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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41581477 No.41581477 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here


>Elona (1.16/1.22)

>Elona Plus (2.14) and Custom GX (

>New child mechanics guide for plus

>Elona Mobile


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Previous floor >>41388188

>> No.41581812


>> No.41582292

Elin's on Steam now? Neat. Probably a good idea to wishlist it; I hear that helps the developer.

>> No.41582493

You should
When it will come out though is another matter

>> No.41583317

Just like dwarf fortress on steam uh

>> No.41583392

What the hell, Cemetery type dungeons are kicking my ass. There's so many wizard enemies, wtf

>> No.41583464
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Anon your pets? your necromancy zombies? your ranged abilities or screen wipes? you arent playing solo like a masochist right?

Even if you are playing "Solo" your goddess will always hover around you

>> No.41583491

jure hovers over many men every night

>> No.41583510
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>Still no additional flavor text if you summon jure during the festival in noyel

>> No.41583933

Df is still not out on steam? what's toady doing?

>> No.41586468

My whole team lacks resistances, so magic really creamed us all, when I entered a room with multiple spellcasting mobs.
Is investing in black market a good idea to find better equipment?

>> No.41587632

>enters a room full of ice hounds
>"not a problem I have a high cold resistance"
>50 turns later I died suddenly
What sorcery is this? the only thing I noticed it that my MP gauge was over 118% (first time seeing this).

>> No.41588038

Is it a early game dungeon? if so just spam that frenzy plant screen kill ability,i assume its the lesimas floor 20-30 or something which has a death trap with dozens of skeletons the instant you go downstairs

>> No.41591200
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So what kind of autism will Elin bring?

>> No.41599141

Depends, does it still let you build stuff?

>> No.41599191

That's the selling point isn't it? how high can you go though is another matter

>> No.41599386
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Just started playing the game for the first time, and just finished the tutorial. I didn't expect a curveball like this so soon.
I kinda stumbled through the tutorial, but I still hope I can enjoy the game, I've heard and seen a lot of really good things about it.

>> No.41600618

What race did you choose?

>> No.41601362

That tutorial elf murdered a man and tricked you into killing his pets and disposing of the body, y'know.
Anyway, if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask them here. If you run into any kind of trouble, someone's bound to know how to get out of it.
Just in case, I'll give you the standard beginner advice: try to avoid combat early on, always keep a means of teleportation handy, and your first longterm goal is to be able to restore your potential stat growth, either via potions of potential or large picnic baskets. Also, in Plus there's an adventure school just south of the starting town that gives you lots of useful advice.

>> No.41602588

I chose goblin for the increased harvest bonus. Is that for farming? And how much does it increase?

>> No.41602668
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I suggest you try out things yourself early,else everyone here will just suggest the most optimal way to play the game and that sucks some joy out of it

Once you get sick of dying you can ask for tips

>> No.41602743

I'm pretty sure that's referring to getting materials from harvest spots in Nefia.

>> No.41604045

>I suggest you try out things yourself early,else everyone here will just suggest the most optimal way to play the game and that sucks some joy out of it

Pfft no. I always suggest Fairy Claymore because that's FUN despite the equipment limitations.

>> No.41604435

All sounds good. I'll go and look for the school as my first stop then.

>> No.41604479

I've seen elona threads for years but never played it, still I'm curious about how this game ended as a general on /jp/ and how is still alive.

>> No.41605057

>Lulwy's statue is still naked in Elin
>her ass got a nice boost
Thank you for all your great work and thoughtfulness, Noa-sama. I appreciate you so much.

>> No.41605248


>> No.41605350

Lumiest appears in this video. You can see her statues.

>> No.41606008

I think i posted it a few threads ago but got no comments

>> No.41607333

What is this? Looks like a Yukkuri in the background. Is this one of those fake game screenshots?

>> No.41608530

It's from one of the many cancelled elin demos, This one is called the farthest sea

>> No.41610165

I forgot what files do I need to backup before updating?

>> No.41611690

Fairy claymore is fun but sometimes I imagine what my damage would be like if I could use a heavy weapon

>> No.41614658
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>played elona years ago but bounced off
>decide to take another stab at it
>come back here to check how things are
>general dead as fuck
what the fuck happened? did people just leave until the new game comes out or something?

>> No.41615282

Busy pĺaying the game and contemplating Lulwy's ass.

