lazy to get an english subsidiary like Frontwing did. In fact, it means the game is now guaranteed to NEVER get an uncensored release. So it's not only a delay with no benefit, it's a delay that actively makes things worse by removing the chance of backporting the uncensored art later.

>> No.41871569

But Hina's route was bad? I mean unless you like the artificial as fuck drama that the writer loves so much it's in all of his works. The kind that's 100% based on misunderstandings or purposefully withheld information that later on gets conveniently dropped so nothing was ever an issue after all.

God, that writer can definitely write characters of sorts, but for the love of god everything else is complete and utter trash. I suppose some people really like drama without consequence nor any meaning though. I don't. And yes, I hate all "I-I got to move away from here" ->"Separation drama" -> "credits roll" -> "I didn't need to move after all haha" plots as well, that way too many games are infested by.
If you don't want to do jack shit, then do not do anything. Drama for the sake of drama is just awful. [/rant]

>> No.41871979

This is the reason I systematically ignore any novel with drama. Well written drama is so rare, I'm not going to spend X hours to find out if it's an exception or just the same sludge as always.

>> No.41872633

Trial is out.

>> No.41873016

Just finished Kara no Shoujo 3 true end. Is there a point in doing 3rd playthrough? According to a walkthrough there are some differences but is there anything significant?

>> No.41873406

New Hiyoko Soft announced and looks damn good from the little it showed. I guess I will unstall the previous one.

>> No.41873447


just marketing reasons in my humble opinion; there were many big budget nuki in the same release date and they didnt want to bomb a big project.

>> No.41873582

zwei trigger dokoooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.41873918

Atelier Sakura released their 100th game.

>> No.41873964


>> No.41873998

Vtubers must die

>> No.41874114

So, is the shark game good?

>> No.41874514

What the fuck do you even mean?
It was a very solid may-december romance story with actually long build-up, well-written characters, and a very satisfactory conclusion.
Yea there were plenty of stupid eroge moments like it always is, but the way characters' inner feelings were written was really relatable. My attitude was constantly in a dilemma on whether he deserved hatred or understanding, but after the ending, all I felt was just a simple satisfaction.
There really isn't any better story like this in this medium.

>> No.41874525

attitude towards protagonist*

>> No.41874675

>There really isn't any better story like this in this medium.
If the years have taught me anything, it's to never take seriously the opinion of someone who says something like that

>> No.41874738

Show any counterexamples then?
If you look at the tag on vndb there are barely a dozen of titles with a similar theme and none of them is in the adoption-kind of setting.

>> No.41874757

Implying that all VNs in VNDB have been read and are correctly tagged.

>If the years have taught me anything, it's to never take seriously the opinion of someone who says something like that
I swear...

>> No.41874792

So you can't I got you. Surely there must be somewhere some doujin game no one ever bothered to read or tag that would be better but for now I will just stick to my statement.

>> No.41874844

Bro, my post was simply alluding to the fact that saying "This is probably the best story I've read so far on this topic in this medium" would be a much more appropriate approach.
Grow up, it's not a competition lmao

>> No.41874930

I guess I should have chosen a less exaggerated way to say it, my point was mostly that this medium is really poor on wifu-raising simulator kind of stories.
It may be not the best if you compare it to lns or mangas that have plenty of stuff to choose from, but I'm simply grateful that we have at least something relatively good here to hold this niche.

>> No.41875108
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How does this compare to other Niijima Yuu works my lads? Heard some people on EGS saying it feels like a Hatsuyuki Sakura draft.

>> No.41875174

It's very strong work but kinda on a different level than Hatsusaku. It has a really charming atmosphere, but the story in the common route and most of the routes was pretty boring with bad pacing, characters also varied in quality as it usually is in multiple-writer vns.
But it's the true route that really strikes here, it has the strongest utsuge ending I've seen so far that managed to put me into depression for a good month after finishing it.
I have tried it originally because I liked this guy's review https://vndb.org/w381#review and I can say that I had mostly the same feelings as him while reading it.

>> No.41875205

Haven't seen the review before checking this VN out and it made me wanna try it as soon as possible lol. I'm really into the Utsuge genre, sadly most of my recent titles have been pretty disappointing plus Hatsusaku didn't really work for me (I still like it, however I started it after people praising it as an Utsuge and how it will make you depressed and shit) so I hope Natsuyume can step the game up for me. Thanks for the clarification anon.

