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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4176533 No.4176533 [Reply] [Original]

This is how /jp/ers play their VNs.

>> No.4176536

No, this is how I play jrpgs.

>> No.4176535
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>> No.4176539

Shouldn't at least one hand be at the crotch?

>> No.4176543

But I use the enter key to advance text

>> No.4176544

Only at the good parts like >>4176535

>> No.4176549

Oh god damn it, this aroused me.
Would anyone happen to know the source?

>> No.4176550


>> No.4176556

Nope, I use spacebar or enter key.

>> No.4176558

but then I have to stop advancing the story to fap. If I'm stroking it the entire time then I'll be ready for the good stuff.

>> No.4176560
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>> No.4176564

Hold down left ctrl until good part

>> No.4176565

that's what I do, it's like keeping the engine running

>> No.4176566

How weak, real men only use mouse wheel.

>> No.4176567

who the hell faps/shlicks to VNs anyway?

>> No.4176569

It's also great if you still live at home and your mom walks in.

>> No.4176570

I use the

>> No.4176573

Who doesn't?

>> No.4176574

that's what they're for

>> No.4176578

People pleasure themself to Eroge all the time, what are you talking about. That is what they are made for.

>> No.4176577

Bitch doesn't know about my CTRL.

Also, source?

>> No.4176576

I love good parts!

>> No.4176583

No they aren't! People play eroge for the DEEP STORYLINES

>> No.4176584

It's a requirement to unlock the incest route.

>> No.4176587

certainly mom understands the greatness of 2D girls and encourages her son to make himself happy.

>> No.4176589

/jp/ doesn't read anything besides FSN and Umineko.

>> No.4176590

i read tsukihime and ever17

>> No.4176592

>if you know what i mean

>> No.4176593

i read yume miru kusuri xDD

>> No.4176595

Well I do look a lot like OP

>> No.4176601

>deep plowing of the female characters, plot be damned.

I know what you mean.

>290 replies, 100 images, and the National Guard pulling up to help the FBI

>> No.4176610

Damn, this was translated fucklong ago, I'll go see if it's still on one of my HDs if OP decides to keep being a cock and not post source.

>> No.4176613

That's what I meant, you all only read translated shit.

>> No.4176614

Give the source already.

>> No.4176618

God forbid they only read stuff in a language they can understand

>> No.4176621

Ah, there is it, source is Kikkake Wa Marumaru.


Can find it like second from the bottom.

>> No.4176624

Is it really that hard to use tineye?

Source is Kikkake Wa Marumaru

>> No.4176623

I'm not sharing VNs with the FBI and other government agencies. If the want to get off to Mikan or the key girls they need to download the games themselves.

>> No.4176625

Thanks, bro.

>> No.4176626

Those were jokes. Also, not everyone can read Japanese. Stop being a dick.

>> No.4176629

Learn to AGTH+Translation Aggregator

It makes most visual novels readable.

>> No.4176632

I prefer decently edited translations and not a google translation of my games, thanks.

>> No.4176634

That's even worse than only reading translated visual novels.

>> No.4176645

We play like this because VNs are mostly boring shit. Goddamn walls of text.

>> No.4176654

I thought everyone made up their own stories as they played.

>> No.4176665

What? Why the hell would we make up our own stories when we are playing/reading a story?

>> No.4176676


I use the ENTER key
I read most of the text.
I often let the voice acting to finish.
I read for the plot.
I sometimes stop and have some deep thinking.

>> No.4176684


Wait, you don't fap at all? What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.4176696


>> No.4176701

It's alright, you can still have an orgasm through prostrate stimulation.

>> No.4176706

But I'm a faggot in denial, so I can't do that either.

>> No.4176720

I never fap while I'm reading the VN.

But after I finish it, it's obligatory for me to load up an H-scene with my favorite heroine and strangle my chicken as if I were an evil God punishing a non-believing infidel.

>> No.4176773

I find the scenes in conventional erotic literature to be more arousing than in the VNs. The VNs try way too hard in maximizing the experience for the reader (clicker?) by making the descriptions unnessesarily long.

I mean come on, why would I read a 10-line paragraph on the texture of her lips?

>> No.4176817

I just hold CTRL and click away even if I never read the VN before. The major portion of the novel is slice-of-life-y shit that has no consequence to the progression of the plot whatsoever. It's just the devs wanting to expand the novel so that they can market their product at a higher price.

>> No.4176831

Apparently eroge writers are paid 1k yen per kb, which would explain it.

>> No.4177668

This can't be true, I mean aren't the writers usually the heads of the company?

>> No.4177685

Huh, what makes you assume that?

>> No.4177703

That might be the case for most Doujin circles, but Doujin works can rarely compete against the works of solid legit companies, and most VNs are probably from regular companies anyway.

>> No.4177704
File: 261 KB, 970x1400, metal gear schlick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4177715

This is 100% true for all female gamers who played MGS.

>> No.4177717


And probably 90% true for male gamers as well.

He's just so...rugged

>> No.4177718

I'm no expert, but if my vag00 was excreting a thick, viscous, opaque substance I think I'd go to a doctor.
It looks like she's schicking with semen.

>> No.4177719

>implying a vn has ever gone into that much detail

>> No.4177720


>> No.4177725

sup UK fag

>> No.4177785

Don't you mean "sp K fag"?

>> No.4177805
File: 151 KB, 640x480, 1239494420577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't masturbate to eroge anymore. It's kind of sad, really.

It's like buying girlie mags for the articles.

>> No.4177837

I read the exact same thing yesterday.

>> No.4177848


You only think you did.

>> No.4177859

I honestly can't fap to VN porn. The dialogue is just too awkward.

>> No.4177870
File: 5 KB, 147x136, 1233687961508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can you tell? Maybe that's how people talk when they're having sex.

I wouldn't know.

>> No.4177890

I usually only fap to my Nukige VNs, otherwise I tend to read past it and then if the scene was worthy, load up the scene again and fap to it after I have read the whole thing.
Nukige games are great fapping material though, and while there aren't many at all that are translated most of them can be read with agth tools.

>> No.4177928

lol no there isn't

here's the real link

>> No.4177937

sup aspie
