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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.19 MB, 1721x1011, bbfdbfbdbfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41612534 No.41612534 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>41579474

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.41612656
File: 1.06 MB, 877x796, 4MW5EqjfQljmK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't expecting to like Yuno, but her common route events really improved my opinion of her.

>> No.41613106

New uncensored art parches got announced, really looking forward to Shinsou Noise's

>> No.41613253
File: 37 KB, 640x480, アヤカシ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pam and Eimu committing homicides
hahaha so funny
>Kare killed Pam's dog

>> No.41613690

Is Phantom anon still here?
I'm really in the mood to read it right now so I can playtest it if it's in a working state already

>> No.41613714 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1440, 天色アイルノーツ_1667064941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering why 2 Airi CGs alone were so much more exciting than all the other CGs I've seen thus far, but then I remembered who I was. I should have just read her route from the start.

>> No.41613733

That shit was totally unnecessary.
It felt like another desperate attempt to remember that "Oh, yeah, look how dark our history is".

>> No.41613827

goddamn this CG alone makes me want to read this.

>> No.41614641

No H-scene in that outfit.

>> No.41614735

Criminal Border is quite fun. I'm liking it way more than the first 9-nine episode

>> No.41614748

The art is disgusting.

>> No.41614827
File: 589 KB, 776x2412, she wants MC to stop the childhood friend from going to england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after having some talk with the class rep, MC forgives her childhood friend for hiding her intention to study abroad, and now supports her decision to do so
>then childhood friend's best friend wants him to keep her from going to england
Bitch, why the fuck don't you say that earlier?

>> No.41614884

How do japs even manage to study abroad if they can't into eigo for life

>> No.41614940

>20th a shitty gacha which is on life support
with sales that bad I'm surprised they didn't announce shutdown the moment the anime stopped airing. Goes they're waiting for the BDs to go out of print

>> No.41615006

can't wait for nitro bankruptcy and shimokura transferring to clockup

>> No.41615057
File: 746 KB, 784x3561, devilish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the class rep has ulterior motive when making MC let his childhood friend study abroad.

>> No.41615255

Nukitashi important to read before hentai prison?

>> No.41615319

Henpri is basically the opposite of nukitashi so if you plan to read both it's better to read them in order
If you don't plan to read nukitashi ever you can read henpri only just fine, will miss several references here and there

>> No.41615554

Question about Reminiscence, was checking the CG set in sadpanda and found some CGs I never saw in my playthrough, or rather CG variations of the breakfast scene and the second Aki h-scene. It is possible to see those in the story or are simply unused data?


>> No.41615772
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, gu8mavP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf she's literally me

>> No.41615780

Sana Edition

>> No.41615943

japanese says erogesure in katagana

>> No.41615956

read どうして、そんなに黒い髪が好きなの recently and rather enjoyed it
is there a vn with all white haired heroines?

>> No.41615988

>game about black-haired heroines
>2 blue, 2 violet, and 0 black hair
their artist surely must be colorblind

>> No.41615990

they released a patch to fix that
the art is still garbage though

>> No.41616009

i guess it's says doushite for the first word

>> No.41616020

There is a video like this. Some Brit, I think, talks about how he doesn't know why he moved to Japan when asked about it and then at one point he realized that it was because of 黒髪ロング. He looked like Jeff Goldblum.

>> No.41616047
File: 358 KB, 640x480, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41616065

new kastel kino

>> No.41616112


>> No.41616177
File: 987 KB, 1920x1080, サムライヴァンダリズム_(Ver.2.0.0)_2022-10-30_00-29-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chuunige is so good. When I was downloading it I thought it's just one of the shovelware nukige, but so far it's been just a really cool power of friendship shinsengumige with good romance from female pov and actually exciting fights+powerups. Also the gameplay is a really small part of the whole package, which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about that.

>> No.41616195

+There are just so many CGs in this game. You open a side event and you get 3 CG just in that scene alone. I think I'm up to over 100 CG, only 5 of which were HCG.

>> No.41616472

Did I just read a wall of social media and globalization doomer's take on Saihate?
This guy must be some professional fanfic writer

>> No.41616554

glad you enjoy that game but I fucking hate it for the exact same reason. when I download oneone1 I just want to jerk off, but for their last 3 games they've gone harder and harder on the story. All the hrpg content is pretty much contained entirely into one route. Ver 1.0 combat was also absolute shit and the subheroines didn't even have pregnancy scenes back then

>> No.41616607

Well I'm definitely reading the previous 2 games then. At least admit the OST is god tier. I haven't heard such a good one with so many different insert songs in a really long time.

>> No.41616665

wait konomi in harenochi or whatever loses her virginity to the protagonist before the story? what sort of retardery is that, it makes like all of their interactions and the tension totally pointless

>> No.41616701

They started the insert song meme with 鬼と刀のメリトクラシー because that entire game is a kill la kill "parody"
I guess 没落令嬢 was their last classic hrpg, after that it was a slow evolution to samurai vandalism

>> No.41616761

>all of their interactions and the tension totally pointless

>> No.41616777

there are like hours of them interacting like they've never held hands before and have no idea how the other feels about them, doing that with someone you've fucked is beyond retarded

>> No.41616801

I had it on my neverending backlog but not anymore. Thanks.

>> No.41616839

How's the Moonstone? Interested because it's https://vndb.org/s6837 her first nukige role.

>> No.41616896
File: 1.19 MB, 1117x885, rw_HsJT_Ewj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright. Hinata Nao is definitely improving as an artist, little by little. Very much a harem vibe, at least in the common route, so if you're weird and don't like that stuff maybe skip it. I haven't read much of it yet so I dunno if it breaks off into routes later or what.
I think it might be a little buggy, though. In the first H-scene with the character Suegara voices, there's a weird sprite and it kinda threw me off of the scene.