Also if any other anon has some utsuge recs then I'd be glad to take some of 'em.

>> No.41875252

Hatsusaku was mostly 感動げー for me rather than nakige or utsuge, the endings had some strong bittersweet feelings but also had some potential hope. The Natsunagu one though was simply sad no matter how you look at it and trying to put myself in that situation was literally tearing me from the inside.
Look at Uguis kagura for utsuge if you haven't yet, Lucle is a god of making you feel bad.

>> No.41875272

If you like sharks, dumb girls and horrors beyond your comprehension then sure

>> No.41875278

Interesting. I've only heard them by name and checked the game covers and I've always assumed it was the usual moege/chuunige company brand (I've never checked the tags as I usually don't like getting spoiled even a bit, I like to go in a VN completely blind except knowing what genre it is). I rarely try new VNs (most of them were pretty underwhelming, even my favorite authors new VNs didn't do the trick at all to me...) but I've heard good praises about Lupercalia so maybe I'll try that one, plus it will take me out of my comfort zone of only trying old shit.

>> No.41875330

Lupercalia is very good overall but the utsu level is the lowest compared to the rest. Its main strength is the very realistic depiction of the imoutoge (in a very depressing way) so if you are imoutofag it's going to hit you beyond anything you can handle, but the overall ending felt way too happy for what it was.
If you want some pure concentrated utsu (but weaker overall quality) you can start out with Kamimaho - Istoria - Lupercalia order.

>> No.41875394

暗い部屋 is a very good choice too; it's probably one of the most oppressive and suffocating things I've read

>> No.41875437

I've started that one from Setoguchi, the atmosphere was pretty pressuring. I think I've read somewhere that he wanted to release it as a short novel but couldn't so took it to the VN medium? Anyway, life got in the way and I sort of forgot about it, and it was around 2 years ago. I'll make sure to finish it as I liked what little I've read, however a few peers pressured me into starting Musicus instead which I did and found it disappointing... but yeah. I think I have black sheep town downloaded too but I don't think it can fall in the utsu/oppressive category other than the world setting and the art, but eh what do I know.

>> No.41875461

Sasasagu can be extremely depressing if you don't mind endless loop, it didn't work that well for me because i got very tired from reading in the middle but for quite a lot of people it got the shit out of them

>> No.41875561

In the case of BST you have to understand that it's primarily a trhiller; it has some 鬱 moments that made me want to kill myself, but yeah, overall it's more atmospheric. Understanding that, I don't think I could recommend musicus, Swan Song is a much, much better option (even carnival).
By the way, you should also check out 空の上のおもちゃ. It's very "experimental", but its second half is quite good.

>> No.41875581

if you haven't gone through your nitro catalog yet angelos armas (anri route ) is depressing as fuck that ending made me almost shit myself
also hanachirasu ending (not the meme one) is still my favorite ever

>> No.41875606
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Feel like reading some fantasy shit, any recs?

>> No.41875676

Why Kyousuke should be hated?

>> No.41875686

It's giving me doujinge vibes even though the companies aren't indie and to be honest I've never really tried this medium (outside of the "big" titles), so yeah might be interesting, thanks.
Oh yeah I do know that, just wanted to mention BST since same author and stuff you know. The art and the atmosphere seems on point for the mafia-thriller vibes it wants to give and from what I've read in Musicus (well, I finished that whole thing last year), I'm not really keen when Setoguchi tries to make philosophical takes...
as for 空の上のおもちゃ, the only VN I've read from that author was Harukuru and I unfortunately didn't really see the appeal of it. But meh, won't judge their writing just based on one VN so why not.
I've actually played a lot of Nitro back then (well I don't have any other choice as their most recent R18 VN was in 2018 iirc?), Hanachirasu is still one of the top for me even I can easily recommend it over Muramasa even though I enjoyed both (Muramasa has its ups and downs while Hanachirasu was a pure thrill from the beginning to the end). Haven't checked angelo armas yet but it's on my wishlist since a few years, I think it's the authors' only work in the VN medium? Which I'm more keen on trying than something written by Vio (don't think I've enjoyed anything from that dude)... but yeah if it has utsu elements I'm all down for it.

anyway, thanks for all these recs, put them in my WL.

