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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 348 KB, 1000x1403, 7325196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4169984 No.4169984 [Reply] [Original]

Parasite Eve is based on a japanese novel/movie, so that makes it /jp/ related.

Actually, I have nothing much to discuss. I just like the game. What about you /jp/? Have you read, played or watched it?

>> No.4169999

I played 1 and 2, heard more were coming out that were japan only. A cell phone game, I think.

Either way, novel? Movie? I doubt there are trans / subtitles available for these, but Ill ask anyways, are they translated?

>> No.4170011
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The novel was translated into english a while ago, and the movie I got from bt had english subtitles, so yes.

>> No.4170016

PE2 was a really short Resident Evil game that actually shows you how much damage you are doing and has healing magic. That being said, why didn't they make more games like that?

>> No.4170035
File: 14 KB, 400x378, 1262670321633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh awesome. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.4170037

Lol cellphone games

>> No.4170087

I think the book is translated. They reference it a lot in the first game when they keep talking about some "other incident" in Japan. It's the only instance I know of a game being based on a book. No, EA's Inferno does not fucking count.

>> No.4170103

This game gave me nightmares when I was a kid.

>> No.4170117

I remember these games. I remember because I also played Rayman 2 during that time. Shit was cash!

>> No.4170122


And it have a Aya Shower Scene!

>> No.4170137

The first Shin Megami was based on a book.

>> No.4170139

Played 1, was told to stay away from 2 like the plague, and LOL, NGAGE GAME on the 3rd.

I liked PE, though. Matter of fact, I may just download the ROM of it now that I'm all nostalgic for it. Plus, I never finished the Chrysler Building.

>> No.4170143

It was, good call.

>> No.4170145

Number 2 was good stuff. I suggest going back and playing it.

>> No.4170328

Seconded. The second game, although different to the first, it is quite good.

>> No.4170340

Never played the first one.
I liked PE2. Loli-Eve is sex

>> No.4170348

I've only played the second one, I guess I'll download the first one and play on PSP

>> No.4170349

Fuck...now I have the urge to play them again. Time to fire up my epsxe again...

>> No.4170361

Isn't the 3rd just coming to PSP?

>> No.4170373

Well fuck, I got the second one ready for PSP, downloading the first.

>> No.4170378
File: 67 KB, 339x500, Parasite_Eve_EN_cover..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, it was translated.

I remember hearing the very disturbing news that Madonna bought the rights for a second movie, but the project never started, thanks to the hand of God/Satan. Madonna as Aya Brea makes me sick.

>> No.4170382
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>> No.4170391
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>> No.4170395
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>> No.4170399

When is the 3rd coming out?

>> No.4170400
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>> No.4170409
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>> No.4170412

TBA 2010. No more info than that. No Parasite Eve involved though, so I am quite confused.

>> No.4170413


>> No.4170422

What? I remember seeing some weird trailer but that was it.

>> No.4170425
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>PE3 - 2010
>No Parasite Eve involved.

How would that even work?

>> No.4170427
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I have the poster, but the link is long dead.

>> No.4170428
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>> No.4170432

Oh well

>> No.4170438
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>> No.4170443
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>> No.4170453
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>> No.4170461
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>> No.4170465

Aliens. Or something.


>> No.4170468
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>> No.4170476

Then it wouldn't be Parasite Eve anymore.

Any why are we getting Yuki dumped?

>> No.4170477
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>> No.4170479

You guys know this /v/ shit does not go here.

>> No.4170482

Any specific reason for the sage bombing? Or is the troll just giving me reasons to hate Nagato on sight?

>> No.4170485
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>> No.4170486

Actually, it does.


>> No.4170488

I think he's using Nagato BECAUSE it's hard to naturally hate her. Well played...

>> No.4170490
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>> No.4170496
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>> No.4170497

He imagebombs /v/ and other threads that are unrelated to /jp/.

>> No.4170502
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>> No.4170503
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Silly Troll! That's not how you make friends!