>> No.41618057

What are you talking about? 1 post a day is usual for /jp/ threads

>> No.41618095
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Man killing dance really fucks Frisia up huh

>> No.41620248
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What would you give them?

>> No.41620588


>> No.41621080

Cooked corpses

>> No.41624785

Nothing, because I have a death wish

>> No.41626787

Anyone manage to get Elona working on a Steam Deck? I managed to get to character creation but the onscreen keyboards inputs aren't registering.

>> No.41630193

how would you even play elona on the deck with those controls?

>> No.41634945

People actually bought Steam Decks?

>> No.41637683
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How to fix a save that got corrupted due to a power outage? I tried to correct my character's position with elosnack but it keeps bugging on the world map when I leave the map.

>> No.41637898

I'm wondering this too!

>> No.41643318

They're rich.

>> No.41646285

Restore your last daily backup. You do make regular backups, right? Especially since you don't have an uninterruptible power supply?

>> No.41648607

TIL that it's canon that jews did Meshera.

>> No.41649011
File: 99 KB, 806x632, elonayukkuri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played Elona for more than 10 years, what is the recommended version for someone looking to get back into it?

>> No.41649739

The newest plus with CGX slapped on top of it

>> No.41654600

So if I'm reading this right children will inherit the move set of the last gene donor. Does that mean that my Exile losses their ability to multicast darts if they inherit the move set of a another? Or do does that mean they get it in addition to their current move set? Is their ai replaced with the last donor's or does they keep their original ai? If so how does it's npc ai interact with the new moves? Will they even use them by default? Can I eventually raise a kid that is near immune to any element I choose by stacking and breeding a resistance? Can I soul spindle my kid into a new game with all their moves and resistances?

>> No.41654955

That's a bitflag, not a move.

>> No.41655073

Okay so if the mom is an npc the kid will still retain the bitflag since they will be a copy of their mother. Do you know anything about the other things I don't know about?

>> No.41657688

Do the survivability extender work on yourself?

>> No.41657726


>> No.41657825

What happens if you do?

>> No.41657885

I think the first step is letting a certain amount of time pass, and the second is eating enough food, after that you get a baby

>> No.41657949

Do you got a debuff during the duration?

>> No.41657998

yes? I know you need to eat more but I don't remember if there are any others.

>> No.41661926
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Can you use both of them on yourself and reproduce asexually?

>> No.41663335

yes, you can, because I used them both on myself before knowing what extenders were used for

>> No.41666893

>Elin's on Steam now?
Wait really? Since when?

>> No.41667992

October 2nd, apparently.

>> No.41668884

ETA on new Elin demo?

>> No.41677216

I dont think I could do a demo, i'm just going to wait for release.
I wonder how many modders are going to jump on this.

>> No.41677565

Hmm not a whole lot probably, what's there to mod?

>> No.41677589

I mean you could say the same about Elona, people will find something they want that is missing from the game i'm sure.

>> No.41677917

I wouldn't oppose Ano doing Elin+.

>> No.41680167
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I bought a palace, what kind of servants should I hire?

>> No.41680914

All the blackmarkets that you could afford

>> No.41682048

Is there a way to hire them quickly?

>> No.41684090

No, gotta be patient

>> No.41687456

I think CGX has a "more servants available" tweak?

>> No.41687626

anyone here actually play elona mobile? how is it?

>> No.41688199
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I only played it during the beta, felt it's a bit too slow and the fact that time still goes on when you log out killed my interest for the game.
Also they added boobs to Larnneire

>> No.41695344

Has anyone ever tried a flower-throwing build? Roses do Cut-elemental damage...

>> No.41697484
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Anyone have a Tuxedo Mask PCC?

>> No.41700966

>anyone here actually play elona mobile? how is it?
It is shit.
They gave clothes to Lulwy.

>> No.41701476

any good wish to ask for? I just got lucky with a fountain

>> No.41701552

Wish for the shift core of your preferred Power Ranger color.

>> No.41702921

wish for a loving wife

>> No.41707986

I started a new character and I'm trying to offer to a shrine but it doesn't show any offerable items?
I have a bunch of identified gems
is it a bug?

>> No.41709856

are you currently worshiping a god?

>> No.41710545

Yeah, I started worshipping Jure at the Noyel festival

>> No.41710635

If you're playing on E+2.14 Jure takes flowers now.

>> No.41710932

Ohhhhh alright

>> No.41711024

Easy girl jure is even more easier now

>> No.41712257
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I need water, where can I get it?

