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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41537778 No.41537778 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread:>>41235265

>> No.41537788

Next time don't take so long

>> No.41538368

Friendship game

>> No.41538978

>no nipples
>ugly boys and art

>> No.41539157
File: 472 KB, 500x283, bba635d83e00883092bde5f6ee923cc8d8df007d_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>End of 2022
>Still no Dolce Vita

Is Utapri even relevant anymore or did they miss their chance?

>> No.41539223
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The otome world is still not prepared for him.

>> No.41539305

Are the posters of these threads girls or just gays?

>> No.41539316
File: 1.36 MB, 1024x576, BWS_HKelA71xMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just randomly browsed through old HDD and found an installed copy of BWS and couldn't help but to open and flip through the first hour or so. Brings back so many memories as I've read it on release and it aged like fine wine, really.
All-star male cast of that time and beautiful watercolor backgrounds and sad violins and fantasy gothic romance with a side of loving torture with hot iron aahhh I miss the old Rejet so much sisters ;;
I keep stalling MoshiKami after two routes because of stupid drama and horrendous possessed rapist oniichan looming on the horizon but I hope there's at least a part of that old and good rejet stuff still waiting ehh

>> No.41539488

I really want to play MoshiKami. No one has ported on PC yet?

>> No.41541557

It's over.

>> No.41542243

>old Rejet
I miss them too. Are they the ones that pioneered dummy head mic drama cds? Their music is top notch, but sometimes the writing in their drama cds are a hit or miss.

>> No.41543342

>you came to the right neighbourhood

>> No.41543726

Just girls anything else and they're lying

>> No.41544860

No nipple land.

>> No.41549200

>mentor cliche
It's only a cliche in that it's almost always a popular ship with the fandom. But in my experience in official it is perhaps even rarer than legit incest.

>> No.41551373

I've been wondering about this for years.

>> No.41552451

The recent movie did well.

>> No.41553190

This doesn't turn me on.
Uta is waiting for the moment to crush I7.

>> No.41553247

>Same artist as Juuzaengi
Wtf happen to Teita they look like shotas

>> No.41553906

She got better at drawing

>> No.41554315

Maybe it's a shotacon dating game.

>> No.41555722

>LITERALLY fell in love with a jpeg
I fucked up, sisters

>> No.41557026

Post the jpeg

>> No.41558826
File: 819 KB, 852x1038, FQ4XmHmaUAA4xW4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teita's art is a hit or miss sometimes. The not!BL game is clearly a miss

>> No.41560158

Never, I know how you bitches are

>> No.41562272


>> No.41563650


>> No.41564970

Fuck off sisters I'm not letting you cuck me

>> No.41566393
File: 41 KB, 500x402, 1d59e799fc6846c9e8c6aab96eaaaf6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i bet it's a shota
It's fine sis, don't be shy! Most here would fuck kanato. Minus kaji yuki if from /a/

>> No.41566426

Does he even have a dick? I know the saying about manlets having quite the package but I doubt it's true.

>> No.41566481

oof what the fuck is wrong with their legs

>> No.41567136

The moment: never

>> No.41567467
File: 324 KB, 1058x601, 604937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still love the same jpeg

>> No.41568100

What's the appeal of games/anime about CBDCT like I7 or TsukiPro? I don't get it.

>> No.41568240

I don't get it either.
I need boys crushing pussy, otherwise I think they're closet gays.

>> No.41568371

Hand on the right, trying to grab laito is me okay I was found out.
Anatomy hurts.

>> No.41568651

>watch anime for the cute interactions and VAs
>read the douijns and pretend they are canon for everything else

>> No.41569904

Nta but isn't there a guy who crushes pussy in Isolish7? I don't watch it, but I'm sure I saw some webm of one of the guys in love with their producer.

>> No.41570099

Literal shipbait.
I want silver-haired guy winning producer-chan, but isn't happening. No ship is ever happening in Faggotish7.

>> No.41570492

The genre doesn't bother me that much because they allow amateur voice actors debuting.
I prefer romance though, because when it's just cute guys being cute the story gets too pigeonholed into issues that are only relevant to the idol industry and it becomes quite autistic. I find it hard to swallow that they're all herbivores when they're the hottest men in the industry and could fuck any slut they want. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's as if the plot is forcing them to accumulate sperm unnecessarily.

>> No.41570602

>it's as if the plot is forcing them to accumulate sperm unnecessarily.
Typical when fujo-targeted

>> No.41571548

>as if the plot is forcing them to accumulate sperm unnecessarily.

>> No.41572141

>but it's as if the plot is forcing them to accumulate sperm unnecessarily.
blueballing plot

>> No.41572730

>but it's as if the plot is forcing them to accumulate sperm unnecessarily.
They keept it for the casting couch.

>> No.41573049

girls love to larp as gays online especially fujo

>> No.41575497

Dolce vita sisters..

