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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41671800 No.41671800 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>41612534

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.41673330

Is Yosuga no Sora good enough to read after watching the anime?
I watched it 10 years ago tho

>> No.41673790

what should be my first japanese vn?

>> No.41673827


>> No.41673862

serious question. i know like 99% of grammar but my vocabulary is garbage.

>> No.41673900

Okay, since you asked nicely:


>> No.41674025
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Re:collect main story was fun, I wish the Kureha ending kept going a little longer to see the consequences kek. And Aki Afterstory...well, should have been set after her ending but I understand it may have been difficult in terms of backgrounds not changing at all or most of the support cast gone. The ichalove was good and the new HCG was great so in general I feel satisfied.

>> No.41674078


>> No.41674154

i'm digging this but i'm afraid i'm not so sure about difficulty

i can handle stuff like this, but i would prefer something even simpler/shorter.

thoughts on nekopara/corpse party/little busters as the first vn?

>> No.41674167

nigger just pick something and read it. Boo hoo you might struggle a bit (wow imagine that). Cry me a river.

>> No.41674206

it's called choice paralysis. i'm already playing old dragon quests (not vn but a lot of text and lookups) but i would like something with voice acting.

>> No.41674229

axanael is stupid easy to the point i've heard people compare the experience to watching anime with subs

>> No.41674285

There is close to no narration in Axanael and every character is voiced, there are some characters that use meme words but if you watched at least 2 amines you should be able to get it from context. If even this is too hard for you then idk can read shit like Hanahira or random nukige

>> No.41674291

>people compare the experience to watching anime with subs
ok, i'm sold, gonna pick it up

>> No.41674339 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, Sasasagu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love time loops so much it's unreal

>> No.41674374

Collecting all of the Kuro's clothes variations was pretty fun, probably the largest amount of clothes sprites for a character in history

>> No.41674464

ok nvm, i read that it has a lot of references to another vn so i guess i'll pass for now

>> No.41674484

thoughts on はつゆきさくら?

>> No.41674497


>> No.41674502

It literally just has Sumaga posters thrown around and 1 reused side character

>> No.41674516

oh ok, then i'll keep it in mind. as for alternatives: how about rance 1?

>> No.41674518

i would drop learning japanese if this kusoge was first thing i read

>> No.41674527
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way above my level

>> No.41674544

unironically sisters~夏の最後の日~ is a very good choice

>> No.41674545

If you think DQ has a lot of text, especially the early ones then you might truly be DEKINAI.

>> No.41674564

Any nitro+ game

>> No.41674566

not sure if serious

>> No.41674570

It's unvoiced and has boring gameplay, look for something fully voiced
Can always read stuff S;G, 9-nine Utamono if you want something more normie

>> No.41674577

Which one is your favorite VN?

>> No.41674581

playing through dq1-2 takes around 60 hours, which is more or less the length of a good vn.

>> No.41674602

i've actually started reading chaos;head but the first chapter filtered me because i had to look up stuff in pretty much every sentence. s;g's prologue is way easier but i would like to play it after c;h


>> No.41674608

Yeah, I was going to give him shit for taking 60 hours for the first two DQ's.

>> No.41674680


>> No.41675096

play the game you want to play
top tier atmosphere

>> No.41675135
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it's getting ridiculous. I wonder what kind of asspull do they need to win in the end.

>> No.41675566
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is hentai prison a kamige?

>> No.41675611

Pretty much. Only insecure faggots don't like it.

>> No.41675774

It is a really good VN, unfortunately, some of its fans are annoying af

>> No.41675861

Does anyone know if there's a recommended route or such for Kizuato? I figure I'd play the original 1996 version first before doing the 2009 remake sometime later in the future.

>> No.41675882

Sana Edition

>> No.41675897

tf does that mean?

>> No.41675921

Unline Shizuku, Kizuato remake is actually much better than original

>> No.41675981

I thought the remake was significantly rewritten and stuff in parts. I'm not saying that's it's better/worse, but it seems like it's one of those things that's worth playing both versions.

>> No.41676050

Any retro kamige outside of obvious stuff like yuno or eve?

>> No.41676371

No kidding, Muv-luv. Dialogues are mostly casual conversations and don't have the autistic complexity of unlimited/alternative. Plus it's really fun to read (fun is an extremely important factor if you are to slave through the most excruciating hours of first reading, like me)

>> No.41676393


>> No.41676439

He will quit Japanese several times before he will manage to pass through all of the boring parts

>> No.41676456

i'm not interested but the vtuber sprites kill any interest of mine before i even try it.
Then again euphoria looked dogshit to me the first time around, so there's that.

>> No.41676471

Good, but drops the ball in the final route. They overhyped a certain character but they underdelivered.

>> No.41676513

Where does it drop? The ending was god tier end the whole 卒業 part was like one of the most moving moments ever

>> No.41676715

works that rely on shimoneta as their main form of comedy are shit.

>> No.41676829

Its not too bad. The art is top tier and all the characters are likable.

>> No.41676847

Shimoneta is like the main part of 90% of otaku media, but qruppo are the only ones who actually managed to get really creative and fun with this.

>> No.41676887

>Shimoneta is like the main part of 90% of otaku media
what the heck are you reading/watching where this is true?

>> No.41676901

Show me a comedy vn that wouldn't rely on shimoneta.

>> No.41676912

Off the top of my head, Muv-Luv Extra is mostly "random" humor.

>> No.41676920

>porn games shouldn't have dirty jokes

>> No.41676950

Ok yea muv-luv is one of those rare games that saved the 00's slapstick style but it still had a shit ton shimoneta all over.

>> No.41676952

i expect more variety in the humor is all, some shimoneta are great, but when it's all there is to a comedy heavy work it gets old quick.

