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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41821662 No.41821662 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.41823235

Kinda fire. I'm currently at Ep. 5 and like Taukasa.

>> No.41826800

I will play it.

>> No.41826855

/fa/ boys on the moon.

>> No.41827443

Dolce Vita will save /blog/.

>> No.41827680

In 2030

>> No.41828843
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Why is this game so uninteresting, jesus

>> No.41828879

I feel the same way about Lamento. A slow game is fine. A game that is slow because it repeats itself ad nauseam, not so much.

>> No.41829014

After the 50000 tour movies no one cares about.

>> No.41829126

It's a really autistic criticism but I could never buy Towa as an artist. It was just a plot device and it didn't really inform his character. Though I haven't played SD since it came out so maybe I'm just forgetting things.

>> No.41829518

Glad this general is dead. Femoids have shit taste and worse opinions and weeb females who post on this site are the lowest tier. Go back to attention whoring on Reddit and Twitter.

>> No.41829605
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But I'm a guy.

>> No.41829823
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>> No.41829964

CGI tours.

>> No.41829991

Are the songs good at least? I haven't listened to the new ones.

>> No.41830136

Elliot, World of Warcraft general is right around the corner.

>> No.41830494

How is Harvestella? Does it have cute husbands?

>> No.41830975

I can't take it seriously since someone here called it Travestella.

>> No.41832207

Same shit.

>> No.41832613

Never ever

>> No.41832903

It's DEEP.

>> No.41835952

Senpaitachi, anyone got a working DL for Gunjou no yuki? A-s link is dead.

>> No.41837289

Looks like a beach I think?

>> No.41839700

SD is so boring that killed /blog/

>> No.41839742

I don't really like or play BL games. I'm here for the otome games, but there aren't good releases ATM.

>> No.41841106

I like Mink as the token villain more than Madarame

>> No.41841755

Mink is gross.

>> No.41842026

At least Mink didn't shit on Aoba's bed.

>> No.41842380

Never mind, based slavs have it (even with a translation and some bonus spicy TL drama apparently).

>> No.41842491


>> No.41843177

Take the mobagepill.

>> No.41843699
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I'm not a woman tho...

>> No.41843718

From what I gathered, the TL project lead decided to make people pay for the patch (justifying it as "I had to buy 3 copies of the game" or something), then some based robin hood leaked the patched version, and she started witch hunts trying to find who it was kek

>> No.41844503

Not to be a contrarian, but I think SD is really good. It's up there with TnC as my favorite n+c games.

>> No.41844801

Is it good? Blog has played it? According to vndb it's free the game the paid version is the bonuses.
I might it have it tho anon if I do find it I will re-upload it here or on a-s.

>> No.41845157

any towa dakimakuras out there?

>> No.41845771

someone bring up a controversial topic, /blog/ need free bumps

>> No.41845814

Someone on here mentioned it, I've barely started it but it's a nice, comfy taisho era romance (reminds me of the manga Namida Ame to Serenade). I haven't reached timeloop suffering yet though.

>> No.41845891

>Namida Ame to Serenade
I freaking love Kawachi Haruka since Sekine kun no Koi. Of course namida ame too.
Got to find gunjou and start it asap.

>> No.41846112

I think you're right. Towa as an artist feels less convincing/important than Tamamori as a writer (for example), but I don't think I can really articulate why yet. Maybe it's in how the characters treat their respective artforms.

>> No.41846185

do you guys play any nonjoseimuke vn? i'm looking for some to play because i've played most joseimuke that would even mildly interest me and i need my vn fix. i've already played most of the big name normie vn like saya no uta, key shit, subahibi and so on. i can play in japanese.

>> No.41846573

anything by maruto or jackson

>> No.41846664

liarsoft has a good selection. sona-nyl, fairytale requiem, and sharnoth to name a few

>> No.41846685

You could play ELF's PC-98 eroge catalog for nostalgia and a change of pace.

>> No.41848040
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>meme character list actually provides a pretty good route summary
Cats of the Three Kingdoms is a wild ride.

>> No.41848065

Play The House of Fata Morgana if you haven’t yet. It also has arguably the best VN soundtrack ever.

>> No.41848170

Same I don't really get why the EOPs hate it so much. Maybe the translation just sucks to read or something.

>> No.41848192

It really sucks. Dropped after less than 40 minutes and picked the nip one.

>> No.41848210

>waited 2 years
>shit tl
Yeah I would probably be salty too then.

>> No.41848427

Apparently the same TL fag did that otomege with the beyonce jokes that anons talked about. I should have listened to /blog...

>> No.41848587

God, I hate Amazon. That shitty site should forbid plebs who haven't bought an item from leaving "reviews."

>> No.41849394

I kind of miss rejet. Dorico when. What's your fav game from them sisters?

>> No.41850530

these guys?

thanks, i've actually been meaning to try both of these devs. time to take the plunge

i've played it, it's pretty good! what's your favourite track?

>> No.41850547

Diabolik Lovers

>> No.41851661

So how is SympathyKiss?

>> No.41851812

Too many to count. The Labirintia part was the point when I realized the game will be something truly special.

Then there's Fecha Me (fucking Bestia), and pretty much everything from Door 4 onwards.


Requiem also has some great tracks. The latter was not composed for the game, but it worked amazingly in the context.


>> No.41851826

>faceless MC-chan
For what purpose?

>> No.41851891
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Have you played Jingai Makyo? One of the best Nitroplus games, IMO, despite being kind of unfinished. 10/10 MC, too.

>> No.41851951

月華繚乱ROMANCE, Black Wolves Saga, 8-bit Lovers, ALICE=ALICE, Tiny x Machinegun and Moshikami.

>> No.41852155

Which game was it?

>> No.41853689

How's Gekka? I hate psp graphics.