>> No.41616953

Nice thanks, I think I'll try it out, played a bit of the Sex World games but dropped them precisely since they didn't have any real harem scenes, and like one pregnant scene per girl for games about impregnation.
At least this one doesn't seem to be doing bait and switch.

>> No.41617712

Can you texthook the steam ver. of chaos head noah? I can't seem to do it

>> No.41618335

Just wait and play in English. English readers are getting a restoration patch while JOPcucks are stuck with a censored and broken game

>> No.41618381
File: 4 KB, 535x75, patch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true, the patch is also for the Japanese version

>> No.41618508

>source vndb

>> No.41618602

How come there are no moege with a trap heroine, only eroge? Are traps really that unpopular?

>> No.41618628

Traps are a niche sexual fetish, so obviously they're only going to pop up in nukige. Nobody asks "how come there's no moege where all the heroines are old hags wearing gym outfits, only nukige".
If you want to read serious romance with no/minimal sex with a cross-dressing feminine man, read BL or otome.

>> No.41618646

BL is gay and I can't self insert as a woman in otome

>> No.41618664

Just so I make sure I understand >>41618602 and >>41618646 correctly - You want a serious romantic story with minimal to no sexual content where you self-insert as a man in a romantic relationship with another man who is dressing as a woman, but you do NOT want to read anything gay?

>> No.41618716

I don't mind if there's a lot of sex, just not at the level of a nukige where that's basically all there is. Otherwise, yes, you're correct

>> No.41618778

BL for some reason tend to be pretty fucked up tho

>> No.41618853

Bros, question: has anyone here played 戦極姫? I want to give it a try, but I don't know which one is the best

>> No.41618997

choose whichever one's art you like

>> No.41619456

What a surprise - women like fucked up shit no less than men

>> No.41619775

Any recent games with a good tomboy heroine?

>> No.41619987

Are there any other pure chuuni writers like Masada outside of this medium?

>> No.41620205

theres kazuki fumi
zwei trigger demo was interesting
but i don't think theres anyone as hardcore as masada

>> No.41620222

shit nvm didnt read the question properly

>> No.41620902

Tomboys got killed by a truck in Japan years ago.

>> No.41621154

If you want to just read Hepuri then you can just watch some of the Botsu scenario's on Qruppo's youtube channel to get a quick taste of Nukitashi's setting.

>> No.41621160

Are there any games that take polyamory kind of seriously? Like a WA2 if it had a threesome route?Probably nothing that serious exists, but you know, something like that.

>> No.41621186

Hikaru and Hekiru route in Clover Day's if you haven't read it. They're also twins if you're into that.

>> No.41621241


>> No.41621252

There are few majikoi sequels as well but idk how serious those are

>> No.41621276

i don't understand

>> No.41621369

>only girl that becomes a mother is the routelet maid by someone else
jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.41621474

who cares, as long as there's nakadashi. Also It'd be fucked up if she had a route because the maid turned out to be his mom if I remember correctly.

>> No.41621484

me, i'm really rarely interested in games that don't have a pregnancy/children end

>> No.41621490
File: 329 KB, 640x480, Screenshot 2022-10-26 22.50.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog: Dead. Forgotten.
Cat: Alive and well in the sequel. Gets the D.
Dog bros in shambles

>> No.41621647

Any VNs other than Subahibi with characters who pirate games and make fun of buyfags?

>> No.41621938

I haven't read them yet so I can't vouch for how many H scenes there are and if it's nukige tier or not

>> No.41622006

what is even japanese slang word for piracy?

>> No.41622085


>> No.41622414

never saw it before, only remember 落とす being used as dling something from internet

>> No.41622455

Anyone got a crack for Green Green DVD edition?

>> No.41622561


>> No.41622939

>下等な純一みたいに割れをやりまくって何のお咎め無い奴とか居るのはおかしいよな親や身内に恥ずかしいとか思わないんだろうか?常識ずれてるから恥ずかしいと思わないんだろうな -- 名無しさん (2022-03-13 13:33:39)
How can they be so autistic

>> No.41622961

what is best Kamen Rider like vn?

>> No.41623001
File: 149 KB, 700x700, pc98_200824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best pc98 VNs (not adventure games like Rance or YUNO)?

>> No.41623293

That's a different series mr. eop redditor

>> No.41623526
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>> No.41624231
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x750, tosui_2022-10-30_20-02-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41624891

Lost Child

>> No.41625004

when will they start doing anime openings again instead of powerpoint presentations of spoilerous cgs

>> No.41625081

Hope not since I got baited into reading this because of the opening thinking it was a kamige when it was just really boring, Carnival's anime OP is really good though https://youtu.be/vVfmb3iz0Hk

>> No.41625214
File: 194 KB, 781x1176, childhood promise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not another childhood marriage promise

>> No.41625250

I remember how I wanted to be a zoologist as a kid but ended up with insectophobia instead

>> No.41625617
File: 400 KB, 781x1758, stop her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>class rep tells MC to stop the childhood friend from study abroad before he regrets it
>catch up to her at the last minute
>turns out the childhood friend wants to be stopped by MC after all
What the fuck? What's the point of the earlier drama where MC was angry at the childhood friend for hiding her intention to study abroad if it turns out that she wants MC to stop her after all? Does she change her mind after seeing MC starts getting closer to the class rep, or was about to cancel her plan just before MC apologizing to her?