>> No.41715030

buy it from shops, and if you're playing + you can craft it as well.

>> No.41715316
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Yeah, I found that later. Thanks anyway. Also, how can I resist MPoison/Emission? This shit is dangerous.

>> No.41715548

In my experience, levelling magic capacity is a good way.

>> No.41715594

You might try the puppy cave, I think you can find bottles of water in there occasionally.

Keep rods/scrolls of mana handy. Any MP recovery will cure those.

>> No.41719396
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3 hours on my first attempt doing act 1 using aurtehom
it's not as openly busted as pre-nerf sandcannon, but it might overall be stronger
there's a lot of room for improvement with what I did

>> No.41719745

To fix it I ran it through wine on Lutris with the virtual window mode. Then I made a lutris shortcut and put that as a Steam game.

>> No.41720750

What was sandcannon originally like? I'm not up to speed with newer stuff.

>> No.41722516
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Sandcannon used to be blind, plus 3 guaranteed turns of Dyspnea on the target, and it stacked each time you used it.
Nothing is immune to Dyspnea, and it deals (target's constitution + 50-100) in choking damage each turn on top of breaking their movement similar to confusion.
Did I mention it is AoE, and costs 5sp?

It got nerfed to just one turn of dyspnea, and only if the target isn't already afflicted, which, due to how dyspnea works, means it has a high chance to do nothing, but it's still very strong just for the AoE blindness and a chance of the target taking choking damage.

>> No.41727192

alright im going to play this shit again
i stopped at 2.8 or something
any drastic changes? the stamina bullshit per attack is still there?

>> No.41727251

Guard Break is a thing now, but it's rare to get unless you're swarmed.

If you're unlucky enough to enter Guard Break, your DV/PV is set to 0/0, granted both sides deal with it.

>> No.41728480

So what do I need to increase to prevent it from happening?

>> No.41729579

your damage
i mostly notice it happening to bosses desu, have never had it happen to me

>> No.41732944

how do you guys usually get companions?
Kidnapping townies and doing a shape change?

>> No.41736046

Scroll of Ally.
Monster Balls.
You can also buy slaves, but honestly I'm not a fan. I'm supposed to be Lulwy's slave, I shouldn't have slaves of my own.

>> No.41736205

I try not to have too many companions so most of my companions are those special enemies that surrenders to you when you beat them

>> No.41736407

I was asking because I want an elona waifu :)

>> No.41737533

Arasiel is a servant of Lulwy and her quests are all about giving her slaves.
inb4 >Plus

>> No.41742595

Which omake variant that have the things from plus?

>> No.41745672


>> No.41745863
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god damn

>> No.41749803
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I want to be ruruwy's slave

>> No.41749840

Yet you use a computer. Curious.

>> No.41751912

What a slut

>> No.41756309

Better use than offer to the android wanker.

>> No.41756321

I want to be ruruwy's chair

>> No.41759120

Nice work, if you can get it.

>> No.41760833
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Is mental illness the requirement for godhood in Elona?

>> No.41763010

They sure are eccentric, but not insane.

>> No.41763628

What player races live the longest RP wise if I want to immortalmaxx without going lich? Eulderna? Elea?

>> No.41763668

Elea are the only ones officially described as being long-lived.

>> No.41764072

Do Leold AP skills and traits also pass on from pets to kids?

>> No.41766720
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>> No.41766923
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It's over
how far did you get?

>> No.41767024
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Not that far
>lvl 35
>stopped before Zeome
>had a palace (r1), shop (r26) and museum (r42)
>started my arena and farming life
I'm going to create a new one, but what caused that error?

>> No.41767143

are you playing on loss mode?

>> No.41767983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.41770255 [DELETED] 


>> No.41773065


>> No.41773684


>> No.41776816

Does Elona mobile remain good in the long-run? Like, is there a point where it turns to straight shit. I downloaded it on a whim today while I was pretending to be paying attention to a Zoom meeting, and I was pleasantly surprised, outside of the bizarre concept of being able to pay to skip playing the game that is.
I expected a dumpster fire and was unfairly critical at first because mobile games are typically ass, but it's shockingly accurate to the real deal. It feels like an actual variant rather than a chink cashgrab. You can tell the devs prioritized making a faithful albiet somewhat simplified recreation over making money.

Especially surprised that something dethroned CDDA as the best roguelike mobile port.