>> No.41855771

>Omg, girlss~
>His face lit up like the 4th of July
Rei sounds like a mentally ill twitter user. Towa isn't much better even though he's actually mentally ill

>> No.41856136
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Jesus H. Christ

>> No.41856157

Is it true that the translator gave Rei's friends tranny pronouns, but not Rei? Which, aside from the obvious problem, is just really inconsistent. I guess doing it only for Rei to go back to male pronouns would have fried too many brains.

>> No.41857373

Honestly that's not too OOC.

>> No.41860789

Everyone calls Rei's friends "they/them" or "girls"

>> No.41860833

got maruto's page right, this is jackson's https://vndb.org/s210

parfait, damekoi, konnyaku and white album 2 are maruto's best, and as for jackson it's got to be oretsuba, tsuriotsu and otoriro. most of their works are heavy on the drama though, so if you're not interested in that i wouldn't recommend their stuff (except oretsuba, maybe)

>> No.41861021

Amazon was made for hate boners.
Idk which game they roasted for you, but almost all my favourite ones (aside from movies, anime, books, and manga) have a low rating because of random angry people.

>> No.41861943

SWAN SONG is great, also it's appropriate for the season

>> No.41865310

13 Sentinels? Fata Morgana?

>> No.41865327

I can see why you like it with those tastes

>> No.41865752

To be fair, we all know DMMD is shit and the best N+ game is the one that can't be mentioned here, so that poor anon could have only named Lamento or TnC.

>> No.41865798

>best N+ game is the one that can't be mentioned here
Why can't Sweet Pool be mentioned?

>> No.41865995

Anons start shitting on the floor when someone talks about sweet pool

>> No.41866057

I personally rank it above DMMD and TnC but below Lamento and SP. Towa's route ft. Fujieda saves it

>shitting on the floor

>> No.41866755

TnC is far from perfect, but it panders to me in ways nothing else that's joseimuke does. That militaristic scifi grunge is laser targeted to my tastes, like really all it lacked was some /k/ porn and perhaps a bit more biochem body horror. Also being a short romp that wasn't trying too hard to make sense was to its advantage.

>> No.41867875

That game can't be mentioned without omegaverse comparisons anymore.

>> No.41867923

Funny that realistically it's actually Lamento that dodged that bullet. It cracks me up that Nitro chose extinction within a generation over buttbabies and then went on to make SP right after.

>> No.41868108

Based. Everything written by setoguchi is literal kami. Black sheep town was a totally mind-blowing experience

>> No.41870678

SP buttbabies are okay because they’re hilarious.
Never cared for the romance, but baby meat jesus and Red Road are some of the most awe inspiring things I’ve seen in any game

>> No.41870803

I still maintain that SP is the better Saya no Uta. Thicker atmosphere, better characters and relationships, more visceral horror.

>> No.41870861

Looks like SP Translator went private because some drama

>> No.41871306

Dies Irae you can put your shipping goggles on too.

>> No.41872242

I'm not going to let you fuckers trick me into playing a BL game just because you say it's better than Saya no Uta

>> No.41872354

The one who translated sweet pool is the Kardashian meme lord behind Taisho Alice and Slow damage translation, and it looks like her blog isn't private

>> No.41872664

Come for the Eldritch body horror, stay for the killer depression.


>> No.41874009

It is better than SnU though.

>> No.41874430

saya no uta is a boring rip off kusarihime anyways

>> No.41874888

something something SP is SnU but with balls, I'm too dumb to make the joke
also the rumor is that it's been co-written by the butcher himself

>> No.41874937

I'm pretty sure I've heard that rumor for every N+C game at this point

>> No.41877450
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He's listed as an "advisor"

>> No.41878218
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You can now own an extra pair of belts in real life

>> No.41878721

>Kardashian meme lord behind Taisho Alice

>> No.41878805

Homosex is wrong, gross and disgusting.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: You can't.

>> No.41878874

It make me horny so it's ok

>> No.41879346

Beyonce jokes? Can I see an example, i need to know

>> No.41879665
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They get a nendroid before my favorite character

>> No.41879827


one word: prostate penetration

>> No.41880018

>Homosex is wrong, gross and disgusting.
But those are the best parts.

>> No.41880327
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>Homosex is wrong, gross and disgusting.
That's the spirit.

>> No.41880674

Ukyo is eternally cucked

>> No.41881140

Don't worry, he's getting one too. The photo just crops him out.

>> No.41882177

How is sweet clown and getsuei no kusari?

>> No.41882553

Why are nips such cucks. Would rather commit seppoku than reprint something.

>> No.41883479

>Homosex is wrong, gross and disgusting.
All homosex should be non-con.
It's hot.

>> No.41883658

All homosex should be gay on straight.
All heterosex should be straight on gay.
This is my manifesto. I sexualize sexuality. Wowzie.

>> No.41884629

Homosex makes men poop in their 30s. Yes, disgusting.

>> No.41885349

the size of an infant's arm.txt

>> No.41885546

Wow, I stopped pooping when I was 8 years old, I can't believe homosexuals are that degenerate.

>> No.41885587

Holy shit, I was reading the translation of Slow damage... the result was really awful, eh?

>> No.41885691

I've only seen screenshots but the more I see the more it seems to be the case. My boy Eiji would never say "fuck my life".

>> No.41885708

Anyone have a SD save file so I can skip to Fujieda's route?

>> No.41885741

I can only give you a JP save file, but I'm doubting that's compatible.

>> No.41886664
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>> No.41886686


Looks generic; any JOPs play?

>> No.41886940

Has anyone here tried this https://vndb.org/v6656? I am looking for an otome and have no idea what to read

>> No.41887207

I at the very least didn't think it was generic. It splits you in to one of two paths immediately, and they're completely different. The main paths don't go really hard in to the stupid stereotypes that would come along with characters like this. Sometimes you want that, though, and that's what the bad ends are for.

