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41752543 No.41752543 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41754231
File: 35 KB, 552x736, 1478047106648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing EoSD, TD and LoLK these past few days.
Got a couple of boxes filled.

I think it might finally be time to tackle PCB Phantasm.

>> No.41756856

i've said it before but i'll say it again, i just don't how somebody can deal with GFW's awkward controls on Lunatic and say it's too hard on every other game

>> No.41757432

Because happening to know how and when to freeze things goes way farther in that game specifically than having actual general skill.

>> No.41758580
File: 2.61 MB, 1275x957, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try clearing UFO hard but it seems like a big wall to overcome at present. I'll just do casual no bomb stage runs/retries to get better at handling everything before I start doing serious runs. I feel like I'll cave and just use thprac for bosses later on once I get sick of redoing entire stages to get more attempts at shit like Nazrin's 2nd spell and Kogasa's 1st spell, but for now this works decent enough.

>> No.41759253

>I'll cave and just use thprac
After I used it once for the phantasm stage I keep on finding myself using it more than I'd like. I like how it doesn't work with eosd as I'd have used it for the extra stage despite it not having taken nearly as much time as yukari in the end.

>> No.41760594

what >>41757432 said, timing your freezes is more important than actually dodging anything.
Also, the game showers you with free resources, I mean you get rewarded for bombing with lives and more bombs.
In my A1 and A2 clears I was sucking ass and getting hit by everything and yet still I was able to make it through.
In addition the game has only 3 stages and A routes are easier in my opinion (I can't do B, last time I tried for example).

All in all the game is just easier once you get used to the controls and timing your freezes right.

>> No.41761118

i still can't beat lls extra...

>> No.41761875

>Also, the game showers you with free resources, I mean you get rewarded for bombing with lives and more bombs.
replace "rewarded for bombing" with "rewarded for releasing" and you've perfectly described HSiFS. At the bare minimum you should be able to do Lunatic on that game or alternatively UM Sanae with the right cards

>> No.41761904
File: 341 KB, 640x480, 1536992129514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trying, anon. It's a hard extra, but it's worth it!

>> No.41761984

It does work with eosd, but not in a neat way like the others, you have to put the exe in the game's folder and run it from there (which also means it's not compatble with thpatch).

>> No.41762169

Maybe, I haven't tried playing HSiFS on higher difficulties yet.
One thing at a time.

>> No.41765235
File: 1.07 MB, 1619x1061, Touhou Checklist (509-527).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I got the last clears in Elegant Impermanence of Sakura (really great gamer I recommend it) so my fangames section is complete until i add a new one that I deem worth being there! Nowhere to run now heh
Added 100th BM too, made some correction sto the bg etc etc.
I works with EoSD and in a way better way too since pausing already brings up the menu instead of having to go to practice mode again, wish the others worked like this too.

>> No.41765307


>> No.41765779

i don't understand this image

>> No.41765793
File: 218 KB, 804x1604, 1661050731325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's comparing hitbox sizes

>> No.41766371

Are the blue circular hitboxes for grazing?

>> No.41767123

who knows?

>> No.41767224
File: 1.52 MB, 643x1292, 1659284930221843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41767396
File: 191 KB, 1280x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty easy to know grazing is just the normal detection but extended by 24

>> No.41770351 [DELETED] 


>> No.41771763

You should be able to know that the blue circle isn't the graze radius just by having played. It's literally inside the sprite.

>> No.41771846

I don't understand what you're saying. So the red box is the hitbox and the blue circle is for what? Also, I didn't know Touhou uses square hitboxes. I assumed it would be circles.

>> No.41771869
File: 132 KB, 643x255, 1668423442315249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but extended by 24
What do you mean by this? Is "6." the radius of the circle? And what is the 24 for? Is it multiplied by 24?

>> No.41771893

Bullets in the early games, like EoSD, have square hitboxes. Bullets in the later games, like LoLK, have circular hitboxes.

>> No.41771924

I'm coding a Touhou game from scratch so these hitbox images are useful. Thanks.

>> No.41771943
File: 154 KB, 850x1202, 1668362286202461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started playing mof, my first touhou game, today with a ps2 controller
is this the right way to play

>> No.41771956

That face is how Remi reacts to people who play with PS2 controllers.

Are you our lord and savior nmlgc?

>> No.41772171

Neat, what's it about? I've always been curious about the technical aspect of creating bullets patterns. Is it all math?

>> No.41772356

>Is it all math
No, not really. All you need is a little trigonometry for setting the angle of the bullets.

This is an old demo. Play on chrome:

>> No.41774120

i didn't make the image, but you can ignore the image as it is wrong just like every other thing people say about hitboxes
older games use more square hitboxes, but normally have both; newer games are mostly circles, but the details aren't reliable
i can't recall any that actually have squares for knifes or bubbles for instance, but i'm going on a decade old memories
as above, ignore the random bullshit image someone posted
in ufo the player has two hitboxes, one defined by a square defined by two (x,y) pairs, one for the top left corner and bottom right
the other is a circle defined by the center of the player and a radius
square bullets have a center (x,y) and a size (w,h)
from that you can get the two corners by subtracting/adding half of the width/height from the center
then you do a standard square-square intersection check to see if the bullet hits you
if it doesn't hit you it does a second check, but with a fake bullet of size 48 instead
if that fake bullet would hit you it is counted as a graze instead
circle hitbox bullets are mostly the same, but the math is wrong because zun failed algebra https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freshman%27s_dream
p_r**2 + b_r**2 > (p_x - b_x)**2 + (p_y - b_y)**2 means you got hit
the already tiny hitboxes are even smaller than they are supposed to be because of the math errors
grazing is complicated because the math is even more incorrect, but basically it does the same checks but the player's hitbox radius is increased by 40
no i'm not a dumb brony

>> No.41775294

Good stuff. How do you know all of this. I assumed only reverse engineers like that nmlgc guy would know all of that.

>> No.41775532

Excluding spellcards like royal flare which might be "drawn" with some specific functions you can do them with pretty basic math knowledge... I think, I only programmed a few patterns to be honest.

Still working on that? I don't know if you just didn't update the demo but the bullets at the top and left disappear instantly when touching a border which is weird especially since at the bottom and left you can see them move out of the screen.

I thought grazing would be just like collision but with a bigger hitbox that the one that makes you go pichuun.
Also thought that hitboxes would be either circles or squares having both at the same time seems a bit... redundant.
Unless ZUN said fuck it it takes less processing anyway/it's precise enough or something guess he indeed messed up.

Dam, not even when Reimu floats above reality she is save from the curvy lasers. How do those things even work? I thought they would just be a conga line of average hitboxes.
Nice to see actual hitboxes btw.

>> No.41778050
File: 18 KB, 1761x1032, stage-editor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a sneak peek at the stage editor. Creators will be able to drag and drop enemies on to the stage. And they will be able to right-click on the enemies and select a bullet pattern. One of the patterns will allow the enemies to fire on music notes. Or generate lyric patterns if the song has lyrics.

>the bullets at the top and left disappear instantly when touching a border which is weird especially since at the bottom and left you can see them move out of the screen
Nice bug find. I would have never spotted that. The bullets get removed when they go off the screen because HTML Canvas is very weak and can only render 500 bullets before it starts slowing down. The latest version is using WebGL 2.0, so now it can handle over 20,000 objects on newer PCs. I'll give the bullets a timer and remove them after a certain period of time.

The only trigonometry you need to know is:
bullet.x += cos(angle) * velocity * delta;
bullet.y += sin(angle) * velocity * delta;

Those two functions sin() and cos() are relatively expensive, so if you're rendering over 20k bullets you should cache their value and reuse them.

>> No.41780693

>The freshman's dream is a name sometimes given to the erroneous equation (x + y)^n = x^2 + y^2
Jesus christ

>> No.41782582

Why is PCB so much harder on Lunatic in contrast to Hard, even with Borders? Meanwhile on MoF I can reach Aya without bombing but I almost game over on Chen

>> No.41782944

Classic era games have a bigger leap from hard to lunatic while being very samey from normal to hard.