>> No.41776859

Seems more like it requires godlike autism, deviant sexual preferences, and obsessive love disorder along with IED.

>> No.41777087

praise eyth

>> No.41777263
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How many times did you try playing Elona before it actually clicked and you stuck with it?
Whenever Xmas is coming around and I get some more free time I always give it a go but I've been doing this for 8 years or so now.
Sometimes I wonder if I should get one of the older simpler versions before downloading the newest ones.

>> No.41777302

Once, but I don't think this would've worked out as well with current versions of Plus since Ano's game is bloated and likely to confuse newcomers now. I'm still impressed at myself for being able to play a game that requires you to use your whole keyboard including caps
I'd try to play either base Elona, some Omake variant or Custom-G 1.90.4 specifically if I were you

>> No.41777801

The balance is pretty good for the vanilla parts but got thrown out at the new stuff

>> No.41777840

thrice I think, it's the third time is where I stopped trying to try hard the game and just roleplay

>> No.41780292
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>> No.41780372

Does the latest CGX let you revert back progression for potentials as well? I remember the toggles for the old experience curve and no study days weren't enough for me because skills would still be effortless to level up even when limiting yourself to a sleeping bag.

>> No.41781105

how do you guys roleplay when playing?
do you have a lil autistic narrative in your head?

>> No.41781170

I write fanfic with mai waifu based on some of the daily life stuff that happens in the game. and feed mai waifu lots of yummy homemade food.

>> No.41781195

do you post it anywhere?

>> No.41781222

oh definitely not, I'm too embarrassed to do something like that.

>> No.41781237
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let me read it anon...

>> No.41781297


>> No.41781722

Of course!

>> No.41784204

3 times so far, my last character got a bit into Act 3 but I haven't played in quite a while and am thinking of starting a new character. I've always played very normal races and clases, last time a y*rles gunner. What are some meme builds? I know about snail tourist and fairy claymore, but what else is fun?

>> No.41785361

Lich necromancer

>> No.41786213

sexo with all the cats

>> No.41789409
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This is getting silly

>> No.41789773
File: 7 KB, 253x23, mageguild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walked into the mage's guild to get a book and I'm being attacked?
Is this a glitch or did I steal something or huhauhh??

>> No.41789788

Never mind, just realized I can't be in more than one guild :(

>> No.41790065

talentless wizard roleplay
you never learn the casting skill and rely on magic device/alchemy instead
your inventory suddenly means everything

>> No.41793282

You can always use Disguise if you need to sneak inside.

>> No.41794125

this but just be careful of the guild leader

>> No.41794221

That upcoming feature to summon monsters from cards sounds neat.
Can't wait to change the output to dark magician girl.

>> No.41795501

What does a shining featherpen do?

>> No.41795511

it gives you a gwen pet or a naplus pet since you can't just capture them

>> No.41798991

>be a martial artist
>learns attribute
>gets elements eyes
>chooses chaos and use attribute
I don't think arc 1 can stop me now

>> No.41802755

Is there any version or mod that allows manual saving/reloading? I want to play this like a 2D Elder Scrolls.

>> No.41803022

just enable savescumming in tweaks.

>> No.41804208

gaaaah help, playing in 1920x1080 but 1.5 dpi mode so it says 1280x720 whatever

the top most vertical lane of maps is offscreen, how fix ?

>> No.41805656
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Zenom felt tanky but it was an easy fight. Should I move my deeds to South Tyris?

>> No.41806573

I suggest you don't since they got no embassy there

>> No.41806983

>upon killing the final boss (of noa's game), you said, "Heh."
always makes me chuckle

>> No.41807030

I had to adjust the resolution through the ini reducing it by increments of 4 until it became visible again

>> No.41807066

in my case, window height is set to 708, which fixes the issue using 2.0 dpi scaling, but the one you want might differ based on whether or not you use a horizontal taskbar or a window header for the game itself

>> No.41807086
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Is there a town or a place that I can unlock to return to in south tyris?
We ought to show the northern peasants that there are levels between us.

>> No.41807098

yeah you can buy a manor with maids that provide you with bentos there and proceed to use it as a second home

>> No.41807120

Sounds like a plan. Thanks for sharing it.

>> No.41807964
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What should I sell in my shop to get rich fast?

>> No.41807994
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rank 8 or 9 cooked corpses from your ranch and random quests/nefia
their rotten counterparts should be valid as well unless bad developer ano changed something

>> No.41808340
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Thanks! Better than what I was getting, but still not enough...

