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File: 228 KB, 984x250, updaytoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41704184 No.41704184 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread: >>41571657


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Current Event:
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List of all the banners that happened in the Jap version:
2020 banners:https://wikiwiki.jp/toho_lw/%E9%81%8E%E5%8E%BB%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%82%8A/2020
2021 banners: https://wikiwiki.jp/toho_lw/%E9%81%8E%E5%8E%BB%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%82%8A/2021
2022 banners: https://wikiwiki.jp/toho_lw/%E9%81%8E%E5%8E%BB%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8A%E3%81%84%E3%81%AE%E3%82%8A

>> No.41704222
File: 788 KB, 900x2270, Tewi Liang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41704240
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>> No.41704364

How long until Ufes just start having 2P total build instead of skirting around like this?

>> No.41704379
File: 2.07 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20221107-143227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as a heads up, if you have the resources for it, it would be wise to get Tewi because she has 2 lock removals as skills.

>> No.41704943

Same as Yukari?

>> No.41704951

Got her in my first daily pull :^)

>> No.41705096

they really exchanged her entire kit for two lock removals

>> No.41705301

Yes. The rest of her kit leans very heavily into the support side of things though but 2 lock removals are still great to have.

>> No.41706360

You guys lost a Youmuschizo back in /v/ 2hu threads, please take him back.

>> No.41706630

Tell him to go back to /vg/

>> No.41706769
File: 215 KB, 278x397, trustworthy bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41706789

He said he came from here so here I am and is quoting that one forced Hatate meme often
Ring any bells?

>> No.41708293

They fixed the skirt?

>> No.41708421

Looks like a filthy L*n'en

Looks like a filthy Mobage unit

>> No.41709346
File: 30 KB, 400x400, smoog yoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like he's your problem and not ours.

>> No.41709641

We don't have any recognizable posters

>> No.41709980
File: 1.38 MB, 1340x753, mang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global finally getting mangos.

>> No.41710017
File: 754 KB, 1350x1800, 1640726086043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They caved in and added pity for Epic fes lmfao

>> No.41710018
File: 3.01 MB, 1611x853, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710031
File: 1.40 MB, 1583x845, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710033

All the people that went broke instead of holding on to their cubes can get fucked.

>> No.41710040

>Raymoo AND pity added

>> No.41710046
File: 1.09 MB, 1169x827, kokoro laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same amount as CN apparently. Sucks to be a jap if JP doesn't add it.

>> No.41710065
File: 1.85 MB, 1623x833, marisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710083

Miyoi is BIG

>> No.41710088

Yeah. They either fucked up the palette for the trailer or it must have been some super early recording.

>> No.41710092
File: 338 KB, 463x252, QF3hDnFXue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a sexy card...

>> No.41710097
File: 1.53 MB, 1640x2048, 101774158_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MV Sakuya
Neat, means Yumemi translation soon.

>> No.41710100
File: 1.97 MB, 1663x887, sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710119
File: 1.90 MB, 1663x867, bats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41710158

ZUN's cute

>> No.41710193

I want to fondle Eternity larva's small body here

>> No.41710227

Dude, turn on your anti-aliasing.

>> No.41710474

How well does Bane Sagume hold up these days?
I've spent a whole bunch of pink cubes on the cheap guaranteed rolls, so I may as well go for the spark if I can get a good friend out of it.

>> No.41710800

One of the best still. Imagine Beach Marisa but with less constant buff uptime but can do actual damage.

>> No.41711372
File: 229 KB, 371x357, 1667396963771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, what's a good solo farm set up for mysterious barrier team card?

>> No.41711742

Depends on which characters you have. There are like 20 different set-ups for that.

>> No.41711808

my best 2hus right now are bluemu, ultra flan, ZUN Alice, ZUN Koishi, ZUN Yukari and Keiki, and honestly, I'm really sick of rolling low crits with Keiki solo

>> No.41711873
File: 1.15 MB, 1765x632, alice stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41711876

ZUN Alice can do it
3 turns if 5*, 4 turns otherwise
Gamepress has info on farms comps which is useful if you don't want to translate the moonrunes in the OP's link

>> No.41711898

>that 4* card
oh fuck me in the ass I just had to dispose of it
I don't think I have Hatsumodegumi Third Group
oh thank you anon

>> No.41712318


>> No.41713027

Yukari stocks going down.
Hecatia's niche of no break debilitation still unrivaled.
Trust the plan, buy the dip.

>> No.41713069
File: 493 KB, 600x600, a bit smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They actually reuploaded the Tewi trailer with the correct skirt colour and made the old trailer private.