>> No.41875740

Sasasagu may look like doujinge from the side because of the backgrounds and design but it got some insanely high quality for a vn basically made by 1 guy
I still refuse to believe that kuro's seiyuu is a literal noname, the way she handled basically 6 different voices at the same time was just mindblowing, also just a share amount of all of the different kuro clothes sprites alone shows just how much soul the author has put into it

>> No.41875754

god i remember going completely blind into kamimaho and thinking it was a moege

>> No.41875853

His attitude was really retarded all the way through. His starting point was when she kissed him while he was sleeping which was some really cheap move. We are talking about a literally 30yo dude who got horny from a kiss of his teen adopted child he has spent more than 10 years with? I get that he is a virgin but holy shit he should have at least some self-respect, he was then being constantly horny toward her while keeping blindly lying to himself with an adoption pretext. And I'm not even going to comment (still will do it) on that kiss on the festival scene, he literally couldn't manage to control his basic horny instincts ho his daughter, and instead of reflecting on what he has done and making some conclusions out of it he *still* kept lying to himself and pretend as nothing happened, that was some absolute scumbag moment even though very realistic one actually lol.

>> No.41875957

Well, Hina never saw him as a father (let's say that SHE was the one who groomed him), and Kyousuke thought that adoption was the only way they could really be connected, not that he wanted Hina as his daughter.

>> No.41876067

Getting groomed by your own kid is yet another matter where you could question his self-respect, but let's just assume that's how the virgin is portrayed. Yea I get the dilemma with the adoption as the only way to make sure he won't suddenly lose her eventually and I liked how it was made, but I still can't get over how his hornyness was the main thing that got them together, and not the actual love. It even felt like some kind of one-sided love from her, while he mostly just didn't want to get separated from her and was comfortable with just marrying her, not any other deeper emotions.[/spolier]

>> No.41876475
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>> No.41876501

Obvious post-release stema. Wait for more ratings.

>> No.41876522

>Another kamige under Yuu Asakawa's belt
how the fuck does she do it?

>> No.41876538

>Mikawa Ghost
He wrote the good route from Kamikimi right?

>> No.41876545

kamige confirmed

>> No.41876588

Tsukuyomi route? No. He wrote the tryhard tonal shift route from one of the side heroines.

>> No.41876607

Two of the users who voted are not entirely reliable tho

>> No.41876641

Just vtumor fans getting over excited now about anything shark related

>> No.41876681

She literally voiced random side char anon..

>> No.41876689

You mean another kamige under Kanako

>> No.41876720

Reliable EGS bros
ツヴァイトリガー = 73
サメと生きる七日間 = 69
Eroge is dead

>> No.41876746

anon I...

>> No.41876763

could have been reading sakutoki but fucking noooooo
gotta delay the game thats been delayed for 7 years even more

>> No.41876767

>speedreading in 13 hours
>all he can say about it is about funiki and choices system https://twitter.com/asukaratutu/status/1596141310309978116

>> No.41876768

Asakawa Yuu voiced the best 褐色 in NIKKE so she gets all my respect.

>> No.41876777

anon, JPs don't really like to comment their personal opinion especially on Twitter where there's no anonymity. I'd take that "review" as how OP fucking hated it but didn't want backlashes so just commented so random shit. That's why I stopped caring about vn-twitter, no japanese properly speaks their mind out on there.

>> No.41876784

Japs are waiting for the Zwei torrent like us

>> No.41876789

I'm glad it got delayed, reading it now with constant blackouts would be cancer

>> No.41876805

>korean shit

>> No.41876810

Anon really expected something like: well, I open thread about this eroge I just read (1/140)

>> No.41876814

Sorry, I'm waiting for Katan's rating.

>> No.41876836

More like speedreaders (and the majority of japs on twitter are speedreaders) never can tell about anything outside of funiki because they just whitenoise everything
There are still plenty of people who actually read stuff and can say something about the story itself

>> No.41876845


>> No.41876892

Did she really work in the ass gacha?
Google gives me nothing.

>> No.41876935

Lol, the devs' fucked her name up in the JP release, they put Asakawa Yuu instead of Kobayashi Yuu and fixed it this patch (I just checked to confirm). Well I retract what I said then, nah she didn't work in the ass gacha sadly.