>> No.41676986

The prologue was really good, routes were varying from bad to mediocre, but it still was overall bearable and interesting if only it wasn't for the completely dogshit true route that ruined it all

>> No.41677003

Maybe your standard for shimoneta is way different than mine. I usually think of american comedy where ever other joke is a sex joke or something and really otaku media rarely ever comes to that. Not that Muv-Luv had zero dirty jokes in it, but really the funniest parts of that game was the random shit like Yuuko racing Meiya's chauffeur.

>> No.41677140

Specifically the PS2 port of Phantom of Inferno

>> No.41677253

Damn really? I'm on コレット now and am enjoying the religion vibes. Hoping it gets progressively better.

>> No.41677280

It's good. The routes are basically nonexistant though.

>> No.41677382

Doukyuusei remake.

>> No.41677449

Well, if you're wanting for Tarantino-style black humor or esoteric Monty Python skits on eroge then you're going to be somewhat starved. Nitroplus did use macabre situations in a humorous light.

>> No.41677853

Most Key's games have good comedy part. Probably one of the most consistent aspects of their games.

>> No.41677989

the joke in MLA where yuuko-sensei appeared on the other side of the wire fence which takeru was trying to cut with all his might was pretty funny.

>> No.41678044

the anime adaption of that ark is also very funny, in a different kind of way.

>> No.41678056

>anime adaption
No, don't remind me about how bad the last episode was.

>> No.41678773
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>> No.41678780

somehow that scene was even more confusing than the visual novel

>> No.41679027
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It's one of the few VNs to transcend the medium and become 'art'.

>> No.41679152

So are you implying that it's going to get a live action adaptation?

>> No.41679177
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>Shuichiro - Ryan Gosling
>Chisato - Aubrey Plaza
>Noah - Emma Stone
>Taeka - Jennifer Lawrence
>Warden - Jamie Lee Curtis

>> No.41679179

I will read it one day but I need more time to rebuild my tolerance for qruppo """"""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.41679182

While it still has a lot of shimoneta, they really, really toned it down compared to nukitashi.

>> No.41679414

>one of the few
what are the others few?

>> No.41679946

Sakuuta and Murasama

>> No.41680169
File: 298 KB, 640x480, Screenshot 2022-10-30 00.18.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

game is genius

>> No.41680957

Now that the cartel has abandoned VNs, what JOPs should I follow for opinions and reviews?

>> No.41681159


>> No.41681211


>> No.41681215
File: 84 KB, 640x480, アヤカシH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really loved it. Eimu best girl.

>> No.41681939
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When you're 2 minutes into a game and haven't looked up an e-celebs opinion on it yet

>> No.41682011

>literal redditor
Kek oh no no no no, absolute state of the JOP community

>> No.41682166

This guy is admin of some jp learning discords and always has opinion on every vn in existence while in reality he barely read any shit himself

>> No.41682359

mdzz used to write interesting reviews, but in general there are few active users whose opinions are truly "reliable". Most of the important activity is concentrated on private discord servers. Personally I quite enjoy the exchanges of opinions there, totally free of these undesirable twitter "baby JOPs"

>> No.41682594

>totally free of these undesirable twitter "baby JOPs"
Like sacred and juste?

>> No.41682597

Just ask me bro

>> No.41682773

Sacred is funny sometimes at least

>> No.41682997

You're probably just a faggot. Just like sacred.

>> No.41683551
File: 264 KB, 640x480, Screenshot 2022-09-20 21.35.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it when she shows her game face

>> No.41683642

Recommend me something without this shit. No cringefest either, please.

>> No.41683692

Is psp exclusive route in Ayakashibito any good?

>> No.41683703

Gunjou no Sora wo Koete

>> No.41683831
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I'd buy this T-shirt.

>> No.41684007

What's your fav h scene bgm?

>> No.41684015

Some kind of generic sex music so it's not too distracting.

>> No.41684433

Fushigi Densha

>> No.41684468

Man that game's music still makes me sick whenever I remember it

>> No.41684478

I think you mean it's music was sick as fuck.

>> No.41684499

No it was literally making me sick when hearing it, way too schizo for me I guess

>> No.41685509

Please tell me the the protagonist is voiced during the H-scenes and he delivers deadpan descriptions of what is going on.

>> No.41685873

Me, I'm very smart and have great opinions.

>> No.41686052
File: 203 KB, 256x348, aws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Shumon Yuu a good writer?

>> No.41686093

Best writer after Romao

>> No.41686783
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I was wondering when the previous games characters would show up. Wish I actually got around to finishing Honami's route.

>> No.41687115

and how good is Romao

>> No.41687519

Whatever happened to the hauu Omochikaeri bloggers?

>> No.41687527

Creator said he doesnt have time to do monthly updates anymore but will still update the dates for upcoming games.

>> No.41687534

What is the phenotype of someone who posts like this?

>> No.41688037

Not as good as Marine imo

>> No.41688796

Each route has a different previous heroine set show up but only one gets multiple CGs for some reason (favoritism)

>> No.41691977
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Can't believe we missed out on incest with this sex fiend in Kara no Shoujo
Fandisk maybe?

>> No.41692068

she's for that faggot masaki when in reality he should have gotten back together with fuyumi and raised their daughter together, kind of lame how he never found out michiru was his daughter

>> No.41692135

Where do I download eroge other than nyaa and ryuugames

>> No.41692157


>> No.41692194

Why would I be asking if I had an AB account

>> No.41692213


>> No.41692261


>> No.41692273

There used to be that google doc with countless archived games but is password protected now

>> No.41692300

That one was missing a lot of things anyway.

>> No.41692740

Beg for uploads in this thread

>> No.41693445

>game has sound issues under win7
>no issues with XP compatibility mode but can't hook anymore
Any fix for this?