>> No.41713501

>more lock removal
imagine introducing a dumb mechanic where only TWO units can fucking deal with it
man, fuck locks

>> No.41713571

2? isnt it like 4 by now?
Beach yukari

wasnt there someone else?

>> No.41713590

Super Fes Koa and I think Tiny Satori as well.

>> No.41713592

with the exception of stupid hard to get units like beachkari and bane there are only like two

>> No.41713634

so potetionally 6 lock removers.

>> No.41713692

Mini Satori
More dumb than usual Koa
Now Tewi
Note that all of them are heal units
Bane doesn't have any lock removal

>> No.41713783
File: 65 KB, 1024x1024, 1652553325944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the clear comps and farming comps for satori EX requires multiple friends with weird set up
yeah I ain't gettin that LW boosted to hell and back

>> No.41713800
File: 248 KB, 348x378, V Koa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want every single character who can remove locks in some way then you have:

Beachkari + Three Kingdoms Tewi who can remove 2 with their skills. Beach Yukari also removes 1 lock as part of her LW.
SFES Toyohime who can remove 1 party wide lock with her skill and has a 100% chance to recover from 1 lock every turn.
SFES Koa who can remove a lock from herself with one of her spells and remove 1 lock from the party with a skill.
Tiny Satori who can remove 1 lock from the party with her skill and 1 lock from the party with one of her spells.
Reincarnated Eirin can remove 1 lock from the party if you power up one of her skills.
Joon of all people can remove 1 lock from herself with 1 of her skills.
Patchouli, Sanae, AQN, BenBen Kenobi, Eirin, Lunasa and Kogasa all have a % chance to heal 1 debuff or remove 1 lock every turn with one of their passives. It's a complete joke though and not really viable in any set-ups.

>> No.41714039

If you fully bricked Alice PCB discard Gamepress card suggestion
Best way is to stat stick her with 2 Bonds of Blood cards on her MT SC slots, use Secret God the Sky card on her LW slot and either equip her with two OFP on her ST SC slots or use another Yin ATK Up card like Boo!, at 12SP she hits hard enough.

For bricked Keiki you can probably place OM on both ST SC slots, stat sticks on MT SC slots and Secret God Of The Sky on her LW, that way she will always hit her crits

>> No.41714099

also Mayumi can 3T it, Tenshi 4t it, new cards that got in this summer are not needed, cept for IN Reisen who can now go 3t without stat sticks by using Underworld Party Night or The Lady and I

>> No.41714802
File: 346 KB, 689x432, bluekou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap thoughts on the bluest of Mokous.

>> No.41714818

Satori EX is peak JP CQ = unfun bullshit

>> No.41714827
File: 374 KB, 708x454, Tewi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap thoughts on the smartest bunny.

>> No.41714887

This Tewi looks like Nazrin

>> No.41716101
File: 292 KB, 480x540, heck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hecatia will be top tier. It must happen.

>> No.41717300

I-Is that good?

B-But people said she was bad!

>> No.41717526

zun alice can 8sp 3t with very cheap cards, all you need are 2 3 yin atk up cards on both of her solo spellcards and a 2 yin def down card on her lastword, very overkill
assuming your keiki is 8sp, she can 3t with some extra stat sticks, with overwhelming firepower and miracle mallet on her solo spellcards, yang atk stat sticks on the rest, and using focus shot to nuke her third gauge instead of her last word, since her last word's first line has no killer and does no damage.

>> No.41717542

You're just mad that you don't have Unzan.

>> No.41717554

*ordinary magician not overwhelming firepower

>> No.41717593
File: 3.49 MB, 2570x3640, 1663782552298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 SP farming
I hate this shit so much, it's basically asking me to neglect my 2hus for autistic farming

>> No.41718285


>> No.41718373
File: 479 KB, 1131x558, Illustration10 dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im overworking my toohoes for the first time, pretty cool thing they get a different text line now

>> No.41718426

Pissed off 2hus are the best

>> No.41719309
File: 396 KB, 868x812, moko ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the characters around that level if you want to get a feel for how good it is.

>> No.41719409
File: 2.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1655327310569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed the stream, but I'm glad this is finally a thing.

>> No.41719763

weird, I didn't see these comps in the guide
ok I'll try these out

>> No.41719818

>Reincarnated Eirin can remove 1 lock from the party if you power up one of her skills
Feel like a lot of people missed this, since it's probably the most f2p friendly way to deal with locks. She also gets 100% lock removal on herself with a passive, so she can circumvent skills being locked like some of the others can.

Chinese version has an Epic spark too? Man, if they were going to announce it for JP they would've for the anniversary.

