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41672377 No.41672377 [Reply] [Original]

Is being a hikikomori a choice or is it inevitable for some people? Like, having crippling social anxiety or autism can definitely be a factor on whether someone becomes a hikki. If you're living off of government benefits I can understand that. What would a hikikomori gain from all this? What's their endgame once their family dies off and are unable to afford rent? Suicide? Will they end up like Tatsuhiro Satō in Welcome to the NHK?

>> No.41672473

>What is the endgame for a Hikikomori?
Don't know about everyone else, but I plan on moving to Gensokyo.

>> No.41673039
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I don't think that's possible anon. it's time to get real.

>> No.41674647

You haven't been here long if you didn't understand the euphemism.

>> No.41675467

Teach me

>> No.41675517

One day Yukari will come for me...

>> No.41677605

Work from home.

>> No.41677721

pertty much, i suppose hikis are scared of life, but the moment they realize that they wasted theirs and there is no coming back, it will strike them like lightning and they either become insane or suicide.

>> No.41678709

It's not a waste of time if you're spending it what you love

>> No.41679759

We both know we don’t love spending our time doing nothing, it may be fun, even relaxing at the beginning, but it quickly gets to a point where you don’t enjoy it anymore. bored and frustrated you keep trying the same tactic every day, but you just feel worse and worse trying to drown the thoughts of desperation, you may even start to think about coming back to reality and actually do something meaningful, but it’s just so hard and you don’t feel capable, sadly if you want to live a meaningful life you will have to make a big effort to take your life back

>> No.41682652
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>> No.41683074
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I've never encountered a long-term NEET older than 30 who wasn't hopelessly mentally ill(Schizophrenia, catastrophic
depression/anxiety, Agoraphobia) and not on disability. The sharp ones use their foresight to escape a very dreadful future where the effort to climb back would be a very painful undertaking. Committing self die if I wasnt clear

>> No.41686747

Not OP, but in your view, are there any common signs or indications of a potential "over-30" case to come? The point of no return and such. I have been a hiki NEET for something like 7 years, shut-in beforehand.

>> No.41694514

>What's their endgame once their family dies off and are unable to afford rent? Suicide?
yes. i tried killing myself years ago, botched it but it disturbed my parents and other family members so much that the guilt has me waiting until their deaths and then i'll go for round two

if i could get my shit together long enough to get enough money for a bus ticket across the country i'd do it so i could go off myself but leave my family the fantasy/hope that i'm having a happier life out there, i'd do it

i assume it's the same for other hiki/NEETS

>> No.41694670

Thanks for sharing your story, friend. I hope things go better for you

>> No.41694730
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one day we make it there bros

>> No.41695889

What's with this weird guilt trip shit? If you're a failed normalfag, that's fine, but don't try pushing it on others. I have a well paying job and probably older than you based on your comment, but basically live as a shut-in and don't feel as if I'm lacking anything. Good luck in gensokyo in the near future though, you won't be missed.

>> No.41698087
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>but in your view, are there any common signs or indications of a potential "over-30" case
From my experience, the legit dunces wouldn't even be asking questions like this. They are quite literally too dumb to be able to constructively self-reflect and becomes aware of themselves. To elaborate on that category of dim fellows, nearly all of them consume media without any sort of passion doing so or obsessively browse niche imageboards for entire days, weeks, hell, years. They usually hoard the best "muh feels" posts, because they are too mentally bankrupt to post anything substantial even where you'd think they'd welcome an original thought.

The severely mentally ill but cognizant are genuinely tragic. You usually don't see these types posting in NEET-hives after 30. They are aware that they are likely completely alone aside from maybe 1 or 2 people their age while being surrounded by sad teenagers who think they empathize with a situation where ageism is working against Gramp-NEETS amongst EVERYTHING else and most people who might have seen value in them have long since stopped caring. Nightmare mode, they're that scraggly manboy you see under a bridge or frequenting the public library.

Just my take, I spent a great deal of time in these "havens" but wisened up before things would go to nightmare torture mode.

>> No.41698614
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I couldn't find a Touhou related version in my folders, but it gets the point through.

>> No.41699677

the endgame is getting old and living out of a shopping cart under a bridge somewhere

>> No.41699988
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Let the autist lead another autist to their demise

>> No.41701675

The endgame is you stop being a NEET. Eventually you have to give it up, even if it means a shitty minwage job or something. I got a way better job than that but I know people who had to resort to it into their 30s.

Suicide as a solution is more of a fantasy. Suicide is fucking hard. Lazy ass NEETs are more likely to just get a shitty job and live on because it’s way less effort.

>> No.41701688

Unironically this.

>> No.41702041

>Suicide is fucking hard
1. Buy shotgun
2. Point to your head
3. Pull the trigger
Another alternative is jumping from the highest building you can find.

>> No.41702119

Easy is it? Do it then.

>> No.41702128

Why would you tell other anons to kill themselves?

>> No.41702158

It brings a false and fleeting sense of sadistic pleasure for a few seconds after I press post, then I look back and wonder why the hell I'm still here.

>> No.41707472

Don't do that.

>> No.41712455 [DELETED] 


>> No.41715567

I don't know what the circumstances of the rest will be like, but that shit is hard. Fortunately I was able to become an active member of society again, but at first anxiety was part of my day to day whenever I had to socialize with someone. I guess it helped tremendously that I started working on my self-esteem through exercise and also that I met some really wonderful people who made my reintegration much easier.
A huge hug from afar to everyone in that situation; I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

>> No.41720160

>Will they end up like Tatsuhiro Satō in Welcome to the NHK?
with a cute girl?