>> No.41783986
File: 47 KB, 646x509, Yuyuko (1982).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mental blocks are awful man.
I'm trying to NN Flan but I barely ever reach her because I keep randomly dying before her fight and when I do get to her something happens at any point of the fight like suddenly forgetting how to do the clock spell and whatnot, really frustrating. Just like in 2019 I believe I tried this shit for the first time, send help

>> No.41784015

ExNNs are just a test of patience and their difficulty is just that of a Lunatic 1CC unless you're talking about LoLK
What are you "randomly" dying to? Flan herself isn't too difficult and the only hard thing is QED

>> No.41784133
File: 320 KB, 640x480, th6_ud0021 (EoSD) Extra Clear - ReimuB [No Miss No Bomb] (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible, bitching in /jp/ has always been effective but this is a new record for sure!
I just kept dying to the damn fairy before Patchy. Sometimes to the rainbow bullet spell that comes after maze, but i suspect that is because I'm forcing myself to not do the gay safespot it has. Regardless, we cool now

>> No.41784505

what's harder, no miss no bomb or no bomb no focus? extra or lunatic

>> No.41784776

No miss no bomb is much harder, especially with Extra, where no focus is probably not a huge deal since the patterns tend to be more gimmicky than dense. With no focus, you increase your probability of making mistakes, but at least you're allowed to make several.

>> No.41784863

Tried IN extra for the first time and managed to reach Mokou's second spellcard, which is funny since I before I always died a few times before reaching the boss in extra stages.
Congrats anon that's impressive. Especially if you didn't use the starbow break safespot(It's the only one I know not sure if there are others).
How long have you been playing touhou to reach that level?

>> No.41787554
File: 103 KB, 600x848, Yuyuko (4706).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I started in mid 2016 and played consistently until late 2017, then in 2018 I got my first LNB and it went downhill from there, with months and even year long breaks till now.

>> No.41788320

what is the consensus on using vpatch for LNNs and score runs? Maribel Hearn's LNN and WR list doesn't say anything against using it, DNB or whatever that scoreboard's name is says it's allowed and even TWC says it's allowed but you have to specific settings for certain games

>> No.41788330

*set specific

>> No.41788513

Nobody cares besides a few autists. Most if not all LNN players uses it

>> No.41788771

>Most if not all LNN players uses it
even with vsync set to 0?

>> No.41790557

I keep getting filtered by Youmu. There is no skill in this game. It's all luck. Fuck Youmu and if you are down with Youmu then fuck you too!

And fuck Reimu and her bitch ass bombs. Marisa is superior in every way.

>> No.41790581

Youmu is the only hard part of PCB, just bomb through her shit and you're more or less in the clear.

>> No.41790967
File: 320 KB, 640x480, th6_ud0022 (EoSD) Extra Clear - ReimuA [No Miss No Bomb].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Reimu A too, maybe I'll try Marisa, but her increased speed while focusing isnt very nice

>> No.41794207

>her increased speed while focusing isnt very nice
it makes me question who finds playing wit her her more comfortable than reimu; most of the difficulty that comes from playing her boils down to the player being constantly stressed about not accidentally pressing any movement button just a bit too much at a critical juncture (the only thing that's just a bit easier is doing maze of love at the bottom)

>> No.41795838

Isn't her offense more stronger than Reimu's?

>> No.41795966

yes, but the fact that you're constantly focusing so you don't accidentality run into things makes that rarely matter (maze of love being one of the few times where it can)

>> No.41801709

There reaches a point where your execution becomes good enough that running into bullets is no longer the primary threat. Instead, bullets become an obstacle to other goals, at which point Marisa's speed becomes an advantage. e.g. being able to move quickly to speedkill enemies on opposite sides of the screen, running up to PoC items, etc.

>> No.41803080

Did something happen to catbox? rpy files could be downloaded via catbox but now they only show a big wall of text when I try to access any that aren't expired. I tried downloading some from pomf and lunar cast and they work just fine. Other file types can still be downloaded from catbox so why is it only rpy files that are effected by this? Can anybody else confirm if they have the same problem?

>> No.41803128

right click and save as

>> No.41803808

thanks lad

>> No.41805905

How do I become an elite hacker like you.

>> No.41806047

Nevermind that, check out this guy >>41803128
Apparently /jp/ is filled with elite hackers.

>> No.41807057
File: 35 KB, 552x736, 1478047106648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCB Phantasm - all clear
Marisa B was the worst, what a shitty shot type, the only redeeming quality she has over all the other ones is her bomb, which is of course worthless in extra where the bosses are immune to bombs.
Every single spellcard lasts twice as long with her because of her extremely narrow shot, even Marisa A melts a few of the spellcards so fast you barely even have to dodge anything, not this one though.
So yeah, took longer than expected, cleared with all the other shot types, but was struggling with Marisa B for a few days.
On the bright side, I actually had to learn how to dodge some of this stuff, meanwhile with Sakuya you can literally just cheese and bomb everything, you don't even need to know what's going on, and still get an easy clear with leftover resources, no dodging required.

Anyway, what next, /jp/?

>> No.41807064

mof lunatic reimu c

>> No.41807072

I think you mean Marisa C, that would be the only one I could do it with.

>> No.41807087

no, i mean REIMU c. that was not a typo

>> No.41807102

EoSD MariA
it's time to improve your fundies

>> No.41807332

I meant Mari B of course.
And I actually got it now just for fun but,
BugFixTh10Power3 = 0
so of course, it doesn't count

>> No.41807620
File: 2.45 MB, 1274x956, grind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thprac is kind of fun to use, I feel weird for being so apprehensive against it in the past for being a third-party tool. I can just zone out and bash my head against a problem until it stops being a problem or I admit my lack of skills and resign myself to bombskipping the spell in a real run. Only annoying part is resetting the BGM every death so I have to turn off the ingame music and play something myself. Ichirin's ULiL theme is pretty nice.

>> No.41807660

>Only annoying part is resetting the BGM every death so I have to turn off the ingame music
press backspace and f7

>> No.41807681

I didn't know about that, thanks.

>> No.41810615

No matter how hard I practice, I still fine Touhou nigh unplayable

>> No.41810642
File: 892 KB, 1500x1500, 1635703574024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time to visit her anon!

>> No.41810675

No, no, no, not yet.
For now I'm doing PCB no bomb runs, already got Reimu A down.
Next I'll probably be finishing IN hard and extra.

I'll drag this out for as long as I can.

>> No.41810689

It's simple really, you just need to stop sucking shit and get good.

>> No.41812540

>Only annoying part is resetting the BGM every death so I have to turn off the ingame music and play something myself
I've been doing that since the first time I started practising stage 4&5 in eosd. I can't image listening to the same bgm again and again when I could be listening to a podcast. I always listen to the music the first run I do of a new game and usually only turn it back on if I feel like it for atmosphere's sake.

>> No.41812662

Again, it's not as hard as you're hyping it up to be. If you had this same apprehension about Yukari, you sort of know by now that it's just another little learning bit, which is going to feel a lot easier to complete just by virtue of having done other similarly difficult runs before.

>> No.41813434

That's fine as long as you're still having fun playing.

>> No.41816264

To be fair Koishi and Nue are one of the harder ones when it comes to extras.

>> No.41817651

what's the worst shot type in every game?

>> No.41819998

How do I get through Possessed by Phoenix second phase consistently? I finally captured it today but it really was a fluke, and I used the weird stream upward very slowly method instead of the circle around method where I usually see people use

>> No.41820056

Reimu A but only by a little bit
Sakuya A
Solo Alice
Magic team by a little bit
Reimu C
Reimu B
Marisa B
Sanae by a little bit
Sakuya B
Youmu Eagle

>> No.41820075

EoSD is a broken game. Its difficulty is insultingly easy until it isn't. And then it becomes too hard in the later stages.