>> No.41720125
File: 289 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we only need support system

>> No.41720309

how do they rank and rate characters anyways? the standards seem to change for every character

>> No.41720631
File: 1.01 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20221109-140720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think I have Hatsumodegumi Third Group
It's not called that in English, just FYI. Maybe you can get a substitute if you don't have it?

>> No.41720719

oh it's just a Yin stat stick with Yin atk buff
gonna see if I have a close enough substitute for it

>> No.41721231

You can always just use that old and trusty Yuuka card.

>> No.41721820

Space Reisen not having a 10 for hard content?
Seems weird considering how she can warp some setups because of how tanky she is.

>> No.41721827


>> No.41721863

>Chinese version has an Epic spark too?
They had it first in fact. Probably due to some Chinese gambling law. Also some monthly pass thing.

>> No.41722674

It's because she is not really useful in any of the jap VS battles from what I can tell.

>> No.41723384
File: 1.39 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20221109-160919[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smol oni is extra tiny now.

>> No.41723791

So when we now make a weird setup, save it as auto replay, then swap the cards to other units, they´ll still be automatically equipped during the auto-replay? or is it a "temporary" equip only as the stages is getting farmed?

>> No.41724125

It stays until you overwrite it. Really good feature. Allows you to swap rare cards around as they are needed instead of them getting stuck on some random character who needs them in 1 stage.

>> No.41724211

what if you accidently delete that card`?

>> No.41724233

Maybe it shows up anyways

>> No.41725826
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>> No.41725991
File: 973 KB, 380x364, Koishi armflap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, Koishi must not have liked you
You should've had the dinonuggets already cooked when you rolled to lure her in before rolling

>> No.41725997

This probably drastically cuts down how many copies of a card you need.
Finally the WoSD farm has ended.

>> No.41726987
File: 1.68 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20221110-015426[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that I can remove some of the extremely specific card set-ups from some of my characters to give them more general ones. My young Marisa had a set-up since forever that allows her to grind E9 but it is also super bad for anything else.

>> No.41727374
File: 47 KB, 373x361, 1649893790086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Parsee costumes when, I want a full Parsee home screen

>> No.41727435
File: 1.55 MB, 1600x720, 1650351512434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you do your daily pull for dailies

>> No.41728167

Bullshit we don't >>41727374

>> No.41728278

Fuck Parsee anon literally

>> No.41728350

'As im the only one demanding a playable Shanghai unit, i beg to differ.

Also Parsee anon.

>> No.41732206
File: 17 KB, 800x473, red yuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reincarnated Red Yuuka, Yuugi and Suika of the current bunch. Suika was already kinda good despite being super old at this point.

>> No.41732610

I'm excited to see what passive/bullet upgrades they give Suika when her rebirth comes to global.

>> No.41732903

I got to 240 rolls on the ultra fes exchange banner while going for Bane Sagume in Global. I'm going to do another 10 rolls and pick up another ultra fes with exchange points. Any recommendations on who to pick between Tiny Yuyuko, Gardener, Soldier and Black Youmu?

>> No.41734659
File: 369 KB, 526x679, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else getting Beach Raymoo tomorrow on global?

I like Tiny Yuyu and Nigga Youmu :)
metafag wise though I'm not sure who's best

>> No.41734802

Tiny Yuyuko and Black Youmu are completely outclassed at this point. Cyber Youmu and Reisen are better than both. Youmu would probably be more useful because she inflicts electro status effects with her attacks which other characters can work with. She is a dork though and not a cute bunny.

>> No.41737031

I think at this point in time it would be unwise to even invest into the much older SFES characters at all unless you are a whale with infinite dolls. Better to save up dolls for all the new characters since power creep is real in this. Someone like Tewi will be much more useful than someone like Yuyuko.

>> No.41737231

Likewise, it's just as unwise to invest in new SFES characters, since future SFES characters will be even better. The optimal, intelligent solution is to never use dolls on anyone because they will eventually be powercrept. Someone like Tenshi (amarillo) will be much more useful than someone like Tewi.

>> No.41738173
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1665510986736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could've gotten my beachslut MLB'd today
I don't feel so good bros

>> No.41738272 [SPOILER] 

Roll for your waifu. Fuck the meta. The only way you're fucked is if your waifu happens to be an extremely popular character with a lot of units already.

But fuck those players and their greedy girls.

>> No.41738314

is there a chance that the new card featured is gonna be added into the general pool list?

>> No.41738834

Every card gets added to general pool eventually

>> No.41738872

awesome. Guess I can just wait for the walmart WoSD card

>> No.41739476

tewi only gains cool animations with limit breaking, while yuyuko can actually farm things and do damage.