>> No.41576029

>No Haruka

>Merged servers
>Chinks always in the top 10

>No Ranmaru events

The only thing that could save Broccoli from bankruptcy is Dolce Vita with R18 scenes and A-chan as a playable character.

>> No.41577566
File: 1.31 MB, 1126x1008, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more of this archetype

>> No.41577574

otome side is probably almost 99% girls, BL is probably a bit of a split, I definitely know at least a couple of guys post here. 4chan is pretty male dominated in general.

>> No.41577593

As long as it's just... well it's larp either way, but only one is harmless.

>> No.41577600

The world needs more Father/Son and especially Son/Father.

>> No.41577766

From what I read it only affects China and English-speaking regions, not Japan.
It seems like chinks really killed the hype.

>> No.41577889

Some of my first ever ships were Father/Son. It no longer comes as easy to me, but
>no Leaks route in Lamento
>no ghost incest True End with Shui
Like what?

>> No.41578050

Can gaijin keep playing with vpn or is it over?

>> No.41578099

irl idol guys can’t date or their female fans have a meltdown too.

>> No.41578178

I want to know this too. Can we keep using our accounts and pretend we're nips by switching regions?

>> No.41578416

>at least a couple of guys post here

Doubt, the bara anons have long left

>> No.41578511

It's over.
Get a Japanese husband and get the nationality to keep playing.

>> No.41579001

They can as long as nobody knows.

>> No.41579653
File: 198 KB, 1022x724, 1605099722631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him.

>> No.41579747

I stopped playing a while ago, but I don't remember the game ever allowing players to change region.

>> No.41579753

Meant for >>41578178

>> No.41580318

Who are the best romantic interests who go
>I wanted to fuck your mom but your dad got there first and now your mom is dead so I wanna fuck you

>> No.41580454

>Doubt, the bara anons have long left
Kek, people still think all gay guys love bara or even the majority of it.

>> No.41580719 [SPOILER] 

Fujos can like bara too sis

>> No.41580756

Is there any good barage?

>> No.41581225

no thank you?

>> No.41582106


>> No.41582217

Parade games? Kinda

>> No.41582335


>> No.41583672

Sakurai sisters...

>> No.41584260

Good thing my favorites aren't voiced by him, fuck off Cloud

>> No.41584959

he’ll only get a slap on the wrist. tatsuhisa blew up because the country got obsessed with LiSA due to kimetsu no yaiba

>> No.41584986
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Pretty much.

>> No.41585296

This made me laugh the most.
That high school is doomed, hahaha!

>> No.41585354

>Highschool of Cheaters
A good title for a game

>> No.41585368

Awfully Glacial Damage [ENG] when?

>> No.41585633

First Ranmaru, now Ruki. Who's next?

>> No.41585678

>he’ll only get a slap on the wrist
Why? His partner already slit her wrists for him.

>> No.41585777

i need this but in BL

>> No.41586073

Quick rundown?

>> No.41586101

Sakurai was dating his producer for 10+ years and even had a child with her. The poor woman found out he was married because of Bunshun.

>> No.41586145

Taku in SD is pretty much that. With the added flavor of crushing on the mom while treating her toddler son whenever he got too badly beaten up in her torture/rape dungeon, and then 20 years later straight up telling the son who he is now fucking about how much he simped for her and never ever regretted it.

>> No.41586209

holy kino

>> No.41586418

Did she attempt suicide?

>> No.41586462

He legitimately has too many important characters to voice. I doubt he will be replaced for the majority of his roles. Might get less new roles though.

>> No.41586470

The magazine doesn't explicitly say suicide, but that's what's speculated since she's in the hospital.
It was the same with Suzuki.

>> No.41586505
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>> No.41586544

Sorry to betray you sisters but I really hope this doesn't affect his roles. We don't have a lot of good options with the newbie male VAs so we can't lose Sakurai

>> No.41586582

I don't think we're losing him.
Anyone can get away with it except Tatsu because of his super-popular waifu.

>> No.41586599

If you look at the replies most of them are hoping this doesn't affect his roles. I don't think they even care it happened.

>> No.41586912

Does he even get that many roles in these kind of games anymore?

>> No.41586985

I'll be honest I don't get why so many people want others to lose their jobs over cheating in the first place. It's disgusting yeah but I think them facing the consequences in their personal life is enough.

>> No.41587072

VAs nowadays are sub idols so its just part of the job

>> No.41587185

Honor is everything in Japan.
Even wives being cucked sort the possibility of commiting seppuku before divorcing.

>> No.41587311

Was there ever any explanation about what happened to Odalisque?

>> No.41587600


>> No.41587649




>> No.41587863

Oh I know, I mean behind the scenes gossip.

>> No.41588081

Allegedly, not enough budget.
Also allegedly, they have the intention of passing the project to another company

>> No.41588099

Can they pass it to aromarie? They will make the incest DLC main route. Imouto raping her oniisan.