>> No.41808353

miracle or godly equipment such as fairy hats from your tailor pet can also be dumped into your shop to be sold at full price

>> No.41808379

I only have one pet. I guess it's time to start working on my pets.

>> No.41811300

come on jp don't let these threads die

>> No.41811864

Are you playing as a Snail?

>> No.41812177

How many negotiation does a pet need so my shop could turn a profit?

>> No.41813390

Just do dungeons

>> No.41815696

No, the game crashes and that happened. I had to use elosnack to change the mode to the default mode.

>> No.41820491

for me, it's the piss wizard build where you spray the whole screen in sickness inducing cursed urine/vomit via liquid manipulation
you just can't beat the aesthetic of it

>> No.41821358

Can you do the same with bloodcum?

>> No.41826634
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>a room full of Yerles latest outfit soliders almost deleted me
>Metal Vesda's ranged skill hits me hard (950)
I thought I was unstoppable until I did machinery fort (my first south tyris dungeon)... Also my chaos+attribute strategy doesn't work anymore, and I need a better way to deal with multiple enemies.

>> No.41826805
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yeah metal vesda is scary
you need a way to apply element scar or in your case nightmare before damage calculation when using element-based attacks against post-zeome enemies

>> No.41829166
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just started playing oomSESTepNC for the first time and I connected my server.txt to the yeek agency elochat so i can talk to elonafrens but I get this message when I try to use it. I have network settings turned on in the settings and am connected to the internet. anyone know how i can fix this?

>> No.41830833
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Is this a Ninetail? I have not seen this in the game yet. Where can I find it? Playing Elona+ 2.14

>> No.41832522

Can you weaponize pregnancy, though?

>> No.41832784

does it work on plus?

>> No.41832957

>somehow manage to beat Frisia at level 53
>can't beat the other two
Well time to go back to grinding. Can I have another house in South Tyris or will it destroy my house in North Tyris?

>> No.41833153

You can only have one player home, a new house is built and the old one vanishes. All items you had are placed in a single tile lol have fun.
Use a deed of removal deed (yeah, weird name) to simply move your house to another place while keeping everything intact.

>> No.41833586

yes, i have no problems on plus.

>> No.41833926

what about vanilla elona?

>> No.41834654
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double check config.txt just in case, its working for me but i use a prepacked copy

>> No.41835379

Thanks for the tip, doggo.

>> No.41835399

also raw magic is the only element that stays viable without any additional preparation because monsters tend to not resist it like they do everything else

>> No.41835553
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Yes, but I don't want to change my playing style. The only reason I'm using chaos is because of the random status effects it causes (works well with the extra melee attacks). Still I think I can use magic through the elemental eyes item for extra damage. Thank you again for the tips.

>> No.41837036
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Thanks to you guys i figured it out, netChat was set to "0" in my config. Can't believe i didn't think to look there first. Regardless, you guys were a big help desu

>> No.41837811

Honeymoon period has worn off. My issues are:
>Always online
>Quests are annoying and the game gives you way too much free shit, like hundreds of thousands of gold along with a bunch of stat pots and scrolls
>All the KMMO-style popups are extremely annoying, and like the giant quest markers, you can't turn them off
>Lame feats
>Can't starve, Etherwind is whatever, and your only penalty for dying is a few minutes of soft timeout (or yuan)
>Shop keepers have very small inventories and are time (or yuan) gated
>Adventurers don't drop anything when you kill them, and you can't trade with them. Their only purpose seem to be an extremely jank and roundabout version of pvp.
>Rogue boss ambushes on the map are really weak
Et cetera

>> No.41837902
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N-next it Exossil!

>> No.41839628

Just got a living blade bow. Would adding elemental to it add that damage type when the proximity assist procs?

>> No.41839691

no, IIRC proximity assist damage is based on your tactics skill
the convenient part is that it staggers the target whenever it procs

>> No.41841457

In the end, mobile games will still be mobile games.

>> No.41843063


>> No.41843105

why can't the chinese ever get it right?

>> No.41846774

I've learned this the hard way. CDDA's mobile version is way better because it's just CDDA with the addition of mobile-friendly UI changes and mappable touch controls.

>> No.41847069

Have they fixed the mini-map yet?

>> No.41848086

Now that I've gotten myself setup with a ranch/farm/castle etc, what's the best way to find or make worthwhile equipment?

