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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41795512 No.41795512 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anything related to the discussion of Japanese light novels, WN / Web Novels included.
Learning Japanese to avoid mistakes and subtext trimming by translators and MTL is heavily recommended.

>Finding light novels info:

>Additional resources:
>Recommended readers:
Android, Libera https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.foobnix.pro.pdf.reader/
PC Japanese epub reader: https://ttu-ebook.web.app/
PC English epub reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/

>Main fan TL dump:
>Official translations:
v19.0: https://nyaa.si/view/1575043
v19.1: https://nyaa.si/view/1585807
v19.2: https://nyaa.si/view/1597035
v19.3: https://nyaa.si/view/1597038

Previous: >>41663294

>> No.41795531

Did anyone here read honzuki in english? What did they tl ダプラ and ダルア as?

>> No.41798423

most likely whatever a hover dictionary would say

>> No.41799758

Can you abuse kindle refund policy?

>> No.41799901

at that point just pirate stuff

>> No.41799926

tons of jp stuff you just can't find pirated

>> No.41800521

You're going to have to give some context as to what those are

>> No.41801017

Nobody is sharing New LN that doesn't have Manga/Anime adaptation especially if it's not Isekai

>> No.41801098

Eh that depends, sometimes people do, sometimes they don't share even popular stuff.
For example to this day I still can't find the ひとりぼっちの異世界攻略 raws despite that novel having a decent following.

>> No.41801550

Wish I had more e-books to share but I really like physical and I'm not rich enough to buy 2 of everything, especially when digital isn't any cheaper

>> No.41801809

Is that or without shipping?
And honestly you could try taking photos of the pages or a video, even if you take care of not damaging the book, people sometimes are desperate enough to read off that.
Speaking from experience.

>> No.41801857

Or (You) could just pay 10 bucks for a LN instead of asking someone to spend an hour photographing a book.

>> No.41801893

nta but literal third worlders don't have that many options dude

>> No.41802115

I am asking because they are conlang words (names of the types of apprentice contracts)

>> No.41802336

>tfw I have money but can't be arsed to get a credit card

A hell of my own design.

>> No.41802570

first anon here that's why I was asking if you can abuse kindle refund, don't wanna waste money on LN that i'll dropped in the middle

>> No.41802875
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Leherl and lehange

>> No.41802910

this is some panzerfahren/eotena tier autism

>> No.41803192

Thanks anon. It matches what the nip readers thought the source words to be. I am glad the j-novel guys are the ones tling honzuki

>> No.41804283

Nice trips. It's been out. I ordered the english version. 12 is out in Japanese, but that's it so far.

>> No.41804289

Why did my link fail?

>> No.41804320




Gee, I wonder.

>> No.41806949

Why is Arifureta the best isekai LN?

>> No.41806969

because it was likely your first and you're trying to start shit

>> No.41807015

Not true. Konosuba was my first.

>> No.41807036

that's somehow even worse
my condolences

>> No.41807061

Now that zlib owners have been arrested and deported, the fall of zlib feels inevitable.
Where will we find jp novels from then on?

>> No.41807095

on amazon.co.jp and bookwalker

>> No.41807135


>> No.41807294
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on the kobo™ store on our ereaders

>> No.41807341

This somehow has less stuff than nyaa or dlraw.

>> No.41807762

What's the Oregairu / Saekano of the current generation of published LNs, if any? Well written Seishun story that is firmly considered a level above the rest.

>> No.41807779

>woe is me JK drama
>well written
lmao even

>> No.41807906

千歳くんはラムネ瓶のなか seems to be that now, anyone read it?

>> No.41808044

low tier chara tomozaki-kun

>> No.41808095

Given this subgenre got fucked by nagatoro copycats, the best you can get is tomozaki.
Everything else is just meh.

>> No.41808328

I was waiting for black friday to buy an e reader, but the discounts on kindles are pathetic, like at most 20 bucks and only on some models.

>> No.41808424

That could be the last opportunity to get anything for a reasonable price before lack of Chinese parts and the economic war drive inflation up.