>> No.41588182

>they have the intention of passing the project to another company

>> No.41588301
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>> No.41588543

My horny is bigger than my morals. I'd still eargasm to Midorikawa Hikaru even if he committed mass murder.

>> No.41588559

They can send it to a mobage company

>> No.41588594

that's a waste of good art and music

>> No.41588739

Ughhhh R18 otome companies are dead. Aromarie surviving though merch, gibbes and soon EOPs, A'sRing and PIL-VAMP not so sure. Girls dynamics maybe Princess Britannia was shit.

>> No.41588916

I'm not sure there's been a single commerical R18 otome release since Himetai more than four years ago. It's over.

>> No.41589360

R18 otome are back to their doujin roots, rejoice

>> No.41589400

To think, Pil-Vamp put out 3 memorable games in 2016-2019, not even a year between releases, since then they've only made CDs. I didn't even realize how good we had it

>> No.41589606

There's plenty of good newbies VAs. Open your heart.

>> No.41589818

>We don't have a lot of good options with the newbie male VAs
Fuck off let my oshi have a main role for once in something that isn't porn

>> No.41589848

Otomate likes him. He's Shiratsuki in Dairoku.
Fun fact: Tatsuhisa is also in that game.

>> No.41592323

The uta no prince-sama dude/touma from sidem is gonna cheat on his wife too

>> No.41595736


>> No.41595764

He's married to Sato Satomi and she gave birth not too long ago.

>> No.41595789

How come? Terashima was not the one who gave birth? kek

>> No.41597135
File: 489 KB, 1115x1600, C2D4B4D3-FE23-431F-9113-4CE53C87D36B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished fire punch, I liked it more than chainsaw man with the added bonus of yandere onii-chans and borderline shota dog fucking

>> No.41597183

wrong board sis

>> No.41597212
File: 129 KB, 1104x831, FDhq3SSagAASY_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMGS4 came out a year ago. I can only hope we get to experience a release that generates that much buzz again.

>> No.41597233

I hope they improve the writing and art if they release another game. 3 is just better in every way.

>> No.41597500

Who's the father? Kaji or Hatano?

>> No.41597694

ok well slow damage isn't in english yet and i am eop

>> No.41598599

Kaji is another cuck. No one believes he scored.

>> No.41598648

Soichiro Shinonome is for you then

>> No.41599916

Needs more games with yandere otoutos fucking their oniichans.

>> No.41603808
File: 808 KB, 1284x1265, 1666970832289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do traps count as BL? I really want to fuck a trap but I'm not gay

>> No.41604262

if they're 3D you're just a faggot, brosis

>> No.41604545
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Hashime the most popular BL VN once you get past NC stuff?

>> No.41604547

I mean if he looks just like a girl then it shouldn't be gay

>> No.41605064


>> No.41605090

Kinda wild, I don't think I heard much of it when I played the MG version. These days it got a manga, cafee collaborations and a lot of twitter aritsts.

I guess it's word of mouth for you.

>> No.41606565

I will never understand this side of Japan, why should he be "canceled" for an affair? Don't get me wrong he is a scumbag but he does not deserve to loose his job for this.

>> No.41606801

He isn't going to lose his job over this

>> No.41606844

I doubt Sakurai will lose anything. He's already a big name in the industry and his both wives are literal whos.
To provide a bit of context, consider the following.
Behind seiyuu, idols, and in all kinds of business there are investors behind. Many of them are independent. If they see they're investing in a scumbag, they can stop giving money and that's all. Banks don't give loans many times because the industry is risky and producers depend on the independent richfags. Those richfags are usually old people and traditionalists.

>> No.41606927

Yeah it's retarded, but I guess it's part of the whole idol persona some VA have.

>> No.41607044

Not gonna like I would torally watch an anime/tv series/documentary about the behind scenes of idol industry, it seems such a twisted and rotten buisness(basically the eastern equivalent of Hollywood)

>> No.41607076

Agree, the art really killed my hype for it. As soon as I saw the teacher with that rat's tail as hair I Missed Himuro and Waka

>> No.41607472
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x600, img88565000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters are you going to play Chou no Doku?

>> No.41607587

on console? fuck no
on PC? I'll finish it someday I swear

>> No.41607753

There's a dorama for adults that slightly addresses the topic. I can't recall the name, tho. A publishing company was involved, and a freelance writer saved its ass because the bank said no-no. After all, the editor-in-chief was involved in a scandal.

>> No.41608236

Yes, but I will miss the porn.

>> No.41609105

How much shit taste can someone have to fall for Terashima?

>> No.41609178

Desperate times lead to desperate decisions.

>> No.41609740

Perhaps. Hashihime's popularity shot in Japan over a night. And will probably die over a night too.

>> No.41610741

Like Okanobu and Namikawa he will keep his job because his women are nobodies. He just has to apologize and convince people he won't do it again. It isn't similar to Tattsun's case where he's literally married to one of the most popular artists in Japan so he's fucked.