>> No.41821865

>And then it becomes too hard in the later stages.
You're either playing on too high of a difficulty or just need more practice.
Stage 4 is literally just about knowing where the enemies spawn from and getting used to patchy, sakuya is just practice and learning how to misdirect her and remi isn't too bad on hard/normal (fuck playing her at max rank though)

>> No.41821899

>How do I get through Possessed by Phoenix second phase consistently?
Beats me. Thank the gods there's at least spell practice in IN. I spent like 200 attempts just to get a feeling for it and it's still not assured.
You should move in a cricle around the middle, but with a tendency of going a bit "too low" when you're on your way down (move slowly while you're there and pray that you've got a good enough feeling when you're up again and having to move right next to where the bullest spawn for 2 turns). The most important thing is not to panic and suddenly de- or increase your movement speed while you're doing the upper part.

>> No.41822500

>Sakuya A
You are completely out of your mind if you actually believe this.

>> No.41822599

not him but she is garbage outside of basic survival runs

>> No.41822622

She's not really garbage, but unfocused cherry gaining with her is definitely incredibly unfun and time consuming.

>> No.41822665

Which is what the majority of players go for, but even if you look at scoring or LNNs she's not the worst ranked shot in PCB.

>> No.41823152

Her shot is so wide I'm pretty sure you actually gain cherry points more quickly during boss fights by shooting focused, despite the penalty.

>> No.41827381
File: 939 KB, 999x749, 86582cca2369aa6a77534f45f9341ecd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one step at a time

>> No.41827600
File: 37 KB, 362x346, 1653167873205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you unlock the third card slot in Tohou 18? (there is a 3rd slot right?)

>> No.41827611

congrats anon
I didn't know /jp/ had such good players who are capable of a Lunatic 1CC!

>> No.41827639

He barely got there though, with no lives or bombs to spare.

Maybe he can do better next time.

>> No.41827890

Get the alternative ending 1cc by beating Chimata while carrying her card.

>> No.41827910

She's lackluster in survival runs once you get a feel for the game
Her claim to fame is 4 bombs and homing but her damage is comparatively too low and her homing doesn't have the range that reimu's has. Low difference between focused and unfocused speeds makes her awkward to dodge with and doesn't have reimu's hitbox to compensate. Her bombs are mid but pale in comparison to the sheer power of marisa's. And to top it off her cherry gain is mediocre at best. She's like this shitty amalgamation of Reimu A and Marisa where she takes the worst qualities from both and tops it off with 4 bombs.
She might not be THE worst but she's definitely a very good contender for that spot

>> No.41827919

>beating Chimata while carrying her card
Ohh naruhodo, I'll do that.

>> No.41828022 [SPOILER] 
File: 973 KB, 1026x1068, blasphemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game hints at the requirements in Reimu's ending, which is pretty neat.

>> No.41830959
File: 201 KB, 420x560, 1615424329795.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relapsed player giving Hard a try again a couple years after ragequitting. Doing MoF Hard with Reimu-A.
How do I handle the section after the first big fairy, with the criss-crossing diamond bullet waves and the big white bullets that you have to stream? I specifically don't know how to properly guide the bullets to make a gap while streaming it; I usually make a U-turn to handle that, but I'm too constrained by the diamond bullets.
I'm willing to just bomb it in a real run since it's MoF, but I want to try and preserve my power if possible so Momiji + the second instance of this pattern don't drain me dry

>> No.41830969

I'm rarted, forgot to mention this is Stage 4

>> No.41831951
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, INextraClear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really believe how friking long it took me to figure out death of honest man, I think I managed to outrun the lazer once only to get killed right after by a bullet and didn't save the replay because I hit replay.
I had to beat Mokou three times to get her last spellcard cause I kept fucking up a lot in cards I usually have no problem the first two times for some reason.
I only managed the very to do the slow method once, I use the circle strategy holding shift all the time and mainly focusing on not being perpendicular to the magic circle that's about to shoot.
Took me a few tries but once you got the hang of it you capture it most of the time.
Nice, hope to get there some day.... maybe
Guess that once you get good it's easy to gain back what you lost.
Also impressed by the time you got to LNB btw.

I'm only used to high level stuff so maybe this is a very silly question, but with cache their value do you mean to save the result of the function and reuse that or to somehow cache the functions themselves?

>> No.41831987

how many Lunatic clears did you have prior to that and what games were they?

>> No.41832810


>> No.41836791
File: 285 KB, 779x419, Touhou Checklist (308-406).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon! It's impressive you set out to figure HMD by yourself!
>Also impressed by the time you got to LNB btw
I believe most people could get that within th efirst year, I just took longer because I was more interested in doing chart filling, and by the time I wanted LNB I would only accept Yuyu solo as my first which made things even harder.
That's a good question, I digged up what my chart looked like after I got my first LNB.
Not much going on really, other than the chart itself being hard to look at

>> No.41838629
File: 1.87 MB, 1159x866, sakuya_is_in_go_go_mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I deactivate Sakuya's "Go Go" mode?

>> No.41838708

When are you NMNBing the early windows games?

>> No.41838828

*their extras that is

>> No.41839969
File: 26 KB, 400x600, 6a3b0a771fa8976150a22295d6b7c01bf0f8ae0bb1945a108273269034bbce64_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I handle the section after the first big fairy, with the criss-crossing diamond bullet waves and the big white bullets that you have to stream?
If you start that section vertically near the middle and all the way left then you can stream down slowly and then stream right as needed. The first section is the least of your troubles. For the second one, you're going to have to wait to kill momiji until around 11 seconds remain. Then you're free to stream the next section
>I specifically don't know how to properly guide the bullets to make a gap while streaming it; I usually make a U-turn to handle that, but I'm too constrained by the diamond bullets
If you have to make an emergency maneuver then you've probably fucked up already. These sections shouldn't have cutbacks in them

>> No.41840783

> figure HMD by yourself!
Well that made me also discover that practice mode counts past 99.... but figuring stuff by yourself is funnier.
>I believe most people could get that within th efirst year
Well I've been playing for some years but maybe that's what jumping from one game to another and doing loong breaks of not playing might do.
Also that dedication for your waifu is admirable I must say.
You don't.

>> No.41841077

>I believe most people could get that within th efirst year
Haha, yeah
Thank you anon, you've helped me a lot. I have a hard time surviving Momiji but I'll focus on that next. So far I've almost perfected the stage portion, I just died at the last second against Momiji while waiting for ttimer to tick down. I'll report back in after I perfect the entire stage + boss

>> No.41841374

Awesome glad to help
Anytime anon

>> No.41842765

She's a Go Go reference, so in order to reach the end of Go Go, one must complete a bizarre adventure.

>> No.41842859

Where do I download that program that lets you practice spellcards. And does it help?

>> No.41843564

>Where do I download that program that lets you practice spellcards
>And does it help?
at the very least it makes practice more time efficient and less dull which is good on its own, but it still has a ton of nice features and even some game specific qol stuff

>> No.41845377

I keep failing Junko's tears in LoLK stage 6

>> No.41845581
File: 761 KB, 800x900, Yuyuko (4691).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I already did Flan twice, I could do Yukari but I'm not sure about Moko, her final non and true last spell are both awful

>> No.41845904
File: 253 KB, 1910x1079, gui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you happen to know Reimu's velocity and focus velocity?

>> No.41845931

>Did flan twice
It's not on your chart?
>her final non and true last spell are both awful
Her final non follows SOME pattern as far as I know. For me it's about a 50-50. IS is routable no?

>> No.41846657
File: 61 KB, 500x753, Yuyuko (4477).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not on your chart?
No, I got them after i posted my current chart in this thread ( >>41765235 )
I haven't been able to read a pattern on it or rather, it is too fast. This was a few years ago when i tried to grind for it, maybe I can do better now. As for IS, it is static but at the same time I do not understand clearly how to approach the phases in which she shoot 5 rings at the same time. I will eventually try, it would be nice to play with Yuyu again. Yuyu happens to be very good at that extra

>> No.41849273
File: 1.21 MB, 960x718, pcbmarisaanb1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got all the way to stage 6 getting hit only once and then fucked it all up.

>> No.41852199

>Junko's tears

>> No.41852223

what shot type

>> No.41854429

I mean you can always just roll the dice and get lucky on the non so long as you can do IS and the rest of the fight consistently

>> No.41862025


>> No.41862036

oh fuck me NOW i read the filename

>> No.41865187

im fine using keyboard controls, but can someone explain how to set up a dualshock to work with these games?