>> No.41809640

I genuinely enjoyed the first 2 volumes of magical explorer. It really helps when the cast besides the MC has personality. Starting to think all the people who complained about it on /a/ focused to much on the eroge title implication without actually knowing much about eroge.

>> No.41809984
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>> No.41810104

To me it felt like weirdly the opposite, every single character felt paper thin despite being a character driven story (or at least more so than usual for LNs).
It's weird because it simultaneously feels the story explores the characters a lot but at the same time it feels it does nothing with them.
Barring those that rely on character specific traits, it feels you could swap any girl with another in any given scene and it would work just fine regardless, while simultaneously making every girl feel relatively unique.
It's really bizarre and it got boring by volume 2 so I just dropped it.

>> No.41810121

nah, the Chinese economy can't live without flooding the world with cheap electronics. their growth prospects are already weak

>> No.41810161

Did Grimgar finish yet?

>> No.41810171

i would be really surprised if it hasn't axed itself into an ending yet

>> No.41810275

I went and looked it up, volume 19 came out in June, no official english version yet
I know its not a very good series but there's something enjoyable about it, like junk food for the brain

>> No.41810290

>It's weird because it simultaneously feels the story explores the characters a lot but at the same time it feels it does nothing with them.
it's kinda hard to do a lot in 2 volumes worth of setup though. if anything, taking it's time to get there is a good thing if it pays off. the plot beats with yukine and nanami in particular definitely feel like they're going somewhere.

>> No.41810319

Grimgar is a series of highs and lows. the peaks are really good, and then there's valleys filled with mind resets, wandering around nowhere, and tedious plots.

>> No.41810747

so I'm in the middle of reading tsurekano vol 4 and I'm getting kinda disappointed with the direction of the relationship of the MC and the girl is going
I don't know if I was reading it wrong, I had the wrong expectations or I need to read the future volumes but I don't feel like they're gonna get back together or something
I don't feel like reading this anymore now...

>> No.41812127

that's the pain of romance stuff without comedy to be honest

>> No.41812396

I stopped at the 13th volume, does it improve or is it still a cycle of pretty much resetting progress every other arc and making them start from the bottom?

>> No.41812423

there were two short story volumes after volume 14, and it's not until 16 where things start to prgress again, with the return of ranta and yume

>> No.41812428

What a shame. I guess I'll wait for more volumes to be released before I give it another go.

>> No.41812486

13 and 14 are probably the worst volumes
14+ is some short stories, one shows what a character is currently up to, one is retelling part of volume 1 from Manatos perspective, and one is backstory for the girls when they were first training at the guild
14++ is more short stories, the most notable one is what a different character is doing and them linking back up with the character that was followed in 14+
15 has a soft reset for some characters but starts what the author said is the final arc, the party finally make it back to Alterna, stuff happens, old characters like Barbara are back, you learn more about the mainland and the general state of the world and go from there
16 is a continuation of that after certain developments
I haven't read 17, 18, or 19 yet and kind of want to just reread the series in one go when it's done which is why I asked if it had finished yet

>> No.41812500

>>13 and 14 are probably the worst volumes
Okay, that's a relief.
I think I'll give it all a try when it is finished too, thanks for the information.

>> No.41813291

The Chinese money is 90% in their housing bubble. If they can't keep that bubble from exploding, their economy is bust.
The shipping delays are meant as a tool to force the USA to lower their interest rate, which is threatening to blow that bubble.
Of course, it's doubtful the Americans will stop their attack when they only raised their interest rates in order to blow that very same bubble to kill China's economy.

>> No.41815879

because dragon anal

>> No.41816095

Tio is simultaneously worst and best girl.

>> No.41816866
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fan-translated up to latest volume
might get licensed in few hours
anime next year

>> No.41817039

I started reading 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます and just realized that the WN version is so much different than the LN version
in the WN they started dating immediately after breaking up with their exes but in the LN, the love is more pure and apparently it takes more time for them to start dating...
I really liked the WN version too...