>> No.41887431


>> No.41887941

I did, thought it was overall pretty good although Ao is a bit dull. If you're interested, give it a go.
Also liked Chiyo a strange amount despite him being pretty out of focus.

>> No.41889426

i cannot get reis bad end to save my life, i keep following guides and somehow fucking up i think any tips

>> No.41890611

Make sure you have all the inspiration phrases, sometimes you can’t crack the hourglass without them. Picking the wrong clue at the end can also crack the hourglass - I had to pick like 3 wrong answers for taku.
Have you completed the true route? That adds some notes to the UI that help with clearing the bad ends

>> No.41891410

no i dont think so i may have been missing one inspiration, thanks! a lot ill go back and try that, i moved on to takus route, no true route yet. another thing semi-related the side ish characters angel dr and flower guy, ikuina do their interrogations only end up one way?

>> No.41891471

Why does Rei keep using "they" while referring to his male friends? He also keeps using hun, honey, FYI, BTW so fucking often, it's unbearable

>> No.41891806

>do their interrogations only end up one way?
Kinda? They have very minor bad ends. Like five lines then it's fade to black. But you'll have to do all of those too if you want the 100% and the liner notes.

>> No.41891966

How do people localize okama?
I feel like "she" works since it's akin to costume play?

>> No.41891998 [SPOILER] 
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I love Minakami.

>> No.41892092
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Some years ago when I did exchange studies in a Japanese university I took part in the manga circle and was reading through a self-introduction booklet they had done. A lot of girls were naturally into BL and otome etc. and out of curiosity I googled some of their favorite characters. Upon seeing them I realized that I only understand things like the appeal of ikemen, bara, shota etc. (I guess you could say genres rather than character archetypes) but if I'm shown say 5 different characters that in my head are ''ikemen'' I often fail to recognize any of their appeal points. Besides easily identifiable points like age, clothing etc. almost any and all subtle details go over my head. No matter how hard I try to analyze the appeal characters in BL I often just don't get it. What small things make a big impact for you anons?

Pic related, a male character with some unusual appeal even for me.

t. anon who isn't attracted to males

>> No.41893025

If you're not attracted to them then it's no surprise you might not get it. Plenty of female characters I don't really understand the appeal of.
Even if I list off things that activate my almonds like fluffy hair, redness around the eyes, or those gloves/arm socks that are attached to a single finger, their personality is what goes a long way to make them seem more or less attractive

>> No.41893929

Sayo is this thread's favorite otome MC

>> No.41894046

Dunno mate it's all the same to me. I'm only in for the kinks.

t. anon who isn't attracted to anyone

>> No.41895134

Pretty much. When you know you know.
Well sometimes you don't even realize why you like all those characters until you sit down and try to look for common points. Somehow it took me 10 years to notice I had a nekome fetish.

>> No.41895321

I know the things that turn me off more than the things I really like. But even if I hate a character's design I can look past it if I like the character.

>> No.41895932

Didn't like dmmd a lot, but some scenes were peak kino desu.
Aoba stoned kowaseyo to shitnku, fucking in a piss smelly backalley with junkies was kino.
Or fucking robot to death.
Meat babies ultra kino and it's actually really good, much much better than saya.
I found tnc screwdrivers to be memeish.
Haven't tried sd or lamento yet.

>> No.41896115

>Aoba stoned kowaseyo to shitnku
what did she mean by this

>> No.41896964

Any news on "that" project?

>> No.41897866

People still care about Amnesia??

>> No.41898370

yes? old good new bad

>> No.41898574

Cages are always in fashion.

>> No.41901405
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I wonder how long until she starts to hate Hashihime

>> No.41902520

Anime when?

>> No.41902685

Yamiiro no Maju info please what's with all these dead TBA otomes give me something I'm on my knees

>> No.41906161
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>Hottest boy has the shittest route
I mean, I ended up as a Minafag in the end, but still.

>> No.41910305

suffering and dying in increasingly violent ways

>> No.41915743
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Oniichans or otoutos?
Post your fav

>> No.41915990

Oniichan fucking otouto, or the other way around. I don't self-insert so the order doesn't matter.

>> No.41916072

Though I like incest couples in theory I find the usual older and younger brother archetypes boring. Younger guys are on average more annoying so older, I guess. But then the overprotective oniichan is my most hated archetype. I'd say twins but even with most twins you still get one designated the older and one the younger in JP media.

>> No.41916165

>but even with most twins you still get one designated the older and one the younger in JP media.
Why are they like this

>> No.41916213

>remembers the shingakko route
Yes I hate it

>> No.41916291

Why doesn't a /blog/ Steins;Gate exist? Yknow, something with a real good plot.

>> No.41917032

Hopefully soon because I did

>> No.41917265

I remember seeing a doujin plotge with time travel but I don't know if anyone has actually played it.

>> No.41917286

>good plot
When did I tab into reddit?

>> No.41917757

It's certainly much, much better than Kek Damage.

>> No.41918532

Wouldn't know, don't play BL

>> No.41918581

I kind of subconsciously favoured onii-chans when I was younger. I'd always be drawn to the smiling, kind, caring character who likes cooking....only for them to reveal that he was crazy/yandere by the end. So for a while I was just left confused why every character I liked was a landmine type. I did eventually stop favouring yanderes by accident and started favouring them on purpose.

>> No.41919024

Isn't Hashihime's pretty much that? Down to having some side shitty routes where the MC gets paired with other characters that aren't the true heroine.

>> No.41919038

Not an accomplishment.
That's a lot of "straight" VN, a lot of them are overrated once you lose the whole "sex appeal" angle, so they are not going to have a big pull on blog

>> No.41919308

Still waiting for the bl/otome equivalent to dies irae

>> No.41920315

for me, it's Maggot Baits

>> No.41921819

I would kill for a Sayooshi bl/otome equivalent.