>> No.41693535

Nevermind, the solution was to start Textractor as admin.

>> No.41693725

Any decent tts to use with unvoiced vn?

>> No.41694411

Does anyone have a dark theme for EGS that they can share? It kills my eyes but I'm too tech illiterate to do something about it.

>> No.41694815

Just learn some css, then use browser dev tool + stylus to make some yourself, should take very little time.

>> No.41695563

Everything is easy for geeks meanwhile I couldn't learn shit after 2 years of CSS courses in uni just because of having a humanitarian brain

>> No.41695687

get the dark reader addon

>> No.41695707

All of the default dark reader setups are piece of shit for egs

>> No.41696079

Just google how to use dev tools, you barely need actual css knowledge (except maybe selectors lol)

>> No.41696110
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>> No.41696159

Is English more expressive than Japanese?
The better I get at Japanese, the more that seems to be the case.

>> No.41696222

Ever tried reading something that isn't otaku consumer media?
How much expressive are American novels for teenagers?

>> No.41696257

It has a wider repertoire of slurs at the very least.

>> No.41696270

No, as proven by Romeo.

>> No.41696276

Yes but only English stuff written like 200+ years ago.

>> No.41696307

But Japanese having very soft kinds of slurs and polite ways of insulting someone is what makes it good
Just look at Dies tl that is full of trashy slurs like fuck or bitch because there are literally no other alternatives available in English

>> No.41696318

I'm pretty sure that was translated by an ESL weeb, so I don't think that's the best example.

>> No.41696340

Conqueror is native American iirc and somehow competent at tls, I remember reading a thread on vndb where they were proving that it's good translation

>> No.41696403

How would you translate "Misguided Youth" into Japanese? "見当違いの若者"? "誤解された若者たち"?

>> No.41696458


>> No.41696568

Thank you so much, anon.

>> No.41696654
File: 963 KB, 1025x635, 1637873747846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo don't be sad you're so sexy haha

>> No.41697262

VNs with this feel? (Other than the obvious)

>> No.41697569

any news on the new yuzusoft release?

>> No.41697574

This is funny https://vndb.org/t15889

>> No.41697714

>"Oh, shut up already. What are you, Santa
EOPs were robbed of one of the funniest lines in the entire game. I didn't even know that.

>> No.41697926

EOPs have been unironically eating fanfic for years

>> No.41697961

No matter how bad these threads can get, I'm still thankful it's nothing like the JAV and the Vtuber ones.

>> No.41697986

nothing more than a few months ago, it will release this winter

>> No.41698049

You will never be able able to realize that you are eating shit until you will get to taste something else
They can keep doing it as long as they have fun, I just don't want to see their reviews and opinions. Vndb really needs language tags on reviews, especially short ones

>> No.41698206

Yeah, one of the funniest shits ever is when they start talking about "prose" in their reviews. That is precisely why I use EGS and not VNDB.

>> No.41698466

I wonder if there're any examples of VNs having a considerable disparity in ratings between VNDB and EGS

>> No.41698533

Parfait has like median 90 on EGS while on vndb it has 7.65 average

>> No.41698541

Also everything by romeo

>> No.41698610

Anything by Romeo, since so much of the quality of his work depends on his writing.
Azusa (最果てのイマ) h-scene is probably one of the most emotional moments in fiction I've ever read, but I don't know how it would work in another language.

>> No.41698640

>You simply haven't consumed enough Japanese to get the nuances of such utterances.
>Comment translated by Deepl because English is a filthy language and I will not waste my time.
>I am leaving because this discussion has already proven to be pointless
>I've never read dies irae lol
People that engage in reading eroge are mentally ill and it's not the good [autism intensifies] sort of mental illness.

>> No.41698797

>it will release this winter
*it will be announced this winter

>> No.41698827

LMAAAAAAAAO Funniest shit ever. Qruppo peak comedy. Completely changed eroge history.

-Some weirdo somewhere in the world, probably

>> No.41698883

least cringe qruppo anti

>> No.41698954

Hey some weirdo somewhere in the world, what's up bro

>> No.41699016

That scene was actualy really good though, the tension build up was great.

>> No.41699374

Kazoku Keikaku has a 90 median on egs and like a 7.3 average on vndb

>> No.41699393

Umineko is one of VNDB's highest rated VNs and has a 60 on EGS.

>> No.41699521

Only episode 8, because most of the votes are from people who followed the series in real time and got butthurt. The others have good to great scores and the console ports all have high scores.

>> No.41699662

my bbc (big bug cock) loving wife https://vndb.org/c63864

>> No.41699663

I'm playing Rance 01, the gameplay is fucking shit, where can I farm exp if anybody knows?

>> No.41699694

Just use cheat engine like any sane person would.

>> No.41699697

>Speeding through the sand, the girl ran to see and embrace the boy

what the fuck

>> No.41699764
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That guy is kind of an idiot but the translation problems with DI are very well known and documented, somebody made a long compilation with dozens and dozens of images like this one. The translators clearly had significant issues understanding what Masada was saying and there's a lot of basic mistakes.

>> No.41699800

Masada is clearly untranslatable, English simply doesn't function as chuuni, not enough cool words and synonyms to make up something even close to that prose
The only way to localize it is to write your own fanfic just for the sake of translating the story and plot to the clueless audience

>> No.41699850

I agree that english is a pretty shit tier language for stuff like chuuni games, but it's still possible to make an "accurate version" that just reads way less schizo. They didn't even try though. Actual translations errors are one thing because they happen and can be patched (not that they did that), but there's actual rewrite shit for no reason in even the most basic everday slice of life lines.

>> No.41699863

I just hope they never going to touch KKK for the sake of god

>> No.41699900

I did a random crit to a boss and did 1808 damage when my attacks did like 200 each.