>> No.41876951

>they put Asakawa Yuu instead of Kobayashi Yuu
how do you even do that

>> No.41876978

So I went for Yuuna and Kikka's route in Zwei Trigger first. These two being treated as consolation prize for both MCs if they failed to save the girls they loved is too depressing. I don't know if there're better endings for them but if not then all I could say is what the fuck is Fumi's problem.

>> No.41876998

I'm with you on that but it's actually hilarous how many bugs there are, they had to end an event after less than 3 days due to how fucking buggy it was. Tons of item descriptions are still in korean (I'm on the JP version), there are a lot of webm bugs out there, it crashes every 2 minutes, the game is overall a mess and not just on a technical side, they literally had to nerf the event because it was impossible to clear even for whales. But yeah, tons of typos, untranslated stuff and wrong descriptions.

>> No.41877011

How many h-scenes per girl?

>> No.41877035

Holy fuck, now I really wanted to read that shit

>> No.41877641
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>> No.41877675

he's bullshitting, the game isn't even out yet

>> No.41877697

Did you know eroge can be purchased if you want to play it and it isn't on nyaa?

>> No.41877714

What is the most utsu VN out there?

>> No.41877743

probably clockup shit, their stuff is usually bad from start to finish

>> No.41877762

Is their stuff bad? I only went through two, but they were both great.

>> No.41877766

Against all odds, I thought yourou was pretty good

>> No.41877789

go try fraternite now

>> No.41877800

owaru sekai to birthday made me depressed in the sense that i wish they played it straight
i wasn't a fan of the twists

>> No.41877801

I will, thanks!

>> No.41877828

Umineko made me fall into depression after realizing that I have wasted 150 hours on this.

>> No.41877839

I'm planning on reading Owaru Sekai to Birthday on my birthday. Hopefully it's less than 12 hours long otherwise I will have to wait a year before I can continue.

>> No.41877844

You might be able to finish if you do a full 24 hour speedread.

>> No.41877852

It's shit

>> No.41877854

just make sure you finish on your birthday instead

>> No.41877861


>> No.41877871


>> No.41877902

that's just edgelord shit, no one over 15 gets depressed at it, just like that shindol manga redditors love to meme

>> No.41877908

non-ironically sayooshi if you have deep depression, paranoia and trust issues.

>> No.41877942

wish it had more interesting routes, every route being basically the same just with different girl_name has ruined it for me

>> No.41877981

Black cyc is better in that regard but they tend to have happy endings

>> No.41877991

Well, I do agree that different routes is a bit tedious since the message is the same but every single detail changes since every girl is supposed to represent a trauma our protagonist has gone through in their life, but his fears' embodiment, so while it's interesting to get to know little detail of what makes him "him" (aka little glimpses of what he has gone through life, plus his sister's character), I think if you aren't a hardcore fan or really into the genre, just doing Mutsuki's route will suffice. Sayooshi isn't really about "routes" but rather a character and mental health study (our protagonist in this case).

>> No.41878088

Well that's difficult to time if you're reading a VN for the first time.

>> No.41878149

I can't stop feeling that Muramasa got released too early
Imagine it now with at least Tokyo necro tier graphic and 3d combats

>> No.41878186

I cant believe someone lied on the internets and didnt actually play or finish a route in Zwei Trigger.

>> No.41878426

The 3D in Tokyo Necro looks significantly worse.

>> No.41878501

The designs themselves may be worse but it's still a full-fledged 3d combat with good animations, way more entertaining than just a slide show

>> No.41878542

Bro. This wouldn't be considered "good animations" in the PS1 era, nevermind 2016.

>> No.41878772

Kaname, Touka 3
Kikka, Yuuna 2
I'm buyfag

>> No.41879410


>> No.41879439

Based girlcelly

>> No.41879540

3D sucks and is gay

>> No.41879662

I honestly think this year has been a somewhat better for eroge compared to a couple years ago.

>> No.41879718

probably because there were a bunch of releases this year that were supposed to be out the last couple years but fucked by the pandemic (henpri, study steady, bst, etc

>> No.41879758

What drama do you consider "well-written?"

>> No.41879833

I liked The Good Wife.

>> No.41879953

>The Good Wife
Looks sleep inducing.