>> No.41922071

what is clock over orquesta
why am i following it

>> No.41923563

>a lot of them are overrated once you lose the whole "sex appeal" angle
But the H-scenes are the worst part of them

>> No.41923592

>don't play BL

>> No.41923920

You still have the haremshit element. Look at Stein Gate, literally half of the game is about the MC going through various girls and getting with them. Same with stuff like Muv-luv

>> No.41924046

Basically using coom/waifus to distract from the shit plot?

>> No.41924057

More like "we really want to make a sci-fi/mecha/whatever project but otaku won't buy it unless there are cute girls you can fuck"

>> No.41925064

There are no H-scenes in S;G, tough.

>> No.41925297

Steins;Gate's plot only needs Kurisu and Suzuha to work. Way too many waifu in that game.

>> No.41925305


>> No.41925315

Exactly her point...

>> No.41925335

The point that she's a central point of the conflict?

>> No.41925426

You can tell the same story with Kurisu, but better.

>> No.41925629

Fuck kurisu and mayuri the one with the dick is best girl. Should have kept the dick though weak.

>> No.41925646

Ruka is very based in S:G 0. In the main story, she's just the obligatory tranny.

>> No.41925651

I just want an evangelion otome sisters, heroine chan riding the EVA and also the LIs to the point they all break.

>> No.41925662

That would be an otome version of Demonbane. We can beg Nitro.

>> No.41925808

tfw no otome Rance

>> No.41925943

EVA a shit, where is my Magic Knight Rayearth game. Or Escaflowne, that is also acceptable.

>> No.41926110

Terra e yes

>> No.41926504

The MC and the antagonist fucked books, right?

>> No.41926516
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Their girls are books, yeah. MC fucks humans and robots and other things too.

>> No.41926524

>and other things too

>> No.41927415

Mayuri never really worked as Okabe romantic partner though.

>> No.41927432

>I started crying at the end of slow damage when I finished it yesterday
Fuck me what a great VN, I'm sad that I finished it now.
I'm sure 5 years from now clean dishes will get a translation...

>> No.41927437

Ruka was never a tranny. He was a confused gay boy thinking he had to become a girl to fuck Doctor Pepper man.

>> No.41927452


In 5 years you can learn Japanese

>> No.41927875
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>> No.41927908

Need Mozu

>> No.41928135 [SPOILER] 
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I got through the first three epilogue scenes without crying, but the last one finally got me good.

Omedetou, Towa.

>> No.41928623

It will probably be unplayable in 5 years from now so...

>> No.41931449

That's... certainly an acquired taste alright. Unless one of the adaptations retconned that being a Mu is like having a neurodegenerative disease that wrecks their immune system, stunts their growth, and turns them blind, deaf, and mute by early adulthood? Or you could just go pro-human, I guess.

>> No.41931555

I remember Kuro fucked Al and Master Theron Etheldreda. Master Therion was like a blond version of Shiki. I haven't seen the HCGs in more than 15 years, maybe? I'm genuinely surprised people still know Demonbane.

>> No.41931774
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>Muscular hot men
I demand an otome version of this.

>> No.41931851

Wtf those self inserts are hot as fuck

>> No.41932216

It cracks me, sisters. In 2006, the MCs in male-targeted VNs used to be hot and have nice bodies. Now, they're all losers who can't lift for their own sake.

>> No.41932277

>Now, they're all losers who can't lift for their own sake.
We can't expect anything from a generation who wants to chop their genitals. They don't even know how a true Chad looks like.

>> No.41932328

>New gens don't even have the will to self-insert as a giga chad
They tend to hate the chaddest characters of their respective franchises, which I find appalling.

>> No.41932342

It makes em insecure, please understand that chad could take away the waifu who liked MC because he was >nice

>> No.41932343

It used to be that VNs had hot women too, but sadly female design peaked with Snatcher and Policenauts. Since then it's all downhill.

>> No.41932384

The prime example: Fate.
Males hate Gil and even bitch about Emiya and Lancer for being cooler than MC-kun.

>> No.41932453

Yes! Rayearth's setting would be perfect for an otome isekai(even if I would rather have Hikaru and/or the others as the MC that an original one). I

>> No.41932504

what kind of fatefags are you even talking to? Everyone at minimum likes Archer to the point where there's a meme about it

>> No.41932508

Archer is also the mc though.

>> No.41932520

Does a mecha BL/otome exist?

>> No.41932686

It's been AGES since my last visit to /a/utism, but Shiro is the most liked there and even his alpha alter ego can be trashed by Shiro's fans.

>> No.41932788

No. It seems like the industry thinks it'd be risky to launch an otome game like that.

>> No.41932807

There's Tierblade. It's not the worst but there's a reason you haven't heard of it.

>> No.41932813

>there's a reason you haven't heard of it.
Vita prison?

>> No.41932860

>It's been AGES since my last visit to /a/utism, but Shiro is the most liked there
sorry, half of those posts are probably me

>> No.41932867

I can only remember a couple off the top of my head and haven't played any of them, but they're out there.
It's a shame how rare sci-fi otome games are. I'm always shocked at the lack of robot and alien fucking.

>> No.41933052

Sci-fi eroge had some of the wildest porn the genre had to offer back in the mid-00s when I was into that stuff. My brain struggles to imagine an otome equivalent. BL yes, but otome, that breaks my imagination.

>> No.41933061

The only board that's never capable of offering you discussion, just hate and stupid opinions.
Hearing a drunktard talking aloud in a bar would be more consistent than anything that shitboard could say.

>> No.41933158

Sister... why Shiro?

>> No.41933277

This. It's the eternal newfag central board, after all. The ones who stay will always repeat the same mantra of hate and fight over isekai waifu.