Busted game

>> No.41699952

I don't remember gameplay being hard, just grind some good exp locations and get good swords no being able to stay overnight. Just make sure to use a guide because 50% of events of the game are hidden by some shitty cryptic conditions where you need to use an exact item in an exact time or appear in some exact time only and have only 1 chance for it. I was stupid enough to play blind the first time and got only around 40% of cgs and playing it 2nd time just for collecting the rest was dead boring

>> No.41700077

pretty sure that ship has sailed on both sides. Maybe if the gacha ever releases considering KKK is a pretty hard requirement for that going by the prologue

>> No.41700734

How do you texthook Ayakashi H with textractor? Trying to use this code /HAC@4E5E20 /KF5:100 gives an "invalid code" message.

>> No.41700783

Implant Elon Musk's chip into your brain so you see a popup dictionary in your head whenever you see kanji.

>> No.41700941
File: 2.31 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always funny to watch jops pretend they can evaluate prose in japanese, when most of them can't even do same thing in english lol

eops just have superior taste
no one on egs goes into long-ass hyperbolic pretentious prose reviews, unlike """jops""" and moogydrones parroting shit one after another
i remember losing my shit out of laugh when sacred ex-gf read his first eroge in jp(biman) and praised prose immediately LOL

not saying tl quality isn't trash in general, eops still needs to get culled and kamiges like qruppoge are untranslatable, but most of jops aren't really better lol
reading muramasa in english is still better than trying to decipher japanese muramasa when you suck at japanese, after all

>> No.41700988

Nothing chuuni works in another language mainly because 義訓 shit

>> No.41700996

Hey some weirdo somewhere in the world 2, what's up bro

>> No.41701002
File: 21 KB, 499x317, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using japanese in the middle of english sentence

>> No.41701025

Oh, sorry, I thought we were on a JOP thread, I forget that there are some people who are anxious about having to look up kanji they don't know

>> No.41701047

>>Using J-E dictionary

>> No.41701093

I thought yuuhi's route was going to have the parents being the main focus for later drama like in sayukis from the first game but it funnily gets resolved immediately when they show up.

>> No.41701106

>sacred ex-gf
I recommend that you worry about improving your Japanese instead of paying so much attention to what other people say. Maybe there you can better appreciate Japanese instead of just extolling 下ネタ shit.

>> No.41701125

it's all about your post looking cringe, stop projecting your insecurities on me
why won't you just post in japanese on some japanese imageboard instead?
surely you're good enough....
nice try, newfagging tourist
learn some eroge community lore first and then come back

>> No.41701137

>eroge community lore
Nobody cares about dumb eceleb shit anymore. Grow up.

>> No.41701151

I can use any number of languages in any given sentence and you won't stop me, amigo.

>> No.41701154

>learn some eroge community lore first and then come back
kys hookcuck

>> No.41701161

>main heroine is the best heroine
Absolute relief, there's nothing worse than reading a VN with a main heroine you're not into and a side heroine you really like gets shafted

>> No.41701162 [DELETED] 

how do you crack 竜姫ぐーたらいふ3 everyone posts uncracked torrents old crack from 1&2 and doesn't work

>> No.41701163

I wonder if the nip communities obsess over ecelebs like you fucks do.

>> No.41701169

I had to install a XP virtual machine to run a game.
That's it guys, I made it. I'm now a real nerd.

>> No.41701175

QRD on essential erogay community lore?

>> No.41701179

Yes, I liked the
Thread to see people find aliases of seiyuu, but now they're always talking about some twitter dude.

>> No.41701198


>> No.41701204

you still should research lore, silly newfag
no need to be this insecure and defensive
you should respect your legacy
I'm going to shame you and people like you to death, kurwa
you first

>> No.41701213

Weird af that obsession with some people on twitter. If anyone on this thread want to suck their dicks so bad they should just send them a private message to meet up or something.

>> No.41701217

If anyone on this thread want to suck their dicks
why projecting so much

>> No.41701222

No, I don't care about has-been ecelebs. No, they aren't "my legacy" or whatever the fuck that means. Go back to discord or something.

>> No.41701224

this dude doesn't even know gikun and is acting all high and mighty
流石 (that's sasuga, you don't have to hover it you're welcome) eceleb worshipper tard

>> No.41701237

I love my Wife Tamurahime

>> No.41701256

you sounds kinda mad, what happened?
surely you talk awfully lot about subject you don't care about :)
but no, that's not how it works, much like niggers won't gonna stop being niggers
same with e-legacy

>> No.41701271

This guy only appears purely to shitpost nonsense. You can tell by the posting style. Also he uses the "reading muramasa in english" example a lot. I only assume he's from some discord or something.

>> No.41701291

>he's from some discord or something
Makes sense
Welcome bro

>> No.41701295

i don't think voice actors are really e-celebs

>> No.41701337
File: 157 KB, 563x760, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the thread is about seiyuu but the whole thing is a bunch of post about a twitter guy that like, steals their guesses? I don't know never really paid much attention after it started

>> No.41701599

Are there any eroge that starts with group sex and as it goes on it reduces to only you and one girl you pick?

>> No.41701632

You think German can work? A lot of chuuni takes inspiration from Germanic lore after all.

>> No.41701643

都合のよいセックスフレンド?is similar in some ways I think

>> No.41701721

I don't know anything about German, but Dies Irae with German voices would definitely have been a hell of a lot more chuuni and nazi. Cool shit desu, I'd definitely reread it just for that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jZokSqlXsQ

>> No.41701732

mystery is among the loweset of the low of genre fiction

no on will respect you if you read it

>> No.41701945

What's wrong with mystery?