>> No.41866225

I play with a dualshock 4, it's easy if you use DS4Windows.

I recommend using bluetooth and setting the polling rate to 500Hz so you get an input lag of about 2ms, which is lower than the 3ms you get by using an usb cable. You can also set it to 1KHz but that stresses the CPU a lot for barely any gain.

>> No.41866327
File: 68 KB, 402x492, Yuyuko (3981).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lower input lag with bluetooth than wired

>> No.41866386
File: 2.34 MB, 1277x959, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting closer. It's always funny when I choke horrendously and still bumble my way to stage 5 thanks to how forgiving UFO is with resources.

>> No.41866870

Are the dualshock/dualsense worth getting for touhou? I have a logitech f310 but the movement feels stick and I couldnt make it work they way I do for the xbox controllers. I want to replace my xbone controller since it is possible the worst controller ever made.

>> No.41867070

I can only talk about the DS4, it is a very good controller both in terms of ergonomics and responsiveness, though sometimes I wish the dpad were a simple circle (just like the one on the f310) instead of separate buttons, cause they can make your left thumb hurt after a few hours of play (especially on the decimal fighting games).

>> No.41867170
File: 22 KB, 370x320, Yuyuko (2423).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, I meant the joystick. An issue I face on most touhou games while trying a new controller is the movement. For some reason, some joysticks only let you move in diagonal if you hit the direction perfectly instead of having some leniency. This was a problem that I could fix for the Xbone controller by ticking a box on the config files, but doing so for the f310 didn't help at all and it is impossible to play like that.

>> No.41867255

I can't imagine playing any game that requires precision on an analog joystick

>> No.41867369
File: 98 KB, 1147x807, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite agreeing with anon above (the only exception maybe being arcade racing games) I just gave it a try with DS4Windows and it seems to work decently well, the diagonal movement does give you some movement leniency on the stick. And if you don't like it enough, the program offers lots of customizability.

>> No.41867457
File: 119 KB, 640x565, Yuyuko (0749).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, it does look like you can do a lot there!
Alright, I hope it works well, I'll celebrate by playing GFW and PoFV if so!
Thank you for testing anon

>> No.41867719
File: 368 KB, 1920x1100, FWPxPbBUAAAcr_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.41874951

has anybody here tried ultra patches? I haven't but I have never seen anybody talk about them so I wanna hear you're experience with them. Are any noticeably easier than others?

>> No.41875111


>> No.41875146
File: 1.05 MB, 780x572, 1646345483452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41875719

Grinding for hours on Touhou unironically contributes to my lack of impulse control. If one of you were in the room with me I might be tempted to put my hands on you if you messed me up.

>> No.41875868

This. If anyone dares to interrupt me, they will fucking get it

>> No.41876039

i'd love to see you try. i'm 6 ft 5 and played football in college.

>> No.41876141

Cool, I didn't know Armstrong played touhou.

>> No.41876896
File: 27 KB, 128x128, ZUNs_Successor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"1cc'd LOLK you know."
>"On some cushy easy modo."
>"Try Marisa on Lunatic. Coulda no bombed if I hadn't gone for a pacifist run. I'm not one of those secondary pansies. I could break ZUN in two with my bare hands. Don't fuck with this /jp/sie."

>> No.41885565

When will Touhou be release in the console.

>> No.41885674
File: 386 KB, 577x435, pOqnWJDiKsSJ5WEWWzR3nMHZWWVj9--ZqDxN38W_c1Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 6 ft but I weigh 180lbs and bench 240lbs. I'd break you if you got in the way of my grind. And if you ruined a 1CC then wherever I am, I must also rape.

>> No.41886231

I've heard people need to use some dx8 to dx9 converter that conflicts with my EoSD hitbox patch and also some other problems in fullscreen. I honestly only made it as a meme and setting up a development environment again was a pain. However, I currently have one temporarily.
Basically what I'm saying is if someone can describe the problem and how to cause it I might fix it.

>> No.41886364
File: 48 KB, 1912x1045, stage-builder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41887015

>no focus
no focus is literally just a meme anon. no one cares about it.

>> No.41887076
File: 11 KB, 795x644, most recent 1cc chart 26-11-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most recent version of the 1cc tracker, which features the new character and game-mode added in the Touhou 17.5 update. SC stands for Scenario (or Scenario Clear/Story Clear/whatevs) and GT for Greedy Trial. I had to extend the canvas by a tiny bit to make it fit.

>> No.41887117

what's the point of 1cc charts?

>> No.41887139

It makes your peepee bigger the more you fill it up.

Or at least it feels like it.

>> No.41887148

Tracking your clears, that's basically it.

>> No.41887181

Purely to keep track of survival achievements. Retards that share them as though there was any pride to be had out of simple 1ccs should be euthanized.

>> No.41887395

What kinds of clears are worth bragging about?

>> No.41887559

Even if it's just a normal 1cc, it's still something someone actively worked towards and improved their skills in order to get. There's nothing wrong with feeling proud about it and sharing that feeling with others. Making light of others' effort just because it's above what you consider a challenge only makes you seem like an elitist prick.

>> No.41887603

NB, NN and high scores.

>> No.41889946

You know there are people that add NB/NN and scores to their charts right?

>> No.41889955


>> No.41889964

How is it a meme? Even on Lunatic, doing clears without bombs and shift at the same time is possible. Some madmen have even gone as far as to do ExNN + No Focus on some Extra stages which of course is more impressive than a regular ExNN

>> No.41889993

Okay? That doesn't prove me wrong. People have done that

>> No.41890054

then you have something to show
simply tracking 1ccs is meaningless
>on a 1cc chart

>> No.41890100

Either a dedicated section for scores or the score simply fills in the square kinda like a NB clear. Actually, come to think of it, there's only two charts I can think of that have scores on them. They're much less common than charts that do challenge runs but they exist

>> No.41890125

There's literally zero reason to use a 1cc chart once you get competent at the games. Just make a list of all your achievements or something

>> No.41890177

What do you recommend is a better way to organize them then? I personally like the way the 1CC chart is organized. I'm open ears, show me an example of a good way to organize challenge runs and score runs

>> No.41890772

Ignore him. He hates charts for some reason
The 1cc chart is a perfect method of keeping track of clears and inspiring newer players

>> No.41890817

Kek chartlets be seething

>> No.41891036

Not that anon, but I've been meaning to make an experimental condensed chart that eliminates the shot types for the main games in favor of having more interesting milestones for entire difficulties. For example, a column for for each difficulty (E N H L X) may look something like:
>90+% WR (percentage specified in the square)
>75% WR
>50% WR
>NM or NB 1CC (number of bombs or misses specified in the square)
Within the squares, shot types could be specified when relevant or interesting, since most players won't achieve any of the higher level boxes with more than a couple shot types anyway. Things like the photo games could have cumulative scene score thresholds, PoFV could have remaining life thresholds or something, nobody cares about pointdevice, nobody cares about alternate endings, etc.

The problem with the ubiquitous 1CC chart is that any decent player would be able to fill almost any square on demand, but it would be a tremendous waste of time to do so. It's used almost exclusively by novice players chasing first Normal 1CCs and Extra clears, and better players will have long stopped bothering with its tedium. But even with a chart like the one above, most of the chart would probably go unused by any given player. Few would care to fill out survival squares for anything other than Lunatic and maybe Extra, and most of the scoring squares beyond 50% WR would require specialization, at which point just listing specific achievements would be easier.

>> No.41891047

>eliminates the shot types
Retard. Stopped reading there. Please never finish your project.

>> No.41891050

oh god it gets worse I shouldn't have kept reading

>> No.41891089

Post your LNN

>> No.41891090

Thank you for answering my question, even if you're not the same anon. Could you please make an edit of this?

>> No.41891120

I noticed this chart has main game spell card captures both stage 4A and B, but it's not possible to select stage 4 routes aside from changing shot types is there? Isn't it impossible to encounter Reimu as a stage 4 boss for Border Team for example?

>> No.41891121

ah whoops

>> No.41891164

I'm fairly sure you can practice either stage as anyone. But yes, this chart is nonsensical and pointless.