>> No.4170505

The fuck, no mitochondria and shit?

>> No.4170506

Jones thinks it's amusing. He's just copying/worshipping AoRF, who used to mindlessly sagebomb threads on old /a/. Ignore him if you can.

His resistance against what he perceives to be /v/-threads only makes people harder.

>> No.4170515
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>> No.4170518

Apparently...unless the aliens USE microbes or some shit.

>> No.4170521
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>> No.4170523

It's just Anonymous Jones.

Check the archive for the thread where he was bitching about /v/ threads on /jp/. He even said using imagebombs to derail threads was a good thing.

>> No.4170527
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>> No.4170530
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No mitochondria unless the there is a TWIST we have not heard of.

I still think she will have mitochondrial powers to fight off the tentacle monsters.

>> No.4170535

Oh man, 3rd person shooter? no NMCs? I bet it will suck

>> No.4170536
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>> No.4170537

But...if he bombs threads...doesn't that defeat the purpose of boards?

>> No.4170543
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>> No.4170550

It defeats the purpose of /jp/ when you post completely /v/-level shit here.

There is no fucking excuse. Posting Biohazard and Parasite Eve crap here doesn't cut it.

>Parasite Eve is based on a japanese novel/movie, so that makes it /jp/ related.

THIS IS WRONG. OP is a faggot.

Continue with the Yuki.

>> No.4170553
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>> No.4170560
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>> No.4170566
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Anon Jones you piece of shit. The next time I catch a mod on #4chan you can be guaranteed I'm going to let him know all about you and your identities.

>> No.4170569
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>> No.4170571

/v/ is about the attitude, not the topics, which are obviously /jp/ related, plus, you're an idiot and everyone knows that.

>> No.4170572
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So Jones is White Ren?

>> No.4170575
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>> No.4170580
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>based on a japanese novel/movie.
>Not /jp/ related.

>> No.4170582

Ok, alright, but will it still have RPG elements?

>> No.4170584
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>> No.4170587

/v/ is about video games. Go post Parasite Eve there. Stop treating /jp/ like your little refuge when it suits you, when you're probably one of the same little trolls that whines about actual /jp/ threads all the time.

Yeah, I'm every tripfag there is and ever has been. Didn't you get the memo? You guys are either paranoid or stupid.

>> No.4170588

Up in the air at this point. I hope they do an RE4 style game with RPG elements and LOL! Healing Magic.

>> No.4170589
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>> No.4170591

Jones hates /v/ topics because he's never had a console in his life, what a child.

>> No.4170592
File: 127 KB, 722x1000, pe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot tell at the moment. We will have to wait and see. I , for one, don't think will be disappointed.

>> No.4170599
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>> No.4170603
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>Implying that video games are not posted on /jp/.

>> No.4170608
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>> No.4170609

He's probably just mad because Parasite Eve kicked his ass back then.

>> No.4170611

Hey, melty Blood, Touhou Hisouten and Rance threads don't tick you off?

>> No.4170612

No. White Ren gave away his tripcode long ago. Sometimes Anonymous Jones borrows it to make posts pretending he's someone else, because he's a coward--afraid mods will permaban his precious !TapsqdZp4A trip.

>> No.4170617

Yeah and /jp/ is actually about Japan, right? /v/ is 12 yo kids and complaining about games you've never played before. So fuck off, this is /jp/ related and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.4170618
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>> No.4170626

Yeah, that would be great

>> No.4170628
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>> No.4170631

Maybe you should start posting PE again and ignore the Yuki spam.

>> No.4170635
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>> No.4170636

Just like you apparently can't do anything about Yuki. For once, that's a good thing.

I gave it away once, nobody noticed the thread because it got deleted, then it got cracked, and then there was a rash of copycats, then nobody cared, I posted the tripcode several times, and now like one person is making posts as me sometimes.

Feels neutral, man.

>> No.4170637

He doesn't even know what it is.

>> No.4170638
File: 49 KB, 583x498, 1260944951837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if trying anymore.