>> No.41612947

Sisters/bros Togo is preparing a new bl gemu.

>> No.41612970

he just released kenja no S, he really will save BL

>> No.41613139

Just make more butlers. Kanja sucked.

>> No.41613234
File: 123 KB, 936x677, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare screenshot of the first (?) if not one of the first /blog/ threads upon the move from /vg/.

>> No.41613268
File: 11 KB, 1349x89, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did it come true?

>> No.41613316

Well we're not an image dump!

>> No.41613337

Not really, surprisingly.

>> No.41613654

I think we have as many jp readers as ever, in fact back in '15 I was still struggling with looking up every other kanji in shingakkou, my first real attempt at reading an untranslated VN basically

>> No.41615097

KanjaS was a little anemic. I wonder if he wants to make "normal" BL and not degeneracy people are expecting (I'm people).

>> No.41619391

He also tried to sodoku'd and went on a hiatus.

>> No.41621115

Piratechad anons, is there anything you can actually do with Vitamin dumps on Vita3k? It's all anyone seems to upload

>> No.41623823

Vpk huh. Eh, try to extract the game files of the vpk, then zip with 7zip as .zip
Hope it works for you.

>> No.41624268

how old were you in '15

>> No.41624754

2X yo

>> No.41627000

Somewhere around '15 was the turning point for me, but go back a few years and I was still using the Nintendo DS as my primary dictionary. Lmao what a nightmare.
Anyway we are about the same age, probably.

>> No.41628249

ngl it'd be better if it were an image dump

>> No.41631270
File: 951 KB, 1024x576, spooky demon from pigeon blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happi Halloween, /blog/

>> No.41631297


>> No.41631338

one of the scarce few good moments in that entire underwhelming game

>> No.41634635
File: 144 KB, 800x800, 4_fujieda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Halloween to you too, anon.

>> No.41637368
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Trick or Treat?

>> No.41637927

I'm between handsome and ii otoko.

We're not seeing faces here, but before choosing any of them remember this, sisters. From left to right:

イケメン (ikemen) Model-like. Cool. A good-looking man in terms of appearance, clothes, etc. They're considered good-looking because of their body shape and fashion sense even if they don't have nice faces.
美少年 (bishounen) Aesthetic and/or androgynous.
A faggy and beautiful young man.
美景 (bikei) Beautiful. An upgrade of bishounen.
ハンサム (handsome) A man with a nice face and also popular among women. It doesn't matter if he dresses like shit because he's scorching hot.
男前 (otokomae) Muscular. A manly man. Though. A type of man women can rely on because he's a strong trad-chad.
イイ男 (ii otoko) A man who has a comprehensive balance of character, appearance, cleanliness, gentleness, and a good sense of humor. The perfect man.

>> No.41637958

What gulag did that poor bishounen crawl out of?

>> No.41638233

where's the twinky femboy body. not that emaciated mess

>> No.41638343

It's hard for me to have to say this, but if that's the body of a bishounen, then I've been surrounded by them all my life. Gross.
I choose otokomae because it must be what I have always been looking for.

>> No.41638423

Looking at that picture, I have to say I agree about otokomae. It's a bit of a revelation.

>> No.41638442

>Slow Damage finally has a release date for EOPs
Holy fuck... How do you think they're going to react to the Madarame scat scene's, sisters?

>> No.41638606

>First row: tricks
>Second row: treats

>> No.41638667

The first row is a joke, sis.

>> No.41638940

Otokomae & Handsome

>> No.41639135

Otokomae hands down

>> No.41640307

ii otoko or handsome
otokomae is too concerned about his gains

>> No.41643259

Pretend to be outrage.

>> No.41643750

Drawn out by the praise and celebration when Rei cuts her dick off in front of Towa.

>> No.41644278

I would climb them all except the scrawny "bishounen"
Bottom row especially

>> No.41644456

Which otomate plotge is the best?

>> No.41644550

Man I wish male with a vagina futa had even a fraction of the popularity ABO enjoys in the fujo sphere. All that yiffing kills it for me.

>> No.41644660

I want a handsome otokomae.

>> No.41644671

this, that body type with a pretty face is the best combo

>> No.41644813

You're lucky if you haven't been tripping over all the totally-not-cuntboy-kink 'trans' fic over on Ao3. What universe do you live in? It's everywhere in fanart too. Still not on the level of futa in yuri, maybe, but still too damn much.

>> No.41644891

Ew, that's a hard no for me. Fetish should be l’art pour l’art, untainted by tumblr. But I was talking more about LNs and such rather than AO3.

>> No.41645018

Japanese omegaverse doesn't even have the yiffing because as far as I know they didn't get the dog dicks part of the memo, but I don't know if it futa is common in it. It's usually ass babies.