>> No.41891169

I know practice mode has the option of letting you do both routes, but I was talking about the main game. I swear I don't ever recall having that option even after unlocking solo shots

>> No.41891175

No, you absolutely cannot choose your stage 4 during a maingame credit. It is locked to your character.

>> No.41891184

So that chart has too many squares then... I guess I'll have to fix it

>> No.41891197

You don't have to. The entire concept behind the chart is flawed and the whole thing does little but satisfy your autistic craving for colored boxes for trivial achievements. Just let it rot.

>> No.41894909
File: 4 KB, 450x310, All Shot 1cc Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh not quite what you are talking about but I remember at some point somebody made an all shot type chart

>> No.41896348

>Somebody's chart is better than mine so I need to discredit theirs by making a fuss over a system that has worked for years

>> No.41896518

>Somebody's chart is better than mine
I don't want to sound like an elitist but if you actually think there's any chart worth bragging about, you have a really low standard

>> No.41896694

Post your LNNs or scores
Being an actual good player is one thing but pretending to be one is something else entirely

>> No.41896984

It's either some low test pretenting to be something he isn't or some jaded good player that can't even enjoy his own achivements anymore so he bashes people that do enjoy thiers even if they aren't better than his.
Either way a faggot.

>> No.41897019

Yeah honestly
If he wants to make a chart that only applies to .01% of the playerbase then there's nothing stopping him
It when he tries to make it the standard that it becomes an issue

>> No.41897032

>describe the problem and how to cause it
It's simply a matter of running eosd vanilla on windows 10, the game runs at a few hundred fps.

>> No.41897058
File: 166 KB, 589x623, 1654237340435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I needed that laugh.

>> No.41897836


>> No.41897986
File: 8 KB, 200x150, nkn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the feedback.

I'm close on SA, but I'll be sure to share if it ever happens! The gap between LNB on basically every game and LNMNB on even one is pretty big!

Maybe, after I get a hold of one of the original charts that had font references and such. Would also need to research good achievement thresholds for some of the side games I didn't put much time into.

For what it's worth, >>41891036 is so far my only other post in this thread. Everyone is welcome to use whatever tools they want to track progress or motivate themselves. The common chart is almost never used by anyone at Lunatic level since 1CCs or even LNB runs stop being interesting and the chart is unlikely to reflect one's goals and progress at a glance. The topic coming up just reminded me that I've always wanted to make a different chart for myself that more concisely expresses skill level and current focus compared to looking at the miss and bomb counts spread across hundreds of squares that few look at and even fewer fill out to begin with. If even one other person out there finds an alternate chart fun to fill out, great. If not, no harm, and the rare LNB level players who still like to use charts like >>41836791 will continue to customize them however they like.

>> No.41898058

>The gap between LNB on basically every game and LNMNB on even one is pretty big!
Not if you're talking about "easy" ones like GFW. There's a player who consider it to be just as hard as an UFO LNB

>> No.41898542

>I'm close on SA, but I'll be sure to share if it ever happens!
Are you the anon that posted the chart with Kokoro on it all those months ago back when UM was only about a week old?

>> No.41898557
File: 11 KB, 800x638, 1646107175593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a chart with font references. Don't worry about photo games and such for now. I just want to see your idea in image format even if it's a little incomplete

>> No.41898643
File: 52 KB, 800x638, Sanaefag's Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he's Sanaefag
He uses a chart too like the rest of us
He's known for his incessant complaining
Like in exhibit A-D
It's best to just ignore him

>> No.41898652

He did UFO and TD too!

>> No.41898942
File: 50 KB, 291x480, Yuyuko (0140).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again.
I can relate tho, being inconsistent is very, very frustrating.

>> No.41898966


>> No.41898974

yeah I have talons. you don't? fucking homosapien scum

>> No.41899010

>nautural talons

>> No.41899025
File: 482 KB, 566x492, sheeesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NN runs are equally as pointless as 1cc runs. It's just a game, dude.

>> No.41899051

It might just be a game for you but it's completely different for me

>> No.41899063

Holy shit go outside
You’re still young and I’m nearly certain you work as an engineer
Make friends and never touch this piece of shit game again

>> No.41899076
File: 622 KB, 968x957, 1616633713425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m nearly certain you work as an engineer
...do you stalk other anons too?

>> No.41899110

He made the mistake of putting out information on the internet. All I did was have a good memory
Why do you care?

>> No.41899408

UFO is great, homo

>> No.41899628

I wasn't thinking about non-integer games, but it seems like low hanging fruit if you spend an afternoon learning the freeze timings. Lunatic doesn't seem much harder than Extra to NMNB in that game, maybe.


I've never used a chart, and I wasn't active around UM's release date, so probably not.

I've been posting random advice and occasional scores on /jp/ for over a decade, well before the charts were a thing, and I don't blogpost on /v/. If you're going to try to identify me, at least namedrop my royalflare handle.

>> No.41899639

>If you're going to try to identify me, at least namedrop my royalflare handle.

>> No.41904647

i am too busy trying to get eosd wr to argue on /jp/

>> No.41904803

You already got the WR (in my heart)

>> No.41905066

It couldn't have been him anyway since he has LNN'd EoSD multiple times already.

>> No.41909548

I've heard about Touhou for years but never gave any of the games a shot (either the shooters or the other spinoffs). Are they worth trying out?

>> No.41909798
File: 2.14 MB, 640x480, 1658590078491225.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty fun. A full run can take 20-30 minutes, so it's very easy to pick up one game, do a few runs and drop it when you need to do something else. There's different characters, playstyles and difficulties so you've got plenty of options to challenge yourself with.

>> No.41910215

If you like a decent challenge with good music and you're not opposed to repetition, yes. If you're looking for deep characters, story, dialogue or other things on that end you wont find them in the games.

>> No.41921226

PCB is a good place to check, it's an early Windows installment and on an easier side.

>> No.41925427

It's only easy for people used to the games and to bombing properly. The patterns are actually harder than average for newfags. It took me longer to get a 1cc on it than on EoSD.

>> No.41926277

I second this
When I swapped from 1ccing EoSD to PCB, I struggled really fucking hard

>> No.41927457
File: 25 KB, 318x314, Th128cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have this experience, but it might be because I went ahead and did the EoSD Extra stage with all shot types before moving on to PCB.

If any of the shmup titles is easy, it's probably Great Fairy Wars.

>> No.41927513

but that game has wonky controls

>> No.41933842


>> No.41935937

Other games are easier because it's just a matter of Z, X, and arrow keys and not some weird hybrid of SoEW and StB

>> No.41936715

Other games are harder because you have to dodge bullets sometimes.

>> No.41936869

Even if this is a significant part of the games' difficulty, it's is a problem that only exists for people who are already used to the series & its control scheme. I really hope you're not this guy (>>41925427), because either they're used to the games and try PCB or they're not used to the games and try GFW. For a newbie, the difficulty is in the bullet dodging, which GFW eases up on.

>> No.41936939

>it might be because I went ahead and did the EoSD Extra stage with all shot types
That's probably it. Beating that extra stage means you're no longer a newfag to the gameplay.

Nope, he's not that guy (me).

>> No.41940708

how good do my survival need to be if i want to score eosd?

>> No.41940874

Extremely good

>> No.41941511

how good is extremely good?

>> No.41943849

you didnt specify how high of a score you want to aim for or the difficulty you are playing on

>> No.41943875

below 35M on Lunatic with ReimuB

>> No.41944029

I don't think anyone has ever done that, so idk how good your survival needs to be... Better than everyone else in the world probably? Good luck though!

>> No.41948997
File: 771 KB, 1152x1450, Subterranean_Animism_normal_player_benchmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been completing and Extra-clearing all the games in order, and when I came to Subterranean Animism, I found that under "Player Data" in the main menu, it keeps some cool metrics on your gameplay up to that point. I recently completed all the shot types on Normal for the first time, so here are my metrics for how long it took me.

Since SA is notorious for being difficult, you could take this as a benchmark for how hard it might be for someone to beat it for the first time after having played the other games. I'll post again once I clear the Extra stage with all shot types.