>> No.41817135

Common occurence. A story that could've wrapped itself in 1 vol would have an open ending for continuation because money

>> No.41817153

the WN version still had more stories after they started dating tho
valentines day, skiing trip, more heronies (best friend's imouto and main heroine's imouto), etc
I guess it will keep me entertained for a longer time now

>> No.41817228

Yeah but you can find those in literally every romcom. Do I want to read about valentine, skiing and harem in a story called 彼女が先輩にNTRれたので、先輩の彼女をNTRます? No

>> No.41817242

I mean the skiing trip is still in the light novel version but I bet it will be different than the WN version
the valentine story was really nice too

>> No.41817584

i will never forget hikasa youko's performance of that scene...

>> No.41820148

Often I rewatch that scene just to hear it again.

>> No.41820192
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Finished vol. 1 of Makina
Was alright but got a little repetitive; I think maybe I appreciate this sort of thing more in videogame form

>> No.41820198
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Might read vol. 2 some day but I don't think I'm diving into it right now
Also whew at that artist change

>> No.41820206

the new artist is worse imo

>> No.41820214

I got like halfway into this one shortly after you post it and got kind of bored. Like you said, it started feeling repetitive. Did get some good faps out of it though so I guess I'll finish it eventually.

>> No.41820290
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I'm going back to reading comfy male-MC harem novels now
Starting with one of my few paper books

>> No.41820300

cute niku

>> No.41820403
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>> No.41822569

Fuck you for reminding me that this crap exists

>> No.41826458

>investigate buying JP ebooks because it's impossible to pirate a lot of them.
>Amazon jp needs a fake address, and many say your account is in danger of being shut down without warning depending on your payment method.
>Kobo stopped allowing foreign credit cards
>All the other ebook sellers force you to be locked down on their platform, where you own nothing, and can't read how you want/on what deviced you want, and the drm can't be removed.

Guess I'll just keep reading WN exclusively since JP doesn't want my money.

>> No.41826510

I just use bookwalker
I can still read on my phone when I'm in public transport so it works for me

>> No.41826511

>>Amazon jp needs a fake address, and many say your account is in danger of being shut down without warning depending on your payment method.
not true, just one purchase with a VPN

>> No.41826530

i've never had an issue with amazon jp
i just used the address of some random hotel in tokyo

>> No.41826907

>Kobo stopped allowing foreign credit cards
I dunno about going directly through kobo but I made a 楽天 account first, and then can buy through there and also use that account on kobo ereader and kobo app, with an American credit card

>> No.41826931

Anyone here read 死神を食べた少女? How is it? And is the LN uploaded?

>> No.41826988

I really don't want to use a VPN, I'll try to register an account without and see if it works.
I did read that there was a way to make it work, but I also read that if you do it that way you miss out on some significant discounts?
Well later I'll try with amazon, if that doesn't work I'll either try with kobo or give up.

>> No.41827011

You sound really underage / like a guy who still lives with his parents.

>> No.41827080
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>if you do it that way you miss out on some significant discounts?
dunno what that means but 楽天kobo has their own coupons and discounts

>> No.41827091

>I really don't want to use a VPN

>> No.41827367

reminder to not use vpns or the famous hacker 4chan will get you on your sleep

>> No.41827376

good luck, im hiding beneath seven blankets

>> No.41827664

is that....DENDRO!?!?

>> No.41828182


>> No.41828650
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i listened to all 10 audiobooks of 異世界のんびり農家 and my conclusion is that it's really not my cup of tea
wondering how the anime is going to be like because most of the story is told in a style of "and then winter came and this happened, and then spring came and that happened" as opposed to focusing on the actual characters and interactions between them
not to mention that that there's just way too many fucking characters in general so none of them are really explored in any depth
it was fine to listen to while doing other shit but i couldn't imagine myself actually reading through it i think i would fall asleep within five minutes

>> No.41828722

So the same problems as the manga?
God, I have no idea why I read it for as long as I did.
Somebody told me to try the source material, but at that point I had no love for the series left.

>> No.41829873

Just buy JP amazon gift card

>> No.41830482

Best place to buy digital for stripping and uploading purposes?