>> No.41625864
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>> No.41625927
File: 225 KB, 781x1173, sakura ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kissing with intertwined finger
Lewd. Done with Sakura's route in Iris. The VN's atmosphere is pretty good healing experience so far, with slice of life scenes and the drama is more grounded without any dude magic lmao plot. There are some plot points that haven't been resolved in route yet, such as MC's amnesia, a mysterious girl that happens to have the same name as MC's absent mom pops in on several points lecturing MC if he's done the right thing, MC's homeroom teacher/aunt insisting on MC calling her mom, etc. I guess shit will be revealed in the true route, but I'm glad the magical shit kept to a minimum here. 2 points that I don't like from the route: 1. the route suffers from 00's VN plot point syndrome where MC only hooks up with the heroine at the very end of the route, and 2. the comfy slice of life stuff pretty much ends the moment I entered the childhood friend's route proper, then it's on to drama about MC getting angry at the childhood friend, then when that gets resolved another drama pops in where the childhood friend looking at him getting closer to the class rep, and when that gets resolved and MC hooks up with her, the route ends. Guess I've been spoiled by numerous modern moege where there the drama is insignificant or the heroine hooks up with the MC in the middle of the route. I still like it overall, and it's not like there are any other shota x loli VN around, so I'm just glad that it's been an enjoyable read so far.

>> No.41627795

Well, at least anon tried, effort is appreciated

>> No.41628641

Criminal Border was very fun to read and I am waiting for 2nd offence.
But I hope Its not like nine9 and take another year for next episode.

I liked the art.

>> No.41628758

more love triangle kino when bros

>> No.41628796

Same. I like art (even if cowtits isn't my thing, still managed to jerk off few times thanks to art style) and it's very fun read.

>> No.41628803

>console version gets an all-ages heroine
i hope devs that do this get AIDS

>> No.41628862

Saw that one of the new titles released in October is from... Girl’s Software? I was curious since I had never heard of them, and saw that their last title was released several years ago. What's with the long inactivity and sudden decision to release something? Even their twitter account was created not that long ago.

>> No.41628990
File: 283 KB, 600x450, mai sister not included in the remake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have done that since forever ago.
>new heroine from console version doesn't made it to the remake

>> No.41629006

if you weren't a braindead coomer you wouldn't need to worry about this

>> No.41629051
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, 7856544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.41629176

decided to switch it up and read a bakage after some heavy reading
currently reading ノラと皇女と野良猫ハート and i'm having a blast

>> No.41629243

For me, its less of the lack of H(although all-ages games have problems that arent just H related) and more of those heroines forever being stuck on some console that I refuse to buy or want to bother emulating.

>> No.41629499

The best outcome is when the all-ages heroine becomes ero heroine in a new R18 release, like Kamikimi extra edition.

>> No.41629655

>Criminal Border was very fun to read and I am waiting for 2nd offence.
How serialized is it? If it's a straight plot in each route I'll wait until it's done but if it's a regular game with the routes split and sold over time I'll check it out.

>> No.41630296

Looks like its a straight plot. All the game will probably be connected. Don’t know how they will deal with ending girl. If you will be able to choose a girl at last moment or there is only one girl to stay with.

>> No.41630303

It's not an ntrge? I've seen that key art, it looks like ntrge. Their NTR asmr sold gangbusters so I assumed it was their new direction.

>> No.41630318

it's plotge so yes

>> No.41630339

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's dead.

>> No.41630375

Does anyone have the Sasasagu PC port? Not going to buy console shit and suck dicks on discord

>> No.41630379

Good, back to making visual novels. Now hopefully the Alicesoft mobage dies next

>> No.41630383

No. I think Kazuki Fumi or someone from company said on twitter its not NTR.

>> No.41630386

>back to making visual novels
You mean "back to making a new gacha to try again until we bankrupt ourselves because hoping to win the whale lottery is better than making VNs that make almost no money"

>> No.41630400

Found it. https://twitter.com/ka_fumifumi/status/1550062275423531008

>> No.41630402

absolute king

>> No.41630620

nvm I found it on anime-sharing

>> No.41632644
File: 269 KB, 615x374, Screenshot 2022-08-25 18.35.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare Hime face

>> No.41633418

barely lasted a year
nice 20th anniversary project nitro+ very epic

>> No.41633796

Yeah, fucking dropped. To think I had high hopes for this one. I'll get my NTR fix elsewhere.

>> No.41634460
File: 132 KB, 781x586, does this creep really trying to hit on high school student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus that artstyle clash feels really jarring.

>> No.41634506

moegods stay winning

>> No.41634757
File: 247 KB, 780x1218, arranged marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hag has a route
>in a fucking lolige
Let's see if MC get motherzoned or KID has the balls to pull this shit on a console only VN.

>> No.41635423

Why the hell is this faggot wearing a flower hairpin???

>> No.41635432
File: 1.77 MB, 1366x768, 2022-10-31-20-18-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.41635570

You will find out on his sister's arc

>> No.41635667

That hat is peak 2000s SOUL

>> No.41636243

The gang is hilarious.

>> No.41636410

need more poorfags sans cuckshit

>> No.41637140
File: 832 KB, 1000x750, tosui_2022-11-01_01-04-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow actual non virgin protag for once, sasuga scaji

>> No.41637237

when does the ntr start?

>> No.41637243

Cute art

>> No.41637262
File: 445 KB, 897x380, 気持ち悪い.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Mojika's ending was kind of shit. Does Naruko have any redeeming qualities whatsoever? Did I miss something?

>> No.41637278

In which chapter does this girl grow a dick?

>> No.41637284

Does anyone have scans of Study SS steady 2's physical letters? forgot that they brought that gimmick again and always at the most important part of the girl's routes lol (I need to read the gyaru's so bad baka)

>> No.41637497
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x750, tosui_2022-11-01_01-48-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, why is this girl literally kimika?
Same voice, same personality, same otokogirai, the only difference is that she is kojiki otaku instead of weapons
Actually disappointed now, I thought they specifically created her like this for subahibi but they literally reused old character...

>> No.41637537
File: 2.51 MB, 1806x1012, mfgbijogfdgndfgnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41637904
File: 151 KB, 1024x600, very important angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neato, actual NVL for a full muv-luv story.

>> No.41638565

Anon, we have translation apps on our phones now.

>> No.41638702

Is bringing a ten inch long black double dildo to school a charm point?