>> No.41849582

>8 attributts instead of 9

>> No.41850054

You playing plus or OO?

>> No.41850183


>> No.41850281

Any faster way to grind? I already have made it a bit easier to get potions of potential and herbs from my farm, I'm only missing a easy way to bless the potions.

>> No.41850323

>I'm only missing a easy way to bless the potions.
create bottles of water in the fusion pot then drop them on an altar.

>> No.41853510

Go get exagear & play real Elona/E+/Omake/Whatever on android like a chad

>> No.41853750

Bets on what will release first between dwarf fortress on steam or elinn inn?

>> No.41853859

>Rogue boss ambushes on the map are really weak
Just like in the actual game,they are only a problem to fresh characters,i admit the omake rogue bosses are somewhat more difficult yes but their inventories are stashed with good shit

>> No.41853878

Depends whether or not the feds get to Noa first

>> No.41854085
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>enters a dungeon
>gets cornered
>finds himself among a sea of ​​huge bombs

>> No.41854127

>Close game

>> No.41854168

Okay, I'm new and read the OP links.
But I'm still torn between oomSESTepNC and Plus Custom-GX. I like the idea of an indepth RPG but dislike grind, but the second option sounds dumbed down.
What would be recommended for an absolute beginner?

>> No.41854205

Depends, are you the type of person who could play the game slowly or do you want to get into the action as fast as possible?

>> No.41854271

I hear the point of this game is mostly dicking around and RPing, so slowly I guess. The supposed grind aspect is a bit of a turn off though.

>> No.41854413


Plus has generous rewards, but as long as you don't pump yourself or your pets up too hard you'll have some semblance of challenge in Act 1. Once you learn to herb-in food and the like, the world is your oyster.

oomSESTepNC has the Vanilla grind- on one hand, if you like making specialized characters, it will suck less. If you're someone that likes to have the entire toolbox the grind will be rough early on when you're trying to build your money and plat up.

>> No.41854501

Got it. I'll start with Plus, then if I like it I'll try the more in-depth version. Thanks for the help!

>> No.41854650

Is there a new breeding system?

>> No.41854656

I ended up getting both versions anyway. That way I can see what I prefer.

>> No.41854782

I've got a question about the OP download links. I want the oomSESTepNC version but there's an easy install version and an more involved set up guide. Why should you bother with the advanced set up if there's basically a pre packed edition?

>> No.41855689

The oomSESTepNC's guide has a broken link (dead twitter account) so you'll need the easy install version if you want it working. I think it's a much older version though.

>> No.41855716

breeding as in ranches or breeding as in fucking?

>> No.41855807
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>> No.41855940

Same. I downloaded the monster girl mod hoping for cute monsters everywhere but instead ended up being followed everywhere by illya from Fate constantly and half the cast are from other anime.
I'm going back to the original graphics.

>> No.41856186
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>> No.41856191

>518/5/19 and still haven't collected the mcguffins to advance lesimas
I should probably get on that.

>> No.41856210

I can't beat the Crypt boss for his funny little stone, is a level 48 Tourist too low/weak?

>> No.41856458

So, I did an early quest and my cat exploded. Any way to revive it?

>> No.41856598

managed to kill her. It appears she reflects the melee damage until something happens.

>> No.41857652

bartender in town

>> No.41857657

Do we have a time frame for Elin hitting Steam yet? I know it's got a Steam page, but I haven't heard if it's got an ETA yet.

>> No.41857689

>The initial Alpha version is currently slated for release towards the end of the year (at earliest), after the first few hours of the game have been deemed playable.
>With that said, a game with the scope of Elin is quite a large scale and long term project for a single developer to undertake. Even with my time being solely dedicated to the game's development, a game with far greater complexity than the original Elona (which itself took almost 5 years to complete following its initial release) is going to take no small amount of time to fully refine.

>> No.41859636

Elin better have some new towns and not reusing elona's North tyris if he's taking it that long

>> No.41861108

Even with full dedication, he will probably take 10 years to finish Elin.

>> No.41861114

Assuming he doesn't give up partway for a couple years like he's done with Elona.

>> No.41861330

Why did he just stopped working on Elona in the first place?

>> No.41861339

Distracted by other projects I imagine.

>> No.41861353

What other projects?

>> No.41862364

The second option. I read something like that in the latest plus log.

>> No.41863484

Yeah the survivability extender, lets you have babies in-game

>> No.41866269

Any fun/strange bugs only present in older versions?