>> No.41830687

Did you try google play books? The selection is limited but the drm can be stripped and the books are cheaper if you are in the 3rd world (I have been buying honzuki at half price)

>> No.41830920
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Read the first WN chapter of pic related today.
He's more or less proper 陰キャ like I had hoped.
Had a feeling something like 01EX would happen and I'm glad it played out the way it did. Always nice when an MC has his pride.
Dunno what the author plans to do with 伶奈 yet but I hope she's just a catalyst for his growth and not serious competition for アッシマー

>> No.41832285

>google play books
Does it do automatic currency conversion?

>> No.41832488

>automatic currency conversion
Not sure what do you mean by this exactly but I am buying them in my local currency. Doesn't require any international transaction enabling stuff

>> No.41832771

The game mechanics bit too much desu, I don't really care about how much grass you get for a day
How about region lock?

>> No.41833005

>How about region lock?
No clue, changing regions in play store is a pain in the ass anyway. But the drm is easily broken so it wouldn't be a problem even if it is region locked

>> No.41833035

no I meant how to bypass this book is unavailable on your country?

>> No.41833282

learnjapanese.moe's discord has a lot of stuff you can't find anywhere else, just yesterday someone uploaded ハズレ枠

>> No.41833375
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Anyone have a recommendation for supernatural/mystery stuffs like Urasekai? Death Mark 2 can't come soon enough and it's making my creepypasta craving insane.
Did someone mention Dendro?
>ywn be a Summon Princess with Luck/RNG-based Embryo whose gimmick is that she plays a Red Eyes/XYZ Deck
Why even live?

>> No.41833555

and that's my problem, I won't be here if i'm not too autistic for discord

>> No.41833773

buying from amazon is the easiest once setup
make account if you dont have
go to Manage Your Content and Devices and set country to Japan
use japanese vpn or internet proxy and buy some free book like kokoro or w/e

leave proxy and now you can buy whatever you want without it, if you have problem with payment use the recharge gift card and pay with that instead.
to remove DRM use calibre plugin or https://github.com/Aeroblast/UnpackKindleS if you want high quality pictures

>> No.41833827

No idea, never came across an "unavailable" item entry in play books. Maybe it doesn't even show them on the store if it's unavailable

>> No.41833870

use bookwalker, it's way cheaper and image quality is better
the only drawback is you must use their application and you can't use an e-reader

>> No.41835400 [DELETED] 

Guys, in your opinion, what are the most must-read LNs?

>> No.41835474

What's the process? I heard you need to pass a test or something to access their downloads.

>> No.41835531

The thing with this "medium" or rather otaku media in general, is that once you get out of the mainstream pandering circles like most kadokawa stuff and the likes, you're deep into niche territory full of things that will never pander to everyone.
So it depends on what do you want, romance? Fights?

>> No.41835573


>> No.41835685

Lately I've been thinking about reading Index, but jesus christ, that's a lot of volumes

>> No.41835858

Yeah I get filtered once the number of volumes hits the 20 mark.

>> No.41835954

>Anyone have a recommendation for supernatural/mystery stuffs
Zaregoto is a must read if you haven't. Boogiepop also good.

>> No.41835981

How do the later volumes stack up? I remember reading the first two way back (liked the second better than the first).

>> No.41836516

Everything is written in one of the channels, it shows the word in kanji and you need to type the word in kana. You can enter the channel even with the lowest rank.

>> No.41836554

What are good LNs for N4-N5-kuns?

>> No.41836632

One that you want to read, not one that you force yourself to read because it's easy.

>> No.41836683

this anon >>41836632 is not wrong but ideally you find something that you want to read *and* that is relatively straightforward in terms of language, so something like an sol or romcom
you're not going to have much fun with something that you're interested in but it ball-bustingly difficult, and you're not going to have much fun with something that's very easy but you couldn't care less about

>> No.41836730

>so something like an sol or romcom
>you're not going to have much fun
kay, what are good recent ones?

>> No.41836741

the one about the russian girl

>> No.41836767

if only the recent volumes were available for download...