>> No.41740085

Agreed. The best thing is that this applies to both Fes and EPICs. Just keep saving, risking bricking your account due outdated units is like, the worst thing that could happen on any gacha game.

>> No.41740480
File: 528 KB, 498x462, 2391e1b6b1dc9753ebaec9732299e7b7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Sakuya Belmont while rolling for Loli-er Remilia. Nice.

I have 9 Underworld Party cards.
People said you shouldnt MLB them because they´re good on base level too, but is that really true?

>> No.41741197

In all the set-ups I have ever run in this game for any sort of grinding, I have only ever used a single non-powered up version of that card ever.

>> No.41741793
File: 352 KB, 1600x720, 1655905809082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah was she always this friendly

>> No.41741853

Too precious. I want a new, better version of her already.

>> No.41741854

No? I'm pretty sure it's just another case of "everyone is nice to Lossy"

>> No.41742257

I love Nicesokyo

>> No.41742517
File: 2.09 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20221111-160704[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is a good day.

>> No.41742531

I got the Purple hair Flandre

>> No.41743355

They should make the "Max Draws" button available in the lottery by default so I only have to tap it once per page instead of four times per page.

>> No.41743534
File: 140 KB, 444x552, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jap version will reveal the next banners tomorrow but they already announced that it will be Music Mokou. I hope she is super good because she is the first music character I am actually rolling for.

>> No.41743747
File: 185 KB, 2400x1080, sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41743859

I agree

>> No.41744562
File: 2.51 MB, 2270x1080, reim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got her, not sure if I'm gonna spark. I only need one more copy/doll for MLB.
I wanna just do it, but I'm worried that I might get completely ass raped if they release stuff I want 10 billion times in a row (Pilot & Music Mokou, Megumu, and potentially other stuff)

>> No.41744829
File: 852 KB, 1077x1210, 1666467636841507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin rolling for meta
The chad pick a character and stick with it thru and thru even if weak
T. Youmu fan and her 1 above S rank frend

>> No.41745460
File: 614 KB, 600x400, Touhou challange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta? I just get girls I like and swap out my one party so they don't get creamed by whatever elemental mob i'm fighting
worked so far

>> No.41745479
File: 1.41 MB, 1833x1269, Waggy fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all, but I like it anyways
Cutesokyo is kino, fuck grimfags

>> No.41746054

the change of pace from the usual unlimited asshole works is welcome at least, even if it is a bit jarring at first when applied to some characters

>> No.41746126
File: 153 KB, 850x1200, no hat ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ran was handled best, she was mostly neutral to you with her L1

>> No.41748023
File: 152 KB, 984x250, mook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41748106
File: 11 KB, 190x153, fake bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou might just actually be a recovery type in the end.

>> No.41748263
File: 380 KB, 984x340, mocard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moko-tan's card which can't be powered up anyway because they still have not added whatever they have planned for those VS battles.

>> No.41748953
File: 1.61 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2022-11-12-12-23-14-518_jp.goodsmile.touhoulostwordglobal_android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still f2p

>> No.41748967
File: 1.65 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2022-11-12-12-26-36-285_jp.goodsmile.touhoulostwordglobal_android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41749447


>> No.41749946


>> No.41751117

Mokou actually being recovery type would be kinda interesting because Tewi was just released. Mokou better have 2 lock removals as well while also having more useful general skills.

>> No.41752766

Pwease be good, I would love lock removals because I have zero characters which can do that so would be nice for challenge content

What does the card do?

>> No.41752854
File: 282 KB, 462x1045, mokouflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire damage + 50%, Ray damage +45% and if a recovery type uses the card all allies get 3 yang def for 3 turns. That is at full power and the recovery part is why people are already certain that it is a recovery Mokou.

>> No.41753174
File: 2.03 MB, 2270x1080, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, impulse gods??
Said fuck it and went for it, got another Ray along the way then sparked for my fourth copy (5 in total) so I didn't need to use any Epic Dolls
Now I have 3 in stock for the next Epic character, feelsgoodman

>> No.41753701

spaghetti is delicious

>> No.41754265

Oh we already have the overkill change?

>> No.41754334

Every time I read Battle of Bullets a part of me dies

>> No.41754485

Edgy Flan/Remi/Sakuya aren't going to fall out of meta anytime soon right? I only have the cubes for one big ticket item in the next few weeks. Got White Koishi with my freebie tickets so I was thinking of skipping Beach Reimu because I only have the dolls to max one EFES.

>> No.41754507

Edgy Flan and Remi are still real good but Hunter Sakuya was pretty mid even on release. Weakest of the whole crew.