>> No.41933399

because FSN is secretly joseimuke and you're supposed to self-insert into Sakura

>> No.41933406

>you're supposed to self-insert into Sakura
She's the least self-insertable

>> No.41933462

I can't self-insert into the girl who kills the guy I like the most in less than 3 seconds of starting her route.

>> No.41933510
File: 1.84 MB, 1046x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old men will save BLOG!

>> No.41933744

Do old men splurt powdered disease-ridden cum? If not I don't want them

>> No.41933789

They don't even have full routes, it's over.

>> No.41933796
File: 767 KB, 275x167, 1615294673639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I was told this game would answer to my old man fetish.

>> No.41933844

The other 4 guys not in the picture have full-length routes, and these ones are shorter/more like alternate endings I guess, it was in some coolB issue.

>> No.41934173

>because he was >nice
As if being nice were some sort of superpower lol

>> No.41934212

b-but you can fuck them right? surely you can fuck the one with the fang...

>> No.41934231

It's the best their self-inserts can do. Being nice for a while, hiding their true hateful personalities, until they get their waifu.

>> No.41934266

Of course, chad wins every time. Better being 100% asshole or 100% cool all the time instead of 50% nice piece of shit.

>> No.41934301

Holy fuck you sister you were not supposed to tell them this

>> No.41934388

Jokes aside, do you know a single girl who self-inserts as Sakura? To date, I have only met girls who self-insert as Saber and Rin, and even Medea.

>> No.41934393

Me but I will never admit it

>> No.41934402


>> No.41934420

Sakura's harem is kinda shitty.
While Saber has Shiro and Gilgamesh orbiting her, Rin has Shiro, Archer and Lancer, but Sakura is just Shiro and Shinji. She literally has the most generic orbiters.

>> No.41934522

You forgot the bugs that orbit Sakura.
Most boring MC faggot is Shiro, no Archer doesn't save him and Sakura worst girl, I'd rather self insert to Lolilya. They deserve each other deep down.

>> No.41934561

Based. I agree with every single word.

>> No.41934641

You seriously weren't self-inserting into Rin?

>> No.41934682

An otomeish galge/vn with good plot sisters? If possible hot male mc with voice acting or female mc and hot males not ugly cucks thanks.

>> No.41934683

Rin doesn't act like an actual woman, she's a tsundere damsel in distress for the moids

>> No.41934704

I self-insert as Saber because I like Gil and want to hold an invisible sword.

>> No.41934721

>All this wishful thinking over a ded hobby

So no one's playing Lover Pretend that just came out? haha

>> No.41934731

We will play the open world shining nikki actually

>> No.41934768

Rin has the biggest harem by far. In addition to all those, she also has Shinji simping for her (not that she's interested), and a special relationship with Kotomine. And she can lez out with Saber or even Sakura.

>> No.41934777

Nasu really loves Rin, it's not even a mystery is his favorite Fate girl.

>> No.41934821

Already looks better than Pokemon, how does Nikki do it

>> No.41934986

I want to fuck Kiritsugu :(

>> No.41935085
File: 560 KB, 2749x3935, 1667369188837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should give Demonbane a try, since people brought it to the convo. Kuro and Therion are really hot and voiced. IIRC, Kuro's VA is Kentarou Ito and Therion is Midorikawa.

>> No.41935314

Nitro+ has a lot of hot men protagonists who are voiced. Whatever is happening in Hanachirasu is gayer than gay sex, and Kikokugai has one of the craziest heroines out there. I think a lot of people want to fuck Kageaki as well.

>> No.41935476


>Whatever is happening in Hanachirasu is gayer than gay sex

This. Despite not having sex with each other they ascend homosex in terms of being gay.

What's a good place to download old Nitroplus games like Kikokugai, do they have an official page where you can download legacy games for free? Preferably in Japanese and legally, I mean.

>> No.41935953

Where are the liner notes in Slow Damage? Can someone send them?

>> No.41936016

nvm here it is: https://jast.blue/secret/slowd/Slow_Damage_ln.pdf

>> No.41936302

Demonbane is from 2003, which makes it even more laughable. The last /fit/ MCs...
Nowadays: 0

>> No.41936489


Tokyo Necro male MC and almost all side characters, male and female, are fit. Male MC however is emotionless as fuck so calling him a chad doesn't really work, but he is /fit/.

>> No.41937172

Liar-soft games are otome and you can't convince me otherwise. Alpha Nighthawk and the sequel from the latest ones, all characters are with their own OTP and Miriya has all the pure unassuming shoujo mc vibes in the world.
Of course, WABs - Sharnoth, Sona-nyl, Gakhtun. Esp. in Sharnoth Mary was my school crush x)
Tsuki remake has a decent amount of cute emotional and romantic scenes and all characters are fully voiced.
Ley-line series focused on one main girl closer to the end, and overall I liked the eye-candy art and magic school setting.

Come to think of it, voiced mc with a face (and abs) already checks otome for me bc you don't feel like a generic male self-insert and it guarantees some degree of plot. Nitro games especially.

>> No.41938019

I haven’t played it but the choudoku writer wrote for an eroge with a female protagonist that had a couple of good looking male characters. I doubt they get many H-scenes though.

>> No.41938869

Do you think we will ever get an otome game with a Magical girl MC? Or japanese women don't care enough about the genre to justify such premise?

>> No.41940004

How can you hate both Shiro and Archer? Their both great husband materiel.

>> No.41940258

Where's a good place to find untranslated galge anyway? It feels like I can only ever find already patched versions for games that have them.

>> No.41940745

>What's a good place to download old Nitroplus games like Kikokugai
I don't think Nitro+ actually offers downloads of their older games and they run like shit on newer machines, so you'll have to rely on Nyaa and similar places. There's a site that can "stream" older games (https://oo.parts/)) to you so you can play them on your phone, but I'm not too sure about the quality of it. Also, it's a paid service.