>> No.4170641

Okay, I lol'd.

>> No.4170645
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>> No.4170652

You know what is funny, Jones?

Sage does nothing. All you are doing is attract more attention to the topic. Now, thanks to you, people will be interested on the novel/movie, which was my initial objective.

Also, if you guys are interested, a shoujo manga was also made, based on the game. 2 books only.

>> No.4170653
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>> No.4170661

Thread derailment is against the rules, sorry. You can't even think of a good counter argument do you?

>> No.4170664

Actually, he's trying to run up the autosage counter via an image dump.

Works surprisingly well. Russian Federation used to do it all the time on old/a/.

>> No.4170666
File: 50 KB, 627x620, what_sakuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoujo manga
>based on the game

>> No.4170669
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>> No.4170673

Being underage is also against the rules, but you're still posting here.

>> No.4170675
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>> No.4170680
File: 43 KB, 400x320, deadly02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so-so. The style is shoujo-ish, not sparkly sparkles like your usual shoujo type manga.

>> No.4170681

What? That I need to see.

>> No.4170683
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>> No.4170685

Love between a girl and another girl who is mostly composed of microbes. I'd read it.

>> No.4170692
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>> No.4170694


>> No.4170703

So that's the best you can do huh? pathetic as always.
Also, I'm 24.

>> No.4170704
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>> No.4170712

Stop feeding the troll bro. I'm more interested about that PE Shoujo Manga.

>> No.4170714
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>> No.4170717

I am sometimes amazed at the dedication the japanese put at making guides.


>> No.4170719

Pointless because the image limit is 120 or so, and the post bump limit is 250. It's not like this thread would last for a full week anyway.

As for the OP's question, I played a bit of the first game. I don't remember why I stopped. Didn't know the franchise was popular enough to spawn a bunch of spin-off material--I guess one day I'll try to return to the games if I have the time.

>> No.4170727
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>> No.4170730

Still good I guess

>> No.4170731

I freaking loved Parasite Eve games. I played through the first one a bunch of times and finished the 2nd one on Nightmare difficulty.

I was so pissed when I heard the 3rd one would be on a goddamn handheld...

Also, someone ban the retard sagebombing the thread. Dude could just hide the thread if he doesn't like it, there's absolutely no need to go out of their way to ruin it for others.

>> No.4170733
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>> No.4170738

>Pointless because the image limit is 120 or so

At 53 already. The bot can reach 120 in no time.

If you make another thread, it will hit the limit in no time, either. I'm not the one doing the flooding, by the way. Just noting its effects.

>> No.4170740

Yeah, I am too, sorry

>> No.4170743

>I was so pissed when I heard the 3rd one would be on a goddamn handheld...
Ngage does not deserve to be called a handheld.

>there's absolutely no need to go out of their way to ruin it for others.
Attention whore bro.

>> No.4170745
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>> No.4170748

Manga link. For some reason they never choose decent mangakas for this kind of thing.


>> No.4170753

At least it's not for a fucking cellphone

>> No.4170754
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>> No.4170764
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Stop being such a shitposter Jones, you're not helping to protect the board's quality by acting like a renegade anarchist. What happened in your life that made you so buttmad about console games? Want to hear some irony, Ralph H. Baer is Jewish.

I do agree with you though, Parasite Eve is NOT /jp/ related. If it was based on a 'light' Novel then fine, but (non-light) Novels are not /jp/ related. That's what >>>/book/ is for. And using the argument of "herf derf, all things Japan is welcomed here" would allow Japanese cartoons (anime) to be posted here. moot clearly wanted /jp/ to be a place for Japan related topics that 'lacked' their own boards. (The only exception being Touhou which technically falls under /v/ territory).

Why would you spam a harmless niche game from Squaresoft when there are clearly more dangerous threads to /jp/'s well-being on the front page?