>> No.41754589

Barrage isn't a good name for me either.

>> No.41754599


>> No.41754620


>> No.41754711

>a good name for me
You're right a more fitting name for you would be "cocksucker" or "manwhore" or something similar

>> No.41755869

While she definitely doesn't punch as high as the other two, she always surprised me with how fucking hard she hit when some things align.
Like just one turn of setup and whoops 4M damage
I don't even know what the fuck happened.

>> No.41756405
File: 459 KB, 516x454, 69 oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sex begins now.

>> No.41756805
File: 356 KB, 1056x1504, Marisa sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one rolling for Marisa...

>> No.41757674

Japanese goblinate

>> No.41758143
File: 46 KB, 451x558, mokou heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Mocool.

>> No.41758456

>do overdamage on two targets
>spell card doesn't come back

>> No.41759064

The total damage needs to match the overkill damage for the refund.
So they all need to be gauge broken or if it's an ST card you need to target the broken one.

>> No.41759180

oh, excess damage that doesn't exceed the gauge HP will not refund the card used then. What about LWs? Do they refund it if the overdamage exceeds the gauge?

>> No.41759218

I meant that the two total numbers you see need to match for the refund.
Even if someone has 10k hp and you deal 100k with the LW, since the numbers will be 100k & 90k you won't get the refund, despite overkilling 10 times worth.

>> No.41759464

Awesome, cool animations too
Probably the best LW I've seen

>> No.41761803
File: 449 KB, 1280x720, mocool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41761827


>> No.41762134

She has the body of a 14 y/o malnourished Yamato

>> No.41762539

out of 10

>> No.41762755

>Ray damage +45%
For global, this is Light damage. Only other character off the top of my head that benefits from Fire+Light is EoSD Patchy.

>> No.41762949

Mokou the Hobo

>> No.41763258
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Starting tomorrow, the jap version will have 2x rewards from errands again. It lasts until the 30th. On one hand this is super useful but on the other hand it also makes me curious what they are planning for the next month. They are done with all the 4 beach characters and I hope that's that in the summer area. I doubt this is just a nice gesture to get people back up after Reimu + Marisa and Mokou + Tewi happened.

>> No.41764582

I leveled Kasen entirely through errands, I have literally never used her

>> No.41766104

I've done that with quite a few characters so far. All those really bad characters who are only lvl 100 because I got enough dupes eventually to power them up. It helps that the jap version loves to increase errand exp instead of doing something more useful more often.

>> No.41767947

Poor Momiji.
Stuck being the tard wrangler of the group and being overworked.
She deserves a headpat or five.

>> No.41770264 [DELETED] 


>> No.41770501
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Toppest of tiers.

>> No.41770556
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Moko-tan has come over to play after only 80 rolls. Was worried rolling for a music character would drain my cubes hard.

>> No.41770696

>another heal unit
man, guess I'll skip

>> No.41770860
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the smallest floor

>> No.41771638
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New friends

>> No.41772423
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The tiny dorks all lose their shields on the last HP bar. No shield meta on the rise.

>> No.41772549

Congrats on your Tiny Junko and your new paperweight!

>> No.41772808

Just in case people were wondering, there are no new characters at the end of the current jap tower.

>> No.41772921

this game is dogshit, i can't even play it because hardware root checks

>> No.41773031

The game is supposed to not be playable on rooted devices.

>> No.41773107

this is so dumb, most hacked apk's or what ever don't require your little cutie pie root fart shit, in fact you don't even have to have root, just a custom rom or even an unlocked bootloader and you're shit out of luck

>> No.41776376

Japs are ranking Cool Mokou as the 4th best character in the game, only behind Koishi, Reimu and Yukari. Them adding all those super lock removers kinda has me worried though that all the future VS battles will absolutely require at least one multi-lock clear.

>> No.41777316
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Miyoi? Shanghai?

>> No.41777759
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We can only dream

>> No.41777796
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>> No.41777815
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Not until her book finishes. Same reason goat and Mima 2 aren't in yet.
Never ever lol

>> No.41777853
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>never ever lol

Lets me dream...

>> No.41777882

>Same reason goat and Mima 2 aren't in yet.
Explain plz

>> No.41777954
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Basically they don't add characters until their debut game/book finishes it seems, presumably to avoid some plot twist lore or whatever that would make them rewrite shit. Goat's game only got the Switch port/update with her story mode recently, so they haven't added her yet. Mizuchi's book is still far from finishing and we don't know her backstory yet.

>> No.41778562

Was this something the devs said themselves?

>> No.41779838

Hecatia bros.
We rise.