>> No.41638890

>Does Naruko have any redeeming qualities whatsoever?

>> No.41638900

You know, this was probably the point when Nitroplus just went, "fuck it. let's just double down on gacha." And I wouldn't even blame them for it.

>> No.41639229
File: 312 KB, 500x354, SRG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Robin Girl worth a read? I've heard it's drama-y and the lolis being lolis is almost an afterthought.

>> No.41639276

>Chuable Soft
Haven't seen this name in forever. Did they dissolve?

>> No.41639284

The Fairy World didn't buy enough copies of Suki Suki so the declared bankruptcy. Delayed the English release of Suki Suki for like two or three years.

>> No.41639335

ntr is moe

>> No.41639498
File: 323 KB, 1892x1051, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she really had her memories all along and is just totally full of shit about only remembering their past together after Konsei is destroyed, and Vio put a disgusting, sociopathic cunt as the main heroine and then had the gall to posture as though this was a true love ending? I really can't tell if that's the intended reading, if it's just shoddy writing, if I myself am the retard, or all three. On the one hand, it could be the whole point is that not knowing whether someone is lying or not is a matter of course in ordinary life, so now you're left to decide for yourself where Naruko's falsehoods end and her real intentions begin, because other sources of information on how much she knows aren't necessarily trustworthy. On the other hand, maybe Vio is just a fucking hack who ran out of dev time and didn't mean for Naruko to come off as such a total piece of garbage who Suteru would be better off murdering and leaving in a ditch at the first possible opportunity, because believing in her certainly seems really fucking gullible.

>> No.41639990

>Mahjong as gameplay element
Nooo, my kyptonite

>> No.41640055

Mine would have to be kanji wordplay. I still Dekinai at that level.

>> No.41640235

If it was 4 player mahjong I'd be happy, but it's the cringe 2 player version most of the time

>> No.41640593


>> No.41640619

the designs are evn tier

>> No.41640628

all they had to do to stay afloat was give maya a route

>> No.41641256
File: 19 KB, 256x292, 50378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forghetti

>> No.41641424

It really is going to be the Lose special where they release dozens of appends, isn't it?

>> No.41641750
File: 196 KB, 909x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do nippon roasties really

>> No.41641760

Looks to me like a window for oyakodon.

>> No.41641777

It's great (so far) but only for one route. The others have menheras for heroines.

>> No.41642992

I think they said 5

>> No.41644126
File: 673 KB, 1920x1080, サムライヴァンダリズム_(Ver.2.0.0)_2022-11-01_18-57-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love to see it

>> No.41644140

See what? A lazy way to get out of drawing a good looking kiss CG?

>> No.41644319

The two of them have 4 different kiss CG. I think one of them showing off her standing on her tiptoes for a kiss is very cool.

>> No.41644447
File: 499 KB, 780x1780, awkward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your (self-proclaimed) step mom/homeroom teacher is dating with your classmate's brother
I hope this plot point still happens on the classmate's route for extra awkwardness.

>> No.41644622

I love my wife Tamurahime.

>> No.41644762
File: 908 KB, 784x3544, propose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chad proposes to her
>she turns it down because she wants to raise MC at least until he graduates from high school
Why? She can take care of MC even if she's married to the chad. Although it's nice to see him actually taking the rejection like an actual adult instead of making him your stereotypical rich chad hidden asshole villain.

>> No.41645079
File: 706 KB, 806x651, 2022-11-01 21_45_13-母がダークエルフになって異世界から戻ってきた。~エロエロできちゃう親子関係~ Ver1.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey it's me your mom who died 10 years ago, actually I reincarnated as a Dark Elf and after defeating the Demon Lord I've come back"
>"Wow what an amazing story but I'm going to be late for my salaryman job I hate so let's talk when I get home"

Good goy.

>> No.41645091

Wageslaving does things to a man's soul

>> No.41645202

What are some good oyakodons that focus more on romance and drama instead of just fucking?
Preferably with a love triangle

>> No.41645289

Any other characters as chuuni to the bones as Nahato from Paralost?

>> No.41645316

Just read more Masada shit?

>> No.41645364

Fine, any other characters like this (that aren't Masada or Nitroplus)

>> No.41645375

I assume you're not including Type-Moon either, but in that case I would like to know the answer as well.

>> No.41646254
File: 329 KB, 1448x2048, 1619411243871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would dies irae/kkk or sakura no uta be more worth my time?
purely from a 'which one is objectively better' standpoint

>> No.41646296

I've never read sakura no uta so the answer is clearly dies irae and kkk.

>> No.41646352

I'm not a huge chuunifag but I still liked DI more than Sakuuta

>> No.41646370

The first half of Sakuuta is a literal kusoge tier that is absolutely doesn't worth your time but you have no choice other than to deal with it if you want to read Sakutoki

>> No.41646443

If you ask me Maeda gets better with every game, so dies and paradise lost are his weakest games.

>> No.41646486

so how come sakuta is rated so highly if no one here likes it

>> No.41646557

Because it has some of the best scenes in the eroge history in its second half, but it definitely isn't an easy task to get there

>> No.41646649

only people with mental damage manage to finish that game, same reason gintama is a highly rated anime

>> No.41646669

Gintama is so popular for the same reason there are so many weird tv shows in Japan - most of the people here have nonexistent sense of humor

>> No.41647061

because one it starts getting good, it gets really good but the first half of the game is really rough to get through
not that i've read anything to suggest it but i imagine a lot of it might be due the game taking almost 10 years to come out, and that some parts of the scenario are just really dated and were never touched up at all

>> No.41647070
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x750, tosui_2022-11-02_02-29-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So even Ayana's change of eye color feature wasn't original and got reused from here

>> No.41647133

>If you ask me Maeda gets better with every game
For a moment I thought it was key maeda and got horrified.
Then I realized that all it's only his original anime that somehow have been getting progressively worse (just when I believe the quality could not go lower). His work in vns surprisingly hold to this claim.