>> No.41702026


>> No.41702035
File: 305 KB, 1600x900, ふゆから、くるる。fuyukuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we gave all the girls dicks in the mystery?

>> No.41702046


>> No.41702047

Life would be so much easier and simpler if it were an eroge.

>> No.41702162

If you're an ugly bastard, you just need some ropes to make your life an eroge

>> No.41702168

any cuckge where the cuck gets revenge on the bull?

>> No.41702175
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x820, no homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41702187


>> No.41702350


>> No.41702376

no, modern german is quite literally a grammar nazi language and all the flowerly aspects of old german have been thoroughly destroyed. Japanese is way more flexible with how you are allowed to build sentences.

>> No.41702476 [DELETED] 

modern german is arabic

>> No.41702484

Your post makes no sense. It's literature, you can do what you want. The key part of prose is syntax, drooly.

>> No.41702916

> pretending he knows shit about prose in japanese

>> No.41702939

You're a retard but you do make a good point, nothing makes me cringe harder than seeing some twitterfag fresh out of DJT try to talk about "prose" when he can't even read an eroge normally without checking a texthooker/dictionary every 2 minutes. I've seen some who don't even understand the meaning of the word "prose" itself, and seem to think it means "fancy/complex/elaborate writing".

>> No.41702978

Speaking of chuunishit, i've worked through light's catalogue of chuunishit or rather masada/silverio/magatsu barai. How's Zero Infinity Devil of Maxwell?

>> No.41702999

Here's what /ourguy/ has to say about it https://forums.fuwanovel.net/blogs/entry/2082-random-vn-zero-infinity-devil-of-maxwell/

>> No.41703007

He is not my guy

>> No.41703048

>prose prose prose
As if one single person here can actually explain what he means with prose.

>> No.41703080

Literally every hookcuck ever. For some reason they always think they know more than they really do.
Also, your fault for using Twitshit.

>> No.41703147

*Clephas shrugs* for me it is the difference between finishing a VN in eight hours or twelve, and those four hours are generally hours I can use to work or do something else. Of course, with actual paperback novels, it is a different story altogether, but with a VN, the time-saving tool is available. I've never seen a point in using pride as an excuse for wasting time.

Edit: Also, I guess some of my opinion is formed because I learned Japanese before I learned kanji, and I picked up kanji later on to play VNs and read Japanese literature. Kanji is a pain in the rear at the best of times, though when it is a kanji you know by sight without having to think about it, you can sometimes actually read faster than you would in English. However, it was a huge hurdle at first... and I still hate to play moege-type VNs without a hooker. Playing Dies Irae (my fourth playthrough) without a hooker was an... interesting experience. However, playing a moege without a hooker is like chewing on 100% Cacao chocolate bars while drinking hotel coffee black, lol.

>> No.41703179

There is a discord zoomer server that is full of people like that, I didn't last more than 1 hour there lmao

>> No.41703218

sacred is /ourguy/, not this hookoid

>> No.41703229

hookoid > tranny apologist

>> No.41703276

tfw literally every "woman" in the community is tranny

>> No.41703288

the community of male targeted pornographic games
how is that surprising

>> No.41703399

Ok but why do you type like such a gigantic faggot?

>> No.41703445

> talking to a copypasta
learn fucking lore, newfag

>> No.41703588
File: 638 KB, 800x600, amazuppai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this meme

>> No.41703659

Games with the best banter? Something like Grisaia, but maybe with more everyday topics

>> No.41703683

what meme
have you ever smelled a girls room

>> No.41703695


>> No.41703738
File: 53 KB, 661x475, 1360555034341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave of you to assume that anyone here has ever been inside one, even if they have sister.

Asa Project games.

>> No.41703838

>Asa Project
What's the best? kinda tired of edgy shit, maybe I'll give it a try

>> No.41703981
File: 845 KB, 1920x1080, online friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I get to shill Puramai Wars.

>> No.41704057
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>> No.41704067

And we're supposed to give a shit why?

>> No.41704147

Yeah, that's what I need right now. Thanks bro

>> No.41704150

you've successfully shilled it to me

>> No.41705444
File: 1.06 MB, 1296x759, 1626942920622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41705555

German chuunige could work even better than Japanese if executed right and followed nazi theme

>> No.41705578

literally dies irae

>> No.41705622

Hookcuck JOPs are eating fanfic too, except it’s their own. Nothing funnier than watching someone who needs a texthooker reading DI or Muramasa in jap and thinking they’re getting the “real” experience

>> No.41705627

Usage of germans words in dies is far from desirable and nazi here are purely decorative element without much of idea

>> No.41705690

the ぶひひ got me

>> No.41705695

>english is a pretty shit tier language for stuff like chuuni games
have you never read epic poetry like Paradise Lost or The Faerie Queene? english is great for chuuni

>> No.41705721

Except it was written 5 centuries ago and no one writes like this anymore

>> No.41705733

any good mommyge recently?

>> No.41705738

Nobody wrote like that at the time either, that's why those poems have been so influential for so long.

>> No.41705767

How about this? Literally isekai'd Nazis.

>> No.41705803

Hookcucks are not JOPs tho. No problem if they use it initially to learn, but I know some people who still use that shit after "reading" several vns in Japanese

>> No.41705828

Nigger what am I supposed to do about the thousands of unknown words I will see without hooking? Skip past them? Learn all of them in isolation before reading anything?

>> No.41705875

Look them up and learn the words like how you learned English, retard. Or do you fearfully clutch a dictionary every time you need to read in English too?

>> No.41705888

Yes. You shouldn't look up vocabulary in any way but feel the meaning. If you can't feel the language, how will you ever be able to understand it?

Ignore this anon >>41705875, he can't feel.