>> No.41880108

It would have been crazy to end the year with sakutoki after henpri and bst. Tsui no stella wasn't bad, but it somehow feels like an introductory title for something much bigger. I guess I'll have to read jeweha, although based on some opinions, I have to keep my expectations low

>> No.41880143

How's Samename? Is it a moege or a plotge or what? I can't really tell from the one piece of key art I saw.

>> No.41880168


>> No.41880242

But is it good?

>> No.41880711

god the ost for phantom is so good, so far i really love the requiem track
havent heard much so far so hopefully there are some good battle tracks as well

>> No.41881113

Two hours in Zwei Trigger and already hooked, not playing the trial was the right choice.

>> No.41881116

it's a nukige, i just skip all the way to the h-scene and started fapping

>> No.41881424

Is it a good denpa?

>> No.41881850 [SPOILER] 
File: 807 KB, 1280x720, samename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some nukige

>> No.41881887
File: 1 KB, 234x17, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the shark VN really that long or did I fuck up the extraction?

>> No.41881927

its just out dude don't expect any serious review

>> No.41881940

It's been 46 hours, that's enough.

>> No.41882150


>> No.41882219

It looks like low graphic settings and shitty video encoding, I remember it looking better at max settings

>> No.41882260

well according to based speedreaders this is 15 hours long so...

>> No.41882278



>> No.41882306

heroine is on her period

>> No.41882340

MC saw that she's dehydrated and exhausted. He lives alone in his whole village because corona-chan killed all of them or they ran away to shelters, so he's desperate for some normal human contact.
She ran away from the city after ultra corona killed literally everyone over 30~ and society collapsed.

>> No.41882380
File: 134 KB, 151x520, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no cartelbros we got too cocky

>> No.41882386


I still don't get how anon's comment of ending up on sex offender list relates to that

>> No.41882416

Are you capable of reading the text in the OP?

>> No.41882453

Fuck off EOP

>> No.41882465



>> No.41882483

That's almost Sakuuta length. 15 hours seems about right lol

>> No.41882505


>> No.41882535

I will never learn Japanese, faggot

>> No.41882550

I still don't get why people who don't know jp frequent this thread so much

>> No.41882610

>guy from op pic literally inviting a random girl on the street to his house
>anon commented that doing that irl would get you into the sex offender list
I mean even mtler probably could manage to add 2 and 2 here...

>> No.41882630

to make you seethe

>> No.41882652

Actually, no. I'm just curious because I don't think I could waste that much time of my life in a community where I can't contribute anything

>> No.41882659

Say that in Japanese

>> No.41882673

we come here to bait, and y'all fall for it every time

jops are mentally ill

>> No.41882718

Imagine being proud of being stupid.

>> No.41882742

>jop neet think he is smart because he wasted time learning a dead language

>> No.41882757

Still more productive than shitposting ever will.

>> No.41882764

>Weebs from all stripes keep learning it

>> No.41882767

One of my biggest regrets is having read the remake. I tried integration, but it was impossible to get through after the choice of weapons

>> No.41882778

Speaking about this, the anon who has fixed that issue seems to disappear from this thread, what a shame

>> No.41882780


>> No.41882794

There's really nothing too bad about the remake other than the artstyle

>> No.41882858

>nitwit reply from a nitwit

>> No.41882865

Who are the kinds of people who refuse to learn Japanese?

>> No.41882881

MTL chads

>> No.41882888

More like SEApes

>> No.41882908
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Censorship greatly spoils immersion. As I say, I was able to read up to the choice of weapons, so I can't speak to possible changes in the script (although in that small span I seem to recall that there were indeed some forms of censorship as well)

>> No.41882915

Rent free

>> No.41882942

I don't let subhumans squat in my head.

>> No.41883129

Any muramasa guide without spoilers?

>> No.41883147

just train yourself to focus on the choice you're on and not look further i guess

>> No.41883152

Just read nigga

>> No.41883167

>but the overall ending felt way too happy for what it was
the ending really let it down
just ignore the premise copying little busters for a second, and the generic message of not running away from reality - they just moved way too quickly from the fire to everyone being happy and starting a new (title drop) troupe.

>> No.41883187

So Ichijou is recommended to do first?
Also should I bother to collect all the bad ends and unread scenes along the way or after finishing?