>> No.41647141

I was going to type "hey Prima Doll was solid" but then I remembered he wasn't involved.

>> No.41647351
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, 158334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what game or games have your most favorite art?

i'm looking for a new vn to pick up and i wanna get something that's very pretty to look at

>> No.41647470

Are you talking about Japan or this thread?

>> No.41647545


>> No.41647561

I love my Wife Tamurahime.

>> No.41647696

I like Ooishi Ryuuko's stuff.

>> No.41647930

how am I supposed to find Majo Koi Nikki Dragon×Caravan?

>> No.41647968

The same way as other Vita games: NoPayStation.

>> No.41647986

thanks anon

>> No.41648780

Why does Study Steady 2 looks much worse than 1
Even the H CGs are meh

>> No.41649560

This is Korean mtl port, but you can dl jp version here. The only issue is that menus are still in korean

>> No.41650053
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>> No.41651021
File: 1.18 MB, 914x638, 1641073385629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big breasts
my kind of woman

>> No.41651029

Is she gaijin?

>> No.41651033

no one helped me? So this place is full of pedos then.

>> No.41651060
File: 1.82 MB, 1807x1017, sdfgbsdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41651084

dont think so, she has a classic japanese name, 胡桃 はな

>> No.41651796
File: 9 KB, 705x67, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the love of god please try to have some idea of what you're talking about before you act like you made some great discovery about a 10+ year old game, this is embarrassing to read. "Scripting" in the context of eroge has nothing to do with writing.

>> No.41651808

because romance with hags doesn't exist

>> No.41651876

Wait a second. Didn't this guy post in this thread and get corrected many weeks ago? He didn't actually delete his embarrassing mistake?

>> No.41652505

Are there any games where you have sex in a mecha?

>> No.41652547

Demonbane iirc

>> No.41652548

If I remember correctly, Demonbane had one.

>> No.41652781

don't be mean to your mom anon

>> No.41652813

Atelier kaguya should really make a new mommyge already.

>> No.41652877
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41652878

Cyberpunk 2077

>> No.41652901

Kemco should just stick to VN's and not throwaway JRPG's.

>> No.41652940

sorry, this turned out to be majorly fucked and so annoying i had to ended it prematurely.
don't wanna simulate my real life in games, too..

>> No.41653020
File: 619 KB, 781x2935, natsumi ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Natsuki's route, It's significantly shorter compared to the childhood friend route, there's not even a graduation scene for MC or the mysterious loli appearing during the route, only flashback of her making promise to MC's sickly mom to raise him up, confession, then the ending straight up skips several years later after MC grows up as an adult without any detail inbetween whatsoever, feels like a side heroine. But then again she's the sole hag in the game full of lolis so it's a miracle that she has a route in the first place.
>implied incest ending
Fucking based

>> No.41653179

lucky anon having deep relationships with his mother irl.
that's a shame it's my favorite nukige.

>> No.41653203

no, but the pattern of misunderstanding->obessing->controlling is no stranger to me. Fuck this route.
Kyoko-san here i come

>> No.41653220

also it was very good until they introduced a bit of "plot" just to have some connective tissue for the tonal whiplash. Talk about unnecessary.

>> No.41653280

Anyone know where to watch VN gameplays with h-scenes other than the well known adult sites?

>> No.41653952

Been reading Sakura Moyu lately, the art and backgraounds are pretty top tier, even if backgrounds are just filtered photos the redrawn mobs are pretty soulful.
The world gives a big Gochiuzbekistan feel imo.

>> No.41654328

Do eroge purchasing audiences still too netouyo to accept a VN set in SEA?

>> No.41654486

Who would even want that?

>> No.41654528

Brown cunnysieurs.

>> No.41654975

>a VN set in SEA?
Here is your kamige

>> No.41655007

>real people as sprites

>> No.41655092

I want another high profile release from Pulltop

>> No.41655104

>want to read an eroge
>it's boring

It's not only me right? I feel like they have so much text filler.

>> No.41655118

Stop reading kusoge and you won't have this problem.

>> No.41655121

Taimanin Yukikaze fans.

>> No.41655127


I get baited by the pretty drawings damn it. How d I recognize kamige

>> No.41655148

The only criteria you should use when looking up vns is the writer's name, everything else is filler

>> No.41655170

Know what you're 100% right.

But now that I looked most eroge have multiple scenario writers.

>> No.41655189


>> No.41655194

It's usually the one who writes the true route who really matters

>> No.41655221

I want a VN about killing the gaijins that are clogging up Shibuya. Fuck them.

>> No.41655427

Just read something by Setoguchi or Romeo

>> No.41655503

Sounds like you're a nukige type of guy. Just pick with your dick, most with good art/budget have like a hundred lines at most between each sex scene.

>> No.41655560


I guess I'm a plotge or nukige, nothing in the middle.

>> No.41655879


I have SWAN SONG on my backlog and already read YMK, do you recommend something else from them?

>> No.41655885

Nukige are the worst when it comes to filler text/blatant repetition just to up the line count in my experience.

>> No.41655953

Go read nitro+, there is barely anything with boring fillers, most of the stuff is straight to the point.

>> No.41655983

Any 00's games with this atmosphere?

>> No.41656087

It really depends. Charage parading as nukige often are, but those barely count and are being made less and less often. Stuff like Biman or Djibril sit firmly in the middle and never quite fully test your patience. Then there's Role Player or the Milk Factory games where you pick a scene and masturbate, and these are the future.

>> No.41656195

Romeo: Kazoku, C+C, Saihate. I still can't believe how good this guy is. Your Japanese will improve stratospherically just by reading something written by him.
Setoguchi: Everything he has written is really good, but I guess my least favorite is definitely Carnival. SWAN SONG and 暗い部屋 are very good choices (both are dark AF).