>> No.41705892

>Skip past them?
Yes. I have read muramasa while skipping everything I don't know. Superior experience. Just use your imagination.

>> No.41705893


When they say hookcucks they mean MTLtards or anyone aiding themselves with a translation.

>> No.41705904

I'm gonna read every kamige with texthooker and you can do nothing to stop me.

>> No.41705927

Ignore those retards. Ask them to read something out loud and they'll mess up every non standard reading.

>> No.41705928

>the thousands of unknown words
shouldn't this stop happening after you read 1-2 VNs? How bad is your memory?

>> No.41705932

Looking up English words: literally type it in google
Looking up Japanese words: literally have to distract from reading and waste time drawing it or fucking up with radicals instead of spending 1 sec to look it up with hooker and continue reading
The question of who is a real retard here is rhetorical

>> No.41705953

Relax. You're doing the right thing, as long as you learn the words and don't use it as a crutch to skip learning vocabulary or kanji. It's only a problem when you are still years into learning, hooking and looking up the same words because you don't give a shit about learning or reading comprehension. And it really only gets bad when those people try to pass off their opinions on VNs as facts, when they can't even read the damn thing.

>> No.41705957

yeah i don't understand how this guy can compare learning english to japanese.
you can't just bruteforce your way through a vn without a mtl

>> No.41705959

No I mean people who need to lookup shit every 3rd line or more trying to read chuunige. Just read the eng translation retard because your interpretation of these games with your shit tier jap is worse than the eng fanfic. Anyone who thinks otherwise is coping.

>> No.41705994

Have you seen jap learners? Most of them are what you described exactly. There are plenty of jap learning discords filled with people who have been reading for more than a year and still need to use texthooker

>> No.41706011

I'd love to see you try out >>41705927

>> No.41706020

It's not a large enough sample to be considered truly representative, but from the experience of some acquaintances and myself, that "looking up Japanese words" method is far more effective for vocabulary retention. "Hook" can be quite counterproductive in long-term learning by causing a kind of dependency. Well, I guess it all depends on whether you really want to learn Japanese or just read visual novels I guess.

>> No.41706026

What the fuck do you mean by 1-2 vns? Are you supposed to read Murasama as your first vn and mine every word out of it to cover all the vocab or what?
You obviously start up with easy moeges to cover up basic words and slowly progress to harder stuff. Surely you can start reading moeges without hooker after finishing 2-3 ones with decent length, but you will still need to look up words in every second sentence when you try something harder. It took me about 5 chuuniges to cover most of the political and military vocab and be comfortable without hooking

>> No.41706027

1 year of reading isn't a lot, especially because they're probably not reading every day.

>> No.41706087

>You obviously start up with easy moeges
I don't get why you retards do this. Just start with whatever you want. Baldr Sky was my first untranslated VN. Yeah the first couple of routes took a long time but about halfway in, it turned into a breeze and I stopped needing a dictionary constantly. Haven't really had a problem ever since.

>> No.41706101

It depends on what else you use to actually learn those words. I find it's a waste of time because Anki already covers my long-term retention needs. If you don't use Anki or any other tools to learn new words then manually looking them up can indeed help with your short-time retention at least.

>> No.41706108

I don’t care if people use texthookers just realize your opinion is garbage and your skill in the language is low. You need to consume more difficult material to learn a language but if you need to look up shit even a 14 year old could read then you’re probably shit at the language and therefore incapable of holding an opinion on a game worth acknowledging!

>> No.41706123

Are you implying Baldr is hard or something? It has 2300 kanji and 17k unique words with 960k characters length, this is an average moege tier difficulty

>> No.41706140

>17k unique words
There you go, with one game you just learned 17,000 words. You shouldn't need to be a hookcuck after that.

>> No.41706152

Write that in japanese

>> No.41706166

learn german before you talk

>> No.41706173

Yea good luck reading Oretsuba with 30k unique words without hooking after that

>> No.41706179
File: 202 KB, 781x586, chemistry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone still remember chemistry lessons from the middle school? I don't remember a damn thing about it and I'm sure well doesn't ever use the knowledge other than some useless trivia quiz shit.

>> No.41706198

Go back to your cat discord

>> No.41706228

I like this anon, doesn't give a shit about anything and just shares his vn experience

>> No.41706251

"Unique words" is misleading. It just means the author randomly used a word once at one point. That's at the point of "oh I'll look it up in the dictionary" (assuming you even need to) on occasion not constantly being glued to something. Once you get the common words down, that will cover the vast majority of the text.

>> No.41706257

Nothing wrong with constantly checking a dictionary when you're at the stage where you're not used to the language yet, in fact that's how you expand your vocabulary, but the point is that you should at least be aware that what you're doing is not really "reading" but rather it's closer to deciphering the text like a puzzle (which is not by any means "the intended experience"), and that a lot of it is inevitably going over your head and there's nothing you can do about it yet.

>> No.41706274

I personally hated Chemistry because it had a bunch of annoying memorization that you didn't need in cooler subjects like Physics.

>> No.41706304

You had chemistry in middle school?
We only had it in like 9 class lol and we weren't even allowed to do any experiments just look at what the teacher did

>> No.41706337

>Turning the Chad Who Cuck’d Me Into My Sissy Bitch

>> No.41706350

Write that in japanese

>> No.41706409

I had it in high school and college as well actually. Never liked it really.

>> No.41706479

If you understand the meaning of the sentence then you understand it. Eroge aren’t philosophical literature that is subtly nuanced as much as you nerds want to believe that.

>> No.41706485

This is why I read real books first. No hookshit dependency. You only have paper on your face, unless you're such a bitch you need your phone to OCR.

>> No.41706521

Yes, this is basic shit and I'm a goddamn humanities major.