>> No.41645144

It's less pronounced, but even Japanese omegaverse has shades of it. The pheromones, heats, animalistic mating and pair bonding, all that shit is still there. Though mercifully no dog dicks. Sadly by now even this is too much for me, and "white women fuck dogs" is the last matter I want to be pondering while engaging with porn.
And also self-lubricating assholes with wombs attached are dumb and you miss out on the DP potential.

>> No.41645297

Omegaverse is trash

>> No.41645446

This is the only answer.

>> No.41645785

So is its enjoyers

>> No.41645814

People are what they read, they say.

>> No.41646226

>warosu down
>archived.moe search engine doesn't work
Why is /jp/-/blog/ stuck in between?
We have the worst archivers.

>> No.41646386

Blame it on that brilliant mind that came up with the idea of leaving /vg/ and moving to this board, forgotten even by archivers.

>> No.41646422

This topic wouldn't have survived on /vg/

>> No.41646508

That reminds me we must have hit our 10 year anniversary sometime this year. Scary.

>> No.41646715

But what shall we do with this general once it reaches the age of consent?

>> No.41646766

Stop having sex with it.

>> No.41646780


>> No.41648366

mink fuck many pussy before

>> No.41648782

>as far as I know they didn't get the dog dicks part of the memo
I've seen stuff with it, that's something I'll never understand.
The whole
>forced to get nakadashi'd for 20 minutes straight
isn't so bad, mind you.

>> No.41653158

so jast is really releasing slow damage, how bad will the localization be this time

>> No.41653197

It'll be jast shit.

>> No.41653687

I don't even care. I just want to see how the translator handled daijoubu because I've been trying and failing to think of a good solution for over a year.

>> No.41655439

Someone in the thread said that it was handled by the same retard that produced "big brudder", I hope that wasn't true.

>> No.41657947

What's so special about that word? is it context?

>> No.41658148

It's basically a huge spoiler, just play the game sister.

>> No.41662765

I'm a guy

>> No.41664978

you're in the wrong thread sis

>> No.41665011

You are on the wrong board, anon.

>> No.41665049

historically, /jp/ has always been full of little girls.

>> No.41665196

That's /a/'s slogan.

>> No.41665972

I love boobs.

>> No.41666015

Wrong thread. We love dicks here.

>> No.41666041

You sure about that? The fujos pass the background check, but the otome fans...

>> No.41666048

Dicks join us all.

>> No.41666217

Through dick, unity

>> No.41666287


>> No.41667498

i just hope there isn't any tranny shit. i hope the translator understands the concpet of okama

>> No.41667936

>ソーシャルゲーム版『アイドルマスター SideM』来年1月5日にサービス終了へ 8年の歴史に幕
Idols are officially over, sisters...

>> No.41668962
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>> No.41671383

I sleep.

>> No.41673065

Sorry if wrong thread didn't know where else to ask but can you recommend me a visual novel similar to Twin Peaks? Otome, bl, doesn't really matter the genre desu.

>> No.41673411

ugh, where else am I gonna get my male idol content that isn't filled with stupid shit

>> No.41673623

If it's porn I'm omnivore, the more bizarre alien biology the better.
But if it's romance I'm exclusively fujo.

>> No.41673908

We know, Ayato.

>> No.41674323

No one gives a fuck about you

>> No.41674442

MC with best boobs?

>> No.41674802
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Prolly, Felicita in Arcana Part 2. She's a MILF. I'm a pleb who doesn't have the art book so I'm posting a pic for antz.
NilAd's Tsugumi may follow her.

>> No.41674803

Someone's cranky lmao

>> No.41675457

Heroines from R18 games are usually pretty stacked. It's harder to find flat ones really.

>> No.41675576

Try >>41624825

>> No.41675614

If I were to make a otome game, what thing would I want to avoid doing? I know some people prefer to have self insert character instead of an actual heroine. So, I want to be mindful and maybe have a system that please both parties. Also, what's something that you would want in a dating sim?

>> No.41675663

Not ugly art, no English voice acting, not too pozzed
I will now click on your game's thumbnail at least

>> No.41675671

>what's something that you would want in a dating sim?
japanese text and voice acting

>> No.41675766
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>If I were to make a otome game, what thing would I want to avoid doing?
Avoid embarrassing shit like making MCs so "witty and sarcastic" that they come off as super unlikable. Also, make the dudes actually handsome, endearing, and/or cute. Just give me that sweet shoujo shit.
>I know some people prefer to have self insert character instead of an actual heroine.
Personally, I can't stand ultra retards in non-comedic settings. I think I dropped CollarxMalice early on because the MC acted too dumb/irresponsible for me to take seriously as a supposed police officer. Also played Paradigm Paradox recently and the MC was ridiculously stupid. I held out for senpai route, Kamui best boy by far.
>Also, what's something that you would want in a dating sim?
idk if this has happened before but I really want a VN where I can always choose best boy and unlock the true route. Like you'd have to play the VN 4-5 times and each time you start a playthrough, you have some different scenario so you can see how your husbando acts in different situations. For an example, maybe one playthrough is being stuck in a horror-esque setting and another is some alternate universe fantasy setting. I think it's too ambitious of an idea to actually work out but it's something I would like to see it happen one day.