>> No.41779860

No, hence the "it seems". It's just the general assumption by the community with how Miyoi has had art for a while now but not playable yet.

>> No.41779896

Isn't Kozusu's and Akyuu's story still ongoing

>> No.41780242

FS ended a while ago anon... And Perfect Memento in Strict Sense was published a while ago too.

>> No.41782708
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Who will roll for the cute witch

>> No.41782821

What cute witch? You don't mean that OC shit in the bottom, do you?

>> No.41782857
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Is Alice any good for a new player or should i keep rerolling?

>> No.41782869

Alice is pretty terrible. She is one of those day 1 units who add pretty much nothing to any team. Only her Retro and Music version are any good.

>> No.41782889

Alice is one of the worst characters in the game with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Literally anyone else except maybe Byakuren, Seiran and Sunny Milk can beat her worthless pathetic ass.The Lost Word devs added her in out of pity. She doesn't even deserve to exist.

>> No.41783112

rolling for cute demon card

>> No.41783251

Why is /jp/ so hostile to Alice...

>> No.41783288

Okay but seriously though, how good is Music Alice

>> No.41783345

In general just aim for any of the Festival friends like Iku, Keiki, Momoyo and Chimata.

>> No.41783356

Memelist has her on same tier as Music Saku, Sex Koa and Beach Reimu.

>> No.41783757
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>> No.41783822

I want her so bad. Fuck epic banners for always sucking me dry before a MV banner drops

>> No.41784471

Look at that weirdo talking to a doll version of herself. What a creep!

>> No.41785242
File: 7 KB, 215x235, download-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you raise your party's accuracy and yang attack, debuff enemy, get a decently hard-hitting LW with rebirth, and, most importantly, remain a power link character with a lot of canon connections to dish out 1.5 SP, and it all amounts to nothing in the eyes of anon.

>> No.41785256
File: 80 KB, 1439x369, Xkzjzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice is an embrassment because of things like pic related, anon

>> No.41785321

At least she's not Kosuzu or anyone else with a skill that buffs one stat while debuffing another.

>> No.41785347
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I still need more disks for mine. Glad I'm skipping every MV until Flandre.

>> No.41785654
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Anyone else on global going to China

>> No.41785846
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What the fuck does lower focus do?
Its supposed to be a defensive skill but what does it do mechanically?

>> No.41785879

Lowers the chance of an enemy attacking you with solo attacks and lowers the % of damage you take when an enemy uses an all attack

>> No.41785882

Forgot to mention it's only useful when you're using multiple characters in your party

>> No.41785910

It lowers the chance of an enemy targetting you with a solo attack and lowers the spread of the damage you take when an enemy uses all targeting attacks

>> No.41787339
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>> No.41787729

Wow you're so new

>> No.41787791
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>> No.41788054

Just tell me what the 893rd digit of pi is.
I need it for this quiz.

>> No.41788645
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>31k SP

>> No.41788653

Probably just took everything from his mail box

>> No.41788683

What's that JP tier list site who have ratings above 10/10?

>> No.41788945

Since Focus got brought up: Do some friends have a higher base focus than others?

>> No.41789431


>> No.41789665

Thanks, seems like Maroose finally has a pair which the japs like
Also Mouk in the top 5 is kewl
Can't believe new Raymoo is that low though, she has such low cooldowns and you never run out of spirit power

>> No.41790232


>> No.41790639

Are the tower menus buggy as hell for anyone?
It takes forever to load my cast and whenever I select a card I have to exit out and come back in to equip a different character.

>> No.41790714


>> No.41790976

>Them adding all those super lock removers kinda has me worried though that all the future VS battles will absolutely require at least one multi-lock clear.

I'll just skip them, my gamey mechanic removers are only Chuuni Koakuma and the will to farm EX stages with pathetic droprates lies below the permafrost

>> No.41794922
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I haven't played any VS battle or even EX so idc lol

>> No.41800746
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To be fair, the characters at that level are all super busted, especially Koishi. It's gonna be kinda fun to see when they will release an even stronger character.

>> No.41801149
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booby witch

>> No.41803947
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no bully pls

>> No.41803978
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>> No.41806486
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The extra story had another chapter of bullying Sanae

>> No.41806829

The way I saw it was her pwning everyone

>> No.41807776

So how painful is Heca EX?

>> No.41807789

Her name sounds like the Spanish word for mucus.

>> No.41807948

Basically impossible to clear if you don't have Ichirin, White Koishi or the Beach units

>> No.41808449
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If you want to see all the stuff people came up with for the jap version. Don't expect any cheap grinds unless you have very specific characters.