>> No.41940909

They have windows 10 compatable versions of a few of their games on DLsite. But yes I think the only legal way for most of them is that streaming site. There's something unsettling about seeing eroge covers arranged like a netflix menu.

>> No.41940922

>Magical girl MC
Lulu? Wand of Fortune may be considered Mahou Shoujo.
There are also these other titles with the tag:
Paradox Paradigm
War of Prayers: Inori no Otome

>> No.41940937
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I don't see why they wouldn't, like I can't imagine something similar in style to Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne failing. I'm not that knowledgeable japanese zoomer tastes, but I don't think girls anywhere ever stopped liking kitsch, whether it's CLAMP, or She-Ra, or W.I.T.C.H., or whatever. Being a lost pretty princess with magic powers is an evergreen, just play it shamelessly straight.

>> No.41941175

Nitro MCs are not only /fit/, they also have one of the biggest dicks you'll ever see.

>> No.41941193
File: 63 KB, 593x607, 1308442309448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fujochan is kill

>> No.41941523

Only one person mentioned mememasa

I want Kageaki to have marathon sex with me until I’m unconscious, and then he can continue fucking my passed out body

>> No.41941645

Never used it, what happened?

>> No.41941661

That dick is bigger than her head and even than her arm wtf

>> No.41941757

That's a Nitro cock

>> No.41941853


>> No.41941903

It was already dead.

>> No.41941930

Noo nonas how I'll be able to talk about my tranny obsession and men hate now!!

>> No.41941997

War of Prayes is a shall we date entry so hard pass. I knew about Paradox Paradigm..but I find the idea of the lis becoming magical girls kinda repulsive lol. I nevel liked the chara of Wand of Forutne's lis
I guees we need a company brave enough to release a game with such premise and hoping it becomes a success(so that other companies will inevitably follow). By the way your post mentioning Jeanne and W.I.T.C.H you unlocked my childhood memories

>> No.41942022

>I find the idea of the lis becoming magical girls kinda repulsive
Because it is repulsive. I can't stop thinking of that shitty anime where the boys transformed into a mahou shoujo. I cringed hard when it premiered and even harder when trannies loved it.

>> No.41942047

Such slander of Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love and it's fujoshi fans is intolerable.

>> No.41942087

They could have made the lis western like superheros(isn't My hero academia popular with women?) Or sentai like warriors but no they had to be magical girls too..

>> No.41942112

shit taste sis

>> No.41942146

>tranny and male hate
Sounds based

>> No.41942153

Why do you hate it

>> No.41942154

>isn't My hero academia popular with women?
Idk, I'm not the target public. I only know my youngest cousins like it, but they're 13.

>> No.41942163

Because it made me puke.

>> No.41942182

Look up Tokyo Mew Mew Olé, what do you think about those male character designs?

>> No.41942188

Those transformed into mahou shounen though.
I think Anon was talking about the twintails shit.

>> No.41942223

Zero manliness.
No, I was really talking about Binan, although the one you mention is not of my interest either.

>> No.41942263

Not the target audience either, I happened to read online that it has a huge female fanbase despite being a shonen series.

>> No.41942282

All shounen is popular among fujos.

>> No.41942540

Then go back there.

>> No.41943103

She said Shiro is shit and that Archer being based doesn't save Shiro's character. Or did I misunderstand?

>> No.41943545

Yeah you're correct, that anon can't into reading comprehension

>> No.41943839

I was asking her why did she think Shiro was shit you tards.

>> No.41943862

>How can you hate both Shiro and Archer?
>and Archer

>> No.41943982

Yeah, I thought that anon meant both Shiro and Archer. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

>> No.41944272

Like >>41943103 said I hate Shiro with passion, Archer is based and that's why I often censor mosaic nipstyle in my head the fact that he is that cuck.... for my own mental wellness and sanity please don't remind me.
Archer is based but that doesn't mean that Shiro is. They are different. THE DECEPTION THE BETRAYAL.
Shiro sucks sucks he is shit, why does he have to be the MC, Saber doesn't deserve this cuck and I don't simp for any of the girls, Gil is chad, Rin I don't particularly dislike her but she was made for coomers, Sakura is shit but her and Shiro make the perfect kuso couple. Both useless and below mediocre among all the gigachads. Also FUCK sakura for Gil, 0 sympathy!
Like Aoba in DMMD he ended up dating and fucking his tulpa as it took it's own form and used Aobas twin bro carcass for host. He became a person of his own. Archer has nothing to do with that below mediocre cuck, yes yes that's it.

>> No.41944309

Why do you guys say Shiro instead of Shirou

>> No.41944375

too shitty to have his name spelled properly

>> No.41944402
File: 379 KB, 566x800, 1665443936222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing, sis. We're like twins in the sense we think the same about how shitty Shiro/Shirou/Shito is. Have a chad Gil.

>> No.41944424

Anyone with taste would automatically choose any Fate boy over Shiro. Why would someone choose a teenager in coomer age over real powerful men thousands of years old, hotter, and more experienced? Fate is unreal as fuck.

>> No.41944578

B-but senpai is nice!!

>> No.41944636

Anyone can be nice in life, it's a basis for human interactions. Even psychopaths can be nice.
>I like him because he's nice

>> No.41944848

Probably not the greatest rec, but I like KnS and it leans towards OTP. Don’t know the consensus on the story, but I found it interesting. 2nd episode was better and the new protag Tomoyuki is hot imo

>> No.41945482

For me, it's Lancer.

>> No.41945989


>> No.41946033

Fuck s/n, zero had better boys anyways

>> No.41946967

I like shirou bc he triggers my "I want to ryona this" response and has a lot of cute autisms to exploit, but I wouldn't pick him over the comically evil & depressed middle aged men fgo offers.