>> No.41656278

>when the interactions are so good you skip the annoying seggs just to get to the next filler

>> No.41656458
File: 92 KB, 1024x600, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to finishing that Muv Luv War Ensemble side story. I though it was kind of interesting to have what was basically like a short LN but in VN form. Not typical of Age's style. The main girl is kind of insufferable though and the author should have done a better job tying her introduction part to the actual meat of the story. The main 班長 guy was cool though and it was a solid drama.

>> No.41656517
File: 692 KB, 2560x1116, awkward first time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have more banters and interaction during H scene e.g. teeth accidentally clashing when trying to kiss, premature ejaculation, etc.

>> No.41656648

Man I really like Tomose's older art

>> No.41656684
File: 560 KB, 1000x731, FeiIXMDaMAACLrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the artist's twitter
>it's all LNshit
At least dude still got a job I guess.

>> No.41656706
File: 185 KB, 776x1200, Fd0Mml5VEAASiFd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean he's still working with Kinugasa though despite loving Akatsuki no Goei and Reminiscence, I haven't even read Youjitsu. His new artstyle is really good but I've got a lot more attachment to his older style. He did draw Reika from AnG recently as well.

>> No.41656779
File: 1.11 MB, 2468x3997, __makishima_yumi_koi_de_wa_naku_drawn_by_tomose_shunsaku__e639448cb701e14b8d893aa0fb48e0a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like his short hair tomboy characters. Hell, I would waifu Yumi if Hayakari doesn't make her character (and Norifumi) a bloody dickhead.

>> No.41656916

If you want to make money, you go to LNs market. If you want to starve, you get stuck in VNs

>> No.41656925

He has an open obsession with cats.

>> No.41656937

You think that's bad? I've been wanting him to come back to making doujins (Cospako 2 when?) but he hasn't shown any signs of doing it.

>> No.41656980

>I though it was kind of interesting to have what was basically like a short LN but in VN form.
I'm pretty sure they actually just rushed it out or rand out of budget for it. I say this because I think the early access demos for shit like total eclipse were similiar. I remember when I was reading that story I was stuck on some fucking bridge for an entire hour.

>> No.41656982

If you really want money you'd go into WNs and paywall it, then self-publish volumes as doujins. That faggot Masada makes like 8 million yen a month from one site, which is the smaller one, and the other one doesn't disclose what payment plans people are on.

>> No.41656992

>That faggot Masada makes like 8 million yen a month from one site
wtf Masada was actually loaded all along? I know he just does LNs now, but I just assumed they were released in the typical, industry standard manner.

>> No.41657008

>wtf Masada was actually loaded all along?
don't worry, he is still the same old mentally retarded Masada. He's said he wants to use the money he makes from his patreon to buy back the pantheon development assets and try making that fucking gacha for a third time.

>> No.41657035

After Light, or rather Greenwood, went bankrupt - all the rights went to the creditors. To get past that him and G Yuusuke went freelance and wrote Avesta and sold it as a doujin - so for quite sometime the profits were just going directly to them. Avesta itself is also being adapted into a VN. So ontop of the monthly subscriptions from fans, they'd release the physical volumes of the LN with extra illustrations and sell it on Toronoana.
At this point I doubt it'll be coming as a gacha, story-wise it's become indispensable to Shinza

>> No.41657045

>At this point I doubt it'll be coming as a gacha, story-wise it's become indispensable to Shinza
Wasn't that fag giving interviews years ago about how "it can only be done as a live service game, it's the biggest thing."
unless he's going full elven blaze and writing a 18mb vn script that is developed for 10 years I don't see it coming as a VN.

>> No.41657047

I'm too lazy to research it, but I figured it might have been one of those "some dude wrote a LN/script and lets make it into a game" type of deals.
>I remember when I was reading that story I was stuck on some fucking bridge for an entire hour.
Well the fucking bridge is basically the entire story more or less. It's kind of a pacing problem in my opinion. It opens up with a ton of stuff about Kana's background which is understandable because all of that is necessary for her character and relationship with Chiba. But it's way too disconnected from the actual heart of the story which is basically the battle in Niigata. I'm not really a writer so I'm not sure how I'd do it, but I felt like a lot of the fluff at the beginning should have been cut and more focus should have been put on Chiba and Kana's first meeting. Maybe sprinkle in some flashbacks gradually to reveal her PTSD/past and all that.

>> No.41657058

Only thing I can recall about size was how he mentioned that each chapter would have been around Ikabey length and that's without all the battle narration since it was a game.

>> No.41657059

>I'm too lazy to research it, but I figured it might have been one of those "some dude wrote a LN/script and lets make it into a game" type of deals.
I googled the author one time and got literally nothing. No idea where they found him

>> No.41657288

You know what, eroge isn't a stranger to period pieces like Sengoku or Taisho, but how come it rarely treads on anything that goes on in Northern Japan like the Russo-Japanese war? I'm definitely not asking after reading Golden Kamuy.

>> No.41657633

You had the colonization and assimilation of Ainu, even with a russian spy spying the area immediately before the war in hokeloli

>> No.41657811

wait, was somebody doing some sort of patch for Phantom Integration?
I remember it working less than flawlessly the last time I tried running it on W10. Especially with loading saves, I can't do that from the menu. Gotta start a new game and open the load menu from there.
Either way, any improvement has my full attention.

>> No.41658453

Nukige are often the only novels that don't try to slap retard drama in your face so this is exactly what I do.

>> No.41659078

We need more race queen eroge.

>> No.41659440

How is Paradise lost connected to Dies and others?
Is it some universe just in a different time or country or something?

>> No.41659982

wow, just look at this fucking moebuta snowflake
reee retarded drama reee
industry went to shit just because of fucktards like you, off yourself

>> No.41660098

especially when nukiges are infested with bad scenarios and the girls almost always sound like they are raped. I've never seen a decent one where they both have measured and realistic reactions (sometimes not moaning anything at all is the best)

>> No.41660155

What do you mean by "measured and realistic?" These girls get sexed a lot so you either get mindbroken onahole or choukyou'd sluts. Don't expect a protesting grooming victim from London outcome.