>> No.4170767
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>> No.4170768
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parasite eveディーヴァ―N.Y.死の歌姫 (1) (Asuka comics DX) (コミック)

>> No.4170769

Cover looks like it was made in the late 80's...

>> No.4170772

It's now a PSP exclusive

>> No.4170776
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>> No.4170779

Actually, according to moot, light novels belong on /a/. moot is an idiot, so whatever.

Also, I love how you all assume this is Jones doing it. Even if it was him, why do you assume he's reading the thread? He's probably circle-jerking in #bun over something else.

>> No.4170784

I didn't know we had a /book/ board. Hmm...Live and learn.

>> No.4170785
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>> No.4170790

It IS /jp/ related though

>> No.4170792
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>> No.4170796
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>moot is an idiot
>Posting on a board that moot made using a tripcode to individualize himself with.

>> No.4170800
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>> No.4170813
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>> No.4170814

Oh, green text. Whatever shall I do~

Except it's not. Go back to /v/. You made your ocean of piss. Don't try and take away our board, too.

>> No.4170818

>Actually, according to moot, light novels belong on /a/. moot is an idiot, so whatever.

I'll have to check that. Do you have a screencap of the thread where someone asked moot if light novels were /?/ related? I always get /?/ mixed up. It was either /a/ or /jp/. I do remember, however, that moot said light novels are allowed on /?/.

>> No.4170819
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>> No.4170825
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>> No.4170827

I hated PE2, fucking HATED it. They basically scrapped most of what made PE1 good and turned it into a RE clone with some rpg elements tacked on. Those god damn tank controls!

PE1 had it's problems, like inventory space on your first playthrough and due to the somewhat limited "mana" you only wanted to use the healing powers. However, it was awesome enough to make me want more but boy was I disappointed when I tried PE2.

PE1 also had this nice atmosphere. Aya was the only one who could do really do something about the situation, everyone else would get burned so the whole city had to be evacuated. In PE2, suddenly there are monsters all over the world and there are bunch of people who can take them on.

>> No.4170828

Light novels are allowed on /jp/. I remember people bitching for them being posted on /a/ (Zero no Tsukaima when it was about to be aired). He didn't seem to give a damn though.

>> No.4170829
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>Moot is an idiot.
>Moot made /jp/

>> No.4170833

You'd have to have been there, I guess. It was in one of the sticky threads on /a/. While everybody else was sucking his dick, one guy asked moot about light novels. Not knowing what light novels actually were, moot said they'd go on /a/.

Seeing as he told visual novels to go to /jp/, there was much discord on the subject, with people pointing out that he didn't know what he was talking about. And nobody was surprised.

>> No.4170836

I've never been on /v/

>> No.4170837
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>> No.4170842
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That means we can have Haruhi threads. Yes.

>> No.4170844

Yeah, PE1 had a better story but I found PE2 to be more fun. Now if only they can balance out the two...

>> No.4170846
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>> No.4170847

Let me see your argument on why it is not /jp/ related, if you have none, your point is completely invalid.

>> No.4170852

Someone defending moot. On /jp/, no less!

How I wish tomorrow would come, so that school shall take you all away.

>> No.4170856
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>> No.4170862
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>> No.4170867
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Since this thread is ass... what do you do with your life, Alabama? I wish to know.

>> No.4170868

Interesting. I found a fan site that practically radio novels its way through the Parasite Eve novel, with some images. Quite a lot of dedication there.


>> No.4170872

Oh come on, PE2 was great

>> No.4170873

So about Parasite Eve...

What was everyone's favorite boss. The one that you just want to fight again and again.

>> No.4170874
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>> No.4170880

That seems like an odd question to address to a state.

>> No.4170883
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>> No.4170897
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>> No.4170898

Shiva. The 3 headed dog. For some reason he was my favorite.

>> No.4170902

All of them were stressing as fuck, but that vacuum thing was pretty cool

>> No.4170903

Really? I hated that thing for some reason.