>> No.41675855

Pretty much this, I essentially have the premise of dating a single parent. But, I then realized that this had a similar premise to Dream Daddy. But, never played it and probably never will. So, hopefully it will stand on it's own without much comparison.
Will you settle for some jp voice clips that I bought, other wise voice acting as now is most likely ngmi.
It's not true route but, I had a idea for a sort personality based event system. The route itself is unchanged but, events between the plot are different depending on the player's set personality.
If that idea is achievable, that means more replay value for different scenes. And it will hopefully the player's choice of personality (which changes the dialogue options) will fill the place of actual herorine.
But, if this idea is too ambitious, I do have a calendar system like Tokimeki that will have a lot of events. Having both systems might be too much though.

>> No.41675866

I just want a heroine who can bully/dom the boys. And if it's an action setting, actually let her fight or do something useful. Hell, let her protect the LIs instead of the other way around.

>> No.41675939

>The route itself is unchanged but, events between the plot are different depending on the player's set personality.
That's not too weird, some CYOA games do that

>> No.41675958

Every CG will focus on the man

>> No.41675964

She's the same size as her mother. Her harem is lucky.

>> No.41676005

Not connected to the father dating otome concept I have but, I have some notes down for something along those lines. But, the concept may need some polishing.

> Basically, you're a spoiled princess with that thinks too highly of herself and wants to be a hero. Your father, knowing you will most likely get yourself kidnapped or killed, gathers a party of capable men to escort you to do whatever insane quest that you decided on.

In my head the heroine is basically early Farnese from Berserk. Doesn't like her authority questioned but, is ultimately very insecure.
Has a need to prove herself and eventually finds a way to be on par with her team. This concept need tons of work comparison to the other one.

Of course and in first person.

>> No.41676143

That and let the LIs shine without having to make MC a complete jobber.

>> No.41676291

Battle couples are the real shit, if only there was more of that.

>> No.41677152

More idolshit.

>> No.41678730
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>> No.41682723 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.41684329

Sounds like a urological painkiller.

>> No.41684904

Something like Yandere town, but not vaporware. I don't mind Eng text personally, just not cringe talk. Eng dub though no, I don't mind Chinese or Korean, eng dub 99,99% of times sucks.
A degenerate heroine would be fun. Like stealing the LIs underwear, stalking them, or going full yandere when things don't go her way. A perverted one would be fun too.
My ideal heroine would be a female version of Hitomi Hirosuke.

>> No.41685826

Have we lost the art of creating proper bishounen and ikemen nowadays

>> No.41685894

Yes. But let's not dwell on the past, can we have games with MGS character designs now?

>> No.41685963

Male idols are the only genre I will just never go near on principle.
It's just cringe to me. Perhaps it's lingering hatred of boybands left over from my days as an edgy emo teen.

>> No.41686017

I used to love them but honestly every concept/idea/story has been beaten to death. They also reuse the same VAs most of the time. There's no reason at all for new idol franchises to be born anymore.

>> No.41686171

UtaPri is the only idol franchise worth playing.

>> No.41686208

pop team epic hired kazuki yone to draw their tokimeki memorial parody B side https://youtu.be/ZN4NHi_-K_c

>> No.41686511

I hate when they make it a varied media project and mix pure and cute 2d with 3dpd

>> No.41686965

Why did they draw the same guy 6 times?

>> No.41694343

i don't understand why you'd go the idol route in japan instead of being a normal actor/singer/VA of which there are plenty. the money can't be worth the psychotic stalkers and insane social pressure to be perfect 24/7

>> No.41697477

Another new Holicworks game has been announced apparently.

>> No.41698072
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>> No.41698146

Is that Hanazawa?

>> No.41698164

VA are pretty much forced to be idol nowadays. Everything is a multimedia project and shit, you gotta go to events and promote shit.

>> No.41699475

Idol/music projects are an easy way to get fans and a stepping stone into bigger things. See Eguchi, Shugo Nakamura and a couple of the HypMic VAs for example.

>> No.41699771

gee holicworks, how come you can announce 2 titles at once

>> No.41699915

Absolutely spot on.

>> No.41699968

I would touch an idol game if it actually had an interesting premise, like an Idol MC. The lis could be a producer, another idol and a yander fan

>> No.41699991

...now I want an otome game with Farnese as a MC and Gust as one of the lis, thanks anon. Seriously though I would love more fantasy otome games with settings similiar to Black Clover or Rayearth

>> No.41700864

Never got nips' obsession with ""2.5D"", nip men are just too fugly to compare to godly 2d

>> No.41701489

Finally some good fucking glasses

>> No.41702565

What's that one menhera idol series. Some idols take drugs and stuff.