>> No.41867182

oomSESTepNC is an extremely slow-paced autism simulator that operates under the ideal of "I heard you like Elona, so here's some more Elona for your Elona. No, I don't have anything else on the menu. This is Elona, sir."

Plus sort of has the feel of a single player MMO or sandbox Disgaea that operates under the ideal of "I'll make my own cooler and more action-packed Elona with piss and exploding knees. You like some of my ideas but not all of them? Who in the world ever said that you had a say in the matter?

Pick whichever appeals to you more.

>> No.41867202

Yeah, I went with Elona plus custom gx. It's actually about as autistic as I wanted it to be anyway, and is kicking my ass purely because I have little idea what I'm doing.
Still fun though. I should look into cooking and fishing instead of running like a retard into dungeons and fights.

>> No.41867412

How do I piss in plus?
I'm constantly wetting myself in public and this feels completely avoidable.

>> No.41867879

IIRC, you can't outside of a few special cases. It does away with time if you stop drinking things. It's really just a cap to how many potions you can drink.

>> No.41868259

So I'm trying to make my own personal profile images to fit the pet sprites I've added into my game, but even at the correct file size and saved as bmp images with the right file names it just won't accept them.
Why is this?

>> No.41868319

Oh, I worked it out. You need to save them as 24bit.

>> No.41870618

Whichever version I try, it constantly scrolls through the menu options and I can't do anything.

>> No.41870761

have any controllers plugged in?

>> No.41870792

to be more specific, this isn't an uncommon problem and sadly has no surefire fix. If any of the following don't fix it then get fucked I guess
>push the key relating to whatever's stuck (num2 or down arrow in this case)
>cycle your numlock
>turn autonumlock on or off depending on what you already have it set to
>restart your computer

>> No.41871350

Also, clean your keyboard.

>> No.41871412

At that point he's actually going to be 40-something or older; and will have probably had enough.

>> No.41872264

H-how do I use it?

>> No.41872884

Anon pls tell me:
All claws mutant ranged vs fairy meteor
Both on min maxed char
Which one has better damage?

>> No.41874763
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what is this?

>> No.41875003
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the guard break gauge.

>> No.41875427

Are pets affected by the stamina system as well? Or can they spam moves like shadow step all day?

>> No.41875742

Should i play plus or custom GX? I stopped when plus added pissing

>> No.41875753

I think they do have one
They also get the tired debuff if they overuse their skills irc

>> No.41875846

the biggest part of custom is being able to turn off Ano's bullshit, pissing being one such thing.

>> No.41875923

What else did he add

>> No.41875982

have you really?

>> No.41876407

off the top of my head
>fucked with XP gains
>new "Destiny" tracker to increase miracle/godly drops
>made attacking and casting cost SP

>> No.41877874
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>> No.41877918

>wishing for a precious item

>> No.41877932

The OP has a guide.

>> No.41877977

I even double checked the wiki page for it to make sure it wasn't but I didn't see the footnote until after the fact. Should've just got a damn vindale.

>> No.41878864

Being over 40 isn't a big deal. It is not like you are an elder yet.

>> No.41885306

Did Elin's Inn simply get a name change or is the "Inn" part just no longer a factor?

>> No.41886397

All of the new preview stuff seems to look more like just Elona but isometric so no idea if that entire town building aspect got changed or not or if that's done and just a different part of the game.

>> No.41887918

I'm hoping it's still in there honestly. If he's already done most of the groundwork for constructions I don't see why he wouldn't finish it.

>> No.41888319

Well it'll probably still be there for your own housing deed stuff like current Elona, I just wonder if that'll be the game's focus now or not.

>> No.41888999

what's a good furniture (besides president chairs) to use to boost my home rank? should I just shit out a bunch of luxury sofas?

>> No.41889625

Happy beds and change your materials to dragon scale

>> No.41890117

Anyone know any good cargo trading routes to make some money?

>> No.41890751

I don't think it will be the focus.
But being able to do a lot more stuff with housing would be amazing.