>> No.41949256
File: 1.03 MB, 848x1200, 86664237_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know of https://vndb.org/v12779 but I still wish Nasu would make a Fate otome VN
I want to secude all the Koyasu boys

>> No.41949616 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 1120x700, 9348328420943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you also like picrel for suffering reasons?

>> No.41950119

Even Archer disliked Shirou at some degree.
>Shiro make the perfect kuso couple. Both useless and below mediocre among all the gigachads.
It's the best example of Garbage x Garbage
>Also FUCK sakura for Gil, 0 sympathy!
The stupidest death in all Fate. Nasu got him killed by Sakura so players could say "Ohhhhh diz waifu iz powaafuru".

>> No.41950376

Because he can cook, fixes shit, buff ,becomes archer(chad). Shirou has some great husband potential, but I can understand why you guys don't like him. He's one of those either you like him or you don't kind of characters.
See above. Also I do like most of the boys in Stay Night. Fate in general has a lot of good husbandos.

>> No.41950545

He's based af, the only thing that turned me off a bit was learning that he's Shinji.

>> No.41950710
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>Gilfags getting uppity again
Reminder that OG Gil was such a shit character that he had to be fixed in Zero, completely rewritten in FGO, AND they had to add his male (but not totally male to not offend otaku) love interest to at least get fujos look his way.

>> No.41950763
File: 142 KB, 800x1224, 1659267351797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ar you a male? Worst Gil is FGO followed by Zero Gil since he doesn't do anything else but drink wine with Kotomine and confess his twisted love to Saber in the end, the only fun episode.
At least in S/N he offers the best fight.

>> No.41951260

>Ar you a male?
That's a weird ass angle to go in, like FZ isn't massively popular than the average fujo rather than FSN

>> No.41951494

NTA, but it's well known 99% of males hate Gil with passion.

>> No.41951528

What about the other 1%?

>> No.41951541

0,9% just hate him
0,1% self-insert as him

>> No.41951589

Why? Because he's a gigachad?

>> No.41951594

nah, subaru's just annoying

>> No.41951655

And because he isn't nice.

>> No.41951880

I doubt, he's massively popular for a reason. Guys like Gil, Lancer and Archer are popular once you move away from the self insert element of FSN.

>> No.41951932

In all these years I have wanted my life on 4chan there hasn't been a single time males don't pick a fight because I say I like Gil and it's one of the many reasons I don't even lurk /a/ or the TYPE MOON general.

>> No.41951941

In all these years in my life I've seen countless of people horny for gil and gilfags defending him and I doubt they were all women on 4chen.

>> No.41951942


>> No.41951953

Most of those are probably powerlevelfags, who are subhuman

>> No.41951986

>I doubt they were all women on 4chen
Oh well, many of them will never be lol
Every single VN that gets an anime adaptation attracts subhumans like shit attracts flies.

>> No.41952000

>This character who talks shit with women, feels he own saber and has a powerlevel of 999 is unpopular with men
Lmao sure women.

>> No.41952025

Go to /a/ and ask what they think about him and his power level. They'll tell you he's a jobber and a rapist who just wanted to have his way with Saber and will never be worthy of a waifu.

>> No.41952028

>Caring a character is a rapist

>> No.41952034

Go ask.
Or even better, wait for a husband thread and see what moids post there.

>> No.41952047

Oh we got a fujochan reject. Explains why the thread suddenly went meta femcel posting.
Go back.

>> No.41952054

>Everything I don't like is fujochan
Seriously, /blog/?
We got the /pol/ equivalent. Congrats!

>> No.41952061

>>Everything I don't like is fujochan
moid is not a 4chan word, you stupid slut. Much like "scrotes" which you tried to use some threads ago.

>> No.41952069

>moid is not a 4chan word
What do the archives say about this claim? rmmt

>> No.41952076

If you are going to post on 4chan because your site is dead you'll have to try to fit. Here we don't care much for 3d and girl power shit, we actually want to talk about the BL and Otome.

>> No.41952090

>being this obsessed with fujochan
Please, keep posting more. This is funny. It may serve you as a therapy. C'mon, anon. Tell of how free fujochan rents in your mind.

>> No.41952091

I want the otome equivalent of Mario Bros. I want to rescue a hot prince in distress.

>> No.41952102

That's exactly how fujochan was shilled here. People brought it from fucking nowhere.

>> No.41952125

Go back.

>> No.41952131

Stop fueling the faggots above and post based LIs.

>> No.41952142

Fujochan never had enough activity for anyone to be 'from' there in the first place. The true culprit here is lolcow.

>> No.41952155

There's literally one (1) fag who got mad because he's in denial about Goldie being as popular and liked as he thinks on this place. Not being happy with reality, he brought up f*jochan.

>> No.41952172
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, 1 (180).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys love need more incest.

>> No.41952191

When I saw a fan art of Napoleon on twitter I was overjoyed thinking that maybe a hunky was a love interest in a new bl/otome..then I googled about Fate and my day was ruined

>> No.41952192

I don't care for BL incest. It's not something that puts me off or anything but it's not a draw for me like it would be in otome.

>> No.41952211

It needs more fatherson incest.

>> No.41952216

You mean just a regular platformer featuring, Idunno, the kitchen lady?

>> No.41952262
File: 313 KB, 512x724, Diarmuid4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41952274

>TMGS on PS2 has actual songs playing in the shops
>DS ports and every game since has the same generic bgm playing
How do we get the soul back, sisters?

>> No.41952277

What's the appeal of het incest? Retarded babies? Homo incest is wincest.

>> No.41952306

>she doesn't know
Play chou no doku sis, I promise you it will change how you view it

>> No.41952352

Basically a Sailor Moon game.

>> No.41952391

He's so handsome...