>> No.41702922

And NWO is now officially dead.

>> No.41703076
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What's the verdict EOP sisters?

>> No.41704868

The two stretch goal guys are my type so I'm not trying it unless they're getting routes

>> No.41704974

not that I was really looking forward to it but that's depressing after Odalisques just got canned too

>> No.41708013 [DELETED] 


>> No.41708493

Was it the gay priests one?

>> No.41708639

Why is there so few R18 otome?

>> No.41708884

There's probably a real reason but it just seems like a cursed genre to me, there are so few even passably entertaining ones for how long the genre has been around and I have no idea why. Surely it can't be that hard to fit a few sex scenes into a decent otome game, and yet.

>> No.41708941

Why is BL almost exclusively R18?

>> No.41709240
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2022 and I still love Minakami.

>> No.41709275
File: 424 KB, 1045x968, k568agotp01306_0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games for this feel?

>> No.41709299 [DELETED] 

Games for this feel?


>> No.41709314

Me too, sis.

>> No.41709426

You're right, that template phrase is retarded and belongs in containment boards, but so does wojakposting so you're not exactly making things better

>> No.41709469

Giving attention to bait is retarded. He posted wojak earlier in the thread too.

>> No.41709519

I blame CSM for the increase of wojak and chinposting on all boards.

>> No.41709521

I'm convinced this is getting an anime at one point.
It doesn't make sense but I'm convinced it's happening.
Remember this post I told you.

>> No.41709537

I hope you're right. I'll remember.

>> No.41709583

When I played Hashihime I imagined a universe where it was an original anime instead and the shitshow that would commence when everyone realised it was really going to be gay.
Though maybe that wouldn't happen anymore, I don't know. Maybe male anime fans are less weird about it these days.

>> No.41709591

They are still weird about it these days.

>> No.41709695


>> No.41709742

Horny wahmen do not exist. No audience. Prease understandu

>> No.41710769 [DELETED] 



>> No.41710841

God, I hate zoomers.

>> No.41711438

Cute boys fucking is more fun.

>> No.41713399

I wonder if Adelta should stop trying to do everything by herself.
It feels like she's like a good author and when she has a vision, she sticks with it. Like Hashihime "every route has a theme and a different novel". It feels less about pandering (though no doubt she puts the shit she likes in it) and more about creating a certain flavor with the work.
But you can totally tell she ran out of steam with Hanazawa route, specially if you read the Q&A and she has this million of things that didn't make in the game and Hanazawa's post game story patching his character. Route 3 and 5 felt like she was sticking to her vision but she couldn't just do it. Honestly understandable given she was a small indie developer, but still.
I feel like reading Minakami's route was originally going to be "free" or something put thing in perspective with the work.

I hear Uultra C is messy but I haven't played. I'll probably try to read her next novel in JP, though it seems like it will have a LOT of content.

>> No.41713626

>I hear Uultra C is messy but I haven't played.
Messy is putting it nicely.

>> No.41713660

And yet there are dozen of romance novels/western romance mobile games with pornographic description of sex scenes. I wonder if for women is more arousing reading and fantasizing about sex instead of seeing images graphically representing it

>> No.41713725

>I wonder if for women is more arousing reading and fantasizing about sex instead of seeing images graphically representing it
This is exactly it. Ever wondered why romance is the highest selling novel genre?

>> No.41713802

I wonder if it's because Japan shames women for sex?

>> No.41713823

Have you seen how most porn is? It always objectifies the woman instead of the guy. Notice how pornographic BL is, when there are two guys to focus on and no women.

>> No.41714102

You even see it happening in the couple of r18 otome game CGs too

>> No.41714781

I'm curious to read it, but I don't like the theme sadly.

>> No.41714885

>I wonder if for women is more arousing reading and fantasizing about sex instead of seeing images graphically representing it
It absolutely is. I'm not sure why this is the reason, but it's completely true.

>> No.41715220

BL is really pornographic and I’m also fine with looking at male targeted porn where I find the guy attractive. I’m sure other women feel this way too. If I’m being honest, some of the female targeted porn I’ve seen is a bit cringy with the self-insert/no face girl.

>> No.41715547

Self-insert is just as if not more common in male targeted games though? Maybe there's proper statistics for it somewhere out there but I'd guess males and females are roughly equally likely to be self-inserters. I wonder if some of the female audience gravitates to BL specifically because they are more often aimed at players who simply never self-insert and not (mainly) because of teh gay.

>> No.41715761

There is a certain degree of self insterting for women in BL too though, otherwise the 90% of the MCs would not be cute bottoms that could pass as females.