>> No.4170908
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>> No.4170918
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>> No.4170927
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>> No.4170948
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>> No.4170957
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>> No.4170968
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>> No.4170974

>It IS /jp/ related though
On what grounds do you make such an argument? I don't endorse image-spamming, but I have no choice but to side with Jones on this one because I try to follow the law to the best of my abilities. The only evidence you could bring to the argument would be the "jp/ - all things Japan are welcomed" comment on the faqs page. But that statement was further amended by this: http://images.4chan.org/jp/src/1263848323706.jpg

Where moot says /jp/ will be a place for Japan related things that 'lack' their own board. If /jp/ was a place for all things Japan related, this board would have the 3rd most topics behind /b/ and /r9k/. Anime threads would be allowed, threads about Mario would be allowed, etc... What isn't from Japan nowadays? A board without rules/regulations is /b/ad. The less topics a board maintains, the better.

Parasite Eve is >>>/book/ and >>>/v/ material.

>> No.4170980
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>> No.4170992
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>> No.4171000

T-Rex was pretty damn cool. But I have to give the best PE boss title to the crab, simply because he kicked my ass so many times, I actually started to like it.

>> No.4171001
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>> No.4171009

PE is from japan made by japanese from a japanese company in japanese for japanese.

>> No.4171010
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>> No.4171020
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>> No.4171021

>Where moot says /jp/ will be a place for Japan related things that 'lack' their own board.
No he doesn't. /jp/ was created for all the shit on /a/ which wasn't anime or manga. That includes VNs, Touhou, light novels and figures. Do your history right.

That still doesn't include PE, though.

>> No.4171028
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>> No.4171037

Would having one thread about Parasite Eve be so fucking bad that you have to go to such lengths to deny it? I mean, there was an Endless Frontier thread a while ago and it did pretty fucking well.

>> No.4171038
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Now you're just trolling. Want to know what else is from Japan?


>> No.4171039
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>> No.4171048

I endorse a Naruto dump, just so these faggots will understand the concept of the slippery slope.

>> No.4171049
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>> No.4171053

Nor Rance and such, your point?

>> No.4171057

Naruto has its own board, PE books don't. Is that so hard to understand?

>> No.4171058

Get on to it then. I don't think anybody will mind if you post your Sasuke gallery.

>> No.4171060
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>> No.4171061

Weapons. PE1 had insane customization and PE2 had a bunch of interesting options, like rifle attachments.

I loved that little P08 thing in PE2. At first I thought it was crap, but once I figured out it had a huge crit rate, made the most out of your bullets (unlike repeaters) and that you could increase the ammo capacity from 7 to 32, I almost never used anything else. I finished Scavenger and Nightmare using only this gun.

>> No.4171069

I'm fine with it. Hence the reason why I'm complaining about Jones' spam. Even the mod Anonymous-san let's rule breaking threads slide some time. As long as it doesn't dominate the board, it's good.

Redirect your argument to the spamfriend.

>> No.4171070
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>> No.4171077

There were other guns besides it? I never bothered with anything else...until the game told me that I got a Gunblade.

>> No.4171079


>> No.4171082
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>> No.4171083

Discuss it on >>>/book/
Light novels are also allowed on /a/, as far as I know.
Fuck off already.

>> No.4171084

But Rance has VN elements, and only /jp/ residents would be interested in Melty Blood or IaMP.

>> No.4171092
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>> No.4171096

I can't post something I don't have. You should post yours, newfriend.

>> No.4171102

Your /book/ link doesn't work, dude.

>> No.4171105

Whoa, didn't know that

>> No.4171109
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>> No.4171123
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>> No.4171132
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>> No.4171143

You should really work on your replies, unless you're too stupid to think something other than calling everyone you don't like a newfriend or underage.

>> No.4171144
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>> No.4171151


>> No.4171155
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>> No.4171163
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>> No.4171174
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>> No.4171183
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>> No.4171185

The best part is your responses. As if it makes any difference at all~

And the people that seem to think I'm doing any of the flooding. The paranoia is suffocating, these days.