>> No.41952530

/blog/ - TYPE-MOON

>> No.41952550

He sounds like he got bullied there

>> No.41952556
File: 776 KB, 798x598, hnc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you guys weren't kidding

>> No.41952577


>> No.41952592

There isn't much to comment on.
Slow Disappointment was a turn-off, and no Dolce Vita yet to save otome.

>> No.41952800
File: 273 KB, 1200x1570, 1652261781194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of you following Meshikaburi-hime?
>inb4 it's not otome
Who cares, the guys are handsome it can count as one.
I picked the story because it's romance, although I didn't expect this MC... She's beautiful and sweet, but... there's this detail.
The story is slow and can become very autistic because Eliana (((Bernstein))) is very into her books. I think she's a legit autist. However, Christopher loves her autism and doesn't care about being cucked by books, which is very touching. The love they feel for each other is so sweet I feel I needed to watch something like this. But more than Elianna's side being the focus, Christopher is the character that stands out the most because he's a man deeply in love and, sisters, he may be one of the few chads in animation who has kissed the heroine the most in just one season and who has done everything just to be with her and marry her.
Christopher's friends can count as Elianna's harem. Glenn and Alec are very cool.
Irvine is good husband material too and he even lowkey confessed to Elianna.
It's not the best anime of the season, but it's totally worth it for Christopher and the other guys. Btw, his uncle is hot too.

>> No.41952934

Chris is so devoted to her I get jealous every week.

>> No.41952963

No Elianna is shit so I dropped it 3 episodes in. Kimura Ryohei also sounds too much like an ossan nowadays.

>> No.41953003
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, 1660244554910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eli gets on my nerves too. I'm just watching for the plot. Pic related.
Kimura sounds like forcing himself too much to sound like a prince. I would have chosen another VA.

>> No.41953033

Christopher is the biggest reason to watch it. But it pains every time Elianna can't read the mood and just tell him she loves him or just hug him FFS. He does too much for her for so little reward. There are sweet moments, though.
I was about to drop it when the sandniggers appeared, but the story improves after that.

>> No.41953064

explaining more I guess, shirou has the deep seated brain problems where he actively seeks out getting fucked up and takes it in stride as what's natural (for him) and even does it to himself in plenty of endings (sparks liner, etc) but subaru never really had that commitment to getting bisected or bad-ended, it just happens to him and then he is sad.
I think it's mostly a matter of presentation.

>> No.41953066

Best MC this season is Aileen/Irene. I love her craziness.

>> No.41953074

I want a BL dungeon crawler so very much.

>> No.41953081

Ah I see what you mean. You like the mentally disturbed aspect. I enjoy watching Subaru get brutally raped physically and mentally in multiple timelines but its true that he doesn't actively seek it, he's just unlucky or has no choice.

>> No.41953098

I want someone to explain to me how is that Eli forgot about the time she spent with Christopher. Supposedly, she has a privileged memory, but forgot about the boy she spent time talking about books with???

>> No.41953100

yeah, the mental aspect I think is the part I like the most.

>> No.41953115

Really good plot in your pic...

>> No.41953125

No need to explain, sister. It's just an asspull.
There's no way she could forget him when she can remember what 100,000 books say.

>> No.41953177

That's exactly what I don't like about Eli.
If I were Christopher's fiancee I'd eat him up every day.

>> No.41953241

That's the idea, but she doesn't get it. Please, understand, she has autism.

>> No.41953273

>the best boys aren't from joseimuke media
why is this allowed

>> No.41953276

It makes me seethe every day

>> No.41953282

Who is it?

>> No.41953581

I found it overly dramatic and unrealistic and skipped. Chris deserves better.

>> No.41953816

What about Liar Princess and the Blind Prince
It's a platforming game where you protect a blind shota

>> No.41953857

Yes, it's sad, but I'm comforted to know that they're not in shounen either. That's a relief.

>> No.41953889

If you're thinking about another fag from fate kys

>> No.41953957

tfw no otouto to nurse daily
tfw no otouto to kiss to bed every night
tfw no otouto to bathe with
tfw no otouto who loves you the most in his world
tfw no otouto who promises to marry you when he grows up
tfw no otouto.

>> No.41954006

thank fucking god
fate is shit

>> No.41954191

>He does too much for her for so little reward.
I honestly didn't expect a heroine so reluctant to reciprocate the unconditional love her future husband expresses for her.

>> No.41954364

Nice abs. Is he a warrior prince?

>> No.41955293

Warrior isn't exactly the term, but he's good at fencing and can do a lot of things. His waifu a shit.

>> No.41956146


>> No.41957148

games like this?

>> No.41957891

>From a young age I attended an Escalator style Girls High School.
Even though I was deeply interested in my studies and club activities everyday life was slow and full of boredom.
During those high school days I met a wonderful person.

Kurahashi Yukari... She was like a big sister to me.
She went to the same St Agnes Women's College and learned from lots of interesting books.
They were fun days that I never want to forget. After graduating Yukari started working at a certain company.

In order to chase after her I applied to that same company and got an offer. When I told her her the happy news she replied with a smile.
"But I'm probably going to retire soon."

Surprised I suddenly said,
"But I really thought it would be nice to spend every day working together..."

Saying those words filled with dissatisfaction was a bit selfish of me, but Yukari just smiled kindly and whispered in my ear.

"You should know by now too, how wonderful love is... right?"
When she said that I felt a weird flustered feeling. A love so wonderful that you can just declare it like that, could I feel that way too someday?

But coming back from my study abroad I was struck by some sudden news.
Yukari killed herself!?
There's no way that happened, she was so happy the last time I saw her.

In order to find the truth of the incident I'm going to work at the same company in the same secretary role that she had from today on.

Have you played this otomege, Reijou Tantei Office Love Jikenbo? Interesting plot.