>> No.41883208

yeah 英雄 > 復讐 > 魔王 > 悪鬼
some of the bad ends kind of kill the pacing so you can just ignore them for when you're finished if you care enough

>> No.41883268

shut the fuck up about mememasa already

>> No.41883297

cope more moebuta

>> No.41883691

why? it's one of the best and most popular cuckge

>> No.41883720

It's one of the best works from nitroplus. People are never going to stop bringing it up.

>> No.41883912

Hello.World is just as and possibly even better, but no one talks about it here.

>> No.41883923

What is Sayooshi latest version's engine? I tried to run it with Alpharomdie and it's not working,

>> No.41883942

I'll read it and get back to you.

>> No.41883943

It's almost 4 times longer than muramasa, only a very few neets over there could afford to read something like that

>> No.41883988

Actually, I started reading it recently; it reminds me quite a bit of another vn that I'll avoid mentioning because spoiler. That title drop was unexpectedly good

>> No.41884067

Nvm, I'm retarded

>> No.41884180

>4 times longer than muramasa
Muramasa's script is 2.9 MB and Hello World is 3.9 MB

>> No.41884315

Yea it's probably not that long but still script size barely says much
For example, monobeno has about the same line count as hello world (86k vs 84k) and yet monobeno's script size is 4.4mb
Still doubt hello world has anything more than 2m characters since it only has 2.3k unique kanji

>> No.41884355
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Speaking of monobeno, would it be worth reading just her route?
She is literally the only character that interests me

>> No.41884359

I heard that she has the worst route

>> No.41884440 [SPOILER] 
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to play it if you like female villains in eroge, it's got a really good one

>> No.41884528

is it a moege or a cuckge?

>> No.41884576

How much h scenes for Tooka from samenana? she makes my dick extremely hard

>> No.41884579

You should be able to tell by the artstyle alone.

>> No.41884594

That anon always asks the same question whenever he can

>> No.41884632

not really, there's plenty of cuckge with moege artstyle. jeweha for example.

>> No.41884648

The name should have given you a clue.

>> No.41884708

I do seriously want to know more about Hello World. It's unironically slept on the worst out of Nitroplus's catalog.

>> No.41884958

>I do seriously want to know more about Hello World
Then read it?

>> No.41884970

It's not translated.

>> No.41884974

you're not supposed to respond to him

>> No.41884979


>> No.41885078


>> No.41885562

any other VNs like https://vndb.org/v20491?

>> No.41886559

Are these threads in the running for the meanest on /jp/?

>> No.41886567

Plenty, Indog.

>> No.41887016


>> No.41887216

Do you think Western references in eroge are kino or pretentious?

>> No.41887241

Cringe unless it's scadi who is doing it

>> No.41887273

ok I'm going to read it but if it's bad I'm going to be really mad at you

>> No.41887344

The art might filter you because it's early 00's uguu tier, but stick with it.

>> No.41887502

How old is Kageaki? He looks like 40yo to me but they keep calling him wakazou
Just don't tell me he is somehow younger than 20...

>> No.41887524
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10+ votes is enough right?
Eroge keeps proving it's only good for moege now.

>> No.41887526

Damn I sure hope I look as good as Kageaki when I make it to 40

>> No.41887577

Sucks to be white huh.

>> No.41887588

Even worse: amerimutt

>> No.41887600

it doesn't look like a moege to me... (there seem to be some big spoilers in the last 2 paragraphs so better don't read them)

>> No.41889811
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, ツヴァイトリガー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I expected a dark game but that's some grim shit.

>> No.41890343

>it doesn't look like a moege to me
i told you it's a nukige you fucking nitwit how many jikan do you wanna sakeru?

>> No.41890484

seems too old. thought 30s

>> No.41890570

Late 20s or early 30s is the most likely age range given Hikaru. It's never stated anywhere of course.

>> No.41890687

Now that people are bringing up Muramasa, Kanae's age didn't really make sense to me either.
The flashback was mentioned as 興隆二四年九月, and the game takes place during 興隆四一年.
That means 17 years passed.

>> No.41890701

Kanae is just a hag. Mystery solved.

>> No.41890709

I knew she was older, but not that much older. I swear there was a passage mentioning her age but I can't remember it off the top of my head.