>> No.41836796

they will be by the time N5-kun gets through the first volume

>> No.41836836

Otonari no Tenshi-sama (download links in the previous thead) didn't feel very difficult

>> No.41836901

something that is not translated and with no anime adaptation
you will feel special and rewarded

>> No.41836954

i want them now

>> No.41836972

Here's the thing, you're kinda screwed regardless but for different reasons, so pick your poison.
There's roughly 4 "waves" or trends or whatever you want to call them in LNs, this is a very loose categorization with a lot of possible sub-categories and you can put a lot of LNs in two or even three categories at once.

The first one is the big one, the autism train if you will, which contains things from to aru to no game no life, infinite dendrogram, kage no jitsuryokusha, date a live and even things like infinite gacha, komarin and basically everything from nisioisin and shinkou.
Why this is hard to read is pretty obvious, there's a heavy reliance on context (or at least more than usual), a heavy focus on technical language, and also highly technical execution especially on the conflict scenes (because it's not always physical literal fights), as well as a tendency to get REALLY poetic, for anything N4 and below these are going to be almost incomprehensible without some autism on your own.

The next is the normal(fag) salaryman reading club, which includes things like death march, tondemo skill, hell mode despite how it's written and what it tries to do, nonbiri nouka, and so on.
This while possibly your best starting point, it can be really boring for some, and while some subtext will fly over your head, they are by at large the easiest ones to read, with the exceptions of the technical explanations about magic or the likes.

Then there's the lovey-dovey drama box, which pretty much includes everything here, >>41713286 and then some like onegairu and toradora.
These on paper are very easy to read, but a lot of it is extremely reliant on very thin subtext at times, and if you don't catch it you will constantly ask "why is x acting like this now?", which may make the characters feel inconsistent when they (usually) really aren't, that said, this is also a very good starting point.

The last one is the worst one, it's the "cool dudebro author trying too hard to fit in" category, which includes things like mushoku tensei, konosuba, and a large number of LNs which are what normalfags in the west usually complain about when they complain about "garbage isekai flooding the market".
Regardless of their stories they are the worst one for people new to japanese because they rely heavily on constant memes and references, depending on the novel they also have sorta-broken-grammar dialogue comparable to what you would see from /a/ or even /v/ posters but in japanese.
Which means even if you are perfectly fluent with japanese, unless you're also into that sort of meme (and kind of newfag) culture, you aren't going to understand it well past the general story flow.

My recommendations are either 異世界狂想曲 or お隣の天使様, and only because I'm fond of the latter, if you feel like testing yourself, try something like 目覚めたら最強装備と宇宙船持ちだったので or 六畳間の侵略者!?.
But if you have the autism then just start with whatever catches your attention, it will be fine as long as you understand your reading will progress slowly.

>> No.41836992

At that level you're probably better off with simple, cutesy manga like

>> No.41837027

>At that level you're probably better off with simple, cutesy manga like
I have been reading ruridragon,witch watch and kanajo mo kanajo, which are funny lil manga
I never knew LNs are that layered, i thought it was fantasy or isekaishit or romcoms

>> No.41837044

Despite the memes to dismiss them, LNs are a fairly big and broad medium nowadays, that different "subcultures" (for the lack of a better word) are writing stuff in all genres is frankly inevitable.

>> No.41837068

LN huge pool like shonen manga
with shonen you like 9 different flavours subcultures/waves/autism

>> No.41837102

Takagi-san manga is also super easy to understand

>> No.41837185

In my opinion this is an awful way to categorize things, second only to the tag system on novelupdates and various aggregators.
The problem with that is that it's based around very shallow readings forced on very shallow categories, and to make things worse a lot of those categories are very poorly defined and vague.
Which is why I try to categorize things around which "subculture" belongs the author to and where it's aimed at, more or less for the same reason I wouldn't try recommend hard dungeon crawler jrpg games to someone whose favorite jrpg is chrono trigger, despite both being seen as turn based games.
However, for example if someone likes dendro, I will tell them to give mahouka or strange grief a try (depending on the reason they liked dendro, the autism or the characters respectively), despite all three being completely different things at first glance.

