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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4152251 No.4152251 [Reply] [Original]

3D sucks, I'm going back exclusively to 2D.

At least I learned from my mistake.

>> No.4152261
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>> No.4152264

What made you went to 3D in the first place?

>> No.4152268

/jp/ isn't your therapy session, /b/log or place for you to lick your wounds. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4152275

Don't lie, no 3D person would want you.

>> No.4152278

An attractive Japanese VIPPER.

>> No.4152292


>> No.4152298
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>> No.4152306

What happened? Details are needed.

>> No.4152309

No they're not, don't encourage attention whoring.

>> No.4152320

I love you.

>> No.4152337

what's the link to your blog again??

>> No.4152339

Didn't email me in like, 10 days twice and then emails today saying she met someone else, I knew it wouldn't work when it transitioned to long distance, but I didn't think it'd die this quickly.

Thanks for your support ;_;

>> No.4152346

I took it down, I'm redoing it because I didn't like how it turned out. I guess it makes sense to start on a new year.

>> No.4152351

No problem my love. I wish that I could be of more help.

>> No.4152379

Yeah, I dislike 3D animation too.

>> No.4152380

link to artist's pixiv?

>> No.4152386

So you're the kind of person who only prefers 2D in between 3D relationships eh?

>> No.4152391

It's alright. Everybody commits mistakes in his life.
Now let's go trolling idolfags.

>> No.4152414

No Dollfaggers, I refuse to let you end up like us.

You still have a bright future ahead of you. There will be plenty more attractive Japanese VIPPERs in your future thanks to your expert dance moves.

Don't worry about rejection; it happens to every one. It's all part of being human.

>> No.4152418


for some reaosn its not letting me install in the root directory lol internet

>> No.4152437

But I liked this VIPPER!

Yeah, I guess so.

>> No.4152452

You sound completely fine now. Why don't you delete this thread?

>> No.4152486

I'll delete it when I get my blog working

>> No.4152513

Seconding this.

>> No.4152521


>> No.4152527



>> No.4152548


>> No.4152556
File: 24 KB, 637x515, 1243971278901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZUN is right. You still have hope, don't give up. You just picked a Bad Apple. No, really. What kind of cunt does that?
I hope you didn't develop any serious feelings for her, but if you did, try not to let it change you.

>> No.4152563

I don't know, she was a nice girl until she went home. I guess I was her I am on student exchange so I need a boyfriend guy ;_;

In any case finishing blog tinkering now, should be deleting this thread within 5-10 minutes

>> No.4152604

ok blog is up

>> No.4152607
File: 126 KB, 429x372, 1242326454999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She was a nice girl until she went home.
>until she went home.

That's how all of them are. They are nonconfrontational and don't care enough to tell you anything until it's too late. Like with this girl, she waited until she had an excuse to give you a break-up e-mail. Don't be fooled again, Dollfaggers.

>> No.4152610

I'll be waiting for your updates.

>> No.4152615

Well, at least she was a virgin so I know she hasn't pulled this stunt before. She bought me presents and stuff, so I guess it wasn't a complete loss.

>> No.4152617

I'm sorry !DoLLFaGERs.

>> No.4152620

That is ok Hareton, I wish to discuss cooking escapades with you at a later date, I hope you are free this weekend!

>> No.4152621


>Well, at least she was a virgin

I'm not going to enquire how do you exactly know this.

>> No.4152623

I will hop on now if you want.

>> No.4152628

Blood everywhere.

Well, I need to sleep soon but if you're fine with it its not an issue.

>> No.4152629

Or so she said.

>> No.4152630
File: 161 KB, 704x400, 1245426954603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least she was a virgin.

Do you honestly believe the words of a woman who jumped ship from you to another man in less than 2 weeks?

>> No.4152634

Its sort of hard to argue when it was obvious that she was when she put out.

>> No.4152637

You must really be terrible in bed if she took the first chance she got to dump the guy who took her virginity.

>> No.4152639

Ever heard of periods?

>> No.4152642

I dunno, maybe she didn't like the prospect of long distance. Either way its sort of upsetting. Maybe it wasn't as good as Eroge told her it'd be ;_;

>> No.4152650


Long distance relationships are hard to maintain afterall. Stuff like worring is the other partner is cheating on you and stuff.

At least that's what I read

>> No.4152659

Well at least I don't need to deal with that.

>> No.4152663

At first I thought it you misspelled "whoring" instead of "worrying".

>> No.4152683

Not for everyone, my biggest concern is not being able to be there and comfort her, it's frustrating to see someone you love having a hard time and being stuck an entire fucking ocean away from her.

Cheating is non-existant tier in my list of concerns, though, there's plemty of insecure couples out there.

>> No.4152694

Your domain name is ver. sugoi

>> No.4152710

That's deep anon. Though I doubt you'd say the same thing if you were in a long distance relationship with a person whom you deeply loved and knew looked attractive. There's always going to be some doubt inside you which will drive you curious at times. However you're in the right track, and as long as you have built a strong trust, that's what you should worry about most.

>> No.4152725

Yeah, I also worry about not getting citizenship if it does work, so I can't be with her even if I have the money to be ;_;

>> No.4152746

I'm surprised this thread hasn't gotten any "GET OUT NORMALFAGS" going on.

>> No.4152751


3D whores will lie, have sex with other men, and take your money

There are no exceptions to this

>> No.4152752

Marry her, guaranteed citizenship.
Be glad you have the money, I'm working my ass here to visit her this year.
Fucking shitty country with fucking shitty salaries!

>> No.4152755

I should have listened ;_;

>> No.4152759

I thought you went to bed.

>> No.4152764

I'm going to in five minutes.

>> No.4152768
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Haha. Sucks for you to have bad karma.

>> No.4152773
File: 88 KB, 1008x817, 2575477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come 80% of your posts are making fun of me, you're so tsundere.

>> No.4152775

No! Don't listen! You just had bad luck, bro. I'm sure you'll find someone, I fucking guarantee it.
Most are bitches and whores, that's an undeniable truth, but not all, bro, not all.

>> No.4152780

Okay, but I will try to be careful from now on.

>> No.4152794

>Implying anyone'd ever be dere for you

>> No.4152801

I'm dere for him.

>> No.4152803

Psh! Nobody may know that I secretly like you.

>> No.4152810
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You'll be back, Lenfried guarantees it.

>> No.4152834

I just vomited in my mouth.

>> No.4152847

You didn't even say goodnight to us, asshole!

>> No.4152850

Sounds unpleasant. Try vomiting in the toilet next time.

>> No.4152848


34 years old, dude.

>> No.4152869

Dude, if she looks like that at 34 she looks after herself well. She'd be good fucking all the way until 60

>> No.4152890

>Norwegian formula hand cream
Fuck yes

>> No.4152898

The only real, satisfying adult relationships I've had were in FSN and Tsukihime.

2D is better than 3D all the way. The characters in 2D are certainly better written.

>> No.4152908


>in FSN and Tsukihime.


>> No.4152910

yeah, some of the fat whales might be better.

>> No.4152931

In all fairness, Lancer is a great husbando. I'd go fishing with him any time.

But yes, you make a valid point.