>> No.41808860
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>> No.41808915
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Farmin' compz
<span class="sjis">T</span>

>> No.41809123

A rare spicy 1* setup

>> No.41809514
File: 943 KB, 630x631, 16046422134760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmaoooo, there isn't even a single setup among all of them that fits my characters. The last one had three by the end of its period. Guess it's another EX stage to skip.

>> No.41809559

Why can't they just increase the droprrate for the cards in those Ex stages this is ridiculous

>> No.41809930
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>> No.41809935

Please underst- no wait that's for another game desu

>> No.41810337


>> No.41810672
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The good thing is that this EX card can easily be replaced by regular story cards. There already are 50% boost cards for both types in regular stages to grind.

>> No.41811056

>Seiran and Sunny Milk
At least they have a niche as a f2p-friendly, high damage solo target option. Too many new all-target LWs means old characters having hyper-powered solo-targets can be useful.

>> No.41812081
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They need to fix these glitches

>> No.41813922

Neither has the yang defense debuff though, and that's a big deal for someone like A6 Marisa.

>> No.41814078
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>every single one of these requires Yukari
I think it's time to stop caring about VS at all at this point. Trash drop rates and no way to reliably farm it without specific 2hus.

>> No.41814293

Is it? Will it enable her to do more things than without the card?

>> No.41816848

I use EoSD Marisa for basically everything, every fucking event (minus some gamey ex stages) can be steamrolled with her.
>She's bricked and received Yin + Yang & Agility burner upgrades
Loadout it's always WoSD on SC1, Dancer in The Puddle on SC2, OM on SC3 and E9 card on SC4, LW slot (for now) it's Eating Contest but I'm planning to sloooooowly farm a couple of Kasen cards.

I used her to farm Star EX, the YT comp with her, Mai and Sanae it's prone too fail before last turn as sometimes, something, just fucking decides to go wrong, damage or breaks go AWOL and Ikari Marisa nopes you out

Water EX comp with fully bricked Cirno, Minamitsu plus Luna to power link EoSD Marisa in, as that comp it's also prone to failure despite Cirno and Minamitsu being more stronger breaks do fall apart, so 60% of the times it's B3 Youmu, 30% of the times it's Marisa surviving the slaughter, 10% Alice doesn't die, after that B3 Youmu tanks LW like if it was nothing and it nopes you out.

On this FR check event, EoSD Marisa can't deal against Yukari on the last stage, because those NN fuckers fucking added a boost lock, so EoSD Marisa can deal against Ran and Chen with MT SC, can't deal against them with ST SC due (((resisted elements))) can fucking do nothing on 3rd wave, oddly enough and for whatever reasons 12SP Meiling can 5t that shit

She's my daily carry, but if the trend of FR and E-girl check on stages keeps on going, she'll sadly lose her place of the best all around unit.

Second closest to EoSD Marisa basically is SA Koishi

>> No.41817359

Of course. Read this:
She already buffs her yang atk to hell on turn 1, too. She's one of my cheat cards for Arena weekly due to the damage her LW reliably dishes out.

>> No.41817426

Why is Reimoo naked

>> No.41818872

It might decrease stat stick cost for her 1 turn wosd farm, maybe let her nuke a little better in arena. There is a small chance it might enable some other card farms, but if you are farming for the miyoi card, you would have already finished all of the card farming you need. It's just a turn one nuking card anyways.

>> No.41819669
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I get done with Yukari after months and now I get this from daily prayer
I'm going insane

>> No.41819748


>> No.41819855
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>> No.41819903
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she simply can't compare

>> No.41820218
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Is she good?

>> No.41820301

She is good enough for a general pool unit but you should use your Forever Prayer on a FES unit.

>> No.41820398

Ichirin is weirdly useful for the Hecatia EX battle but not really all that special otherwise. She at least isn't one of those throwaway normal characters that do nothing at all. Not a character really worth using that special event for though. Unless you really like her, just hope to get a better character.

>> No.41820420

Aim for an FES unit instead

>> No.41820487
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I have not gotten a banner character from a daily roll in over a year. The last really good luck I had was getting Beach Hecatia in the jap version instantly by using 600 pink cubes to roll.