>> No.41837195

Any romcom recommendations?

>> No.41837208


>> No.41837269


>> No.41837298


>> No.41838667

i hate otonari, i can't believe i got memed into reading it

>> No.41839512

Read anything interesting today?

>> No.41841385

just keeping up with what i was already reading

>> No.41841502

been finishing 異世界でも無難に生きたい症候群. it's rare good WN where Isekai MC stay "powerless" until the end of story. Shame the LN stopped at vol 2, hopefully manga adaptation will continue beyond LN

>> No.41843017

Started Shimotsuki-san recently but It has a weird feel with the background characters in the first chapters, dunno, even the mc...

>> No.41844198

Does he make it on his own or does he end up getting help from overpowered friends after a few chapters

>> No.41845316

I have read enough /a/ recommended stuff to recognize "the MC stays weak!" is a massive red flag.
And given it got axed before the bare minimum of volume 3, it seems that rule was spot on.

>> No.41846897

>overpowered friends
His allies are mostly retard strength no brain, while the enemies has gimmick like magic, necromancy, body hijack, future simulation, pocket dimensions, etc etc
MC is light/lelouch type that mostly use keikaku so him being powerless doesn't really matter. I think it's another Altima situation where author other book is doing much better so publisher focused on that instead.

>> No.41846948

>MC is light/lelouch type that mostly use keikaku so him being powerless doesn't really matter.
After dungeon defense this isn't a red flag, it's an entire fleet of red flags.

>> No.41847076

>dungeon defense
It's not game world so MC doesn't have previous knowledge. Plus his keikaku doesn't have asspull as much as Lelouch keikaku. Give the manga a try and you'll probably like it

>> No.41847097

>Give the manga a try
Anon, stop, you're just making it even worse with each post.

>> No.41847124

When it comes to JP LN shilling a lot of it, and I do mean most of it, comes down to people shilling the first thing they read unironically and earnestly as the best thing ever.
It's probably most noticeable with people that shill mushoku, and it's not even limited to LNs either, you can see this phenomenon in both the VN fanbase and the general "gamer" fanbases.
It's probably a thing that happens everywhere.

>> No.41847138

>bare minimum of volume 3
I was wrong it's actually has 3 volumes
his comparison was dungeon defense, so rebuttal is a must
My first WN was ironically mushoku kek and yes I also think it went to shit during school arc

>> No.41847152

yours is the most generic taste i have seen this month and i still frequent /a/
i wouldn't trust anything you rec

>> No.41847164


Noone cares

>> No.41847168

My first VN was https://vndb.org/v44 and it unironically and earnestly is the best thing ever
(It even has Mareni-sama)

>> No.41847216

Please tell me in your opinion several good isekai that has keikaku type MC. Since my taste is generic you'll know more than one right? Genuine question since I'm sucker for these kind of stories

>> No.41847232

>debate me! give me attention!
no way fag
now i wait for the inevitable "i a-accept y-your c-concession!"

>> No.41847261

>debate me!
Why so confrontational anon? It's really genuine question since I only has 10 chapters left. And next batch of LN I bought wouldn't arrive until like next week

>> No.41847279

>MC is light/lelouch type
Do you know of other LNs with protagonists like these?

>> No.41847291

Funny those two characters are the ones used as an example for "smart mastermind" as an archetype, their plans blew up on their faces all the time because they are retards.

>> No.41847300

Mushoku is better than like 99% of the stuff that gets posted here

>> No.41847303

Light was retarded, but I'd say Lelouch's plans mostly worked. Even when something fucked up, he usually found a way to salvage it.

>> No.41847307
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>> No.41847336

I can only think Genius prince, Notorious Talker, I want to fuck seras. That's why I ask for more, and since anon said my taste is generic there should be more right?

>> No.41847344

fatal's mc is hardly a planner, he bullshits his way out of things short term but that's kind of it

>> No.41847350

your taste is generic as a whole, not for liking chessmaster mcs
i could see your opinion about this and mushoku in reddit or discords without even looking for them, people with your exact same taste are a dime a dozen

>> No.41847360

It seems you're conflating like 2 or 3 (maybe even 4) different character archetypes into one.
You would have to be more specific on what you want.