>> No.41890831

what's your favourite gag in an eroge

>> No.41890983

I told you to shut the fuck up

>> No.41890985

Wasn't Kanae always supposed to be really old? I don't know if it's explicitly stated but since she's engaged to Kageaki's brother who was 5+ years older than him she's presumably around that, making her early 30s.

>> No.41891012

goddamn mamaxholic is so much better than mamago. Atelier really upped their game with their successive titles

>> No.41891722


>> No.41894678

Hi can someone spoil me on For Elise?

>> No.41894684

Opinion on Muramasa?

>> No.41894816

I agree that killing is le bad.

>> No.41895013 [SPOILER] 
File: 684 KB, 660x924, 1642209882560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her.

>> No.41895037

JOPbros... the dumb EOPs found out that Muramasa is just edgy Naruto...

>> No.41895120

kek the fuck

>> No.41895348

I was watching the playthrough for For Elise on YouTube with the MTL and I was wondering if I got the ending correctly.
>MC kills the high school girl after thinking she's playing with him.
>MC calls out the kindergarten teacher late at night to rape her again.
>MC plans to murder suicide with Chitose.

>> No.41895558
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took them long enough to find out

>> No.41895672

you fucking retard put that in spoiler my fucking god, are you utterly retarded?

>> No.41895745

W-was I right?

>> No.41896799
File: 93 KB, 960x540, Kikka 044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute girls shouldn't say unko unko, goddammit. Unko unko aside Kikka is super cute.

>> No.41896997

Kikka is super cute and she's actually my only motivation for not uninstalling this garbage game right now

>> No.41897305

UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! The level 9999 erogamer!!

>> No.41897577

any way to textcuck on android?

>> No.41898390
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>> No.41898405

Picked up.

>> No.41898507

She's right you know.

>> No.41898901

would a translation censor this like the chink line in dies

>> No.41899587

Which one of Friday's releases was the best?

>> No.41899612

I haven't seen any cartel members talk about any of them so they're probably all bad.

>> No.41899617

I'm not asking the cartel, I'm asking here because I want an answer from people who actually read vns.

>> No.41899624
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>> No.41899627

>because I want an answer from people who actually read vns.
Brave of you to assume people read even the posts itt.

>> No.41899632

most anons here are zoomers with sub 3 digit play counts. like it or not cartel members are more experienced and knowledgeable.

>> No.41899789

>most anons here are zoomers with sub 3 digit play counts
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class of zoomer weeaboos, have been involved in numerous secret raids of the cartels, and have 100% completed over 300 VNs. I am trained in 和歌 and am the top 尻取り player on this whole board.

>> No.41900381

always funny when no-gooders larp as nips.
even nips are ashamed of being born in japan these days.

>> No.41900411

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about.

>> No.41900419

..means i'm insulting you, you thickheaded retard

>> No.41900421

I don't get it

>> No.41900426

1. What's a "no-gooder?"
2. I wrote a copypasta parody explicitly calling myself a zoomer weeb, in what universe am I pretending to be Japanese?

>> No.41900687

Fuck you Clockup. Give a release date for Ori or tell us you dropped it.

>> No.41900743

>t. SEAmonkey eternally butthurt over the fact that his shithole is populated with subhumans and never has been nor never will be relevant while Asian countries of worth are held in high regard the world over
You and your countrymen will never be worth anything. You will never inspire anyone to learn your language. You will never be recorded as anything other than a mildly annoying footnote in world history. Never forget that.
Stop entertaining retarded shitposters.

>> No.41901856

check https://vndb.org/t19349 anon. TLDR Akutsu Ryou (the director) became sick and couldn't work at all for the past year. It's in hiatus until he gets better.

>> No.41901939

are you hyperventilating?

>> No.41902000

Thank you! That sheds some light in the situation. Hope he gets better soon and they can continue working on it. But if he has been sick for this long (over a year and a half?) it might be something very serious.

>> No.41902041

Probably some acute chronic illness (worst case, cancer)... def not an expert on the medical field but if something needs 2+ years of hiatus/treatment then yeah it's probably very serious. I think the game was ready to be launched since it had a definite date (they usually don't post a website for a game until they've actually finished most of the thing, especially for ClockUp). They probably needed him for the commercial field and if debugging still needs to be done, but yeah it's hard to launch a whole project without the director being present.