>> No.41953386

why is this font so pleasing

>> No.41958220
File: 914 KB, 824x668, capture (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, because I'm doing the SA Extra runs right now, I'll clue you in to how long Koishi might take for you, just based on how long it took me.

In pic related, the "Total Plays" and "Play Time" are cumulative with your other runs across all difficulties, so it's added all my play time from both normal and Extra runs. This Extra clear is done on ReimuA, and because my last post already says how long it took me to beat normal mode, we can just subtract out to find exactly how much play time it took me to beat Koishi from scratch:

>Total Plays: 151
>Play Time: 6 hours, 54 minutes, 18 seconds

The stage itself is a significant part of the difficulty. The midboss spells are harder to get used to than many of the boss attacks, several of which are pretty easy from the get go or once you have the strategy. You can approach Koishi with zero spare lives and still win, just because she'll give you so many life pieces during the fight. You probably won't have much trouble on her non-spells, especially since you've beaten Suwako, as Koishi has a clear favorite non-spell that's just an easier version of one of Suwako's non-spells. Also, you can count on bombing more liberally here than in the main game.

>> No.41959412

This. I don't give a fuck about what he was talking about but I want to know what font that is.

>> No.41964014

I think it's century gothic bold

>> No.41971061
File: 97 KB, 775x182, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mystia Lorelei
>It looks as though she has only 3 fingers from these pictures, but she actually has 5 fingers.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.41975832
File: 163 KB, 256x512, 080_mystia_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the sprite you can only see 3 fingers, guess she could have her thumb and pinky behind those fingers or something.
Dunno maybe ZUN wanted to specify in case people start making fanart and give Mystia some monster girl like claws for hands.
Also unlocked that card today, but I'm not curious about the Lora part, does anyone know if that's some sort of reference?

>> No.41980660
File: 1.66 MB, 1152x3172, Subterranean_Animism_normal_extra_player_benchmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the extended image with my stats after clearing the Extra stage with all shot types. By the metric of time taken to beat it, it was easier to make the leap from SA normal to extra than it was to make the leap from clearing other games to clearing SA.

Yes, the text settings on my Paint say Century Gothic font, bold setting, size 24.

>> No.41984758

Anyone here have played with mouse controls? Is it easier or harder?

>> No.41984898
File: 405 KB, 640x480, %.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I was the one that made that chart. Again, it's a meme, and no one should bother filling it, but I assure you the number of squares is correct.

The game tracks which spells you've completed in both Spell Practice and (what I called) "Main Story": Start, Extra Start, and Practice Start in the main menu. Apologies if the name isn't clear, I couldn't think of a better one.
Look at the graphs on the bottom right of my image. The white numbers refer to Spell Practice, the yellow numbers refer to "Main Story"; the numbers on the left refer to the character I have currently selected (Marisa), the numbers on the right refer to "as any character". In Spell Practice, I've captured 159/222 spells as Marisa (71.62%), but only 61/205 (29.75%) in the "Main Story". The key number here is 205: that's every spell you can encounter outside of Spell Practice (all spells except the Last Words). Though you can't capture Marisa's spells as Marisa in Story Mode, you can in Practice Mode, and it counts towards that yellow number on the left (which *can* reach 100%).
Therefore, to get the extremely stupid achievement of IN 100% (which I am defining as achieving everything the game keeps track of), you would need to beat beat Story Mode on every difficulty, both endings, plus the Extra Stage, and capture all 222 spells in Spell Practice and 205 spells in the "Main Story" – with all 12 shot types. (9 + 222 + 205) * 12 = 5,232. QED.

Yes, I might be autistic, no need to point that out to me.

>> No.41985202

idk if I'll ever be at LNN level or something but this sounds like a really interesting idea. I'll consider doing it if I get bored of my favorite games

>> No.41988755
File: 900 KB, 1156x873, unknown (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy here.

After normal & extra-clearing SA, I went back to EoSD and won my first hard-mode 1cc after only about 10 attempts. I used to have an endless struggle with this before. I saw that other people here who beat SA on normal were beating the other games on hard, so I figured it might translate into having reached the skill level of a hard-mode player. It turns out that was true.

I know that the extra clear might've been a significant part of my leap in skill, but if clearing SA on normal can bring me from normal-mode play to hard-mode play, it makes me wonder if I can ascend again, to lunatic level, by clearing SA on hard...

I don't feel like finding out myself right now, but I thought it might be interesting to suggest this hunch I have to other people.

>> No.41993952


>> No.42000179

>Shining Shooting Star actually treats last spells as part of the game and will take lives or game over you if you choke them
Well shit

>> No.42000591

EoSD LNB can cure depression.

>> No.42000595

what about MoF LNB?

>> No.42004989


>> No.42010032


>> No.42011524
File: 18 KB, 384x404, EpyM4hNXYAciHTt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TH01-05 - Retro PC-98
>TH06-09.5 - First Windows Generation Games
>First Windows Generation Games

Why is 6 to 9.5 considered as first generation?

>> No.42011720

Skipping some details here.

Because from 6-9.5 they where all built on the same engine/code mostly. Also, after 9.5 ZUN wasn't actually going to make any more games (barring adding more spell-cards to 9.5 which he never got around to do).

He took a a short break and decided to redue engine/code to make MoF, which is the start of second gen. This was not the only change as he changed the tone and pacing as well, going forward.

>> No.42011724

Zun uses a different engine for 10-13. The games look and play a quite a bit differently compared to 6-9.

>> No.42012534
File: 295 KB, 1280x720, moriya shrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idp.generic virus

>> No.42013791

>after 9.5 ZUN wasn't actually going to make any more games
You sure about that? Shoot the Bullet was released after BAiJR, which was very clearly alluding to still-yet-to-happen events with Sakuya's story, which was itself a continuation of the Scarlet team's IN ending and dovetailed with the sudden interest in the gods seen in MoF when the moon arc's prelude made it into CoLA.

It might've been unplanned whether or not there would be another game before 9.5 came out, but by the time it was released, ZUN was already building stories that weren't complete yet.

>> No.42019463 [DELETED] 


>> No.42020320


>> No.42020907

I cannot remember or find for the life of me where i read that, so just assume i'm lying i guess.

>> No.42020995
File: 139 KB, 1280x902, 5jhcbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42021977


>> No.42022529
File: 313 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't perfected Stage 4 but I'm still trying! I got to the final boss on Hard for the first time, and had some really good sections, though I blew my lives on some stupid sections (died twice to Nitori's second nonspell even though I can normally clear it in my sleep). I do plan on seeing this one through, eventually

>> No.42023762
File: 366 KB, 1056x1149, 17.5 controls config.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made it to but have yet to beat Yuuma's route in 17.5; I'm roughly on figuring out the last spell card with her. Here are my control configs

She plays weird. I like her moveset but it is paaaaainful on some of these stages.

>> No.42024221

Oh nice, thanks for the update.

>> No.42024236

basically a lot of her attacks function more similarly to other characters' graze moves, and her "dash" is a very peculiar and multifaceted jump/double jump/triple jump/double attack triple jump/helicopter...thing

Her absorption is very strange. You don't want to hit it accidentally, only deliberately

>> No.42024330

I'm replaying Touhou 6. I've 1cc this before, but my save got formatted.

I notice the one I got from Moriya Shrine let me continue (insert coin) in Stage 6. Is this normal?

I think my old copy won't let me continue in Stage 6. I always thought that was a feature.

>> No.42024420

It is not possible to proceed to stage 6 if you're on easy mode, continues or not. However, using continues for other difficulties will still let you go to stage 6.

>> No.42024455

>go to stage 6
No. I meant WHILE in stage 6.

I remember that in my old copy, I still have more continues, but if I'm in stage 6, and I lose all my life, the game just ends. Like I'm not allowed to continue if I lose all of my life in Stage 6.

>> No.42024540

>but if I'm in stage 6, and I lose all my life, the game just ends
Would you get the normal ending at that point or did you just get booted to the title screen?

>> No.42024579

No ending. Just sent back to the title screen.

The only time I saw the ending is when I 1cc'd it one time.

This new one let me continue until I beat Remilia, and gives me the "bad ending."