>> No.41715804

Japan shames everyone for sex though, both men and women. It is probably one of the reasons why Japan is one the country with the lowest natality rate in the wold

>> No.41715858

Yeah I'm sure it happens, but I don't know if that is the reason. If there's one thing I've learned from attending cons it's that younger girls really are more attracted to feminine boys. But I think they mostly grow out of that by their 20s, so perhaps it comes down to who the target audience is regardless of the rating.

>> No.41715947

This explains why the Call me By your name guy(not Armie Hammer) is so popular among teenage girls.

>> No.41716082

Chalamet? Yeah. But if you are Yuropean you might still remember Tokio Hotel. Teenage girls were going crazy over it.

>> No.41716152

Eromen is a new genre of porn for women in japan. But, I haven't looked to much into it.

>> No.41716293

Too young for the Tokio Hotel craze but I remember the Justin Bieber/One Direction one

>> No.41716396

Not saying self-insert doesn’t exist in male-targeted porn (it definitely does just easier to ignore because there are still a decent amount of porn for guys where there is a defined MC), but the lack of female-targeted porn makes self-insert stuff stand out more

>> No.41717781

Maybe it's because high school or middle school girls are the main target audince for otome. I feel like older otaku dudes are the main galge audience, and everyone knows they're horny and permavirgins, but they probably assume adult women get lives after 25 and give up on 2d husbandos..

>> No.41717933

>therwise the 90% of the MCs would not be cute bottoms that could pass as females.
I definitely don't see this anymore these days. Heck even in BL, older one like TC had clear male looking characters who could even switch

>> No.41718138

Not enough return for the investment? New R18 audio dramas and TL genre stuff are constantly being released, so it's not like no one is aware of the fact that there is demand for R18 女性向け content. And in general, VNs seem to need more staff and coordination to even be green lit.
But also, otome game sales are decreasing overall and mobage brings in more money simply by existing, meaning developers are naturally going to be attracted to investing in the latter instead. Which by then, they might as well keep it a lower age rating and emphasize relationships between the male characters to appeal to a larger audience etc etc.

tl;dr mobage capitalism destroyed the otome game niche

>I wonder if for women is more arousing reading and fantasizing about sex instead of seeing images graphically representing it
This is likely a part of it too, and I'm sure there are studies that explore this concept somewhere out there.

>> No.41718614

Effeminate men are gross.
Nip women have shit taste.

>> No.41718663

Main otome target audience is very much adult women. Otomate in particular have said their audience is 20+ numerous times over the years.

>> No.41718731

I’m fine with effeminate men, as long as there is some masculinity in their personality. Personally, I’ve found the crossdressing/metrosexual dudes in otome consistently kino

That being said, I do agree that JP women need to branch out more

>> No.41719002

I don't like them either, but it's like Japanese women don't have a choice. If you notice, 99% of the population is slim and males look a little bit funny because it's like they lack more protein to have more muscle mass. Since there are few men who are attractive and stand out for their physique, it's not unexpected that Japanese women end up noticing those who stand out for a more delicate appearance.
And well, if you ask me, I'd look further into the fishbowl before choosing. I like physically well-built men.

>> No.41719161

>I’m fine with effeminate men, as long as there is some masculinity in their personality.
Agreed, if you guys have seen Blue Lock this anime season then a character called Chigiri is a good example of this. I was relieved to see that he still has a masculine personality while looking super beautiful/effeminate. Sometimes I like feminine-looking guys but only if they remain male in personality with it.

>> No.41719462

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

>> No.41719480

So many cases...

>> No.41719838

>draw a boy
>call it a girl

>> No.41719869

Not cases...

>> No.41719901

What are you on about lmao? You clearly have never been to Japan, are prejudiced or just have no idea what you’re talking about. There are plenty of well built Japanese men, whether it’s more or less than in America or Europe, I can’t comment on. Moreover, if what you said made any sense than content for gay Japanese men would also be full of effeminate men and that’s simply not the case. Anyways it’s not even like joseimuke is only populated by effeminate men??? Are you a m*le tourist or just a snowflake???

>> No.41719916

What are you into, lesbo-san?

>> No.41719930

So much samefagging here.

>> No.41719942

Bump limits are always schizophrenic.

>> No.41719985

>It always objectifies the woman instead of the guy
I've seen this plenty of times for female targeted h-manga. I don't see the appeal.

>> No.41719992

I wonder why you don't get the appeal

>> No.41720021

Imagine being this triggered over girls with dicks

>> No.41720034
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>> No.41720048

>Hey, look I reply with pics to seem witty when other criticize my shit taste
So many cases

>> No.41720085

Shit taste about what?

>> No.41720148

Sorry I called you out on your bullshit :( Try reddit next time, some other person with no clue might agree with you!

>> No.41720187

They live jop lesbos like you there

>> No.41720204

Last time I've 100% a VN was in 2019.

>> No.41720206

>thread is a shitshow
>notice we're past bump limit again
Adds up..

>> No.41720355

Is Geminism an Otome?

>> No.41720359

Did you miss the part where anon said "female targeted"?