>> No.41820850

fuck you

>> No.41820899
File: 107 KB, 290x290, 1656504989950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so mean

I feel like getting a character you can't use to it's full potential until after a couple of months is torture, I fucking hate these Epic Fes characters, same shit happened with Yukari

>> No.41821113

>can't use to it's full potential
2 1/2 months of mlb0 b3 toyo disabused me of this notion ||I actually started using her less after mlb, kek||
dunno about beachmors, but beachkari can happily sit at mlb0 even now
actually I'm legit wondering what does beachmors get out of being mlb that can't be achieved at 5sp? cuz I'm too dumb to see it

>> No.41821164

>||I actually started using her less after mlb, kek||
this is why I shouldn't post while delirious from my meds, fuck

>> No.41821165
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>||I actually started using her less after mlb, kek||
The fuck

>> No.41821320

just me being too fucked up to notice I'm outing myself as a discordfag before posting
honesty, I mostly use bane these days unless I need water or poison breaks
Beach Marisa, is that not what that anon was oh so torn up about? having her, but not being able to mlb her anytime soon?

>> No.41822639
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>> No.41822892
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I guess these rewards are constant for the end of the month now. There is also a login-bonus that hands out a music doll.

>> No.41822902

Needing an extra 200 rare points again?
Best of luck, anon.

>> No.41823014
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>> No.41823443

Still waiting...

That was early

>> No.41823457


>> No.41824945


>> No.41825357
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Thanks, i love it!

>> No.41825478
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Music Satorin is destruction type based on her card. There have been good destruction types in the past.

>> No.41826375

are epic dolls gonna be regular event exchange now?

>> No.41826814
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It worked out last time and I saved up an extra stack of spirit which I will buy before maintenance hits.

>> No.41827534
File: 412 KB, 607x583, 1666574778619177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bit over 2250 cubes and 4 CDs. All Satoris will be mine.

Energy bullet damage +50%
Fire bullet damage +40%
When used by a destruction unit, all enemy yang def 1 down
Disappointed they made it another energy+fire booster, since we already have plenty cards for both. The other effect doesn't seem that strong either.

>> No.41828207

great card for kisume, better hecatia, e9 remi, sannyo

>> No.41832329 [DELETED] 


>> No.41832885

I hope they make it possible to actually power up all the music 2hu cards soon. That Satori card could just straight up replace barrier team for some characters.

>> No.41834321

Kyun kyun Satori

>> No.41834746
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What a cancerous VS

>> No.41835131

You mean all of them?

>> No.41835183
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No, only the recent ones. Either get lucky and roll the newest gameplay garbage, which 'coincidentally' happens to be ufes or efes, or farm with 72 SP per run with drop rate 1 card per 5k SP. Piece of shit, I hate gacha so much it's unreal.

>> No.41835799
File: 3.10 MB, 2384x3500, __konpaku_youmu_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_stigma1101__5d4442063669903f6a862427f7f778fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly haven't even tried doing hard content since star EX where I was either missing characters or missing cards on the comps where I had characters. After that I've only been farming event and every now and then farming story cards from the main story.

>> No.41836515

JP can't into challenging content

>> No.41836935
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>> No.41838860

Music Alice and Retro Alice are both good. Her vanilla unit would have been a good candidate for a Meiling-like buff but the devs realized they can just make retro units to replace shit regular units and get more money.

>> No.41838882

I came here to see if Beach Reimu and Marisa are good and find no one has posted the memelist! What happened to these threads?

>> No.41839150

People posted it when they were released in the jap version. They also have not added the new characters yet, like Blue Mokou or Music Mokou.

>> No.41839455

There are two spellcard locks...

>> No.41841825
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>> No.41841854


>> No.41843372
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Nobody's posting about Kasen arm?

>> No.41844240

they're too intimidated

>> No.41846369
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>> No.41846575

Fuck, have to make the decision of if I want to go for MV Sakuya or not.

>> No.41846702
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Look at this dork.

>> No.41846717

how long til she drops in global?

>> No.41846751
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I didn't do the Satori story yet.

>> No.41847041
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Holy shit I guess it time to start playing. art looks nice wonder what the reason for arm to appear is.

>> No.41847058

It's still a gacha despite all the art anon

>> No.41847166
File: 98 KB, 600x500, kasenn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will roll for all Kasens. Kasen, Kasen's arm, True Kasen, Retro Kasen, Player 2 Kasen, Cyber Kasen, Castlevania Kasen, Kasen Blanco...

>> No.41847193

What about Kasen negro

>> No.41847215
File: 843 KB, 4096x3263, 1668142823052475 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like art anon. Ill play a gacha if it has good art or character designs. the gameplay looks better then some at least so ill take it i just mostly want to read the events and such. Also Kasen cute need more of her.

>> No.41847266
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Datamined splash art

>> No.41847335
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Cute arm! cant wait for the final form to come out.

>> No.41847441
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Tewi is the only character in the jap top tiers who isn't EFES or Music.

>> No.41847478
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>> No.41847657

Don't forget about KaSEN