>> No.42024585

Yeah, that's how it's supposed to be. Sounds like the old copy you had was missing a zun patch.

>> No.42027696
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Not very related to mainline Touhou games, but an Okuu-themed caravan shmup was just released:
My understanding of the score system (which is lacking) is that you want to bomb a lot of projectiles (and enemies) at once, and then either keep the combo you get from there as long as you can, or bomb again if there is a more lucrative bomb-spot that gives a higher combo. It's likely more complicated in practice, since you need to kill enemies to cash-in on having high combo.
Not tested yet: if it's better to milk bosses than to finish early.

>> No.42029651

>Sounds like the old copy you had was missing a zun patch.
So, I was playing the game the old way.

Let me add that my old copy also doesn't allow me to Practice Stage 6; it only offers Stage 1-5. So, I have to learn Stage 6's patterns through surviving the first 5 stages first and youtube replay videos.

At first I don't like the change, because it kind of feels like it devalues the game, but the Stage 6 practice mode is a really good change. So, I guess this is better. I think I can beat this one faster. I've already lost my muscle memory from my old 1cc.

>> No.42032079

You can also use thprac to practice spellcards in a loop if you're having trouble with a specific one.

>> No.42032127

Is this the source of thprac?
I'm actually more interested in autobombing in normal >>42020995
Because I've already 1cc'd this game.
Is that possible without showing up as a Trojan?

>> No.42032155

That's a good hub full of useful links, but nope. It's here.
I'm not sure if the latest version works better, but out of the two ways to use it (copy the exe to the game folder and use it to run the game; run the game, then run the exe afterwards) only the former worked for me on EoSD, which meant I could only use it on the untranslated game.

>> No.42032158

Also, I've never tried the autobombing mod, can't help you with that.

>> No.42036418
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>koishi extra took 1 attempt
>sanae extra took 5 attempts
>reimu extra took 8 attempts
>marisa extra took fucking 25 attempts
The extra in general is fairly simple and probably easier than the majority of mainline extras, but god damn the difficulty jump with Marisa's moon spells is brutal. Those lasers are completely merciless for first-time attempts, and can still skewer you with no difficulty even if you know what to expect. This is the one instance that I felt the game needed spell practice, as trying to figure these spells out during runs is not pleasant. I probably could've gotten the last spell if I didn't play so safe, but whatever, I'm sick of this stage.

>> No.42036983

Really anon? I thought it was a very difficult extra, the hardest in fact if compared to maingames.
Congrats tho, I do agree koshi has the easiest

>> No.42037199

Thanks. The stage isn't that bad once you get the hang of where enemies spawn. With my optimal shitter play I can reach Rika with 2-3 bombs used. The big thing killing the extra's difficulty is how cheesable it is. Once you get 2 extra lives from red stars, you can just spend most of the boss fight at the bottom of the screen and collect green stars for free hits and bombs. Hell, I don't feel like I can consistently capture anything other than Rika's 2nd and 3rd spell in Marisa's scenario. I actively relied on bombs and green borders to power through most of the fight. I will concede that her survival and final spell are really tough for Touhou extra standards. I don't expect to win if I have less than 2 extra lives by time I reach them.

>> No.42038628
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>get through the first half of the game spending a single bomb
>back half pummels me into the fucking ground
How the fuck do I get good, just throw myself at stages 4 through 6 on Practice Mode until I can even see what's going on? On some patterns I couldn't even understand what was going on, like how do I even dodge the "spider web" attack from Remilia?

>> No.42038668

You practice and practice until you figure out how to dodge the patterns, or until you give up and treat it like a guaranteed bomb spot.

>> No.42039062

>On some patterns I couldn't even understand what was going on
For those you should try thprac, it's a more efficient way of practicing stuff you don't even know how to deal with since you can experiment around and die a lot without having to go through everything else every time just to practice that part again for a few more seconds.

>> No.42039607

That looks sick, I'll give it a shot, thanks

>> No.42039866
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At what point do you consider moving to the next difficulty (or extra) I'm still insecure about Hard because I tried it once after getting my first 1cc and got blasted but I just returned from a break and I'm feeling very positive about this result.
Anyways is 3 extra lives good or should I strive for 5 before I try Hard/Extra

>> No.42039984

you don't want to get used to increasing your starting lives because no game after imperishable night has that feature. if that pic right there is literally you're only normal 1cc as of now then you should do more normal clears fist. if you can beat SA on Normal then you're definitely ready to move on to Hard. At that point i'd suggest EoSD for first Hard

>> No.42040015

where are the bikini mods?

>> No.42040042
File: 1.09 MB, 1277x957, unknown (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On default settings, EoSD is far more generous than you might think when it comes to screen clears. Remember: bombs essentially multiply your number of lives, so long as you actually use them. With 3 bombs per life, 9 non-deathbomb misses allowed (with each miss also clearing the screen), and full-power mode also clearing the screen, you have 1(full-power) + 3(bomb) + 1(miss) screen clears per each of your 9 expendable lives, to make 45 in total, plus the 3 bombs on your final life, plus the 3 you get from the midbosses on the even-numbered stages. That's 42 screen clears if you bomb & miss everything that looks even remotely threatening, plus up to 9 from reaching full-power mode on each life, which we can just not count if you're not using the full-power screen-clear strategically.

From stage 4 onward, Koakuma has 1 attack, Patchy has 6 attacks, Sakuya has 2 midboss attacks, then 6 Sakuya boss attacks, then 2 more Sakuya midboss attacks, with Remilia having 9 attacks. That's 26 boss attacks in total with over 40 bullet clears available if you use all your bombs. A single bomb per boss attack should be enough to clean most of them aside from Remilia's final spell and maybe Sakuya's final boss spell. That leaves you with around 10 more deployable screen-clears to use whenever, maybe on the books & lasers section on stage 4, the post-midboss on stage 5, and the beginning of stage 6 that's supposed to be a streaming section but looks intimidating. I think this also goes without saying, but once you're out of bombs, don't intentionally miss just to get the screen clear; a life with no bombs just means you're attempting to stretch that screen clear out for as much of the game as possible, which could also mean you unexpectedly capture spell cards just by being forced to do so, which saves you another bomb in the next life.

If you have perfect minus 1 by the end of stage 3, then you should have enough resources to score a first-time 1cc. To walk through a complete bitch-mode run from that point:

>Stage 4 begin: 9 stocks (won't have all of them yet, but you'll have had 9 by the end) + 3 bombs = 9.3 lives

>bomb stage 4 first fairies (9.2 lives remain)
>bomb stage 4 second fairies (9.1)
>bomb stage 4 books (9.0)
>miss on Koakuma, then claim her bomb (8.4)
>bomb the laser fairies twice (8.2)
>bomb on stage 4's final wheel spirits (8.1)
>bomb Patchy's first attack (8.0)
>miss Patchy's second attack (7.3)
>clear Patchy's third attack with full-power mode and then bomb it to clear (7.2)
>bomb Patchy's next 2 attacks (7.0)
>miss Patchy's last attack (6.3)

>Stage 5 begin: 6.3 lives

>2 bombs on stage 5 pre-midboss (6.1)
>bomb Sakuya's first attack (6.0)
>miss then bomb Sakuya's second attack (5.2)
>bomb stage 5's post-midboss barrage (5.1)
>bomb Sakuya's first attack (5.0)
>miss Sakuya's second attack (4.3)
>bomb Sakuya's attacks 3-5 (4.0)
>miss then bomb Sakuya's final attack (3.2)

>Stage 6 begin: 3.2 lives

>2 bombs on stage 6 pre-midboss (3.0)
>miss midboss Sakuya's first attack (2.3)
>bomb Sakuya's spellcard, then claim her bomb (2.3)
>bomb Remilia's first 3 attacks (2.0)
>miss Remi's 4th attack (1.3)
>bomb Remi's attacks 5-7 (1.0)
>miss Remi's 8th attack (0.3)
>3 bombs on Remilia's final spell

Some of these, you won't have to do because you already know how to beat them without clearing the screen, like the pre-midboss areas on stages 4 & 5, or Remilia's 3rd & 5th attacks. If you have more than 1.0 lives on Remilia's final spell, then you should be completely clear for scoring the 1cc.