>> No.41660249

Even in supposedly "normal" scenarios the heroines still "dame nnggh mmhh hhmm mm etc" for no reason. That's not how it works unless they are acting and trying to entrap you.

>> No.41660281

Let go of your Westoid inclinations. This is how Japanese women express their rape fantasies.

>> No.41660296

i suspected it came from early jav which japaense girls learned then they devs brought into the games. I very much suspect that's how japs behave in real life or even jap dudes like it.

>> No.41660316

prove your japanese origin, westoid

>> No.41660331

i'm not a westoid lmao. I'm an asian, even. That's not how we roll trust me

>> No.41660343

I am not from the US, UK, EU, CA or AUS.

Well, you're not Japanese either.

>> No.41660368

not japanese = westoid
off yourself, westoids

>> No.41660377

am not, but girls in my country are very similar to japanese girls in many aspects.

>> No.41660390

Now you know why eroge publishers were initially skittish about releasing their products outside Japan. They fear talk like this will spread and become another Rapelay fiasco.

>> No.41660396

If you can't write convincing drama, don't write drama. Simple as.

>> No.41660433

Prove your 法人

Okay, and what's their reaction to being raped trained?

>> No.41660435

I want another rapelay incident in order to fuck eops over. Do you know how can we trigger something like this?

>> No.41660457

see >>41660249

>> No.41660472

When literally there's peace on Earth. The media and politicians dig up whatever outrage they can find.

>> No.41660492


>> No.41660506

they don't need to. Japs can stay being japs.

>> No.41660511

You'll find out once you read KKK

>> No.41660529

Do your women get featured in eroge? Checkmate.

>> No.41660538

no we are not amoral degenerates

>> No.41660539

Maybe we can help them in some way?

>> No.41660561

>not being amoral degens
lmao even

>> No.41660570

manually breath and come to your senses

>> No.41660579

You're no different from the Japs, Bug.

>> No.41660595

didn't i tell you to manually breath like an obedient bitch? you boyfriend didn't teach you manners?

>> No.41660626

>Shit I have no argument. I must resort to no u fag
I'm getting that concession.

>> No.41660628

Hata is here. STFU westoids :p

>> No.41660681

I only like Westoids when they're being fucked in my porn powerpoints.

>> No.41660702

...and what arguments do you have, girl?
also tell your man to man up and give you a lesson in humility

>> No.41660771

>now he's projecting
The failures keep piling up.

>> No.41660796

Sorry, no school girls. I passed that phase long ago

>> No.41660822

>he's too "grown up" school girls.
Get a load of this fag.

>> No.41660839

here, open your mouth

>> No.41660845

Hail holy light, ofspring of Heav’n first-born,
Or of th’ Eternal Coeternal beam
May I express thee unblam’d? since God is light,
And never but in unapproached light
Dwelt from Eternitie, dwelt then in thee,
Bright effluence of bright essence increate.
Or hear’st thou rather pure Ethereal stream,
Whose Fountain who shall tell? before the Sun,
Before the Heavens thou wert, and at the voice
Of God, as with a Mantle didst invest
The rising world of waters dark and deep,
Won from the void and formless infinite.
Thee I re-visit now with bolder wing,
Escap’t theStygianPool, though long detain’d
In that obscure sojourn, while in my flight
Through utter and through middle darkness borne
With other notes then to th’OrpheanLyre
I sung ofChaosandEternal Night,
Taught by the heav’nly Muse to venture down
The dark descent, and up to reascend,
Though hard and rare: thee I revisit safe,
And feel thy sovran vital Lamp; but thou
Revisit’st not these eyes, that rowle in vain
To find thy piercing ray, and find no dawn;
So thick a drop serene hath quencht thir Orbs,
Or dim suffusion veild. Yet not the more
Cease I to wander where the Muses haunt
Cleer Spring, or shadie Grove, or Sunnie Hill,
Smit with the love of sacred song; but chief
TheeSionand the flowrie Brooks beneath
That wash thy hallowd feet, and warbling flow,
Nightly I visit: nor somtimes forget
Those other two equal’d with me in Fate,
So were I equal’d with them in renown,
BlindThamyrisand blindMaeonides,
AndTiresiasandPhineusProphets old.
Then feed on thoughts, that voluntarie move
Harmonious numbers; as the wakeful Bird
Sings darkling, and in shadiest Covert hid
Tunes her nocturnal Note. Thus with the Year
Seasons return, but not to me returns
Day, or the sweet approach of Ev’n or Morn,
Or sight of vernal bloom, or Summers Rose,
Or flocks, or herds, or human face divine;
But cloud in stead, and ever-during dark
Surrounds me, from the chearful waies of men
Cut off, and for the book of knowledg fair
Presented with a Universal blanc
Of Natures works to mee expung’d and ras’d,
And wisdome at one entrance quite shut out.
So much the rather thou Celestial light
Shine inward, and the mind through all her powers
Irradiate, there plant eyes, all mist from thence
Purge and disperse, that I may see and tell
Of things invisible to mortal sight.

Masada's prose goes hard holy fuck

>> No.41660914

Nah, I'm passed the phase of giving (You)s willy nilly.

>> No.41660938

you want a "load" of mine, don't cha? Mouth, open.

>> No.41660967

I do not subscribe to eating anon bodily wastes. Sorry.

>> No.41660989

this >>41660822 tells a different story, anon. You made an unsolicited plea for my bodily secretion and I have no way other than obligating

>> No.41661024

That's your fetishistic interpretation. No one else shares that fucked up view.

>> No.41661051

then didn't ask for it, faggot. What else a "load" can mean here other than you wanting to guzzle on my semon?
poor dude, that boyfriend of yours.

