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4141532 No.4141532 [Reply] [Original]

Since 2000-2010 was a pretty shitty decade, what does /jp/ think the Visual Novel of the decade is for that time period?

>> No.4141538

Onore Dickeido.

>> No.4141539

What made it so shitty? Fuck TIME. They're just jealous the internet is better than them, and the development of widespread usage was huge in the period.

>> No.4141536

>Visual Novel of the decade

What the fuck

>> No.4141541

Violent Semen Inferno

>> No.4141547
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>> No.4141553

Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.4141555


>> No.4141569
File: 63 KB, 640x447, fsn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4141572



Act 1 was good, despite some really cheesy moments.

Act 2 was good, despite some kind of baffling writing surrounding Cal.

Act 3 was shit. Lazy writing was lazy.

>> No.4141582

> What made it so shitty?
> Largest terrorist attack in history sets of 8 years of war
> Collapse of the economy
> A group of cunts gets Japan to start censoring content of eroge games

>> No.4141598
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 220990 - chrono_trigger flea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger
I wish

>> No.4141593

Phantom of Inferno

>> No.4141602

I wonder how they made that baby look upset for the picture . . .
Probably yelled at it.

>> No.4141604

>all american shit
>except one minor point time doesn't even know about

>> No.4141617

Sumatra tsunami kills over 200k people in the blink of an eye.

>> No.4141619

it's got nothing on the black plague

>> No.4141623


>> No.4141625

The world's economy was in a recession. How is that American shit?

Eroge was Japan shit being attacked by European shit.

Only the Terror attack was "American shit".

Fucking anally wounded Europeans.

>> No.4141630

Seeing how almost all of the best visual novels come from 2000-2010 it's silly to name one that's better than any others.

>> No.4141689


>> No.4141723

>2000-2009 The Decade From Hell
How utterly ridiculous. There have been so many decades which are complete shit compared to this one. 2000-2009 was a cakewalk.

>> No.4141738

>implying shit happening anywhere other than America is relevant. Especially for an American based magazine.

>> No.4141743
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, 519328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's TIME for you...

>> No.4141739
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Enjoy OP.

>> No.4141741

They're just desperate to sell magazines.
It's certainly been a decade from hell for print journalists.

>> No.4141751

at first i thought you were asking about VNs in general during this decade. I was gonna describe the second five years or so as "stagnant".

>> No.4141795

Compared to the past two or three decades, which most people of relevance in today's society actually have memory of, it was pretty bad.

>> No.4141824


out get dev Times

>> No.4141832


Actually, there were more Islamic terror incidents in Europe than US.

There was the 7/7/05 and 21/07/2005 bombings of the subways in London, car bomb at Glasgow airport, 2004 train bombings in Spain, the Beslan school massacre in North Ossetia, on going full scale wars with separatist nations in Caucasus regions along with lots of terrorist attacks, and general fear of Islamaphobia in the entire region. Look at those comics about Mohammad, or Switzerland banning minarets.

>> No.4141835

> 2004
> FSN #1
> Trollface.jpg

>> No.4141838


It's a shame Islam is ruining Europe.

>> No.4141870

Organized religion generally destroys most things it comes into contact with

>> No.4141908

What? Since when did CIA, Interpol, MI5 and MI6 turn to the Islam?

>> No.4141920

gb2 /x/

>> No.4141921

Nothing to do with Religion. All wars are of economic nature driven by rational decision. Ideologies in the broadest sense are just there to sell strategies to the masses.

>> No.4141925

What are you talking about, the Crusades purified the world for hundreds of years.

>> No.4141927

If you're implying religion and money have nothing to do with each other, you're dead wrong.

>> No.4141929

What does this have to do with /x/?

>> No.4141944

You are one of those corporate leftist buying into communist propaganda which is an ideology built centered around dogmas just like the religions you dislike so much.
Same shit, different colors.

>> No.4142019

I'm actually far right

>> No.4142030

Go back to bed Athens.

>> No.4142035