>> No.4171194
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>>I mean, there was an Endless Frontier thread a while ago and it did pretty fucking well.

Jonesy likes that game. He told me he played it before in a previous thread anyways.

Yes, he imagedumps things he hates and doesn't bother stuff he likes. Big surprise there (not really). He only gives false pretenses for his actions like "to save the board" in order to preserve his e-cred with his /bun/ bros.

>> No.4171198

Holy shit, a PE thread.
I never though I'd see the day
Movie was good, I loved the 1rst game, but the second disappointed me by adopting that shitty pivtol-to-move style of walking, so I didn't play it
Is it still worth it?

>> No.4171199
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>> No.4171209
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>> No.4171212

Considering this is coming from Furukawa Akio, troll extraordinaire, your sincerity is laughable. Jones at least doesn't pretend to be a good person in any respect.

>> No.4171218
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>> No.4171229

It was good. Not great, but good.

>> No.4171231
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>> No.4171244
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>> No.4171245

Hi Jones.

Stop fighting you two. It's like watching my parents' fight.

>> No.4171250

I still think PE2 was the best, your choice.

>> No.4171254
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>> No.4171255

Like he even owns a DS

>> No.4171261

I can't be Jones. I'm not a little black girl. I'm the little white girl.

>> No.4171265
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>> No.4171278
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>> No.4171281
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You can argue your asses off about how /jp/ was SUPPOSED to be, but you shouldn't ignore /jp/'s CURRENT state. And /jp/ currently does have decent discussions about video games (Japanese, of course) without reaction images and green text, and even (gasp!) some occasional anime discussion without moe VS shounen bullshit. And unless this matter is cleared by a mod, or even a janitor (sudden wipeout of innocent vidya threads), you can't do anything about it. You can spam whatever thread you like, but that wouldn't mean that the thread's creator will go to /v/ and discuss it there - actually, the chances are, he'll create another thread for it next time.

As long as people participate in it, why the hell wouldn't he do that?

>> No.4171285
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>> No.4171293

He does own a PC, though.

>> No.4171295
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>> No.4171301

Loved 1.
Didn't really like 2 because it was parasite eve 2: resident evil edition.
If I wanted to play RE then I would go play RE.

>> No.4171307
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>> No.4171308

Like I said, go back to your ocean of piss. We don't want /v/ here. You'll bring it like a goddamn wave of destruction.

>> No.4171317
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>> No.4171322

>I don't want /v/ here.

>> No.4171335
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>> No.4171343
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>> No.4171347
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>> No.4171355
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>> No.4171357

Hey Jones/White Ren

I hope you're proud of this: >>4171030

For fucksake, can you please reserve imagebombing for the really bad threads. The more you use it, the more people like KoGs uses it. You're setting a bad example for the users of tomorrow. This thread for example would have passed as a harmless (once in a blue moon) /v/ thread. But instead it became advertisement for your sick ideology of taking the law into your own hands. If you're trying to protect /jp/ from the normalfriends of /r9k/ and /b/, then you're not doing a very good job of it. Parasite Eve is a niche game (if you compare it to other Squaresoft games). The type of people that play Parasite Eve are our brethren. (You act as if this was a thread about Halo.)

>> No.4171358

Like anyone from /v/ would want to be here

>> No.4171363
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>> No.4171365

Why can't you imagine vidya discussion without /v/? One does not automatically mean another, you know. Just look at any /jp/ videogame thread and compare it with anything you find on /v/.

>> No.4171377

/jp/ talks about /v/ shit all the time. Ar Tonelico and Final Fantasy come to mind, the former more so, but still.

>> No.4171400

This thread would have been lucky if it reached 50 post. But thanks to Jones it's up to 100 post. In Jones' mind.

200+ reply meta shitstorm.
Once-in-a-blue-moon /v/ thread with 50 replies omitted.

>> No.4171421

By the way

>> No.4171924

What the fuck is this shit.

Newfag doesn't know how to hide threads?