>> No.41661063

*semen, but you get the idea. Ehehe.

>> No.41661066

Thank you for outing yourself as an ESL who can only think like a degenerate homosex.

>> No.41661084

>asking for other man's cum
(also esl means i know at least 3 languages, so that insult is not as sound as you think it is)

>> No.41661125

ESL is not multilingual, retard. Go back to watching wypipo shows and how they talk before you talk to us about Jap porn, homo pusher.

>> No.41661143

>flailing like a little girl when she can't talk back at someone
you need to try harder at this 4chan thing. Your behaviours are very unlady-like. Haha.

>> No.41661164

Fix your fag fetish first, fruitcake.

>> No.41661175

the fruitcake here is you who couldn't handle being toyed like a little bitch. Lmao.

>> No.41661184

>more fag yelping

>> No.41661201

the fact here is you have nothing else to say. Just concede and accept you lost this one.
tell boyfriend we can have a beer some time later

>> No.41661214

>more fag projections
It was already boring the first time. Doubling down won't fix it.

>> No.41661222

Nah. You lost and everyone here can see it. More "yawn"-ing won't drive that bitter aftertaste away

>> No.41661245

No one cares, but you. Everyone does know you are a fag though. You seem very proud of that.

>> No.41661263

Haha, whatever. Attagirl.

>> No.41661273

There is that concession. On point. Much obliged, faggot.

>> No.41661590

what is the best VN to learn kanji?
I already can read most things except the less common kanji.
Or alternatively, is there any tool that helps me look the kanji faster on dictionary than drawing it on google translate.

>> No.41661604

>Or alternatively, is there any tool that helps me look the kanji faster on dictionary than drawing it on google translate.
google keep is pretty good at text extraction. Best, even.

>> No.41661621

thx, gonna look on it

>> No.41661765

textractor, just turn off mtl garbage

>> No.41662010


>> No.41662050

one day I shall read the whole saga
even though its fucking chuuni

>> No.41662163

because its fucking chuuni*

>> No.41662199

can anyone here give me a hand with running Axanael on win7? I've installed the missing dlls but it still gives me an error.

>> No.41663534

No one uses win7

>> No.41663562

I do.

>> No.41663710
File: 158 KB, 1024x600, obligatory russian transfer student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Russian males really call themselves ビッチ?

>> No.41663932

I do

>> No.41663944

What else would you use?

>> No.41663984


>> No.41664590
File: 482 KB, 1735x887, Screenshot_20221103-212632_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traps probably would do that.

>> No.41664640

Slav names are a bitch for real.

>> No.41665186

>Play hypnosis eroge
>the bonuses are non-existent or shit

Why is it so hard?

Make a booklet with all the commands given to the bitches, that would actually be a cool bonus digital or not.

>> No.41665265
File: 1.75 MB, 1163x898, 1665029204005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh they are releasing a complete box for aikagi with no extra stuff

>> No.41665331

ltsc worked like a dream for me

>> No.41665538

>If you want to make money, you go to LNs market
Last time i checked hentai doujin is where the easy money is.

>> No.41666216

For developers, yeah, but for illustrators, LN are better. Also, there's more "prestige" in a LN than a fkn porn game. It's something similar to what happens with the translation of VNs. Translators of VNs or weeb shit are a joke, the "prestige" is in translating books.

>> No.41666253
File: 611 KB, 1209x669, 凍京NECRO .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i've been playing Tokyo Necro for a while and aside from the atmosphere the vn is pretty shitty, is the ending worth reading?

>> No.41666296

i think kiriri and iria's routes/true ending were good but you've gotta go through mitsumi and kon su's routes first
the order i'd recommend is
mitsumi > kon su > kiriri > iria > true
you can swap kon suo and mitsumi but you absolutely have to do iria last

>> No.41666297

The only good thing about that shit is kiriri's route. Shimokura = shit.

>> No.41666344 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.93 MB, 1920x1080, TokyoNecro_2022-01-28_18-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true route is where the real shit is, the last fight was one of the best fights I ever experienced

>> No.41666435

Did you just call mangakas, developers?

>> No.41666695

They develop manga, clearly.

>> No.41666731

there's no prestige in doing anything related to weeb shit, though it's better optics to say "i translate japanese teen novels for a living" than "i translate japanese computer games (which everyone know are mostly porn games)" when being asked.

>> No.41666964

>which everyone know are mostly porn games
You are over overestimating the average normalfag

>> No.41666993

Just say "i translate japanese games" and problem solved there.

>> No.41667750
File: 40 KB, 256x300, 39797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyday I pray to kami that Black Lilith's gacha fails so they go back to their senses and make Taimanin Yukikaze 3.

>> No.41667755

Isn't AT failing but RPGX selling like a virgin at the orc market?

>> No.41667787

i didn't like TY2's voice recording at all. Am i a majority here?

>> No.41667790

What the fuck is voice recording? Is it different from acting?

>> No.41667799

yeah. VA is great, mochiron, but it just sounds like they didn't bother mastering it at all. In other words, it feels like i'm listening to the VA directly in front of me which destroys the belief suspension real quick. No i don't want to see girls getting raped for real

>> No.41667805

Sorry are you complaining that the girls are too good at pretending to be getting raped and you can't get hard?

>> No.41667809

more like too bad. It's obvious the seiyuus are not very experienced. Coupled with the mastering trend of nukiges in recent years

>> No.41667813

What the fuck is mastering supposed to mean?
Are you having a stroke?

>> No.41667830

in older titles generally the lines will have a tiny bit of reverb or echo to them which makes the characters seem like they really exist in-universe. Audio mastering is unnoticeable until it's done badly or intentionally in a certain manner.Listen to actors in films. Do they sound like they speak across the room to you? Or does it feel like the voices are really coming out of the screen window at which you are staring? That's what i meant