>> No.41890775

>art from palmia to vernis/kapul
>graves from derphy to noyel
>christmas trees to palmia/vernis/kapul

>> No.41890838

>happy beds
fuck, I'm stupid
I've had probably 10 drop and I've been selling the spares

>> No.41896074
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it's less focused on being a comfy sandbox meant as an intermediary project before his actual elona 2 and more like a full-fledged elona prequel; the reason being that he doesn't believe he has enough time on earth to beat around the bush with smaller side games like what elin's inn was supposed to be. as a solo dev, it's supposedly more realistic to use the elin he's currently making as a framework for all subsequent projects, which is why it's a lot like elona now
—or that's what noa says, but my hypothesis is that he wants to attract the elona crowd as much as possible in order to open a patreon and have his living expenses covered for years while he develops games at his own pace
I just hope he's schizophrenic enough to make something that feels just as bizarre as elona

>> No.41897848

I'm new, why do I have to do all the shit on the rentry instead of using an emulator to play?

>> No.41897886

Emulator? You just need to download the game and play it.

>> No.41898492

That makes sense. He'd probably be collecting pension by the time he finished a third game.

>> No.41899922

Is he going to add new towns or is it just the same locations all over again?

>> No.41900454

He did mention that the game will be paid(?).
Either way if people have to pay for the game I don't think he will open a Patreon.
Then again...

>> No.41902658
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Stop,it reminds me of my school projects,and what exactly would be fixed?

>> No.41905139

what elona is the best to play?

>> No.41905758

Plus, because it has a tutorial area, and you're obviously a total noob who desperately needs it.

>> No.41905798


>> No.41906699
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>> No.41907412

Just download and set up the two recommended versions and see which one gels with you, they're both small and it doesn't take long.
I found out Plus custom GX was best for me because it allows for on the fly customization, involves slightly less grind and doesn't feel like a single character Dwarf Fort session.

>> No.41907691

>You like some of my ideas but not all of them? Who in the world ever said that you had a say in the matter?
I think what you meant to say was this.

>> No.41907697
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>file didn't upload
fucking gookmoot

>> No.41909313

So he's releasing something this december?

>> No.41912313

seems like it

>> No.41916204
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Same thing happened to me. Found on her body that she was carrying a Thorn Shield artifact.

>> No.41916472

speaking of the black angel, what the fuck should I do with her custom AI to replace the dogshit default? So far I've got
>Enemy distance <2 move away
>Enemy Distance >2 attack (ranged)
the problem after this is that
>only 1 slot left for now so have to choose between speed and boost
>can't figure out a proper trigger that doesn't result in either spamming or never using them

>> No.41916841

Finally got the Lulwy Statue. Now my home is truly her shrine.

>> No.41918874

I haven't played in a long time, so I downloaded the newest version of plus, it seems that thirst decreases slowly which is a good improvement.
Anyway, I went to Noyel, converted to Jure, beated the Manifag and then set Eibon free. I got a Shena panty from all the ruckus and make some big money, however the over burned down and the food sellers died so I guess I will starve death

>> No.41922807

I'm playing my first campaign that i'm determined to see THROUGH to the end.

I think i've just found a way to cheese equipment by trading skill tickets to mercenaries to get their really strong gear

>> No.41923581

whats the best version of elona for newbies?

>> No.41923753


>> No.41923783

how different is plus from the vanilla?

>> No.41923936

Very, plus has significantly more content. There isn't much point for you to play vanilla as a new player.

>> No.41926992

Is there a reason more mechs don't have weapons mounted in the legs? I like the thought of hiding a RL-10 in my mech's knee joint for emergencies, Vile style.

>> No.41927375
File: 699 KB, 1912x1031, ss_dbfb7e384cafef288b77f4bee744ae9451a65cd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palmia looks good in Elin

>> No.41927394

it does

>> No.41927399

not fond of what appears to be some sort of pixel upscaling for the tiles and especially the characters though

>> No.41927482

the characters seem to use that nasty smoothening filter that some games have, the tiles look good to me though

>> No.41927530

new screenshot?

>> No.41927868

Day 1 of december
my excitement grows more intense knowing it could be any day now

>> No.41928791

why do the omake overhaul instructions in the op tell you to delete \user\god, \user\item, and \user\npc?

>> No.41935041

New bread?

>> No.41935135
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I feel like posting this old OP for nostalgia sake. Gave me a good laugh.

>> No.41935371

I miss collageanon

>> No.41935470

I hope Noa will add piss mechanics.

>> No.41935697

I can only pray we get Elinchat so we can have more fun moments like these

>> No.41935959

I wonder what that building to the northeast is supposed to be?
>northwest is castle
>houses lining the east-west street
>commercial off to the west
temple maybe?

>> No.41936180

Can Noa run the server this time?