>> No.41706524


>> No.41706564

Yea let me just whitenoise all this kanji I don’t know until one day it clicks. You need to lookup words at the start because no one just knows japanese. Texthooking makes looking up words easier. As long as you’re not continuing to use a texthooker after you’ve read a few books or vn then what’s the problem. It’s only people that are using texthook after months of reading/4-5 titles that are retarded

>> No.41706571

This bait is tired already.

>> No.41706573

>No hookshit dependency.
fucking retard lol

>> No.41706598

t. texthook cuck larping that they know japanese

>> No.41706605

Try it again without a translator

>> No.41706607

so this is the power of not texthooking

>> No.41706625

Keep coping hookshits

>> No.41706641

uhhhh this is an embarassing post you should delete it

>> No.41706659

what’s embarrassing is that you don’t see what’s wrong with your mtl lol

>> No.41706663

Google that with quotes and realize that you don't know Japanese.

>> No.41706676

are you falseflagging to make the anti-hook faction look as retarded as possible? if so it's working

>> No.41706685

keep larping :)

>> No.41706816

I’ll give you a hint. たった一つの日本語 is a noun, if you still don’t see what’s wrong you need to read more.

If you followed your own advice you would know why it’s wrong.

>> No.41706848

>I’ll give you a hint. たった一つの日本語 is a noun
lol no shit retard

>> No.41706863


>> No.41706866

I thought he was baiting but he might be serious now lol

>> No.41706878

You can find several examples of it being used in the exact same way. Either explain why it's wrong or stfu.

>> No.41706888

I AM German, you cocksucker. Read a book instead of spending all your time on eroge and you might learn a thing or two about the fluidity of rules as it pertains to text in literature.

>> No.41706939

This is the product of reliance on hookcucking for anyone thinks otherwise. You end up not knowing japanese and need to rely on tools for input and output
Try searching “たった一つの日本語書けない” and reflect on how nouns and verbs interact

>> No.41706950

>Your search - "たった一つの日本語書けない" - did not match any documents.
>Your search - "たった一つの日本語書ける" - did not match any documents.
>Your search - "たった一つの日本語を書けない" - did not match any documents.
>Your search - "たった一つの日本語を書ける" - did not match any documents.
>Your search - "たった一つの日本の語を書ける" - did not match any documents.
>Your search - "たった一つの日本の語を書けない" - did not match any documents.
Look at all these examples, you faggot

>> No.41706994

Hookshits don’t know jap and they’re too retarded to realise it what else is new!

>> No.41706997

Because a native would obviously never say that to another native, retard. It only works in this context.
たった一つの日本語 and 日本語書ける are both fine. If you think it's wrong then all I can say is you don't know Japanese.

>> No.41707009

explain how this is any different from

>> No.41707013

Can you repeat this in japanese, please?

>> No.41707019


>> No.41707041

The guy that says it's wrong can't explain it cause he's scared he might be wrong lol.

>> No.41707042


>> No.41707058




すなわち、当たり前のように読めて、文章のニュアンスも感じながら読むのと、辞書とかを片手に、常に自分に理解できるものに変換しながら読み解くのとでは、雲泥の差があるし、目的もやり方も違えば、その行為から得られるものも当然違うわけで、したがってif you need a texthooker you aren't really "reading" anything.



>> No.41707074

A few words on the difference between "reading" and "deciphering

The act of reading a modern work of literature (which does not have a lofty meaning) is not simply reading through it word by word and deciphering the meaning, but also taking into account the choice of vocabulary, the way sentences are divided, the way dialogue is used, the author's sensitivity, individuality and originality, and many other factors, all of which are included in the act of reading. If you just want to get the meaning across, then you don't need to go to the trouble of reading the original work, a wiki or an adaptation will suffice.

On the other hand, when it comes to works from long ago, people who do not have the necessary specialist knowledge cannot understand the meaning of the text on their own, and often have to rely on ancient dictionaries, commentaries and introductory books, which is clearly different in nature from "reading" as I mentioned earlier.

In other words, there is a difference between reading in a natural way and feeling the nuances of the text, and reading with a dictionary in hand and constantly converting the text into something you can understand, and the purpose, method and what you get out of the act are naturally different, so if you need a texthooker you aren't really "reading" anything.

Now here's a question! Is eroticism something to read? Is it something to read and decipher? LOL!

By the way, I don't accept questions or counter-questions, so don't worry!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

>> No.41707076


>> No.41707079

Nice djt thread

>> No.41707083

I read all of this with Yomichan.

>> No.41707091

Are you retarded? 日本語書ける != 日本語が書ける or 日本語を書ける

>> No.41707108

based JOPchad! hookoids in shambles

>> No.41707121


>> No.41707134

People here think 日本語書けない人 is gramatically wrong (笑)

>> No.41707141

The only good post in this thread.

>> No.41707142

Holy shit, you must be trolling, nobody can be this retarded
>I can say A and B so I can put them together without giving a fuck about the meaning or context
I don't want to believe someone is this stupid

>> No.41707146

Who thinks that? Look at the original mtl or just keep coping (笑)

>> No.41707168

Aren't you bored yet? You got btfo like 10 times already.

>> No.41707170

u still haven't explained why it's wrong

>> No.41707199

That's why I have djt faggots. Die.

>> No.41707209

Good job, you actually proved that using MTL gives you a better and more accurate experience than fumbling through the original text with broken Japanese and a texthooker.

>> No.41707211

Not understanding an explanation isn’t the same as the explanation existing

>> No.41707214

Why not both?