>> No.41847365

>a lot of people like good things
woah... truly blowing minds here with your giga sophisticated brain here

>> No.41847369

>your taste is generic as a whole,
If it's generic as whole, it should be easy to recommend good "chessmaster" MC stories to me right?

>> No.41847374

>it's another generic "popular = good" bot
you don't have to be so triggered over being called out on your taste anon, grow the fuck up

>> No.41847381

It was my first vn too, but nah, when you learn Japanese you realize that there are a lot of better things

>> No.41847387

stop liking good things that i don't like :((

>> No.41847403

It would be much more beneficial for everyone if instead of criticizing other people's tastes, y'all would start giving recommendations

>> No.41847414

The problem with chessmaster stuff is that the most optimal move is always to simply be stronger than the opposition.
That's a problem because stuff like city building and dungeon managing always try to be chessmaster MCs with INT/WIS/CHA rather than raw power, but the story needs to constantly bend over to justify why some unga bunga tard can't just come around and BTFO the MC.
It worked for lelouch because he was both strong AND smart, but nobody that tries to write this stuff seems to get the memo, and those that do are just writing more "normal" stuff like arifureta.

>> No.41847419

With your attitude I doubt anyone would want to give you recs.

>> No.41847423

Again you're the one that keep being confrontational. I genuinely ask for recommendations since apparently you have better taste than me
Because it's hard to find good LN with that kind of stories, also I remember Altina, Alderamin and Rakuin no Monshou

>> No.41847458

>With your attitude
holy crap, you must be really sensitive to start crying over something like that

>> No.41847460

no you see, it's important that the teenager asserts that he has the most sophisticated taste and everyone else is a bot. give him a few years to grow out of it
picking to read things solely based on it containing X element is lame. just read good things and step out of your comfort zome sometimes

>> No.41847462

have you heard of this hidden gem, the uncle of isekai, overlord?
what about the niece of isekai, youjo senki?
or the brother of isekai, goblin slayer?

>> No.41847470

says the guy throwing a tantrum over his taste being called generic? i didn't even say it's shit, i just called it common and dime a dozen
all offense taken is a (you) problem

>> No.41847476

bro, what the fuck are you talking about? i just got here

>> No.41847488

>step out of your comfort zome sometimes
Well that's LN I bought which will arrived next week, wanna try reading Romcom while I usually read fantasy

>> No.41847491

If you wanted recs why didn't you just ask normally? This isn't reddit, /a/ or /v/, you could have just asked instead of hiding under layers of irony to bait for a response.

>> No.41847493

I read all that. If anyone knows Japanese and has any recent recommendations, it would be appreciated (for real hidden gems)

>> No.41847507

what are you even talking about schizo

>> No.41847522

>irony to bait
What bait? Anon here claimed that I have generic taste so I trust him to recommend me good fantasy LN with keikaku type MC, still waiting for the recommendation btw

>> No.41847533

as for me? it's ありふれた

>> No.41847541


>> No.41847545

I want to FUCK Shizuku.

>> No.41847549


>> No.41847562
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extremely good taste

>> No.41847589

based ガハルド

>> No.41847596


>> No.41847615


>> No.41847711

Cool, thanks bros. I just ordered a copy of 死体泥棒, so I had nothing to read right now. I think I'll go with 魔女と傭兵, that looks exactly like something I might like

>> No.41847726

Today SAOAGGO volume 11 will be devlivered to me lads,wish me a speedy delivery.

>> No.41847735

I don't even know if these recs are unironic or if you're taking the piss at him.

>> No.41847746


>> No.41847774

>offense taken
You get the wrong anon, also don't worry no offense taken. Still waiting for your recommendation btw

>> No.41847797

good luck anon

>> No.41847814

Happy reading bro, good luck on the delivery.

>> No.41848178

>Two hours has passed and still no recommendation
Looks like my taste isn't as generic as you claimed to be
