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File: 435 KB, 700x1080, nue rejects you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41642152 No.41642152 [Reply] [Original]

"Go on a date? With you?! As if! You're a human, I would never think of it! Get out of my sight and spare yourself anymore humiliation. Honestly with you humans..."

>> No.41642170

Humans are thought to be persistence hunters, do your best and don't give up anons!

>> No.41642180
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Life is so unfair
I just wanted cute alien GF

>> No.41642185
File: 97 KB, 900x1000, 100850537_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41642294

Nue doesn't like dating... Nue likes raping....

>> No.41642454

Oh well, I guess I'll go back to Tenshi

>> No.41642549
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>> No.41642610

Alright, I'm going to stop bothering you and go ask some other girl out.

>> No.41642643

Who are you quotng?

>> No.41642645

Humans are thought to be retards or arrogant fools, keep trying

>> No.41642666

Clearly nue
Keep up, retard-kun

>> No.41642669

Sorry anon there's no green arrow, you lose this time.

>> No.41642676

I don't date UFO losers
scram, buddhist

>> No.41642685

Big words for someone in "asking to go on a date" range

>> No.41642761

>keep trying
there is no other option

>> No.41643509
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>> No.41645039
File: 176 KB, 1447x2046, Ffm0GcYaMAEZhPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41645158

Nue is kind of a bitch, I prefer someone else.

>> No.41645198

MY nue thread got deleted...

>> No.41646791

You will NEVER have a Nue gf
You will NEVER even touch Nue
Nue will NEVER even look at you

>> No.41648747

You could give up.

>> No.41648768

Nue? More like I'd rather eat glue than deal with her!

>> No.41650123

Nue is eating my glue if you know what i mean

>> No.41650765

Bullshit, Nue rejects anons.

>> No.41651569
File: 165 KB, 400x600, __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_urin__05b3b9b5ba112517a3dbce2614727624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more into dullahans with cuddly heads.

>> No.41652112

too late for that... the moment i give up is the moment i die! a life its worth the attempt

>> No.41652184

Oh, I'm sorry! I think there was a misunderstanding, I was wanting to ask Mamizou out, not you! I mean, you're nice and all, I just... Mamizou is so cool, and smart. I know you two know each other, so I just was hoping if you could get me a way to meet Mamizou is all!

>> No.41653755

Nue rejects anons for confidence boost
The moment you will start dating other touhou girls she will get jealous and start talking to you again

>> No.41654426

Nyeh nyeh, outcast.

>> No.41658286

No way, Nue is better than that. She doesn't need some stinky anon's love, why would she get jealous of some other girls going with anon? She has better things to do, like abducting cows. Nue doesn't care about you anon!

>> No.41658417

It's cute when Nue speaks in third person.

>> No.41659336

That doesn't bother me too much. I'm used to being rejected by girls.

>> No.41660830

Calm down cassanova, some of us can't even talk to girls and you just flex by saying you get rejected by them regularly.

>> No.41660847


>> No.41661392

Nue needs sex with human men

>> No.41661435

I guess I'll get down on my knees and beg

>> No.41661450

I wasn't talking to you, I wanted to talk to the cute tiger next to you!

>> No.41661719

>dating Buddhists
Lol even

>> No.41661989

I'm telling you, Nue truly couldn't care less about human anons or what's in their loins. You're delusional if you think Nue cares about such disgusting, meaningless things! Leave me- I mean, leave her alone already, she doesn't want what you have to offer! Stop trying to date and sex Nue! It won't work!

>> No.41662015

sumata youkai

>> No.41662333
File: 230 KB, 1000x1200, __murasa_minamitsu_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_kaigen_1025__fb3f716055395912db9ee0507f3c05b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, I was just practicing for asking out the cute captain.

>> No.41665006
File: 59 KB, 600x684, Dn8OrduV4AEHtHe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"H-hey anon where are you going?? i was just joking please stay with me"

>> No.41665117

Nue would never say this.

>> No.41667807

Nue is trying hard to repress her true feelings posting as an anon.

>> No.41670047
File: 185 KB, 728x1018, Dnx3GQhXgAUEEaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me do this Nue

>> No.41670508
File: 1.07 MB, 1395x1463, 1665424339663724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why you would leave Tenshi for a vapid unfathomable wench like Nue in the first place, but she'll always be there to take you back.

>> No.41670754

What an arrogant bitch.
She deserves to be defiled by a human.

>> No.41675201
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x1600, FguN8YnVEAAZx4S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eeehh??? you never saw a pair of breasts before??? here !!! *boing*

>> No.41675284

Somebody post that Kogasa Copy Pasta to show Nue how it's really done

>> No.41676426

Nue quickly learned from her mistake rejecting anon and now she realizes she's lonely and nobody likes her or wants to go out with her so she tries using her body to attract anon back but it doesn't work because now she's just viewed as a slut. Nue has to look around at everyone else in the temple happily getting bfs while nobody even talks to her. Poor Nue...

>> No.41677038
File: 496 KB, 750x1000, 491e7f068bc92231840c52128dd6e6f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sorry Nue, I'm not looking for... this kind of relationship. But I'm sure you can find tons of other men who would be interested in one night stands. Just don't talk to me anymore."

>> No.41677095

Maybe I'll go after Mokou instead. We could live happily together for eternity if she let's me eat her Phoenix foie gras.

>> No.41677282
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 1666901278147824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd gladly become immortal to live out my life with my waifhu, but for an eternity? No thanks, I choose long term sanity. I don't want to float around a dead universe, watching protons decay with the same four clowns.

>> No.41677310

I don't wanna take nuenis so I'll gladly accept her rejection.

>> No.41681963
File: 123 KB, 806x1200, D56Q_MNXkAE-1Fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