>> No.41707219

Thanks bros, probably one of the funniest threads in quite some time

>> No.41707222

MTL was based all along everyone here is wasting their time trying to learn japanese

>> No.41707261

What do you mean trying? Everyone who isn't a zoomer newfaggot already learned it years ago

>> No.41707268

link to the explanation

>> No.41707280

bros... the /vn/ chads are laughing at us

>> No.41707295

And yet no one in this thread can write a single Japanese sentence without making 10 mistakes in it

>> No.41707347

I can't tell what's bait anymore

>> No.41707442

Blah blah blah. You're addicted to crutch.

>> No.41707456 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1200x675, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41707475

thats because it doesn't need a crack

>> No.41707476

>pepe posts in this thread
Did we degrade from djt and discords to literal reddit level already?

>> No.41707485
File: 1.82 MB, 1442x1080, 1667533161389456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

came just to mire this epic and correct post
no hookers or gomichan gang representing

>> No.41707489


It's a literal djt anon shitposting. They're talking about this thread over there.

>> No.41707502
File: 281 KB, 828x1250, kv-sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Jewelry Hearts Academia?

(warosu seems to be dead right now so I can't search for any past discussion)

>> No.41707504

they were ran out of djt actually, enjoy them or get rid of them yourselves, they aren't welcome there

>> No.41707517

can you stay here

>> No.41707536

Racism bad furry good blah blah

>> No.41707537

got a lot of 9s so bretty gud prolly haha

>> No.41707565
File: 1.72 MB, 1447x2046, 1667739489712146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us just saving the thread like bros

>> No.41707573

The story is decent enough, but the "romance" is so bad it drags the game down a few levels, specially the h-scenes that feel forced and out of place

>> No.41707592
File: 25 KB, 256x300, 126379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is her route? literally the only reason I would read that shit

>> No.41707610

There are no routes. You get some romance and H-scenes with a girl depending on your choices.

>> No.41707613

If you want to read it for any of the girls then don't do it, you'll be sorely disappointed

>> No.41707619
File: 36 KB, 720x640, 1667466360264100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have 5 minutes to hear the good news? The secret to japanese... its out...

Have hope! All who rep WILL make it!

>> No.41707629

shes so based bros...

>> No.41707637

It’s not for you, there’s no romance

>> No.41707685

>nooooooo not the evil nazi frog!

>> No.41707704

No one uses it anymore outside of edgy 13yo zoomers.

>> No.41707720

It's good, stick with the game until the first big thing happens (you'll know when you see it) and decide if it's your thing or not.

The romance is a complete afterthought. It's not even integrated into the game proper, you just read the H-scenes from a separate menu whenever you want, if you want to.

>> No.41707812

Turks are not German.

>> No.41707851

What are the best Hololive eroge?

>> No.41707945

it has one of the craziest twists ever, don't look up any spoiler and go into it completely blind

>> No.41707969

Neither are people such as yourself that never picked up a book but write retarded shit like>>41702376

>> No.41708584

Get out of /jp/

>> No.41709295

>tfw 出航

>> No.41709350

吿 告
Wtf is the difference between these two? One has a slightly longer middle stroke?

>> No.41709378

ask in djt and ill answer you

>> No.41709383

The first one is literally chink

>> No.41709386

I saw it in a VN if it helps
Though I'm pretty sure the author was just trying to be cute like when they use 云う, 逢う, 判る, etc., instead of the usual

>> No.41709396

More like typo from chink ime

>> No.41709758

I knew he is going to do it

>> No.41710684

Anyone have a link for Kawarazaki 2? It's not seeded anywhere apparently.

>> No.41711017
File: 22 KB, 250x300, 26565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she get a happy end if I just ignore the append?

>> No.41711047

>Hookcuck JOPs are eating fanfic too, except it’s their own.
Retarded take. My own fanfiction is miles better than some mentally ill tranny fanfiction with some very funny OAG and trump references.

>> No.41711100
File: 346 KB, 800x450, 20171030233305-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't play that shit in the first place. Or better yet, don't develop any attachment to anyone that isn't the main heroine. It's easier to cope that way.

>> No.41711127

Thanks for spoiler, moefaggot. Now take your spoilery trigger warning and get back to moefag discord.

>> No.41711136

I like when girls get cucked for a while if they get a happy end, like Damekoi and WA2. That's why I'm wondering.

>> No.41711169

That wasn't me you cretinous Kraut.

>> No.41711244

She has been sacrificing an entire year of her life just for MC, there is no "good" ending for her in that game, just like Mitsuki in Kiminozo.

>> No.41711265

So they just don't end up together in her route?
And I don't play cuckge so I have no idea what that entails.

>> No.41711545


>> No.41713964

Learn Japanese to fluency and you won't have to pick between two different flavors of shit.

>> No.41714047
File: 426 KB, 1920x1080, 1182022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scadi-sama why won't you let me fuck this haraguro sex demon.

>> No.41714109

Why? Fan-fiction is better than jap bullshit.

>> No.41714125

Then go play OELVN's you instigating retard.

>> No.41714169

> sjw tranny woke lgbtq+ bullshit
Fuck off.

>> No.41714227

You have nothing else to read. You're the only one who pushed yourself to a corner.

>> No.41714266

Why? I'm going to read my own fanfiction and you can not stop me.

>> No.41714284

Just like I can't stop you from lathering yourself on your own shit. Go wild.

>> No.41714293

get subverted

>> No.41714485

Someone make a new thread

>> No.41714583

Any good, short (less than 10 hours) utsuge?

>> No.41714584


>> No.41714619

If you're going to be that self-masturbatory about it, why not share it with us for all to laugh at?

>> No.41714717

You want some of my shit?

>> No.41714797

No, but someone else might.

>> No.41714995

> us
> someone else
Do you have a tulpa or something?

>> No.41715016

If I did, I'd still be saner than someone who believes his fanfic to be some cultural magnum opus.

>> No.41715302

>cultural magnum opus
Now you sound like eceleb from twatter.