>> No.42040237
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Sorry I think the way I wrote was confusing, I played with the normal 3 starting lives (see picrel)
Last year I 1cc'd all games from 6 to 14, then quit because 15 looked like bullshit and I was feeling burnout since UFO.

>> No.42040259

give Hard another try then

>> No.42040843
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Holy fuck finally, I can move on and actually play the next game if I want to now that I've got my extra clear. The run was practically flawless up until the non right before Rain Falling in Hell. Also had 3 deathbombs on Lunatic Impact and then everything went to shit once I got to the 2nd to last spell. It was my first time seeing it and I lost like 3 or 4 lives. Last spell was surprisingly easy but I still couldn't capture it, nerves got to me and I lost 1 life.
Been having so much fun playing LoLK I don't think I'll jump to HSiFS anytime soon. Hecatia has become one of my favorite extra bosses and I want to tackle the fight with other characters first.

>> No.42040895

I'll keep that in mind, thank you for the writeup
I'll practice the patterns on the latter half and give it another shot

>> No.42041065
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I know it's on Easy but it is a start, isn't it?

>> No.42041231

>17.5 saves aren't on Steam cloud

Somebody, please share their 100% save.dat file. I wanted to futz around with the final stage but my save for that is at home

>> No.42041530
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>At what point do you consider moving to the next difficulty (or extra)
It depends on how casually you prefer to play these games. Some players want to challenge themselves fast and go to higher difficulties, others like me prefer to take their time and enjoy the games on a comfortable level before jumping into the hard stuff only once they feel like it. I didn't start trying out hard until I had normal 1ccs in most windows games (half a year after I started playing). Even now 1.5 years after I picked up the series I don't have lunatic clears on anything other than HSiFS, which isn't a particularly challenging game.

Extras are a bit more varied, they're usually on the level of hard stages in terms of difficulty, but they're where ZUN gets unique and experimental so their difficulty is all over the place. You can try them after getting your normal 1ccs or skip them and come back later, it's up to you.

>> No.42041600

Is there a 4chan archive for /jp/ that is searchable?

>> No.42041748


>> No.42041770
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Thanks. Too bad no one mentions autobombing here. I really can't be hardcore because of life.

>> No.42043160
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>At what point do you consider moving to the next difficulty
I moved on to Hard after beating SA on Normal, but also, pic related: I just completed a Normal no-bomb run on default settings, which, as a Hard-mode player, seemed about the same difficulty as a regular Hard run. If you can do the same, you're probably a Hard-mode player. If you can't do it right now, then at least you can have another measure of about where you stand.

>or extra
I did EoSD Extra after getting my first EoSD Normal 1ccs on all shot types, without having played through any other games yet. By taking the time I had after full-time work hours, it took me about a week to 10 days of grinding on Reimu-A Extra to get from clearing Normal to cleaning out Extra on all shot types, and that's after having come back from a 3-month break.

In my experience, the skill to clear Normal mostly stays with you, and clearing Hard is more difficult than clearing Extra, if only by virtue of the main game having more content.

>> No.42047121

Can someone explain the mechanics of Touhou 8 to me I'm retarded

>> No.42047717
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You play as a team, human character for unfocused shot, youkai/yuyu for focused shot.
Unfocused shots earn time orbs when hitting a boss when the bar is blue, focused earn time orbs when grazing if the bar is red. You can also get time orbs by killing familiars (the little ghosts) and cancelling bullets by killing familiars that are on top of bullets when focused.
Time is irrelevant if you are going for 1cc, if not then it will dictate how far into the game you can go with continues.
Focused shots can get hit by these familiars unless you are playing Reimu, she is immune to them, focusing hides them, which also means you will see more bullets siunce you cant kill them to prevent them from shooting.
Meeting the time thereshold at the end of a boss will also unlock an extra spell card in which you cant bomb or die, this doesnt impact survival and it is for scoring.
Read every team description well as they have special traits, but we already know who is the best!

>> No.42048032

ah okay so i can just ignore this time bullshit mostly if im trying to 1cc then, good
thanks anon

>> No.42048131

Not him but here's another tip.
The first time you get a 1cc on each shot type you unlock route B (aka FinalB) for that type, which means the next time you attempt a run you'll get a different final boss and the actual good ending (plus Extra stage unlock) if you get the 1cc on that one.

>> No.42048241

so basically i gotta 1cc twice per team to unlock the extra stage

>> No.42048483
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>Water Sign "Princess Undine"
Any guides on how to no-bomb this in normal?

>> No.42048511

You don't need to 1cc twice. Beating Eirin unlocks Final B even if you continued.

>> No.42048626

I did all the mainline games on Normal before doing Hard and Extra.
Extra and Hard are usually about the same difficulty, but it varies between games.
For EoSD, I found Extra notably harder than Hard. Extra stages are generally more "gimmicky" so they require specific practice, while EoSD Hard in particular is fairly straightforward and most of what you've learned from Normal will carry over.
EoSD Extra would probably have been much easier if I had used thprac. I would recommend using it: Flandre has a lot of spells that you can get very reliable at with some practice, but you can't easily figure them out if you get one try every 10 to 20 minutes.

>> No.42048634

Congrats! She's the one Extra boss I've never beaten. Very impressive.

>> No.42048653

The easiest way is to switch to hard mode. That spell is bullshit on normal.

>> No.42048658

1: Move as little as possible, so that the lasers form clear lanes.
2: Don't get unlucky RNG.

>> No.42049210

Why does Sakuya's movement speed feel so good? It's every game. It feels like pure sex. Like she's performing her nightly duties on me.

>> No.42049345

>performing her nightly duties on me
gross, a scatfag

>> No.42049791
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thank you for letting me know of this game anon, i think i had too much of a blast playing it.

to complete your explanation of the scoring: speedkilling is absolutely vital, both to keep up the chains you set up (which actually can last for quite some time if you keep viciously sweeping away zako and pointblanking flies and crows) and i think also to make the stage progress quicker to the end. pointblanking is vital for this, you can crush flies and crows with the damage increase before they're too much trouble.
every second remaining is worth a million, and the total amount remaining is multiplied by your remaining lives, so it's kind of like in ChoRenSha, where the more lives you stock up on through you score snowballs back into a fuckton more score, so, as obvious as it may seem, getting hit is absolutely nefarious here. not to mention every time you get hit is precious seconds that you could be using obliterating everything on screen being wasted instead, and the death of your current combo. thus, to answer your question it's better to finish as early as you inhumanly can
also hit combo can only go up to 256 or so. easy to see when pumping rin or satori full of bombs.
i wanna keep trying to go a bit higher than this

>> No.42049812

What are the best cards for 18 extra stage? Currently I'm trying with Dragon Pipe, Moon, and Tanuki.

>> No.42049856

Thanks. She's really tricky to face at first, her second non and its variation later on seemed so difficult the first time I saw them, took me several tries to actually dodge the bullets and not die or bomb every single time. But other than Lunatic Impact, Junko's 2nd spell and the timeout the extra fight isn't that bad to be honest. It helps a lot that Doremy is basically free and you can farm up to 1 entire life in the stage itself and life pieces on both nons and spells from Hecatia.
This was the extra stage I've spent most time on though, like 5 or 6 months to defeat, way more than Koishi or Raiko. The first bass notes of the extra theme are basically etched on my head at this point. Certainly a difficult fight, but becomes manageable after some training.

>> No.42050265

Thank you for the explanation of the scoring system. Your post inspires me to also push higher.
I'm in awe of your talent.

>> No.42050363
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Chotto matte; you guys are NEETs aren't you!?

>> No.42050819

What is border breaking?
Do I need to get inside a bosses circle border?

>> No.42050890

It's when you break your supernatural border.

>> No.42050919


>> No.42051662

Supernatural border is your invincibility, breaking that border is getting hit or manually releasing before it runs out

>> No.42051938

I've held a job consistently for four years and even went back to college
My touhou progress came to a screeching halt because of these developments and I've only recently began trying again, and I apologize for that

>> No.42056276

I actually played better before I dropped out

>> No.42059573
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Are bombs useless in 7.5?
